HOUSING AND POVERTY SNAPSHOT: KINGS COUNTY The Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of State, Inc. is a statewide membership organization of community-based, not-for-profit housing companies committed to revitalizing New York State’s urban and suburban areas.

NPCs work to provide a range of services that strengthen our communities, including the preservation and development of affordable housing, home buyer education, landlord/tenant mediation, Main Street development, employment assistance programs, and beyond.

NPCs serve low-and-moderate income residents and contribute to economic development efforts in New York State, raising approximately $45 for every dollar appropriated. Stand with us and together we can make New York State a better place to live and work for everyone.

Kings County includes twenty-four Neighborhood Preservation Companies:

Brighton Neighborhood Association, Inc.; Housing and Family Services; Brooklyn Neighborhood Improvement Association; Carroll Gardens Association, Inc.; Community Organization of Southern Brooklyn; Crown Heights Jewish Community Council; Cypress Hills LDC; East New York Urban Youth Corp, Inc.; Erasmus Neighborhood Federation, Inc.; Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc.; Flatbush Development Corporation; Gowanus CDC; Greater Sheepshead Bay Development Corp.; IMPACCT Brooklyn; LDC of Crown Heights; Los Sures Community Development Co., Inc.; Midwood Development Corporation; Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Inc.; NHS of East Flatbush; North Brooklyn Development Corp.; Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corp.; Ocean Parkway CDC; Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.; and St. Nick's Alliance

U.S. Census Bureau. (2014). American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample. Retrieved March 4, 2016, from http://dataferrett.census.gov

Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State, Inc. 100 State Street, Suite 710, Albany, NY 12207 | 518.432.6757 | [email protected] KINGS COUNTY

Population and Demographics, Race and Sex

Kings County Kings County by Race/Ethnicity 40 36 35 31 30 25 47 20 20 53 15 12 10 5 2 0 Latino White Black Asian Two or More Male Female Races

Kings County Poverty  32% of residents live between 0-138% of the federal poverty level  41% of renters and 12% of owners live between 0-138% of the federal poverty level  A greater percentage of men, 24%, live within 0-138% of the federal poverty level than do women, 21% 43% of children; 27% of adults and 34% of seniors live within 0-138% of the federal poverty level

Overall Poverty Owners and Renters by Poverty Level 501%+ 22 100 41 48 45 40 12 14 139 - 500% 46 0 0 - 138% 32 0 - 138% 139 - 500% 501%+ OWNED RENTED 0 10 20 30 40 50

Poverty by Race  A greater percentage of people of color, 34%, live within 0-138% of the poverty level than do Whites, 26%.

Poverty by Race/Ethnicity 120 100 14 17 80 40 54 60 46 67 46 35 40 26 20 40 22 37 25 20 0 11

Latino White Black Asian Two or More Races

0 - 138% 139 - 500% 501%+

Kings County Rates of Homeownership and Home Rental  Kings County is comprised of 32% owners and 68% renters.  Asians are most likely to own a home – 42% of Asians own homes - followed by Whites at 39%.

Homeownership and Rental Rates 100 77

50 23


Homeowner Cost Burden  In Kings County, 38% of homeowners spend 30% or more of their income on housing. 16% are considered to be severely cost-burdened, spending 50% or more of their income on housing costs.

Homeowner Cost-Burden

75 - 100% 2

50 - 74% 2

30 - 49% 15

Homeowner Cost-Burden by Race  In Kings County, Blacks and Asians are the most cost-burdened, with 45% of both groups spending greater than 30% of their income on housing costs. The most severely cost-burdened group is Asians with 20% spending 50% or more of their income on housing costs.

Homeowner Cost-Burden by Race/Ethnicity

0 Two or More Races 6 26 0 Other 7 0 6 Asian 14 25 6 Black 12 27 3 White 10 19 5 Latino 9 21

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

75 - 100% 50 - 74% 30 - 49%

Homeowner Cost Burden by Race and Gender  Women homeowners in Kings County are slightly more cost-burdened than are men, with 38% of all women being cost-burdened compared with 37% of all men. 16% of women and 15% men are considered severely cost- burdened, spending greater than 50% of their income on housing costs.

 For men, Asians and Blacks are most cost-burdened with 45% and 43%, respectively, spending 30% or more of their income on housing costs. For women, Blacks and Asians are the most cost-burdeneed with 46% and 44%, respectively spending 30% or more of their income on housing costs.

Kings County Renter Cost Burden  49% of renters spend 30% or more of their income on housing, with 22% spending 50% or more on housing. *Renters paying 30% or more of their income on housing are considered cost-burdened.

Renter Cost-Burden

75 - 100% 7

50-74% 15

30 - 49% 27

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Renter Cost-Burden by Race  Asians and Latinos are the most cost-burdened renters, with 56% of Asians and 51% of Latinos spending 30% or more of their income on housing.

Renter Cost-Burden by Race/Ethnicity


20 More

Races 28 Twoor 8 24

Asian 24 6 13

Black 30 8 15

23 White 8 14

29 Latino

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

75 - 100% 50-74% 30 - 49%

Kings County Renter Cost-Burden by Race and Gender  Women renters are more cost-burdened than men, 50% compared with 47%. Of that, 23% of women are considered severely cost-burdened compared with 22% of men.

 Asians are the most severely cost-burdened, with 32% of Asian women and 31% of Asian men spending 50% or more of their income on housing costs.