1149 SOUTH BROADWAY, 10'~ FLOOR VALERIE LYNNE SHAW LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 May 31,2011 TEL: (213) 485-0587 FAX: (213) 485-3939

Budget and Finance Committee Honorable Bernard Parks, Chairperson Honorable Greig Smith, Vice-Chairperson Honorable Jose Huizar, Member Honorable Paul Koretz, Member Honorable Bill Rosendahl, Member

Energy and the Environment Honorable Jan Perry, Chairperson Honorable Tony Cardenas, Vice-Chairperson Honorable Richard Alarcon, Member Honorable Paul Koretz, Member Honorable Paul Krekorian, Member

Dear Council Members:

COUNCIL FILE NO. 98-1706 BI-MONTHLY STATUS REPORTS OF THE STORMWATER PROGRAM FOR DECEMBER 2010 AND JANUARY 2011 Please find attached the bi-monthly report prepared in response to the specific requests by the Budget and Finance Committee Report (Council File No. 98-1706). The report contains the Stormwater Program update for the months of December 2010 and January 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact Shah ram Kharaghani at (213) 485- 7.


" J: j ENRIQUE C. LDIVAR, Director V Bureau of Sanitation AH:SK:RMV:CPC WPDCR8845


cc: Varouj S. Abkian, Assistant Director, Bureau of Sanitation Traci J. Minamide, Assistant Director, Bureau of Sanitation Adel H. Hagekhalil, Assistant Director, Bureau of Sanitation City Clerk




Watershed Protection Division Bureau of Sanitation Department of Public Works EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DECEMBER 2010 AND JANUARY 2011

Acronyms: • AOC- Administrative Oversight Committee • BMP - Best Management Practices • CD - Council District • CMP - Coordinated Monitoring Plan • COAC - Citizen's Oversight Advisory Committee • EMD - Environmental Monitoring Division • EPA- Environmental Protection Agency • LFD - Low Flow Diversion • MOA- Memorandum of Agreement • PAS- Pollution Assessment Section • PROP - Proposition • SUSMP- Stormwater Urban Standard Mitigation Plan • TMDL- Total Maximum Daily Load • WPD -Watershed Protection Division

I. Program Funding

As of January 2011, four Proposition 0 bond sales have totaled $322,500,000 and bond interest earnings have totaled $12,097,819.

II. Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) Waivers

Pursuant to Council File No. 99-0951, the Bureau of Sanitation is to notify Council when waivers from the SUSMP are requested and granted. Number of SUSMP waivers requested and granted during this period: None.

Ill. General Highlights The proposed Low Impact Development (LID) Ordinance was discussed and considered at the December 14th Energy and Environmental Committee meeting and forwarded to City Council for their consideration. At the December 17th City Council meeting, the Ordinance was approved on consent and forwarded to the City Attorney's office for drafting.

The Bureau of Sanitation, Watershed Protection Division hosted an LID Ordinance stakeholders meeting on January 20th to provide interested parties with an update on the status of the proposed LID Ordinance and related Handbook which is being developed. Approximately 60 stakeholders attended the afternoon meeting.

Page 1 of 13 IV. Public Education Section

1. Stormwater • Program members outreached to the public with program materials by participating in the LA River StoryShare Initiative (CD #13), Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council's Holiday Community Celebration (CD 1 ), Martin Luther King Recreation Center's holiday event (CD #8), and in the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium's Whale Fiesta (CD #15). • A holiday issue of the program's pet e-newsletter was distributed to 1,495 subscribers. The holiday issue featured a story on creating eco-friendly toys for pets and having an eco-friendly holiday. • Program members developed and submitted artwork for an advertisement in the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants' upcoming native garden tour scheduled for April 23 and 24. • The Day Without A Bag event on December 16 was publicized and promoted through LA Stormwater's Facebook page. • Program members conducted point-ofcpurchase outreach at 31 retail stores (automotive, hardware, paint and pet related) in CD 6. • Program staff posted information for the Green Alleys Program press conference in CD 4 on the Team Effort Blog, and LA Stormwater Facebook page to publicize the event. • In December, staff posted seven items on the Team Effort blog. Posts included information about having an eco-friendly holiday season and promotional information about the Day Without A Bag event on December 16. In January, staff posted seven items on the Team Effort blog. Posts included information about the Low Impact Development (LID) Ordinance and its related stakeholder meeting, information about the City's Green Alley's Program and good pet practices. • Staff e-mailed out three notifications to program stakeholders regarding the proposed LID Ordinance and its scheduled hearing at the City Council's Energy and the Environment Committee on December 7 and December 14 and its consideration at City Council on December 17. Staff also notified program stakeholders by e-mail of the proposed LID Ordinance general 1 stakeholder meeting on January 20 h. • Staff submitted an abstract regarding the program's e-media elements to the organizers of the Storm Con 2011 conference. • Staff finalized a National Award submission to the Environmental Law Institute on Councilwoman Jan Perry's behalf. • Staff delivered public outreach materials to teachers at Pomelo Elementary School, Fair Avenue Elementary School and St. Mel Elementary School.

Page 2 of 13 • Staff spoke with a representative from Palos Verdes Land Conservancy regarding the White Point Nature Preserve in San Pedro and possible future partnership opportunities related to dog waste bags dispensers and outreach materials. • Staff met with representatives from the Department of Recreation and Parks, Public Affairs Office and Orange County-based Discovery Science Center to discuss future partnership and display opportunities at the planned Children's Museum at . • In December, staff continued monitoring efforts of dog waste bags dispensers at Sepulveda Basin Off-Leash Dog Park. Staff conducted the quarterly monitoring of the pilot Take a Bag, Leave a Bag (TAB LAB) dog waste bag station program, which includes visiting dog waste bags stations in Elysian Park, Sepulveda Basin, Venice and Boyle Heights. Monitoring efforts include noting the number of plastic bags in each of the stations, assessing the general condition of the station (graffiti, damage, etc.), and placing plastic bags in empty TAB LAB stations. • Program staff attended the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Public Information/Public Participation quarterly meeting via web conference. Topics on the agenda included the County's Used Motor Oil and Oil Filter Public Education Program and an overview by the City of Alhambra's public education portion of their Stormwater Program. • Program staff conducted 10 assemblies at five elementary schools educating a total of 1 ,634 students. During this reporting period, Newcastle Elementa~ School (CD 3), Plasencia Math and Science Magnet School (CD 13), 186t Street Elementary School (CD 15), 52"ct Street Elementary School (CD 9), and Brockton Elementary School (CD 11) each had two presentations. • The Stormwater Employee Training Video and Quiz called Working Together to Protect Los Angeles' Waterways was completed and 250 copies of the DVD were received. Staff is in the process of coordinating delivery of the DVD to field offices as well as making the video and quiz available on-line to all City employees.

2. Graphics Support • website: Added updates to the What's New page. In addition, major updates were made to the LID Ordinance page and added information with down-loadable documents relating to North Alley Retrofit Project Groundbreaking Ceremony (CD #4). LA Stormwater Winter Issue #12 (the program's e-Newsletter) was added to the website with links to the blog articles and additions were made to the Toxins TMDL pages. In addition, staff received content and images to begin creation of a Ballona Creek page on the website. In addition, icons for Facebook, You Tube and the Team Effort blog were integrated on the home page.

Page 3 of 13 • LA Prop 0 website: Regular monthly updates include News, COAC and AOC meeting notices, agendas and minutes, and the monthly report from the Bureau of Engineering. In addition, added new Central Interceptor Relief Sewer (CIRS) information with down-loadable documents and added three new documents relating to Echo Park Lake Rehabilitation Project. The revised Echo Park Lake Conceptual Landscape Plan and multiple Before/After photos were added to the site. Additionally, regular monthly updates include Current News, COAC and AOC meeting notices, agendas and minutes, and the monthly report from the Bureau of Engineering.

V. Enforcement Section

1. Industrial I Commercial Facilities Inspections Program • WPD Enforcement staff completed 230 industrial and commercial facility inspections during December. In January, 212 industrial and commercial facility inspections were completed. • WPD Enforcement staff completed 208 restaurant inspections during December, and 334 restaurant inspections in January. • WPD Enforcement staff completed 3 industrial and commercial facility follow­ up inspections during December. In January, 2 industrial and commercial facility follow-up inspections were completed.

2. Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Elimination Program WPD Enforcement Section Hotline: There were 84 calls received through the hotline during December. Specifically, WPD received 36 reports of possible illicit discharges, 33 reports of abandoned hazardous waste, 6 reports of illegal dumping, and 9 reports of spills. In January, there were 129 calls received through the hotline. Specifically, WPD received 44 reports of possible illicit discharges, 61 reports of abandoned hazardous waste, 14 reports of illegal dumping, and 6 reports of spills, 4 reports of illicit connection. • In December, WPD Inspectors investigated 36 reports of possible illicit discharges. In January, WPD Inspectors investigated 44 reports of possible illicit discharges. The discharges were cleaned up and identified responsible parties were cited. • In December, WPD Inspectors responded to 33 reports of abandoned hazardous waste and 6 reports of illegal dumping. In January, WPD Inspectors responded to 61 reports of abandoned hazardous waste and 14 reports of illegal dumping throughout the City of Los Angeles, and supervised the clean-up efforts by the Bureau's Hazardous Waste Remediation Contractor.

Page 4 of 13 • WPD Inspectors responded to 9 spill incidents in December and 4 spill incidents in January, and supervised the remediation efforts. WPD Inspectors responded to 4 illicit connection complaints and found no evidence of illicit connection at sites. • In December, WPD staff supervised clean-up operations of an oil spill in Wilmington. WPD and State and Game officers continue investigation to determine responsible party. US EPA, US Guard, and State Fire Marshall on site. • WPD initiated investigation of source of elevated levels of bacteria at Humboldt Street outfall to the . Investigation continues.

3. Development Construction Program • WPD Inspectors completed 1 construction site follow-up inspection during December.

4 Enforcement Activity • Citations o During the month of December, 9 Notices of Violation and 1 Notice to Comply were issued for violations of LAMC Sec. 64.70. In January, 4 Notices of Violation and 0 Notice to Comply were issued for violations of LAMC Sec. 64.70. All citations involved illicit discharges to the storm drain system.

5. RV Dumping Facility In December, there were 9 RV waste discharges at the Hyperion RV dumping facility and in January, there were 8 RV waste discharges at the Hyperion RV dumping facility.

There was 1 RV waste discharge at the Gaffey Yard RV dumping facility for the month of December and 1 RV waste discharge in January.

VI. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Development Section

• Los Angeles River Bacteria TMDL - Staff held meetings with the consulting team and TMDL implementation group to discuss and prioritize development of water quality studies for Los Angeles (LA) River Bacteria TMDL. Staff completed the list of water quality studies to support the development and reopening of LA River Bacteria TMDL. The list of water quality studies includes a bacteria source identification study for Arroyo Seco to support development of the Load Reduction Strategy Implementation Plan for that reach and studies to evaluate applicability of high flow suspension for some tributaries for the LA River. In addition, staff continues to monitor the Regional Board's Recreational Uses Re­ evaluation (RECUR) process and study. The next RECUR meeting has been postponed to March, while Regional Board continues to respond to stakeholder comments on the draft workplan released late last year.

Page 5 of 13 • Dominguez Watershed/LAH/LBH Metals/Toxics TMDL - On December 17, 2010, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the draft TMDL for public comments. The Port of Los Angeles sent a letter to RWQCB executive officer requesting a 30-day extension for comments on the draft TMDL. On December 30, the RWQCB extended the public review and comment period by an additional two weeks. In January, staff worked with the consultants, the Port of Los Angeles, and other stakeholders on comments for this TMDL. The comments were due on February 14, 2011 to the RWQCB. The TMDL is scheduled to be heard by the Regional Board on April 7, 2011. • Ballona Creek Bacteria - Staff attended the presentation given by the Ballona Creek Implementation Group on an indicator bacteria monitoring data evaluation of Del Rey . The study indicated that the Lagoon may be a source of bacteria to the Ballona Creek rather than a sink for most of the time. An optional bacterial source study for Del Rey Lagoon is recommended in the Ballona Creek bacteria TMDL. • Ballona Creek and Estuary Sediment and Tissue Toxics TMDL Staff received the draft final report on the sediment Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) Study from the Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP). After staff reviewed it, the sediment TIE study final report was submitted to the Regional Board on January 11. The results of this 3-year study, conducted with the collaboration of SCCWRP and City's EMD and WPD will be used for the reopener of BC Taxies TMDL scheduled for January 2012. • Lincoln Park Lake TMDL - In a conference call with EPA on TMDL nutrients targets proposed for Lincoln Park Lake, WPD indicated that due to the fact that potable water is the only option to replenish the lake during summer and dry season, and that total nitrogen and phosphorus TMDL targets are lower than in potable water, this will limit the use of potable water and essentially would prohibit the use of recycled water. WPD believes that nutrient targets should be developed such that water quality of the lake does not conflict with the State of California Recycled Water Policy. TMDL Development staff continues to work with EPA on an approach that would facilitate the management of Lincoln Park Lake through supplemental water additions, and address water supply as well as water quality concerns for the Lincoln Park Lake. On January 24, the revised LA Area Lakes TMDL, including Lincoln Park Lake and Echo Park Lake, was released by EPA. The original TMDL was released in May 2010. The City and its consultant are reviewing the changes made by EPA and may provide additional comments. • Educating Visitors - Staff gave a presentation on WPD green projects to a delegation from China. The delegation was sponsored by World Bank and came to get a better understanding of green projects and handling Brownfields sites. Staff handled logistics for the field visit, and Public Outreach provided take-away items.

Page 6 of 13 • Legislation Staff reviewed S 3481, requiring federal agencies to pay the same stormwater fees as non-governmental organizations. Fees must be proportional to the amount of stormwater on their land, and the cost of handling the stormwater. Currently, the City does not require government agencies to pay the SPA fee. WPD staff are investigating future potential revenue associated with this bill, which could be in the millions of dollars. • Miscellaneous - Staff attended the CASQA meeting on January 13, 2011. Members discussed several items and updates from the EPA and Regional Board including the latest developments on the National Stormwater Rule Making, updates on Stormwater Management and Water Quality Issues, and implementation of TMDLs WLAs for stormwater and air sources.

VII. TMDL Implementation Santa Monica I Ballona Creek Watershed • Bacteria (SMBBB) TMDL - WPD staff continues to negotiate with the County Flood Control District (FCD) on the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for maintenance of the rubber dam for the West Channel as part of the new Low Flow Diversion (LFD) at Santa Monica Canyon. On December 13, 2010, the draft rubber dam MOA, including WPD's comments, was submitted to the County FCD in December 2010. Staff also coordinated a tour of the County's rubber dam on San Gabriel River to learn about the operation of the dam. Two staff from WCSD attended the tour. On December 22, 2010, the draft cost sharing MOA was also submitted to the City of Santa Monica. WPD staff obtained the City Attorney's comments on the cost-sharing MOA for SMBB Wet Weather TMDL project implementation. Staff also conducted the Jurisdictional bi-monthly SMBB bacteria TMDL meeting, during which a handout on various topics was distributed. Included was the winter dry and wet weather compliance status for both Jurisdictional 2 and 3. Also, Staff conducted several field investigations of dry weather exceedances at Santa Monica Canyon and the operation of the Low-Flow Diversion and discussed the findings with Wastewater Collection Systems Division (WCSD). Upon request for re-examination, WCSD reported malfunctioning of one of the pumps which was subsequently repaired and the LFD was back on line and fully operational by the week of January 24th. • Ballona Creek Metals and Ballona Estuary Toxics TMDLs: - Currently, WPD is working with the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to develop site plans and electrical one line diagrams needed for providing AC power to the autosampler locations. - Staff submitted two separate abstracts, one to Water Environment Federation (WEFTEC) for the Ballona Creek autosamplers installation and monitoring, and the other to Stormcon for Ballona Creek hydrology and autosamplers.

Page 7 of 13 - Staff also attended the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (SMBRC) Ballona Wetlands Symposium and commented on their draft Ballona Wetlands Baseline Assessment Report. - The autosampler Rental Agreement between the City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles was executed and distributed between agencies. - The metals and taxies final annual monitoring report for 2009-2010 was submitted to the Regional Board. - WPD received final site plans and electrical schematics from BOE for electrical design of the Ballona Creek autosampler stations. The final draft of the Rental Agreement for the autosampler land parcels was executed between the City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles. - The Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) special study conducted by Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) was finalized and submitted to the Regional Board as mandated by the TMDL. - Staff is currently reviewing wet and dry weather ambient monitoring data of Metals, especially hardness values and translator for total recoverable to total dissolved metals. • Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, & Sepulveda Channel Bacteria TMDL - EMD and WPD continued with monthly monitoring of bacteria in Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary and Del Rey Lagoon and the distribution of monthly monitoring reports to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. - A presentation was made, internally, regarding the bacterial water quality data and implementation options for Del Rey Lagoon. - Staff submitted an abstract to Stormcon regarding Del Rey Lagoon monitoring. • Ballona Creek TMDL Implementation Plans Development - WPD staff has prepared the final draft for Ballona Creek Estuary Taxies TMDL Implementation Plan. The plan is scheduled to be on the City Council's agenda on January 11, 2011. - WPD staff met with Council District 5 and community leaders to explore options for a stormwater BMP along Exposition Rail Line. The Draft Implementation Plan for Estuary Taxies TMDL was adopted by the City Council and was subsequently submitted to the Regional Board on January 11. - Staff has reviewed the Task Agreement Form for development of Concept Designs for both Los Angeles (LA) River and Ballona Creek Implementation Plans.

Page 8 of 13 - Staff is also conducting additional desktop evaluations to identify more project opportunities in the Ballona Creek watershed. Staff is preparing a presentation of Del Rey Lagoon Bacteria TMDL to be presented to the Regional Board staff in mid February. • Marina del Rey Harbor Toxic Pollutants TMDL - After adoption by the Board of Public Works in June 2010, the MOA for cost­ sharing of taxies monitoring by City, County and Culver City was executed in July 2010. An amendment to this MOA to include Caltrans as a participant was executed on December 21, 2010. On December 16, 2010, County staff notified the City that construction of 5 autosamplers was completed and that the autosamplers were ready for operation during the wet weather season. - Held a conference call with LA County on January 10, 2011. LA County indicated that they will front the cost for the Special Studies. - Staff attended a meeting with the jurisdiction agencies to update the Regional Board on the progress of the implemented Coordinated Monitoring Plan on January 11, 2011. - On January 25, 2011, staff joined with LA County and other agencies on a fieldtrip of the autosampler water quality monitoring and construction site. - Staff coordinated with the consultant and jurisdictional agencies to develop the Implementation Plan due to Regional Board on March 22, 2011.

VIII. TMDL Implementation Los Angeles River Watershed • Trash TMDL - In December, West Coast Storm continues opening screen installations in County-owned CBs (Catch Basins) within the City in the Woodland Hills areas. For the month of December, 2,410 new opening screen covers were installed bringing the total for the Phase Ill retrofit project to 29,067. In January, West Coast Storm continues opening screen installations in County­ owned CBs within the City in the Sherman Oaks areas. For the month of January, 1,456 new opening screen covers were installed bringing the total for the Phase Ill retrofit project to 30,523.

A new contract for catch basin inserts was initiated with the Request for Bids issued on January 24, 2011. This new catch basin insert contract will address requirements of the recently issued Machado Lake Trash TMDL and forthcoming Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL.

IX. Planning and Engineering Section • State Bond-Funded Projects o Down spout Disconnection Program - The Watershed Protection Division (WPD), with assistance from the Financial Management Division (FMD), submitted a revised budget and request to the State Coastal Conservancy

Page 9 of 13 (SCC) to extend the term of the grant agreement to March 30, 2011. The Board Report requesting approval to submit the time extension request and to amend Task Order Solicitation (TOS)-S9 (to secure funding for Rainbud as a subcontractor) was approved by the Board of Public Works on December 22. o Riverdale Avenue Green Street Project - WPD, in collaboration with FMD, submitted the progress report and second invoice in the amount of $128,220.84 to sec. o Westside Park Rainwater Irrigation Project - WPD submitted the time extension/revised grant agreement to the State Water Resources Control Board. o Garvanza Park Best Management Practices Project - WPD processed payment for the first Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) invoice in the amount of $192,828.30. o Quarterly progress reports and deliverables were submitted to the State for the Wilmington Drain, North Atwater, Wetlands Park, Baldwin Hills to Ballona Creek (Westside Park Rainwater Irrigation), Mar Vista Recreation Center, Garvanza Park Best Management Practices, and Santa Monica Bay Low Flow Diversions (LFD) Upgrades projects. o Downspout Disconnection Program - The Watershed Protection Division, with assistance from the Financial Management Division, submitted a Request for Disbursement invoice for $1 million in January 2011 to the State Coastal Conservancy. o Prepared reports showing "Before" and "After" construction photos of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)-funded Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Harvesting Project, Santa Monica Bay LFD Upgrades Project, and Bike Safety Grates Replacement Project. The reports are being used by Bureau of Sanitation executives for briefings on the completed ARRA projects. • Green Streets Initiative -The City of Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency (CRNLA) hosted the Green Streets Committee's monthly meeting on December 14. Two presentations were given at this meeting: Vermont Avenue Median Project (Will Cipes, CRA) and Fashion District Plan (Gaurav Srivastava, AECOM). The Bureau of Engineering hosted the Green Streets Committee's monthly meeting on January 11. Four presentations were given at the meeting: an update on the 2011 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Call for Projects (Ken Husting, Los Angeles Department of Transportation); observations at Riverdale Avenue during the December storms, and sampling and monitoring of the Oros Green Street, Elmer Green Street, and Los Angeles Zoo Parking Lot projects (Majid Sadeghi, Bureau of Sanitation); and the South Los Angeles Green Alley Master Plan (Tori Kjer, The Trust for Public Land).

Page 10 of 13 X. Program Compliance Section I Development Planning - Plan Check Review Program

• General Construction Permit (GCP) Workshop- On December 2, 2010 the Program Compliance staff held a half-day workshop, which provided an overview of the recently adopted California General Construction Permit and discussion on how the requirements can be implemented into construction programs. Approximately 70 City staff were in attendance. • Stormwater Training - The Program Compliance Staff completed SWPPP training for the Wastewater Engineering Service Division's (WESD) wastewater treatment facilities and landfills. Training was conducted at the Lopez Canyon Landfill, the Hyperion Treatment Plant (HTP) and the Central Los Angeles Recycling and Transfer Station (CLARTS) on December 8, 9 and 22 respectively. • Division staff audited the six Department of Transportation yards for conformance with their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs). The facilities were found in good operating conditions and are maintaining good housekeeping practices to control stormwater pollution. A number of minor recommendations were made to the department for further improvements.

Summary of SUSMP Plan Check for the months of December 2010 and January 2011:

No. of. Plan Check Development Type Projects Fees Single Family Housing Development (<1 acre) 11 $2,200.00 Single Family Housing Development (1 acre or 6 $3,600.00 morel 10 + Housing Development 3 $3,000.00

Commercial 8 $5,400

Industrial 2 $1,200.00

Parking Lot 3 $3,000.00

Automotive Service Facility 1 $600.00

Restaurant 0 $0.00

Retail Gasoline Outlet or Fueling Area 0 $600.00

Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) 3 $1,200.00

OWTS For Single Family 1 $0.00

Site-Specific 0 $.00

Total 38 $20,800.00

Number of Customers Served: 481

Page 11 of 13 XI. Pollution Assessment Section

Summary of PAS Monitoring Activities (No. of Samples Collected) for the Months of December 2010 and January 2011:

No. of Program Parameters Analyzed Samples --· ·- - . Los Angeles River 21 Metals: Total & Dissolved (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Se); Hardness Metals TMDL (CMP) Ballona Creek Metals: Total & Dissolved (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn); Hardness 38 Metals!Toxics TMDL Toxics: PCB, PAH, DDT, Chlordane, Dieldrin Ballona Creek Bacteria: Total Coliform, E. coli, Enterococcus, Fecal Coliform 87 Bacteria TMDL (MF) Nutrients: Ammonia-N, Nitrite/Nitrate-N, Organic-N, Totai-N, and Phosphate North Atwater 9 Bacteria: Total Coliform, E. coli, Enterococcus Creek Restoration Project Pesticides/PCB, BNA, TSS Metals: Total & Dissolved (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Se); Hardness Lincoln Park 2 Metals: Dissolved (Pb), Hardness Urban Lakes Monitoring Program Nutrients: Ammonia-N, Nitrite/Nitrate-N, Organic-N, Totai-N, and Machado Lake Phosphate 32 Urban Lakes Monitoring Program Chlorophyll a, Alkalinity, TSS, TDS Hardness, Sediment Organics Nutrients: Ammonia-N, Nitrite/Nitrate-N, Organic-N, Totai-N, and South LA Wetlands Phosphate 9 Grant Project Pesticides/PCB, BNA, TSS, Hardness, Metals, Oil & Grease, Bacti. Bacteria: Total Coliform, E. coli, Enterococcus, Westside Park 96 Metals: Total & Dissolved Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn); Hardness, and Grant Project TSS ------· December 201 0 and 294 January 2011 total: Year-to-date (FY): 1,067

• Wet Weather Sampling - PAS collected flow-weighted composite samples from Ballona Creek and Los Angeles River during a storm that occurred on December 5th-6th. Samples were collected at all five autosamplers in Los Angeles River. One of five autosampler stations at Ballona Creek malfunctioned; therefore sampling was repeated at this station (Centinela Creek) during a storm that occurred on December 17th- 22nd. PAS collected flow-weighted composite samples from Ballona Creek and Los Angeles River during a storm that occurred on January 2-3. Samples were collected successfully at all five autosamplers in Los Angeles River and all five autosamplers at Ballona Creek. • Westside Park Stormwater BMP - PAS initiated sampling at Westside Park on December 6th. Additional samples were collected on December 13, 16, 18, 22, 28, and 29. One final sampling event is scheduled for January, in order to meet monitoring requirements specified in a grant agreement. PAS completed sampling at Westside Park on January 6th. Results were compiled and sent to WPD grant managers for review on January 31. • Prop 0 - Monitoring systems - PAS staff prepared a proposal for the monitoring system at Echo Park Lake, including cost estimates from vendors.

Page 12 of 13 • Post-Fire Symposium (Station Fire 1 year later)- Staff attended a symposium that discussed the effects on the watershed resulting from the Station Fire. • SCCWRP Symposium - Staff attended the annual Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) symposium in Costa Mesa on January 25. Topics of interest included updates on Rapid Methods for fecal indicator testing, Bacteria Source ID Study guidance, and a description of the State's monitoring database called CEDEN. • Lincoln Park Lake - PAS staff completed additional metals sampling in Lincoln Park Lake, which was being conducted at the request of EPA. It is anticipated that the results will provide confirmation that the Lake should be removed from the 303( d) list for lead contamination. • North Atwater Creek Restoration Monitoring Program - Wet-weather composite samples were collected during storm flows that occurred on December 5-6. This sampling event concluded the pre-construction phase of monitoring for this grant-funded stormwater project. • Los Angeles River Technical Committee- On January 12, PAS presented the data collected from wet-weather monitoring in Los Angeles River conducted from October to December 2010 to the LAR technical Committee.

XII. Proposition (Prop 0) Section

• Administrative Oversight Committee (AOC) - The committee's special meeting and its regular meeting scheduled for December 16, 2010 and December 30, 2010 were cancelled respectively as well as the committee's regular meeting scheduled for January 27, 2011. As of November 2010, AOC will meet on the last Thursday of every month at 11 :00 a.m. (meeting location remains City Hall East, Room 1500). • Citizens Oversight Advisory Committee (COAC) - The committee's regular meeting scheduled for December 15, 2010 was cancelled. The committee held its regular meeting on January 19, 2011. COAC Vice Chair Gideon Kracov announced this would be his last meeting as a member of the committee. He was resigning in order to pursue other opportunities and avoid any potential conflict of interest. • Echo Park Lake Rehabilitation Project - The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified by the City Council in December 2010. The public review period closed on January 7, 2011.

XIII. Bureau of Engineering Design/Construction Update:

• Refer to Attachment I -Status of Projects in the Stormwater Program.

Page 13 of 13 ATTACHMENT I



Emergency/Cons 12th St at Paloma St Emergency SD Repiar 100% 31-Jan-11 Construction Completed ruction Emergency ICons 62nd St & Gramercy PI Emergency SD Repai 100% 28-Feb-11 Construction completed ruction Emergency/Cons Ave 19 at Humboldt St Emergency SO Repai 90% 28-Feb-11 Construction in Progress ruction

City of LA 25th Street Drainage Improvement CIP Design 50% 31-Mar-11 Pending for FEMA funding approval Project

ARRA~RSTP Funds- Bike Safe Grating Construction in Progress; This construction contract was CIP/Construction 95% 28-Feb-11 Replacement awarded on 2/3/10. NTP was issued on 3/1/10.

ARRA-TEA Funds- Bike Safe Grating Construction in Progress; This construction contract was CIP/Construction 95% 28-Feb-11 Replacement awarded on 4/2/10. NTP was issued on 4/21/10.

Ballona Lagoon Enhancement PH 3A CIP/Construction 30% 31-May-11 Construction in Progress

Don Rodolfo PI Drainage Improvement CIP/Construction 95% 28-Feb-11 Construction in Progress

Downtown LA 12th St and Crocker St Emergency/Cons 5% 30-Jun-11 Construction in Progress Emergency Storm Drain ruction

Downtown LA Low Flow Diversion SEP CIP/Construction 25% 31-Mar-11 Construction in Progress

Emergency/Cons (2960 N.) Durand Dr Rd Emergency SO Repai 30% 31-Mar-11 Construction in Progress ruction

Manchester Neighborhood Greenway CIP Pre-Design 70% 28-Feb-11 Pre-Design in Progress

Emergency/Cons Construction in Progress; Contract was awarded on McGroarty Street Emergency Storm Drain 95% 28-Feb-11 ruction 10/28/10. NTP was issued on 11/9/10. 60 working days to

MT A-Bike safe Roadway Grates CIP/Design 50% 28-Feb-11 Design in Progress

San Pedro 3rd Street Relief Storm Drain CIP Pre-Design 20% 30-Apr-11 Pre-Design iri Progress

Emergency/Cons Speedway at 29th & 30th St Emergency SO re 60% 28-Feb-11 Construction in Progress ruction

Watts Towers Street drainage Improvement CIP Pre-Design 30% 30-Apr-11 Pre-Design in Progress

Emergency/Cons Werdin PI Emergency SO Repair (533 S Los A 20% 31-Mar-11 Construction in Progress ruction

Burwood S/0 Figueroa Storm Drain CIP/Design 40% 30-Jun-11 Design _On 'hold ;; Pending JodUndiriQ·;:ipi)roVi:if .

Lakme Avenue Storm drain CIP/Design 90% 30-Jun-11 D~~i_grl'·on :hol_d_- 'Penqin~JpfNhd_irW·fl~prp_yal ·...

Lennox Ave- Riverside Dr to LA River CIP/Design 95% 30-Jun-11 D~~jg~i'-~m h~ld :;~Pendirig.f~~:fJ~d_in'gj~p~o\181; <·-

Swarthmore Ave Storm Drain CIP/Design 90% 30-Jun-11 D8iiQn on hold - Pending fO(flihdi_-~g··ap'p~bVa( : , :

Prepared by Stormwater Group- Bureau of Engineering.