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Vol 114 Number 8 www.RisingMediaGroup.com Friday, February 21, 2020 YoFiFest Celebrates Father & Son: Black History Month Democrat & Republican Monthly Series of Documentaries Starts Feb. 28 Did Dad Get Son a Free Pass to Re-Election?

YoFiFest will feature the documentary “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality,” and other Black History Month-themed films next weekend. County Legislator David Tubiolo, and his father Justin Tubiolo, are now on opposite sides of YoFiFest, the Yonkers Film Festival, has part- executive director. “Their award-winning work is the political aisle. nered with Kunhardt Film Foundation to present often seen on HBO and PBS, so we’re excited at a topical series of documentaries featuring people the chance to present it in our venue.” By Dan Murphy ing people that David would never switch parties. who have had an impact on our society, which they YoFiFest, the non-profit organization behind In the summer of 2019, rumors were running Legislator Tubiolo was holding fundraisers are calling the “World Shaper” film series. the annual Yonkers Film Festival, and Kunhardt around political circles in Yonkers that County with his longtime republican friends in Yonkers “We’re thrilled to have such a prestigious Films, a production company based in Pleasant- Legislator David Tubiolo was going to switch par- and was using the party to collect signatures to get partner as Kunhardt,” said Dave Steck, YoFiFest’s Continued on Page 7 ties from republican to democrat. This was despite on the ballot and run in 2019, as a republican. the fact that his father, Justin Tubiolo, was the Re- Now that Legislator Tubiolo has left the GOP publican Party chairman in Yonkers and was tell- Continued on Page 8 Sprain Lake Gets Drained for Repair State Budget Has a $6B Hole What Does it Mean for Yonkers?

The Sprain Lake Reservoir will be filling up this summer.

For the past few months, Yonkers residents, lated that the reservoir was drained as part of a drivers along the Sprain Brook Parkway and West- criminal investigation looking for dead bodies. Members of the Yonkers PTSAs and students at the Capitol in Albany lobby for additional state education funding. chester golfers have been asking: What’s going on The answer is not that exciting, nor worri- with Sprain Lake Reservoir? The body of water some. By Dan Murphy and employ the same number of union employees, has lost most of its luster, with most of the H20 “The dam is being lowered so we can work Every budget year, the City of Yonkers looks the city needs to increase spending in its budget by gone. on the spillway and the gates in the gatehouse,” to State for help and assistance in bal- about $20 million per year. The City of Yonkers Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner said he explained City of Yonkers Engineer Paul Summer- ancing its budget and finding the additional dol- also has to live within the property tax cap of 2 has been getting numerous emails and calls from field. “To keep the dam in working order, we are lars to prevent layoffs and cuts to both the Yonkers percent, which limits the amount of money it can town residents who are worried and are used to required by DEC to be able to empty the dam in Public Schools and the city services that Yonkers ask from the property taxpayers and homeowner seeing the beautiful reservoir. Some have specu- Continued on Page 8 residents deserve and are used to from the fire and of the city. police departments and DPW. Mayor Mike Spano has been able to manage In order to maintain the same city services, Continued on Page 9 Would Westchester Vote for A Bloomberg-Hillary Ticket? Blue Door Art Gallery Receives Prestigious Acclaim

Westchester’s Hillary Clinton is rumored to be a possible running mate for Democratic presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg. Photo by Jackie Reason. Artist Katori Walker with children making tambourines at Blue Door Art Gallery. By Dan Murphy “Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell With former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg Druge Report that candidate is considering Hill- By Janie Rosman contributions to the growth of Westchester’s cul- slowly moving up the polls in the democratic ary as running mate, after their polling found Blue Door Art Center in Yonkers will be tural life over a significant period of time and has presidential race (he’s now at 10 percent in third the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be a honored at ArtsWestchester’s annual Award Lun- had an impact beyond its immediate community.” place behind Bernie Sanders and Mayor Pete But- formidable force…” Many media outlets picked cheon 2020 in the category of arts organization. Located at 13 Riverdale Ave., a short walk tigieg), a story came out last week from the old, up on the idea but then rejected it with their own Director Michele Amaro and Co-Executive from the Yonkers train station, Blue Door Art famous conservative news blogger Matt Drudge, political pundits. Director Julie Cousens say they are delighted the Center’s free exhibitions, educational programs with the headline “Exclusive: Bloomberg Consid- The Bloomberg campaign downplayed the art center is recognized for its “extraordinary im- and workshops, pop-up art shows, public art ers Hillary Running Mate:” Continued on Page 8 pact on arts and culture” that has “made important Continued on Page 8 PAGE 2 - YoNkERs RisiNG - FRidAY, FEbRuARY 21, 2020 Pay Raises for County Legislators, Mary Calvi to Discuss Harrison Mayor Lead to Lawsuit George & Mary at HRM

Harrison Mayor Ron Belmont and County BOL Chairman Ben Boykin are being sued in fed- eral court over their recent salary increases.

Last month, we reported on an effort by New York State.” Westchester resident Anthony Futia to circulate Futia and Schultz fi led the lawsuit for all a petition against salary increases voted on by people in Westchester County and surrounding Westchester County legislators for themselves areas who are concerned about the future of the Mary Calvi will discuss “Dear George, Dear Mary” this weekend at the Hudson River and for other executives in County government state and the nation, and who want government Museum. (excluding the county executive). offi cials held accountable to the rule of law. That effort has now evolved into a lawsuit, “Violations of our fundamental laws have Join Mary Calvi, nine-time New York Emmy learning more about Mary Philipse and conducted fi led in Federal Court in White Plains, against the reached a critical stage in New York State,” said Award-winning journalist and NYC television her own research of Philipse and our fi rst president. Westchester County Board of Legislators and, Schulz. “People can learn more about their rights, news anchor, who is also fi rst lady of the City of Calvi’s historical fi ction has drawn great re- additionally, against the Harrison Town Board for what is really going on in government and how to Yonkers, in conversation about her debut award- views. “I was hooked on the fi rst page. Ms. Calvi its decision last year to raise the salary of Harri- intelligently, rationally and professionally chal- winning novel “Dear George, Dear Mary” at the is a gifted historical author. I was drawn into the son Mayor-Supervisor Ron Belmont by $30,000, lenge those in government who have stepped Hudson River Museum on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 3 story and could picture the events as if I were there. from $155,000 to $185,000, making him the outside the boundaries the people have drawn p.m. I so enjoyed the weaving of George’s 110 rules into highest paid supervisor in the county. around their power by the terms of our state and Crafted from thousands of archived letters, the story and how they supported the events. My On Dec. 9, immediately following the elec- federal constitutions.” witness accounts, journal entries and other docu- heart was anguished when Mary and George were tion, Westchester County legislators voted to raise Because individuals and small groups have ments, the novel explores the relationship between kept apart by interlopers,” wrote Barbara E. on their own salaries by 52 percent, from $49,200 a diffi cult time prevailing against government George Washington and his fi rst love, the richest Amazon. to $75,000, and the salaries of the county’s other wrongdoing, Futia and Schulz also discussed a belle of Colonial America, Mary Eliza Philipse. Calvi’s book also speculates about a secret elected and appointed offi cials. In addition, im- plan to institutionalize citizen-vigilance in West- This never-before-told story, hidden away for cen- rendezvous between the two years after GW was mediately following his re-election, the Harrison chester County. turies, reveals the unrequited love that helped to ig- courting MP in Yonkers. Town Board voted to increase the salary of the “We will be calling on the people to par- nite a cause that became the American Revolution. The talk will be followed by a question- town supervisor. ticipate in a profound experiment designed to Philipse lived at Philipse Manor Hall in Yon- and-answer session with HRM Director Masha The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality provide a much needed, clear demonstration of kers, which is still standing today as one of the old- Turchinsky, as well as a book signing and recep- of the pay raises as violative of certain compen- the ability of the people to hold the government est buildings in Westchester. tion. Seating is limited and available on a fi rst- sation-related provisions of the New York State accountable to the rule of law, without having to Calvi, who is CBS News TV Channel 2 an- come, fi rst-served basis. Visit HRM.org for more Constitution, as well as the U.S. Constitution. rely entirely on the electoral and judicial process- chor and fi rst lady of Yonkers, was interested in information. The complaint also charges the county and town es,” said Futia. with aiding and abetting the NYS government’s The court will have to decide if elected of- violation of State Education Law by failing to fi cials can raise their own public salary. Futia encourage and assist in the process of anchoring and Schultz want every elected offi cials salary each rising generation in their schools with the increase to be determined not by elected offi cials, history, meaning, signifi cance and effect of the but by the voters who put them in offi ce. That provisions of our state and federal constitutions would be accomplished by a referendum for sal- and Declaration of Independence, as required by ary increases, which are not popular to begin with existing law. and would be even more diffi cult to get voters to Last week at the Armonk American Legion approve. Hall, the two plaintiffs who have fi led the lawsuit But the court would have to overrule de- – Anthony Futia from North White Plains, and cades of elected offi cials voting to approve their Robert Schulz, chairman of We The People of own raises, on the local, county, state and fed- New York, Inc., a statewide, non-political orga- eral level. If the case makes it through the district nization – discussed the lawsuit and spoke about court, it could impact taxpayers and elected of- “government accountability and the rule of law in fi cials across the country. FRidAY, FEbRuARY 21, 2020 - YoNkERs RisiNG - PAGE 3 Op-Ed: ‘To Be Young, As I Approach the Gift ed and Black’ Prime of My Life By eric w schoen check and other gadgets Well, friends, it’s 60 on the computer to catch years Feb. 22 since dad had spelling and grammati- the sign on the window of cal errors. We all know his grocery store on Palmer that whether it be these Road in Yonkers announc- fi ne Newspapers or The ing, “It’s a Boy!” And that New York Times, there boy just born was me! are always going to be er- This birthday is bitter- rors that the highest paid sweet for me. You see, my proofreader or the newest dad died at age 59. His sister, proofreading contraption Shirley died much younger. I will miss. never met her, but she was an As a journalist I hate assistant to the big Broadway to see mistakes and will producer Leland Hayward. from time to time point out Rumor has it that she had an a glaring error to the editor affair with him. But all those of publications I read. But that could verify it are long I guess after the misspell- gone. Eric Schoen ing of my name in the Birth In addition to a sister, Dad had two brothers. Notices, I realize you can’t get any worse than that. His brother Harry died at a very young age leav- I fi nd myself understanding that no human being ing a wife and two kids, his wife being my favorite or machine is perfect. What’s that old saying, mis- Aunt Shirley, thriving at her home in the Bronx takes are why pencils have erasers. So realizing today. His brother Dave died not as young as his this, when I make the occasional mistake I hope brother and sister, but still far too young by today’s you will give me some leniency! standards. What have I learned in my 60 years on this My purpose in sharing my family history with planet. As former Yonkers Mayor and State Sena- you is that reaching 60 as a male in the Schoen tor John “Chippy” Flynn would go around town family is something special. As a cousin whose saying, ‘it’s nice to be important but it’s more im- husband recently had a heart attack said to me, portant to be nice. I have learned through my com- blame the heart attack on “That Schoen heart.” So munity involvement that what you do for others this birthday is truly special for me. comes back to you a thousand times. Joining me in celebrating 60 years of birth on Health is so important. I am at the gym 3-4 From left are singer and activist Nina Simone, Dennis Richmond Jr., Christopher Henderson Feb. 22 is Pebbles Flintstone, she of the Fred and times a week. Now I am not becoming Arnold and Alajah Whitehead. Wilma Flintstone tribe. My sister who is older than Schwarzenegger, but through water aerobic exer- me would always joke that Pebbles and I shared cise, aerobic exercise on the recumbent bike swim- By Dennis Richmond Jr. do. Many children and young adults are gifted. the same birth date. Several years ago this fact was ming combined with a lot of stretching of those Founder/Director, the nynJ hBcu initiative Gifts might look like being able to sing, publicly fi nally confi rmed to us via a question on the game tight body parts I feel good and look good. Fifty years ago, in 1970, singer, songwriter, speak, being a scholar or playing a sport. show Jeopardy. So many of us have health insurance and we arranger and civil rights activist Nina Simone To be black – just like to be any other cul- Was I born in Yonkers? I always like to say don’t take advantage of it. Sadly those who don’t released a song titled “To Be Young, Gifted and ture that is not the dominant society – will bring I was, but I was truly born at Lawrence Hospital, have good health insurance are the ones who really Black.” When I think about that phrase, I am its own challenges. Christopher Henderson, a right over the borderline from Yonkers to Bronx- need it. If you don’t feel good see a doctor. If one often reminded about how much of a threat that 23-year-old graduate of South Carolina State ville. Years ago, I couldn’t fi nd my birth certifi cate, doctor can’t see you there are plenty out there and can mean to some people. For example, since the University, an HBCU, says that to him, the and I pulled in the new Yonkers Government Cen- Urgent Care Centers that take your insurance and dawn of time, young people and older people phrase means “exceeding expectations that were ter Garage to go to the City Clerk’s offi ce only to will see you right away. I worked with a lady years have always clashed. We have seen this in the set against us.” have a ‘wake up’ call before I got out of my car ago and we had great dental insurance and she had 1990s when rap music fi rst came out and some My advice to those who are “young, gifted reminding me I was born in Bronxville village, not bad teeth. It would have cost her practically noth- adults hated it, while their children loved it. and black” is to hold on. There will be many peo- in the great city of Yonkers. So I am a Yonkers resi- ing to fi x her teeth. She had the insurance for years We have seen this in the 1950s when rock ‘n’ ple who do not want you to use your gifts. People dent 60 years minus 2 or three days Feb. 22! but lost it when her job was eliminated. roll was huge, and some adults hated it. We have will try to downplay your gifts. Some people I am sure that many people who claim lifelong Moral of the story? Be thankful you have even seen this in the 1920s when many young might say you’re too young to do something. Yonkers credentials are in the same boat as I am in. good health insurance and if you feel sick, go to women were fl appers and older women were try- Believe me when I say that you need to keep But one day, you have an awakening and realize the doctor. Eat healthy. Only you can take care of ing to hold onto a more “appropriate” lifestyle. moving. I led a rally for the late Trayvon Martin your mom’s obstetrician like mine practiced not at yourself! Alajah Whitehead, a 23-year-old Mercy College when I was 18. I graduated with a master of sci- our great hospitals in Yonkers: St. John’s, St. Jo- Whether you are 25 or 75 get out of the house, graduate, says that to her, the phrase “young, ence degree in education at 24. I have met every- seph’s, Yonkers Professional or Cross County but off the couch, off the computer and all those games gifted and black… describes a person and their body from President Barack Obama to Cardi B, practiced over the border, steps away in Bronxville. people play, get fresh air and move. Don’t be a qualities.” to and Angela Bassett. As I have shared with you before, same time homebody at age 25 or age 75. As was sung in That’s just the young part, though. To be To be young, gifted and black in 2020 is al- and place I was born Senator Ted Kennedy’s fi rst the play and fi lm Hello Dolly, ‘Yonkers, There’s a gifted is almost as if you have something that most as if you are in your own lane – especially wife Joan was giving birth to their daughter Kara. World Outside of Yonkers!’ others around you either don’t have, or to be able in our current political climate. Hold on, though. The press was all outside the hospital. They were So, it’s time to change my front number. Usu- to do something that others around you can’t No matter what, hold on. there to cover the Kennedy birth, but dad told mom ally this is a sad occasion, but knowing my fam- they were there reporting to the world about my ily history, my dad, my uncle and his sister Shirley birth. Dad was outside the hospital with my sister, who died so young, it’s truly a special occasion. and mom came to the window of her hospital room If you are changing that front number, from 59 to to wave to them and the press like the “royalty” 60 or 29 to 30 or 89 to 90, the best of everything! Learn More About Untermyer she was! That’s what I wish for you! And a very special Interesting tidbit from my sister. I was a very Happy 93rd Birthday to my second father, mentor easy birth for my mom. Mom got on the table, and and Friend Adelmo ‘Chubby’ Costantini! We con- Gardens; Build a Birdhouse I just came right out. No pain, no pushing, I guess clude with a touch more Sinatra: the world really did want an Eric Schoen. Mom’s “As I approach the prime of my life Caroline Seebohm will present “Paradise event. A reception and book signing will follow friends and dad were amazed and truly happy that I “I fi nd I have the time of my life Found: The Creation, Loss and Revival of a the lecture. was born with such ease. “Learning to enjoy at my leisure Gilded Age Garden” on Monday, March 9 at 6 Tickets are available at untermyergardens. Back in the day when I was born the local “All the simple pleasures and so I happily p.m. at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church org for $25, the book costs an additional $25. newspaper, The Herald Statesman (now called the concede Parish House, 923 Madison Ave., between 74th A birdhouse building workshop is sched- Journal News) published local birth notices. Did “That this is all I ask and 75th Streets. uled Saturday, March 14 at 10:30 a.m. in the the paper get my name correct in the birth notice “This is all I need!” Seebohm will be talking about Samuel Untermyer Community Center. The program declaring my arrival on planet earth? Nope! They Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol. Untermyer and his gardens and the subse- is suitable for adults and for kids older than 5 printed my name as “Fric” rather than Eric. My un- com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen quent history and renewal of the gardens. Her years old with an adult. All materials, including cle Harry always joked about it, calling me “Fric” to Eric Schoen and Dan Murphy on the Westches- book “Paradise on the Hudson” is about to be hammers, screwdrivers and nails, will be pro- whenever we would be together. ter Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. released and will be available for purchase at vided. The workshop is led by Untermyer Gar- Making a mistake in a birth notice in print cer- On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the time of online ticket purchase, and limited dener Liz Dreeben. Pre-register online at unter- tainly is a big deal. There should never be mistake the arrow to listen to the live stream or download numbers will also be available for sale at the myergardens.org. The cost is $40 per birdhouse. in any publication you read, particularly with spell the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. PAGE 4 - YoNkERs RisiNG - FRidAY, FEbRuARY 21, 2020 County Board to Celebrate Make Maple Syrup & Black History & Heritage More at County Parks In recognition of February as Black History A number of programs are scheduled this the northern border of Parson’s Meadow from 1 Month, the Westchester County Board of Legisla- weekend at Westchester County parks and na- to 3 p.m. Saturday. Bring work gloves; all hand tors will celebrate the outstanding achievements ture centers. tools will be provided. 914-835-4466. and contributions of four individuals in West- On Friday, Feb. 21, Muscoot Farm on Route Muscoot Farm in Somers will host a sugar- chester County. The celebration will take place 100 in Somers will host “Sugarin’ and Suds” ing program Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. Stop by at the Board’s regular meeting Monday, Feb. 24, from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy refreshments from pizza the sugar shack to see how maple sap is turned at 6:30 p.m. at the board’s chambers, 148 Martine trucks and local breweries while learning about into maple syrup. The program also runs Feb. 29. Ave., White Plains. maple sugaring. For adults 21 and older. Regis- 914-864-7282. Honorees will include Symra Brandon, the tration with a fee is required at 914-864-7286. From 3:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday the Cranberry fi rst African-American councilwoman of the City Also on Friday, Croton Point Nature Center Lake Preserve at 1609 Old Orchard St., North of Yonkers; Lowes Moore, a youth mentor and in Croton-on-Hudson will host a “riverlovers” White Plains will host a sunset hike, followed executive director of development at the Boys potluck dinner and presentation from 6:30 to by a bonfi re. Registration is required at 914-428- & Girls Club of Mount Vernon; Dr. Brenda Gal- 8:30 p.m., featuring a screening of “Treasures of 1005. loway Smith, an education, religious and public the Earth: Power.” All are welcome. For more On Sunday, Feb. 23, Lasdon Park, Arbo- service leader; and the Rev. Dr. Gregory Robe- information, visit riverlovers.org or call 914- retum and Veterans Memorial on Route 35 in son Smith, senior pastor of Mt. Hope AME Zion 862-5297. Somers will host “Starting Seeds Indoors” from Church in White Plains and former president/ On Saturday, Feb. 22 from 10 a.m. to noon 2 to 3 p.m. Learn when and how to grow seeds CEO of the African Development Foundation. Yonkers City Councilwoman Symra Brandon at the Lenoir Preserve, 19 Dudley St., Yonkers, indoors for spring transplants for your garden. help work on the dugout canoe for display in the Participants will take home seeds they plant dur- nature center. Staff will be burning the canoe and ing the workshop. Registration is required at using tools to dig out the charcoal as they discuss 914-864-7264. the history, the tools and techniques, and uses The Marshlands Conservancy in Rye will Yonkers My Brother’s Keeper of the dugout canoe. Registration is required at host an animal tracks “make ‘n’ take” program 914-968-5851. Sunday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Make and take home From 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Trail- animal track prints, with an exploration to fi nd Hosts Youth Development Expert side Nature Museum at Ward Pound Ridge them and follow where they lead. 914-835-4466. Reservation in Cross River there will be a sug- The Westchester Knicks will play the Maine As part of Yonkers Public Schools’ expand- Yonkers MBK school chapters have incor- arhouse chat. During sugaring season, every Red Claws on Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the ing roster of dynamic My Brother’s Keeper porated lessons from the workshop into their morning staff are making one of nature’s sweet- Westchester County Center, 198 N. Central Ave., programs, youth development expert Ashanti meetings and last year sent more than 100 paper est rewards – maple syrup. Visit the sugar house White Plains. Information and tickets are avail- Branch will share his nationally recognized masks created during these sessions to The Ever to chat with members any day you see smoke or able at Westchesterknicks.com. 914-995-4050. empowerment workshop with more than 150 Forward Club to support its #100KMasks cam- steam. 914-864-7322. On Monday, Feb. 24, Croton Point Park in Yonkers high school and middle school students paign, which makes the workshop available for Also on Saturday, the Edith G. Read Wild- Croton-on-Hudson will host a bird walk from Feb. 24 at Gorton High School. educators to use all over the world. life Sanctuary at Playland Park in Rye will host a 8:30 to 10 a.m. Bring binoculars and join the ex- “We constantly seek opportunities to help “I’m grateful the young men of Yonkers Volunteer Corps workday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. perts from Saw Mill River Audubon in the ball our students achieve at high levels and know have found meaning in this work and have Help with invasive plant removal, trail work, fi eld parking lot. All levels are welcome. 914- that social and emotional development supports shared it with others,” said Branch. “I’m excited vine-cutting, beach clean-up and more. 914-967- 862-5297. this goal,” said Dr. Edwin Quezada, superinten- to meet them in person and deepen our connec- 8720. For more information about Westchester dent of schools and co-chairman of Yonkers My tion.” The Marshlands Conservancy on Route 1 in County parks and nature centers, visit parks. Brother’s Keeper. “We are thrilled to have Mr. Yonkers MBK is improving opportuni- Rye will lead a volunteer work project to clear westchestergov.com. Branch in Yonkers to share his impactful work- ties and life outcomes for thousands of young shop with Yonkers’ magnifi cent young men.” people in New York’s fourth-largest city through Since Yonkers joined the national My effective leadership, community support and Brother’s Keeper movement in 2016, dozens powerful partnerships. Yonkers Public Schools of engaging programs have been created in continues to lead the state’s cities in closing the Yonkers Public Schools and around the com- educational achievement gap. In 2019, 88 per- Seniors Invited to munity to close persistent opportunity gaps fac- cent of all Yonkers students graduated on time ing young men of color. Nearly 20 schools now – 89 percent of Hispanic students did slightly have active MBK chapters offering mentorship, better than the district overall and 14 percentage Sing, Swing & Sway leadership development and a variety of skill points higher than the state average; 83 percent Have you always wanted to sing or play participants must register by contacting Territo building opportunities. of black students graduated on time, 8 percent- music but as the years progressed you thought it at 914-318-6667 or [email protected]. The Taking Off the Mask workshop is de- age points higher than the state. might be too late? The Grinton I. Will Library, Territo is a jazz vocalist, music educator signed to help youth and adults engage in honest The unifi ed partnership of Yonkers MBK in partnership with Arts Westchester, is hosting and composer/lyricist who is well-versed in the conversations, giving them a deeper understand- leaders, including Mayor Mike Spano, Quezada a free eight-week music workshop for adults 50 Great American Songbook and jazz standards, ing of themselves and each other. Created by and Co-Chairman the Rev. Dr. Jim Bostic, ex- years and older. and is always on the lookout for great tunes Ashanti Branch, founder and executive director ecutive director of the Nepperhan Community Taught by renowned jazz vocalist MJ Ter- from any genre. She brings a fresh eye to famil- of Oakland, Ca.-based The Ever Forward Club, Center, has been recognized as a model by the rito, participants will sing swing jazz and Latin iar favorites, often using her research skills to it was featured in The Mask You Live In, an Obama Foundation, the Campaign for Black jazz standards; explore Latin rhythms through unearth the story behind the song. She formed award-winning documentary exploring harmful Male Achievement and the New York State Edu- song, percussion instrument, play and move- the Ladies Day Jazz Ensemble, a group of hypermasculine expectations placed on men and cation Department. For more information, visit ment; and dig into scat singing and free impro- women jazz musicians dedicated to performing boys. www.yonkerspublicschools.org/mbk. visation. the too-often neglected compositions of classic No musical or singing experience is neces- and contemporary jazz women. Their critically sary. acclaimed CD “Ladies Day” was released in The workshops will be held every Tuesday August 2017. Learn About Harriet Tubman beginning Feb. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Grin- For her complete biography, visit www. ton I. Will Branch. The workshops are free but mjterrito.com. & the Underground Railroad A free program about Harriet Tubman and burgh African-American Historical Alliance and the Underground Railroad will be presented by the 400 Year Project. For more information, go to Yonkers Philharmonic Presents the MLK Jr. Freedom Library on Wednesday, www.mlkwestchester.org or call 914-525-3076. Feb. 26 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Thomas H. The Martin Luther Jr. Freedom Li- Slater Center, 2 Fisher Court, White Plains. brary is free and open to the public Monday ‘Journey to the Far East’ In this program for all ages, learn how the through Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m. and Friday The Yonkers Philharmonic’s third concert in their compositions, and the horn became a full Underground Railroad helped enslaved people from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The library has unusual of the season, “Journey to the Far East,” will be range solo instrument. escape to freedom. Students are invited to enact and important books and fi lms for adults and performed Sunday, March 29 at 3 p.m. at Saun- If you’ve ever wondered what a French a play about an escape led by Harriet Tubman youth on subjects such as and anti- ders High School, 185 Palmer Road, Yonkers. It horn is and can do, then you need to hear soloist and Thomas Garrett through the Underground racism, Dr. King and other great peacemakers, will include evocative Russian music balanced David Jolly perform this piece. Get your inqui- Railroad. African-American history and more, including by Glière’s “Concerto for Horn and Orchestra.” ries ready for the question-and-answer session The program is co-sponsored by Green- fi ction by African-American authors. Glinka’s opera, “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” is after his performance and before intermission. based a Pushkin fairy tale where Lyudmila, en- The afternoon culminates with Rimsky- gaged to Knight Ruslan, is abducted by an evil Korsakov’s “Scheherazade.” Let your imagi- dwarf. Ruslan, after encountering various super- nation take fl ight as you listen to a feast of natural creatures and other fantastical happen- sumptuous colors and brilliant instrumental ef- ings, rescues his beloved. fects. While taking inspiration from the story of This overture is an introduction to an after- Scheherazade spinning her tales to the Sultan noon of wonderful imagery and musical delight. for 1,001 nights. Rimsky-Korsakov wants the Glière’s “Horn Concerto in B-fl at Major, Op. 9” listener to draw his or her inspiration from the is perhaps the best known of Glière’s acclaimed music itself. works. The addition of valves in the early 19th This concert is free to the public. Visit www. century allowed composers a greater fl exibility yonkersphilharmonic.org for more information.

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By Mary hoar president emerita, yonkers historical society Monday, Feb. 24 Feb. 24, 1927: The Chamber of Com- merce joined with Yonkers Rotary, Yonkers Lions, South Yonkers Board of Trade, Yonkers Real Estate Board and the Yonkers Merchants Association to hold Yonkers’ fi rst Civic Har- mony Dinner at the Elks Club; attendance was confi ned to men. Feb. 24, 1947: The Regional Plan Associa- tion for the tri-state area, predicting approxi- From left are honoree Kevin Fitzgerald; Fr. Bill Cleary, interim rector at Saint Joseph’s mately 20,000 privately-owned planes would Seminary; author and guest speaker Michael Brendan Dougherty; and Breakfast Chairman be in use in the area, proposed two new airports Bob Stauf. to serve Yonkers residents. One airport would The Yonkers Myles Scully Division One tional Studies Division. not be in Yonkers, but in the Town of Green- Ancient Order of Hibernians will sponsor its an- The James McGinty Hibernian of the Year burgh, because of the unavailability of appro- nual Brendan Murphy Memorial Communion Award recipient will be Kevin Fitzgerald, be- priate land. A second smaller fi eld actually in Breakfast and Mass on Sunday, Feb. 23 at 10 stowed for his exemplary dedication and signifi - Yonkers would be on county-owned property, a.m. at Saint Joseph’s Seminary, 201 Seminary cant contributions to the AOH Division One. on a site such as the Sprain Brook Golf Course. tuesday, Feb. 25 North Pole Explorer Commander Robert Ave., Yonkers. The special featured guest speaker Admission is $20, or $10 for children young- Peary will be Michael Brendan Dougherty, author of er than 10, and includes a complete hot buffet Feb. 25, 1918: Yonkers bakers began “My Father Left Me Ireland: An American Son’s breakfast will be served. Admission is $25 on the making “Victory Bread” following the regula- strength of the ice with a stick. He managed to Search For Home.” day of the event. Reservations are recommended, tions of the National Food Administration. The climb on a small piece of ice fl oating nearby. Dougherty is a senior writer at National Re- and may be made by calling Robert Stauf, event bread was made with 25 percent wheat and 75 Noonan heard the boy’s cries while making her view and a visiting scholar at the American En- chairman, at 914-476-2284; or Bob Eggen, Divi- percent wheat substitutes. rounds at the pier and quickly unwound her terprise Institute’s Social, Cultural and Constitu- sion One vice president, at 914-979-6880. Feb. 25, 1931: Yonkers High School neck scarf and threw one end to him. She man- Coach Leslie Beck and team brought another aged to pull him close enough to the dock to WIAA championship when Yonkers beat New help him to safety. Rochelle for the county title. This was Yonkers’ saturday, Feb. 29 fourth county crown in fi ve years. Feb. 29, 1936: State WPA Administra- Yonkers Rotary to Sponsor Two Feb. 25, 1932: Police initiated an investi- tor Lest Herzog announced that allocations gation of a fl aming cross in the Park Hill “ru- would provide jobs for 200 people. One hun- ins,” the location of the Hendrik Hudson Hotel. dred and fi fty women got jobs in a sewing proj- Teens for Leadership Academy wednesday, Feb. 26 ect located in the Sears Roebuck Building on Feb. 26, 1942: Brigadier Gen. Frank Main Street – a factory that mostly produced Brady, U.S. Army Air Corps, son of the late handwork. The remainder of the funds made it Police Capt. Hugh Brady, was the fi rst Yonkers possible for about 50 white-collar workers to offi cer to be decorated for bravery in World return to jobs in municipal offi ces where they War II. He was awarded a medal for heroism in worked before the advent of Works Progress Java and a Purple Heart medal for his wounds. Administration. Feb. 26, 1947: Dr. Julius Yourman, state Feb. 29, 1944: PFC Arthur Brown of veterans’ affairs director, spoke on the chang- Glover Avenue won honors in a Fort Dix art ing world at the graduation of 64 World War exhibition of work by men in the armed ser- II veterans from the Halsted School. Yourman vices. The art show was curated by the New stated that the number of divorces increased Jersey State Museum. His work depicted Lake because “the father or husband was the dicta- Champlain near the Plattsburgh barracks and tor, but now the home was democratic and the was purchase for $100. woman is an equal partner. Men don’t have the sunday, March 1 authority of control,” he said. March 1, 1900: W.W. Scrugham, president Yourman went on to say that divorce hap- of the Yonkers Gas Light Company, appeared pened because men and women did not know before the Assembly Committee on Electricity, their roles. Gas and Water Supply to speak against a bill thursday, Feb. 27 to provided illuminated gas in Yonkers at $1 Feb. 27, 1936: Eleanor Powell of Pennsyl- per 1,000 cubic feet. Scrugham argued that not vania Avenue was labeled as the “best and pret- three other places in the state, outside of New Tenth-graders from Yonkers are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to attend a weekend leadership program. tiest lady tap dancer in the world” in the latest York City, supplied gas for less than Yonkers. issue of Mademoiselle magazine for women. Yonkers people paid $1.35 per 1,000 cu- Rotary District 7230 will host its 2020 Ro- The Yonkers Rotary Club will be sponsor- Feb. 27, 1953: The Yonkers view on pro- bic feet; Poughkeepsie and Albany paid about tary Youth Leadership Awards weekend program ing two youngsters to take part in the 2020 pro- portional representation, written by Herald $1.50 for the same amount. April 24 to 26 at the Alpine Scout Camp in Al- gram. “We’re looking for Yonkers 10th-graders Statesman editor Oxie Reichler and titled “The March 1, 1903: Congregation Ohab Ze- pine, N.J. who can benefi t for the scholarship,” said Club Case for Proportional Representation,” was in- dek, worshipping in the synagogue at New The annual event is a scholarship program, President Steve Simpson. “This is being opened cluded in the textbook “Readings in Municipal Main and Brook Streets, announced it had pur- sponsored and underwritten by 43 Rotary clubs to Yonkers students after a long time.” Government and Administration” published chased property on Prospect Street to build a located throughout Rotary District 7230, which “Community leaders are encouraged to par- by Rinehart. Former Secretary of War Newton new synagogue. encompasses Westchester County, the Bronx, ticipate in the student selection process, by con- Baker wrote the opposing view, titled “The March 1, 1940: More than 400 Yonkers Manhattan, Staten Island and Bermuda. The tacting their local Rotary Club to submit student Case Against Proportional Representation.” taxpayers went to the Council meet- clubs sponsor nearly 90 deserving 10th-graders candidates for consideration, and to be a RYLA Friday, Feb. 28 ing to demand their representatives lower their to join together for a weekend of activities and program sponsor,” added Mahbub Ahmad, Ro- Feb. 28, 1908: Commander Robert E. tax bills. Ignoring the hissing and booing, the presentations to develop the fundamentals and tary District 7230 governor. “It’s a life-changing Peary, USN North Pole explorer, addressed council passed an all-time high $4 tax rate and ethics of positive youth leadership. experience for most participants. They develop the YMCA at the Library Hall on the topic of a budget of $15,880,177. There is no cost to participants who are leadership skills and build long-lasting relation- “nearest the North Pole.” He spoke about the For more information on the Yonkers His- selected. Programs and presentations cover an ships with fellow RYLARIANS from other areas hardships, dangers and conditions existing in torical Society, Sherwood House and upcom- array of topics from developing communica- of the district.” the polar regions. ing events, visit www.facebook.com/Yonker- tion and leadership techniques to building self- For more information and to apply for the Feb. 28, 1923: Mary Noonan, caretaker of sHistoricalSociety or LinkedIn and Twitter @ confi dence, self-esteem, problem-solving, and to 2020 RYLA Scholarships, visit rotary7230.org/ the Yonkers City Pier, rescued an 8-year-old YonkersHistoric. For information on member- resolve confl ict management. The District 7230 page/ryla or yonkersrotary.org, email info@yon- boy fl oating on ice in the river. Playing near the ship in the YHS, call 914-961-8940 or email RYLA program is part of Rotary International’s kersrotary.org, or contact Program Chairman Dr. water, he fell in while he had been testing the [email protected]. worldwide RYLA initiative that attracts thou- Nitin Gupta at 510-557-3212. The deadline for sands of worthy 10th-graders. applications is Friday, Feb. 28.

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Alexander Zamenhof, Esq. Knuckles, Komosinski & Manfro, LLP Notice of qualification of Notice of formation of PEG Notice of Formation of Nova Attorneys for Plaintiff Essen Management, LLC. One Realty LLC Arts. Of Safety Associates, LLC. 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590 Authority filed w/ Secy. of Org. filed with the Sect’y Arts. of Org. filed with NY Elmsford, NY 10523 State of NY (SSNY) on of State of NY (SSNY) on Dept. of State on 1/29/20. Phone: (914) 345-3020 12/18/2019. Organized 01/17/2020. Office location: Office location: Westches- in Alaska on 12/16/2019. Westchester County. The ter County. NY Sec. of State The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order NY Off. loc.: Westchester street address is: 521 Wyn- designated agent of the LLC of the Honorable Lawrence H. Ecker, J.S.C. dated February 4, 2020 County. SSNY designated newood Rd., Pelham NY upon whom process against as agent upon whom pro- 10803. SSNY has been des- it may be served, and shall cess may be served. SSNY ignated as agent of the LLC mail process to 602 S 3rd Help for Homeowners in Foreclosure shall mail process to: 200 W. upon whom process against Ave, Mount Vernon, NY New York State Law requires that we send you this notice about the foreclo- 34th Ave. #977, Anchorage, it may be served. SSNY 10550, the principal busi- sure process. Please read it carefully. AK 99503, which is also the shall mail process served to: ness location. Purpose: any Sources of Information and Assistance address to be maintained Gunbir Sethi Gauba, PEG lawful activity. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in fore- in Alaska. Arts. of Org. filed One Realty LLC, 521 Wyn- closure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid of- w/ Alaska Sec. of State, PO newood Rd., Pelham NY #7083 2/14-3/20 fice, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you Box 110806, Juneau, AK 10803.. Purpose: any lawful may contact for information about possible options, including trying to 99811. Purpose: Any lawful act. work with your lender during this process. activity. 02/21/20 #7099 01/31/20 - 02/28/20 To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Department of Financial Services at (800) 342-3736 or visit the Department’s website at http://www.dfs.ny.gov.

Rights and Obligations YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LEAVE YOUR HOME AT THIS TIME. You have the right to stay in your home during the foreclosure process. You are not required to leave your home unless and until your property is sold at auc- tion pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale. Regardless of whether you choose to remain in your home, YOU ARE RE- Notice of Application of Au- Notice is hereby given that a QUIRED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PROPERTY and pay property taxes in thority of nMed Capital Part- license, Ser # 1325205, has accordance with state and local law. ners II, LP (LP), filed with been applied for by Belle et Foreclosure Rescue Scams NY Secy of State (SSNY) on Noir LLC to sell liquor, wine Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. 1/27/2020. Office location: and beer at retail in a res- There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order Westchester County. SSNY taurant under the ABC Law to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely is designated as LP’s agent at 166 Gramatan Ave, Mt. careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a for service of process, and Vernon, NY 10550 for on- fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such servic- SSNY shall mail process premises consumption. es for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they to: LP, 31 Purchase St, Ste will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking 3-1, Rye, NY 10580. General any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Partner: nMed Capital Man- #3346 02/21/2020 – 03/13/2020 agement, LLC, 31 Purchase Notice of formation of St, Ste 3-1, Rye, NY 10580. Limited Liability Company LP was formed in Delaware (“LLC”), name: Yonkers (DE) on 1/23/2020. Certifi- Notice of Formation of Sligo Notice of Formation of Bright Notice of Publication of JC Brothers LLC; Articles of NYC Realty LLC Arts. of Insight LLC. Arts. of Org. cate of Limited Partnership Organization filed with New FIT, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed Org. filed with the SSNY on filed with SSNY on 1/08/20. with the SSNY on 1/27/2020. was filed with, and a copy York Secretary of State 01/08/2020. Office: West- Office location: Westchester Office: Westchester County. can be obtained from: DE (“SSNY”) 02/15/2020; Of- chester County. SSNY des- County. SSNY designated SSNY designated as agent Secy of State, Corporations fice Location: Westchester ignated as agent of the LLC as agent of LLC upon whom of the LLC upon whom Division, 401 Federal St #4, County; SSNY designated upon whom process against process may be served. process against it may be Dover, DE 19901. DE regis- as agent of LLC upon whom it may be served. SSNY shall SSNY shall mail process to served. SSNY shall mail tered agent/office: Corpora- process against it may be mail copy of process to the Marcella Appollonio, 48 Po- copy of process to the LLC, tion Service Company, 251 served; SSNY shall mail LLC, 81 E. Ridge Rd. Wac- cantico Street Unit E, Sleepy 4 Chamberlain St., Rye, NY Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, copy of process to Yonkers cabuc, NY 10597. Purpose: Hollow, New York 10591. 10580. Purpose: Any lawful DE 19808. Purpose: any Brothers LLC, 162 Buena lawful activity or purpose. Any lawful purpose. 02/21/20 Purpose: any lawful act or purpose. Vista Avenue, Yonkers, NY activity. 10701. Purpose: any lawful #7082 02/07/20 – 03/13/20 #7080 02/07/20 - 03/13/20 purpose #7098 01/17/20 – 02/21/20 Friday, February 21, 2020 - Yonkers Rising - PAGE 7 St. Joseph’s Medical Center Opens Cardiac Rehab Program Only Outpatient Cardiac Rehab Program in Yonkers

From left are Jose Taveras; Richard Greif; Richard Feldman; James Landy, chairman of the Board of Trustees at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center; Yonkers City Council member Shanae Wil- liams; City Council President Mike Khader; Michael Spicer, president and CEO of Saint Joseph’s; Mario Trombetta, the first cardiac rehabilitation patient of Saint Joseph’s Cardiovascular Center; Board of Trustees member John Spano; Stuart Moser; Board of Trustees member Amani Marjieh; Board of Trustees member Moira Kiernan, president of the Auxiliary of Saint Jo- seph’s; Board of Trustees member William Schneider; and Kevin Cacace, a member of the Board of Directors for Saint Joseph’s Housing Fund Development Corporations.

Saint Joseph’s Medical Center recently tion program in the City of Yonkers. the doctors, administration and staff, led by Mi- select group of hospitals in Westchester County joined with Yonkers officials for the grand open- The grand opening event coincides with chael Spicer, who continually strive for innova- providing “Cardiac CT,” a new and exciting ing of the hospital’s new physician-supervised February being American Heart Month. tion and high-quality service.” non-invasive way to image the coronary arter- outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at its “We are very proud to announce the open- Saint Joseph’s Cardiovascular Center pro- ies without the risk and inconvenience of a tra- Cardiovascular Center at 530 Yonkers Ave. ing of this important new program as part of our vides comprehensive services for the preven- ditional cardiac catheterization. Saint Joseph’s Cardiac Rehabilitation state-of-the-art Cardiovascular Center,” said tion, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular There are many benefits to cardiac rehabili- Program helps patients with heart disease and Michael Spicer, president and CEO of Saint disease. Its board-certified cardiologists work tation, including a longer life and less chances cardiac conditions recover faster and regain op- Joseph’s Medical Center. “This is yet another together with patients to evaluate their needs for another heart attack; the control of heart timal productive lifestyles. Saint Joseph’s also example of our continuing commitment to pro- and create a personalized treatment plan that is disease symptoms such as chest pain or short- offers a regular rehabilitation program for mus- viding the highest quality and compassionate coordinated with other health care providers. ness of breath; stopping or reversing damage to culoskeletal and orthopedic cases. health care to the communities we serve.” The center offers the following diagnostic blood vessels in heart; lessening the physical The program provides an individualized According to Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, imaging services on-site: echocardiography, and emotional effects of heart disease; improv- and personalized treatment plan, including Saint Joseph’s Medical Center offers the most vascular ultrasound, nuclear cardiology, stress ing stamina and strength; getting back to usual evaluation and instruction on physical activity, comprehensive cardiac care in the community. testing and EKGs. All imaging procedures are activities, including work, hobbies and regular nutrition, stress management and other health- “The expansion of its Cardiovascular Cen- performed by certified imaging technologists exercise; and improving confidence and well- related areas. The Cardiovascular Center, which ter to include Yonkers’ first outpatient cardiac using the latest equipment. Nuclear imaging being. opened in 2014, has recently been expanded to rehabilitation center demonstrates the center’s and nuclear stress tests are performed under the Visit https://www.saintjosephs.org for add the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. It is commitment to excellence and to the needs of direction of board-certified cardiologists. more information. the only outpatient cardiovascular rehabilita- its community,” he said. “Congratulations to Saint Joseph’s Medical Center is one of a

in codifying modern systemic racism – and tracks the women’s movement today. This film blends in- many watershed moments in McCain’s political YoFiFest Celebrates the intertwined histories of slavery, lynching, seg- terviews of Steinem in her Manhattan apartment, career, emphasizing the friendships he forged with Continued from Page 1 regation and mass incarceration. archival footage, photographs from throughout her the press and, notably, with senators across the Illuminating the power of memory in cultural life and clips from press interviews over the years. aisle. ville that produces award-winning documentaries, change, the film instills hope of a brighter Ameri- Also, as part of Women’s Month (but not Finally, May 1, the series concludes with are teaming up to present a monthly series of fea- can future through the insights of this pioneer. part of the series), YoFi will be presenting the “King in the Wilderness,” which chronicles the fi- ture-length films about people and ideas that shape “This is a powerful and fitting kickoff to Yo- documentary “This Changes Everything” at Sarah nal chapters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, re- our world. Fi’s Black History Month showcase,” said Keat- Lawrence College on Thursday, March 19. Told vealing a conflicted leader who faced an onslaught “Each event features a documentary direct- ing. “This film offers a unique point of departure to first-hand by some of Hollywood’s leading voices of criticism from both sides of the political spec- ed and produced by Kunhardt Films, designed critically examine the history of racial inequality behind and in front of the camera, “This Changes trum. Drawing on conversations with those who to inspire audiences with stories of some of this and economic injustice in America. And, more im- Everything” is a feature-length documentary that knew him well, including many fellow members country’s most fearless leaders,” said Emily Keat- portantly, to imagine solutions to these problems.” uncover what is beneath one of the most confound- of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ing, director of development and education at the The next afternoon, Saturday, Feb. 29, YoFi ing dilemmas in the entertainment industry – the “King in the Wilderness” reveals stirring new per- Kunhardt Film Foundation. “YoFi’s DMAC is the Fest’s Black History Month Showcases consist- under-representation and misrepresentation of spectives on King’s character, his radical doctrine perfect venue for our films to reach a diverse gath- ing of several programs of short films about the women. It takes an incisive look at the history, of nonviolence and his internal philosophical ering of youth, educators and engaged citizens.” African-American experience in America will be empirical evidence, and systemic forces that foster struggles prior to his assassination in 1968. In recognition of February being Black His- presented. gender discrimination and thus reinforce disparity The documentary also features archival foot- tory Month, the first feature shown in the series For Women’s Month in March, the “World in our culture. age, behind-the-scenes video of King’s private will be “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Shaper” series will continue Friday, March 20, Most importantly, the film seeks pathways moments, and intimate archival photographs and Equality,” on Friday, Feb. 28. Told primarily in his with a screening of “Gloria: In Her Own Words.” and solutions from within and outside the industry, phone conversations recorded by President John- own words, this intimate portrait focuses on Ste- Despite decades of opposition from the right, and and around the world. The film will be followed by son, who was both ally and adversary in King’s venson’s life and career – particularly his indict- recent personal setbacks, Gloria Steinem remains a talkback with Director Tom Donahue and Execu- fight for civil rights. ment of the U.S. criminal justice system for its role one of the most outspoken and visible symbols of tive Producer Simone Pero. All the “World Shaper” screenings take place On April 17, leading up to the New York pri- at the YoFi Digital Media Art Center with free ad- maries, the “World Shaper” series will offer “For mission, but reservations are suggested. For more Whom The Bell Tolls,” a look at the life and career information about all the films, their schedules, of Arizona Sen. John McCain. The film follows and to make reservations, go to YoFiDMAC.com. PAGE 8 - Yonkers Rising - Friday, February 21, 2020

tan College, hosts a monthly Saturday workshop, NOTICE OF SALE Blue Door ArtSpeak/From Page to Performance/The Art Continued from Page 1 to Writing, on the third Saturday of each month SUPREME COURT, WESTCHESTER COUNTY from February to June, funded in part by Poets & INDEX NO.: 58848/2019 projects, poetry readings, open mic nights, per- Writers. The gallery’s current exhibition is muse BONITA WEST LLC v. 164 ELM REALTY CORP., et al., Defendants. formances and special events enrich underserved to this long-running series, where art activities Pursuant to Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, dated January 22, 2020 and entered on January 24, 2020, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auc- populations in urban areas and this year are in- prompt writing, and writing activities prompt art. tion, in the Lobby of the Westchester County Courthouse, 111 Dr. Martin Luther troducing programming for students with special “Walk around and see what inspires you in King Jr. Boulevard, White Plains, New York on the 26th day of March, 2020 at needs. the art to write about,” Solomon instructed par- 10:00 A.M., the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, being in Section Programs are made possible by ArtsWest- ticipants at her February workshop as they exam- 1, Block 455, Lot 6 on the Tax Map of the City of Yonkers, County of Westchester, chester and Westchester County government, ined the current display, the 12th annual Juried and known by the street number 164 Elm Street, Yonkers, New York. along with the support of Westhab, the City of Artist Member Exhibition, which runs through Approximate amount of Judgment is $23,431.15 plus interest, costs, attorneys’ Yonkers, its artist members and generous donors. Feb. 22. Participants also selected postcards as fees and advances. Said premises will be sold subject to the provisions of the Gallery co-founder and Co-Executive Direc- their writing prompts and expressed the emotions filed Judgment and the Terms of Sale. tor Luis Perelman said two major accomplish- or thoughts they evoked. FRANK APICELLA, ESQ., Referee. ments are its continuous exhibitions of Westches- The group’s diversity, ages (from 12 to 85) SANDERS, GUTMAN & BRODIE, P.C., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 18 North Central Avenue, Suite 204 ter-based artists, and a series of free children’s and ethnicity are key successful elements of her Hartsdale, New York 10530 (718) 522-0666 workshops. One recent Saturday morning, kids workshop, where everyone is welcome. “We are age 4 to 12 sat around a long table and made tam- all artists, we are all writers, we are all poets,” #3345 02/21/2020 – 03/13/2020 bourines from paper plates and dried beans, deco- she said. rated them and played them to music under the The next workshops are March 21, April 18, guidance of children’s illustrator Katori Walker and May 2 and 16. with artist Evan Bishop. This year’s six ArtsWestchester honorees “This is a perfect opportunity for kids to cre- include: Pablo Mayor, Artist Award; The Romita is low enough to do the required maintenance work ate art and be in contact with a professional artist, Family, Arts Patron Award; Blue Door Art Center, Sprain Lake and the water level will rise once the city closes the and for the parents to interact while the kids are Arts Organization Award; City of New Rochelle, Continued from Page 1 valve, which will be soon. involved,” said workshop coordinator Jacquline Community Award; A-Chord With Kids, Edu- However, it will take about six months for Reason. “We decide on a theme and try to have cation Award; Ossining Public Library, Sophia 14 days.” Mother Nature to rain enough to fill the reservoir activities pertaining to that theme.” Abeles Education Award; and Arnold Kasten- In order to begin that maintenance, which was to normal levels. But there is no drought, and the Walker, vice chairman of the Yonkers Afri- baum, Lawrence Salley Photography Award. required by the state’s Department of Environmen- fish in the reservoir have enough water to survive. can-American Advisory Board, agreed and struc- The luncheon takes place April 7 at 11:30 tal Conservation, the city had to open the faucet, or The repair will cost the city $2 million to tured the activity so the kids could experience a.m. at the Burn Country Club in Purchase. For valve, on the reservoir last month. The water level complete. music and art. “The idea was to let them be cre- tickets and information, contact Debbie Scates at ative, and while they were making their tambou- 914-428-4220, etc. 315. Gallery hours are Thurs- rines they were interacting with and talking to one days and Fridays from 3 to 6 p.m., and Saturday another,” said Walker. from 1 to 5pm. Saturday Children’s Workshops Father & Son council after Larkin was term-limited, asked, Poet-in-Residence Golda Solomon, asso- are from 10 am. to noon. “Why does Justin need to stay around? We have ciate professor of speech, communication and For information, call 914-375-5100 or visit Continued from Page 1 no candidates to endorse or to work for this year. theatre arts at B.M.C.C. (CUNY) and Manhat- www.bluedoorartcenter.org and @theBDAC. We are looking to cross endorse democrats, it’s an as of last week, the rumblings were indeed true, embarrassment.” and according to friends of Justin Tubiolo and his Larkin said, “There needs to be an orderly wife, Barbara, both are heartbroken that their son transition. Give him some time to reorganize and is now a democrat. plan and figure out who is chairman. Give us all But another interesting fact materialized from in the party time to figure out where to go from up to $2 billion to take out Donald Trump. How the election of 2019, and the county board race in here.” Larkin also thanked Justin Tubiolo for “put- Would Westchester much of a threat is Clinton-Bloomberg together the 14th district. Republican legislator Tubiolo did ting an extraordinary amount of time into the party Continued from Page 1 against Donald Trump?” not have a democratic opponent, despite the fact and he gets no thanks for it now. “ BANNON: “Listen, any time you are going that there were democrats interested in running. Merante said, “I want to work aggressively rumor but didn’t reject it. “We are focused on the to put – he said $2 billion if he’s not the nominee. Democrats and Republicans in Yonkers are to get republican candidates to run for all offices. primary and the debate, not VP speculation,” said He will have unlimited amount of money to do now wondering out loud: Was there a quid pro We need to get moving right now. We have very Jason Schechter, the campaign’s communications this. He has a personal vendetta against the presi- quo that gave Legislator Tubiolo a free pass to few district leaders. Republicans are not dead in director. dent. So does Hillary Clinton. President Trump is re-election? Some are telling the story that papa Yonkers we just need to regroup and I want that to Clinton did not publicly respond to the re- going to win and should win. But I got to tell you, Tubiolo made a deal to give his son no opposition happen sooner than later.” port, but she did tell Ellen DeGeneres earlier this Bloomberg’s money, the Clinton apparatus, this in exchange for his son switching parties. Larkin and Merante represent two factions in month, when asked whether she would consider is going to be a nasty, brutal campaign.” (End of The problem with this scenario is that Justin the Yonkers Republican Party. One view believes being a vice presidential candidate, “Well, that’s interview.) is said to have always objected to David switching that it is best to try and support and endorse a mod- not going to happen. But, no, probably no. I nev- Last month, Hillary was openly critical of parties and that democrats in Yonkers got very lit- erate Democrat sometimes, instead of ending up er say never because I do believe in serving my Bernie Sanders, saying: “He was in Congress tle in return for giving David a pass. As one Yon- with an AOC-type running the City of Yonkers. country. But it’s not going to happen.” for years. He had one senator support him. No- kers democrat told us, David was going to switch That was the case in 2019, and in 2015, when The former secretary of state, U.S. senator body likes him, nobody wants to work with him, anyway, so why do it? Mayor Mike Spano was re-elected twice by large from New York and first lady of the United States, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. One Yonkers resident who wants a viable, margins that included republican support. still calls Chappaqua home and has recently been It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people competitive two-party system in his city and in Now, Reisman, a Yonkers resident, will tell spotted around Westchester with husband Bill, in- got sucked into it.” Clinton also accused Bernie Westchester is journalist Phil Reisman. you the reason Spano was so easily re-elected was cluding at EagleFest this month. of supporting sexist attacks against other female Reisman can now be heard on WVOX Ra- because of the weak candidates that republicans Both Bloomberg and Hillary did not com- democratic presidential candidates. dio every Thursday at noon, and still writes on put up (Bill Nuckel in 2015 and Mario De Giorgio pletely reject, or rule out, the Drudge Report, A former Trumper, now a never-Trumper, Facebook and in Westchester Magazine. “Merante last year). But the fact is that Yonkers republicans leaving the window open, and for those who can Anthony Scaramucci, said he also believes says his party is in ‘shambles’ and shrinking at an and Westchester republicans in many communi- honestly and openly consider it, may actually Bloomberg is the best candidate to beat the presi- alarming rate, a condition caused by poor lead- ties cannot find candidates willing to come- for make political sense. dent in November. While Scaramucci admits ership,” writes Reisman on Facebook. “The evi- ward and run, as a long shot, against democratic Republican strategist and Trump supporter that “the consensus of the elites is that President dence of decay, he says, includes an embarrassing incumbents. Steve Bannon has been saying for months that Trump is going to get re-elected and so that’s why string of election losses in recent years and the There is also a continuing debate among he sees Clinton re-entering the 2020 presidential I actually think he’s going to lose,” Elites are typi- capitulation of some Republicans who, out of self- Westchester republicans on whether President race in some way, perhaps as a “save the day” cally wrong about this stuff. preservation (allegedly), have abandoned ship and Donald Trump is to blame for the republican slide candidate at the democratic convention, or as “Most great presidents in their first term fig- joined the Democrats. (David) Tubiolo happens to in the county. Political consultant Mike Edelman, Bloomberg’s running mate. ure out a way to expand their base,” said Scar- be the son of Yonkers City GOP Chairman Justin who worked on many Westchester elections before Bannon was recently interviewed by Maria amucci. “Despite the economic data, he’s still Tubiolo. Merante blames the elder Tubiolo for his moving to Florida, posted on Facebook: “Let’s Bartiromo, who asked about the Bloomberg-Hill- locked in at 42 percent. Bloomberg has the mon- son’s party switching – and has called for his res- understand what the effect of Rob Astorino court- ary rumors. ey, he knows how to handle the Trump onslaught ignation.” ing Donald Trump had on voters in the county of BARTIROMO: “So, you knew Hillary Clin- of all the bullying nonsense. I like him the best. Last week, Reisman had Yonkers Republican Westchester. In his attempt to run for governor a ton was going to come into this race. You said it. He’s the most experienced. He’s a clear-eyed, City Councilman Anthony Merante on his radio second time, he hosted pro-Trump radio shows Assess the situation, the combination of Bloom- technical leader. Mike Bloomberg would be the show. Merante pulled no punches in the interview on WOR, appeared on TV in defense of Trump, berg and Clinton.” best of the available candidates to beat President and said that republicans in Yonkers and West- and pandered to the conservative party in order to BANNON: “If Drudge puts his name on Trump.” chester need to stand up and try and reclaim the leverage the Republican nomination for governor, something, and there hasn’t been denials, it’s Trump supporters love the idea. GOP flag in the county. which is one of the unfortunate side effects of al- money good. I’m not saying it’s going to happen. “I can think of absolutely nothing that would “There are a lot of republicans in Yonkers and lowing cross endorsements in New York State. And Matt Drudge is not saying it’s happening, but make @realDonaldTrump and his supporters hap- Westchester that are just looking for a reason to Interestingly at the same time Rob was getting there are clearly discussions going on. You really pier,” conservative commentator Candace Owens come out. It’s a messaging problem, we just sit crushed in Westchester, Ed Day, also a Republican haven’t had a denial from the Bloomberg camp. tweeted. “Do it, @HillaryClinton. Make our day.” back and get beat up by the media. We have to in Rockland County, was winning re-election… “ And you certainly haven’t had a denial from the A majority of Westchester voters supported push back and we haven’t been doing that.” Merante does not believe that Trump is the Hillary Clinton camp. And I think that this shows Hillary Clinton in 2016. Upon reading this story, Merante represents most of the 35 percent problem with the republicans in Yonkers and you the desperation of the Democratic Party and or hearing the rumor from Drudge, those same of Yonkers republicans who want to push back Westchester. “The message from Indivisible in really the personal vendetta that the Clintons voters are asking: Would Hillary run for vice- against democratic and progressive issues in their 2017 was anti -Trump and they did a good job. and Michael Bloomberg have against President president? Isn’t that beneath her? city and in Westchester County. The problem is But we need to do the same thing on our side and Trump. Others believe this was just a political stunt that there is 55 percent of the electorate in Yonkers register voters’ republicans and work on our mes- “Remember, on Tuesday night, March 3, in a by Bloomberg to “connect” to Clinton. “Bloom- and Westchester that vote Democrat every day and sage. We have to reinvent ourselves.” couple of weeks, at midnight, when the California berg made a calculated PR move here that’s twice on Sunday (the remaining 10 percent are in- If you believe Edelman’s theory, then if As- polls close out – out West, the Democratic Party brilliant,” writes Cindy Gordon, from Hillary dependent who can support either party, depend- torino didn’t support and talk about Trump, he will have an independent socialist and a moderate for America. “Whether we like her or not, HRC ing on the candidate). would have won re-election in 2017. But Astorino or liberal mayor, Republican mayor of New York, still attracts solid support from most Democratic Merante also said that Justin Tubiolo, the lost to County Executive George Latimer by 14 as the two top guys running for the primary. loyalists and activists. One way for Bloomberg to Yonkers Republican Chairman, needs to step points, with most of that margin attributed to the “There won’t really be any Democrats attract some of that mainstream Democratic sup- down immediately, after his son switched parties Trump effect. around. This is why Hillary Clinton – and I be- port up for grabs is to float a calculated leak. If last week. “Justin is conflicted. It’s not personal, Others believe, including this reporter, that lieve that Bill Clinton’s fingerprints are all over 15 percent of Democrats absolutely love HRC, its politics. A short time ago we had a majority on Astorino’s successes in 2009 and 2013, winning this – I think you can see Bill Clinton trying to get that tips the scales to Bloomberg by those per- the city council. Now David’s switching parties is the County Executive’s race in blue Westchester, Hillary back in the game. centage points in the Democratic primary. Hence, about David. He is a career politician, so he did helped overshadow the problems that already ex- “And now Bloomberg needs Hillary to coun- he’s leaps instantly in the co-leader position. It’s what he had to do. He wants to blame Trump but isted in the Westchester GOP in recruiting candi- ter react all of the negative stories now coming a ploy. Sanders supporters, who don’t like HRC, I don’t agree. “ dates and enrollment numbers, long before Trump. out. The Bernie people, the Bernie movement aren’t going to support Bloomberg in the primary “It was survival for David and I think it was Those problems were exasperated with the have to understand now they’re detested and de- anyway.” a mistake and I told his father-you guys personify election of Trump in 2016, and the outrage against spised, as the deplorables are in the Trump move- New Yorker Andy Humm said: “I voted for republican politics; how could David do this? But him in Westchester by more than 60 percent of the ment. And I think this is a wakeup call for all of Hillary, but this is becoming grotesque. Elections it done and now Justin has to step down. Not in electorate. That reality, in my view, would have Bernie’s people to say, ‘Hey, we are detested by are supposed to be about the future. (For those September and not in July, but now,” said Merante. been in place with Doug Coley as Westchester Bloomberg. We’re detested by the Clintons.’ who doubt the story because of the source, I do In the middle of the Reisman-Merante inter- GOP chairman, and Justin Tubiolo as Yonkers “The Hillary Clinton camp keeps trashing know a friend who was polled on the telephone view, former City Councilman John Larkin called GOP chairman, or if someone else were republi- him. Hillary herself said nobody likes him. Why about how he felt about Washington, D.C. May- in. Larkin, who left office 2 years ago as one of the can chairpersons. do you think Bill Clinton’s fingerprints are all or Muriel Bowser, who is African-American, as most popular Yonkers politicians, questioned why Now Yonkers Republicans face the reality of over this? Bloomberg’s running mate. His pollsters must be Merante and Reisman, were “piling on Justin”. a 5-2 City Council, and all four of your County “Bill Clinton back in 2016, was the one who testing out a lot of possibilities.)” “I’m not understating why you are pushing Legislators, as democrats. And as Merante and saw what Trump was doing, going into Michigan, Peekskill Democrat Janet Watkins wrote: this publicly when Justin said he would step down. Larkin admitted on Reisman’s show, there is no Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. He’s talking about re- “I’m voting for Bloomberg and I like Hillary. It’s like kicking a horse on the ground. Justin and ‘farm team’ or a group of young republicans that turning America to its greatness built upon the She got smeared by the Donald and Republicans. his wife are extremely upset with David. They are can run for Council President or Mayor in the shoulders of the working-class and middle-class. She did nothing wrong or illegal. Like the Don- not happy with it but there was nothing they could years to come. Clinton, who’s a master politician, saw that Don- ald said, ‘If you say it often people will believe do,” said Larkin. Editor’s note: Yonkers Democratic Chairman ald Trump was resonating with working-class it.’ And she got more votes than Trump the last “I am extremely upset with David because Tom Meier said there was “no truth” to the rumor Democrats and would win those states. time.” I think he was dishonest. He said he didn’t want that David Tubiolo was given a free pass for re- “The hipsters in Brooklyn (Hillary’s cam- And for those who believe that Bloomberg’s to demonize republicans but that’s what he did. election in 2019. Meier told Yonkers Rising there paign HQ in 2016) thought they had a better plan. campaign is totally reliant on his millions of And as he thought about switching parties for two were two democrats interested in running – Ray They thought they could micro-target this thing. TV ads, also remember that another Democratic years, he held fundraisers where republicans gave Russell and Janice Duarte – but both democrats’ And that’s why Clinton has been seething, just presidential hopeful, Tom Steyer, has spent $190 you money.” interest never materialized into an actual cam- like Hillary has, from that time.” million according to his FEC report, and has very Merante, who replaced Larkin on the city paign for county board. BARTIROMO: “So he’s willing to spend little to show for it. Friday, February 21, 2020 - Yonkers Rising - PAGE 9 Tax Assistance for Families BYO… Bag Making Less Than $56K The Westchester-Putnam Workforce Devel- act as greeters, and assist with translation and call- opment Board will host an IRS-endorsed “Vol- center operations. Tax preparation is done by IRS- unteer Income Tax Assistance” program kickoff certified volunteers with all locations offering free event Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 11:30 a.m. at the electronic filing. Mount Vernon Career Center, 130 Mount Vernon “We are committed to helping our residents Ave. take advantage of all the tax credits for which they The event launches an educational campaign are eligible,” said Westchester County Executive to increase awareness to eligible Westchester resi- George Latimer. “The VITA program not only as- dents about the free tax prep assistance available, sists working families and individuals, but also and the qualifications to receive federal tax cred- increases tax dollars in the county. It is estimated its designed to help taxpayers making less than that about 80 percent of refunds are then spent lo- $56,000 a year. cally, which generates local sales, wages and jobs, The VITA program, which will run Feb. 1 to ultimately boosting the local economy.” April 15 at nine locations, helps low- and moder- Many Westchester residents eligible for EITC ate-income individuals and families eligible for the are not aware of the credit and therefore do not federal Earned Income Tax Credit file their taxes claim it. Maximum credits depend on income, for free, including people with disabilities, senior marital status and number of dependents. Each citizens, and those for whom English is a second year, New York State sets threshold limits at the language. beginning of the tax preparation season. To make sure the program delivers maximum Call 211 or 1-800-899-1479 to make an ap- Westchester County, and all of New York so you always have them handy. If you store them benefits, VITA relies on dedicated volunteers to pointment. State, will see a plastic bag ban starting in less near the door or coat closet, you’ll be more likely than 10 days. County Legislator Ruth Walter re- to remember them on the way out. minded her constituents, writing: “In 2020, we Remember that every time you use a reus- likely to curb costs or deny coverage – possibly are making plastic bags a thing of the past. New able bag, you are doing your part to prevent litter State Budget angering the powerful health care workers union York’s plastic bag ban starts March 1. Keeping and waste. Using reusable bags makes sense and Continued from Page 1 Local 1199 SEIU, and other health care interests – reusable bags near the door or in a coat closet can is the right thing to do. You can also remind your when they’re not footing the bill help you remember them for your shopping trips.” family, friends and neighbors to bring their reus- and balance the interests of the residents in his Cuomo has appointed the Medicaid Redesign That’s good advice. My wife now folds up able bags whenever they shop. eight years and eight budget proposals. Only one Team to find cost savings to help balance the state a reusable bag and puts it in her large purse, for The new plastic bag ban applies to more than year did Spano and the City Council raise property budget, due April 1. Panel co-chairman, Northwell when we forget one of the 20 or so reusable bags just grocery stores. Whether you’re going to the taxes above the tax cap. Health CEO Michael Dowling, is hoping to come we have in the garage. grocery store, clothes shopping, or to a home im- Last year, the mayor and council were able up with a report next month. If you want to see what life is like without a provement store, make sure to bring your reusable to rely on two state representatives, Senate Ma- In jeopardy are increases in education fund- plastic bag for shopping, go to the Town of New bags. jority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and State ing that usually come every budget year. The NYS Castle. In Milwood, DiCicco’s market asks you if Shoppers can use any bag they want after Sen. Shelley Mayer, who were able to secure addi- Teachers Union has expressed concerns about the you want a bag, and then charges you 5 cents per March 1, including plastic bags. Stores are not re- tional funding for Yonkers and the Yonkers Public budget hole and the impact Medicaid is having on paper bag. quired to have bags available for customers. Some Schools to the tune of $27 million in additional aid. Cuomo’s budget plan. That is how Westchester residents will do stores may choose not to switch to paper and may This year, “the lift” of asking for and getting Other estimates have the increase in the mini- their food shopping soon. only have reusable bags for purchase. That is why millions in additional state aid from Albany, the mum wage to $15 per hour in NYS as a reason In New York State, the Department of Envi- it is important for consumers to #BYOBagNY. If governor and the State Legislature may be more for $1.5 billion in Medicaid costs. Long-term care ronmental Conservation estimates that more than you have a small purchase, such as a magazine, difficult than usual. After eight years of good eco- for seniors, whether it be at home or in a nursing 23 billion plastic bags are used each year. Plastic candy or drink, you can help our environment by nomic news and positive revenue flows for taxes home, have also ballooned, from $3.2 billion to $6 bag usage affects both our communities and envi- saying “no thank you” to a single-use paper bag and fees, New York State government faces a bud- billion last decade. ronment. Plastic bags can be seen stuck in trees, and carrying the item, instead. get deficit this year of $6 billion. One of the major “New York State faces a projected budget as litter in our neighborhoods, and floating in our Any store after March 1 that collects sales reasons for the budget hole is Medicaid spending, gap of $6 billion for the coming fiscal year, in part waterways. From the significant recycling and tax in NYS is banned from distribution of plastic which is rising in New York at a rate larger than the because of higher Medicaid spending,” said NYS disposal issues they pose, to the harm they can do carry out bags. Cities and counties are authorized 2 percent property tax cap. Comptroller Tom DiNapoli. “Over the last four to wildlife, the negative impacts of plastic bags to adopt a 5-cent paper carry-out bag reduction In 2011, Gov. Andrew Cuomo took office years, my auditors have focused on the Medicaid are easily seen. fee. This means that in these areas, a consumer and one of his first actions was to push through a program, uncovering billions of dollars in waste, So the new BYOB campaign has begun. will be charged 5 cents for each paper carryout property tax cap, which capped tax increases for fraud and abuse. Our role is to help lower Medic- Not the old adage referring to bringing your own bag provided at checkout. local governments, school districts and counties at aid program costs by identifying significant cost bottle to a restaurant that doesn’t have a liquor li- As a consumer, you can help by continuing 2 percent. The tax cap has worked, despite naysay- savings, revenue enhancements and waste.” cense. It’s #BYOBagNY, “bring your own bag.” to recycle your old plastic bags that you may have ers – including a few state elected officials from The New York State Medicaid program is Keep reusable bags in your car, or clip folding accumulated before March 1. You can still recycle Westchester who voted against it in 2012. The cap a federal, state and locally funded program that reusable bags onto your commuting bag or purse them at the supermarket. has controlled spending to a certain extent, but provides a wide range of health care services to more importantly it has given the homeowners of individuals who are economically disadvantaged Westchester, who pay among the highest property or have special health care needs. For the state fis- taxes in the country, some certainty about how cal year that ended March 31, 2019, New York’s much their taxes will go up every year. Medicaid program had approximately 7.3 million One of the deals made in 2012 was a property recipients and Medicaid claim costs totaled about Beware of the ‘Bernie Bros’ tax cap in exchange for the state taking over the lo- $67.4 billion. Dear Editor: are f---ing trash.” She also said they received pri- cal cost and burden of the Medicaid program. Cuo- Many of the state’s Medicaid recipients are It is clear that the “Bernie Bros” do not take vate messages saying “eat s--t and die” and “drop mo and the state agreed to pick up the increased enrolled in MLTC plans. The plans provide long- kindly to those who do not support their dear and dead dumb (expletive deleted).” costs every year of Medicaid on county govern- term care services to people who are chronically ill glorious leader. CNN reports that when the pro- This is, as everyone else has pointed out, ments, including Westchester. or disabled. Medicaid pays MLTC plans monthly gressive Working Families Party announced its not very different from Trump’s social network But in recent years, the increased costs to managed care premiums and, in return, MLTC endorsement of Sen. Elizabeth Warren for presi- army; by which I mean that it’s morally different, Medicaid spending have been “unsustainable,” ac- plans pay for all MLTC covered services. dent last September, anger reverberated across the but functionally the same. Unlike Trump, Sanders cording to Cuomo. So he proposed in his budget Under federal law, the Department of Health SandersForPresident Reddit page for days. does not encourage online bullying himself – he plan to push some of the increased costs back to is required to make a monthly payment (referred One of the Reddit group’s then-300,000 only employs some people who do. That’s a big county governments. to as a “clawback” payment) to the federal gov- members encouraged fellow supporters of Sen. difference in terms of the moral framework! Cuomo said local governments, including ernment to cover part of the cost of prescription Bernie Sanders to spy on the Working Families But as a functional matter, the end result is Westchester County, don’t care about the Medic- drugs for state residents who are eligible for both Party’s activities and organize counter events. On the same: An army of people (or bots or Russians aid increases because they no longer have to pay Medicare and Medicaid. Twitter, Sanders supporters lobbed hundreds of or whomever) hounding opponents, enforcing dis- the increases. “They don’t have skin in the game “We are concerned about Westchester County critical messages at the Working Families Party cipline, quashing any sort of dissent – and trying because they get a blank check from Albany,” said having to fund significant additional Medicaid or its leadership, which included personal attacks to preempt anyone else from taking sides against Cuomo. costs – a move that could destroy our budget,” that called them corrupt, shameless and bloodless the dear leader. The governor has proposed capping the Med- County Executive George Latimer testified in Al- scumbag hacks. Whether Bernie is personally coordinating icaid increase that the state will pay at 3 percent, bany. “Covering this cost will mean that roads, One pro-Sanders account tweeted that “slave this effort make absolutely no difference to the and anything above that, county governments services, and most importantly our taxpayers will masters” had coerced the support of the party’s facts on the ground. No other candidate has any- would be required to pay themselves. “So they suffer… When we first heard of the Medicaid Re- national director, who is African-American. Three thing like this sort of digital brownshirt brigade. I have a financial incentive and a financial disincen- design Team we were eager to be a part of it and days after the endorsement, a WFP spokeswoman mean, except for Donald Trump. tive,” he said. work to root out corruption and waste, but I’m con- tweeted a screenshot of one message that wished Jim Vespe About $77 billion of Cuomo’s proposed $178 cerned about the deadlines this team has and the she and her colleagues would “all get cancer you Mamaroneck billion budget plan is to pay for the Medicaid pro- task in general, as it seems unrealistic to find $2.5 gram. The costs for Medicaid are split between the billion in savings by April 1. federal, state and local governments. Last year, “And let’s be very clear, it is unfair to suggest Medicaid costs in the state increased by 7 percent, that counties have control over Medicaid rules, ex- and have been increasing at a yearly rate higher tent of benefits and the majority of increase costs. than 2 percent. Westchester County is not to blame for rising Med- While most of Medicaid’s costs are for the icaid costs. It has been estimated that this could poor, some middle-class and upper-middle-class cost counties outside $200 million. seniors are able to protect their assets through a Specifically, here in Westchester County, the num- Medicaid Trust, and then collect the benefits of bers are alarming.” home care through Medicaid. Latimer said Westchester would have to pay Another reason for increased Medicaid costs $5.6 million more in 2021 and $7.8 million more in New York is the expansion of the Affordable in 2022 in increased Medicaid costs if Westchester Care Act (Obamacare), which was expanded in County would have to pay a 3 percent local share NYS through Medicaid. Now, 95 percent of New of increased Medicaid costs, if the growth contin- Yorkers have medical coverage. ues at a 5 percent rate. Cuomo and the state budget office estimate “Westchester County cannot afford this,” he that $4 billion of the $6 billion shortfall is due to said. “The state and federal government set rules Medicaid. for Medicaid eligibility, while New York counties “We must correct for cost increases incurred play a role in enrolling and checking the assets of when local governments were held harmless by older adults and people with disabilities. We can- this state for Medicaid increases,” said Cuomo. not magically keep costs down. “We’re paying $177 million on behalf of Erie, “The bottom line is our county has an aging $175 million on behalf of Westchester, $2 billion population and they are choosing to stay in West- on behalf of the City of New York to cover local chester and live here. We must help them and pro- costs. It is too easy to write a check when you don’t tect them. We cannot have cuts impact our most sign it.” defenseless and we cannot have these cuts ban- Budget watchdogs applauded Cuomo for con- daged up by local property taxpayers.” fronting the Medicaid problem, but said it would Yonkers, and its stakeholders, have already be a mistake to force local governments to pay a begun the process of lobbying in Albany to let ev- greater share of the costs. New York is one of the eryone know that Yonkers is entitled to, and de- few states that compels its local governments to serves more state aid – specifically in education kick in for Medicaid. funding. Spano, members of the City Council, YPS Those budget watchdogs said it’s smarter Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada, members of to cut costs because increased spending on items the Board of Education, teachers and students have like home care is at the root of the problem. “The all met with the leaders of the Assembly, State Sen- state needs to control the costs and not shift the ate and governor’s office to make the case. costs to local governments,” said Bill Hammond, Spano’s state of the city address, scheduled a health care analyst with the Empire Center for March 25, is usually the time when the city has Public Policy. analyzed its finances and has an idea about the up- Hammond added that there’s a “conflict of in- coming budget for fiscal year 2021, which begins terest” because local government officials are less July 1. CHARTERCHARTER SCHOOL SCHOOL OF OF EDUCATIONALEDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE

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January 8, 2020 9:00amJanuary 8, 2020 9:00am enero 8, 2020 a Daniellas J. Murphy,9:00enero am 8, 2020 a las 9:00 am Publisher & Editor in Chief We are accepting new student Estamos aceptando [email protected] applications for Grades K-9 solicitudes para los grados K-9

January 23, 2020 4:30pmJanuary 23, 2020 4:30pm enero 23, 2020Bayan Baker,a lasAssistantenero to4:30 Editor-in-Chief 23,pm 2020INFORMATIONAL a las SESSIONS: 4:30 pm SESIONES INFORMATIVAS: [email protected] November 19, 2019 9:00am noviembre 19, 2019 a las 9:00 am WeDecember are accepting 12, 2019 new 2:00pm student diciembreEstamos 12, 2019 aceptando a las 2:00 pm applicationsJanuary 8, 2020for Grades 9:00am K-9 solicitudesenero 8, 2020 para losa las grados 9:00 am K-9 February 13, 2020 4:30pmFebruary 13, 2020 4:30pm febrero 13, 2020Paul Gerken,a las Advertisingfebrero 4:30 Sales 13,pm 2020 a las 4:30 pm [email protected] January 23, 2020 4:30pm enero 23, 2020 a las 4:30 pm INFORMATIONALFebruary 13, 2020 SESSIONS: 4:30pm SESIONESfebrero 13, 2020 INFORMATIVAS: a las 4:30 pm NovemberMarch 4, 19, 2020 2019 9:00am 9:00am noviembremarzo 19, 4 a2019 las 9:00 a las am 9:00 am March 4, 2020 9:00amMarch 4, 2020 9:00am marzo 4 a laslegal 9:00 notice inquiries amto marzo 4December a las 12, 2019 9:00 2:00pm am diciembre 12, 2019 a las 2:00 pm March 19, 2020 5:00pm marzo 19, 2020 a las 5:00 pm [email protected] January 8, 2020 9:00am enero 8, 2020 a las 9:00 am APPLICATIONJanuary DEADLINE: 23, 2020 April 4:30pm 1, 2020 4:00pm Fecha enerolímite 23, para 2020 entregar a las las 4:30 solicitudes pm es marzo 19, 2020 a lasmarzo 5:00 19,pmLOTTERY 2020February DATE: 13, April 2020a 14,las 4:30pm 2020 5:009:00am pm febreroabril 1,13, 2020 2020 a lasa las 4:00 4:30 pm pm March 19, 2020 5:00pmMarch 19, 2020 5:00pm March 4, 2020 9:00am marzo 4 a las 9:00 am El sorteo de lotería se llevará a cabo en Member of the New York For an Marchapplication 19, 2020 or more 5:00pm information marzo 19, 2020 a las 5:00 pm Press Association abril 14, 2020 a las 9:00 am 914--815--1388 please call 25 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, APPLICATION914-476-5070 DEADLINE: April Ext. 41, 2020 4:00pm FechaPara límite obtener para informacionentregar las solicitudes llame al es NY 10701 www.risingmediagroup.com LOTTERY DATE: April 14, 2020 9:00am abril914-476-5070 1, 2020 a las 4:00Ext. 4 pm APPLICATION DEADLINE:APPLICATION April 1, DEADLINE: 2020 4:00pm April 1, 2020Fecha 4:00pm límite para entregarFecha las límite solicitudes paraFor anentregar application es or more information las solicitudes El sorteo dees lotería se llevará a cabo en abril 14, 2020 a las 9:00 am Yonkers Rising - USPS Permit #7164 “We aim to inspire,please call motivate and instill a love for learning in all children” is published weekly by Rising Media Group, LLC 25 Warburton Ave., Yonkers, 914-476-5070 Ext. 4 Para obtener informacion llame al LOTTERY DATE: AprilLOTTERY 14, 2020 DATE: 9:00am April 14, 2020 9:00am abril 1, 2020 a lasN.Y. 107014:00abril pm 1, 2020 a las 4:00 pm 914-476-5070 Ext. 4 Periodicals Postage Paid • Yonkers, N.Y. POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Rising Media Group, LLC, “We aim to inspire, motivate and instill a love for learning in all children” For an application or Formore an information application or more informationEl sorteo de lotería25 Warburtonse llevaráEl Ave., Yonkers, sorteo N.Y. a 10701 cabo de lotería en se llevará a cabo en please call please call abril 14, 2020 a las 9:00abril am 14, 2020 a las 9:00 am 914-476-5070 Ext.914-476-5070 4 Ext. 4 Para obtener informacionPara obtenerllame al informacion llame al 914-476-5070 Ext.914-476-5070 4 Ext. 4 “We aim to inspire,“We motivateaim to inspire, and instill motivate a love and for instill learning a love in allfor children”learning in all children”