The City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs · 50+ SPORTS & FITNESS CATALOG · November 2014 to November 2015 REGISTRATION Begins Dec. 8, 2015 NOVEMBER 2014 - NOVEMBER 2015 505-880-2800 Richard J. Berry, Mayor Jorja Armijo-Brasher, Director Citizen Contact Center: 311 2 The City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs 50+ SPORTS & FITNESS CATALOG November 2014 to November 2015 Be Active, Stay Active! City of Albuquerque long-term health benefi ts new friends, and off er new Richard J. Berry, Mayor regardless of your age. experiences that you may It helps prevent chronic have thought were impossi- diseases, controls weight, ble. Remember, you are only The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program is operated by the City of Albuquerque, promotes strong bone, as old as you think you feel. Department of Senior Affairs, Recreation Division; with partial funding muscle, and joint develop- Therefore, I encourage you from the Area Agency on Aging. The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program headquarters is located at the Palo Duro 50+ Sports & Fitness Center at ment, and builds overall to take a look through this 3351 Monroe NE. The program designs and implements activities to keep strength and endurance. 50+ Sports & Fitness catalog adults aged 50+ active and healthy. I challenge you to exceed and fi nd an activity or class the expectations and that can help you improve Inquiries may be directed to Joel Mahoney, Program Supervisor, at 505- the societal limitations your health and allow you to 880-2800 or
[email protected] of aging by trying a new stay productive, strong and Jorja Armijo-Brasher, sport or fi nding a physi- vibrant throughout your Director, Department of Senior Affairs Dear Friends, cal activity that interest “Golden” years.