Magazine of the Winter 2019/20 Winter 2019/20 CONTENTS Message from the Chairperson 4 Alison Hales 30TH ANNIVERSARY SINCE 1989 The Timnehs of Sierra Leone Glanmor House, Hayle 5 WPT-supported research Cornwall TR27 4HB UK
[email protected] +44 (0)1736 751026 The Malherbe’s Parakeet 9 New Zealand’s winged gem ABOUT THE WPT WPT Africa Conservation Program Capture for the live-bird trade, 12 2019 in review habitat loss and other factors put wild parrots at risk. One in three parrot species are currently Pet Pages: threatened in the wild. 14 Why Train a Parrot? As an international leader in parrot conservation and welfare, the Paradise Park UK World Parrot Trust works Where birds inspire with researchers, in-country 16 organisations, communities and governments to encourage 20 Mshindi the Survivor: effective solutions that save parrots. Rescued Grey Parrots thriving in the wild 20 Since 1989 the WPT has grown to send a message of hope become a global force that moves quickly to address urgent issues and support long-term projects. PsittaNews Over that time WPT has led or 14 22 Parrot News and Updates aided conservation and welfare WPT Contacts projects in 43 countries for more 16 than 70 species of parrot. Parrots in the Wild Peach-faced Lovebirds CHARITY INFORMATION 24 United Kingdom: # 800944 United States: EIN 62-1561595 Canada: BN 89004 1171 RR0001 ON THE COVER Photo © Aaron Fellmeth Photography Also known as the Orange-fronted Parakeet, the Malherbe’s Parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi) is listed as Critically Endangered (IUCN) in its native southern New Zealand, with fewer than 300 individuals left in the Editor: Desi Milpacher wild.