Official Journal
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THE CITY R CORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XXIV. Fb1' VORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1896. NUMBER 7,112. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. The stairs approaching the elevated stations, on account of the necessities of construction, are STATED .MEETING. not all at the same angle and are sometimes broken by a platform is the middle of the rise, so that TUESDAY, September 22, 1896, 2 o'clock P. v1. the mere description in the statute, if the resolution became a law, would give greater facilities to The Board net in Room 16, City Hall ` ome stands than to others. ['RESENT : Again, the tesolulion should be so amended as to provide that, while only papers and periodi- 1-Ion. John Jeroloman, President. I cals may be sold, tile license to be granted should he upon the express conditi,,n that the privileg, John P. iVindolph, Vice-Pre,ident, Aldermen Nicholas T. Brown, Thomas M. Campbell, I is to be exercised in person by the licensee, and that there shall he no right of assigning suct~ William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, I-rank J. Goodwin, Joseph T. privilege, and that upon its being so assigned, or the privilege being use l by any per,on other th;,,~ Hackett, jereniaii Kennchcic, Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Mull, John J. the licensee, it becomes void. Murphy, John '1'. Oakley, (ohn J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcolt, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Again, the resolution should be further so amended as to require the consent f the abuttin. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William 'I ait, Frederick A. Ware, 1 property-owners or lessees for the erection of the stands referred to, and to require that uo cum Charles Wine.,, Collin 11. Woodward, Jacob C. \\•mid. i pensation shall have been or be received for such consent. W. L. STRONG, \layor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. I AN ORDINANCE to regulate the use of the sidewalks of the streets of the City „f New Viii underneath the stair a leading to the stations of the elevated railroads for stands for the sale MESSAGES FROM IIIS HONOR THE', MAYOR. newspapers and periodicals. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York do ordain as follow, CITY OF NEW YORK—OFFICE OF THI: MAYOR, September 14, 1896. 7' the 110noiable t/7 e Section I. Any person desiring to erect a stand underneath the stairs of the elevated railroad /?~ urrt of Alder men stations for the sale of ne+vspapers and periodicals shall File an application in the office of the Clerk I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body, adopted Septembe r of the Board of Aldermen, in which the applicant shall state (t) his name and residence ; (2) that 3, 1896, permitting the New York Turn Verein Bloomingdale to erect a show window at Nos. 955- he is a citizen of the United States ; (3) the locatiu desired for such stand. 919 Eighth avenue. Sec. 2. At the last meeting of the Board of Aldermen in each and every month it shall he The diagram attached to the accompanying resolution shows that the proposed show-windo w the duty of so:id Clerk to transmit thereto all such applications received and filed, which shall then i, designed to project twelve (I2) inches b.yond the building-line oil Eighth avenue. It would and there be referred to the Committee on Law Itcpaitment ; which committee, at the first iueeting thus occupy a portion of the street and be an encroachment beyond the authority of the Board of f of the Board in the following month, shall report its decision ill each case separately. .\ldermen to grant, as expressed iu the opinion of the Counsel to the Corporation, under date of Sec. 3. Iu case the Board shall approve the location of the stand at any place or places men- 5, 1896. W. L. STRONG, Mayor. tioned in such report, it shall pass It separate resolution for each location of the stand ; (2) shat it shall Resolved, That permission he and the same is hereby given to The New York Toni Verein not exceed the height of over seven feet nor he wider than the width of the stairs under which it is Bloomingdale to place, erect and keep a show-window in front of their premises, Nos. 915, 9 I 7 and placed ; (3) that said stands shall be constructed, elected and maintained at the applicant's expense, 919 Eighth avenue, as shown upon the accompanying diagram, the work to be done at their own under the direction of the Connntssioner of Public Works, upon plans to be approved by the Chief r.speuse, nuclei the direction of the Ccunmi,sioner of Public \Yorks ; such oermission to continue Engineer of the Manhattan Railway Company, Si) as to permit of a ready removal of so much limy during the pleasure of the Common Council. thereof as may be necessary to enable the said company, its agents or employees, to get convenient Which was laid over, or_lered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY access to the under part of said stairways for the iuspectioii, painting or repairing thereof ; and (4) R ECORD. shall be painted the same color as the stairs of the elevated road, and no advertisement shall be The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor painted or displayed thereon ; and (;l that the permission shall continue only for the period of one CITY OP NESS' VuRK—OF1ICE of THE slAYOR, September 16, 1896. 7' the 1lonczabte the year; (6) an annual license fee of ten (I llars shall be charged on the granting of the permit by the Board o/ ~Ildee/ecu : Mayor for stands under the steps of the elevated railroad as above provided. ( EN I LEVn•aN-1 return herewith, for amendment, resolution of vour Honorable Body calling for Sec.4. Every permit granted pursuant to this ordinance shall contain the following reser- the laying of waler-mains iu [cfler.on avenue, from Kingsbridge road to One hundred and Eighty-first vation : street, on the ground of the report of the (,ommissioncr of Public Works that the street should be °' It is expressly agreed and understood that this permit is ,„iVen subject to the right of the graded and a sewer laid before water-mains are laid. Manhattan Railway Company, its agents, empl„yeos, successors, or assign,, or the owner of said Respectfully yours, AV. L. STRONG, Mayor. stairway, at any tinie properly to inspect, paint, repair, renew, reconstruct or remove of said stair- Resolved, That water-mains be laid in Jefferson avenue, from Kingsbricige road to One IIuu- way, or any portion thereol, and without claim on the part of said licensee as against said company, dred and Eighty-first street, in accordance with section 356 of the New York City Consolidation its agents, emplocees, successors or assigns, or the owner of said stairway, for damages to, or inter- Act of ,882. ferei ce with, said booth or staid, or the business therein conducted, occasioned by such inspec, ion, Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in lull in the CITY painting, repair, renewal, reconstruction, or removal.” 1, ECORD. See. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the Cl iv CITY ur• NEW YunK—OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, September 15, 1896. 7o the Honorable the RECORD. /,'raid o/ 4/dernrwz REPORTS. GENTLEMEN I return herewith, for amendment, resolution of your Honorable Body to lay (GO. 1033.) water-mains iu West h:unls road, from West Farms to Classon avenue, on the ground of the report The Committee on Law Department, to whom was referred the annexed proposed ordinance ul the Cummis..iuuer of Public AV'ork., that it would he impracticable to carry out this resolution in favor of prohibiting the diiviug of vehicles through the streets, avenues and thoroughfares of the bec alltiPause. tf le Ie " .ale ie cot;o ~ titer-tnalns tocon connec ect t wail for a supply of water to \\vest harms road, from City of New York, where sick persons are confined, respectfully \\ vest Farms to Classon avenue. Respectfully. W. L. STRONG, Mayor. R 1-:1'O R'l' : Resolved, That water-mains be laid in West Farm, road, from \Vest Fauns to Classon ave- That, having examined the subject, the •5 believe the proposedI 1 ordinance to lie in the generalgeneral ,tue, as provided in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. of the public weifart. 'Igey lhcrcioie iccmmend that the saidordinance be adopted. Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and publi hed in full in the CITY 'Ihe Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of N,w York do ordain as follows : Sictioil t. 'Irtickiticit, express men and drivers of vehicles of any and all kinds and character The A'resident laid before the Board the following message From his Honor the Mayor are prohibited from the toe of any street, avenue or highway in the City of New York within ttvo Cryv OF NEW YORK—OFF tCl•: OF THE MAYOR, September 15, 1896. 7b the Honorable the blocks in any direction of any residence or building in which are confined any person or pcisouc horrrrl of Alderumen who may be sick, and to whom the Board of Police, under the condition; hereinafter mentioned, GEN I LerrtEN-1 return herewith, for an endment, resolution of your Honorable Body, calling have granted the right of protection against the noises of passing vehicles.