(2015) Inset Map 7

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(2015) Inset Map 7 Issues Tra ck Pa th ( um) Pa th ( um) Gray lands Tra ck Oakleig h Hou se Path ( um) Nabot hs 108. 3m Pond Pla ntatio n Old La und ry Issues Drain Issues 79.0 m r ck Tra Gray lands Pla ntat ion 2 Pond Tanks Tra ck FB Pond Issues 1 Pond Pa th ( um) 70.6 m Pond Drain Issues Willo w Cotta ge Drain 35.7 m Pond Drain Gard ene r's Cottag e Gard ene rs Pond Pond Pond CR Tra ck Bunga low Path ( um) Pond Jalna Tra ck ck Tra Pond Mor ris's Woo d WIMLANDHI LL Five Gable s Tra ck Warnh am & ED War Bdy d Path ( um) Drain Char man s Cott age Pond North land Copse Char man s Lo dge Lodg e Geer ings Breake y Gill Drain 114.6 m Mou nt Woo d Tra ck 16 72.5 m 17 Far m 18 18 19 Drain Tra ck 20 21 Tra ck Cour tyard 69.9 m House Warnh am Lod ge Tra ck Bakeho use Copse Issues Bakeho use Bakeho use Copse Mast ( Path um) Issues Path ( um) Lower Rap elan d Planta tion Pond 93.9 m Weir Pond Tra ck Orch ard Copse The Tower Little Tra ck Pond Hurst Hill Coach House Lond on Drain The Old Tank 2 Gray lands NORTHL ANDS RO AD 1 Cox F arm Issues El Tra ck Tra ck Lodg e Sub Hurst Wood Drain Tra ck Tra ck Hayswoo d Sta Drain Horse hea d Gill 73.2 m Cox F arm Pond Geer ings Gill 108. 2m 32.3 m Tank Tra ck Issues Corial Tra ck Tra ck Kiln Fur zefie ld Cop se Tra ck Pond Issues Drain Drain Tra ck Collects Win d Pum p MAYES LANE Sig nal Post Issues (disu sed) Wells Geer ings Gill Wells Westbr ook Mor ris Woo d Ten Acre Gill Lodg e Tra ck FB 2 Pump Gray lands Lod ge 103. 9m 1 NORTHL ANDS RO AD Tra ck 83.5 m Tank Tra ck Benland RAPELANDHIL L Cottag es Drain 85.5 m 66.0 m 76.4 m ROAD Well Hurst ck Tra Upper Westb roo k F arm Drain Pond 79.0 m Wood Tra ck BOGNOR Horsham DistrictRiver Planning Framework (2015) LB Tra ck North Pond Tank Little L ond on Hill Pond Tra ck RUSPERROAD Pound Corn er GP DORKING ROAD Tra ck Tank Ponds Pond CR Westbr ook Drain ck Tra 37.7 m Hall Pond 74.4 m Hawksbo urn e Woo d Pond 74.1 m Benland Wood CR Little 62.9 m Pond ED & War d Bdy Westbr ook ROWIMLAND AD OLDHOL BROOK Budd's Co pse Chicken 's Gill CR (excluding South DownsWest-Bro ok National Park) Budd's Co pse Lea Path ( um) 80.6 m Warre n Tra ck Sands Wood Tra ck Tra ck Pond Path ( um) LANGHURSTWOO DROAD Tra ck 39.6 m Pond Drain Ponds Pond Lower Chicke ns F ar m Drain Pond FB 59.3 m Pond Cedar F arm Tra ck Bush Cop se Boldings Brook Pond Holbro ok G ill ED & WarED Bdy d Rats Plan tation Tra ck Pond Drain Pond Little AL14 Bakeho use Brick Work s Copse Pond ´ Andre w's Gill Drain Old Hawk esbo urn e F arm Inset Map 7 - Horsham & Linda le Cot tage Drain Weir 76.1 m Pond Pa th ( um) Hawkesb our ne Pond Pond Sands F ar m Ciderm ill Fa rm Pond House 2 1 Cottag es The Dairy Ponds Pond Cases Yar d Mor ris F arm Pond Pa th ( um) Pond 53.9 m Pond Tra ck Cider Mill F arm Pond Leas ide Co ttag e The Gra nar y 36.9 m Path ( um) Gard en Cotta ge Pond Drain Drain Broadbridge Heath 85.8 m Silo Old Hawk esbo urn e Durr ants Sla ught er Pond 72.3 m Tra ck Drain Path ( um) Bridge Pond Tra ck Gree nbr oom Cop se Tra ck 2 Pond Budd's F ar m 1 Path( um) Pond Tra ck Sig nal 69.6 m 56.9 m Post Man or Ho me 4 Drain Gray lands 3 Budds F ar mh ouse 38.1 m Pond Far m Co ttag es Moa t Drain Copse Clonm el Pond Drain Pond Mor ris Co ttag es Pond Spring Benson 's Cotta ge Pond Bramb lehu rst 57.2 m Tra ck Scale 1:10000 Pond Oak Co ttag e 2 Tra ck GP 1 THREESTILE CO RNER Pond Drain Tra ck 89.9 m 69.4 m Rowhoo k 67.4 m Man or 86.9 m Issues Pond Beasleys Copse Lang hur st Pond Seagr aves Copse Conycr oftWo od 39.3 m Pond Tra ck Moa t Cott age Pond Rapela nds Far m Tra ck 55.6 m 70.3 m Knob Co ttag e THREEST ILE Wealdo n Pond ROAD El Holbro ok Plan tatio n Drain Sewage Path ( um) Works Tra ck 78.5 m Mast (Tele com mun ication ) 65.4 m The Castle BENSON'S LANE Tra ck Drain Earthwo rk Old M ano r ED & War d Bdy Drain TIL LETTS LANE Midsu mm er Ponds KNO B HI LL Barn Tra ck Andre w's Fa rm CR Pond Mea dowvie w Cuckme re Fa rm Pond Cottag e FBs Ponds North land s Tra ck Path ( um) Cottag e Pond 55.9 m Hayba rn Tra ck Tra ck 71.5 m Cuckme re Tra ck The Bung alow Cottag e Bunga low Southla nds 70.3 m Tra ck Gray lands Cottag e Drain Ponds Far m 63.3 m Sta ble Co ttag e Pond 47.4 m Benson 's House Oakr idge A 2 4 Drain Pond Far m ST AT ION Warnh am 1 Gray lands A 2 9 Pond ROAD Issues Cottag es KNO B HI LL Sta tion 2 Castle Co pse Pond Path ( um) A 2 4 Gray lands BENSON'S Tra ck A 2 9 Lowoo d Ponds Fro g a nd Nig htgo wn THREEST ILE RO AD LANE North End Ho use (PH) 64.9 m Subway 34 34 Sta tion Drain Beasleys Copse 39.4 m 45.6 m KNO B HI LL Path ( um) LB Drain Spruce field Benson 's Dairy F ar m Far m Tra ck Robinsg ree n Knob Hill GP ST AT ION ROAD Spruce field Drain 46.0 m 18 Royal O ak Cot tage Corn er SP 13 Mast Wall House 8 Holbro ok Holbro ok Co ttag e 32 6 Drain Hawtho rns 60.2 m 67.3 m 30 2 1b FB Castle Co pse Path ( um) 1a 1 Holbro ok Pond Ponds Nurse ry GP 48.5 m LANGHURSTWOOROAD D Gram er y TCB LB 48.8 m Dairy Bar n 49.2 m Villag e Gr een MERCER ROAD STATION ROAD Path ( um) Tockho les Tasma n Gara ge Drain The Old MS School 7 Pond HDPF POLICY SD1 8 10 9 The Gar den Lo dge Path ( um) Gate 58.8 m Sin gle The Schoo l House Cross Park Pond 26 Moa t Water Holbro ok 59.9 m Police FB Path ( um) Pa th ( um) Tra ck 5 House 50.9 m Holbro ok Par k Moa thou se F ar m 38.1 m 7 1 to 6 Pond Apple G arth 18 Issues 76 Pond to The Pond CR SP 82 Cottag e Tra ck 53a Post SCHO OL HIL L 57 64 Shelter 52 7 53 to 55 to 74 Swim ming 62 13 The Gra nar y Weston s Pool Far mb rick Park View Fair den e 8 1 Benson 's Far m Pondta il Far m 2 50 53.6 m Cottag es Drain Path ( um) 33 Drain 47.7 m MP 35 2 54.1 m FREEMAN ROAD Warnh am C of E GP Weston s 66.3 m Pond 17 13 Little Clo ver Primar y Scho ol Pla ce 1 55.7 m The 1 15 33.7 5 LANGHURSTWOO D ROAD Param oun t Sussex O ak 54.7 m 11 3 Ponds Cottag e (PH) 2 23 Baxter s 10 BELL ROAD Issues Drain BELL ROAD CR 12 SEE INSETPath MAP 20 40 Tra ck Boldings Brook Moa ted House Fa rm 29 Bell Cotta ge RUSPER ROAD 7 El Sub Sta 81.7 m Power's Bar n 13 18 Pond 20 58.8 m House Pond OLD HOL BROOK 8 Issues Path ( um) 1 Owlscastle Barn TIL LETTS LANE 6 23 13 April Vica rag e 18 Redfe athe rs Pavilion Cottag e GREGSONS Owlscastle 2 ROAD Fro gm ore 15 1 to 6 Far m 1 LUCAS Reeds Post Squirr els Issues 38 ROWHOOK ROAD 36 2 (PH) The Gleb e Pla ntatio n The Cher ry T re e Far ebr oth ers CR 10 TCB War St Mar gar et's 34 35 20 7 to 16 Mem oria l Cottag e 48.5 m Tra ck 33 Chur ch Issues 51 El Sub Sta 53 Bush Cop se 1 55 31 CR Cricket Gro und LB Def ED & War d Bdy BUSH L ANE 63 PO Pond 6 TCB Abbotsle a 41 20 Bush Cop se Brook 35 House Tra ck 10 Warnh am Und 60.2 m WIMLAND RO AD Lime kiln 22 2 13 Casam and a Pla t Cops e GARDENERS CLO SE 16 Newden ne House Brook Barn 26 21 30 Glebe 12 Pond 23 13 25 End BUSH L ANE 28 7 21 11 21 Home Fa rm Sin ks Chann ells Bro ok Pla ygro und Holland 14 1 19 24 ED & War d Bdy HOLLANDS House 8 44 Tann ers Villag e Path ( um) CH 21 42 CR Chann ell's Broo k 13 Hall Kin g's 40 WAY 10 Post 12 Pa th ( um) Weston s 19 13 1 Far m Ho use Pond 3 Cottag es Berhe ley's Sunnyb roo k Fa rm CHURCH STREET Lay- by The Red Reede s Lay- by 1 Rookfie ld Little 2 CR 9 House Bunga low Tra ck Tra ck 9 Ste ward s Hou se Daux A 2 64 BRO OK LANE 2 Ramb lers Tank Allot men t Ga rde ns 1 56.6 m Chann ells Bro ok Def Pond Ramb lers En d Clu b Path ( um) A 2 64 Pond WYVERN PLACE Orch ard House 16 MP Sewage 8 36 RUSPER ROAD Warnh am 2 Rif le Club 27 35.2 5 Pumpin g 14 27 Tra ck Newma ns 76 25 Pond ED & War d Bdy Man or Sta tion 3 78 River Weirme ad Shaw 2 32 Cottag e 66 5 57.6 m 4 36 31 A 2 64 North GP Path Mast s Rivende ll 56 64.2 m 1to2 3 44 28 DURFOL D ROAD TCB WESTO NS CLOSE 15to 32 42 3 49.2 m Sl LB 1 Br ook Lane 64 STANF ORD O RCHARD 44 ED & War d Bdy 5 22 9 15 13 Posts 33 DORKING ROAD 1 67 63 35 18 1 57 48 Issues 51.4 m Pond 17 23 CR Pond 50 1 27 THE F ORGE St Mar gar ets 14 FB A 2 64 Pond 49 42 52 Pa th ( um) Pa th ( um) 26 1 FRIDAY ST REET 34 Gree nlea s 29 PH 37 5to8 Pond Mayf ield 3 24a FARM 22 DURFOL D ROAD DURFOL D ROAD 49.7 m 33 26 24 3 Flee twood Lo dge 29 22a CLOSE 3 2 El 22 58 Tra ck 4 58b 18 60 8 7 FB Sub Sta 11 1 19 El Sub 36 Pla y Area 26 33 Kin gsley 14 19 37 Clyst Haye s 12 23 19 A 2 81 4 Lane End The Pines 30 A 2 64 51.5 m 1 13 6 Grea t 15 13 9 20 Drain 35 66 58.1 m 5 Daux Bryher 32 Wa rd Bd y BRO OK LANE Tenn is Squirr els 31.4 m PONDTAIL DRIVE 56.9 m 14 SKYLARK VIEW 10 GP Cour ts Fallo w House 30 Park F arm 4 Ble ncath ra Minu sone Bir chwoo d 1 GP 2 24 Sla ught er Br idge Ends Place Fa rm 7 27 TUGG LES 9 4 Beech Ho use 12 10 Thu rswell 5 9 Issues Rose Co ttag e 153 Bank Cot tage Roebu ck Hou se 153A FB A 2 64 3 PL AT 8 33 1 63.5 m 4 Path ( um) NUTHATCH WAY Beechfie ld 8 10 1 5 12 1 5 Drain 59.3 m GP 64.3 m ED & War d Bdy Mile Post Chann ells Bro ok 5 Banesto 13 6 Pla ygro und 1 46 12 26 CR GREENF INCH WAY 47 Pla ying F ield Bailin g Hill 6 7 28 Dutche lls Cops e Pavilion Lodg e Pond 42 14 43 10 House Rose Co ttag es 18 77.8 m Barnb ridg e Cot tage Cottag e 155 8 HAYBARN 28A 14 Oakhu rst Pond 12 23 42 Pla ying F ield 6 2 7 Beechwo od BUL LFI NCH CLOSE Rise 9 7 Drain BAKEHOUSE BARN CL OSE 1 32 Nutfield 1 CLOSE 159 Fair fold A 2 64 24 21 10 27 NORTHL ANDS RO AD 39 53 A 2 4 36 Wa rd Bd y CRAWLEY ROAD 11 18 Path ( um) Ballyfear d 1 1 The Dower Hou se Drain CLOVERS WAY 3 Tra ck Willo ws Tra ck 10 PONDTAIL ROAD 20 Oakcr oft 1 25 A 2 64 Drain A 2 64 11 14 House 54 33 Clover s Pla y Drain CHAFFI NCH Path ( um) 29 65 29 12 Ends Place 18 10 Sla ught erb ridg e Hou se Bushcro ft GOLDF INCH 151 66 Sub 11 28 Beechwo od WREN CL OSE 163 Drain 56.7 m PO NDTAIL ROAD Ward Bd y Cottag es The Banks 161 Dalquie th Barn 12 13 2 28 14 15 55 5 32 57 20 Lodg e 69 LB 35 61 8 29.5 m 18 31 5 13 37 28 Leve l 41 24 CLOSE 23 PARK FARM Ryder 's Fa rm Crossin g 5 PARK FARM CL OSE 23 58 Drain 13 52.0 m 24 6 147 5 4 2 ROPEL AND WAY 2 26 19 68.2 m 33 7O 20 2 15 3 35 THE CASTLE 1 15 18 1 7 1 5 WINTERBOURNE Path ( um) 14 & Re cre ation Cent re 87 85 ROBERT WAY 12 14 1 Pond 84 The 22 El Sub Sta El Sub Sta ll Pla ygro und 88 MP 35.
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