Corrigé Corrected
Corrigé Corrected CR 2018/12 International Court Cour internationale of Justice de Justice THE HAGUE LA HAYE YEAR 2018 Public sitting held on Wednesday 27 June 2018, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Yusuf presiding, in the case concerning Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates) ____________________ VERBATIM RECORD ____________________ ANNÉE 2018 Audience publique tenue le mercredi 27 juin 2018, à 10 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Yusuf, président, en l’affaire relative à l’Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale (Qatar c. Emirats arabes unis) ________________ COMPTE RENDU ________________ - 2 - Present: President Yusuf Vice-President Xue Judges Tomka Abraham Bennouna Cançado Trindade Gaja Sebutinde Bhandari Robinson Crawford Gevorgian Salam Judges ad hoc Cot Daudet Registrar Couvreur - 3 - Présents : M. Yusuf, président Mme Xue, vice-présidente MM. Tomka Abraham Bennouna Cançado Trindade M. Gaja Mme Sebutinde MM. Bhandari Robinson Crawford Gevorgian Salam, juges MM. Cot Daudet, juges ad hoc M. Couvreur, greffier - 4 - The Government of the State of Qatar is represented by: Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi, Legal Adviser to H.E. the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, as Agent; Mr. Donald Francis Donovan, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, member of the Bar of New York, Lord Peter Goldsmith, Q.C., Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, member of the Bars of England and Wales and Paris, Mr. David W. Rivkin, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, member of the Bar of New York, Ms Catherine Amirfar, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, member of the Bar of New York, Mr.
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