TapTap herehere toto openopen mainmain applicationapplication TapTap herehere toto toggletoggle (switch(switch betweembetweem visibevisibe .menu. andand hiddenhidden state)state) mainmain applicationapplication UI.UI. LongLong presspress (tap(tap && hold)hold) whenwhen UIUI isis onon screenscreen toto pinpin (lock)(lock) it.it.

TapTap herehere toto openopen gallerygallery screenscreen toto managemanage youryour projects.projects.

You can long press (tap & hold) on any to reveal with its name.

TapTap herehere toto openopen canvascanvas menumenu (allow(allow SelectSelect tooltool byby tappingtapping onon oneone ofof thethe aboveabove icons.icons. WhenWhen newnew canvascanvas levellevel modificationmodification likelike resize,resize, tooltool isis selectedselected additonaladditonal optionsoptions willwill appearappear onon leftleft side.side. flipflip etc.).etc.). TappingTapping onceonce againagain onon selectedselected tooltool willwill openopen itsits configurationconfiguration panelpanel (if(if any).any).

AvailableAvailable toolstools (in(in order):order): ●● PaintPaint brushbrush ●● EraserEraser ●● SmudgeSmudge ●● PaintPaint bucketbucket (fill)(fill) ●● SelectionSelection

TapTap herehere toto openopen layerslayers panel,panel, longlong presspress (tap(tap && hold)hold) whenwhen layerslayers panelpanel isis openedopened toto pinpin itit toto screen.screen.

You can long press (tap & hold) on any icon to reveal tooltip with its name.

TapTap toto openopen colorcolor selectionselection panel.panel. DragDrag toto activateactivate colorcolor picker.picker.

SizeSize (or(or tolerencetolerence whenwhen usingusing paintpaint bucked)bucked) .slider. QuicklyQuickly adjustadjust tooltool currentcurrent tooltool properties.properties.

FlowFlow (or(or opacityopacity whenwhen usingusing paintpaint bucket)bucket) slider.slider.

HSVHSV colorcolor wheel.wheel. LongLong presspress (tap(tap && hold)hold) toto undockundock floatingfloating colorcolor wheelwheel

CurrentlyCurrently selectedselected color.color. CanCan bebe drageddraged toto quickquick palettepalette toto savesave forfor laterlater useuse

FloatingFloating palette.palette. DragDrag palettepalette fromfrom colorcolor panelpanel toto canvascanvas toto undockundock itit forfor quickquick accessaccess toto frequentlyfrequently usedused colors.colors. DragDrag itit toto deletedelete spotspot toto removeremove fromfrom screen.screen. TapTap herehere toto addadd newnew layer.layer.

TapTap onon layerlayer thumbnailthumbnail toto openopen layerlayer properties.properties. LongLong presspress (tap(tap && hold)hold) toto reorderreorder layerslayers byby drag’n’drop.drag’n’drop. TapTap onon eyeeye iconicon toto changechange layerlayer visibilityvisibility andand onon padlockpadlock toto locklock transparency.transparency.

ApplyApply changeschanges toto blendingblending propertiesproperties

LayerLayer clipclip groupgroup createcreate andand releaserelease

LayerLayer blendblend modemode controlcontrol (tap(tap toto openopen list).list).

LayerLayer actions.actions.

ImportImport imageimage oror photo.photo. NoteNote thatthat imageimage isis nownow importedimported intointo currentcurrent layerlayer (not(not newnew oneone asas itit usedused toto be).be). TapTap toto selectselect activeactive brush.brush. TappingTapping onceonce againagain willwill openopen brushbrush configuration.configuration.

TapTap toto selectselect brushbrush group.group. LastLast groupgroup containscontains customcustom brushes.brushes.

TapTap toto savesave currentcurrent brushbrush settingssettings asas customcustom brush.brush.

TapTap toto resetreset brushbrush toto defaultdefault settings.settings.

ModifyModify variousvarious brushbrush properties.properties.

SelectionSelection modemode switcher.switcher.

MagicMagic wandwand selectselect regionregion basebase onon colorcolor (it(it worksworks similarsimilar toto paintpaint bucket),bucket), thisthis sliderslider cancan bebe useuse toto adjustadjust tolerance.tolerance.

Cut,Cut, copycopy && paste.paste. ActiveActive selectionselection actions.actions. OnceOnce selectedselected fragmentfragment isis cutcut oror copiedcopied itit willwill bebe storedstored inin clipboardclipboard andand cancan bebe pastedpasted ●● EndEnd (clear)(clear) selectionselection multiplemultiple times.times. ●● TransformationTransformation (move,(move, scale,scale, rotaterotate etc.)etc.) selectedselected fragmentfragment ●● GrowGrow oror shrinkshrink selectionselection (inflate(inflate byby specificspecific size)size) ●● InvertInvert selectionselection ●● SelectionSelection regionregion createcreate modemode

WhenWhen nothingnothing isis selected,selected, invertinvert selectionselection cancan bebe usedused toto quicklyquickly selectselect wholewhole layerlayer (select(select all).all).

ClearClear selectionselection shortcut.shortcut. SwipeSwipe toto endend Selection,Selection, taptap toto openopen quickquick actionsactions menu.menu. ThisThis buttonbutton isis visiblevisible eveneven whenwhen mainmain interfaceinterface isis hidden.hidden. SelectionSelection booleanboolean operation.operation.

●● ReplaceReplace (default)—new(default)—new selectionselection willwill removeremove oldold regionregion ●● Add—newAdd—new selectionselection regionregion willwill bebe mergedmerged withwith activeactive regionregion ●● Subtract—newSubtract—new selectionselection regionregion willwill cutcut outout overlapingoverlaping partpart ofof activeactive regionregion ●● Intersect—overlapingIntersect—overlaping partpart ofof newnew andand oldold regionregion willwill becomebecome newnew selectionselection regionregion ●● Exclude—regionsExclude—regions willwill bebe mergedmerged excpeptexcpept ofof overlapingoverlaping partpart whichwhich willwill bebe removedremoved fromfrom selectionselection