z z z z EVENTS ANALYSES INTERVIEWS Issue 1(172) CO%86,1(66 NNECT January-February 2017 $ආൾඋංർൺඇ&ඁൺආൻൾඋඈൿ&ඈආආൾඋർൾංඇ%ඎඅൺඋංൺ SINCE 1990 WITH ACCESS TO 100 COUNTRIES 21 000 LAWYERS 160 LAW FIRMS AT HOME WORLDWIDE COMMERCIAL & COMPANY LAW COMPETITION & ANTITRUST MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS ENERGY & RENEWABLES ADMINISTRATIVE LAW LITIGATION & ARBITRATION & PUBLIC PROCUREMENT BANKING & FINANCING LAW TAXATION & LABOR TRADEMARKS, PATENTS IT, MEDIA & TELECOMMUNICATIONS & LICENSING Legal: 500: Chambers Europe: Chambers Global: IFLR 1000: “Excellent, comprehensive “More western than others” “Innovative and practical, “They are the best and responsive services” “One of the best in Bulgaria” entirely client & business when it comes to advising investors, “Excellent – prompt, oriented” they know how the law works…” efficient and extremely knowledgeable of the local environment” e-mail:
[email protected] ∙ www.penkov-markov.eu ∙ telephone: (+359 2) 971 3935 editor's notes 1 Labor Conundrum Labor market in Bulgaria resembles a riddle, overwhelmed with opposite-side arguments in a way that whatever you say, it may well be true. There is a high percentage of youth unemployment, but at the same time big portion of highly qualiÀ ed older professionals were kicked out of the market due to their retirement age. Moreover, the labor market is not prepared for the new challenge of older workers’ needs and the pension system is increasing the retirement age. Qualitative labor shortage versus being an overqualiÀ ed professional striving to À nd a decent job, are another two sides to the story. In trying to solve the conundrum and indicate possible solutions, Business Connect assembled a medley of opinions from diverse social groups: a former minister of labor and social policy, researchers, AmCham business leaders and leaders of professional associations in the IT, outsourcing and automobile industries.