LOGOS A Gateway to Obsession Jack Matthews Jack Matthews is Distinguished Professor of English Emeritus of Ohio University, Athens, where he lives with his wife Barbara. Matthews’s latest books are The Gam- bler’s Nephew, a novel with The Etruscan Press, and A Worker’s Writebook, an e book on writing, published by The Personville Press, which is also publishing a new edi- tion of his novel, Hanger Stout, Awake! and an MP3 audio of his one-act play, An Interview With The Sphinx. Email:
[email protected] Interesting people are interesting be- de Montemayor in Thornton Wilder’s The cause they are interested, and the utmost Bridge Of San Luis Rey … and then there’s of being interested is obsession. As there Gulley Jimson, the protagonist of Joyce are many degrees of obsession, there Cary’s novel, The Horse’s Mouth. Gulley are many sorts, such as preoccupations Jimson is a lying, conniving, cheating with sex, golf, poker, baseball, the stock and thoroughly disreputable cad, and market … and so on, to the limits of the yet, as a painter, he is obsessed with see- imagination, and even beyond. The gate- ing—which transforms him into some- ways to these realms of obsession are thing of a hero. many and various, and are fascinating to It is evident that personal memoirs oc- contemplate. Most are beyond the under- cupy a special place in these obsessions, standing of those who have not gained for by definition a memoirist stands with entrance, because it is hard for outsiders one leg in both literature and life.