NEWSLETTER No. 449 July 2015 150TH ANNIVERSARY LOCAL HEROES EXHIBITIONS s part of the programme to celebrate the of the Society’s work in providing mathematical A150th Anniversary, the London Mathematical resources and outreach across the UK during its Society is pleased to be sponsoring Local Heroes Anniversary Year. Exhibitions at Dundee (22 August to 1 November), These exhibitions are aimed at the general Tenby (7 September to 23 October), Carrickfer- public, and we encourage LMS members and their gus (26 September to 31 October), Lincoln Uni- friends and family to visit to learn more about the versity Library and Lincoln Cathedral (5 July to 6 history of mathematics in their area. Dates and September) and Banff Museum in Scotland (dates further details of the exhibitions can be found on to be confirmed). The five exhibitions are part the LMS website at The Banff Museum will be focusing on the life and works of James Ferguson, FRS (25 April 1710 – 17 November 1776), a Scottish astronomer, instrument and globe maker. While still a small child Mr Ferguson acquired an interest in mechanics, and although already working at the age of ten - tending sheep - he was able to study the stars at night and make models of spinning-wheels and mills during the day. Largely uneducated, he ended his formal schooling at the age of seven, but pursued studies in his own time, teaching himself mathematics, mechanics, and astronomy. Ferguson moved to London in 1743 where he became a fellow of the Royal Society and one of the most successful popular lecturers of the time.
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