
Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020 Detective Movie: Pokémon Thank you for participating in our first-ever Summer Movies in the Park AT HOME series. We’ve designed a special set of activities for you – themed to match this week’s movie selection. Step 1: Decide How You Will Watch You can view movies on your TV, tablet or phone. This particular movie is available to stream on HBO, and rent on Redbox, Amazon Prime Video and On Demand. Step 2: Plan Your Activities Scroll through our activity, craft and recipe ideas to decide how you’d like to play along. Shop for any missing items on the “ingredients” list, and block time in your calendar to watch the movie with your family and friends. Step 3: Set Up Your Space Bring the outdoors inside. Set up your living room like you would at the park. Pull together your blankets and lawn chairs, or even a picnic! Step 4: Tune In The timing is up to you, but we’d love to hear from you on the Facebook event page we set up for this movie showing. We will not be streaming live, but we’ll be online and ready to engage on the movie date! Step 5: Participate in Contests for a Chance to Win Giveaways To be entered for our weekly giveaway, compliments of our title sponsor Rose SD Realty, text MOVIE to 474747 before 11:59 p.m. on event day. Your entry will also be rolled into the pool for a grand prize, once the season is over on Aug. 17, 2020. PRIVACY STATEMENT: Rose SD Realty respects your privacy and does not tolerate spam and will never sell or share your information (name, address, email, phone, etc.) to any third party.


Materials: • Yellow foam sheets in 9×12 size • Black foam sheet • Black ribbon • Glue Stick • Pikachu ear template Prep Work: 1. For each Pikachu headband you plan to make, cut a 1 1/2 inch x 12 inch yellow rectangle. 2. Print the ear template to cardstock and cut out the ear shape and the ear tip shape. Trace the left and right ears onto yellow foam sheets and cut out. Trace the right and left ear tip shapes to the black foam sheets. Cut the ribbon into 16 inch pieces, one piece for every headband. Cut the ribbon into 16 inch pieces, one piece for every headband.

3. Prior to the the children arriving, cut out all the shapes. You’ll also want to prep the band (the 1 1/2 x 12 inch strip) so the kids can easily put it together. If you just fold the end of the band in half and cut out a triangle (or circle) it will make the perfect hole to slide the ribbon through later. Do this on both ends of the strip.

Kid Assembly: 1. Have the kids glue stick the black ear tips onto the left and right ears. You’ll want each of the ears to be a mirror image of each other.

2. If the crafting kids are old enough, they can staple the ears about 8 inches apart to the inside of the headband strip, aiming to center the ears.

3. String the black ribbon through both the headband holes. Put it on the wearer’s head and tie the ribbon ends together to get the ears to stay on.

More information: https://bit.ly/3h6ySLR


More information: https://bit.ly/3hfgVeb


Materials: • Yellow Paper • Black and red pens • Scissors • Glue stick Directions: 1. Fold the square paper across the diagonal to make a triangle 2. Rotate to bring the long edge parallel, then bring the right corner up to meet the top corner. 3. Repeat with the corner. You should now have a smaller diamond with a line down the middle. 4. Open up the last two folds. 5. Folds down the top corner – only take one sheet of paper. 6. Bring the right corner back up and fold into the flap. 7. Repeat with the left corner.

More information: https://bit.ly/2OqCGuP Basic bookmark instructions with photos: redtedart.com/origami-bookmark


1. Click here to view and print the bingo cards, call sheet, and chips. Cut out and give one bingo card and a handful of poke ball chips to each player. 2. Designate a caller. The caller will randomly pick a Pokémon name from the list provided and announce it to the players. Alternatively, you can print out a second copy of the cards, cut them out, and show the selected Pokémon to the group if everyone does not know the names of the Pokémon. 3. Have players mark the square with a chip when they hear or see a Pokémon name that appears on their card. 4. Players shout "BINGO!" when they get a full line (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) or a full card. Up to you to make your fun rules!

More information: dianarambles.com/pokemon-bingo-game


What You Need: • Things to jump over, onto, or from. Interlocking foam play mats and tumbling mats are great. So are ropes, toys, cushions, and very stable pieces of furniture. • Things to crawl under or through. If you don’t already have a play tunnel, pull a sheet taut and crawl under it, army style. • Things to throw. Make a station where aim is important. Throwing is a skill very young kids can develop. • Things to balance on. An extra piece of wood in the shed can be a balance beam. So can a floorboard if everyone agrees it’s surrounded by lava. How to Play: The best way to play ‘Obstacle Course’ is by building several stations, each with their own challenge. Each player can race against the clock to see who can complete it the fastest. Embark on the course as a character from the movie on an expedition! Here’s an example of a course: 1. Balance beam. 2. Knock down all the cans. 3. Jump from block to block. 4. Ride the tricycle across the living room while making a silly face. 5. Crawl through the tunnel. 6. Drag a heavy thing past the line. 7. Walk a ping pong ball with a spoon. The individual stations can be anything and are only limited by space and imagination. You can add special challenges as kids figure out how to manage certain obstacles. Most importantly, have fun!


Poke Ball Pizza

Ingredients: • Crust options: Tortilla, English muffin, bagel, or biscuit dough (if using raw dough, cook according to package directions) • Pizza sauce • Shredded mozzarella cheese • Black olives • Pepperoni Directions: 1. Spread an even layer of pizza sauce over the crust 2. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top 3. Create the poke ball design by lining up the olives across the pizza and creating a small circle in the center 4. Lay pepperoni slices on the top half only 5. Place the pizza on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees until the cheese is melty and edges are golden brown

More information: https://bit.ly/3h908JH


Bulbasaur Fruit Punch Serving size: 1 gallon pitcher Ingredients: • 1 13oz packet Unsweetened Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid • 1 1/2 Cups Sugar • 1 12oz Can Pineapple Juice • 1 6oz can of coconut water • 1 12oz Frozen Limeade Concentrate, thawed • 1/2 liter of sparkling water • Ice Directions: 1. In your 1 gallon pitcher add 2 quarts of water. 2. Now add the Kool-aid mix and sugar and stir until well combined. 3. Add the pineapple juice, coconut water, and limeade and stir well. 4. Just before serving, add the sparkling water and ice. 5. Serve and Enjoy!

More information: https://bit.ly/2WmVy2p