UK Belleek Collectors’ Group Newsletter 25/2, September 2004 UUUUUUKKKKKK BBBBBBeeeeeelllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk CCCCCCoooooolllllllllllleeeeeeccccccttttttoooooorrrrrrssssss’’’’’’ GGGGGGrrrrrroooooouuuuuupppppp NNNNNNeeeeeewwwwwwsssssslllllleeeeeetttttttttttteeeeeerrrrrr NNNNNNuuuuuummmmmmbbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrr 222222555555//////222222 SSSSSSeeeeeepppppptttttteeeeeemmmmmmbbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrr 222222000000000000444444 The lady is of course Erin, symbolic of Ireland and the piece that characterises Bel leek Pottery more than any other. This is a detail from the figure. We all know the piece, no Belleek collector would not, it is pictured in all reference books on Belleek ware… it is a very well known piece. There is however an intriguing air of mystermysteryy about the figure, authoritiesauthorities on Belleek don’t seseemem to know who designed her or what she was really meant to represent, although the association with Belleek Pottery is self evident. So, is there any hidden meaning to Erin, or is she just the lady puttiputtingng out the washing? --- Chris Marvell Page 111 UK Belleek Collectors’ Group Newsletter 25/2, September 2004 Contacts: Chris Marvell edited and published this Newsletter. Gina Kelland will be back as Editor for the next issue after this which will be out in time for the Spring 2005 meeting, so now please let her have your contributions, comments, suggestions, letters for publication, criticisms etc. If you want, Chris is also happy to receive material for the Newsletter. If you are sending published articles please either get Copyright clearance or enclose the details of the publisher so Gina can ask for permission. Gina’s email
[email protected] Chris Marvell publishes the Newsletter (and will continue to do so), and he and Bev Marvell distribute it. Chris is also setting up a database which will form the Group’s “digital” archive, keeping a record of relevant publications and photographs (including photos etc.