Furniture-making in London c. 1700-1870: craft, design, business and labour. Kirkham, Patricia Anne The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author For additional information about this publication click this link. Information about this research object was correct at the time of download; we occasionally make corrections to records, please therefore check the published record when citing. For more information contact
[email protected] I FURNITURE-IIAKING IN LONDON c. 1700-1870: CRAFT, DESIGN, BUSINESS AND LABOUR submitted for the degree of Ph. 0. Patricia Anne Kirkham jJestfield College ,------' / R 2 ABSTRACT This thesis is a study of furniture-making in London in the years between about 1700 and 1870. The aims of the thesis are outlined in the introduction, which also explains why the years 1700-1870 were chosen. The special character of furniture-making in London, particularly its geographical location and the division between the and 'dishonourable' sectors of the trade, is discussed in the introduction. In Section A, the first two chapters cover the various crafts involved in furniture-making, the demarcations between them and the division of labour within them while Chapter 3 examines the craft training and the decline of the apprenticeship system. Section 0 deals with business organisation. Chapter 4 considers the ways in which the various crafts were brought together in firms and Chapter 5 examines the numbers employed and stock held therein.