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              !"# $% &  '!  ( %) &' *% + Memorandum

SRF No. 10834.00

To: Virgil Hawkins, PE Chad Hausmann, PE Wright County Highway Department

From: Leah Gifford, PE Eric Roerish, PE

Date: October 3, 2017

Subject: DRAFT Hydraulic Report on CSAH 17 Slope Distress North of TH 12 Bridge (86012) along the South Fork of the Crow River - City of Delano, Wright County, Minnesota

Introduction SRF Consulting Group, Inc. has completed a hydraulic analysis of the proposed slope stabilization methods as indicated in Gale-Tec Engineering’s Geotechnical Evaluation Report dated June 9, 2017 for CSAH 17 Slope Distress along the Crow River. Wright County is considering a slope stabilization project to protect approximately 200 feet of steep slope along CSAH 17 where tension cracks have formed. The South Fork of the Crow River flows north through the City of Delano and is a natural channel with wide floodplain to the west, as shown in Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Panel 2705390001C. The right bank, approximately 350 feet downstream of the US Highway 2 bridge (#86012) where the project is focused, has a steep slope as it ties into CSAH 17. In some locations, it is as steep, or steeper than 1.0 H: 1.0 V.

Existing Conditions Hydraulic Analysis A steady state HEC-RAS model was created by merging information from two existing hydraulic models and survey information gathered along CSAH 17. MnDNR provided a HEC-2 model for the South Fork of the Crow River (Wrigh30) and a HEC-RAS model representing the US 12 Bridge (#86012)DRAFT crossing built in 2007. Wright County performed a field survey in August 2017 of the river banks, river bed, and areas along CSAH 17. Three cross sections along the slope failure were extracted from the survey and added to the HEC-RAS model in the process described below. The existing condition’s cross sections are described in Table 2 below. All elevations are reported in NGVD 29.

Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 2

Duplicate Effective Models The HEC-2 model “Wrigh30” was converted into HEC-RAS and standard adjustments were made in compliance with FEMA MT-2 guidelines. The area of interest for this analysis was south of the Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge to south of the US Highway 12 Bridge. See Appendix A for a project map and cross sections. Flow data from this model was used in the Corrective Effective and Proposed models.

This model includes existing Flood Insurance Study (FIS) cross sections for a great extent of the river reach. It is important to note that the lettered cross sections differ from the FIS and it is acknowledged in the supporting documentation (review-h2-models4delano.doc) provided by the DNR. The project map shows the cross sections with each of the differing labels.

The HEC-2 Model included encroachments for a floodway analysis, when run those water surface elevations (WSE) match (±0.1 foot) the published Flood Insurance Study Com. No. 270539, 1988 values. See Appendix B for relevant FIS pages. The encroachments were removed for all future runs of the model. The Duplicate Effective without the floodway analysis had WSEs between -0.5 and -0.7 feet from the published FIS and HEC-2 elevations. These values are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. HEC-RAS Existing Water Surface Elevation Comparison

Duplicate Difference Duplicate Difference HEC- Wrigh30 Effective w/ (DupEff- Effective w/o (DupEff- RAS FIS Elevation HEC-2 model encroach HEC2) encroach HEC2) Station (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet)

41 924.02 924.05 0.03 923.43 -0.59

40 923.41 923.44 0.03 922.75 -0.66

39 923.2 (Section L) 923.20 923.24 0.04 922.57 -0.63

36 922.94 923.01 0.07 922.26 -0.68


35 922.93 922.98 0.05 922.25 -0.68

33 923.04 923.08 0.04 922.40 -0.64 31 DRAFT 922.6 (Section I) 922.67 922.72 0.05 922.10 -0.57 30 922.3 (Section H) 9 22.32 922.36 0.04 921.73 -0.59

29 922.0 (Section G) 921.97 922.02 0.05 921.47 -0.50

Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 3

Corrected Effective Models The Corrective Effective model was based off the Duplicate Effective (without encroachments). It was updated to include the current US Highway 12 bridge based on the geometry from the No Rise HEC-RAS model for Bridge 86012. The “proposed 80162 with sag ” plan was extracted for the bridge and its bounding cross sections. The bridge and road plans were obtained and briefly reviewed to confirm that the model represented the as-let plans.

Cross sections were deleted from this model in areas where more recent geometry was available. Once the hydraulic models were merged, three additional cross sections along the slope failure were extracted from survey and LiDAR data, converted to NGVD 29 (-0.30 foot), and brought into the model to complete the Corrective Effective model. Because of the complexity in assembling a working model for the location, Table 2 was constructed to document the cross-section origins. Manning’s values were reviewed and adjusted so the channel and overbank values did not vary for this section of the river, unless warranted.

Table 2. HEC-RAS Geometry: Cross Section Summary

Crow River HEC-RAS Station Cross Section Description Data Source Station Name

41 34920 FEMA Section EB Wrigh30 HEC2 model

40 33520 Wrigh30 HEC2 model

36 32330 US Bridge 86012 No Rise HEC-RAS Model

35.5 US 12 (CSAH 30) Bridge 86012 No Rise HEC-RAS Model

35 32225 DS Bridge 86012 No Rise HEC-RAS Model

33 32139 Wrigh30 HEC2 model

32.5 31999 Slope Failure 2017 Survey/Lidar

32.2 31931 Slope Failure 2017 Survey/Lidar

31.5 31837 Slope Failure 2017 Survey/Lidar DRAFT31 31585 Delano FIS M Wrigh30 HEC2 model 30 31175 Delano FIS L Wrigh30 HEC2 model

29 30685 Delano FIS K Wrigh30 HEC2 model

This Corrective Effective model is a combination of several previous modeling efforts and to our knowledge is an accurate reflection of this river section although the WSE elevations differ from previous models.

Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 4

Table 3. HEC-RAS Duplicate Effective compared to Corrective Effective

Difference from Duplicate Difference HEC-RAS Corrective published Description Effective w/o (CorrEff-DupEff) Station Effective(feet) (CorrEff-FIS) encroach(feet) (feet) (feet)

41 HEC2 923.43 923.67 0.24

40 HEC2 922.75 923.03 0.28

39 HEC2 922.57 922.83 0.26 -0.37

36 No-rise 86012 922.26 922.47 0.21

35.5 No-rise 86012 US 12 Bridge

35 No-rise 86012 922.25 922.40 0.15

33 HEC2 922.40 922.49 0.09

32.5 SRF added 922.16

32.2 SRF added 922.11

31.5 SRF added 922.10

31 HEC2 922.10 922.09 -0.01 -0.51

30 HEC2 921.73 921.65 -0.08 -0.65

29 HEC2 921.47 921.47 0.00 -0.53

The existing channel HWL, shear stress, and velocity model results for the cross section at 32.2, at the most severe section of the slope, are summarized in Table 4 below. The maximum velocity found in the cross section for the 100-year storm is 6.6 feet/second, at the toe of the slope.

Table 4. Corrective Effective Model, Section 32.2 Results

Shear Stress EventDRAFT Flow Rate HWL (NGVD29) (channel) Velocity (year) (cfs) (ft) (lb/sf) (fps)

10 6,370 916.60 0.24 4.4 50 11,780 920.53 0.35 5.6

100 14,375 922.11 0.37 5.9

500 21,065 925.09 0.42 6.5

Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 5

Proposed Conditions Hydraulic Analysis

Remediation Option 1 – Fill Buttress at the Slope Toe with on the Slope Face This remediation approach is riprap at a 1.75H: 1.0V side slope starting at 3 feet from the high point of the berm or boulevard adjacent to CSAH 17. This would result in about 14 feet of riprap fill at the toe of the slope. See the Gale-Tec report for more detail about the remediation option.

HEC-RAS modeling based on the proposed cross section provides the following results.

Table 5. Proposed Option 1 Model, Section 32.2 Results

Shear Stress Event Flow Rate HWL (NGVD29) (channel) Velocity (year) (cfs) (ft) (lb/sf) (fps) 10 6370 916.58 0.37 4.8 50 11780 920.51 0.55 6.0 100 14375 922.08 0.57 6.3 500 21065 925.08 0.61 6.7

Recommendations for toe design are as follows:

x MnDOT Class III riprap (D50 = 0.75 foot) along the slope stabilization area x Extend Class III riprap 200 feet (100 feet up- and downstream of the steepest existing slope) x Class III riprap should be embedded approximately 2.5 feet below the existing channel bottom and extend 4.0 feet along the river bed.

Remediation Option 2 – Rock Fill Buttress at the Slope Toe with a Cellular Confinement System with Percussion Driven Anchors on the Slope Face This remediation approach is a cellular confinement system at a 1.0H: 1.0V side slope starting the high point of the berm or boulevard adjacent to CSAH 17 until elevation 914.0 where a 4-foot riprap ledge extended towards the river before continuing riprap down to the toe at 1.75H:1V. The ledge elevation was determinedDRAFT from the Gale-Tec Geotechnical Report and should be confirmed in the final design of a slope improvement. This option would result in about 10 feet of riprap fill at the toe of the slope. See the Gate- Tec report for more detail about the remediation option.

HEC-RAS modeling based on the proposed cross section provides the following results.

Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 6

Table 6. Proposed Option 2 Model, Section 32.2 Results

Shear Stress Event Flow Rate HWL (NGVD29) (channel) Velocity (year) (cfs) (ft) (lb/sf) (fps) 10 6370 916.58 0.35 4.6 50 11780 920.52 0.49 5.8 100 14375 922.10 0.52 6.0 500 21065 925.11 0.56 6.5

Recommendations for toe design are as follows:

x MnDOT Class III riprap (D50 = 0.75 ft) along the slope stabilization area x Extend Class III riprap 200 feet (100 ft up- and downstream of the steepest existing slope) x Class III riprap should be embedded approximately 2.5 ft below the existing channel bottom and extend 4.0’ along the river bed.

Remediation Option 3 – Rock Fill Buttress at the Slope Toe with Riprap on the Slope Face (Option 1) with Flood Wall This remediation approach is the same as Option 1 with a flood wall. The riprap slope at 1.75H: 1.0V has a flood wall to elevation 924.0 before tying into CSAH 17. See the Gate-Tec report for more detail about the remediation option.

Table 7. Proposed Option 3 Model, Section 32.2 Results

Shear Stress HWL (NGVD29) (channel) Event (year) Flow Rate (cfs) (ft) (lb/sf) Velocity (fps) 10 6370 916.58 0.37 4.8 50 11780 920.51 0.55 6.0 100 14375 922.08 0.58 6.3 500DRAFT 21065 925.06 0.63 6.8 Remediation Option 4 – Rock Fill Buttress at the Slope Toe with a Cellular Confinement System with Percussion Driven Anchors on the Slope Face (Option 2) with Flood Wall This is the same as remediation approach Option 2, a cellular confinement system with a riprap abutment and ledge, with a flood wall. See the Gate-Tec report for more detail about the remediation option. Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 7

Table 8. Proposed Option 4 Model, Section 32.2 Results

Shear Stress Event Flow Rate HWL (NGVD29) (channel) Velocity (year) (cfs) (ft) (lb/sf) (fps) 10 6370 916.58 0.35 4.6 50 11780 920.52 0.49 5.8 100 14375 922.10 0.52 6.0 500 21065 925.09 0.58 6.6

Proposed Option Summary All options show an increase in water surface elevation (WSE) in the 100-year event upstream of the project. Permit and MnDNR coordination for final design is explained further in the “Permit Requirements” Section. Each model shows that the “rise” in the WSE can extend several miles upstream. Options 2 and 4 are less impactful than Options 1 or 3 because the steeper slope of the cellular confinement system does not reach as far into the river as a riprap only solution. The two options that include a floodwall only have +0.01 rise when compared to the options without.

Table 7. HEC-RAS Corrective Effective Compared to Proposed Options

Proposed Option Proposed Option Proposed Option Proposed Option 1 2 3 4 Difference Difference HEC-RAS Corrective Difference Difference (PrOpt1_FW- (PrOpt2_FW- Station Effective (PrOpt1-CorrEff) (PrOpt2-CorrEff) CorrEff) CorrEff) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) 41 923.67 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.03 40 923.03 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.02 39 922.83 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.03 36 922.47 0.07 0.03 0.07 0.03 35.5 Bridge 35 DRAFT922.40 0.02 -0.01 0.03 -0.01 33 922.49 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.03 32.5 922.16 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.03 32.2 922.11 -0.03 -0.01 -0.03 -0.01 31.5 922.10 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 31 922.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 921.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 921.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 8

Since the published values and the Corrected Effective values determined with this study differ, further refinement to the model and coordination with the MnDNR and the City of Delano will be needed as this project moves into final design.

Buttress Design A riprap buttress will provide a stable slope toe for the stabilization measure. Maintenance of riprap is minimal and would involve periodic inspection for scour or displaced stones and weed and woody vegetation removal.

Bend Scour A Zeller Bend Scour Analysis was completed to understand the vertical scour potential in the outer bank of the bend where this project is focused. Scour of this nature will remove bed material from the outer bank and allow sediment to settle on the inner bank (ASCE 2004). The Zeller method was chosen due to the sandy characterization of the channel bed and banks. The analysis found the potential bed scour to be 5.6 vertical feet in the existing channel for the 100-year event. Proposed Option 1 showed bed scour to be 5.2 feet. This and other available methods are simply an estimate of the potential, so our recommendation is to extend the proposed stabilization at least 2.5 feet below the existing channel bed and provide a widened toe equaling the volume needed to fill in a depth of 6 feet of scour at an average thickness of riprap D100, so in the event of scour the riprap will fill in protecting the bank.

Riprap Sizing Riprap revetment was designed based on the guidelines provided in HEC 23 (2009) using the proposed buttress slope of 1.75 H:1.0 V and the hydraulic parameters from the HEC-RAS model. It was found that MnDOT Class III Riprap would be sufficient for the velocities in the channel with a 1.4 safety factor.

Stable channel design was completed using FHWA’s Hydraulic Toolbox v4.2. This application provides analysis of various cross sections and materials given certain flow rates and channel slopes. For the proposed cross sections and a safety factor of 1.5, MnDOT Class III riprap was the resulting size.

Design Summary The recommendationDRAFT is to use Class III Riprap for the buttress. A launching toe keyed into the riverbed, as shown in the standard plan in Appendix D, will provide protection against future scour.

Permit Requirements The project is in the City of Delano and Wright County. Neither the City or County has regulatory rules regarding a riverine slope stabilization project. Wright County Highway Department October 3, 2017 Page 9

The Wright County and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is the local government agency for natural resource management. They also do not have rules for this type of project, but should be contacted as a local resource regarding the Crow River.

A wetland delineation will be required along the riverbank in the project area to determine the presence of any wetlands. The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Local Government Unit (LGU), which is the City of Delano, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) would review and approve the wetland delineation. If delineated wetlands would be impacted by the project, then permits/approvals would be required from the WCA LGU and the Corps. If wetlands are not found or would not be impacted by the project, a Corps Section 404 Permit would still be required because a portion of the work is located within the Crow River, which is a Water of the U.S.

A Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Public Waters General Permit would be required. Since this project includes bank stabilization along the Crow River and this work is proposed below the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL), it will need to be evaluated. This permit can be completed online and requires site information, sensitive species protections, hydrologic and hydraulic data, and protection against the spread of aquatic invasive species.

A NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit is likely not required because the area of disturbed ground during construction would be less than one acre. It should also be noted that the South Fork of the Crow River is considered an Impaired Water by the MPCA for turbidity and other impairments. We would recommend assembling a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to accompany the construction plans to ensure proper protection of the Crow River.

This section of river is within FEMA floodway and floodplain. Our preliminary analysis showed that a slope stabilization project along this segment of river will extend into the river in a way that would affect the water surface elevation of the river more than 0.00 feet. Therefore, local FEMA coordination is required, and the Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR and/or LOMR) process may be required in the final design of this project. This process will also require review and compliance with the Endangered Species Act. The City of Delano acts as the Floodplain Administrator at this location, with the support of the MnDNR at the local level. If Letter of Map Revision process is deemed necessary by the Floodplain Administrator, federal submittalsDRAFT will be required.


Appendix A: Project Map and Cross Section Locations

Appendix B: Pages from FEMA’s Flood Insurance Study

Appendix C: FEMA Floodplain Map

Appendix D: Riprap Detail



Appendix A:

Project Map and Cross Section Locations

DRAFT 24 FEMA H FIS E HEC2 15 25 HEC2 14 26 FEMA I HEC2 13

26.5 HEC2 13.5

27 Repeated HEC2 13.5




32.5 SRF ADDED 33 HEC2 7

35 - from No Rise FEMA O HEC2 6

35.5 - from No Rise

DRAFT36 - from No Rise FIS K HEC2 5.9

40 HEC2 124 41 FEMA EB HEC2 125 ± Legend Imported No-Rise HEC2 Model HEC2 Model (Not Reported) SRF Added L:\Projects\10834\mxd\10834_CrowRiverWR_template.mxd Crow River Figure C Slope Stabilization Study 00.125 0.25 0.5 Wright County Miles

Appendix B:

Pages from FEMA’s Flood Insurance Study


Appendix C:

FEMA Floodplain Map


Study Location DRAFT

Appendix D:

Riprap Detail