June 23, 2020 MK West, Inc 2701 – 13th Street Place Southwest Puyallup, Washington 98371 (253) 222-0255 Attn: Mr. Michael Kerschner
[email protected] Geologic Hazard Assessment Addendum Proposed Residential Short Plat 1014 – 23rd Avenue Southwest Puyallup, Washington PN: 7065000020 Doc ID: MKWest.23rdAveSW.GHAa This addendum to our Geologic Hazard Assessment addresses the erosion hazard areas at the site and the slope stability of the proposed permanent cut slopes associated with the proposed development. We understand the City of Puyallup is requiring an update to our Geologic Hazard Assessment to address the presence of an erosion hazard area at the site. Additionally, we understand that permanent cut slopes are now proposed at the site, which will need to meet the performance standards per Puyallup Municipal Code (PMC) 21.06.1230. The proposed site grading and the locations of our previous subsurface explorations are shown on the Site & Exploration Plan, Figure 1. We previously prepared a Soils Report dated April 24, 2019 and a Geologic Hazard Assessment dated November 14, 2019 for the proposed residential short plat at the site. Our soils report included the subsurface explorations and descriptive logs of 4 test pits excavated across the site. We also reviewed the Geotechnical Study Report Update by Pacific Geo Engineering dated December 8, 2016, which included 4 previous hand auger explorations at the site. We did not perform any additional subsurface explorations or laboratory testing a part of our original Geologic Hazard Assessment or this addendum. This addendum address comments from the Landau Associates, Inc, as the City of Puyallup third-party geotechnical engineering reviewer dated February 7, 2020.