Abhor, Admiration, Adore, Affection, Afraid, Agony, Alarm, Amazed
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Jesus Wept: Corpus Findings In 2015, curators began identifying emotions in the LDS standard works and coding the verses to determine who was experiencing the emotions. Concurrently, curators administered frontend evaluations to 250 BYU students to see what information they wanted from an exhibition on this topic. Overwhelmingly students wanted help experiencing and coping with their emotions, so Jesus Wept: Emotions in the Scriptures focused primarily on this. After it opened in 2017, evaluations found that visitors yearned for more corpus data, hence this current alcove exhibition highlighting more findings. The emotions in the scriptures corpus includes 127 emotion words (e.g., joy) and all forms of each word (e.g. joyful, joyous) found in the standard works. Instances that did not convey emotions of humans, deity, or the adversary were removed. Each remaining instance was coded by two independent raters to determine if the word reflected an emotion felt by a mortal (i.e., humans), deity (i.e., a member of the godhead or angels), or adversary (i.e., Satan or Lucifer). Agreement between raters was over 90 percent. Some instances were dual-coded, meaning they were felt by two groups (e.g., humans and deity). To better understand how one word, love, and its conjugations were expressed in scripture verses, two independent raters coded toward whom or what that emotion was directed. Since many instances described love felt as being directed toward multiple sources, these instances were coded in more than one category. For the complete corpus of emotion words, visit: http://emotionsinthescriptures.byu.edu. The Emotion Words: Abhor, Admiration, Adore, Affection, Afraid, Agony, Alarm, Amazed, Anger, Anguish, Anxious, Ashamed, Assured, Astonished, Awe, Bitter, Bliss, Calm, Certain, Charity, Cheer, Comforted, Compassion, Concerned, Confidence, Consolation, Contempt, Content, , Contrite, Courage, Covet, Dare, Delight, Desire, Despair, Desperate, Despise, Determined, Detest, Disappointed, Discontented, Discouraged, Disdained, Dismayed, Displeased, Dissatisfied, Distress, Disturbed, Doubt, Dread, Earnest, Encouraged, Enjoyment, Enmity, Envy, Excited, Fear, Forbearance, Frightened, Furious, Fury, Glad, Greedy, Grief, Grudge, Guilt, Happy, Harmony, Hate, Haughty, Hope, Horror, Humble, Humiliation, Incensed, Indignation, Jealous, Jovial, Joy, Loathe, Lonesome, Long-Suffering, Longed, Love, Lust, Malice, Marvel, Merry, Misery, Overwhelmed, Pacified, Passion, Patience, Peace, Perplexed, Piety, Pity, Please, Pride, Rage, Rejoice, Remorse, Reverence, Sad, Satisfied, Shame, Sorrow, Sorry, Spite, Stiffneckedness, Stubborn, Sure, Surprise, Tender, Terror, Thankful, Uncertain, Uneasy, Unhappy, Unthankful, Vexed, Weary, Wonder, Worry, Wrath, Wretched, Yearn, Zeal The Twelve Most Frequent Emotions in the Standard Works Love Fear Desire Anger 895 728 551 476 Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures 75.81% 24.19% 98.76% 1.24% 97.28% 1.63% 39.71% 60.08% Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Translations 8 Translations 8 Translations 0 Translations 7 Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Great Price 14 Great Price 10 Great Price 8 Great Price 7 Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine & Covenants 55 & Covenants 42 & Covenants 64 & Covenants 26 Book of Book of Book of Book of Mormon 176 Mormon 149 Mormon 281 Mormon 158 New New New New Testament 324 Testament 121 Testament 78 Testament 12 Old Old Old Old Testament 318 Testament 398 Testament 120 Testament 266 Peace Rejoice Joy Wrath 468 428 380 365 Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures 92.63% 7.37% 94% 5.54% 91.24% 8.76% 35.29% 63.64% Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Translations 7 Translations 6 Translations 2 Translations 5 Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Great Price 7 Great Price 4 Great Price 7 Great Price 5 Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine & Covenants 32 & Covenants 48 & Covenants 36 & Covenants 37 Book of Book of Book of Book of Mormon 120 Mormon 94 Mormon 141 Mormon 68 New New New New Testament 96 Testament 77 Testament 70 Testament 52 Old Old Old Old Testament 206 Testament 199 Testament 124 Testament 198 Please Hate Hope Sorrow 331 260 219 211 Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures Instances in the Scriptures 58.43% 41.27% 90.77% 9.23% 99.09% 0.91% 95.31% 4.69% Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Human Emotion Deity Emotion Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Joseph Smith Translations 2 Translations 3 Translations 2 Translations 2 Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Pearl of Great Price 6 Great Price 5 Great Price 3 Great Price 5 Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine & Covenants 39 & Covenants 7 & Covenants 9 & Covenants 9 Book of Book of Book of Book of Mormon 45 Mormon 35 Mormon 61 Mormon 83 New New New New Testament 67 Testament 46 Testament 68 Testament 34 Old Old Old Old Testament 172 Testament 164 Testament 76 Testament 78 Emotions Across the Standard Works Old New Book of Doctrine & Pearl of Testament Testament Mormon Covenants Great Price Most Frequent Most Frequent Most Frequent Most Frequent Most Frequent FEAR LOVE DESIRE DESIRE LOVE LOVE FEAR LOVE LOVE FEAR ANGER PEACE ANGER REJOICE JOY 4402 1872 2414 753 159 Instances of Emotion Words Instances of Emotion Words Instances of Emotion Words Instances of Emotion Words Instances of Emotion Words 18% of Emotion 13% of Emotion 9% of Emotion 21% of Emotion 11% of Emotion Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt By Deity By Deity By Deity By Deity By Deity 82 % of Emotion 87% of Emotion 91% of Emotion 79% of Emotion 85% of Emotion Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt Instances are Felt By Humans By Humans By Humans By Humans By Humans* Gen. 22:2 And he said, Take now thy son, 1 Sam. 18:28 And Saul saw and knew that the Ps. 116:1 I love the LORD, because he hath them, but I found him whom my soul loveth : people cometh, and they sit before thee as my other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise meekness? root of all evil: which while some coveted after, brother also. would not suffer that ye should suppose Mosiah 18:21 And he commanded them that Amalickiah pretended to be wroth, and said: casteth out all fear. sickness of the land shall redound to your glory. thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest , LORD was with David, and that Michal Saul’s heard my voice and my supplications. I held him, and would not let him go, until I had people, and they hear thy words, but they will the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. they have erred from the faith, and pierced that ye are more righteous than the Gentiles there should be no contention one with another, Whosoever loved the king, let him go forth, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer daughter loved him. brought him into my mother’s house, and into not do them: for with their mouth they shew 1 Cor. 8:3 But if any man love God, the themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Jn 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus shall be. For behold, except ye shall keep the but that they should look forward with one eye, and pursue his servants that they may be slain. Moro. 8:17 And I am filled with charity, which D&C 126:1 Dear and well-beloved him there for a burnt offering upon one of the Ps. 119:47 And I will delight myself in thy the chamber of her that conceived me. much love , but their heart goeth after their Luke 20:13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, same is known of him. is the Christ is born of God: and every one commandments of God ye shall all likewise having one faith and one baptism, having their is everlasting love ; wherefore, all children are brother, Brigham Young, verily thus saith the mountains which I will tell thee of. 1 Sam. 20:17 And Jonathan caused David commandments, which I have loved . covetousness. What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: 1 Tim. 6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee these that loveth him that begat loveth him also perish; and because of the words which have hearts knit together in unity and in love one Alma 47:28 And it came to pass that all alike unto me; wherefore, I love little children Lord unto you: My servant Brigham, it is no to swear again, because he loved him: for Song. 3:5 I charge you, O ye daughters of it may be they will reverence him when they see 1 Cor. 10:14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved , things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, that is begotten of him. they who loved the king, when they heard with a perfect love ; and they are all alike and more required at your hand to leave your family Ps. 119:48 My hands also will I lift up unto thy flee from idolatry. been spoken ye need not suppose that the towards another. Gen 24:67 And Isaac brought her into his he loved him as he loved his own soul.