Acacia jacksonioides NT Taxonomic Authority: Maslin  Global Assessment  Regional Assessment Region: Global  Endemic to region

Upper Level Kingdom: PLANTAE Phylum: TRACHEOPHYTA Class: MAGNOLIOPSIDA Order: Family: LEGUMINOSAE Lower Level Taxonomy Rank: Infra- rank name:  Hybrid Subpopulation: Authority:

Similar to A. erinacea Benth. and A. semicircinalis Maiden & Blakely.

General Information Distribution Acacia jacksonioides is endemic to Australia distributed from near Three Springs south-east to near Mount Vernon with a disjunct occurrence east of Geraldton in Western Australia.

Range Size Elevation Biogeographic Realm Area of Occupancy: Upper limit: 400  Afrotropical Extent of Occurrence: 33700 Lower limit: 100  Antarctic Map Status: Depth  Australasian Upper limit:  Neotropical Lower limit:  Oceanian Depth Zones  Palearctic  Shallow photic  Bathyl  Hadal  Indomalayan  Photic  Abyssal  Nearctic Population Total population size is not known, it was last collected in 2007.

Total Population Size Minimum Population Size: Maximum Population Size: Habitat and Ecology Small shrub that grows in gravelly sand or loam, often on hilltops, in scrub, shrubland and eucalypt woodland.

System Movement pattern Crop Wild Relative  Terrestrial  Freshwater  Nomadic  Congregatory/Dispersive  Is the species a wild relative of a crop?  Marine  Migratory  Altitudinally migrant Growth From Definition Shrub - small Perennial shrub small (<1m) or dwarf shrub, also termed a Chamaephyte (<1m)

Threats There are no known direct threats to the species, however, the Avon Wheatbelt region where this species occurs has been extensively cleared for agriculture and grazed by stock, and subsequently the remnant patches of vegetation are highly fragmented and at risk. Extensive clearing of vegetation has led to salinity problems (expected to affect up to 30% of the region's area). Vegetation clearing still continues and exotic weed invasion and changes in fire regimes are also threatening the habitat (Beecham 2001). The percentage of vegetation cover remaining across the shires in the area where this species occurs range from 4.3% in the Shire of Dowerin to 13.6% in the Victoria Plains Shire (Roadside Conservation Committee 2005).

Past Present Future 1 Habitat Loss/Degradation (human induced)  1.1 Agriculture  1.1.1 Crops  1.1.4 Livestock  1.3 Extraction  1.3.6 Groundwater extraction  1.5 Invasive alien species (directly impacting habitat)  1.7 Fires  7 Natural disasters  7.4 Wildfire  8 Changes in native species dynamics  8.1 Competitors  8.3 Prey/food base  10 Human disturbance  10.5 Fire  Conservation Measures It is not known whether this species occurs within a protected area. Most reserves of the region are small (average reserve area in the Avon Wheatbelt 1 is 452 hectares) and isolated by wheatfields. Management plans have been developed to protect the roadside vegetation in the area to provide corridors for species dispersal between the remnant patches of vegetation (Beecham 2001). This species is not listed as Threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). It is recommended that its seeds are stored as an ex situ conservation measure, that further research is carried out on habitat status and levels of threat and management plans are implemented to secure the future of remnant patches of vegetation.

In Place Needed 1 Policy-based actions  1.1 Management plans  1.1.1 Development  1.1.2 Implementation  3 Research actions  3.4 Habitat status  3.5 Threats  4 Habitat and site-based actions  4.3 Corridors  4.4 Protected areas  5 Species-based actions  5.7 Ex situ conservation actions  5.7.2 Genome resource bank  Countries of Occurrence

PRESENCE ORIGIN Year Breeding Non- Passage Possibly ExtinctPresence Native Introduced Re- Vagrant Origin Round Season breeding migrant extinct uncertain Introduced uncertain only season only Australia    Western Australia   

General Habitats Score Description Major Importance 2 Savanna 1UnsetSuitable 2.1 Savanna - Dry1Unset Suitable 3 Shrubland 1UnsetSuitable 3.8 Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation1Unset Suitable

Species Utilisation  Species is not utilised at all

Trend in the level of wild offtake/harvest in relation to total wild population numbers over the last five years: Trend in the amount of offtake/harvest produced through domestication/cultivation over the last five years: CITES status: Not listed

IUCN Red Listing Red List Assessment:(using 2001 IUCN system) Near Threatened (NT)

Red List Criteria: Date Last Seen (only for EX, EW or Possibly EX species): Is the species Possibly Extinct?  Possibly Extinct Candidate?  Rationale for the Red List Assessment A. jacksonioides is a small shrub distributed in eucalypt woodland in the Avon Wheatbelt region in Western Australia. Its extent of occurrence does not meet the criteria for Vulnerable (EOO ~33,700 km2) but the habitat is highly fragmented and there is evidence of increase of salinity in the area and continuing clearing of remnant of vegetation patches reducing the quality of the habitat and extent of occurrence respectively. It is therefore listed currently as Near Threatened. Reason(s) for Change in Red List Category from the Previous Assessment:  Genuine Change  Nongenuine Change  No Change  Genuine (recent)  New information  Taxonomy  Same category  Genuine (since first assessment)  Knowledge of Criteria  Criteria Revisio and criteria  Incorrect data used  Other  Same category but previously change in criteria Current Population Trend: Unknown Date of Assessment: 10/09/2010 Name(s) of the Assessor(s): Malcolm, P. Evaluator(s): Notes: % population decline in the past: Time period over which the past decline has been measured for applying Criterion A or C1 (in years or generations): % population decline in the future: Time period over which the future decline has been measured for applying Criterion A or C1 (in years or generations): Number of Locations: Severely Fragmented: Number of Mature Individuals:

Bibliography A.E. Orchard and A.J.G. Wilson, 2001, Mimosaceae, Acacia part 1, Flora of Australia Volume 11A, , ABRS, Canberra Beecham, B., 2001, Avon Wheatbelt 1 (AW1 - Ancient Drainage subregion), A Biodiversity Audit of Western Australia’s 53 Biogeographical Subregions in 2002, , , Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)10 June 2010, , , Maslin, B.R., 1976, Studies in the Acacia (Mimosaceae), Nuytsia2, 96-102, , Roadside Conservation Committee, 2005, A survey of the roadside conservation values in the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, , , Roadside Conservation Committee, 2009, Roadside Vegetation and Conservation Values in the City of Geraldton-Greenough, , ,