The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 1980

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The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 1980 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 4-28-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 64, Issue 141 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1980." (Apr 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian :\londay, April 28, 1911\r-Vol. iO, !lio. 1~1 8outhem Illinois University Fuller says •·IY world nations will integrate By Karen GuUo Staff Writ.r There are too many "ad­ mirals" in command on Spaceship Earth. says R. Bul'k· minster Fuller. falher of the geodesic dome and world­ renowned architect. The "admirals .. are the 150 nations on earth. Fuller told over 500 people at the Student Center Sunday afternoon. but evolution is in the process of correcting the situation by integrating humans and eliminating aU the nations of the world. And the United States wiU be the first to go, he says. "We are seeing the deterioration of the United States." said the 84-year-old inventor. "Evolution is now interested in integrating humans. Humanity will have to R. Buc:kminstt'r Fullt'r was ''thinking out loud.. Sunday at a Fullt'r Day.. in bouor of lht' formt'r sn; profrssor who go through a great trial and a lt'Cture in lht' Student Ct'nter. wbert' it. was announct'd that dt'Signt'd the geodt'Sic domt'. great crisis as :lations are Gov. Thompson bas dt'Ciart'd April Z6 as ''Buc:kminster eliminated." Fuller said the crisis in Iran illustrates the degeneration of Iran claims 20 more died the United States. He said the ~-1106~fus:=dJ: nappings of diplomats in foreign countries. Currently, 8 bodies displayed in Tehran entbassy the Russians have military supremacy over the United By TH Associated Press eight bodies. Bani-Sadr. in an interview Khalkhali. a leading Maps, machine guns and the While the bodies were being with French radio. said that in revolutionary judge, told ~~..tiaO:·~~~!r:. bodies of eight U.S. servicemen moved into the embassy, the light of the U.S. rescue attempt reporters at the embassy that a the former SIU design professor killed in the unsuccessful at­ hostages were bei!IJ moved out, early Friday, "a solution with giant map taken from one of the said. tempt to rescue tbe American transferred to cities such as the Americans is almost im­ abandoned U.S. aircraft showed During an hour-long lecture hostages wert' displayed Tabriz and Qom, Tehran radio possible." But be also said that the commandos planned to titled "Thinking Out Loud ... Sunday at the U.S. Embassy in said. There were hints Iran "if the Americans guarantee strike 14 centers in Tehran. FnllP'f' told the audience that he Tehran. A leading Iranian judge might demand a payoff for not to interfere in our internal including the home of Ayatollah is no different from others. but said at least 29 Americans died return of the bodies. affairs. a solution could quickly RuboUah Khomeini, the Iranian be said be made a commitment in the abortive mission. However. Secretary of be found." leader. 53 years ago to help better The White House insisted only Defense Harold Brown on Zbigniew Brzezinski, He claimed 18 planes, 20 humanity. eight bodies were left behind in Sunday ruled out barterin, with Prt'Sident Carter's national helicopters and 3,000 men were "Even though I lmew I was the Iranian desert. Iran for return of the bodies. security adviser. stressed in a involved in the mission. only one man, there was nothing With the plastic bags c:on­ "This is something in which separate interview that Bani­ A Tehran Radio broadcast to stop me from thinking about tainir.g the bodies lying on the Sadr had pledged the im­ quoted the Iranian militants as the total cumulative knowledge ground inside the embassy ;~ OO:.ef.~eto ffn'~ag~~ mediate return m the dead. saying Sunday that an un­ of resources we have compound, Ayatollah Sadegb another very disappointing and "We hold him to his word." specified number of hostages available, .. Fuller said. "I Khalkhali told reporters that troubling example of the dif­ Brzezinski said on ABC's bad arrived in Tabriz. the made a commitment to use the remains of nine servicemen ficulty of dealing with this "Issues and Answers." capital of Azerbaijan Province artifacts to better mankind and had been recovered and at least situation." The official Iraqi news in northern Iran. It did not say tc:> help preserve the en­ 20 more commandos died. "but In rejecting a deal. Brown did agency and Iraqi diplomats when they left Tehran. The virunment." their bodies are powder now." not say how seriously the ad­ abroad denied a Tehran Radio captors said other hostages, in Known for his writings on Broadcasts by Tehran radio ministration took reports that report claiming Iraqi President their 176th day of captivity design. mathematics, claimed nine Americans were Iranian President Abolhassan Saddam Hussein was killed in a Sunday, were to be sent to Qom. philosophy and the future, killed. There was no ex­ Bani-Sadr's promise to return coup and his socialist govern­ Fuller said there is not enough planation for the display of only the bodies would be vetoed. ment overthrown. :n.:u:li~O:: :ar~bout emphasis on the individual potential each person possesses to better mankind. "You should think of the Indiana prison inmates seize 5 lwstages world as a synergy of knowledge and ask ··why are we MICHIGAN CITY, IND. (AP) immediately known. Haute. Thirty-three prisoners were here?' " Fullel' said. "In order - More than 200 Indiana State State Pclice Sgt. Larry The Indiana incident comes slain by other inmates in the to have a successful system you Prison inmates barricaded Dembinski in nearby Lowell, just 11 days after Maine state rebellion and the prison was left need local information themselves inside two areas of Ind., said the takeover occurred troopers moved into the state in a shambles with damages gatherers and problem solvers. the maximum-security facility at about 11:42 a.m. "We got the prison in Thomaston, saying the estimated in the millions of Do what nature wants you to do Sunday. taking five prison call at 11:48. There were no action was rec;. •ired to prevent a dollars. About 600 out of the instead of what others Wldlt you workers as hostages, state injuries reported," he said. major uprisin& like that at t,lS6 inmates have since been to do." police said. All state police units in nor- Attica, N.Y. - in which more transferred to other prisons. No injuries were reported, them Indiana were alerted. than 40 inmates died in 1971 - and it was not immediately Dembinski said. and ~ to 50 or in Santa Fe, N.M .• where 33 1be Michigan City facility bas · were killed in known whether the inmates bad officers were at the prilon. a a long history of problems. issued any demands nor if they "We're talking about the ~bellion in February. were armed. possibility of another 200 of· About 350 inmates at the Glenn Webber, state police ficers in a very short period of Maine prison have been locked 1be most recent occurred in spokesman in Indianapolis. said time" if needed, he said. in their cells since Gov. Josepb March 1979 •·hen inmates held about 200 inmates took over the There are 1,600 inmates at the E. Brennan ordered the lock­ three guards hostage in a "C" ceU block and about 30 took prison in this city of 39,000 uown and sean:b. secluded unit before releasin& over an isolation unit of a residents on Lake Micbi~. It them unharmed when · service building. is Indiana's only mBlllmum- On Feb. 2. inmates at the New authorities agreed to ctl:c.:: Ga says f• a lltere It He said the hostages included st'Curity prison, although a Mexico State Penitentiary took their grievances. 1be incident ••te a prison food supervisor. Tbe federal maximum·st'Curity over tbe prison and it was 36 foUowe\1 a four-ilay lnm8er .......a.._t likeSpaeesllip 8Hky -· ta1killlSIU'a jobs of the other tour were not , , instaUatioD is located at Terre hours before authorities strike by 27 inmates. ••enu atlaalrak. ----1~............................ .. -ti2.1.,. ......,._ ., State~GNation 9 nations support U.S. resrul' P/fort.,. LUXEMBOURG lAP>- Leaders al the nine-nation European Common Market meeting bere Sunday in the aftermalb al the failed American 't~osta~ rescue mission in Iran, rallied behind efforts to free the 53 U.S. captives. French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing. often critical of American policies and leadership. told reporters, "Francr has decided to pursue with the European community its efforts in solidarity with the United States to achieve freedom for the bostages held in violation ol human and internatiooa.l rights." Aides to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt released the text ol a "Dear Jimmy" letter be aent to President Carter, saying, ''You can be assured tbat the government ol the Federal Republic al Germanv is determined to c:oatinue at the side of the United States cit America to help rind a solution to the hostage prot-Jem." Gul'rrillas free hostages, end standoff BOGOTA, Colombia (APl - Guerrillas ended their 8l~y oc­ cupation ol tbe Dominican Republic Embasay on &mday, Dying aboard a Cuban jetiiDer to Havana.
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