Court Almost Ready

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Court Almost Ready iiauryjatpr • Since 18Bt » 20(t I Court almost ready By KEVIN FOLEY •/ Herald Reporter MANCHESTER - Final cosmetic touch-ups were being applied to the Manchester'Superior Court this morning by painters, stone cutters and electricians. I^en their work is done at the facility, located at the junction of Center and W. Center streets, the total cost of the project could be as much as $1 million. Work there, according to contrac­ tors on the site, is progressing rapid­ ly, and the chief court ad­ ministrator's office said. this mor­ ning a mid-June opening date is still in the offing. A long, cool pillar lined marble foyer greets the visitor in what was once the checkout area of Marshall’s clothing store. The foyer will serve lll^i as a waiting room for the cqurt’s three hearing rooms with a number '•'aiiil of offices and holding'cells in the rear of the building. The court will service geographical area 13 when completed, hearing criminal and civil cases from East Hartford, Glastonbury, South Wind­ sor, Marlborough in addition to Manchester. It is hoped the new With the facade staging down, the This morning, contractors were putting the court will alleviate the overcrowded Manchester Superior Court begins to take finishing touches on inside while shrubbery conditions being experienced at the shaj^. Court administrators are hoping the and other landscape improvements were East Hartford Superior Court located in police headquarters there. facility located at the junction of Center and being made outside. (Herald photo by Foley) As you enter the court, the long, W. Center streets will be ready by mid-June. anteroom gives way to a large arraignment room — carpeted and has been put in place on the right side Outside, landscaping contractors and be able to accommodate a nearly complete — on the left. A win­ of the large, well lighted room, with were planting shrubbery around the number of defendants with room to dow looks into the courtroom itself, ________ the judge’s bench at the front and large parking lot. Parking, inciden­ spare. Assistant state’s attomev’s and there will be ample seating when center. tally, has been one of the major and public defender’s offices will be chairs are installed. The center cour­ Friends and fun The courtroom on the right hand drawbacks at the East Hartford accessable and large, located to the troom, which was getting a coat of First grade students at the Robertson School in Manchester side of the foyer is smaller than the Court, according to the ad­ far right of the central foyer. A paint this morning has yet to be other two, but completed save for ministrator’s office. Manchester clerk’s office, to the far left, will be show recess is a time for friends and fun. (Herald photo by carpeted, but wilt serve as a hearing seating. It will be a hearing room for Pinto) should not experience those woes. about twice as large as the one at room for criminal cases. A jury box civil cases. Holding cells will be well lighted East Hartford. Emergency service increase By MARTIN KEARNS room occupancy rates. sing staffs. Hospitals began experiencing tem­ mitted is not hampered. scheduled to meet at an undeter­ Herald Reporter Stephen Skorez, executive director Skorez alzo said a coordinated porary closings of critical care Wednesday’s meeting was an in­ mined future time to firm up of CAHC, conjectured that hospital Emergency Medical Services Coun­ facilities last November. Manchester dication that both city and suburban procedures. HARTFORD — In response to the staffing problems are straining cil could ease the regional problem. Memorial and Hartford hospitals hospitals are being hit by the trend. Skorez said the job is now in the increased demand for emergency emergency room services. The shor­ But, he said, the system is not in have sent patients to other hospitals Usually, hospitals in Hartford ser­ hands of hospital administrators who services, hospital officials in the tage of nurses, that he said was well place. when their services are backed up. vice patients from overburdened sub­ must find open beds in the region. Greater Hartford Region will study documented, may be preventing The town of Manchester and urban institutions. Hospitals will be asked to contact ad­ the situation which has temporarily hospitals from working at peak ef­ Manchester Memorial Hospital have In Hartford, Skorez said. Mount ministrators in other consortium bottled up some area emergency ficiency. been working to develop a town- Sinai and Hartford hospitals tem­ While the system can accomodate hospitals to determine where rooms. funded EMS service. A steering com­ porarily close their emergency the increases, the Consortium is available services are, according to Members of the Capitol Area Some hospitals, Skorez said, could mittee convened by the town Board facilities six timed a year. When this working to improve coordination procedure developed Wednesday. Health Consortium met Wednesday increase their emergency load but of Directors is expected to deliver its happms, only incoming patients are among member institutions. Physicians will direct the patient to discuss the rise in emergency are held back by the size of their nur­ recommendations in early June. affected. Service to those already ad- Emergency room directors are transfers. Directors will be hired for two town vacancies By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA be placed starting either this the post’s creation was considered Herald Reporter weekend or next in newspapers that Assistant Director of Health Ronald Kraatz would apply. Kraatz throughout New England. The MANCHESTER - Town Per­ said today he has given the matter sonnel Supervisor Steven Werbner deadline for applying will be two weeks after the advertisement some attention. said today he expects to hire a direc­ appears. Notices of the vacancies “I prefer not to comment on this tor for the newly created town now. If I choose to appl)^, and I have Human Services Department in early will also be sent to the state Labor given it some thought ...” Kraatz July, and with the help of the new Department and other public and private agencies. These steps are said today. director, he expects to hire a director being taken as part of the town’s af­ Werbner said ‘T m sure if Ron for the Social Services Department firmative action plan. Kraatz were to apply, he’d be one of by late July. Werbner said he expects over 100 the highly qualified applicants.’’ The social service vacancy will be Werbner ad d ^ the candidate would created when Director Mary Della qualified applicants for each posi­ tion. Qualilfications for the human be required to take both oral and Fera retires this month. The Human written examinations to fill the post. Services vacancy was created by the services position include a masters degree in human services and five The director will be responsible for Board of D irectors’ action on overseeing and coordinating the ac­ recommendations by a citizens com­ years experience. Candidates for the post, with a salary range of {20,352 to tivities of four town departments mittee saying the department would {24,422, will be considered if they that formerly operated independent­ provide for more efficient and cost- have a bachelor’s degree and seven ly. Those departments are: the town effective delivery of services. years experience. ^ n io r Citizens Center, the Social Werbner said advertisements will There has been speculation since Sqrvices, Human Services and Health departments. 5 The social services job, which will Gasoline spill pay between {16,959 and {20,352, will be filled with someone holding a An East Hartford firefighter washes gas- curred when a Mercury Oil Co., tank truck masters degree and three years oline from the street and sidewalk in front of spilled about 30 gallons of gasoline while experience or someone having a Jones’ Automotive Service, 75 (Ilonnecticut trying to fill the station’s tanks. (Herald MHS girls Ue for CCIL lead in soft- bache'ors degree and five years Blvd., Wednesday afternoon. The spill oc- photo by Reilly.) The weather b a ll... Page 15. experience, Werbner said. I Clear tonight and sunny Friday. Yankees explode to drub Kansas — ^ -m -m m Detailed forecast on Page 3 ; Connecticut Panel starts Siehold inquiry Fami^ friends remember ^ intide today g martin kearns ordered inquiry. Jerome 1. Baskin, Department policies would be Team Parents Club. HaroM Lewis (n a I&nsfield ser­ town auditor, is also a member of the reviewed, adding that to his Robert B. Weiss, town manager, vice for the brave pilot in tlw Iran S S "'p”''-- panel. knowledge no firm policies existed to arranged for the investigation when , rescue ralsaiqn. Page:?, Editorial ................................ ..4 MANCHESTER — A town panel O’Brien said initial discussions regulate charges against Siebold. it became apparent the allegations . The U.S.S. Nautilus, the world’s Bntertbinment ......... 13 met informally Tuesday to consider centered on the facts of the case. The Although copies of the letter ac­ would be made public. Although he first nuclear submarine which was F am ily............. ......................M o anonymous charges that Melvin panel will issue a final report on its cusing Siebold of job impropriety said the charges are the same as ' built and launched in Ctanecticut, Gardening . '....................... 22-23 Siehold used his position as town proceedings, O’Brien said. have not been made public, the those made against Siebold in 1975, is coming home. Page 20. Obituaries...... 14 recreation director to financially O’Brien said the panel would not major charge against him is that he he ordered the inquiry because it con­ Peopletalk ,. ........................ 2 assist a private swimming club. hold public hearings but indicated a arranged to have a private swim club cerned ethical issues." in sports S p o rts,.........
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