Congressional Record—Senate S5785

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Congressional Record—Senate S5785 September 22, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5785 EC–5497. A communication from the Direc- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, 6. Robert K. Wong (brother): None, None, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Procedural None; Elizabeth Leung (sister): None, None, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Regulation on Issuing Guidance’’ (RIN3046– None; Kirstin ‘‘Kirby’’ Leung (sister’s ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- AB18) received in the Office of the President spouse): None, None, None. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Wisconsin; VOC of the Senate on September 16, 2020; to the RACT for the Wisconsin Portion of the Chi- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Alex Nelson Wong, of New Jersey, to be an cago-Naperville, Illinois-Indiana-Wisconsin Pensions. Alternate Representative of the United Area’’ (FRL No. 10011–74–Region 5) received EC–5506. A communication from the Assist- States of America to the Sessions of the in the Office of the President of the Senate ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of General Assembly of the United Nations dur- on September 16, 2020; to the Committee on Health and Human Services, transmitting, ing his tenure of service as Alternate Rep- Environment and Public Works. pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Fiscal resentative of the United States of America EC–5498. A communication from the Direc- Year 2019 Annual Progress Report to Con- for Special Political Affairs in the United tor of the Regulatory Management Division, gress on the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplan- Nations. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tation Program and the National Cord Blood Nominee: Alex N. Wong. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Inventory Program’’; to the Committee on Post: Alternate Representative to the UN titled ‘‘Amendments Related to Marine Die- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. for Special Political Affairs. sel Engine Emission Standards’’ (FRL No. EC–5507. A communication from the In- (The following is a list of all members of 10013–36–OAR) received in the Office of the spector General, Railroad Retirement Board, my immediate family and their spouses. I President of the Senate on September 16, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- have asked each of these persons to inform 2020; to the Committee on Environment and ative to the Office of Inspector General’s me of the pertinent contributions made by Public Works. budget request for fiscal year 2022; to the EC–5499. A communication from the Direc- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and formation contained in this report is com- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Pensions. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- plete and accurate.) EC–5508. A communication from the Assist- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of titled ‘‘Approval and Limited Approval and 1. Self: $250.00, 03/14/2016, Mike Gallagher Health and Human Services, transmitting, for Wisconsin. Limited Disapproval of California Air Plan pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘2019 An- Revisions; San Diego County Air Pollution 2. Candice Wong (spouse): None, None, nual Report to Congress on the Native Ha- None. Control District; Stationary Source Per- waiian Revolving Loan Fund’’; to the Com- mits’’ (FRL No. 10013–14–Region 9) received 3. Chase Wong (child): None, None, None; mittee on Indian Affairs. Avery Wong (child): None, None, None. in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–5509. A communication from the Fed- on September 16, 2020; to the Committee on 4. Robert C. K. Wong (father): None, None, eral Register Liaison Officer, Office of the None; Grace L. Wong (mother): None, None, Environment and Public Works. Secretary, Department of Defense, transmit- EC–5500. A communication from the Direc- None. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 5. Lily Chan (grandmother) (deceased): titled ‘‘Defense Intelligence Agency Privacy Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- None, None, None; Wong Kam Wai (grand- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Program’’ (RIN0790–AK65) received in the Of- father) (deceased): None, None, None; Chan titled ‘‘Commonwealth of Kentucky: Final fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- Chuen Chai (grandmother) (deceased): None, Approval of State Underground Storage tember 15, 2020; to the Committee on the Ju- None, None; Lau Chee Kan (grandfather) (de- Tank Program’’ (FRL No. 10013–46–Region 4) diciary. ceased): None, None, None. received in the Office of the President of the EC–5510. A communication from the Sec- 6. Robert K. Wong (brother): None, None, Senate on September 16, 2020; to the Com- tion Chief of the Diversion Control Division, None. Elizabeth Leung (sister): None, None, mittee on Environment and Public Works. Drug Enforcement Administration, Depart- None. Kirstin ‘‘Kirby’’ Leung (sister’s EC–5501. A communication from the Direc- ment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to spouse): None, None, None. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Implemen- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tation of the Agriculture Improvement Act Kenneth R. Weinstein, of the District of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of 2018’’ (RIN1117–AB53) received in the Office Columbia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary titled ‘‘Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission of the President of the Senate on September and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modi- 16, 2020; to the Committee on the Judiciary. America to Japan. fied Sources Reconsideration’’ (FRL No. f Nominee: Kenneth R. Weinstein. 10013–60–OAR) received in the Office of the EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Post: Ambassador. President of the Senate on September 16, (The following is a list of all members of 2020; to the Committee on Environment and COMMITTEE my immediate family and their spouses. I Public Works. The following executive reports of have asked each of these persons to inform EC–5502. A communication from the Direc- nominations were submitted: me of the pertinent contributions made by tor of the Regulatory Management Division, By Mr. RISCH for the Committee on For- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- formation contained in this report is com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- eign Relations. Alex Nelson Wong, of New Jersey, to be Al- plete and accurate.) titled ‘‘Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modi- ternate Representative of the United States of America for Special Political Affairs in 1. Self: $500, 3/31/18, Leibsohn/Congress; fied Sources Review’’ (FRL No. 10012–11– $500, 1/16/16, Rubio/President. OAR) received in the Office of the President the United Nations, with the rank of Ambas- sador. 2. Spouse: Amy Kauffman: None. of the Senate on September 16, 2020; to the 3. Children and Spouses: Raina Weinstein: Committee on Environment and Public Nominee: Alex N. Wong. Post: Alternate Representative to the UN $1.00, 3/18/19, John Delaney/President. Raina Works. Weinstein: $1.00, 3/18/19, John Delaney/Presi- EC–5503. A communication from the Direc- for Special Political Affairs. dent. Raina Weinstein: $10.00, 2/7/20, Eliza- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, (The following is a list of all members of beth Warren/President. Raina Weinstein: Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- my immediate family and their spouses. I ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- have asked each of these persons to inform $10.00, 2/16/20, Elizabeth Warren/President. titled ‘‘PM10 Maintenance Plan and Redesig- me of the pertinent contributions made by Harrison Weinstein: None. Eden Weinstein: nation Request; Imperial Valley Planning them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- None. Area; California’’ (FRL No . 10014–02–Region formation contained in this report is com- 4. Parents: Deceased; Victor & Hannelore 9) received in the Office of the President of plete and accurate.) Weinstein. the Senate on September 16, 2020; to the Contributors, amount, date, and donee: 5. Grandparents: Deceased; Max and Sarah Committee on Environment and Public 1. Self: $250.00, 03/14/2016, Mike Gallagher Weinstein, Max and Frieda Rosenberg. Works. for Wisconsin. 6. Brothers and Spouses: Mitchell EC–5504. A communication from the Sec- 2. Candice Wong (spouse): None, None, Weinstein, deceased; Alan and Lisa retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- None. Weinstein, None; Stuart Weinstein, None; ant to section 1705(e)(6) of the Cuban Democ- 3. Chase Wong (child): None, None, None; Jeffrey and Deborah Weinstein, None. racy Act of 1992, as amended by Section Avery Wong (child): None, None, None. 7. Sisters and Spouses: None. 102(g) of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic 4. Robert C.K. Wong (father): None, None, Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, a semi- None; Grace L. Wong (mother): None, None, Erik Paul Bethel, of Florida, to be Ambas- annual report relative to telecommuni- None. sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of cations-related payments made to Cuba dur- 5. Lily Chan (grandmother) (deceased): the United States of America to the Republic ing the period from January 1, 2020 through None, None, None; Wong Kam Wai (grand- of Panama. June 30, 2020; to the Committee on Foreign father) (deceased): None, None, None; Chan Nominee: Erik Bethel. Relations. Chuen Chai (grandmother) (deceased): None, Post: US Ambassador Panama. EC–5505. A communication from the Legal None, None; Lau Chee Kan (grandfather) (de- (The following is a list of all members of Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity ceased): None, None, None. my immediate family and their spouses. I VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:11 Sep 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22SE6.019 S22SEPT1 ctelli on DSK30NT082PROD with SENATE S5786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2020 have asked each of these persons to inform Nominee: Thomas Laszlo Vajda.
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