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__Pkinventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated __pkInventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated Category _fkCountry ID _fkLanguage ID English? Old Item # Artist_Author Description Producer_Publisher Year Made Length Tags Price Location YTURKPURS01A Bag/Purse DTIBTOLDD01A Old Dog Khyi Ragan DFINLAMBU01A 4908.jpg Ambush Rukajärven tie DFINLHOME01A 5058.jpg The Home of Dark Tummien perhosten DHUNGCONT01A ControlButterflies Kontrollkoti Kontroll DHUNGESCP01A 3134.jpg Escape From Recsk Szökés Szokes DHUNGMOSZ01A 4928.jpg Moszkva Ter DHUNGWITN01A 4909.jpg The Witness A tanú BAFGHTHRE01A 3101.jpg Three Cups of Tea DHUNGFIRE01A 4980.jpg 25 Fireman\'s Street DHUNGFREE01A 3138.jpg Freedom\'s Fury DKAZKTULP01A 5025.jpg Tulpan DTIBTCRYS01A 3104.jpg Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion DTIBTSALT01A 3103.jpg The Saltmen of Tibet DXINJCOND01A 3114.jpg The 10 Conditions of Love DXINJKORE01A Koresh Kosen DXINJTGHT01A On a Tightrope BTRKMRUHN03A 4404.jpg Ruhnama, Second Book BAFGHTHRY01A 3100.jpg Three Cups of Tea: Young DESTOSING01A 4907.jpg OsamaReader\'s Edition DESTOSING01A 4954.jpg The Singing Revolution Bacheha-ye Aasman ﺑﭽﻪﻫﺎﯼ ﺁﺳﻤﺎﻥ DIRANCHLD01A 4969.jpg Children of Heaven Ra'ye makhfi ﺭﺃﯼ ﻣﺨﻔﯽ DIRANSECR01A Secret Ballot DKYRGDZHA01A 5024.jpg Dzhamiliya DMONGKHAD01A Khadak DMONGKUND01A 4967.jpg Kundun DREGLUNA01A 3097.jpg Luna Papa DTAJKSLNC01A 4962.jpg The Silence BTURKTURK01A 4160 (Custom).jpg Turkish Turkce BKAZKSLNT01A 3090.jpg The Silent Steppe: The BREGALNG01A 4036.jpg AlongMemoir the of Greata Kazakh Silk RoadNomad по Великому po Velikomu BREGARAL02A 4060.jpg Aral Sea Tragedy, c.1 Шелковому пути Shelkovomu puti BXINJBYND01A 5029.jpg Beyond the Great Wall DXINJSILK01A Silk Road: An Ancient World YTIBTPRAY01A Prayerof Adventure wheel ར ར YTIBTVAJR01A 4499.jpg Vajra/Dorje རརར Dorje ར ར BAZERPEOP01B 3096.jpg The Azerbaijanis: People, BREGHAPP01A 4882.JPG HappyCulture Nowruz: and History Cooking BREGSILK01A 4056.jpg Silkwith RoadChildren Cooking: to Celebrate A CAZERELEM01A ElementaryVegetarian JourneyAzerbaijani I CKYRGTENG01A 4409.JPG Tengir-Too Mountain Music CTAJKPAMR01A ПАМИРof Kyrgyzstan __pkInventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated Category _fkCountry ID _fkLanguage ID English? Old Item # Artist_Author Description Producer_Publisher Year Made Length Tags Price Location LAZERWCOST01A Women\'s costume AREGONET01A 1001 Nights postcard set Тысяча и одна ночь Tysyacha I odna BTURKSULT01A The Sultan's Kitchen: A Noch DIRANPASTR01A TheTurkish Pastry Cookbook Girl Dokhtar-e shirini- DMISCJOUR01A Journey into Buddhism: foroosh DMONGGENG02A 4957.jpg GenghisVajra Sky Blues Over Tibet DUZBKTHRO01A 5077.JPG Through the Looking Glass: HXINJDOPK02A 4742.bmp UyghurThe Andijan man\'s Massacre doppa from CUZBKUZBK01A 3028.JPG UzbekistanKeriya Ouzbekistan [French] DUZBKOZOD01A 4677.jpg Ozodlik Ohanglari: DTURKBLIS01A BlissRechitativ Svobody (Recital Mutluluk Mutluluk DTURKEVER02A Everything about Mustafa Mustafa Hakkinda HerMustafa Hakkinda Her DTURKMOMI01A Mom, I\'m Afraid KorkuyorumSey Anne Sey DTURKTIME01A 4965.jpg Times and Winds Beş Vakit Lakposhtha hâm ﻻﮎﭘﺸﺖﻫﺎ ﻫﻢ ﭘﺮﻭﺍﺯ ﻣﯽﮐﻨﻨﺪ DTURKTURT01A Turtles Can Fly HKAZKWHAT01A Kazakh women\'s hat parvaz mikonand HTURKTFEZ01A Turkish fez HTURKTHAT01A Turkish hat HXINJDOPT02A Doppa from Turpan LKAZKWVEST01A Woman\'s vest LKAZKWVEST03A Woman\'s vest Kamzol LKYRGVSKT01A 2633.JPG Woman\'s vest and skirt Kamzol and LKYRGWCOST01A Woman\'s costume Beldemchi LKYRGWJAC01A Woman\'s jacket Chapan DTURKMAGI01A Magic Carpet Ride Organize İşler HKYRGWHAT01A Woman\'s hat BREGEVER01A Everyday Life in Everyday Life in Central BREGFRGN01A Central5104.jpg Asia.jpg ForeignAsia: Past Devils and onPresent the Silk BREGGREAT02A 5121.jpg TheRoad Great Game: The BREGINSD01A 5105.JPG InsideStruggle Central for Empire Asia: inA DREGGEND01A 4973.jpg GenderPolitical Montage:and Cultural 7 Films History VHUNGDANI01A Danielfrom 7 CountriesTakes a Train - 7 Szerencses Daniel VHUNGHANU01A Hanussen VHUNGNICE01A Nice Neighbor, The VHUNGNOBD01A 1111.jpg Nobody\'s Daughter VHUNGPRIC01A A Priceless Day VHUNGSUND01A Sunday Daughters DTURKSEVG01A Sevgili Murat DAFGHKAND01A 4925.jpg Kandahar: Journey into the DAFGHMOTH01A 4912.jpg MotherlandHeart of Afghanistan Afghanistan DKAZKDARK01A 4990.jpg Dark Thoughts Қарой Karoy HUZBKSKUL02A Skullcap __pkInventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated Category _fkCountry ID _fkLanguage ID English? Old Item # Artist_Author Description Producer_Publisher Year Made Length Tags Price Location HUZBKWHAT01A Woman\'s hat LUZBKWDRES02A Woman\'s dress VKYRGHERD01A Herder\'s Calling: A DHUNGFRSH01A 5054.jpg FreshTradition Air Dying in the Friss levegö DUZBKFILM01B Uzbek Film Collection 2 BKYRGJAMI01B Jamilia.jpg Jamilia CAFGHCULT01A 4972.jpg Cultivating Afghanistan bābādak Bāz ﺑﺎﺩﺑﺎﺩﻙ ﺑﺎﺯ DAFGHKITE01A 4919.jpg The Kite Runner DKYRGHUNT01A Hunting in Kyrgyzstan Okhota v Kygyzstane DREGSILK05A 4966.jpg Journey Along the Silk Road DTAJKANGL01A 4971.JPG Angel on the Right Farishtay Kitfi Rost DUZBKORAT01A 4721.jpg The Orator DFINLBADD01A 2 Finnish films: Badding and Badding and Onnen Badding and Onnen DFINLCUCK01A 4916.jpg TheOnnen Cuckoo Maa КукушкаMaa KukushkaMaa DFINLFCVN01A 5032.jpg FC Venus DFINLRAID01A 5056.JPG Raid Raid DFINLRETR01A Return to the Plains Lakeuden Kutsu Lakeuden Kutsu DFINLRUNS01A 5057.jpg Run Sister Run! Sisko Tahtoisin Jäädä DFINLSTEA01A 5059.jpg Steam of Life Miesten vuoro DFINLWINT01A The Winter War Talvisota Talvisota DHUNGCHLD01A 4924.jpg Child Murders DAFGHDAUG01A 4915.jpg Daughters of Afghanistan DAFGHSTOR01A 4963.jpg Afghan Stories DAFGHTALB01A 4960.jpg The Taliban DAFGHTALB02A 4970.jpg Taliban II: The Revival BTRKMRUHN01A 4613.jpg Ruhnama Volume 1 DKAZKKYZZ01A 4630.JPG Kyz-Zhibek Кыз-Жибек Kyz-Zhibek DHUNGTRIAN01A 3132.jpg The Trianon Syndrome A Trianon Szindroma A Trianon Szindroma Color of God) Rang-e Khoda) ﺭﻧﮓ ﺧﺪﺍ DIRANCOLR01A The Color of Paradise DTURKDIST01A Distant Uzak Uzak DTURKEVER01A Everything is Gonna be Herşey Çok Güzel Her Sey Guzel Olacak DTURKJULY01A InGreat July ImOlacak Juli Im Juli DTURKSOUN01A Sound of Istanbul - Crossing Istanbul Hatirasi - DTURKTAKV01A 4922.jpg Takva:the Bridge A Man\'s Fear of TakvaKopruru Gechmek Takva KXINJCARV01A CaravanGod Leader, or Йол Башлигучи Yol Bashliguchi VTURKMEVL01A Mevlana\"Guide\" Jalaluddin Rumi YREGKORA01A Koran-stand YUZBKPOKR02A 4498.jpg Chekish/Bread Poker Чекиш Chekish BKAZKASTA02A Astana. Investment CREGANTH01A 3002.JPG AnthologyCatalogue of Kalmyk CREGANTH03A 3077.JPG AnthologyFolklore of Tuvan and Ude CREGANTH04A 3001.JPG AnthologyFolklore of Buryat Folklore __pkInventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated Category _fkCountry ID _fkLanguage ID English? Old Item # Artist_Author Description Producer_Publisher Year Made Length Tags Price Location CREGNGAN01A 3021.JPG Ngansans DMONGCAVE01A The Cave of the Yellow Dog DMONGSTOR01A 4487.JPG The Story of the Weeping HUZBKWHAT02A 4373.jpg Woman\'sCamel hat LREGDRES01A 4714.JPG Women\'s or girl\'s dress BTURKELEM01A 4396.jpg Elementaryand pants outfit Turkish: A CUZBKBAZA01A AtComplete the Bazaar Course of Love for DKYRGSANT01A 4920.jpg Kyrgyzstan: The Land of LREGSHRT01A 4711.JPG Men\'sSanta Claus shirt (Russian?) LTAJKDRES02A Tajik Dress LTRKMMSHRT01A Man\'s shirt BFINLNEUR01A 4067.jpg Finland in the New Europe HKYRGKALP05A 2104.jpg Kalpak HMONGCONE01A Cone-shaped hat LKYRGMROB01A Man\'s robe DHUNGADOP01A 4978.jpg Adoption DHUNGREDW01A 4976.jpg The Red and The White DTURKCRWD01A The Crowd çoğunluk Chogunluk LKAZKGVST01A 4712.JPG Kazakh Girl\'s Vest LXINJUYGH01A Uyghur costume DXINJAMAN01A Amani Sahan ATURKWATR01A water_5.jpg BTURKGRAN01B My Grandfather & I Dedem ve Ben DKAZKDAUG01A 4982.jpg Daughter-in-law Келін Kelin DKAZKGOLD01A 4606.jpg Gold Collection of Kazakh DKAZKKEKM01A KekFilm Mest\' DKAZKLORD02A 5022.jpg Lord of the Eagles DKAZKMUST01A 4989.jpg Mustafa Shokai Мұстафа Шоқай Mustafa Shoqay DKAZKNATV01A 4988.jpg Native Dancer [Shaman] Бақсы Baqsy DKAZKRACK01A 4984.jpg Racketeer Рэкетир Reketir DKYRGADOP01A Adopted Son Бешкемпир Beshkempir FUZBKCLTH01A Uzbek Cloth HAZERTURB01A 2112.jpg Turban HKAZKKALP02A 2114.jpg Kalpak HKAZKKALP03A Kazakh men\'s hat - kalpak HKAZKMANH02A Man\'s hat HKAZKTAQI01A Taqiya HKYRGDOPU01A Kyrgyz men\'s hat - dopu HKYRGKALP01A Kalpak(wool) HKYRGKALP02A Kalpak HKYRGKALP04A 2103.jpg Kalpak HKYRGMANH01A Man\'s hat __pkInventory ID Image Item Name Original Name Transliterated Category _fkCountry ID _fkLanguage ID English? Old Item # Artist_Author Description Producer_Publisher Year Made Length Tags Price Location HTRKMMHAT01A Man\'s hat HUZBKSKUL07A Skullcap Дўппи Do'ppi HUZBKSKUL08A Skullcap HUZBKSKUL09A Skullcap HUZBKSKUL10A Skullcap HUZBKSKUL11A Skullcap HXINJDOPG01A Doppa from Ghulja HXINJDOPK01A Doppa from Kashgar HXINJUYGH01A 4743.bmp Uyghur woman\'s hat from HXINJUYGH01A UyghurKeriya tumaq IKYRGKOMU01A Komuz - three stringed IXINJUYGH01A Uyghurinstrument dap LKAZKMROB01A Man\'s robe LRUSSWVEST01A 2062.jpg Woman\'s vest LUZBKMROB01A Man\'s robe MKAZKFIGU01A Figurine, Kazakh MKAZKSMAL02A 4528.jpg Small Wooden Kazakh MKAZKYURT03A NestingFemale FigurineYurts with Plume MKYRGDOLL02A 4526.jpg Wooden Kyrgyz Male MKYRGDOLL04A KyrygzFigurine Doll MKYRGSFEM01A 4527.jpg Small Wooden Kyrgyz MMONGLIGT01A LightedFemale MinatureFigurine Ger MREGYURT01A Small yurt MREGYURT03A Miniature Yurt YREGHPAD01A Hot Pad YREGTEAC01A Tea Cosy YREGTEAC02A tea cosy DMONGBEAU01A 4701.jpg My Beautiful Jinjimaa DFINLFROZ01A 5051.jpg Frozen Land Paha Maa DFINLLETT01A 5049.jpg Letters to Father Jaakob Postia Pappi DFINLMANW01A 1095.JPG Man without a Past MiesJaakobille
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