Spring 2010 Spring

scenecommunity Colgate the for views and News A Few Minutes with the Rooneys the with Minutes Few A The Illusion of Sameness of Illusion The Snapshots

Spring 2010

26 The Illusion of Sameness Retiring professor Jerry Balmuth’s parting parable on our confrontations with difference

30 Snapshots A class documents life at Colgate around the clock

scene 36 A Few Minutes with the Rooneys A conversation with America’s “curmudgeon-in-chief” Andy Rooney ’42 and his son, Brian ’74


3 Message from Interim President Lyle D. Roelofs

4 Letters

6 Work & Play

13 Colgate history, tradition, and spirit

14 Life of the Mind

18 Arts & Culture

20 Go ’gate

24 New, Noted & Quoted

42 The Big Picture

44 Stay Connected

45 Class News 72 Marriages & Unions 73 Births & Adoptions 73 In Memoriam

76 Salmagundi: Puzzle, Rewind, and Slices contest

On the cover: Bold brush strokes. Theodora “Teddi” Hofmann ’10 in painting class with Lynette Stephenson, associate professor of art and art history. Photo by Andrew Daddio. Facing page photo by Timothy D. Sofranko.

News and views for the Colgate community 1 scene online and more—visittoday. webcasts, classes,presentations,event information, The HillatHomeputsColgate atyour fingertipswith www.colgatealumni.org/hillathome The HillatHome: Get connected Nagasaki, Japan. students whocreatedorigamicranes tobesent group, sponsoredanevent thatdrew morethan50 Colgate GlobalCitizensforPeace,anew student Peace Initiative: www.colgate.edu/video the Americanhealthcaresystem. that reflectdifferentviewpoints aboutreformof Students takingabioethicscoursecreatedpodcasts http://www.colgate.edu/podcasts Undergraduate in May. nalism aftergraduating work inbroadcastjour- News, shehopesto writer fortheMaroon- last spring.Asenior study abroadinMadrid erature, culminatingin tration inSpanishlit- also includedaconcen- Park. Herstudieshave Austen’s Mansfield thesis focusesonJane literature; herhonors is majoringinEnglish perspectives,” pg.18) 9, “Broadcastingnew (“Back oncampus,” pg. Kate Preziosi’10 Contributors 2 scene: Watch Listen Voices: Spring2010 philosophy oflanguage. Wittgenstein andthe the yearly seminaron introduced toColgate: own specialty,whichhe losophy, aswell ashis history ofmodernphi- and aesthetics,the logic, philosophyoflaw has covered thecore, His legendaryteaching Colgate since1954. pg. 26),hastaughtat Illusion ofSameness,” phy andreligion(“The Professor ofphiloso- Harry EmersonFosdick Jerome Balmuth, colgatealumni.org/scene). an e-mailwhenwe postnew onlineeditions(www. put OnlineMailingListinthesubject. name, classyear, address, ande-mailaddress To stopreceivingtheprintedScene,e-mail usyour [email protected] Online Scenesubscription: Go paperless upcoming giftguide. form tosubmityour itemforconsideration inour like Scenereaderstoknow about?Filloutouronline crafted jewelry, boutique hard cider—thatyou’d Do you have aproduct—organicchocolates,hand- Got ?:www.colgatealumni.org/giftguideform around campuscapturethebeautyofseason. Chenango Take alookbackat“thewinterthatwas”inthe Photo Galleries:www.colgate.edu/photos Award recipient. time EdwardR.Murrow Emmys andisatwo- has received several homa Citybombing.He wildfires, andtheOkla- Southern California Los Angelesriots, insurgency tothe1992 tsunami, andtheIraqi War, 2004IndianOcean from thePersianGulf reported oneverything Rooneys,” pg.36)has Few Minuteswiththe Brian Rooney ’74(“A News Correspondent Award-winning ABC Talk Look Valley. Thirteen (ofcourse!)imagesfrom artwork. have alsofeaturedhis albums, andmagazines game packaging,books, like MarcEcko. clothing designers Park, andP. Diddy,and Z, Kanye ing artistssuchasJay- contemporary record- Cola clients includingCoca- super-realistic stylefor pg. 36)hasappliedhis utes withtheRooneys,” Thompson (“AFew Min- ages, illustrator Mike many celebrities’vis- Known fordepicting and We’ll sendyou West, Linkin Infiniti 8 Video Motors, 315-228-6161. and DeanforDiversity, 13OakDrive, Hamilton,NY non-discrimination policies:Keenan Grenell, been designatedtohandleinquiriesregardingtheuniversity’s protected underapplicablelaw. istics, domesticviolencevictimstatusoranyothercategory veteran ofthe age, maritalstatus,sexual orientation,statusasa disabled religion, creed,physicalormentaldisability(includingAIDS), race, color, nationalorigin,citizenshipstatus,sex, pregnancy, discriminate initsprograms andactivitiesonthebasis of Notice ofNon-Discrimination:ColgateUniversity does not university, thepublishers,oreditors. Opinions expressed arenotnecessarilysharedby the 315-228-7453, [email protected]. University, 13OakDrive, Hamilton,NY with your new addressto:AlumniRecordsClerk,Colgate If you’re moving... Pleasecliptheaddresslabelandsend in SouthBurlington, Printed andmailedfromLanePress www.colgatealumni.org/scene 315-228-7417 [email protected] Contact: Sametz BlackstoneAssociates Will CookandSummerParker, Design assistanceprovided by Anthony Adornato Manager ofMediaCommunications Mark Senior Advancement Barbara Brooks Director ofMarketing andPublicRelations John Gilger Assistant DirectorofAthleticCommunications Karen Luciani Art Director Timothy O’Keeffe Director of Contributing writersanddesigners: Kathy Bridge Production Assistant Andrew Daddio Coordinator ofPhotographic Services Gerald Gall Director ofPublications Aleta Mayne Associate Editor Rebecca Costello Managing Editor Charles Melichar and Communications Vice PresidentforPublicRelations parents, friends,andstudents. is circulatedwithoutchargetoalumni, winter, spring,andsummer. University fourtimesayear —inautumn, The Sceneispublishedby Colgate Volume XXXIXNumber3 Walden Web Content Vietnam era, predisposinggeneticcharacter - Cert no. SW-COC-00255 no. Cert Vt. Writer The Scene 6 10% The following personhas 13346-1398,call Vice President

13346; scene team Message from Interim President Lyle D. Roelofs

Colgate is one of nearly 700 colleges that have signed the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, aimed at broad achievement of carbon neutrality. This effort will be significant, not only in the steps we will take to reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of the educational opportunities those initiatives will provide.

The issue of sustainability has received a great deal of attention, but the pus Sustainability Fund, supported by the 2008 and 2010 senior class gifts, discussion of how to address it is challenged by three factors. First, we do not and matching gifts from Colgate trustees. know enough to respond capably. This lack of understanding prevents us How we address sustainability as an educational issue is even richer. We from reaching agreement on the consequences we face, and their magnitude. bring important speakers to campus. We offer formal courses, including sev- So, it is not surprising that a second factor is the heated disagreement that eral focused around questions that go beyond discrete disciplines and extend surrounds sustainability. Most thinking persons have reached some positions to real-world applications. For example, Sustainability in Theory and Practice on this challenge, and some are inclined to denigrate opposing views as “un- is the senior capstone course for environmental studies majors, being taught informed.” But truly, because we really don’t know enough yet, all positions by Bob Turner, professor of and environmental studies, and John are to considerable extent “uninformed.” The stakes are high, and the debates Pumilio, sustainability coordinator. This course culminates with students will continue. Finally, even when we come to a better understanding and identifying and working on sustainability initiatives on campus or in the sur- consensus on what responses will be necessary, we do not yet have a global rounding community. structure strong enough to take on shared problems of this magnitude. The challenge of sustainability reaches nearly every academic discipline, This is the point at which Colgate, as an institution dedicated to the gen- including my own — physics. Physicists and engineers understand energy, eration and sharing of knowledge, is poised to lead informed discussion, at work, the second law of thermodynamics, electronics, materials, efficiency, the same time that we take steps to address the issue. etc. We have done a lot in the of lowering the impact of humans and Colgate’s administrative approach to sustainability is to minimize our their lifestyle on the planet. In other areas, political scientists have to study impact on the environment while benefiting our budget. Perhaps the best ex- the global dimensions of both the problem and the solution. We don’t yet ample is our 20-year-old wood-fired boiler, which generates 76 percent of the have sufficiently robust entities of global governance to really take on world- campus’s heat and domestic hot water. Burning woodchips is far more envi- wide issues; the international summits that have taken place so far are a ronmentally friendly and cost effective than burning oil. We have extended good start, but humanity has actually made very little progress on that basis this effort through an experimental planting of a local willow biomass crop in the absence of viable enforcement mechanisms. The philosophers have that will eventually fuel our boiler, and further reduce cost and the environ- been busy: many questions of sustainability have crucial ethical and moral mental impact of trucking woodchips from farther away. dimensions. The fine arts provide compelling images, whether visual, musi- Our efforts are reviewed by Colgate’s Sustainability Council, which has led cal, or theatrical, that can move opinion and open or deepen understand- initiatives including the development of a 10-year stewardship plan for the ing. The challenge of sustainability is one example of how the breadth and university’s 1,100 acres of undeveloped open and forested lands; the adoption flexibility of the liberal arts approach to learning can benefit students and of local food purchasing for dining services; and the establishment of a Cam- society alike. Beyond campus, as we seek to engage alumni in impor- tant conversations, we have hosted events such as the 2009 Energy Summit, which featured alumni representing various perspectives on the energy debate. All of these efforts are part of Colgate’s work to prepare students to thrive in a global society and to develop as life- long learners who will continue to inform themselves about global climate change and to work to ameliorate it. It is cer- tain that we will not be finished dealing with this challenge for 25 or even 50 years. To be part of the response to this chal- lenge will require each of us to listen to various viewpoints, seek information, understand the issues, and participate, following a pattern of involved citizenship and leadership that we expect all students to acquire through their Colgate education.

A new kind of willow path: 7.5 acres of fast-growing willow planted on Colgate land last spring will supplement the campus wood-fired heating facility within three years. Last year alone, renewable, carbon-neutral wood chips provided 76 percent of the campus’s heating needs, the university $1.8 million in fossil fuels and preventing the generation of 13,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

News and views for the Colgate community 3 Daddio Andrew Letters

Naturally speaking Great story, but a warning is paying big to educate 5,000 I just had the pleasure of reading the The article on Kate Holcombe’s “Path of their brightest young minds at the Winter 2010 News and views for the Colgate community Winter 2010 Colgate Scene cover to to Healing” (Winter 2010) was well graduate level in the world’s best in- cover, and for an hour, I felt like I was thought-out and actualized on the stitutions. Our government is invest- back at Colgate. I particularly liked the page. As an acquaintance during our ing in pipe-dream alternative energy article “It’s Only Natural.” I am a native Colgate years, I am gratified to learn technology, the majority of which has upstate New Yorker who grew up that Kate found a path to channel her no shot at producing anything viable. surrounded by small farms, and I considerable energies and break free I have attended many industry pre- scene am so pleased to see that Colgate of her demons. One possible “red flag” sentations in the last year, including on has found a way to work with local caught my attention: the idolization of domestic peak oil and gas, the global farmers and food producers in a way the teacher. warming/carbon credit system, and that is mutually beneficial. I was also Before we met, my wife lost 15 unconventional (shale) gas economics. impressed by the students’ desire and years to a guru cult with a “godly” I researched the facts and have formu- It’s Only Natural motivation to support Colgate’s local leader who grew to control all aspects lated my own opinion: natural gas is How to Build a Novel Path to Healing community. of her life. Even after she found her the most viable short-term alternative The Scene welcomes letters. We reserve way out, the bad associations kept her fuel. We will need to recruit talented the right to decide whether a letter is Gretchen Ward Mancuso ’98 away from yoga for years afterward. young individuals to explore and acceptable for publication and to edit Fairfield, Conn. Today, we practice yoga regularly but develop these reserves in addition to for accuracy, clarity, and length. Letters do not subscribe to any particular studying the environmental impacts deemed potentially libelous or that malign system. There is a long tradition of of the same. a person or group will not be published. devotion to the teacher or “master” Letters should not exceed 250 words. You in Indian yoga. Unfortunately, that Scott Avanzino ’91 can reach us by mail, or e-mail sceneletters devotion can sometimes cross the line Madisonville, La. @colgate.edu. Please include your full to deification, with negative psychic, name, class year if applicable, address, physical, and social results. A correction, he thinks phone number, and/or e-mail address. If we Holcombe participates in one of In the Autumn 2009 Class of 1949 notes, receive many letters on a given topic, we the less proscriptive yoga systems, in the final note, from Dave Davies, says, will print a representative sample of the which particular emphasis is given “While we were undergraduates, the opinions expressed. On occasion, we may to the individual’s needs, wants, and second African American in Colgate run additional letters online. I am delighted to see a growing move- capabilities. While I detected in the history was admitted. The first had ment by Colgate to incorporate local article a great affection for her teachers, been Adam Clayton Powell ’30....” food into its menu, to see such a it appears that she is relatively safe My father, Sanford Stanton, Class valuable course as Food being offered, from guru worship and victimization of 1905, attended Colgate during 1901– and, especially, to see that students on the path she chose. Hers is a 02. He was on the baseball team, and I are becoming more aware of where great story. have a picture. One of the team mem- their food comes from and have made bers appears to be African American. an effort to increase awareness about Charlie Tiller ’92 The photo was taken by Mr. Stone, local, “real” food on campus. St. Paul, Minn. who was still shooting Colgate teams While I was a student, I went to when I enrolled in 1947. I had seen the Farmers on the green, but the photo on the wall in Huntington didn’t go beyond that to eat food that Gym and went to Mr. Stone’s studio was healthy. Since having my own to try for a copy. He walked quickly children, I’ve educated myself about into the back room, found the plate the benefits of local food, raw and for it in just a couple of minutes, and honey, pastured eggs and livestock, immediately made me a copy, which and what is behind such terms as I still have. No names with it, unfor- “organic,” “natural,” “free-range,” etc. tunately, but I recognized my dad. He I would highly recommend to didn’t remember the fellow with him Green Thumbs or the university to on that team half a century earlier, but invite Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Natural gas the way to go did not seem surprised that an African Farms, to the campus as a speaker. I couldn’t agree more with Bruce American was there then. He was featured in Michael Pollan’s Selleck’s remarks in the article sum- Omnivore’s Dilemma. I was lucky marizing the Colgate Energy Summit Ted Stanton ’51 enough to have Mr. Salatin as a guide (Winter 2010, pg. 63). We should be Houston, Texas when I went to the farm for a tour, encouraging our brightest and best and to say I was enlightened is an to pursue careers in the geosciences. Carl Peterson, Colgate’s archivist, understatement of the impact he had There is a huge age gap in the replies: I can verify that at least 13 on me. Thank you for an inspiring industry today. African Americans graduated prior to article, which gives me hope for the A colleague of mine attended 1940. The first we know for sure were next generation. a recent American Association of two cousins from Lynchburg, Va., in Petroleum Geologists regional the early 1870s. In the 1850s, there was Janet Cushing ’91 meeting. One of the topics was how a student here from New Orleans. One Reston, Va. enrollment of U.S.-born students in of his current relatives in South Caro- the geosciences is way down. He also lina claimed he was African American, noted that the Chinese government but there is no way to verify this 4 scene: Spring 2010 13346 absolutely. We do have materials on When he walked into his office, trends continue, this will double in it to the pros. We, of course, gloried in the student mentioned above, includ- I greeted the scowl on his face with, less than 50 years, and double again the 1932 team — truly special in the ing a photograph. “How do you like your tea?” Bill broke before 2100. I know of no responsible annals of college football. But 2003 into a grin. He walked over to his desk, person who has studied the issue who was special as well. There was an More Moliere pulled out a bottle of vodka, picked believes that 24 billion is a sustainable excitement that we could see and feel: Shannon Wolfe’s letter recalling Atlee up his own shamisen, and we played number. I have seen a serious estimate the goalposts fell, the beautiful photo Sproul’s direction on Le Misanthrope in duets in between shots! Never did of the answer to the question above in Sports Illustrated, and most impor- 1987 (Winter 2010) made me remember get around to the oral final. The best of 3 billion, half of where we are now. tant — we were invited. his production of Moliere’s Le Misere in part for me wasn’t the A I got for the If this is correct, we are now in an In my mind, there is no debate. The 1966–67. I remember playing Cleante, course; I learned that he told the story overshoot mode. two teams are equal: twin goalposts but, malheureusement, no lines! over and over at a Christmas party There is a conundrum here. Many in Colgate’s field of dreams. When Atlee was a wonderful professor a few days afterward. people, either explicitly or implicitly, it comes time, we should have Dick who inspired many students to go believe that science can solve all of Biddle Field at Andy Kerr Stadium. into the theater. He was also a World Jeff Johnston ’77 our problems: energy, hunger, disease, War II hero, having volunteered early Westport, Conn. etc. But, when science comes up with Frank Kaiman ’74 for service in a Canadian commando an answer they do not like, or that Scarsdale, N.Y. unit. I do not recall the details, but I In 1955–59, Bill Skelton was a young requires action they do not want to believe it was the same unit involved music instructor; I was an aspiring take (think global warming), these With all due respect for and recogni- in the unfortunate raid on Dieppe. He clarinetist. I played in all of his bands. same people dismiss the science as tion of the 2003 football team, we never spoke of it, but my grandfather, I was his concertmaster for three wrong. I suggest reading The Limits to should keep in view that those of us who saw similar service and taught years. Bill thought enough of me to Growth, Meadows et al. Their com- who played during the 1959–61 era with Atlee, mentioned it once. allow me to teach Prof. M. Holmes puter modeling has been criticized, played a true Division I schedule, as Hartshorne’s son Dick the clarinet, but their predictions so far are spot on. did those before and some of those Richard J. Kessler ’70 which I did for two years. In my junior We have a choice: we can find a way who followed us. We played Syracuse Chevy Chase, Md. year, the only record of Colgate songs to limit population growth, which will when they were #1 in the country, was done with the concert band be very difficult politically, or we can with Ernie Davis, the Heisman Trophy Remembering Bill Skelton and glee club. I still play it. A creative let nature take its course, and hunger winner, and several all-Americans. We The Scene has really hit its stride with the leader, he invented different shows and disease will do the job. also played Penn State, Rutgers, and Winter ’10 edition. Of particular note for every football game. My first big Army. The football schedule certainly was the coverage of family friend and game with the band, I was so nervous George A. Williams ’52 has changed since then, and I would teacher Bill Skelton (In Memoriam, that I marched the wrong way, but Bill Salt Lake City, Utah suggest for the best. Pg. 79). never criticized me. In fact, he laughed and told me that with everyone on the More on Banter covers Charles F. Dalton Jr. ’62 Kevin Sio ’73 field, who was to know? He always I was greatly surprised and pleased to Andover, Mass. Skaneateles, N.Y. restored confidence. find a nice letter from Ben Patt and a reproduction of one of my Banter Shaw piece sparks memories Behind Bill’s “gruffness” was a hidden Robert Shapiro ’59 covers (Letters, Winter 2010). I remem- Your beautiful article (“A Writer and side that I had the honor to experi- Slingerlands, N.Y. ber folding over a big snowflake His Image,” Summer 2009), with its ence my sophomore year. His Asian drawing time after time to try to get gorgeous presentation, brought to life Ethnomusicology class culminated in all the facets the same. As you can see, for a few moments perhaps the most a one-on-one oral final on the course I failed. It’s too small to see, but the charming of all the wraiths that move material and a recital on an Asian title of the book the student is reading in and out of our memories. Way back instrument, which, in my case, was is Survival in the Arctic. in 1956 or 1957 when my wife, Joby, the Japanese shamisen. Anyone like and I were living in the Village, we me who was a member of the concert Jim Berrall ’56 were heavily involved with the Paulist orchestra at that time was familiar Carroll Valley, Pa. Fathers and their parish’s Legion of with Bill’s unpredictable personality Mary ministry to the many Puerto and tirades as conductor, so I was The great football debate Rican immigrants on Manhattan’s apprehensive about the final. It was with great pleasure that I read Upper West Side. In all of this, we A few days before, Bill had a Brad Tufts’s letter in the Winter 2010 became quite friendly with [Hungarian heart-related episode that sounded Scene honoring the reputation of the film producer/director] Gabriel Pascal’s scary. I made one of those decisions undefeated, untied, unscored upon, widow. Her husband had had a very that could prove to be either very and “uninvited” campaign of the 1932 close and important connection with memorable, or momentously stupid. More Growing Pains football team. That football season The Great Man, George Bernard Shaw. I sought out an Asian friend from my I was distressed to see some of the is part of our family lore, passed on Although we can’t remember her dorm and borrowed his karate-style comments on Al Bartlett’s article on to us by my father, Grover Radley ’37, first name, we can’t forget her lovely robe and tea brewing set, thinking, population growth (Letters, Winter grandfather of Emily Stein ’02 and face, her ash blonde hair and light eyes, I can at least try and look the part 2010). In particular, the idea that more Katie Minehan ’04. her slim, ladylike form. She was quiet, and possibly fake my way through. people is “good” shows that the soft-spoken, with a lovely Hungarian I brewed some tea, sat crosslegged on message has not gotten through. Sarah Stein accent. She had an intensity about her the floor wearing the robe, and tuned The key question is this: How many Rockport, Maine and a great deal of holiness (she took up the shamisen, shaking with nerves people can this planet support, long doing God’s work very seriously). and hoping he retained his sense term, and at a reasonable standard We had a pretty good team: Mark van of humor. of living? Current world population Eeghan ’74, who followed Marv Hubbard John A. Pfaff ’53 is about 6 billion. If current growth ’68, was our claim to fame and made Princeton, Ill. 13346 News and views for the Colgate community 5 Campus scrapbook play &


A Dialoguing about the Vagina Monologues tickets and T-shirts

work work for sale.

B Puzzling out a New York Times crossword puzzle in the Coop.

C Hamiltonians united on foot and ski at the first Heat Up Hamilton Winter Duathlon, a 6K cross-country ski through Seven Oaks Golf Course followed by a 5K run through the village and campus. Photo by David Hollis B

D E-Waste — this sculpture by Leslie Strobel ’10 and Jesse Chang ’12, representing electronic items that should be recycled rather than dumped into landfills, was displayed at the Green Summit in February.

E As these students toss the ’bee, the quad buzzes with activity on a warm spring day.

F Ladies bust a move during a dance-a-thon organized by Students for Students at the Palace Theater. Proceeds benefited the Kisayake Memorial School for children with special needs in Mbale, Uganda. Photo by Janna Minehart ’13

Heart-shaped pizza at Oliveri’s was one of many holiday- themed downtown deals for the midnight Hamilton Movie Theater showing of Valentine’s Day, sponsored by CAB Take Two. Photo by Janna Minehart ’13

Photos by Andrew Daddio unless otherwise noted

6 scene: Spring 2010 D




News and views for the Colgate community 7 8 scene: work & play Spring2010 in Health. Borders, andPartners Cross, Doctors Without for theAmericanRed which raised funds Haiti benefitconcert, during theHopefor Students perform purpose,” together with asenseofcommon in thiscase, outbrings astrongdesiretohelp and, “A like crisis we areseeinginHaiti raised morethan $400. $2,250, by Greek-letter organizations raised $6,000. a crowd of600andraising about at theendofJanuary, Chapel inMemorial benefit concert atperformed Colgate’s HopeforHaiti Morethan two dozenmusical acts earthquake inHaiti onJan. followingrelief efforts thedevastating much-needed support for financial nity music groups turnedinto some The soundsofcampus andcommu- nearly $9,000forHaiti Concert, fundraisers generate place anew student sexualmiscon- consideration, After ayear ofresearchandcareful misconduct policy Workshops, classsupport sexual organizers.cert campus ministerandoneofthecon- central lineup Theconcert featured to seeeveryone reachingout.” children, Joanne Shenandoah, ing inHealth.and Partners Red Cross, Allproceedswent totheAmerican staff fromColgate.

Grammy andtheColgate Bookstore

New Additional fundraising efforts andstudents, saidMarkShiner, DoctorsWithout Borders, astrongdesiretoband

York Award–winning artist Colgate has put into

“I was deeply moved


Hamilton school- helping todraw faculty, 12. Catholic


and -

comes first-responder istration, some membersofthefaculty, Inaddition tothestudent sessions, training program. ment adviser andco-facilitator ofthe campus.” having about healthy sexuality on of many conversations we willbe “These of thesophomore-year experience. very productive,” and nuanced, “The the remaindersemester. ofthespring additional sessions were scheduled for had attended sofar, press time, of mandatory training workshops. violations,reporting new policy, Students arelearning about the express theirconsent. to sizes theresponsibility ofallparties prohibited behaviors andalsoempha- duct policy that moreclearly defines The and Romance languagesandliteratures said Marilyn (Lyn) Rugg, about what exactly misconduct is,” “We’re out toeducate people a problem. of attaching sanctions because, exploitation. sexual misconduct aswell assexual explicitly definestwo categories of interactions with otherstudents,



sessions policy,

questions university’s

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andtheconversations which

training before

are saidKimTaylor,



harassment andmorethan 20

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a reporting admin-

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dean By

Andrew Daddio use and pitfalls. Hesaidthatthestatemust Williams ically depressedareasofthestate. incentives willgreatlybenefittheeconom- the potentialjobopportunitiesandfiscal Thoseinfavor ofthedrillingarguethat amount ofwaterrequired. contamination, chemicalspillage,andthe including surface waterandgroundwater are concernedwithitspossibleeffects, debate. in gasextraction —isatthecenterof Hydraulic fracturing —themethodused explained it iscomingtoNew fever that’s beendown inPennsylvania,but not ready,sothere’s beennoneofthis Virginia. “InNew already beguninPennsylvaniaand Active drillingandgasdevelopment has into PennsylvaniaandsouthernNew from Ohioand formation thatextends deepunderground TheMarcellusShaleisablackshale possible environmentaleffects. the technologythatwillbeused,and natural gas,explaining thehydrogeology, Marcellus Shalefortheextraction of posed, yet controversial, drillingofthe New it inPennsylvaniaandisnow focusedon Marcellus Shaleandaquifersabove logical Survey, A hydrologist whoworks fortheU.S.Geo- Shale GasPlayinNew present “Hydrogeology ofthe Marcellus room inFebruarytohearJohn crowded intoaHoScienceCenterclass- Geology The other regulatoryagencies,and thepublic. comments fromthescientific community, reviewing themorethan13,000 submitted developed draft regulationsandwas Atpresstime,New after drilling. sampling localwell waterbeforeand water resourcesby reusingfluid,and fracturing, reducingtheimpactonfresh- microseismic monitoringofhydraulic Brown bag


York State.Hediscussedthepro- dirt

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Shale the Williams ’76


members including West York. said, “We wanted a policy that could Molly Kunzman ’12, a leader in work for every case and not hamstring Gamma Phi Beta, agreed. “For me, the the process.” scariest part is not that someone will According to the policy, the take advantage of another person, distinction between acceptable and but that when people drink too much, Back on campus unacceptable conduct lies in the there are two people who might both Real World and St. Lucia before taking a job in notion of mutual respect and clear be in an unhealthy place.” Her sorority On the weekend of January 15, Syracuse, N.Y., government. She consent, which can be blurred by the held a joint training session with the hundreds of Colgate seniors convened encouraged the seniors to “be use of alcohol or drugs. “However,” members of Sigma Chi fraternity. on campus just a few days before the fearless” in their job searches and in the policy states, “being under the “Even if now it feels confusing, official end of winter break. They life: “Research the people who are influence of alcohol or drugs is not the administration wants everyone came to meet with more than 100 holding the positions that you want,” a defense to an allegation of sexual to know that they have options if alumni, who made the trek to frosty she said. “Learn what they do, who misconduct or sexual harassment.” something happens to them,” said Hamilton for Real World 2010. These they are, what they need. It is impor- In addition to explaining the new Kunzman. alumni generously advised the tant that you come out of your policy, Rugg hopes the training will soon-to-be-graduates through a comfort zones and engage them.” foster a stronger buddy system on Students spring into action as series of panels and cocktail recep- Glenn Ivers ’73 spoke at the panel campus. “What I want is to empower community volunteers tions, reassuring them that although on nonprofit organizations about how people — men and women — so that With suitcases filled with supplies the future may be uncertain, the being at Colgate during the peak of if they see someone drinking too carried by arms ready to do work, 65 Colgate network is always available. activism against the Vietnam War much or being taken advantage of, Colgate students set out during spring inspired him to enter the nonprofit they will step up,” she said. break to engage with communities sector. “Part of what we were doing as Consent is also one of the subjects in need. a generation was reacting to the of a five-week non-credit class called The Center for Outreach, Volunteer- horrific things our nation was doing,” Yes Means Yes, which looks broadly ism, and Education (COVE) and the said the executive director of at sexuality at Colgate and in general. Office of the Chaplains run alterna- Wanderer’s Rest Humane Association Developed from a senior thesis by tive spring break trips for students in Canastota, N.Y. “Over the years, Jaclyn Berger ’09 and supported by looking to do something meaningful I have really derived not just monetary Colgate’s Wellness Initiative, the class is with their time away from campus. wealth, but also emotional wealth facilitated by Dawn LaFrance, associate Students served communities as near from helping people in my career.” director of Colgate’s counseling center, as Edmeston, N.Y., and as far away as The print news industry transition and other staff and faculty. Hato Mayor in the Dominican Republic, to web content was the topic of a “The policy brings up a lot of new while learning what it means to be discussion led by Paul Toscano ’07, issues,” said Nick Mitilenes ’10, who global citizens. producer for CNBC.com, at the Media is a peer counselor, president of the “These trips open students’ eyes so Daddio Andrew and Journalism panel. He sounded Intrafraternity Council, and member that whatever job they end up in, they J. Austin Murphy ’83 optimistic for the future, explaining of Colgate’s conduct board. “You could have an awareness about the world,” that, “There is a new frontier. The fact have cases where a person thinks they said Ingrid Hale ’89, COVE director. J. Austin Murphy ’83, senior writer that we can’t monetize it just means got consent, but maybe they didn’t.” The COVE sent teams to four loca- for Sports Illustrated, delivered an we haven’t figured it out yet.” tions: Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine amusing yet poignant keynote address Interim President Lyle Roelofs Ridge Reservation, S.D., for community Music and dance from several student in which he related his own life encouraged the seniors to reflect on building; Hato Mayor, to lead income- groups kicked off the celebration of Mar- experiences as a “reverse barometer their accomplishments at Colgate, and generation workshops; the Pathfinder tin Luther King Jr. Day in Memorial Chapel. for success.” He reminded the seniors be proud: “You’ve been exposed to the Village (a community for individuals Colgate hosted a month-long series of to be optimistic about the next step: great thinkers of all eras, you’ve majored with Down syndrome) in Edmeston, discussions, keynote addresses, work- “You’re about to be unleashed on the in a discipline, and at this point you to provide residential assistance; and shops, and other campuswide activities. world with an enviable array of probably don’t have the realization New Bern, N.C., for Habitat for Hu- advantages, most of which you’ve that you are better prepared for the manity. earned. You have youth, wisdom real world than most people your age. Hale noted that students were beyond your years, a superior work Don’t be shy about your abilities. doing more than manual labor — ethic, and a network of alumni who Employers might not know it yet, but they were partnering with a commu- care deeply about your progress. In it’s very much to your advantage, and nity. “The students [participating in a lot of ways, you’ve already won.” theirs, that they understand that.” the Habitat for Humanity trip] were At the Government/Public Policy asked to speak at a local elementary panel, Patrice Chang Bey ’94 described — Kate Preziosi ’10 school about the importance of com- her experiences teaching in Africa munity service,” she said. “Colgate has a very positive relationship with Habitat for Humanity. Not only are the students respectful and profes- sional, but they also work hard. They want to make the most of this experi- ence, so they wholeheartedly throw themselves into it.” Students participating in the chaplains’ office trips also collaborated Daddio Andrew

News and views for the Colgate community 9 Go figure – Colgate on Facebook with communities. Through the one, a relatively cheap one,” answered Colgate Jewish Union (CJU), a group Colgate’s sustainability coordinator, 7,818 on the Colgate network traveled to to volunteer John Pumilio. “In some cases, it’s as at schools in Harlem and prepare simple as running an extension cord, 24 Colgate class groups kosher-for-Passover packages to send and in other cases it might be setting to the elderly. The University Church up an electric station where we park 1976 earliest class with a dedicated sent a team to Jamaica for service our vehicles.” Facebook group work, and members of the Newman As part of Colgate joining the Community traveled to Vatican City. American College and University Presi- 907 friends of Raider Rebecca Blake ’10, who went on the dents’ Climate Commitment, Pumilio CJU trip, spoke of the of a faith- hopes to reduce the university’s vehicle 2,077 Raider Nation fans based service trip. “I enjoy traveling emissions. Ninety-five vehicles make

play with Rabbi Dave — he is both my up Colgate’s vehicle fleet, and all are 83 members of the “I’m from Colgate professor and spiritual mentor. I find due to be replaced in the next six years, University and I use Colgate Toothpaste” group that service in a religious context is according to Pumilio. “If we replaced very fulfilling.” our gasoline fleet with an electric fleet, 36 videos of performances at the Barge

& After the trips, participants had we would save an estimated $48,161 Canal Coffee Company brown bag lunches to share their per year in fuel costs, and we would experiences with the Colgate avoid 186 tons (409,000 lbs) of emis- 2,297 fans of New York Pizzeria — community. sions,” he said. aka “Slices” — Brittany Messenger ’10 Paine, who has driven electric cars for 13 years, added: “It becomes like 58 “fan photos” on the your cell phone. You stop thinking It’s electric: panel discusses fan page alternative transportation about it, you begin to trust that your The question is not “if” but “when” car’s going to work, and you have it 3 photos of students snoozing on the Extreme electric cars will be seen on local charged. I’d go to friends’ houses to Napping (Colgate Chapter) group page and national highways, according spend the night, and I’d have my fifty- to a panel of experts who discussed foot cord and I’d ask, ‘Do you mind if 12 members in the Colgate group Chuck alternative transportation technology I string this into your electric charger?’ Norris Concentrators as part of Colgate’s 13 Days of Green. You maybe cost your friend a dollar The seven panelists included film- fifty with the power you’re using. It [Numbers collected in March 2010] maker Chris Paine ’83, who took on the becomes very convenient.” automotive and oil industries in his Steven Von Bargen of Bannon — Jason Kammerdiener ’10 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? Automotive, an electric car company

work work A range of questions about electric in Syracuse, fielded questions about cars was asked by audience members battery issues. “Batteries are not 8 in Love Auditorium as well as those stable — no two are really alike, and Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ tuning into the live webcast on coordinating the batteries is a major colgateuniversity As part of a discussion colgatealumni.org. obstacle, but it can be solved,” he said. during the 13 Days of “What would it take to charge a “With the amount of money being Green, panelists agreed car individually at a house or a fleet of pumped into battery research, it’s going to be improved,” he said about that alternative cars at Colgate?” asked one person. Also as part of Colgate’s 13 Days the life span of an electric car battery. transportation is on “The charging is potentially a of Green, alumni working in various “We’re still climbing, and I think it’s the horizon. barrier, but I think it’s an insignificant environmental fields returned for the going to evolve quickly.” Green Careers Forum, a panel discus- Panelists agreed that government sion and networking opportunity for support and regulations are essential students. Watch videos of both the to the success of alternative transpor- alternative transportation panel and tation. “If we enacted a set of laws that the Green Careers Forum at www. required a certain number of electric colgate.edu/video. vehicles to be in place, Shell and Exxon would be building electric refueling Former NFL star shares stories of stations along the highway because adversity, hope they could make a bucket doing it,” Earlier this year, former NFL running said geology professor Bruce Selleck. back Warrick Dunn handed keys and Paine is hopeful that attitudes in $5,000 checks to two single moms who Washington are changing: “In the most recent presidential election, both each became first-time homeowners the Democratic and Republican parties in Baton Rouge, La. argued for the electric cars and battery In February, the soft-spoken Dunn research and funding, and that wasn’t delivered a powerful message to happening when we made our film.” Colgate students about why he helps His optimism that “change is going to single parents through his Warrick prevail” is the subject of his next film, Dunn Foundation, and why it’s so Revenge of the Electric Car. important for everyone to give back to Daddio Andrew

10 scene: Spring 2010 talks about his foundation for single parents. the NFLwithBuccaneersandFalcons, Warrick Dunn,whoplayed 12seasonsin that night,” “Ilost my mom; six children, Dunn, guard.a secondjobassecurity gunned down in1993assheworked Baton Rougepolice officer, He spoke about how hismother, staff membersinLove Auditorium. personal with students stories and student group. was invited tocampus bytheBrothers times during his12-year career, NFL Dunn, the communities inwhich theylive. of the eyes during thefirst eight months sion. him comfortable, lives,” “The foundation isaway tochange make thedreamsofothersareality. tion isaway tohonorhismotherand own ahomeofherown. Hismother’s dreamwas tooneday when shedied.” helped led himtocontact acounselor who casual conversation with ateammate and joiningtheAtlanta Falcons, leaving theTampa Bay Buccaneers Dunnalsotalked about how after dependents. become go throughan helped 93single parents, of others. and make adifferenceinthelives find what theyarepassionate about

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Andrew Daddio inhabit, met you”“thank —had tosay anopportunity society the university’s leadership giving members ofthePresidents’ aid, support forscholarships, alumni who have provided critical a chance tosendpersonal notesto initiative that gives undergraduates in theCoopforaThank-a-Thon, OnMarch24, trips half-empty Whether you tendtoseecups as Tuition-free week networking 13 experience. cover 67 percent oftheColgate remains constant: Instead, still had notbought himselfanew car. foreight years,being intheNFL Dunntold students that even after people,” you needtohang out with theright relationships areinyour life, “Hestressedhow important impression with thestudents. ity owner oftheFalcons, tion technology andnow isaminor- Florida Dunn, being goodcitizens. oflife, part tant it istoview asjustone sports attendance, Intalkingtostudent-athletes in coordinated theprogram. assistant directorMike Tone ’07, they’re oncampus,” students about philanthropy while timetotalkwith “Thisisaperfect revenue its If the legendary havefriends steppedforward tofill at OlmsteadHouse, spring same would members orate ment students aspect ofcampus life—thecourses philanthropy has animpact oneach alumni andremindedeveryone that March 21–28, Signsposted aroundtheuniversity, long


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My Tell usaboutyour family. guard atmydesk. Rockefellers camethrough. didn’t thinkIshouldbedoingitby myself,whichwasvery sweet. Manyyears ago,oneofthe Meredith BaxterBirney helpedmepopupumbrellasafteratouronetimebecauseshe What kindofinterestingpeoplehave comeby your desk? working withGary. center. In1980,Icametoadmission. of admission];hewasintheStudentSenate.Next, Iwent tohistory. I worked instudentactivitiesstarting’76. Where didyou work beforeyou cametotheadmissionoffice? student greetersandtheseniorinterns. their visittoColgateapositive andenjoyable experience. Ihave alotofinteraction withthe people, make appointments,make surethey arepointedintherightdirection—justmake That’s whatpeoplelike tosay:“theface ofColgate,” whichisalittlescarysometimes!Igreet You areoftenthefirstpersonpeoplemeetoncampus.Describeyour job. Assistant Office Admission “TLC I make giftbaskets. Myfavorite istheoneImake fortheKonosioni CharityAuction.Icallit What doyou doinyour sparetime? who’s in vation. will turnupOakDrive by accident. single oneofthemintheirown way.AndIknow thatI’llbegoingdown 12Bsouthandthecar The wholeColgatefamily, especiallyeveryone inadmission,andthestudents.Ilove every What doyou thinkyou’ll missthe most whenyou retirethissummer? visit tostopby mydesk(I’mgoingtotearuponyou now), thatmeansalot. which wasabigthrill. The MaroonCitationisrightupthere.Iwashighlightedintheyearbook several years ago, What areyour mostmemorable Colgate moments? “Vanna Noot.” which camefromaladywhocouldn’tfigureoutmynameover thephoneandkept callingme to sing,“Lookie,lookie,herecomesCookie”me.GaryRoss callsmeMrs.Noot, Besides “Mrs. Only peoplewhodon’tknow you well callyou Gloria. Get to know: Mrs. V. Vanderneut) Mrs. know: (Gloria to Get



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soon. find What’s sospecialisthatit’s gonefullcircle.HereIam, The grandchildren arethelove ofmylife.

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News and views for the Colgate community Colgate the for views and News State’s who’s inMissouri,hastwo littlegirls;Randy,


Department Tell usaboutyour nicknames.




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them. - 11

Andrew Daddio 12 scene: work & play Spring2010 Central School,butthekidseachhand in dresses. all wear ill-fittingties,thegirlsare bus, excited by thebigday. The firstgraders tumbleoffthe By Chuck Fox ’70 (and somuchmore) Dinner andamovie the MalawiChildren’s new bikes toAfrica,coordinatingwith who can’taffordthem,andwillship bicycles forMadisonCounty families nity Bikes, whichrefurbishes donated recently startedanonprofit,Commu- nating the4thofJulycelebration. He the restore the the ChenangoNurserySchooland construction andraising funds tobuild from coordinatingtheplayground’s a fixtureinservingthecommunity, to raise theirfamily. He’s become turned toHamiltonasagreatplace said, heandhiswife,Maureen,re- after hegraduated fromColgate, Fox snack togive away.Justthree years Movie ings —Fox, whomanagestheHamilton goes —fromthepostofficetomeet- in hishands.Nearlyeverywhere he clutching ared-and-white-stripedbox Fox ’70strollingdown thesidewalk given day,you’re likely toseeChuck Passing throughHamiltononany Passion fortheClimb Village Bicentennialandcoordi- Theater, carriesapopcorn The bussaysMadison Village Green,tochairing Village. The boys

Andrew Daddio door. “Iremembertherewasthiscute her husbandofJohn’s ShoeShopnext Plesniarski, longtimeproprietor with the theater, reminiscingwithJudy AColgate grad returningfor his 50thReunionstandsoutside and telltheirstories. even awedding! Peoplelove tostopby Colgate andhighschoolgraduations — fundraisers, wartimeblooddrives, have beenUSOdrives, Depression-era folks. Morethanjustmovies, there erations ofcampusandcommunity that hascreatedmemoriesforgen- always beenacenterpiece,place about eachother. Andthe theaterhas and celebrates history.Peoplecare embraces creativity,valuestradition, Greatplace,Hamilton.It’smunity thatisreceptive acom- tonew ideas, He laughsapprovingly. asks. “None,” Itellhim.“Justforfun.” the music.“What’s theconnection?”he looking outatabigcrowd enjoying high schoolstaff,isstandingwithme front ofthetheater. the street,whichwe’ve blocked offin TheSherburne-Earlvillemarching band isperformingamini-concerton and aheavydoseofcommunityfun. Spiderman scalethetheater’s wall), lots ofroomforcreativity(we had history (thetheateropenedin1895), notwithstanding), asliceofHamilton bit ofculture(Jackass: The Movie It’sthe arts(we perfectforme.Alittle bitof presentopera), alittle big andsmall. all ofustomake adifference inways theater can,andtapintothatdesirein people inwaysthatonlyahometown the energyofcommunity,engage make itfunforothers,contribute to ater ItellpeopleI’minshowbiz. Best job Iever had.Managingamovie the- been toatheaterofanykind.” adds, “Alotofthesekidshave never for this,” theteachertellsme.She “It’sthe movie soniceofyou forfree. toletuscome Broadway. — BroadStreetmightjustaswell be little villagesthatsurroundHamilton field, Munnsville,Otselic,ortheother for lotsofkidsinMadison—orBrook- movie attheHamilton OK,“dinner”isjuiceandadoughnut at Quack’s Dinerandtheshow isa show. they’re celebrating withdinneranda they were headingintotheBigApple, After all,thisisCityDayand,justasif the driver atoken asthey getoff. provides endless We have nobudget Tom, oneofour opportunities Theater. Still, to that’s showbiz. for them.” Greatdayforme,too.Hey, a smileandsays,“Thiswasbigday for thebustriphome.Shegives me asleep. Themovie isover.Madison first-graders have fallen Mostofthe live inHamilton.” and saystohiswife,“Thisiswhywe dark. Ayoung dadsurveys thescene Frisbees andwavingglow sticksinthe summer movie. Kidsarethrowing Stars, TheSandlot,arealfeel-good first freeoutdoorMovie Underthe ball fields,wherewe’ve justshown our their lawnchairsandblankets atthe It’sMore than500peoplearepackingup abeautifulstarlitnight inJuly. they’re happy topitchin. we provide toschoolsandfamilies, help payforthefreeprogramming when we askthemtocontribute They appreciatewhatthatmeans.So It’s acontinuationoflongtradition. pening” attheircommunitytheater. but they like thatthere’s “stuffhap- may notknow exactly what’s goingon, for Pay the guestslinedupdown the street performing underthemarquee,or buses unloading,orthejazzensemble Folks seemdelightedtoseedon- keys infrontofthetheater, orschool something you don’tseeevery day!” whisper toherhusband,“There’s movie glancesover. Ihearthewoman Shrek. Acouplearrivingforanother Todayture donkey andapigdyed greenfor they’ve broughtaminia- passers-by). coming tothetheater(andforlotsof for them,andatreatthefamilies of ourfreechildren’s series.It’s fun showcase thematthetheateraspart and theparticipantslove tocome llamas —you nameit,they’ve got’em, Goats, horses,peacocks,rabbits, town, hasatreasuretrove ofanimals. HeritageFarm,thecenterfor special-needs adultsjustnorthof Judy tellshim. theater,” herecalls.“Thatwasme!” little blondusheretteworking atthe www.colgate.edu/scene/pfcessays how you cansubmityour own essay: Passion fortheClimbseries,or see Read moreessaysfromour 8 The teacherisroustingthem What You Want Tuesday. They The Creepy, Kooky Cartoons of Charles Addams ’33

The body of macabre artwork concocted by longtime New Yorker cartoonist Charles Addams ’33 was resurrected this spring with the release of a new book and a Broadway musical. Mysteriously, only scant records are to be found of his year at Colgate: his name and hometown (Westfield, N.J.) in the 1931 Salmagundi, and a reference to his joining Theta Chi. But nearly 20 cartoons published in the comic student magazine Banter clearly show the roots of his artistic style and the twisted sense of humor for which he came to be famous. From drawing style to wicked irony, these Banter covers, “Winter Carnival,” Feb. 13, 1930 (left), and “Good ’till the last drop” (New York Stock Exchange in background), June 6, 1930, show similarities to the New Yorker cartoons Addams drew by the hundreds.

The Addams Family: An Evilution by H. Kevin Miserocchi, a coffee table book tracing the Addams Family history, was released in March 2010. The Addams Family: A New Musical, starring Nathan Lane as Gomez and Bebe Neuwirth as Morticia, premiered on Broadway in April 2010.

Morticia cartoon ©Charles Addams with permission from the Tee and Charles Addams Foundation. For more on Charles Addams, go to www.charlesaddams.com.

Page 13 is the showplace

“Good Lord — we’re skidding — anything behind “Oh, I couldn’t make it Friday — I’ve so many things to do. It’s us?” “Not a thing — not a thing.” Banter illustration the thirteenth, you know” (The Addams Family: An Evilution, for13 Colgate tradition, history, showcasing Addams’s penchant for depicting deadly page 51). Legend has it that Professor Jerry Balmuth’s current and school spirit. situations (“Winter Carnival” issue, Feb. 13, 1930). home in Hamilton is one of several buildings across the country claimed to have inspired the Addams Family’s house. S-STEM students present at and Mathematics, the program pro- science symposium vides the students with educational Six students took advantage of the and financial support through their opportunity to share research find- sophomore, junior, and senior years. ings and sharpen their presenta- Germaine Gogel, associate pro- tion skills at a science symposium fessor of chemistry and director of held at Harvard Medical School. The S-STEM, and Katherine Hoffmann, undergraduates, who are in Colgate’s a postdoctoral fellow in biochemistry, Scholarships in Science, Technology, went with the students to the Engineering, and Math Program symposium. (S-STEM), mingled with peers from “It was a fantastic experience other universities, postdoctoral fellows, for all of us,” said Gogel. “I think it Syllabus graduate students, and others at the reinforces in our students the belief New England Science Symposium that they can do this — they can get HIST 313: Upstate History (new) held Feb. 28. a degree in the sciences and pursue MW 2:45–4:00, 108 “It was a great experience to dis- a career in the field.” Faye Dudden, Professor of History cuss my work in this kind of setting,” said Walfrey Lim ’11. “It allowed me to Course description: Upstate New York has interact and learn about other peo- a rich history. In the late 1700s, it was a ple’s research projects and immerse borderland between Europeans and Native myself in different areas of biology.” Americans. Pre–Civil War, it was a hotbed Lim and Yvett Sosa ’12 presented of radical social movements, an economic a poster about their research, which powerhouse fed by canals and railroads, and they had conducted with Editza a haven for all sorts of “isms,” from millenari- Velazquez ’11, of how three different anism to utopian communism. Later, it species of bacillus create spores. became home to industries and immigrants. Sosa said she got a lot of satisfac- Recently, upstate has exemplified the tion from discussing her work and declining fortunes of the “rustbelt.” This having it reviewed in such a formal Students create symbols of peace course explores upstate issues of national setting. “I had a chance to sharpen the More than 50 students took part in an significance, as well as phenomena unique skills I need in presenting, and it was effort to fold paper into 1,000 origami to the area. a good chance to network with a wide cranes to send to Nagasaki, Japan, range of people,” she said. one of two Japanese cities hit with an On the reading list: Cross, The Burned- Also attending the symposium atomic bomb during World War II. Over District: The Social and Intellectual were Marvee Espiritu ’12, Julio “A thousand cranes is symbolic of History of Enthusiastic Religion in Chanelo ’12, Vickie Cadestin ’12, and a community’s hope and dedication to Western New York, 1800–1850; Sheriff, Lucy Velasquez ’11. Velasquez found peace in this world,” said Alex Sklyar The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and it a bit nerve-wracking at first to be ’10, co-founder of Colgate Global the Paradox of Progress, 1817–1862; among the 150 or so presenters, but it Citizens for Peace (CGC). During his Stauffer, The Black Hearts of Men: Radical took just a couple of conversations to visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki Abolitionists and the Transformation of make her comfortable. She presented while studying abroad in Japan, Race; Ginsberg, Untidy Origins: A Story of a poster about her research into how Sklyar was moved by the strength of Women’s Rights in Antebellum New York single-nucleotide polymorphisms the residents’ hope for peace, which might affect the size of different inspired him to bring a bit of that Key assignments/activities: Long paper breeds of dogs. She worked on the hope to campus. on a site study; field trips including to the project this past summer with Luis Working with Shauna Dunton ’10 home of the utopian Oneida Community Mejia ’11 in the lab of biology professor and Carolina van der Mensbrugghe (1848–1880)

life of the mind Barbara Hoopes. ’10, Sklyar founded CGC this semester. All the students had taken advan- Its mission is to raise awareness about The professor says: I’ve been thinking tage of Colgate’s summer research important issues in international about developing this course for years; any program and had presented their peace activism on campus and to historian who specializes in 19th-century findings to fellow students and to provide students with a path to pursue social history knows the importance of the professors. They are among the dozen that . “Burned-Over District” here in upstate. An students in the S-STEM program, “We hope to change the focus of the example of the students’ site studies is which is supported by a grant from club every semester to a different area one focusing on the 1821 exhumation of the National Science Foundation. of peace activism,” said Sklyar. “This the body of Major Andre, the British spy The program supports selected semester, we’re focusing on nuclear who was executed for his role in the Bene- students with an interest in health- nonproliferation and disarmament.” dict Arnold treason plot; he was originally science fields who are from under- Along with making cranes, buried in Rockland County. So far, the class represented communities or from students learned about nuclear weap- is most enthused about Alan Taylor’s book economically disadvantaged back- onry from posters and information William Cooper’s Town; we brought in a grounds. Administered by the Center sheets. There also was a petition-sign- speaker from the New York State Histori- for Learning, Teaching, and Research ing event to support President Barack cal Association, and the students sug- and the Division of Natural Sciences Obama in talking more openly about gested we invite Taylor himself.

14 scene: Spring 2010 nuclear nonproliferation and disarma- Cerasano is a member of the but also is critically important for ment at the treaty revision session advisory board for the Henslowe- conservation purposes.” Live and learn this May at the United Nations. The Alleyn Digitization Project, which is Cerasano has worked with the Japan Club made sushi for the event. led by a team of experts from King’s Dulwich College Archive for more “We hope that the people who College London, The Museum of than 20 years, and has written numer- come here feel like they are contributing London, UCLA, and the University ous essays on Henslowe and Alleyn. to the international peace activism of Reading. She authored biographies of both movement in a way. Also, by exposing The experts have been working to men for the New Oxford Dictionary of them to Japanese food, culture, and make available the largest collection National Biography, one of the defini- tradition, [it instills] a sense of global of manuscript material on professional tive historical sources in the United community,” said Sklyar. theater and dramatic performance Kingdom, and is currently editing the Bryan Rasbury ’12 commended in the age of Shakespeare and many diary of Alleyn for Oxford University CGC’s efforts to raise awareness of other leading playwrights online. Press. this important issue. “A lot of times These include the only surviving Lindsey Jacobson ’10 reports: During winter people just turn a blind eye to certain records of theater box office receipts Students, elders build digital break, 12 other students and I rekindled things, and once things are in the for any play by Shakespeare, the 1600 stories and relationships ties made by alumni more than 100 years past, people just forget about them. contract to build the Fortune Theatre What do a 20-something Colgate ago, in an extended study trip to India. So it’s great to make people remember in London, and notes of payments to student and a 70-something area and to show them that this happened, playwrights including Ben Jonson and resident have in common? More than We were all students in Religion 326A: and we should be aware of it,” he said. Thomas Middleton. you might think, it turns out. Far From Thy Valley, a course dedicated Along with sending 1,000 cranes The original collection, housed Twelve seniors taking a class called to studying Colgate Baptist missionaries to Nagasaki this summer, CGC hopes at the Dulwich College Archive in Sociology of Age, Aging, and the Life- and their contributions to communities to connect with a sister group in London, holds thousands of pages of course were paired with an elder and in northeast India. The course, taught by Japan to work together toward peace manuscripts relating to its founder, tasked with creating a digital story Asian studies, philosophy, and religion activism at their respective schools. the celebrated actor and entrepreneur about that person. The students in professor John Ross Carter, focused on They are planning upcoming lectures Edward Alleyn (1566–1626), and of sociology professor Meika Loe’s course, the alumni as individuals and examined the with an atom-bomb survivor and his father-in-law Philip Henslowe though, learned as much about dedication they needed to face missionary with someone who has lived with an (d. 1616), the most successful theater themselves as they learned about life. Each student then chose a missionary atom-bomb survivor. impresario of the age. their partners, discovering what “it” is (a Colgate alumnus or spouse) to write — Lea Furutani ’10 Cerasano, chief academic consul- that can define a person’s life and give a paper on. tant for the project, wrote biographies it real meaning. Timely lessons, Loe Professor performs key role in of Alleyn and Henslowe as well as pointed out, for students considering Visiting the Council of Baptist Churches in digital theater archive three foundational essays for the web- post-Colgate options and the need to North East India, Eastern Theological Col- For the past seven years, English site. She also helped plan and choose navigate friendships, family, material lege, and Harding Theological College, we professor Susan Cerasano has been materials for the database. life and possessions, and a sense of presented our papers to descendents of working on a project that aims to “This project is an excellent home in a new way. the people who were converted to Chris- create the world’s most important example of how today’s technology The lab component of the course tianity by Colgate alumni, including Miles digital archive on early modern English can relate to historic documents,” culminated in the digital stories Bronson 1836, Cyrus Barker 1838, Ira theater. The first stage of this major she said. “It will not only make further — three-minute videos that were Stoddard 1845, William Ward 1848, M.C. scholarly endeavor is now available. study much more widely accessible, screened in Golden Auditorium. While Mason 1872, Elnathan G. Phillips 1872, there was no red carpet, it was like a P.H. Moore 1876, and Frederick W. Harding Mary Deland of Hamilton points out some photographs to Jane Eilbacher ’10. The pair worked movie premiere at the auditorium for 1904. on a digital story about Deland’s life for the class Sociology of Age, Aging, and the Lifecourse. the students and elders who greeted each other as old friends and shared It was exciting to see the real-world animated conversations with class- connection to our classwork. The students mates, family members, and friends. and faculty we met in India were also Joanna Sherman ’10 chatted with inspired to learn more about the Colgate her elder partner, Joanne Geyer. The men and women who had such an impact on two hadn’t known each other before their lives. They expressed how grateful they the project, despite living only a few were to the missionaries, and by extension, houses away from each other in the treated us with much kindness everywhere village. They met about five times at we went. We were considered honored the Barge coffee shop and spent hours guests, and they incorporated us into their talking. They soon discovered that “college families” through cultural presen- they were both only children, and that tations and sports. they shared in international relations and the columns and books It was an honor to represent Colgate and of Nicholas Kristof. to be associated with the fine men and “It was just such a pleasant women who risked their lives for a calling. surprise how much the two of us had in common,” said Sherman, a political science major. “I feel like I have 8 made a new friend in the Hamilton See a slideshow of photos from the trip at community.” www.colgate.edu/photos Daddio Andrew

News and views for the Colgate community 15 Carol Bergen of Hamilton met with and students walked away with her life, it was wonderful to talk with Laura McDonald ’10 several times to new perspectives.” them and see the great rapport share her story, which focused on her Jane Eilbacher ’10 worked with Mary has with her daughter and passion for the Spanish language and Mary Deland, who discussed the grandsons.” Hispanic studies. importance of family and about The videos don’t represent an “We laughed together, and we serving as postmaster in nearby West elder’s whole life — they can’t in three cried together,” said Bergen. “It was Eaton. Deland couldn’t attend the minutes — but they might provide an emotional for me to go back in time campus screening, so Eilbacher went understanding of that life. like that.” to her Madison Lane apartment to “It was eye-opening for me,” said The collaborative nature of the show the video. Kate Gundersen ’10, who spoke after project was compelling for everyone “I didn’t know ahead of time, but her partner Arthur Rashap ’58 taped involved, said Loe. “It was interesting Mary’s family came to see it, and we the script for their video in the audio to see how the life story moved from had the chance to watch the digital studio of Case Library and Geyer memories to being a student-elder story together,” said Eilbacher. “After Center for Information Technology. co-production, and how both elders hearing so much about the people in “It was great to put what we were learning in class into such real terms,” she said. “And it was a highlight of my week to meet with Arthur. He had so Good to know: research projects with only 2.6 to 7 percent of residents many experiences to share.” yield tips and advice below the poverty line had seven The research findings of students high-quality and only two low-quality Picker Institute funds new who took last fall’s Geographic stores. Many areas, particularly im- collaborative research projects Information Systems course, taught by poverished ones, are not served by Colgate faculty members will collabo- professors Adam Burnett and Pete any, she found. Food for thought for rate with professors from around the Scull, could be useful to a variety of county officials and developers. world and the nation on research proj- people, from government officials to ects funded by the university’s Picker vacation planners. In a project aimed Interdisciplinary Science Institute. at demonstrating their ability to use According to the director, biology GIS to collect data, formulate an professor Damhnait McHugh, the appropriate analysis, and cogently institute supports research by faculty present their results, the students members who combine their exper- were given carte blanche to come up tise from different areas of study “to with their own topics, said Burnett. address otherwise intractable scien- Some added a GIS dimension to tific questions,” she said. research for another class; others The grants were awarded to: Krista explored aspects of a personal Rise in Lyme Disease Get out the Ingram, assistant biology professor; interest. Whether serious or more bug spray and pull up your socks. and James Watkins, a plant ecophysi- lighthearted, Burnett said, all of the The incidence of Lyme disease — ologist, and Nancy Pruitt, a compara- projects had good GIS science going carried by deer ticks — in New York tive cellular physiologist. on behind them. Here is a sampling: has risen sharply (1,000 more cases Ingram will work with Guy Bloch, in 2008 than in 2007). Cat Weiss ’10 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and America’s Next MLB Team If expan- attributes that rise to the increased Rudolf Meier, National University of sion is planned, Albuquerque, N.M., contact between deer and humans due Singapore, to examine how ant workers should be the next city to have a Major to increasing proximity. She found in a nest organize all of their neces- League Baseball team. Sara Aschheim that perimeters of residential land sary behaviors or tasks when no single ’11 studied factors for success, that borders deer habitat, as well as ant is in control. It turns out that ants which include a city far from land with nearby water sources that rely on the same mechanism that

life of the mind another with an existing borders deer habitat, rose significantly humans use to organize their daily team, with the financial between 1992 and 2001. activities: an internal molecular rhythm wherewithal to support generator called the circadian clock. a team, and a significant Which Route to Choose? If you plan The scientists will investigate the Latino population, reflect- to bike across America, Meg Hanley genetic structure of the ant circadian ing the growing interest in ’11 recommends you take the Trans- clock, explore how genes that regulate baseball among that group. America Bicycle Trail from Astoria, circadian rhythms are associated with Ore., to Yorktown, Va. Of the three specific tasks, and reconstruct the Accessing Food Lack of access to major cross-country routes, it is the patterns of change in rhythm regula- quality food outlets correlates directly longest, and has the largest percent- tion throughout ant evolution. The team with areas of higher poverty in Madison ages of the route within parks. And hopes to improve the understanding County, N.Y., where 11 percent of while it covers more ground with steep of the role of molecular clocks in the residents live in poverty. Jen Rusciano slopes than the Southern Tier route, synchronization of animal behavior ’10 found that the areas with 12 to 15 the mid-latitude TransAmerica trail with external environments. percent of residents living below the presents bikers with a more temper- Watkins and Pruitt are teaming up poverty line had 11 low-quality and six ate climate than either the Southern with Melvin Oliver, a molecular biolo- high-quality food outlets, while areas or Northern Tier routes. gist at the University of Missouri, to examine how plants respond to desic-

16 scene: Spring 2010 cation. Environmental changes in the including the Abyssinian Baptist Get to know: Ulla Grapard coming decades will expose plants Church, which was founded in to extreme stress and will likely alter opposition to racially segregated seating natural species’ distributions, upset in houses of worship; the home of ecosystem processes, and threaten the Madame C.J. Walker, the nation’s first world’s food supply. African American woman millionaire The scientists will focus on an and entrepreneur; and the Apollo ancient group of plants — ferns — Theater, where nearly every American that respond differently to desiccation jazz great debuted. Afterward, some at various stages of their life cycles. two dozen members of Colgate’s In addition to lab work at Colgate and Alumni of Color organization joined the University of Missouri, the project the group for a traditional soul will take the researchers and Colgate food dinner. students to Costa Rica for fieldwork. Before the trip, students attended It will be one of the first studies to a day of Harlem Renaissance lectures. integrate ecological, physiological, Keenan Grenell, Colgate’s vice presi- and molecular approaches in seeking dent and dean of diversity, explored to understand the mechanisms by the prosperous tradition of entrepre- which plants have evolved to survive neurship in Harlem; English professor on dry land and how they are likely to Michael Coyle looked at the powerful Daddio Andrew behave under predicted global change poetry of the period; and Mel Watkins scenarios. ’62, NEH Professor in the humanities As an economics graduate student in the early ’80s, Ulla Grapard was encouraged to pursue and author, discussed the rise of a subject outside the field to round out her studies. When she mentioned women’s studies Harlem trip offers cultural assertive satire and literary humor. as a topic, her professor said, “What?” and then, “No.” awakening “The workshop topics helped us But she was doing a ton of reading about women’s issues, attending talks and lectures, and would not let the idea go because she saw the connection, the thread. During his first two years at Colgate, build connections to the significant “It seemed to me that gender was profoundly important when you started looking at Naledi Semela ’10 lived in the Harlem sites and people of Harlem,” said economics,” she said. “But it was as if the economic age that I grew up in was always Renaissance Center (HRC). Yet, he Shevorne Martin ’08, ALANA outreach/ presented as completely without gender.” didn’t fully connect the residence’s programming coordinator, who led The times changed, and Grapard contributed to that change as a founding member of the theme to its history and culture — the trip. “We learned not only the International Association for and in her role as associate professor of until he took the recent Harlem significance of the Harlem Renais- economics and women’s studies at Colgate. Renaissance Tour. sance period, but also its importance Her dual interests manifest themselves on campus all the time. Recently, she took part “There were portraits and artworks to Colgate — especially in terms of in a faculty-led discussion about the Great ’s impact, and then a couple of weeks on the walls,” said Semela, an art and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. ’30, one of later, participated in a training session about the new student sexual misconduct policy. art history major, “but they felt like our most well-known graduates.” One of her early research interests was the unpaid sector of the economy. “We all come relics, or like they were there for aes- Fast-forward to today: the presence into this world as babies who need care and attention. And that labor has by and large been performed by women, and been performed by women without pay. So there is this whole thetic reasons. Visiting the landmarks on the trip of Yasmin Mannan ’12 made unpaid sector, a whole activity that is productive activity, that has been disregarded by and hearing about the people helped the Colgate–Harlem connection even for a long, long, time, and that is profoundly gendered.” us fill in the gaps.” more real. Her father, Mujib Mannan, Feminist economists now are examining the role women play in the success of male On the 21-hour whirlwind tour, is a musician and director of the CEOs whose jobs require a spouse who can provide child care and run a household while the Semela and 50 other students and Harlem Jazz Festival, and he, too, was executive works 70 to 80 hours a week. In some recent divorce cases, women have argued administrators visited sites significant mentioned several times during that they are partners and significant contributors to the husband’s success, and should be to the Harlem Renaissance period, the tour. compensated that way. Grapard regularly examines such issues in her Gender in the Economy course. She teaches the course at the university’s Women’s Studies Center, where she has maintained a second office in her role as director of the Women’s Studies Program. She has been director the past three years, and is encouraged by the increasing role the center has played in the advancement of the academic program. She explained that many colleges have a women’s studies program or department that is separate from the women’s center. “The nice thing about Colgate, and a real strength, is that we have an academic component that’s matched up in the center with all of its programming and activities.” Students, mostly females but by no means all, and some who are women’s studies majors and some who aren’t, now use the center as a place to hang out. “We have a regular group of students who use this as their space for studying because we have a library and computers. They come here to talk. They bring their food and they eat because it’s a pleasant area. It’s cozy. Many of our students will talk about the center as their home.” It is a home she has helped improve and hopes will continue to grow — for all students.

— Tim O’Keeffe Lorenzo Ciniglio

News and views for the Colgate community 17 Navajo sand painting images Meant to be ephemeral, the sand and A Native American Studies senior materials are then ritually disposed of. seminar learning the Navajo creation Because King was believed to be story had the chance to see a visual the last living person who knew the representation of their studies with ceremony, artist Maude Oakes the exhibition Where the Two Came collaborated with him in the early to Their Father: Paintings for a Navajo 1940s to reproduce the paintings, War Ceremonial. Mounted at the thereby preserving the ceremonial. Longyear Museum of Anthropology The prints, which have been housed in from November through the end of Case Library’s special collections as a February, the exhibition served as a study resource, were exhibited for the learning tool across several disciplines, first time on campus in the Longyear including Professor Chris Vecsey’s Museum. Navajo Creation Narratives class. “So much of the sand painting tra- The 18 portfolio prints not only tell dition is about the malleability of the a portion of the Navajo creation story, medium, so to see these core values in but also are reproductions of sand a more permanent form is invaluable paintings used in a war ceremonial to those of us who have only studied it performed by chanter/medicine man from afar,” said Rachel Wassel ’10, Bruce Guernsey ’66 Jeff King. The chanter dedicated his a religion major and Native American life to learning the ceremonial, which studies minor. imaginatively brings to life the was traditionally performed for young Vecsey’s class spent time in the haunting images that he presents in

culture men going to war but could also be gallery examining the images after his words: “Stalks dry and blowing, applied to ward off illnesses caused by having spent the semester studying brown / and rattling, rattling / contact with enemies. the underlying story. “We were able to when you walk by / as if something King would create the sand look at how one religious or medical were inside.”

& paintings as he performed the specialist in Navajo life represented He wrote the poem shortly after ceremony, using either the sand or the narrative in visual form and how moving to Illinois because he was a buckskin laid on the ground as his he would have used it to help either intrigued by the stories he was canvas and mineral pigments, cure people or prepare them for a hearing about children getting lost in charcoal, corn meal, pollen, and particular, potentially dangerous the tall corn. “I used to run along the ground-up flowers. “The person for activity — warfare,” Vecsey explained. open roads, and I swear I could hear whom the ceremony is being given In November, the Native American something in the corn,” Guernsey said. stands or sits on [the painting] and Studies program coordinated a series “It fascinated me, and I imagined absorbs strength from the holy ones of related events, including a visit some child in there.” invoked by making these images,” to campus by acclaimed Navajo “October” is part of The Lost explained Carol Ann Lorenz, senior storyteller Sunny Dooley. A closing Brigade, one of four poetry collections Where the Two Came curator of the Longyear. “So the reception for the exhibition was held Guernsey has written. “When you to Their Father: Paint- remains of the painting, which they in late February, attracting students, write a book of poems, it’s a little bit ings for a Navajo War have disturbed by standing or sitting faculty, and representatives from the like going outside in the evening on Ceremonial, Plate 16: on it, are polluted; all the benefits have Oneida Nation. a clear night and seeing a few stars Big Snake Painting, come to the person and all the illness — after a while you see constella- arts Maud Oakes has transferred to the painting.” Inspired by nature tions,” he explained. “[Poems] may As Bruce Guernsey ’66 was reading come from immediate experience, his poem “October” for the PBS they may come from memory, but magazine series Arts Across Illinois, after a while, you begin to see certain he was continuously interrupted by patterns in them.” mooing from cows on the farm where Guernsey’s current writing projects it was being filmed. “For a guy named include a biography of John Haines and Guernsey, that really is something,” a textbook about reading poetry, called joked the wordsmith. “I felt like I was A Traveler’s Guide to Poetry. Addition- touching a real audience there.” ally, he is editor of The Spoon River Guernsey was featured in an Poetry Review, a journal published episode of Arts Across Illinois called through Illinois State University, and “Inspired by Nature.” “I found his a distinguished professor emeritus at poem ‘October,’ about the harvest Eastern Illinois University. season in Illinois, to be a perfect fit for Among his favorite poets, includ- the episode featuring artists inspired ing John Keats and Robert Browning, by nature,” said producer Andrea Guernsey counts his former Colgate Guthmann. “[It] is a somewhat dark, professor Bruce Berlind. “He was a gothic interpretation of a rural Mid- very large inspiration to me.” western landscape,” she explained. To watch Arts Across Illinois The episode shows Guernsey “Inspired by Nature,” visit http:// reading the poem in an old barn and www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=1,8.

18 scene: Spring 2010 Broadcasting new perspectives work: The Bullfighter Checks Her Members of the Colgate community Makeup by Susan Orlean, Regarding who visited the Picker Art Gallery in the Pain of Others by Susan Sontag, February and March experienced an and Consider the Lobster by David exhibition unlike anything the space Foster Wallace. Class members added has hosted before. The Broadcast volumes from their own libraries to exhibition included 13 works by an round out the lyrics. international group of artists who The collaboration culminated in an have engaged, critiqued, and, in some open lecture, sponsored by the Institute cases, inserted themselves into official for the Creative and Performing Arts, channels of broadcast television and on Feb. 4. The artist talked through Open mic radio since the late 1960s. several of her favorite creations. Video, In order to accommodate the audio, installations, and photographs technologically intensive demands of Wheeler — the variety of Katchadourian’s work this show, Colgate’s lead electronics is nearly as stunning as the way in Warren technician, John Robinson, and which each piece forces the viewer to Hostage by Dara Birnbaum, part of the carpenter/mason Jeff Golley worked encounter the common in an uncom- Broadcast exhibition tirelessly to transform the space into a mon way. media gallery in just two months. On screen, California-born conferences by President Lyndon B. Artist Gregory Green’s WCBS Radio Katchadourian, her Finnish mother, Johnson taken from Sony’s Portapack Caroline is an actual short-range and her Armenian father each try to portable video device in 1965. He pirate radio station. Students were shed their native accents. On CD, the deftly cuts the audio to project single given the opportunity to manage the artist explores alarming similarities words and messages, deliberately station for an allotted period of time, between the sounds of South Ameri- I’ve listened to the way challenging the power of the broadcast. and they could reach anyone within can birdcalls and the cry of an urban You’ve been drifting through this crazy life, and Robinson was especially excited a six-mile radius on 93.7 FM. anti-theft device. I visualize the ways you are rectifying all you’ve tried about bringing this dynamic collec- Robinson and Golley joked about Through photographs, the daughter Here and now, here and now it comes calling out tion to the Picker because it was such the perils of installing the antennae retraces her mother’s childhood. On Here and now, here and now it comes calling out a departure from the gallery’s typical on the roof of the Dana Arts Center in display, she demonstrates how to Just let it stay, just for today, and exhibitions. the Hamilton winter weather. But for create a pre-modern Twitter account It’s the only way to finally live your life “You can become a part of what Robinson, it was worth the risk. “This using a telescope and a 17th-floor — Collin McLoughlin ’10, “Here and Now” you’re seeing,” he said. “It’s a piece of is where the sixties came out of,” he office window. the founding fathers of those who said of Green’s radio station. “This is “Sometimes there will be something The original music of singer-songwriter taught us that art was not just ink on where ‘peace, love, and let’s fix all that I end up engaging — something Collin McLoughlin ’10 and his group a canvas.” the wars’ came from. It was people I've been noticing or thinking about Fourté, whose members include — Kate Preziosi ’10 running around with little pirate for longer than I even realized,” she Garrington Spence ’10, Ty Henry ’10, transmitters, totally breaking every told the audience. “And it ends up and Uzoma Idah ’10, sets the stage rule in the world, going up on the Title poetry becoming an art project.” for six slideshows of images taken by What is art? The question loomed air and hopefully staying up on The original idea for Sorted Books four photographers during one week at large over Sorted Books, a cooperative the air long enough to get their took shape during a vacation with Colgate for a new admission project. exhibition featuring the work of Nina message out.” friends in 1993. The crew agreed to Katchadourian and students from Golley was in charge of making create art out of materials on site, and McLoughlin describes his part in Literary Journalism, taught by Jennifer Robinson’s layout for the exhibition Katchadourian was drawn to the Colgate 24/7: “I wanted to include Brice, and Photojournalism, taught by a reality. In one month, he built new library. She began to move books some faster, more energetic tunes, Linn Underhill. walls to accommodate the artists’ around and make phrases from the along with some slower, more relaxing The pieces, which were on display separate requirements, and found titles. By the end of the weekend, songs to give prospective students a through the end of February in the innovative ways to conceal the she had not only created a series of spectrum of music that exemplifies Clifford Gallery, are formed by stacking thousands of wires hiding in the statements, but she had also invented the wide range of activities and books in a particular order so that the immaculate white space. a new, accessible art form. experiences present at our university. titles create simple poems with complex “We worked together to create It’s that form that Colgate students I think the intense/relaxed dichotomy messages. Photos of Katchadourian’s what the artists envisioned,” said had a chance to share with Katchadou- expresses my last four years as a poems stretched around the walls. Golley. “I like doing this kind of stuff rian during her time on campus — a student here, and works well for They led to tangible sortings prepared because it’s a lot of thinking on your form that tries to answer the question, a piece that is meant to accurately by Colgate undergraduates. feet. I’m hoping that when all is said “What is art?” Close observation. portray student life.” Katchadourian selected three texts and done, some of these walls will as a foundation for every student’s stay, because I think they add charac- 8 ter to the space.” The exhibition addressed a broad To listen to the tracks and check out the range of historical events and political slideshows, visit www.colgate.edu/247. debates, sometimes from behind the lenses of some of the earliest portable video equipment. Nam June Paik’s Video Tape Study No. 3 contains images of news Janna Minehart ’13

News and views for the Colgate community 19 20 scene: go ’gate Spring2010 Natatorium. fayette atLineberry over ArmyandLa- season withvictories wrapped upitsregular ming anddivingsquad The women’s swim- goals inasingle game. Colgate players toever scorefour later, against onFeb. Princeton Stewart scoredher50thcareergoal, points scoredinasingle season. tied threeprevious players formost most goalsbyaforward. most goalsinasingle seasonand several Colgate records, theregularseason, During ECAC Hockey all-league first-team. the firstforward tobenamed tothe In February, Forward firsts McGraw ’11 won thetitle inthe400IM. ’12 swam a4:18.11, three individual titles. three-day event, Hall inAnnapolis, League Championships at Lejeune team placedthird at the2010Patriot The women’s swimming anddiving Making waves — Kate Murphy ’10, Kim Pilka’13, and Emma Santoro ’13. Derlath, Raiders had five first-teamperformers: second teamsafew days later. Patriot Leagueannouncedits firstand two menonall-league teamsasthe Colgate placedninewomen and toclaimthe200back. with a1:59.58 a 1:59.82. crown bywinning the200flywith Dan Sweeney ’13. performers: overall, The men’s team,

were shebecameoneofjustthree had apairofsecond-team

Kunnapas, named

LiaKunnapas ’13touched ’11

claimed Tucker Gniewek ’11and Katie Stewart ’10 became Callahan Courtney ’12,

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honorees. Erin The

Andrew Daddio place assists)toput herinsixth goals–43 Stewart has amassed 99points (56 third onColgate’s careergoalslist. her record of56careergoalsplacesher in cancer awareness on campuses, effort Think Pinkin2007, Pink Zoneinitiative, annual PinkZoneDay on Feb. Coaches Association (WBCA), ciation with theWomen’s The women’s basketball team, Athletics gives back the endofFebruary. onship at Army’s Gillis FieldHouseat at thePatriot League IndoorChampi- lead theRaiderstoasixth-placefinish Elise DeRoo’12won apairoftitles to Two track titles forDeRoo David For thesecondconsecutive season, Second timeforMcIntyre Council. Food Cupboard andHoliday Interfaith holiday inventory at theHamilton drive inNovember tosupplement the endeavors was acannedfoodandtoy Cancer Society. Madison County, tothevillageofHamilton,beneficial tain’s philanthropic events have been been press time, for thethird consecutive season. Mellon Hockey Humanitarian Award who was named afinalist for theBNY Hamilton community isEthan Cox ’10, Alsolending ahelping hand tothe day’s game, attendance. Bass donating $1forevery fanin for thecause, community. stays within thegreater Hamilton that allthemoneyraised at thegame Susan G. women’s basketball with the partners Yow/WBCA CancerFund, the WBCA’s main charity istheKay coaches. time aroundbyECAC Hockey head season round and Union, season weekend games versus RPI Against Cancer” chosen first-teamhonoree, a 2008–09 Cancer Society. All proceedswent totheAmerican


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with pros Men’s soccerstandouts sign sent and theathletic department torepre by DirectorofAthletics David Roach Jan. ship Conference inAnnapolis, United States Naval Academy Leader- Steven Miller ’11 attended the2010 Soccer players CalistaVictor’11and Conference U.S. Naval Academy Leadership teams thisyear. squad signedwith professional league Two seniors onthemen’s soccer her 3Ktimesits second. best intheColgate record book, DeRoo’s timeinthe5Kisthird League first-teamhonors. time of10:00.27, the final day, followed with the3,000-metertitle on day two ofthecompetition. to claimthe5,000-metertitle during and ECAC-qualifying timeof17:24.85 DeRoopostedapersonal-record event is which took placeinPhiladelphia. roundoftheMLSSuperDraft,fourth was drafted byChivas USAinthe in theSuperDraft. Then, for thefirstteamAll-. goals andfourassistswas chosen season with eight points offoftwo over hiscareer. collecting eight goalsandnine assists he played in67 games fortheRaiders, with professionalopportunity soccer, Having graduated early topursuean fielders drafted bytheorganization. pick forChivas andoneofthreemid- formilitary andcivilianopportunity Theconferenceprovided an the a professional contract toplay with second ation, the Riverhounds season the 2009season. Hermann Trophy Watch List, also thefirstRaidertobenamed tothe team honorsthisseason. All-League selection, The senior captain was atwo-time points offof15goalsandnineassists. rest ofthesenior class thisMay. on graduating andwalking with the 2009 seasons, duringin scoring boththe2008and USL Showcase.


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Raider Nation Fan spotlights with Vicky Chun ’91, senior associate athletic director

Joe Leo ’01 (husband of Amy Hargrave ’03) and son Joshua Leo, Class of 2028 Game: Men’s Basketball vs. Holy Cross, 1/27/2010. Colgate won 69–68.

Why did you attend this game? I wanted to visit my alma mater and bring my son to a basketball game.

What is your favorite sports memory at Colgate? The midnight ESPN men’s basketball game during my first year. We were defending Patriot League champions, and the place was packed. I wore a maroon wig with a basketball on top of it.

While at Colgate, did you have a favorite sport to watch? Golf [Joe was a member of the varsity golf team] … no, seriously, every sport was my favorite to watch. I have been to at least one home game/meet for every varsity team.

What was one of the craziest things you did at a sporting event? My brother,

Daddio Andrew Ralph Leo ’99, and I drove six hours to watch our men’s basketball team play Francois Brisebois ’11 (#13) posted two assists in the Feb. 16 game against rival Cornell, New Hampshire. We were the only Colgate students there and we were heckled but Big Red defeated the Raiders 6–2 in . throughout the game. That only made us cheer louder for the team! undergraduate student leaders to substantive interaction between Evelyn Koh ’11 interact with their peers and exchange undergraduate students from diverse Hometown: Seattle, Wash. ideas, experiences, and methodolo- backgrounds who share a passion for Game: Women’s Basketball vs. Bucknell (A Patriot gies on leadership. leadership. League game), 2/20/2010. Colgate won 62–58. Victor and Miller learned from military, business, diplomatic, and Colgate buses become Do you have a favorite Colgate sports team? I am on the community leaders who have over- rolling library Cheer Team, so I get to go to a lot of different home and come obstacles and transformed Each season, spend away games. I like supporting all of them. crises into extraordinary opportuni- dozens of hours traveling to and from ties. They took part in interactive different venues. Almost What is your favorite Colgate sports moment? Our Men’s Basketball Patriot sessions that challenged them to all of that traveling is done on a bus League semifinal game against Bucknell a couple of years ago. It was a “white practice what they have learned and — but these are not your standard out,” stands were filled up everywhere, everyone was screaming the whole two apply those lessons to their futures, buses; they are now known as hours, and we won! and attended a lecture by Tom Bro- a rolling library. kaw, NBC News Special Correspon- Since 2008, several Colgate buses What do Colgate games mean to you? It is a way to connect with other people, dent. have included Autonet, a mobile represent your school, and show your school spirit. I love how everyone embraces “Being an athlete, the discussion Internet router that enables student- each other in our love for this school. I found most interesting was one that athletes to use the Internet to stay covered the psychology of leading in ahead on various projects, research What do you think about today’s game? I was jumping up and down so hard that trying times,” said Miller. “Some of papers, and classroom assignments. my knees were hurting. The team stayed focused and worked so hard for that win. the best advice I took was that even This forward-thinking project, in a stressful situation, you are still initiated by the parents of current Mclain Roth ’13 capable of performing at your highest student-athletes, has allowed players Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio level and bringing your teammates to successfully continue their academ- Game: Men’s Ice Hockey vs. Cornell (sold-out rival game), along with you. The biggest part of ic studies. 2/16/2010. Cornell defeated Colgate 6–2. being a leader is leading by example, and that includes having a positive Honor rolls Are you cold? I’m not at all … not yet. mentality.” More than 190 student-athletes Victor said that she also gained were honored at the Raider Academic Why are you at this game? This is the big ice hockey much insight: “The conference Honor Roll Luncheon held at the Hall event! We came really early and we’re waiting for the was both a learning experience of Presidents. The athletics depart- teams to get on the ice. and an opportunity to rethink my ment honored all student-athletes priorities and values. In doing who achieved a 3.25 GPA or higher in Are you a big hockey fan? Of course — I go to Colgate. so, I grew as an individual and the 2009 fall semester; seven received a leader.” special recognition for having What other sport do you enjoy watching? Volleyball! [no hesitation] Each year, nearly 250 military a 4.0 GPA. and civilian students and faculty Marc Cassone ’10 and Katie Favorite varsity player? I’ll go with #26 David McIntyre ’10 for men’s ice hockey, advisers from more than 30 colleges Garman ’10 were the student-athlete and I like all of the volleyball players. and universities attend the confer- speakers, while Professor Padma ence. The unique mix of military Kaimal, associate professor of art and Why did you choose to attend Colgate? It’s the best school in the world! I’m loving and civilian schools facilitates the art history and Asian studies, was the Colgate. I like the small-size classes, the professors… I have no complaints. conference objective to encourage keynote speaker.

News and views for the Colgate community 21 Dawn LaFrance, associate One floor of the new 15,000-square- The fitness center will also foster director of counseling and psycho- foot fitness center will be dedicated Colgate’s Wellness Initiative, which logical services, handed out the 4.0 to cardiovascular machines, and encourages healthy, purposeful, awards to David Ake ’10, Sarah Chabal the other will be filled with weight- and balanced lifestyles within the ’10, Victoria Hulit ’10, Jonathan Knowl- training equipment. The construction community. ton ’11, Colin Prather ’12, David Pudalov will solve significant space issues For more information, renderings, ’13, and Sarah Sciarrino ’10. within Huntington Gymnasium. The and project updates, go to www. A total of 62 Colgate student- varsity weight training facility will be colgate.edu/fitnesscenter. athletes were named to the 2009 enhanced and moved from the third Patriot League Academic Honor Roll, floor to the first floor of Huntington Groh ’46 inducted into as announced by the Patriot League’s Gym in the vacated Little Fitness Shrine HOF executive director, Carolyn Schile Center space, increasing its size and Former Colgate football great James Femovich. making it more accessible to athletes Groh ’46 was inducted into the To be eligible for the Academic and recruits. That vacated room will East-West Shrine Game Hall of Fame Honor Roll, a student-athlete must be modified to provide significantly during the Player Awards Banquet at earn a 3.20 GPA in the fall semester enhanced space for dance and the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Fla., and be awarded a varsity letter in one aerobic training. on Jan. 22. of the Patriot League’s fall champion- This new building will also carry Groh was one of four inductees this ship sports. The criteria for awarding the distinction of being the first for year. He joined an elite group of East- varsity letters are different for each which the university will pursue West Shrine Game alumni, including team. LEED (Leadership in Energy and former President Gerald Ford, Dick Environmental Design) certification, Butkus, Pat Tillman, and Jerry Kramer. New fitness center to open the building industry standard for Additional 2010 inductees included: go ’gate January 2011 sustainable design, construction, and former NFL tight end Kellen Winslow, In the spring, construction began facility operation. former NFL fullback Larry Csonka, and on a new Colgate fitness center, slated Considered to be state-of-the-art 1960 East-West Shrine Game player to open in January 2011 adjacent to when it opened in 1994, the Wm. Brian Jim Walden. Criteria for being consid- Huntington Gymnasium, in front Little Fitness Center no longer meets ered includes that the inductee must of Lineberry Natatorium. the demands of an ever-more fitness- have played in the game at least 25 Elise DeRoo ’12 earned This $7.8 million project is fully and wellness-oriented campus com- years ago. the Katie Almeter Most funded by generous gifts from a small munity. Remedying the limited size Groh played in the 19th East-West Valuable Player award group of Colgate parents and alumni and features of the fitness center has Shrine Game, held in 1946, and was after winning the mile who wish to make an impact on been a priority for students in recent a highly recruited NFL offensive guard. at the Class of ’32 current students and are focused on years, because long waiting lines for Teams that recruited him included the Invitational at Sanford fitness and wellness as their way to machines have become common Chicago Bears, Philadelphia Eagles, Field House. do so. during peak times. and Green Bay Packers. Groh declined all offers and pursued his passion for medicine, becoming an orthopedic surgeon in Milwaukee, Wis. “It is with great humility that I accept this recognition,” Groh said. “I am honored to be a part of the philosophies and mission of the Shriners community. It was a lifetime ago that I left the field of green where I got muddy playing with the boys and entered the field of medicine — both great, rewarding experiences.” Colgate was represented at this year’s East-West Shrine Game by wide receiver Pat Simonds ’10.

More than peanuts and Cracker Jack The 2010 Major League Baseball season is underway, but fans who want to relive last season’s memo- rable moments can check out an MLB.com video produced by Russell Sherman ’91 and featuring a song written and performed by his sister, Suzanne Sherman Propp ’85. Propp’s song “Running Home” takes viewers through touching clips from Daddio Andrew

22 scene: Spring 2010 Cotterell CourtonJan.27. deficit todefeatHolyCross69–68at Colgate overcame a12-pointfirst-half he had made acasualvideoofhisson tell what was goingon—Ithought front ofthecomputer. invited meover andsat medown in ing,” “Ihad noideathiswas happen - editor at MLB.comtocreatethevideo. nications consultant, music. with hersongasthebackground creating a2009SeasoninReview Sherman approached Bowman about Then, sportscaster. about baseball,’” me, singing it, what it was about, ing herchildplay. about herfeelingsasamomwatch- music teacherwrote asongaboutwrite baseball, League team. was co-coachofPropp’s son’s Little BobBowman, list, ontheYankees’Gehrig home run, Sheffield hitting his500thcareer table events include theMets’ just embraced her. at thePhilliesgame and, back thefoulballthat herdadcaught 2009, andarecap oftheWorld Series.

‘That’s asongabout life, Proppsaid. like when the3-year-old threw Sherman, Propp’s brotherRussell saying people started to DerekJeterpassingLou

Bowman asked herto

“One day my brother shetold anMLB.com astrategic commu- CEOofMLB.com,

“Initially, Otherunforget- but when Istarted worked with an “Running Home” Icouldn’treally all-timehits surprised, that’s notjust sothe Gary


Andrew Daddio playing baseball. Club highlights sports second CD, “RunningHome” my song.” professional players andthat it was dawned onmethat thesewere Ticket office: 315-228-7600. the RaiderSportsline:315-228-7900. and videofeatures.For scores,call tics, onlineticket ordering,andnews for gameschedules,rosters,statis - Check outwww.gocolgateraiders.com 8 Lemal Competitions, Figure Skating Eastern Intercollegiate recently began participating inU.S. ’Gate learn-to-skate program, community throughtheSkate at the active while alsogiving backtothe founded tokeep formerfigure skaters tion inNovember 2009. of 15teamsat the Cornellcompeti- Skating Club skated tothird placeout only two years ago, its emphasis tocollegiate competition In truegiant-killer style, of achieved a national ranking tournament forthepastthreeyears, Squash Association Individuals number oneplayer at theCollege years. Colgate has achieved inthepastfour ing of30thinthenation isthehighest the final round. eastern, winagainst- North a nail-biting 5–4 toNorthwestern andscraped out (4–5) nationals, ranked 29thinthecountry. Georgetown early on, excellent season. men’s squashteamcompleted an Inotherclub news, sports a showcase eachsemester. at StarrRink, enjoy teachinglocal childrentoskate Scott Brown. well asoniTunes. www.SuzanneShermanPropp.com as duced bySherman canbeseenon Individual. ’10 was selected SecondMen’s Overall and onthemen’s team, third intheNew York region overall, daigua. ment at Bristol Mountain inCanan- team went totheregional tourna- Eleven membersofthealpine ski



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– Coach Head Country Women’s TrackCross and We Tell usaboutyour currenttrack andfieldteam. – crowd —they don’tgettodothatalot. It isalwaysprettyelectric.Ourwomen were reallyexcited toruninfront ofahometown Memorial Classof’32Invitational? What isitlike fortheteamandalumnaetocompeteatColgate’s annualKatieAlmeter – upstairs University; – SUNY our incredible. ItwasChelseaBurns’12runningthe1200-meterleg;MicheleMiller’11, The DistanceMedley Relayteamthatcompetedat Talk aboutamemorable recordthatwasbroken thisyear. the [alumnae]feltpressuredtorun. Outdoor — KikiKoroshetz ’11 made itwork. the students,administration, andeveryone herewholooksuponfamily favorably, has Having thesupportofmyspouse, Ray[digitalmediamanageratColgate],thecommunity, student-athletes. Mychildrenthink thatcollege,andacollegelike Colgate,iseverything. It’s goodfor mykidstogrow uphere,seeColgatestudents, have autographs signedby Colgate community? What hasitbeenlike raising your children—Nick,Schuyler, andSophie—inthe and we were allgettingPower BarsfromthemandaskingwhatgearLancewasgoingtouse. experience justtobepartofitall.IrememberLance Armstrongwastherewithhisteam, up onedayandaskingifIwantedtobeintheOlympic proportion. Ican’trememberquitehow ithappened. Ijustrememberthiswoman callingme Oh gosh,IwasintheOlympic Is ittruethatyou competedintheOlympicswith Lance Armstrong? sport overnight! I wastherewhen What mostshapedyour experience ofrunningtrack atSyracuse University? record by seven seconds. runner a new bestinthe800-meterleg;andEliseDeRoo’12,whoisgoingtobeanational-level Track Coach Gettoknow: Laura Nardelli

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Andrew Daddio Books, music & Glenn Cashman & the David Ruggles Southland Big Band! Graham Russell Gao Hodges film Glenn Cashman (University of North Carolina Press) (Primrose Lane Music) Information is provided by publishers, David Ruggles: authors, and artists. Glenn Cashman A Radical Black & the South- Abolitionist and As Good As Gold land Big Band the Underground Kathryn Bertine ’97 draw upon the Railroad in New (ESPN Books) spirit and York City is the legacy of first biography of As Good As Gold Maynard David Ruggles is the account of Ferguson’s Birdland Dream Band, (1810–1849), a elite triathlete offering in this debut recording a figure of the early and former kaleidoscope of modern big band abolitionist movement in America. professional figure styles performed by Los Angeles jazz Graham Hodges tells the story of this skater Kathryn and studio musicians. East and West African American activist, writer, Bertine’s mission Coast jazz styles, Brazilian, Blues, publisher, and hydrotherapist who to make the 2008 ECM, Twelve Tone, and ballads are all secured liberty for more than 600 summer Olympics showcased. The recording made former bond people, the most famous in Beijing. In number four on the list of “Top 10 CD of whom was Frederick Douglass. preparation, she spent two years Spins — September 2009 Releases” on Hodges’s narrative places Ruggles in quoted quoted testing herself physically and men- the Los Angeles jazz station KJAZZ, the fractious politics and society of tally as she traveled the globe, trying which is in the number two U.S. media New York, where he moved among the out for nine different sports, from market in the country. Cashman is highest ranks of state leaders and team handball to race walking to luge. associate professor of music and chair spoke up for common black New

& Between harrowing episodes of of the department at Colgate. Yorkers. He inspired many upstate athletic triumph and humiliation, New York and New England whites, Bertine takes short “water breaks” to Political Rules of the Road who allied with him to form the contemplate the ins and outs of sport Lou Frey Jr. ’55 (with Aubrey Jewett) Underground Railroad. Hodges is sponsorship, fan mail, nasal recon- (University Press of America) Colgate’s George Dorland Langdon Jr.

struction, and a letter to herself as Professor of history and Africana and a 15-year-old athlete. Political Rules of Latin American studies. the Road: Represen- Diversity Consciousness tatives, Senators, Grandma Wants to Eat My Richard D. Bucher ’71 and Presidents Baby Sister! (Prentice Hall) Share Their Rules Jackie Jafarian Broad ’90 for Success in (Three Puppies Press) In Diversity Congress, Politics, Consciousness: and Life is a In this children’s Opening Our collection of story, Maddie Minds to informal rules that adores her People, Cultures members of Congress have used to grandma. But

new, noted , new, and Opportuni- guide their political careers and when Grandma ties, Richard private lives. At the request of former says that Bucher inte- Rep. Lou Frey, 172 political leaders Maddie’s new grates personal contributed more than 500 rules little sister, and organizational perspectives, that cover a wide variety of topics: Alyssa, is cute research, and theories while discussing campaigns and elections, representa- enough to communication, leadership, conflict, tion and decision making, political “eat,” Maddie wonders, “Does and other issues in diverse organi- parties and partisanship, media and Grandma mean it? Maybe having zations. This allows the learner to ethics, and life. Their anecdotes shed Alyssa disappear wouldn’t be so bad.” personalize the learning experience light on how Congress really works As Maddie discovers that her sister is and develop awareness and under- and provide guidelines for how to be actually fun to have around, she standing of diversity within as well as successful in politics and in life. decides to take matters into her own between groups. A professor of sociol- hands to save Alyssa. Author Jackie ogy at Baltimore City Community Jafarian Broad and illustrator Shie- College, Bucher releases his newest laugh Victoria Divelbess reveal the book on the belief that developing comical side of what happens when diversity consciousness is a lifelong, children misinterpret figures of speech. incremental process that requires an ongoing commitment.

24 scene: Spring 2010 In the media

The Year’s Work in a long run: a “The little kids think you are celebrities, so you can get Lebowski Studies mix of personal Edited by Aaron Jaffe ’93 stories, helpful mileage out of that.” (and Edward P. Comentale) advice, and — Alison King ’84, political reporter with New England Cable News (NECN) (Indiana University Press) humorous and a Swinging ’Gates alumna, chats with current members of the singing anecdotes that group during their live appearance on NECN The Year’s Work cement a in Lebowski connection that Studies contains goes well “As a minority mid-manager on the rise, you are always new ways of beyond the leery of the snipers out there and all of the micro- thinking and miles logged that day. Unlike clinical, writing about do-this-exact-workout running books, inequities that exist in a corporate environment.” film culture. An the tone in the book makes the — Patricia Hayling ’76, a career coach, talks to National Public Radio underground benefits of running — a clearer mind, for a story about minorities working their way up the career ladder sensation, The Big Lebowski has been confidence, a more capable body, an hailed as the first cult film of the energized spirit — seem so enticing Internet age. In this book, 21 fans and that mothers, no matter how few “Veggie oil is carbon neutral. It’s also cheaper. The money scholars address the film’s influences hours of sleep they got last night, can goes to local people. It’s investing in our own community.” — Westerns, noir, grail legends, the be inspired to get moving. The authors — John Pumilio, Colgate's sustainability coordinator, talks to The Post- 1960s, and Fluxus — and its historical also include several mentions of Standard (Syracuse) about a pilot program that will use fryer oil as fuel for connections to the first Iraq war, Colgate, where, over four years, they some campus buildings boomers, slackerdom, surrealism, ran countless miles. college culture, and, of course, bowling. Editor Aaron Jaffe is associate professor Northern Comfort “[The mission] first and foremost is going deeper in the of English at the University of Louisville. Edited by Annette Nielsen ’82 communities that we are in. We want to build relationships (Adirondack Life) Run Like a Mother to help transform those communities.” Dimity McDowell ’94 and Sarah Northern — Brendan Tuohey ’96 describes to USA Today how the organization Peace Bowen Shea ’88 Comfort: Fall Players International (founded by him and his brother) uses basketball to (Andrew McMeel) & Winter build community spirit where none existed Recipes from In Run Like a Mother: How to Get Adirondack Moving and Not Lose Your Family, Job, Life was “We have all the same fears and goals and activities … or Sanity, the essays written by two released in All we’re asking for is to be recognized and to have the former Colgate athletes (now both celebration of freelance magazine writers and the maga- same rights as everybody else.” moms) mimic the conversations good zine’s 40th anniversary in December. — Jennifer Lutman, director of the Writing Center and the partner of a friends have when they’re out on These fall and winter recipes, which Colgate faculty member, speaks about same-sex marriage to the Observer- have also appeared in the magazine, Dispatch (Utica) range from traditional apple desserts Colgate bestsellers to contemporary approaches to hearty at the Colgate Bookstore soups, salads, and sides that have been collected and tested by food writer misinterpreted tribal sovereignty words. Concepts of • End of Time: The Maya Mystery of 2012 — Annette Nielsen. The more than 125 since the nation’s founding. A scholar culture, power, Anthony Aveni (Astronomy) recipes include medallions of venison in Indian tribal law, Frank Pommer- strategy, and • Execution: The Discipline of Getting the with caramelized apples and cilantro, sheim offers a synthesis of this legal identity are used Job Done — Larry Bossidy ’57 grouse marsala, potato-parsnip gratin, history from colonial times to the to explain how • The Competent Cook — and North Country baklava. present, confronting the failures of movement Lauren Braun Costello ’98 constitutional analysis in contempo- organizations and • The Memory Keeper’s Daughter — Broken Landscape rary Indian law jurisprudence. He activists contribute Kim Edwards ’81 Frank R. Pommersheim ’65 closes with a proposal for a constitu- to social change. • Empire of Illusion — Chris Hedges ’79 (Oxford University Press) tional amendment that would Lynne Woehrle is • Woodcuts in Modern China: 1937–2008 — reaffirm tribal sovereignty. associate professor of sociology and Joachim Homann (exhibition catalog, Broken Landscape: coordinator of the peace building Picker Gallery) Indians, Indian Contesting Patriotism certificate at Mount Mary College. • Crafting Fiction, Poetry, and Memoir: Tribes, and the Lynne Woehrle ’87 (co-authored with Talks from the Colgate Writers’ Constitution is Patrick G. Coy and Gregory M. Maney) Also of note: Conference — Matt Leone (director, a chronicle of (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.) In Shape Shifter (The Puddin’head Colgate Writers’ Conference) Indian tribal Press), Tom Roby ’60 presents the • Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in Progress — sovereignty under Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Power reader with a journey through Lee McConaughy Woodruff ’82 the U.S. Constitu- and Strategy in the Peace Movement changing patterns — free verse, • The Hill Road — Patrick O’Keeffe (English) tion and the way engages theories in social movements formal poetry, and picture poems — • In An Instant — Bob ’83 and that legal analysis research to understand the ways that that convey his feelings. Lee McConaughy ’82 Woodruff and practice have interpreted and activists promote peace through their

News and views for the Colgate community 25 The illusion of sameness By Jerome Balmuth

EyeingA professor’s his retirement parting in May 2010,parable Prof. Jerome “Jerry” Balmuth, Harry Emerson Fosdick Professor of philosophy and religion, delivered the following talk, titled “The Illusion of Sameness: Differences and Ambivalence,” at the baccalaureate service for the graduating Class of 2009. His oration was as philosophical and thought-provoking as the lessons he delivered in the countless P&R and core courses he has taught during his 56 years in Colgate classrooms, from the Angel Factory and East Hall to Lawrence, Lathrop, and Hascall. In honoring the retirement of the man who is possibly Colgate’s longest-serving professor, we invite Scene readers into Jerry Balmuth’s classroom — albeit this virtual one — to partake of that intellectual repast.

26 scene: Spring 2010 say — is that active potentiality for the becoming of Being. It would appear, according to Genesis, that to God, no universe — no space and no time, only pure negation — was suddenly intolerable. And so, we are told, God uttered literally transformative words: “Let there be light.” Suddenly, replacing nothing, there were remarkably two things, now distinguished: light and darkness — the beginning of distinction, and with it, the discovery of the peculiar power of t must be noted that all of you students share difference. The fact is, it took difference, at least two with me the circumstance that this weekend distinct things — light and darkness — to begin the is for each of us, as graduates, a formal goodbye beginning. to Colgate and to the wonderful education we’ve How further can we explain this beginning? Why received from this special school, now our alma begin when there is nothing? I hesitate to give an mater. The difference between us is simply that account of God’s intention and motives (a presump- it has taken me 56 years to graduate successfully, tion solely of politicians and evangelical preachers), while you have speeded through brilliantly, in just but I would offer the following candidate: Alone, four years … more or less! with literally nothing from which to be set apart, I mention this personal note because it is ger- God had no sense of genuine Self, there being liter- mane to our common respect and love of Colgate; ally nothing to distinguish God. What was required a school that has nurtured and nourished each of for God’s own identity were other beings: some fresh us to an uncertain maturity. We have learned and and different expression of Creation. Clearly, God grown much in this dynamic institution with its became dissatisfied with the lesser of two Worlds: quietly turbulent history. Colgate is a gritty and the worse (the nothing) rather than the better (the triumphant survivor, resolutely confronting the something), so launching creation. Thus, God chose future as the determined and ambitious mentor something over nothing. of the liberal arts that it is: an exacting liberator But this was only the beginning of the pre- of our nascent talents and the grounding for our beginning. Light and darkness were hardly sufficiently prospective achievements. substantive for genuinely Something. And so, we We are here both to express thanks as well as to testify to Colgate’s formative impact and its intel- Suddenly, replacing lectual fruits: providing each of us with a more vital and resonant life than we otherwise would have. nothing, there were We owe this institution our lifelong gratitude for, remarkably two things, among other goods, cultivating our sensibility and developing our skills, and for uncovering for us a now distinguished: world of knowledge and thought, which earlier light and darkNESS — the we didn’t know were there to be known or to be mastered. beginning of distinction But now allow me to begin more formally with a philosophical parable — the way serious matters are are told, God created the firmament — the vaulting often introduced. arches of the heavens, set off and separated simulta- We all know from our core program that the first neously from the waters. And because this was still book of Hebrew scripture, Bereshit (Genesis) — “the not sufficiently complex and interesting, certainly Beginning” — is an account of how God created the not yet a genuinely distinguished work, God then heaven and the earth. But we are given no expla- set an earth to be separated from both. Yet the earth nation of why God so acted, and why then? Surely was now but an undistinguished sphere, wholly there must have been some pre-beginning reflection featureless. But then, we are told, God rested. — a suggestive intention — possibly a twinge of Now we are not told why God rested, given God’s need? Yet what could God need? clearly indefatigable energy and obvious fresh en- Before God spoke, it is said that there was noth- thusiasm for creation — a creation now celebrating, ing! Nothing? What can that mean? Well, clearly, by distinguishing, the Creator. Surely God must have there was no “here” nor “there,” no “up” nor “down,” rested to survey it all, and to think it out; for yet, no “left” nor “right,” and so, no “place” — no space, something did not quite fulfill this now ever-growing and so yet no heaven: galaxies, planets, earth, or need for a full “Whatness” to occupy the void. stars; indeed no things and so no movement, no Then, intellectually refreshed, God recognized duration, and no earlier or later and so, no change: that both the heavens and the earth required no aging, but then, no youth. With nothing, there detailed features if, quite literally, they were to was evidently only possibility, the potential of all have any distinction. So he created flora — a tree actuality — God alone — the Big Bang. and a bush, a flower and a sliver of grass; an earthly Here the determined naysayer has really little to feature — a tiny mountain and its accompanying say when it comes to explaining why, then, some- valley; and, further experimenting, God produced a thing rather than nothing? God — as Spinoza might self-contained animate creature — an animal,

News and views for the Colgate community 27 and subsequently one simple human, a primitive After all this effort, God clearly deemed the results player of four sports, and it was clear to Rickey that Neanderthal-like hermaphrodite. unacceptable — not good enough! it would take an extraordinarily superior talent for It seems clear that the Creator was struggling So that last momentous day, God said: “Let there a black player to be allowed simple acceptance as with creation to discover the fullest expression of be differences. Let there be an infinite number of an ordinary player — an irony not lost on any God’s self-identity: ever-developing powers begin- profound and multiple differences, such that no two minority member. ning to realize a genuinely imaginative creation. things be exactly the same. No two identical flowers, The event that stands out for me is the wonder- But now, ingenuity demanded more than a no two identical roses, petals, crystals, snowflakes. ful re-description by Robinson’s widow of the sheer simple paucity of things and kinds. Reflecting No two identical animals, nor identical persons (even drama of those early games, with Robinson — a further (after, we are told, the third and fourth twins); and so, no two identical families or groups very black man in that blazing sun — alone among “days”), God then multiplied (many times over) the of persons.” And so God decreed that for any two the players on the field, isolated on second base, and solitary mountain, the one tree, the individual blade things in the universe, there must at least be one separated, seemingly utterly different even from his of grass, the single animal, and the unitary human distinct feature that belongs uniquely to each one own teammates, each and every one of whom was hermaphrodite, cloning these identically, since God and shows it to be different from all others; so that pristine lily-white. was inclined initially, as we are, to follow a strict pat- each thing created in this universe is truly special And everyone was waiting and watching. tern for simplicity, making for easy recognition and and distinctive; and that this plethora of differences What were they all watching for? The break- multiplication. Now the universe was a seriously should blossom and be alone the defining condition down! Out of the stands, from the bleachers, from developing work in progress. of a flourishing creation. So God said, “Now they shall the opposing team’s dugout, even from some mem- know me as I know myself — by distinction — by bers of his own home team came the outpouring the richness of differences, since it cannot be by the of epithets, name-calling, ugly invectives, malicious apparent same-nesses of things.” messages of hate: “Hey, n----r! You want to shine my And then God rested; supremely content in the shoes?” “Where’s your spear, jungle boy?!” “Boy, was multiples of creation: that each thing in the universe your mother or your father the baboon?” and so on, is unique from every other, and that whatever the in an unrelenting stream of nastiness and offensive apparent commonality, it is only and simply that provocation. But Robinson in the face of all this did nothing, only continuing to play baseball, fiercely NOW THEY SHALL KNOW ME and competitively, playing always by the rules. Why? What was the strategy? It was a simple AS I KNOW MYSELF — BY THE agreement between Robinson and Rickey that Rob- RICHNESS OF DIFFERENCES,< inson would do everything he could on the field, but that he would not physically or verbally retaliate. SINCE IT CANNOT BE BY He would not allow himself to acquiesce to the obvi- THE APPARENT SAME-NESSES ous tactic to undermine his stature or demean his personhood by succumbing to the attempt to elicit OF THINGS from him verbal or physical violence, which would have been public confirmation of the fears and anxi- each is, and all are, distinct expressions of God’s eties of his tormentors. creative will, and thus an indirect reflection of the These fears were based on an illusion — that his infinite variety of God and nature’s ingenuity and being different was somehow, in some intuitive creative imagination (systematically employing vari- way, a serious threat to their own well-being — ous mechanisms, even of gene variation). the superstition that difference is a menace, not a Here is the universe we have inherited: a vibrantly creative blessing. active, continually evolving, and necessarily chang- For the fact is that his tormentors were fearful ing universe of differences, since difference is essen- and desperately seeking reassurance. Their hateful tial to creation and change, and all appropriate for talk was a reflection less of their fundamental lack Yet every tree and bush, every animal and human, celebrating God’s distinguished creation. And indeed, of decency than a cracked mirror of their uncertain was identical with every one of the others of its sort. this is how it is now, and we can surmise, forever. insecurity and ignorant anxieties in the face of a To look at one of the kind was the same as seeing Why have I invented this parable? new reality. They were alarmed and anxious, with each and all of the others: exact copies even to the I was led to reflect on its point and central mean- a deep sense of Hobbesian distrust and wariness color, weight, and height. So, too, for the fruits of the ing by a number of events that have confronted us as of the “other,” and more generally of all difference tree, the sounds of that animal and the human: the a community at different times, and by subsequent and its counterpart, change. The name-calling was faces, the voices, the shapes were ever the same. thoughts about our education and what this univer- to test — really, to confirm — the appropriateness So there was no need for sound or speech, since sity is about. If you reflect on this, you will recognize of their fearfulness, so that they could then, with the encounter with one was identical with that that our education is in detailed and reflective knowl- justification, act defensively, and now violently, of any other; and to be human, as to be flower or edge of differences and distinctions — these are in responsive retaliation to remove the offensive animal, was to be an identical replica of every other what it is, critically, to understand our special world difference. human, flower, animal, with no differences and and ourselves. But Robinson gave them no such excuse. Stoi- no wonder; and thus no sense of being a one of One such event had to do with the celebration of cally and determinedly, he played brilliantly, very that kind. In such a world, there were finally only the Obama presidency, which naturally led me to the competitively but fairly, within the rules. And most a myriad of identical reflections to celebrate God’s re-celebration of a seminal event of 70 years ago: importantly, he played regularly and steadily, and special powers. So there was nothing to exhibit the Branch Rickey’s decision to hire a black baseball play- by mere normal presence, gained — first begrudg- ever-inventive ingenuity and fertile richness, noth- er, Jackie Robinson, to become the first black regular ingly, but finally freely and enthusiastically — the ing to celebrate the creative imagination. Only a member of a team in the then–all-white professional recognition and welcome respect for his skills and cookie-cutter repetition of sameness and patterning; National League; in this case, the Brooklyn Dodgers, participation, and thus finally an overall, although a distinguishable, yet barely satisfying, improve- a culturally inbred home team if there ever was one. never unanimous, acceptance of difference. Eventu- ment over the monotony of Nothing. Robinson was a magnificent athlete, an outstanding ally, the sense of fairness and goodwill embedded in

28 scene: Spring 2010 each of us overruled our collective fears and natural quality of life. In fact, the urgency for sameness through, and within, misleading and dangerous diffidence; the respect for virtue and true distinction functions most often as a deep deception to distract metaphors — metaphysical metaphors — that unre- began to win out. from genuine understanding and agreement. In fact, flectively influence, if not dominate, the way we and It need not be stressed how important it is that the distraction of difference is used as a foil for fear, our society think and so act. this very public event took place a good seven years death, and of the yet-unknown. Thus, it serves as a The picture I have described above is just a case of before the legally authoritative dismantling of subterfuge and surrogate for human ignorance and a captivating and corrupting illusion: that similarity segregation, the Brown decision. It was nationwide superstition, for resisting change and uncovering and sameness offer genuine safety and reassurances pre-education, as were the teachings of Martin new realities, for insisting on a narrow and reassur- Luther King, in the future’s need to accommodate, ing mediocrity, and for its smug security and illusory THE UNIQUELY SPECIAL indeed embrace, the reality of difference. superiority: a life dedicated to confinement and The second event was less reassuring and more insulation, inducing a truly cultural and intellectual WORTH OF EACH PERSON IS chilling of the prospects for welcoming differences. It ghetto. THE MOST REALISTIC AND THE centers on my recollection of an interview conducted How does any of this touch our lives? Whether on PBS with the celebrated British historian of Jew- we are prepared to acknowledge it or not, our future, MOST JUST UNDERSTANDING ish background (and, incidentally, once a visitor and as well as the future of those who come after us, OF HUMAN CAPACITIES lecturer to the Colgate campus), Sir Martin Gilbert. is bound to the conception of society reflected The occasion was a discussion of his then–newly more by the symbolically revolutionary events of AND TALENTS published book The Boys: The Untold Story of 732 Jackie Robinson’s dramatic impact on American life Young Concentration Camp Survivors, the research for (not only on public life, but even also on the most against the self-induced fears of difference and which involved taking testimony from many victims intimate and personal aspects of our lives) than it is change. We see over and over again how dangerous of the German-Nazi occupation of Poland. reflected in the dead and illusory world of that Polish such an illusion can be. In one small town in central Poland, Professor Gil- village (part of the archaic and superstitious preju- But another popular but even more highly prob- bert encountered a Polish doctor who had witnessed dice for unchanging sameness and unquestioning lematic picture is that of the notion of success in life the roundup and deportation of the Jewish families mediocrity). as a ladder on which we either climb to public rec- of that town and village. He described in detail the I would draw also another more philosophical ognition, or remain rooted in private failure. This is a brutal and ruthless actions of the SS and their Polish point. The most influential philosopher of the last view of life as a persistent struggle for visible status counterparts in smashing any resistance by the century, reflecting 10 years later on the highly ac- and position, for a life utterly dependent and condi- children, women, and men to the ruthless uproot- claimed and brilliant work of his youth — work that tional on the disposition of others; and so inevitably ing of these families, who had lived as neighbors to provided the theoretical basis for our present disci- undervaluing one’s own unique and distinctive their compatriots in this village for decades, if not plines of symbolic logic and theories of meaning — strengths for the others’ view of us as persons. centuries. proceeded then, carefully, meticulously, to challenge Alternatively, Colgate would urge you to adopt a The doctor held out no justification for the savage- every one of his earlier thoughts by posing a totally different picture: that of each person (you and your ry of the Nazi occupiers, but toward the end of the different perspective on his work and life. He put his neighbor) as capable of distinctive, unique, varied interview, he remarked to Gilbert, “It was a terrible, new awareness about his earlier vision this way: “A and different talents, skills, potentials, and forms of terrible event, but honestly, it was wonderful for the picture held us captive. And we could not get outside fulfillment; all such differences adding distinction village to be free of Jews!” it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to (recognized or not) to the multiple richness of our Imagine: all these years yearning to be “free of repeat it to us inexorably.” common good. Jews,” to live only, and see only, and be only with peo- As a great philosopher, Wittgenstein was thus My own experience with generations of students ple no different; everyone, say Polish and Christian, enjoining us by example to seek to avoid intellectual reaffirms to my mind that the latter picture — the just like ourselves and everyone else. What an illu- captivity, and to recognize that our deepest views uniquely special worth of each person — is the most sion of reassurance! Now there would be no sickness, of ourselves in and of the world inevitably reflect a realistic and the most just understanding of human no poverty, no suffering, no cruelty, no drunkenness, certain picture by which we may be held captive, capacities and talents. Thus, it seems to me, finally, no wickedness nor criminality, no malice nor willful and that our lives and thoughts are too often lived that God and Nature in their creative zeal were ignorance, no evil — none of the threats of an offend- clearly democratic equalizers as well as innovators, ing “difference” corrupting and confusing children demanding that the recognition of differences is and families! completely compatible with assured but reflective Here is the root of genocide and its profoundly valuing of these differences. evil counterpart, ethnic cleansing, whether Nazi, Ser- This is the only way we can both accept and respect bian, Rwandan, Irish, American, Turkish, or Taliban. the world of differences we have inherited, all the The illusion — the total hallucination — that same- while judging and embracing that world, as did God, ness and commonality brings security and enhanced when, as Genesis says, “God saw that it was good.”

Joined the faculty in 1954 — first course: Logic and Scientific Method Received all four Colgate teaching awards: Alumni Corporation Distinguished Teaching Award, AAUP Professor of the Year, Phi Eta Sigma Professor of the Year Award, Samuel French Award Jerome Balmuth Endowed Fund, established in 2000 by Karl L. ’65 and Carol Baumgartner, provides annual support to attract visiting lecturers in philosophy Jerome Balmuth Scholarship Fund, established in 2004 by family, friends, and former students, awarded with for a philosophy major The first Jerome Balmuth Award for Teaching and Student-Faculty Engagement, established in 2009 by Mark Siegel ’73, was given to Balmuth’s longtime colleague Marilyn Thie, professor of philosophy, religion, and women’s studies More than 50 of his former students teach philosophy at colleges and universities Son Andrew ’89 majored in religion; grandson Eli Raffeld ’10 majored in philosophy

News and views for the Colgate community 29 5:39 a.m. | Ian Murphy ’10 | There are very few cars moving through the west side of the village and no cars parked down the main block of Lebanon between Broad and Maple.

hat happens when 15 students taking linked courses in the art and craft of journalism*

set out to document life at Colgate around the clock? The assignment: with the blank slate

of a three-hour time slot, a camera and reporter’s notebook in hand, find three stories

worthy of telling. Here is a sampling of what they came back with: black-and-white photos

and words that capture the mundane and the intriguing, the playful and the unexpected,

the quietude and the din they encountered along the way.

* ARTS342: Photojournalism and ENGL379: Literary Journalism, taught by Linn Underhill and Jennifer Brice.

30 scene: Spring 2010 6:15 a.m. | Caitlin Mullen ’10 | Swim Practice 6:50 a.m. | Sarah Kingsley ’10 | Campus Landscape

Early morning in Hamilton, N.Y., in October is what you might expect — quiet, cold, desolate. The sun has yet to break over the mountains in the Chenango Valley, and the windshields of parked cars in front of Huntington Gymnasium are cemented with a thick layer of translucent silvery frost. Nearby, the Lineberry Natatorium gives off a gentle yellow glow, ethereal in the predawn, warming the solemn gray stone that surrounds it. But the tranquility that emanates from Lineberry is hardly indicative of the commotion beneath its roof, where the Colgate University swim team’s first practice of the day is already underway. At an hour when most students couldn’t rouse themselves to climb into a hot shower, the swimmers are already churning up the pool, whisking it into white- topped waves and diffusing the smell of chlorine in the air. The swimmers’ red rubber swim caps make them look like buoys as the water swells with bobbing heads, angled elbows, and successive flip turns. A lethargic student lifeguard perches above the pool, eyes following the swimmers, entranced by their continuous motion. For a moment, the rubber-capped heads collect on the side of the pool as Coach Amy Krakauer instructs them on the next set of laps. Phrases like “sweet spot with a single,” “triple switch,” and “six plus three transition” are shouted out and quickly lost in the echoing acoustics of the high ceiling. The reprieve is brief and the laps resume, disturbing the glassy calm of the pool’s surface once again. Six a.m. practices are as much a part of a Colgate swimmer’s routine as Speedos and side kicks. According to Coach Krakauer, the team swims 5,000 yards in the morning and 6,000 at night because “the body just can’t take that amount of yards in one go.” The swimmers are cheerful for the early hour and grueling workout, smiling and bantering with Amy from the water, like dolphins at SeaWorld soliciting praise from their trainers. Coach Krakauer leans over one 7:00 a.m. | Caitlin Mullen ’10 | Mail Center/Excerpt of the begoggled young women approaching the wall for a turn. “Are we surviving?” she asks with a smile, as a hint of day starts to sneak “You should have seen this place through the glass. twenty years ago, before e-mail,” Ron says as I eye the pile of papers, which grows higher with the accumulation of errant pages of the Colgate Maroon- News. “There were five distributions of mail a day!” He shifts his weight forward and grips the shaft of his broom with one hand, using the other to imitate the Colgate students of the ’80s tossing unwanted mail over their shoulders to the floor. “Papers everywhere!” * ARTS342: Photojournalism and ENGL379: Literary Journalism, taught by Linn Underhill and Jennifer Brice.

News and views for the Colgate community 31 1:53 p.m. | Megan Heise ’10 | Siena College Rugby Pitch

Y ou’re not sure what to make of the scene on the field in front of you: young “Rugby is better than football!” exclaims senior “Eight-Man” Hannah women lifting each other into the air by their butts and thighs, battling mid-air Feldman on behalf of ruggers everywhere. “No pads, full tackles … what could for what almost looks like a football, but not quite. You look around for some be better than that?” explanation and find one young woman, clad in Colgate sweats, standing on the She raises a good question. From the RIL emblazoned on the lady ruggers’ sidelines holding a large poster-board sign reading, “Get Some,” and “Colgate sweatshirts referencing their motto, “Rugby is Life,” to the fact that rugby is the Ruck’s Hard.” Her hair is in pigtail buns reminiscent of the ears of a Japanese reason Temily decided not to transfer from Colgate, it’s clear that these young cartoon panda bear. She looks knowledgeable. Her name, she says, is Temily. Like women love their sport of elegant violence and love their teammates even more. Emily, but with a “T.” Strange name, you think, until someone explains that it “Our girls are the sweetest, funniest, accepting, and most lovable people I’ve stands for “Tall Emily.” met at Colgate and in life,” Tem says. “I have had the greatest time being their “It was a blood bath,” Tem says, explaining the A-side women’s rugby game teammate and am so excited I have two more years with them after this season.” that just ended. “Four people went to the ER and one girl was left with a bleeding liver … Other than that, we lost.” Right now, though, 17 uninjured young women “The girls on the team are some of my best friends — 15 starters and two substitutes — are warming up for the B-side (equivalent at school,” Hannah echoes, “and we all look out to junior varsity) game. The girls lifting each other in the air are practicing for a “line out,” or inbounds play. The “scrummies,” the eight players that make up for one another on and off the field. It is more the scrum, are trying to gain control of the ball in the air and toss it down to the scrum half, who will then pass it out to the “lineys,” the remaining seven than just a sport for us; it is a friendship and a players that compose the line. The hope is that the line can run with the ball, connection to some extremely cool people.” dodge their way past the defenses of the opposing team, and with the scrum- mies’ help, score a “try,” rugby’s equivalent of a touchdown. But don’t you You turn to Temily, wanting more. What else can she tell you about rugby, dare call it that in front of the “ruggers,” as they are often called, or make the team, the game, the rules, everything? any comparisons to American football. “RIL,” is all she replies.

32 scene: Spring 2010 4:11 p.m. | Lea Furutani ’10 | The Writing Center 7:30 p.m. | Chris Gonnella ’10 | Trap Shooting Class/Excerpt

“You need to make your topic sentences more specific. Make sure you wouldn’t be able to talk about hamburgers in this paragraph,” says Courtney Walsh, a Colgate senior majoring in psychology. “Does that make sense?”

Courtney’s 4:15 appointment is Melanie Miller, a sophomore who has come to the Writing Center to get advice about her modernity paper. She’s four minutes early. Courtney and Melanie are seated in swivel chairs at one of three round tables in 212 Alumni Hall. Atop each of the tables are a bright magenta bowl of peppermints, a stack of bookmarks listing six reasons to go to the Writing Center, a notepad, and a box of tissues, which I would guess is either in re- sponse to the swine flu spreading over the campus or for those unfortunate and nervous freshmen who get harsh Writing Center advisers. Courtney certainly isn’t going to send Melanie running for the tissues; after every piece of advice she gives, she adds, “Does that make sense?” Courtney reads over Melanie’s paper on the role of progress with a Bic pen in hand, jotting down her thoughts on a notepad while pulling strands of her dark strawberry blonde hair between her fingers. She throws out words and phrases like “comma splice,” “thesis statement,” “conjunctions,” “citations,” “parallel sentence structure,” and “x, y, and z.” Melanie’s hand keeps her head from falling on the table, and her face suggests that she’s exhausted, overwhelmed, or bored. It could well be all three; it is midterm week, after all. Her eyes glaze over but are pointing in I shift my attention to the fluorescent-pink-fingernail-painted girl the general direction of her paper, as Courtney massacres the introductory loading her 12-gauge shotgun. She does not even look down as she loads paragraph — which takes up the entire first page — with squiggles, arrows, the mammoth gun that casts a shadow on the wet grass in front of her. circles, check marks, underlines, stars, and notes in the margins. She ignores the men around her. Cocks the gun. Takes aim, her pink finger caressing the trigger. She yells, “Pull.” “Capitalism lies to everyone!?” says Courtney, BAM! The bird explodes into a hundred pieces and disappears into the darkness as she reads a line three pages into Melanie’s of the field beyond her. I look back at her after gazing at the demolished bird. She wears a gray paper. “You need textual support for absolute Colgate sweatshirt, jeans, and glasses. She has pinned her curly, dirty-blonde hair up, but the cold winds of upstate New York have thrown a few strands statements. Does that make sense?” into her face. With the 12-gauge shotgun balanced in her left hand, she brushes the stray strands of hair out of her eyes and tosses the empty shells into the yellow bucket beside her. She buries her neon-pink hand into her satchel of ammunition and pulls out another round. Staring off into the field once again, letting the barrel of the gun drape casually in front of her as though it were the sleeve of a sweatshirt she has tied around her waist, she reloads. “Pull,” she says. BAM! The sound echoes through the night, across the field, and through the forest of trees beyond us. I try to follow it, my ears tracing its sound, imagining the gunshot echoing up to the bright full moon that dominates the clear sky above us. If not the moon, then at least the university chapel or the observatory, which lie about three miles from the trapshooting range. Just as I think I have found the echo of the 12-gauge rumbling back to Colgate’s campus, I hear someone yell: “Pull!” BAM!

News and views for the Colgate community 33 8:10 p.m. | Edouard Boulat ’11 | Climbing Wall 8:22 p.m. | Chris Gonnella ’10 | Ryan Studio

push open the heavy metal doors that lead to Ryan 212, and the bright lights that illuminate the glossy wooden floors and mirrored walls momentarily blind me. When I open my eyes and regain my sight, Simona Giurgea, a theater professor, gives me a quick, broad smile and returns to her emphatic listening. She prowls around the room, her puffy vest, black pants, and short hair doing little to soften her complexion.

“No, no, no. You are a bully. If you were a man, you’d…” Simona jumps into the There is a place on the third floor of Huntington scene, instructs with her Romanian accent, and then departs. The players resume without hesitation. Three weeks into rehearsal, it is obvious that this team Gymnasium where you can touch Buddha’s of actors are all business. Rehearsing seven days a week from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., there is a jovial intensity head, where Smooth Criminal is worth 680 inside this group that normally can be found within families. With Simona Giurgea prowling, exploding from the sidelines, directing her players, making points, and where if you fall, you won’t get hurt. them laugh one moment and focus the very next, these thespians are attempting to perform Eugene Ionesco’s The Future Is in Eggs. What strange and magical room is this, you ask? For those of you who have “Line,” Lauren Harries says, with her hand extended, her feet spread, her eyes never ventured here before, welcome to the climbing wall. Tonight, maybe glaring, as the character she portrays is wild, determined. because it’s midterms week, maybe because it’s raining and miserably cold out, “It is clear that…” Ming Peiffer reads from a small, red table in the corner of or just maybe because not enough people know about this place, Alisandra the room. Denton and Spenser Nehrt are the only ones doing any climbing. As Shakira’s “It is clear that…” And Lauren Harries is off, eyes growing, voice intensifying, “She Wolf” plays on the radio, both stand motionless for a minute or two, hands her body moving. Her energy is palpable, almost as grasping as the energy of on their hips, catching their breath, mapping out their next path up the wall. the room and the people inside. To the untrained eye, these walls seem to be covered in randomly placed holds and grips: a multitude of different shapes, colors, and sizes, a green Buddha, a blue alien, red hands and feet, lime lips, half of what looks like a giant tennis ball. To Alisandra and Spenser, however, each hold is an essential part of a “route,” assigned a difficulty score ranging from 80 to 800 and a name. For beginners, Like a Virgin and Forever Young are recommended. More experienced climbers might try their luck at routes such as Don’t Think Twice, Vertigo, and the rather self-explanatory Help! “The Buddha’s a good one,” Spenser says, catching me staring at the neon- green hold, the holy sage’s belly looking bigger than ever, a massive grin on his face. “It’s the slick ones that will get you. Those round ones, man … Those are tough.” After having seen both Spenser and Alisandra take numerous falls in the last 10 minutes or so, some from 4 or 5 feet off the ground, I am inclined to agree that this whole climbing wall thing is indeed pretty tough. Yet, after each fall comes the same exact routine. They stand up off the mats, chalk their hands, place them on their hips as they map out their next route, and off they go, back up the wall.

34 scene: Spring 2010 10:40 p.m. | Emily Kelly ’11 | Payne Street

4:34 a.m. | Ian Murphy ’10 | Sergeant Sitts/Excerpt “Usually Monday mornings are pretty mundane and routine,” Sitts says. “Right now everyone is sleeping and gettin’ prepared for midterms. Just go around, lock your buildings, write your parking tickets, check your e-mail, catch up on the paper- work from over the weekend, answer a few minor calls, stuff like that. Mondays are nice and peace- ful in the morning; now watch, I’ll jinx it.”

News and views for the Colgate community 35 Illustration by Mike Thompson A Few Minutes with the Rooneys

On February 9, Colgate hosted a Tribute and Toast Brian: You know, you were never a big reader. Coming to Colgate evening celebrating the man who is arguably Col- Brian: Why did you go to Colgate? Your family gate’s most famous alumnus — Andy Rooney ’42, Andy: I was never a big reader. I still read the news- wanted you to go to Williams. known to millions for his end-of-show segments on paper every day, but I have read very few books in my life, and almost no novels. I can count the novels CBS’s , who recently turned 91. The day of Andy: They did. My father went to Williams. I don’t I’ve read on one hand. the event, Rooney’s son, Brian ’74, an award-winning know whether I could have gotten into Williams or ABC News correspondent, sat down with him to Brian: But you admired E.B. White. not, but I was the captain of the Albany Academy reminisce about his life and career. football team, and I wanted to play football. Colgate Andy: Oh, God — E.B. White was my hero. I thought played big-time football, bigger-time than I was, Brian: Would you state your full name and spell it for he wrote better than anyone who ever lived. really. me, please? Brian: Is that because his was the only book you ever Brian: Were you ever a starter? Andy: Andrew A. Rodney, R-O-D-N-E-Y. read? Andy: I wasn’t, but I played a lot of football. I was Brian: How did you become a writer? Your father was Andy: No, he wrote for the New Yorker, and he wrote a guard. I weighed 185 pounds. I wasn’t light, but I a salesman, your mother was not very intellectual; it a lot of books. I read everything E.B. White ever wasn’t heavy. Syracuse was our big game, and they wasn’t in the family. wrote. He wrote very simply and directly. And what- were always good. We played the Albany State Col- ever the subject was, it was always good. lege team. We played Cornell, of course. Andy: It’s interesting, isn’t it? I went to a good school Brian: And that was in the days of Andy Kerr. What in Albany, the Albany Academy. do you remember about him? Brian: You weren’t a brilliant student. Andy: He was a great guy. He was tough. He was Andy: No, I wasn’t a good student at the academy. only about 5' 8" and weighed only 135 or 140 pounds. But he was a great coach. And Colgate was doing Brian: Well, it was clear you weren’t going to be a very well. They were one of the best teams in the mathematician. country.

Andy: That’s right. They all knew that. We used to write what they called themes. I remember, they The war were a page-and-a-half, handwritten. I had two Brian: You fell in with Kenneth Boulding, who was the teachers, Lawrence Pike and Beanie Owen, and anti-war college professor, right on the brink of the they thought I was good as a writer. It was a great war. encouragement. I thought, well, if they think so, I think so. Andy: That’s right. He was brilliant. I was not bril- liant, but I thought I was against war of any kind. Brian: So they put the idea in your head? And it was hard to know how far to take it, because you could go to prison if you refused the draft. So, as Andy: Oh, they did. No question. It is really great, much as I was against the war, I did not refuse the what a teacher can do. Then I went from there to draft, and I was drafted out of college, at the end of Colgate. And I had a great teacher at Colgate: Porter my junior year. Perrin, who was probably the best teacher I ever had. He thought I was good, and he helped me. Brian: Why were you against the war? I think people now, looking back at World War II, would be pretty Brian: What writers did you admire? surprised to hear that. Andy: I was not a great admirer of other writers. Andy: Well, I think there is no question that war is ri- Even way back then, I can’t believe this, but I read diculous. For men to kill each other is wrong. Is there the New Yorker magazine. I liked the writers for that. any doubt about that? And there should be some

News and views for the Colgate community 37 other way to resolve an argument rather than to kill each other. But I was so lucky. I was drafted into the Seventeenth Field Artillery and I was shipped to England. The Stars and Stripes, the army newspaper, was moving from Belfast, Ireland, to London. They were going to start publishing newspapers for ev- erybody in London and they needed reporters. And I lied and said I was one. I had done a newspaper for the Seventeenth Field Artillery, but I was not really a newspaper man. But I said I was, and I got the job with the army newspaper, the Stars and Stripes, and it was the great break of my life because I was thrown in with not only the reporters on the Stars and Stripes, but also the reporters for the Associated Press, the United Press, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, everything.

Brian: You knew Ernie Pyle and Ernest Hemingway.

Andy: I did. And that’s where I met Walter Cronkite. Yes, I knew Ernie Pyle well, and I met Ernest Heming- way; I didn’t know him that well. But I remember incidents with Hemingway. I remember going out, I was in an army line, and it wasn’t safe because they were in armored tanks and I was sitting there alone in my Jeep. And the Germans started shelling us. I pulled over and ran into a field. I was behind a hedgerow, and I’m look- ing around and I see this guy down the hedgerow Brian: If you can recall, did it feel like the world was Andy: Well, you can say that, but after the war I and it’s Ernest Hemingway. I think, ‘My God. Here coming apart when World War II was starting up? went to Hollywood and I was paid a lump sum, a big I am behind a hedgerow with Ernest Hemingway.’ amount of money for a piece I had written, a book. Andy: No, it didn’t, to me. It seemed like the Germans And then I went to work for MGM and yes, I made Brian: Had you read Ernest Hemingway with Porter were bad people, and they started the war, and we good money then. Perrin at Colgate? were going to correct them. Brian: You had a lot of drought years. Andy: I had known of Ernest Hemingway, sure. Brian: You couldn’t have imagined how serious it would get. Andy: I had some bad years, yeah. Brian: I remember you saying people didn’t like him. Andy: No, I could not have. I was wrong about that. Brian: Before you became Andy Rooney. Andy: People didn’t like Hemingway, no. I don’t I was at Colgate and I didn’t realize how serious it know why. I didn’t like him, but I forget why, too. was. Andy: But don’t forget that I worked for a lot of peo- ple before I was Andy Rooney. I worked for Godfrey Brian: What’s the most scared you’ve ever been? Brian: Why was 9/11 not that scary to you? for five years in the ’50s, and Arthur Godfrey was the biggest thing that had ever been on television. I was Andy: Well, there are a couple of kinds of fear. One is Andy: It seemed as though we had it under control. one of the writers. So when you were growing up, at war, of course. I have been worried about my life I just thought we could handle what had happened. I was making good money. at war. When I was in the army, I was in several very I didn’t think anything else was going to happen. dangerous positions and I was afraid then. And then Brian: Well, no you weren’t. lots of times during my life, when I was not working, or not working well enough, or not making enough Making a living Andy: I was making $6,000. Why, that was not a lot? money and I had children, I was worried then. Brian: How much did growing up in the Depression Brian: It was OK, but no, it was not a lot. I mean, I affect your life and maybe even the way you are Brian: And the time I got lost in Brooklyn. remember having one pair of blue jeans and a couple now? of shirts, which was fine, but… Andy: That’s right. I’ll never forget that time you got Andy: You know, I heard about the Depression, but lost in Brooklyn. Boy, was I scared. Yeah, that was Andy: But we were not poor. We had enough to eat. I was not aware of the Depression, even though I really frightening. was in high school, I suppose. My father worked Brian: Oh, yeah. But you had to watch it. It was Brian: Comparatively in history, how scary was for a company in Albany, New York, and he made, I normal. Harbor compared to 9/11? think, $12,000 a year. It was a lot of money. We were relatively rich. I went to a good school. We lived very Andy: I think I was more scared of Pearl Harbor than well. We had a nice house. When I was about 12 or 14, Being Andy Rooney I was of 9/11. And I was right here in New York. It we moved from the house I had grown up in to a big Brian: Do you feel accomplished as a writer? Do you seemed like a big event, and disastrous, but it didn’t house farther out of town. feel like you’ve written what you would have wanted affect my life the way World War II did. to write? Brian: You didn’t make much money for many years as a writer.

38 scene: Spring 2010 Andy: I do. I wish I was more of an intellectual than Andy: That’s true. And that’s what’s a good thing for Brian: How is it that you have a boss [Jeff Fager ’77] I am. And if I was, I would have written different me. who’s half your age who graduated from Colgate? things. But I have written a lot. I put one word down after another, and I usually get it together. I’m proud Brian: How much sense of yourself do you have as Andy: I suppose, but you get to think less about age of what I’ve done, even though there are a lot of being a guy who addresses the nation once a week? as you get older. He did go to Colgate. He doesn’t tell things I wish I could do better. They’re not all listening, but a lot of people have me what to do. I can’t even think of a piece I have heard what you have to say. When you walk down the done about which he’s said, “We’re not going to do Brian: How do you think you became the chronicler of street, what are you thinking? that.” the particular? Andy: I’m not thinking about myself or about people Andy: Well, not many other people are doing it. I knowing me. I mean, I was at the Super Bowl — it’s Family and fatherhood am interested in details. If you go into anything far fun to have people recognize you. I’m not immune Brian: How did you meet Mom? enough, you get into the details of it, and people turn to that. And I like the idea that they know and like out to be interested in what makes things work. what I’m saying. It’s fun. And it makes writing more Andy: Oh, my goodness. I went to the Albany interesting to think that people read what you write. Academy, and Mom was at St. Agnes, which was a Brian: Way back when, you did a television show. An I like being a writer, no question. girls’ school. Inevitably, the two schools had dances essay on doors. together. Your mother’s father was a doctor in Brian: Do you think you’re influential? Albany, and a great guy. I really liked him. I wasn’t Andy: It was fun to pick some simple object like a keen on her mother, nor was she keen on me. I used door and look into all the aspects of a door in our Andy: I suppose in a minor way. to go over to her house a lot. We went to dances and lives. There are so many things about doors that the movies together. I saw a lot of her. Then I was are important to us, whether it is open or closed, Brian: Why minor? drafted and we were married during the war. whether you lock it or not, and it was interesting for Andy: Oh, I don’t think people take what I say very me to look into the details of these things. seriously. And I don’t think they follow anything I Brian: Pretty much the only girl you ever dated? Brian: And that, as I recall, was a bet with Fred say. Andy: Pretty much. There was one other girl I dated Friendly. Brian: That’s a frustration of all of journalism. There’s that I liked, but there was no one but your mother, really. Andy: That’s right. He didn’t think I could do it. I was a lot of it, and I sometimes think none of it really makes very much difference. arguing with him in his office. He was president Brian: What do you think you were like as a father? of CBS News, and I said, “I’d like to do some longer Andy: Journalism is good that way. At its best, it gets essays, a half-hour or an hour, on certain subjects.” Andy: I thought I was a good father. I understood to the root of what is true and untrue in the world. And he said, “Like what?” I looked behind me in his kids. And Margie was a great mother and wife. We office and I said, “Well, doors. I’d like to do an essay had four kids, as you know. on doors.” It occurred to me at that moment that I could do an essay on doors. There are so many things about a door that are important to a room that I knew I could do it, and I did, and it was a good piece.

Brian: But it started just because you were talking big with the boss, so you had to pull it off.

Andy: That’s true.

Brian: People always ask where your ideas come from.

Andy: Oh, ideas are a dime a dozen. There is nothing that is not an idea. I mean, I look at my desk here and it is just covered with ideas.

Brian: It looks like junk to me.

Andy: Everything is an idea. My couch over there behind you, and your sweater. There isn’t anything you can’t sit down and think of everything you know about that object and make a piece out of it. The people are interested.

Brian: But they don’t notice what you notice.

Andy: Well, because I am a writer, I make a point of noticing it, I suppose. They do notice it — because if I say it, they say, “Hey, yeah.”

Brian: They recognize it after you tell it.

News and views for the Colgate community 39 Brian: Some of whom I know personally. Andy: Cars were important in my life. During the Brian: It’s nice to have a place to go back to, no mat- Depression, we owned a Packard, if you can believe ter where you go in life, that’s home. Andy: I think we did a good job raising our kids. it. My mother drove it more than my father did. It We were honest with them and sent them to good was a big boat-y vehicle. It had a back seat and I Andy: Oh, it is great. I miss my house in Albany on schools. What do you think? remember the iron bar that went across ’cause you Croswell Street that I lived in for so many years. Then could hold onto it. We had a cottage on Lake George, we moved to the house in . You grew up Brian: One thing I remember. You were, as a father, which was about 75 miles from Albany. My mother there, and your three sisters. I still have it. I love to go reckless in a fun way that would get you arrested used to drive us up there every weekend, or at some out there. I can’t bring myself to sell it. now. For instance, there was the time you towed us point, for the whole summer. around town on the toboggan behind the car. You would speed up when the toboggan was going down- Brian: She wasn’t a good driver, either. Work and play hill and catching up with the wheels. Brian: You’re 91 years old. Why are you still working? Andy: Well, yeah, she was. What do you mean, Andy: Yeah, I had a good time with my kids when “either”? Andy: Well, I wouldn’t know what else to do. I love it. they were growing up. I liked it. I like sitting down at my computer and thinking of Brian: I drove with her. Brian: And you took us winter camping without a something to say. And I do my newspaper column. It’s just fun. It’s rewarding. The idea of being a writer tent. Andy: I thought she was good. I have a car now that I is ultimate to me. The idea of putting words on pa- love, a Sunbeam Tiger. It has a Ford 8-cylinder engine per that other people read and might be influenced Andy: Oh, Jesus. Boy, that was cold, wasn’t it? in it. It’s little, and it doesn’t weigh much, either. It’s by is about as good as anybody can do. now 25 or 30 years old. Brian: It was raining. We built an igloo and it melted. Brian: And you don’t fish. Brian: It’s a 1966. Andy: I remember that thing we built. We shoveled Andy: I hate fishing. Jeez, I hate fishing. My father for hours and got this huge mound of snow together, Andy: It will beat anything on the road. It’s up at and my grandfather loved to fish. I hate fishing. and then we started digging it out and made a our country place now. I get the guy who owns the house out of it. Your three sisters and you, and me garage to get it out for me every year and make sure Brian: I remember being trapped in the boat with — five of us — got into this thing. We had blankets, it’s oiled and greased properly, and then I drive it all your father. I would about go out of my mind. He’d be and it was relatively warm compared with outside. summer. trolling and you couldn’t talk because you’d scare the And of course, it began to melt. We finally had to get fish. Six years old, squirming… out of it. Brian: Now, Lake George is huge in all our lives. Your family went up there first when, in the Twenties? Brian: Yes, in the middle of the night. I remember Andy: Why would you want to hook a little animal on a metal barb and bring it into the boat and let it waking up. My head was out the door, and it was Andy: They grew up in Ballston Spa, which is half- die, flopping? raining on my head. You were up by the fire drying way to Lake George from Albany. They had friends clothes. who had homes on Lake George, and they bought Brian: You don’t like going to movies. this cottage that we’re still in. I bought the one next Andy: That was a rough time. door, and it is a great place to be. We’re right in the Andy: I don’t like fiction of any kind. To sit down and middle of the lake, and the water is pristine. We have Brian: Probably more memorable than if we’d had a make something up seems ridiculous to me. There a pipe that goes down into the lake — suck it up and tent and it had all gone well. are so many interesting things in the world that are drink it. There aren’t many places in the world where true that it seems totally unnecessary to make fic- you can do that. tion out of anything.

Change Brian: You do like football. Brian: When you were born, the Model T was still being built. You’ve adapted to technology very well, Andy: I like football. Because if there’s anything but what are some of the things that you think, “I’m that’s not fiction, it’s football. I mean, this is real — amazed that this is possible”? 22 guys trying their best to do something with a ball. Moving the ball four yards is important. Andy: Well, my computer. I wrote for what, 50 years on a typewriter. I use three fingers, and I loved it. I Brian: It’s drama. wrote a lot of books on a typewriter. People are reluc- tant to give up what they know well, but I wouldn’t Andy: It’s fictitious drama, I suppose, because we dream of going back to the typewriter. I love my make up the game, but it’s a great drama. computer. It is so much easier, so much better. You Brian: But that’s your sport. You don’t really care that can start over. You can do anything on a computer. much for any other sports. Brian: But you just use it to write. You don’t go on the Internet. Andy: I don’t. World Series don’t interest me much; I don’t care about baseball. I don’t know how much Andy: Well, I have, but I don’t. this has to do with it, but — I don’t know what’s wrong with my arm, but I always threw like a girl. Brian: I guess you don’t have a Facebook page. Brian: You did. How did you get into woodworking? Andy: I like the newspaper. Andy: I don’t know. I am a woodworker. I made this Brian: Anything else? Cars? Space exploration? desk. I put that little ebony dovetail in there.

40 scene: Spring 2010 Andy: Oh, no.

Brian: It’s the $50 and $100 bottles.

Andy: Well, I don’t buy those, I’ll tell you.

Brian: See, that’s why I asked whether the Depres- sion had an effect on your life, because you won’t buy a $17 bottle of wine. You are sort of a Calvinist in some ways. You never cared for vacation that much.

Andy: Anything that I enjoy doing, I can do when I’m working just as well as I can do on vacation. I like the places I go on vacation. But the idea of be- ing off work does not interest me. I like getting up every morning and coming into the office.

Brian: Going to France didn’t entertain you all that much.

Andy: Well, I like to go to France to see what the French are thinking. But no, I didn’t care about go- ing away for a vacation.

Brian: What do you mean, what the French are thinking? You don’t care what anybody else is thinking.

Andy: That’s true. Brian: It’s called a Dutchman. Brian: You’ve got more wood than you’ll ever make into furniture. Brian: Really, one of the only reasons you ever went Andy: Not by me, it isn’t. I love wood. There is back to France was to see where the bullet holes something about wood that’s very real, and I love Andy: It’s hard to make stuff, but I love it. are. this desk that I write on — it’s been here for 25 years now. I’m not good at woodworking, but I’ve made a Brian: But that’s your relaxation. When you’re not Andy: That’s right, and to see what they’re having lot of good things. writing, you’re woodworking. How did you get inter- for food because they cook so well. It’s fun to see ested and knowledgeable about wine and food? what you can learn from the French. Brian: I’ve always said you enjoy the process more than the finish. Andy: Here is something we need three times a day. Brian: So, those kinds of diversions, just not for If you’re going to get interested in something as a you. You just want to keep doing more of what Andy: I do, yeah. hobby, you might as well get interested in some- you’ve always done. thing that has to do with our lives, and food is one Brian: You’ve got piles of wood. of those things. I like to cook and I like to go to good Andy: I’m not for diverting myself from my life. I restaurants that have tried different things. like my typewriter and my computer and I like my Andy: I collect wood. I like to go to a lumber yard and desk and I like everything I have here. I have a great find that they have recently cut a maple tree that, Brian: You’re a good cook, but you’re not a “fussy job. I’m talking to millions of people every week. unbeknownst to them, has great figure in it, burls or recipe” cook. And no matter how ridiculous it is that I say some- stripes of any kind. I buy it. I’ve got a lot of wood in thing, people listen and hear it. I try to be honest my shop. Andy: No, I don’t use a recipe. Whatever I do I pretty and write about things, and people seem to like it. much make up. I’ll read a recipe and get ideas some- times, but I don’t use them. Brian: I noticed that you’ve started leaving early on Fridays. You think if they find out, they’ll fire you? Brian: How did you learn about wine? For instance, you went through World War II, and even when they Andy: I don’t think CBS would fire me. I think I’m were liberating the wine cellars, you didn’t drink. just as apt to fire them as they are to fire me. That should be a regret to you.

Andy: It must be a regret, because we ran into little cellars that had hundreds of bottles of wine. It must have been great, and I didn’t drink. I was late in life 8 with wine. I like good wine. I don’t like spending a Watch a video and read about Colgate’s roast of lot of money on wine, though. I see a bottle of wine “America’s curmudgeon-in-chief” at www.colgate. for $17 and it seems awfully a lot to me. edu/rooneytribute

Brian: You don’t buy a $17 bottle of wine? That’s pretty average.

News and views for the Colgate community 41 42 scene: Spring 2010 Daddio Andrew

News and views for the Colgate community 43 Get to know:Know: Art Name DuBois Here ’55

Alumni bulletin board

Questions? Contact the alumni office at 315-228-7433 or alumni@ colgate.edu – Alumni Council member since 2007 Take advantage of the – Volunteer roles include reunion, class gift, and “Maroon Advantage” Society of Families steering committees; Class When the economy hit the brakes last Agent Excellence Award ’96; Maroon Citation 2005 year, the 55 members of the Alumni – Retired VP, Rand McNally; adjunct professor, Council put their heads together to Lake Forest Graduate School of Management think about how Colgate could help – MBA, Northwestern U.; U.S. Air Force, 3 years alumni affected by the turmoil. You spent your whole career at Rand McNally? The result: the Maroon Advantage “Oooh!...Aaah!...Ohh!” Yes, I worked there 33 years, in production, sales, and marketing, program — a joint effort of the Alumni Reunion 2010 — It Will Leave and spent much of the latter part in division management and Council, Office of Alumni Affairs, and You Relatively Speechless general management in the publishing area. Center for Career Services. ’0s, ’5s, and perennials: There’s “The recipe for a Maroon Advan- still time to register at www. What was the most important lesson you learned when you first tage event is simple: start with alumni colgatealumni.org/reunion. Speak up, started working? and staff who are experts on a and let us know if you’ll be under the I learned a great deal from a man who never graduated from high particular topic, add alumni who can tents on Whitnall Field, June 3–6. school, a cartographer named Adolph Bravi. He taught me how benefit from their expertise, and to get things done, how to go from department to department — Questions? Call the alumni office at watch what happens,” said council things that would have taken me quite a while to learn on my own. 315-228-7433. president Gus Coldebella ’91. “It’s The point is that there are very able people in the world without class news degrees. alums looking out for fellow alums in Alumni of Color News a tough economic climate.” The Alumni of Color (AOC) community How do you view your role as an Alumni Council member? So far, Maroon Advantage has will be mentoring Colgate undergradu- I think the most important thing we do is outside of our meetings. sponsored five programs in as many ates through the Shaping Your Vision I go to club events, where I am able to help people understand cities. Programs have ranged from program, set for next fall. To find out Colgate today. People like to look back at the way things used to general topics, such as career you how you can connect with Colgate be and wish they would never change. But I can talk about the many networking in New York with Karl students and prepare them for life things that have made Colgate, in my view, a measurably better Stewart ’91, to specific, such as institution than it was when we were all in college. as alumni, contact Amanda Kalal at careers in education in Boston with [email protected]. Find AOC online! Devon Skerritt ’03. We’ve even had a Of all your volunteer work, what has been closest to your heart? Visit www.colgatealumni.org/aoc or few “speed networking” sessions with I edited our 50th Reunion yearbook. Getting reacquainted with go to Facebook and search keywords those classmates both in person as well as their written work (each alumni of other colleges. Our three Colgate Alumni of Color or AOC. was asked to write a biography) was wonderfully refreshing. online “webinars” have been so successful that the Alumni Council Tell us about your family. voted to invest in conference soft- My wife, Fairfield, and I met at the end of my freshman year, ware to make them even better. stay connected stay connected on a bicycle trip to Europe; now, isn’t that romantic? Two of our Keep your eyes peeled for info four children went to Colgate: our son Bill ’78 and our daughter on regional Maroon Advantage events, Anne Yap ’80. or watch an online seminar at www. colgatealumni.org/careerservices. What Colgate person had the biggest influence on you? If you’re interested in helping, by My father-in-law, Curtiss Frank ’25, had the most profound effect Your opinions, thoughts, and com- hosting, serving on a panel, sharing on me. My own dad had died shortly after I graduated, and Curt ments matter — so we provide helped me with career choices, and later when I had difficult busi- your career skills, or volunteering multiple ways to connect with and ness situations and when I got involved in local politics, to analyze conference space for an event, hear from you. the pros and cons of any situation. contact Amanda Kalal in the alumni Here’s one more: provide your office at [email protected]. feedback, offer a question, or open What do you do for enjoyment? a new conversation by clicking this My wife and I are readers. I’m fortunate: my wife reads 10 books for icon found all over www.colgate every one that I read, and she screens them for me. Invariably, I’m alumni.org. We promise to answer lucky with what I read. We can do well on crossword puzzles, but not if they’ve got any TV characters or sitcoms; we’ve never watched your message in a timely manner or much television! Golf, tennis, and trying to learn bridge are among direct it to an appropriate alumni our other activities. office staff member.

44 scene: Spring 2010 and October8. submitting theircolumnsonJuly9 Class news: Classeditorswillbe Alumni (fax); [email protected]. 315-228-7453 (tel.);315-228-7699 we would appreciatereceiving acopy: If anewspaper obituaryisavailable, address forcondolencestobe sent. please identifysurvivingkinand an notify alumnirecords.Ifpossible, death ofaColgategraduate,please For addresschanges,ortoreportthe [email protected]. 13346; fax 315-228-7699;ore-mail Marriages, 13OakDr., Hamilton, NY mail totheScene,attn:Births/ Marriage andbirthlistings—please take awhiletoappearinprint. and understandthatyour news may information toyour correspondents, deadlines inmindwhensending


class news Please keep these



Jerry: 203-655-4592; [email protected] for thenextissue. Graham Rogers,Roger and over theyears with EdHornung,Herb Gladstone, lived inGloversville, NY, died. George has adaughter inPA, whom hevisits. and Ifoundthat hewas tooling aroundtown! remaining, ages16–26. Great fun! grandchild —the1stof11, 3girlsand7boys Fairhaven, NJ, forthewedding oftheiroldest Kenya thenclamped down onthepractice. greater incountries where that did notoccur. The population oftheseanimals was much others —who dependedonthegrass forfood. the biganimals —zebra, antelope, elephant, and was discovered that it resulted of inthedecrease were burned offregularly bythenatives, but it which was inKenya. Itseemsthat the vast plains upwriting theresults ofhislastsabbatical, slow himdown. Edhas aPhDinbotany andis moved toaretirement facility, but that didn’t Cooper Hall! some months ago, heisthemostpopular man at card. Asoneofhisfemale commented friends his hands! me aphotoinwhich theywere feedingout of so agobut continues to feedsquirrels. Hesent has any notridden dolphins ashedidayear or He soundedgreat andstilldrives. Agoodsign. CA, for some time, so I was delighted to reach him. well inspite ofmildpain, but walks onhisown. great-grandchild, Jackson. Charles says that heis at Christmasfeaturing aphotoofhis2nd classmates whose phonesindicate disconnects. members living in10different states, The Darien, CT 23 Lighthouse Gerald A 1937 Elizabeth: 312-527-1492 Chicago, IL60611 505 N.Lakeshore Dr Apartment 513 Elizabeth Gallagher-Saward 1936 2010 3–6, Reunion June [email protected] George: 772-569-6951; Vero Beach, FL32967 930 RegencySquare110 George Carmichael 1935 315-228-6669; have news toshare, Should anyone up throughtheClassof1934 That’s it forthisissue, but Ihave beenintouch I received thenews that HoldenBachner, who George HuntinOwego, NY, returnedmy call Jerry Dr EdPhillipslives inClaremont, CA, andhas Dr KingDavissent awonderful Christmas I heard fromJimSprague inMiami. Hestill I had not talked toDrDuke HusserinSalinas, Dr CharlesHarrisinBerea, KY, sent mealetter censusreveals that we have 11reachable Vernon andhiswifeinCTwent to Vernon 06820-5612 [email protected]. Way please contact Aleta Mayne: Vanderkar, sothat’s plus 2

Gus: 623-546-9487; [email protected] or something. about your grandchildren, infirmities, infidelities, a walker. Heremains hisupbeat self. Due tobalanceproblems, hegetsaroundwith passed asenior. freshman year fornotsaying that word ashe to theclassandrecalled beingpaddled our Joe Holmeswrotelastsummertosay “hello” Courtney Dunleavy’08. Alfred ’66andJohnIV Several attended Colgate: brother widow, Annelie, andtootherfamily members. We expressourdelayed condolences tohis He was aSigma Nu. Hehad acareerasanatty. diedinGlen Head,J RandallIII NY, Aug21, 2008. Small-world1950–1974. dept! fraternity brother, who headedtheorgfrom succeeded byGordonBoyce ’39,my ATO Internatl Living. Ithendiscovered that hewas and formany years headed Experiment in I learned that herfather, Donald Watt, founded Ingersoll, aformergraduate student ofmine, could hit aball.’ That really made my day.” the otherstowatch how ‘someone intheir90s applause asIfinished. Thepro had assembled all something goingonbehindmeandthen out theday. AsIhit thelast balls, Iwas aware of asked metohit afew moreaswe were closing “On thelastday onthedriving range, my pro program lastsummer. Here’s ofhisaccount: part beingactiveHe described golf inaspecial physical condition, hisclassmates. outpacing provide fine leadership. with excellent credentials, we feelshould about JeffreyHerbst, Colgate’s new pres, who, Have Berkeley, CA 94707-2444 1050 MariposaAve Don Foley 1938 Board ’71–’87, Alumni Admissions career ’71–’05, Relations Club, DCStudy Group ’38, Alumni Corp include memberof KDR, Salmagundi, Internatl a look at someofhisColgate activities. They perpetual motion personified when you take and cousinDavidSSmith’52. P Dunphy’03, son-in-law HaroldIGenvert ’75, grandchildren MargotHGenvert ’11andMichael Dorothy, daughter MargaretFiskGenvert ’77, Salisbury, MD. Georgeissurvived bywife class, George Received 2010 3–6, Reunion June Greenport, NY PO Box 321 Fred 1940 Sun City 16003 Gus Nasmith 1939 Don: 510-525-6983; [email protected] Mark ’75. died Nov 22, 2009, inCinci. Amongsurvivors: son We aredown to18survivors. Please tellus Dave Evelyn Bolton Ellis, the widow of We didnotlearn until Oct2009that John arecentDuring encounter with Phyllis Watt Ev Hanke seemstostay inremarkable George, you alumni may remember, was Tedeschi had e-mail exchange with IrvRyerson W Thurber isinanassistedliving facility. West, AZ85375-6689 FalconRidgeDr word that oneoftheleaders ofour W 11944 Fisk, diedat 90onOct8, in ’78,andgranddaughter Robert Ralph



Ellis sons News and views for the Colgate community Colgate the for views and News , felis. bibendum. sed ligulacondimentum tur ridiculus mus. magnis montes, disparturient bero. urna. aliquet, mi felis, lectus. potenti. scing. Donec nonelit etligulaultrices adipi- leo convallis congue. placerat estinarcu. Praesent feugiat nunc. fringilla Pellentesque consequat. dictum et, justo, elementum purusnontortor. dignissim elit sit ametmassa. elit. sectetuer adipiscing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, fermentum.amet misuscipit Aenean egetdui. a, sagittis vitae, rutrum ut, justo elit, sollicitudin nulla nislanisi. magna eunibh. justo. amet ante. luctus lacus, sagittis, quis scelerisque Quisque tellus leo, Maecenas rhoncuslibero. adipiscing sollicitudin mauris. est. dales ac, dapibus, Duis rhoncus, massa. porta ultricies ultrices posuerecubiliaCurae; ipsum infaucibus luctus primis orci et corper. quis nequeaarcuconsequat ullam- Sed feugiat dolor sedvelit. lum tempus fermentum urna. libero. nissim magna vel orci. vulputate tincidunt quam. Sed consectetuerdolor ut lacus. vel,hendrerit Cras euismod. Morbi faucibus. tum eu, 11, 2009,inPisgah Forest, NC; Robert have recently donethis: Martin GBenedict, Nov leaving the “outside world.” Theseclassmates the “outside world.” Today we look forward to In Roanoke, 3804 Brandon Avenue Apt. 329 Robert C.Smith 1942 Ted: 207-563-8369; [email protected] demands it. Go, Colgate! being academically proficient. Survival as a world to becomeworld-conscious aswell citizens as colleges are seriously working to prepare students to notethat moreandprepschools and institutions throughout the country. I am pleased changes along with the goalsofeducational purpose ofaColgate education develops and announced byColgate’s officeofalumni records. we thedeath arereporting ofhiswife, Jeane, as remarkable personalities like Karl. 90-year-old classmates agegracefully, we salute several colleges, even toage84. Asallofyou This led toacareerteachingglobal marketing in Later, heearnedagrad degreeinbusiness admin. airmen “plane recognition” at anAZairbase. theaterPacific inWWII, Karl taught young Navy a personofgoodhumor.) Afterserviceinthe but continues toenjoy life. (Hehas always been Karl has recently had “several small strokes,” for 67 years andcounting. Sheinformedmethat with Joyce Mayers, classmate KarlMayers’s wife What Damariscotta, ME04543-0579 PO Box 579 Ted Clapp 1941 ceased byhisbrotherMelbourneJBurnett’39. member of Delta Pi Alpha. Claude was prede of PhiKappa Psi, majored inchem, andalsoa 2009, inSealHarbor, ME. Claude was amember Colgate Scholar, Sigma Delta Psi, dean’s list. Konosioni, MaroonKey, wrestling, Austen ceased himin2006. Bobwas amemberofDU, and Barbara. Wifeof64years, Rachel, prede- Milton, MA, at 90. Nextofkin: childrenRobert Natl Campaign Committee ’95–’97. Steering GiftsCommittee ’82–’87, and Special ’90–’08, Gift Committee ’90, Reunion Program Committee Regional Campaign Committee ’95–’96,Reunion ’75–’09, PlannedGiving Committee ’89–’09, Maroon Citation Award ’76, MaroonCouncil Lawyers Campaign Committee ’94–’95, Alumni Program ’95, DistinguishedAlumni Award ’85, classeditor ’95–’08,Colgate’88–’09, Today advising, careerseminar, classgiftcommittee club ’93. alumni admissions alumni ’85–’98,anddistrict of Sigma Chi, chorus, Masque&Triangle, skiclub, predeceased him. AtColgate, Cliffwas amember Cynthia, Cliff, andKim’86. WifeBarbara Bloomington, IN. Nextofkin: childrenBarbara, played onthehockey team. ’95. AtColgate, Harrywas amemberofDUand 65 years). BrotherGordonL in geology. Next of kin: widow Katheryn (married 93rd bday) inChestnut Hill, MA. Harrymajored dolor. ouryoung days we looked forward tojoining With thepassageoftime, thecharacter and ofclassmateFor thefriends DougBonney, Harry A Claude ABurnett, 91, passedaway Feb24, Robert JManticapassedaway July 27in Clifford LMillerJr, 91, diedNov 11, in Aliquamneque. apleasure it was tospeakonthephone Quisquevenenatis lobortis dolor. natoque Cumsociis penatibus et Donecvenenatis tellus quisli- dapibus sit amet, Duisestturpis, Etiamquisnisl. Nullamegestasnisl. Uteteros. Nullafacilisi. volutpat non, Prointempor convallis leo. euismodtincidunt, VA 24018-7004 Maecenas egestasliberoeget pellentesque quis, iaculisnon, quammagna nisi, porttitor Wheeler JrdiedonMay 24, 2009, (his tincidunt a, ligula. felis. Duisvulputate tellus ac Sedmattis enimfeugiat necvarius odio risus sit nec, lacinia fermentum eget, augue quisbibendum Phasellus rhoncus Aliquamsit ametelit. Nullaodio metus, Aeneanposuere, Proinquisfelissit Quisqueestorci, Aliquampharetra. rutrum ac, Aliquamsodales. Namidvelit eget Fusceblandit sagittis sit amet, Vestibulum ante aliquamnon, commodovitae, dui. Nullamacdiam. Suspendisse Wheeler ’42diedin Praesent nec mollis eget, Namnisi. pedeaugue Morbi bibendum Nullam Nullam scelerisque Cras dig- Vestibu-

neque. Maecenas con- W fermen- Inurna Morbi Nulla nasce-

Tonner, ipsum. Nulla Sed so-


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“My pro asked me to hit a few more as we were closing out the day. As I hit the last balls, I was aware of Corps. These kids are better trained, better something going on behind me and then applause as I finished. The pro had assembled all the others to educated, and volunteer on and off the base to help kids who need tutoring, as well as volunteer watch how ‘someone in their 90s could hit a ball.’ That really made my day.” — Ev Hanke ’38 at local churches and hospitals. Many have earned BAs, BSs, and grad degrees. In their 1st 4-year hitch, most have their plans made for the Nov 11, 2009, in Hanson, MA; Oscar Drumheller, next 20 years. 4–O! Dec 15, 2009, in Naples, FL; and John W Crowning- 1946 1947 I also participate in the Navy’s Returning shield ’43, Nov 4, 2009, in Magnolia, MA. The rest Don Schaefer Jack Scollay Warrior Program, which started here in our local of us continue to enjoy something every day. 45 Lydecker St Apt. 315 Navy League Council and has since spread Bob: 540-776-2329; [email protected] Englewood, NJ 07631-3008 95 Elizabeth St nationwide. Here men and women returning Delaware, OH 43015-4312 from Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other hot Talked with Skip Walker, who lives in Bayville, Jack: 740-362-4035; [email protected] spots get intensive counseling from chaplains, 1943 NJ, across from Toms River. He is a past psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and Joseph W. DeBragga commodore of the Toms River Yacht Club, one of anything else necessary in regaining their lives 51 Wavecrest Dr the older clubs in the country. He stills the Toms 1948 and families. I’ve attended many of those and Islip, NY 11751-4015 River. After the war, he and Mary came back to George F Greene Jr the results are wonderful. It is particularly Colgate and lived in a room in the home of Ford 36096 N Newbridge Ct helpful for the reservist. The regulars return to You surely remember that in our era it was Saunders ’21. Ford taught music, but I remember Gurnee, IL 60031-4511 a naval base and structured help. The reservist obligatory for freshman to greet one and all on him as the Colgate organist. Skip has a married comes home on Sunday and may go back to campus by saying “Hello!” Bob Martin recalls this son living in Germany and a daughter in Thanksgiving is over, and it was an exhausting work on Monday with no support or help. Luckily, with gratitude because — along with others — Burlington, VT, who is assoc dir of career services period. Let’s move all holidays to the summer this is no longer true. It is a great program. he appreciates that this tradition instilled a at Middlebury C. Mary and their daughter when the weather is nicer. I know that that is an I hope this finds you all well and happy. Write sense of outreach that has served us well these attended Bryn Mawr, as did my wife, Renate. elder person’s viewpoint, but let’s face it, we to the Gomar to report in — that is an order! many years after. A fellow Phi Psi of Skip’s was Buzz Schwenk, aren’t getting any younger. The bride and I are George: 847-856-0704; [email protected] Last fall Pat and Jerry Wheaton continued who recently passed away after a brief illness. both 82 and feeling it. The baby is now 48, and their extensive traveling in the scenic far west. Buzz and I were teammates on the baseball George III is almost finished with middle age. Jack Sinn, retired from golf as well as his law squad. Buzz owned a dairy farm and dairy stores This brings me to the aging of a Scene column. 1949 practice, recalls hitchhiking during snow on LI, NY. He was very active in republican politics The 1st couple of years we write about where David S. Davies blizzards with Dick Hall along Rte 12B. Under- and was county chairman. While chairman, everybody is, where they are employed, and who 109 Barker Street grads with cars were few indeed in those days. every local, state, and federal office in the county has become a parent. Of course, with our class, Wellington, OH 44090-1132 Bill Munro is happy in Bronxville, NY, after was held by a republican. I had lunch with Buzz many were eager parents producing the 1st baby many years of electronic equipment export sales. and Diana and the Tumas and Ingles 2 years ago. boomers while we were still on campus. On Although this is being published in the spring, it He experienced the transformation from vacuum Buzz was still active in his own consulting firm. graduation, some gave their wives PHT degrees. was written in Jan, on a day when zero temps tubes to integrated circuits and electronic chips. Another Colgate ball player, Dick Hall, died (Pushed Husband Through.) It was the 1st taste froze most of the nation, the day after AL beat TX Nov 30. I remember playing ball with him in of what a coed Colgate might be like with many in the Rose Bowl, and when George Howlett Guam after the war. I was in the Navy and we wives taking courses and supplying the females reported from N Syracuse that it was the 1st day 1944 played Dick’s team of Marines. Talk about a small for the plays, drum majorettes for the band, and in several when he hadn’t felt dizzy. “I’m doing Ellsworth Johnson world. He later coached Little League baseball, decorators for fraternity houses. Most of us pretty well for a guy who died last March,” 1309 Meadow Ridge as did I. thought it was great. Some diehards did not like George said, his heart having stopped, and after Redding, CT 06896-3224 Bob Taylor, a fine writer and a great guy, it. Can’t please everyone. being revived, had a pacemaker installed to keep passed away from injuries sustained in a fall. Next phase recounted where we were it as regular as an 84-year-old damaged ticker is Clem Furey, Jim Denton, Hank Towers, Rick Blair Vedder continues on the road to employed, where we had moved to, bought our likely to pump. George said he’d been taken to Yarnall, and myself, along with wives and other recovery from open heart surgery. 1st homes (GI Bill), grad degrees, and generally the VA hospital twice that week. He thought he’d family members, made it to the Princeton game Jessie and Archer Bush live near Tampa. moving up the ladder with more news of probably have to forego the 5th trip he wants to on Oct 8 for a mini class reunion. The Raiders They are fortunate to have their family — son, growing families. This was a long period make to Wales. He was raised in a home where made it a good one by winning. Colgate’s alumni daughter, and grandchildren — living nearby. followed by the 1st early retirees and some loss of his father spoke Welsh, and he has fond office arranged a cookout ahead of time, which He is doing some writing. Archer likes the FL classmates of life eternal. News recounted many memories of the late Dean William Griffith ’33, enhanced the event. weather but prefers NC; he thinks NC is a illnesses and how we were coping. Where we the Colgate admissions dir who was proud of Clem journeyed south to Naples for the beautiful place to live. His career included 29 retired to was documented. his Welshness. George and his late wife had 3 winter and planned to be back to the Cape come years with the CIA. Now, unfortunately, our numbers are daughters and a son, but their oldest daughter, early spring. Doc Edwards, a Phi Gam fraternity brother of shrinking at an alarming rate. Of the 5,000 V-12, Kathy, a Shakespearian scholar, died at age 54, Sue and I are planning a spring trip to VA. mine, has lived in “Old Town” Alexandria, VA, for V-5, V-7, WTS, and MTS, less than 50 are still on and the youngest, Jennifer, died at 43. Daughter A sad note that Alexander Goulard Jr, DKE, many years. Doc is in good health. He was a the rolls. It’s a rare column that does not report April does artwork for a media group in Weston, died Nov 9, 2007, in Ocala, FL. manufacturers rep for 37 years. He loves to play a shipmate’s passing. I cringe when the small CT, and son George A is a tech specialist at Hope 2010 is a good year for everyone! golf at Belle Haven Golf Club. envelopes come from the alumni office with bad Purdue. George says he is enriched by living in Ellsworth: 203-544-8168; 1200 (fax) His roommate Jack Hart was killed in the war. news. I don’t like to hear that 1,500 WWII vets are a neighborhood where there are 5 other old Doc is full of enthusiasm and loves Colgate. His leaving every day. Our revered prexy Ev Case’s timers who are congenial and good friends. He father was head physician at my local hospital in Golden Boys are meeting with him on the great says he gets to a Colgate athletic event from time 1945 Englewood, again a small world. My grandson campus in the sky. to time, but has trouble climbing the bleachers. Bob Husselrath Scott ’97 is living in Alexandria. You may be sure On the other hand, many of you are coping Class pres Phil Sanford writes from his Apt 1217 I’ll see Doc the next time I visit Scott. well, busy traveling, volunteering, and doing cozy corner in Sun City, Hilton Head, SC, about 18755 West Bernardo Dr John Downie grew up in nearby Ridgewood, good things in communities all over the country. classmates who keep in touch with him, San Diego, CA 92127-3013 NJ. After his Army war years, John started his I hear regularly from ‘Spider’ Quigley, Tom particularly at Christmas. Phil has macular business career with the Insurance Co of Wilson ’49, Phil Sanford ’49, Jack Scollay ’47, and degeneration, but still has sight enough to drive Reunion June 3–6, 2010 America. Ten years later he joined a small the Rev Al McDaniel ’49 out in Singers Glen, VA, locally in the daytime and to play golf. He reports The good news is I have no deaths to report. I am agency, Wheeler and Taylor, in Great Barrington, where he still rides the circuit filling in for absent that Tom Dockrell has decided to move back to writing this Jan 7. You will read it in the spring, MA. Small-town life agreed with him; he stayed preachers. Clinton, NY, and give up trying to chase the sun still time to make the reunion June 3. Any with the agency until retirement. He and Audrey So we are still rolling along. As Jim Schneider in the South. Tom writes that the last report questions about the reunion? Call Hal Heim at are in good health. John has also contributed a said in his book The Navy V-12 Program: about his health was somewhat inaccurate. Says 305-852-9984. full life to community services. He likes Colgate’s Leadership for a Lifetime, if you look below the he has had 2 ops on his lungs, for cancer, but the Augie Jandorek has become a pipe smoker choice of new president. surface in most local communities, you will find disease was caught early in each case and he did — looks good! Wonder if he takes his new pipe This column is not so easy to write because V-12s still leading. not require radiation. “In fact, I recovered quickly, on the ski lifts? it’s hard to be nostalgic when you can’t remember As for the Gomar, I still present at Sailors of and I am still walking 9 holes on the golf course.” Old news to you now: Bob Strippel reported anything. Stay well. the Quarter-Year events on and off the base at Tom says he was sorry to miss the 60th and had the 1st serious snow a couple of weeks ago. Do Don: 201-568-0309; [email protected] my other alma mater, Great Lakes NTC for the intended being there on Sat “but had communi- you remember January 2010? Navy League, Lake County, IL, Council. I have cation problems with the alumni office.” He hopes Bob: 858-395-3213; [email protected] officiated at over 450 in the last 15 years. It is to be around for the 65th. (So say we all of us.) a labor of love to meet and award this new Phil also reports communications from Ken “Glorious Generation” of our Navy and Marine Hillyer, Bob Howard, Jack Cashin, Jack Babeuf,

46 scene: Spring 2010 Al Sproul, Bob Gardner, and Charlie ‘Goose’ when he died after a period of declining health. Koblinski ’46. Hillyer lives in Melbourne, FL, and He was a member of Phi Delta Theta, majored in Get to know: Amy Gould ’11 recently went on a cruise to Italy’s Amalfi coast. sociology, played basketball and tennis, was Howard has sold his summer place on Lake inducted into the Athletic Hall of Honor in 1988, – Hometown: Mequon, Wis. Saranac and lives in Newville, PA. Cashin, at 84, and was a member of Maroon Key and Konosioni. – Pre-med, religion major (focus on ethics and values) claims to be the nation’s oldest polo player, a He is survived by 4 children: Cynthia, Sally, Betsy, – Main activities: Hamilton Central Tutoring, Gamma Phi Beta position he says he’ll keep until he plays his last and Tom. chukker. Babeuf still lives in Fair Haven, NJ, but Alton McDaniel has had 2 diverse careers, the philanthropy chair (spring and fall 2009) spends some winter time in Hilton Head. Sproul 1st as a newspaperman in VA for a dozen years has a grandson at Colgate and attended Parents’ after graduating from Colgate and the 2nd, for We hear you recently Weekend. Gardner, class treasurer, continues in the last 50 years, as a pastor in the Church of the applied your knack Canada. And Koblinski, though graduating in Brethren, in VA and KS. He came by both naturally. for puzzles — and put 1949, stayed with the Class of 1946, his class At Colgate, Al was a strong reporter/editor of the Hamilton, N.Y., on the before he went into the service. Maroon, and his step into journalism followed. map — on a popular public GJ ‘Pete’ Phelps writes from Loudon, TN, that He edited the Federalsburg Times, a VA weekly radio show. he recently was in touch with Don Hess, a friend (now extinct), and made plans to buy the paper Well, I have always loved for 75 years. Pete and Don were roommates at Phi with his brother. When that deal fell through, Al trivia and puzzles. When Delt and had years of memories to recall when decided to leave journalism because the paper they got in touch. Pete and Marie lived 16 years supported Joseph McCarthy and Al couldn’t, and I was a kid, I would play in FL before moving to Tellico Village in east TN, because the paper was switching from letter a game called “Think It in sight of the Smokies, a place “like heaven.” Pete press to offset printing, a process requiring more Through” with my dad writes, “We are so blessed! No generation will capital than Al and his brother could muster. (Bob Gould ’77), which have what we have had.” One possession Pete The move to the Brethren was encouraged by an involved a lot of puzzle- has is health good enough to do woodworking uncle who was a Brethren pastor. “I had a wife solving skills. And I have and to work 3 days a week, “a substitute for not and 3 children, and I had become interested in been listening to NPR playing golf anymore.” exploring biblical lore, so the time seemed right,” since sophomore year Another friend of Don Hess’s is Coleman Al remembers. “My position has always been as in high school. I would Volgenau, who writes that he and Don expect to a liberal, registered democrat, yet I’ve appreci- always listen to Car Talk while running errands on Sunday afternoons, and try to solve their get together for lunch soon in Batavia, NY. ated the value of the conservative stance Coleman, who lives in Clarence, NY, with wife through the years. In these times, however, there puzzler. I was hanging out with Kate Drazen ’11 and a friend from Cornell. We decided to Diane, says they enjoyed a 22-day tour of China is no longer a viable conservative base. It has look up that week’s puzzler online [What’s in a name?/Oct. 12] and try to solve it, which I did. last summer. Coleman retired from practicing been usurped by a lunatic fringe; paranoia “Click” and “Clack” announced my name. Here’s the kicker, though; they actually announced law after 50 years. He said he couldn’t have reigns, authentic liberal and conservative I got the answer to a different puzzler. They must have accidentally pulled my name from enjoyed any other vocation more. The Colemans positions both suffer. Significant, healthy, the wrong pile. But at least I got one right! I won a $26 gift certificate to their “Shameless are parents and grandparents of Dartmouth reasonable dialogue is lost.” Commerce” online gift shop. grads, and the Coleman clan attends Colgate- It is comforting to learn from time to time Dartmouth football games. Coleman says he that something published in the Scene hits home, Who is your role model? thinks Dartmouth is cancelling the series even beyond class boundaries. Gordon Miller ’56 I look up to each member of my family, and they are truly the reason that I am the way that because Colgate has won too often. He is enthusi- wrote last Nov that he thought comments about I am; however, my little sister Michelle is my biggest role model. Even though she is only 15, astic about the coaching of Dick Biddle. He also ’49er contributions to the life of the college and enjoys hunting deer with his brother. the nation were “right on.” He said, “It’s she is so passionate, driven, well-rounded, fun, exciting, interesting, and simply awesome. Dr William J Torrens — recovered from a stroke, important to recognize how far we’ve come and She is everything I aspire to be. with speech and full body motions restored — how Colgate can impact how far we can get in writes from Turlock, CA, that he plans to be at promoting the best of futures.” What’s been your favorite class here so far, and why? ’49s 65th in 2014. Bill is retired from teaching You write, too, please. Your classmates would It’s a toss-up between RELG 201 (Contemporary Issues and Values) with Professor mgmt, personnel, and labor law at the College like to know what moves your 80-year-old bones. Reinbold, and Organic Chemistry with Professor Geier. Contemporary Issues and Values of Business of CA State C in Stanislus. He and David: 440-647-5306, [email protected] is the reason that I am a religion major, a path I never expected to go down. It showed me Esther have 2 daughters — Mary, dir of school the importance of understanding religion and the many ways it influences the world. Since development for Stanislus County, and Patricia, Organic Chemistry is notorious for being very difficult, I was expecting the worst. But I was dir of food and beverages for Marriott. Married 1950 amazed with how interesting, applicable, and even philosophical it is. I love how much it 60 years, Bill and Esther plan to practice their Bunn Rhea reunion return by attending Colgate’s home- 383 Clearbrook Dr surprised me. coming this year. Avon Lake, OH 44012-3117 Classmates Carlton F ‘Buz’ Barton, George Describe an activity that has been meaningful to you. Sommer, and Franklin E Warren have died. Reunion June 3–6, 2010 Amongst many philanthropic and community service events that I’ve coordinated, the Barton on Dec 4, in Attleboro, MA; Sommer in We surely won’t be the first, but we’d like to pen biggest was the Crescent Classic Soccer Tournament, an event that Gamma Phi had never Sept in Tryon, NC; and Warren on Oct 28, in High a hearty welcome to Jeffrey Herbst, 16th put on before. It was quite an undertaking. It ended up being very successful and one of my Point, NC. Buz had 2 Colgate sons, William ’76 and president of Colgate. His academic credentials proudest accomplishments. Daniel ’80. At Colgate, he was a Deke, played and work history are very impressive, and he’ll baseball and swam, and was a geology major. He be taking over in June. Early reports are that he What’s your favorite pastime on campus? served in the Army ’45–’47. He and wife Marjorie is well focused and eager to lead this university This year is my first of having my own kitchen, and I make it a point to cook myself a home- had lived in The Villages, FL. They were living in we love. made meal every night, no matter how busy I am. I love coming up with new recipes or Attleboro since last May. George’s death was I hope you are making serious plans to attend perfecting the ones that I already love. reported by John Fenniman. Sommer and our 60th Reunion June 3–6. Cliff Heaslip, our Fenniman met in Stuart, FL, in 1971, learned that super coordinator and program chair, has been both had graduated from Colgate in 1949 and working very hard to guarantee a fun time for all What have you done with your summer breaks so far? from NY Law School, and formed a law practice, who come back. As for total attendees, we won’t After freshman year, I worked as a nanny. I was constantly running kids around, playing Sommer, Fraisier & Fenniman, which dissolved know, of course, until registration forms are tennis, and helping out with math and reading. I absolutely loved it. After sophomore year, a few years later. Afterward, Sommer and returned; but we’ll try to keep you informed. I had a summer “externship” at a hospital. I spent each day in a different department of the Fenniman shared an office until George retired At this writing, we’re looking at a core of 16 hospital ranging from security to scrubbing in on orthopedic surgeries. It was an incredible to Fernandina Beach, FL, moving later to Tryon. classmates or so who might make the journey. opportunity that confirmed my dreams of becoming a doctor. George is survived by 2 sons and a daughter, Should be a lot more, but that’s where we are. and also was predeceased by a son. George went From Sherwood Anderson we received a mini Speaking of Car Talk, what kind of car do you drive? to Colgate under the V-12 program, and after travelogue. The Anderson 2009 travels took his I drive a Prius. graduating worked as an insurance claims family, this year, as every year, from FL to ME adjuster while attending law school at night. and back again. They began 2009 at FL’s Amelia Fenniman reports that George “had a world of Island Resort for a long weekend celebration of common sense, which his clients appreciated,” Sherry’s 80th. The whole Anderson tribe: son, and that his motto was “always leave some on daughter-in-law, daughter, and all 3 grandchil- the plate for the other guy.” Warren was 86 dren treated him, a most pleasing event for

News and views for the Colgate community 47 Sherry and Liz. Winter Park in FL keeps them that the Class of 1950 Memorial Endowed Guardian angel warm in winter while New Vineyard in ME Scholarship Fund has a market value of $566,136 Walking down a village street in southern Honduras, Bruce Ergood ’52 will hear people yell keeps them in touch with Sherry’s heritage, as of 5/31/09, down considerably from taking a “Gallinas episcopales,” meaning “Episcopal chicken.” It’s not that they’re hurling insults at which they like, too. Sherry’s roots are 5 heavy hit in 2008 like a lot of other things. Last him; rather, the villagers associate Ergood with the recent project he’s been working on. generations deep in that little ME village. Clearly, year, 12 members of the class directed $11,060 of With his wife, Jane, Ergood has been constructing chicken coops and distributing chickens he is project-minded: He built a 6' square floating their annual gifts to the fund when sending in to farmers in an effort to alleviate some of the community’s financial — and malnutrition loon nest out of logs from a 40' blown down checks. And he has discovered that a large — issues. The endeavor spruce. He also pounded a hollow out of number of classmates he contacts have plans to a large flat rock lakeside, with the object of move to sr housing apts or condos; so he and piggybacks on another carving it into a stone canoe. His next object was Norma are on a waiting list, and just may be program the Ergoods hanging a piece of slate from a tree as a weather moving before our June reunion (which he fully started, called Guardi- station with a sign: If wet, rain; if white, snow; if expects to make). anas de Salud (Guardians dim, fog; if dry, sun; if it moves, wind; if gone, big Speaking of people moving, Dick Yale reports of Health), which trains wind; Simple, but always accurate. This summer that he and Nancy are happily on 1 floor at Good villagers to be primary he found the grave site of more 5th-generation Shepherd Village in Endwell, NY, in a brand health care workers. forebears. Other stopovers in the 1,800-mile drive spankin’ new 2 BR cottage. The food is so good Ergood first visited to ME from FL included 9 days in Atlanta to visit that they have only used their stove twice in Honduras in the summer family, and then a meaningful Thanksgiving in 3 weeks. They downsized, or rather “right sized,” of 1990 when hitchhiking Boca Raton, with son David and his family. It was from an 11-room colonial revival to 7 modern a very good year for the Andersons. rooms and a ton of extra boxes of (“mostly through Central America. Fred Dunlap was on hand for the HC win over Nancy’s”) stuff filling up half of their 2-car After having volunteered Cornell with Paul Mulligan and ‘Moose’ Clark. He garage. They still own the colonial in a terrible in Mexico after gradua- and Marilyn had just returned from a trip to Bingo housing market, and hope to see us in tion, spending many Antarctica. “A great trip,” Fred says, “but I didn’t June. Bob Halpin in Dallas wrote that he and years as an Ohio see any classmates there — just penguins.” Marilyn are doing well with travel, tennis, and University professor Bruce Ergood ’52 (left) and wife Jane (second from left) in Leonard Hayes and his son Terry, a clinical family activities. They have 10 grandkids and taking students to Belize, southern Honduras with a Guardiana (middle) and her family psychologist, had a great trip to AK in Aug. They 4 great-grands, and 6 grandkids not married yet. and completing two as well as another volunteer. flew from Boston to Seattle to Anchorage. From They closed down their oil and gas partnership Fulbright professorships there to NP and, at Seward, got on the a year ago and sold a bunch of their properties. in Argentina, Ergood had traveled throughout most of Latin America. But Central America Statendam (Holland America) and sailed for 7 The ones they kept are apparently pretty easy to days, ending in Vancouver. Len’s other son, Gary, manage, so they are semi-retired. Bob goes to his was uncharted territory for him, so he thumbed and bussed his way around. is the CEO of the sales arm in the US for Laser office most days but says he is relaxed and can He didn’t think much about Honduras again after that visit, until 1998 when Hurricane Components, hq’d in Germany; and his wife, take off on trips, etc. Mitch struck. Ergood jumped at the chance to help. “It was the worst hurricane that ever hit Margaret, is a prof of nursing at the MA C of We said good-bye to Harold W Miller, who the country,” he explained. “Everyone in Honduras still refers to time as ‘before Mitch’ and Pharmacy in Boston. Grandsons Garrison and died Nov 5, in North Wales, PA. He majored in poli ‘after Mitch.’” The South American Mission Society (SAMS) sent Ergood to assess the Christian are attending HS at Bishop Brady in sci, was a member of the Int’l Relations Club, and damage to various Episcopal congregations. He traveled around Honduras making a number Concord, NH. Garrison is an outdoor enthusiast, was on the Dean’s List. of contacts — and playing music. “I take my clarinet wherever I go,” he said. serving as a lifeguard in the summer and This piece would not be complete without an Over the next several years, he and Jane returned to Honduras through SAMS to snowboard instructor in the winter. Christian is update on the Phil Moses family. Phil continues with mission work there. Jane, who has a master’s in nursing from Yale University, coordi- 6', 200 lbs, and growing. So far, neither has any to use his vast communication skills in his work nated the medical brigades that visited annually. Yet the amount of work required to interest in Colgate. Len enjoys retirement and for the St Louis Better Business Bureau. But after prepare for the brigades and the infrequency of the visits “didn’t seem right,” Ergood said. gets to Colgate at last once a year to see a briefly losing sight in his left eye on 2 occasions, With only one doctor available in the area where they work in the province of El Paraiso, and football game. He did get to see the Holy Cross he was diagnosed with 90% blockage in the game as well as the Dartmouth game. He is carotid artery on the right side and 70% on the the nearest hospital 40 miles away, the situation seemed dire. volunteering at a hospital in Manchester, NH, left. Soon after surgery he had a 7" scar on his A solution came to the Ergoods in 2005 during a summer retreat in Lake George, N.Y., serving in the surgical waiting room. Len’s wife, neck and the promise of another later on. when they attended a lecture by doctors who were training medical workers in northern Priscilla, whom he met in his sr year when she Apparently, the blindness was a mild stroke, Honduras. They learned that 80 percent of the ills that people bring to doctors can be was working in the bursar’s office, passed away caught and treated just in time. The “kids” — treated by those who have basic medical education. Thus, the seed for the Ergoods’ in 2004 and is sorely missed by all in his family. Mark, Burke, and Julie — are doing fine. Mark Guardianas de Salud program was planted. Cliff Heaslip said he has talked on the phone has appeared in 4 episodes of Mad Men and then Enlisting the help of a few medical trainers, the Ergoods held their first weeklong with Bill Anderson in Oslo, Norway. Bill is doing Ghost Whisperer and Castle. Julie has been doing workshop in Honduras in April 2006. Using a curriculum provided by the World Health well and is planning to make our reunion in well in the Big Apple with her firm Bomedia. Organization, they trained 25 villagers in basic medical care such as treating rashes, giving June. Al LeBlang has maintained close ties with Burke has been in Toronto at the Princess of Wales injections, and childbirth. They provided each Guardiana with a medical kit as well as an SN brother Bill Mayer over the years and receives Theatre playing Georg von Trapp in the Sound of informational book called Donde No Hay Doctor (Where There Is No Doctor). “We decided funny and classic e-mails from him. He also will Music. Phil, sporting serious scars on both sides that to qualify for training, you have to be an adult, literate, and plan to live in that be skiing with Dr Alan Williams ’59 (a Colgate of his neck, and Pat spent the holidays in LA. community for the foreseeable future,” Ergood explained. The following November, they “youngster”), an old friend from his days at GE. One final pitch for the 60th Reunion. It’s been “Pat is holding her own and we are doing well,” 60 years, guys. If you possibly can, come back to trained 12 more people from different villages, and today there are about 75 Guardianas. he says. Morgan Roberts writes that he has been Hamilton and be a part of the hearty crew lucky The Ergoods recently jump-started the Episcopal Chickens program with the local living in FL since 2005 to be closer to 5 of their 30 enough to be able to make it. This may be our Episcopal rector. By raising chickens and selling eggs and baked goods like egg bread (a local grandchildren. Regarding the “life of the mind,” last hurrah, or close to it, together. Let’s take delicacy), the Guardianas are able to cover their expenses. The profits help them refill their Morgan has delivered papers at seminars of advantage of the opportunity. medical kits and offset the travel costs of the bimonthly continuing education classes they the Society of Biblical Lit both this year and last, My sincerest thanks to all those who sent in attend. Participants also donate a percentage of the profits to a community fund, from and has also written a chapter for a forthcoming news — greatly appreciated by your scribe. which other Guardianas can draw to cover expenses. 3-volume work on the healing power of Danke! Gracias! Mahalo! Merci! Ergood fondly recalls one woman who baked and sold 83 loaves of egg bread in one day. spirituality. “A great experience,” Morgan says, Bunn: 440-933-4137; [email protected] “She put her arms around me because she felt so great that she had done this on her own,” “is tutoring Hispanic migrant children,” which he he said. In addition, the program has increased the consumption of eggs in the villagers’ does 3 afternoons every week. diets, relieving the malnutrition some suffer. Once again, ME and Bunn Rhea met Sally and 1951 Empowering the people in this way is one of the most valuable benefits, Ergood said. Hugh Meinweiser ’49 and Ted Stacy ’51 and Ruth Nels MacCallum 1915 Clark Rd Not only has the program improved the Guardianas’ social status, but it has also strength- Leach for HC weekend. The Raider win over Cornell was the topping for a very delightful Rochester, NY 14625-1830 ened their community ties. Because they rarely meet neighboring villagers, the continuing time for close friends to get together. education classes facilitate connections among the Guardianas. As one farmer told him, Dave Wilson points out that alumni living in Writing this column in early Jan, so the new 2010 “I used to feel like I was an isolated island, but now I know I’m a link in a chain.” the metro area of NYC have been given a bit of year is on my mind. Happy, healthy New Year. The Ergoods returned in January 2010 to spend three months there, adding more “links nostalgia now that Kiki Vandeweghe, son of You’re probably reading in late April or May. in the chain.” Ernie Vandeweghe ’49, has been appointed coach Hope the 1st part of the year has gone well, and of the NY Knicks. Remember those days of Ernie the rest will, too! — Aleta Mayne and Carl Braun ’49? They were the high-water Rick Mittleman opens the column from Palm mark of Colgate basketball. Dave also mentions Desert, CA: “Yo! Nels! This just in: 1) I’m older;

48 scene: Spring 2010 2) I can’t hear worth a damn; 3) I just had hip was Dr Albert Schweitzer. I studied medicine at econ. He is survived by wife Suzanne and son replacement to go along with my knee St Bartholomews Hospital in London and helped 1952 D Scot Price ’80. He had a student aid scholar- replacement and my other hip replacement” Schweitzer build the leper colony at his Jungle Jackson T King ship, was a member of the sailing club, Spanish [You continue to be our bionic guy, Rick. Trust Hospital during summer vacations. After 476 Grace Tr club, econ club, and Outing Club, and acted as you’re doing well again]; “4) Getting up from graduation I joined the Lambarene staff. My wife, Orange, CT 06477-2619 a 1st-year swimming mgr. a 2-hour movie is brutal; 5) Getting in and out of Ruth, linguist and daughter of Hungarian pianist George Champion Jr died on Dec 12, 2008, in my car without saying ‘Ho boy!’ is impossible” Lili Kraus, and our 3 children under 5 joined us. Ted Stratton called from FL. He is playing Satellite Beach, FL. He is survived by his sons Ross, [ho boy is a big part of my vocabulary, too]; Zazi, Daniel, and Frannie were the 1st non- quite a bit of golf and is happy with the results. George, Steve, and Robert. He was a member of “6) A pack of Rolaids is my new best friend. Gabonese children ever to live at the hospital. Ted has sold his home in PA and is living in FL Delta Kappa Epsilon. (Just kidding, Nels. Actually, I carry Tums.) Other We were planning to spend our working life in year-round. Richard H Stranford died Oct 2, in Sacramento, than the above complaints, all is well here in Lambarene. However, after the death of Albert George Williams sent a Christmas letter, as CA. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and Tinsletown South. I’m no longer depressed Schweitzer in 1965, political upheavals caused us follows: “Just after school got out in the spring majored in econ. He is survived by wife Shirley. reading about all the little Murphys and to leave the Gabon. After a pediatric residency I flew to the UK and joined Dick Sullivan and I would certainly appreciate hearing from you everybody else’s grandchildren now that we at Mayo Clinic we found our way to the Doug Daniels for a walking trip in Scotland. We by phone, mail, or e-mail. have our 1st. A boy, now 1, I figure in 9 or 10 years Appalachian Mtns in 1969. We enlisted the help did what are called the ‘W Highway Way’ and Jack: 203-795-9111; [email protected] he’ll be strong enough to wheel us around the of federal, state, and local funds, and via the ‘the Great Glen Way.’ We started just north of nursing home. No complaints, though. My Student American Medical Assoc attracted a Glasgow, walked north to Ft William, and then beautiful wife and I still do a lot of traveling. I’m number of enthusiastic young med students, NE along the Great Glen. Basically, the trip ran 1953 working on a screenplay plus a sitcom for Kirstie who eventually returned as physicians, along from Loch Lomond to Loc Ness. The whole walk Lou Wilcox Alley, and I’m still swimming my guts out while with a number of other doctors. We created was a bit over 100 miles. We had both good 20727 Cove Rd guys like Heath, Barker, and Lust are running a network of county health depts and family and bad weather, typical for the UK. We missed Bivalve, MD 21814-2004 around a tennis court looking good and winning planning, primary care, prenatal, and postnatal only ‘Nessie’ and the little bridge that leads to a lot of trophies” [Your 1st-year roommate Bob clinics, staffed by trained physician’s assts. Brigadoon. They make a big tourist thing of If you are not already doing it, have a Happy New Reiners is still swimming and looking good, I soon realized that mental health was equally ‘Nessie.’ Year. I am writing this in Dec, and you readers officiating HS and college swimming meets]. important as physical health. I returned to UNC “I taught what may be my last class this spring. will not see it until spring. The conundrum is “That’s it, Nels. God willing, we’ll see you at our Chapel Hill and completed residencies in On July 1, I officially became emeritus prof of simple: being in the holiday season spirit and 60th — if I can find my car keys! Best to all pediatric and adult psychiatry. In 1998, I retired physics. That does not prevent me from teaching writing for spring. Yes, I can chew gum and walk classmates!” [It’s a date, Rick!] from medicine to develop Celo Farm, the family if they want me and I want to do it. Whether that at the same time, but never do. John Oliver swings in from Pinehurst, NC: homestead, and directed my energies to the will happen is still in the lap of the gods. The Here is one for the books about aging (means “Still hanging in. Wife Marilyn still battling rare protection of the farm by creating a conservation physics dept is now officially the Dept of Physics doing things better than you ever did before) and type of non-Hodgkin’s cancer; 19 years now.” [Our easement monitored by the Blue Ridge Rural and Astronomy. We have hired several observa- humor, I think. It was sent to me by the former best wishes to her, John.] “I have normal, old-age Land Trust. Animals, nature, and man live in tional astronomers, and there is a telescope dean of the U of FL Med School: “I would never problems but still like to play golf 2–3 times a harmony on Celo Farm, echoing Dr Schweitzer’s facility at a very dark site in southern UT just my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my week. Shooting my age now is becoming very ethic of ‘reverence for life.’ The only shadow in coming on line. loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. elusive!” [I’m out of golf now, John. But if I still my life is the relentless presence of Parkinson’s, “In Nov I went down to Santa Fe to visit Brian. As I’ve aged, I’ve become kinder to myself; and played, I’d have to live to 110 to shoot my age.] which takes the joy out of walking, thereby It was my 1st time in NM. We went to Los Alamos less critical of myself. I’ve become my own friend. “Had a delightful dinner with fraternity brother depriving me of a favorite daily activity. I have and visited 2 interesting museums there. In the I don’t chide myself for eating that extra cookie, Jack Fraser recently — his cousin lives nearby. had occasion to visit with my 4 grandchildren, Bradbury museum there are models of the 2 or for not making the bed, Or for buying that silly See Wil Staub ’53 every week or so. Best to you 2 in SF and 2 in LA. These visits, including, of atomic bombs along with a number of other cement gecko that I didn’t need, but it looks so and all.” course, their parents, have been a source of great interesting exhibits. avant-garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, Bob Otterbourg updates from Durham, NC: joy. For our 50th this year, Ruth and I are planning “Granddaughter Lacey is spending the fall to be messy, to be extravagant. I have seen too “Nels, thanks for your card. I would reply, but a festivity yet to be determined.” [Congrats!] semester in Zermatt, Switzerland. She is many dear friends leave this world too soon; unlike you, I have a sprawling handwriting that “Best wishes to you and ’51 classmates.” attending Swiss Semester, which is typically before they understood the great freedom that is hardly neat (it’s a problem I’ve had that comes Excerpting from a long “stream of conscious” done in the soph year of HS. She sent a picture comes with aging. Whose business is it if I most apparent when I do reporting) and I can’t note, George Robinson writes from his home in with the Matterhorn in the background taken choose to read or play on the computer until read my notes. By the way, this is a common Plainfield, MA: “Looking out on our 54 acres of from very near the spot of my Christmas card 4 am and sleep until noon? I will dance with trait among many writers. What’s going on in open grassland and deciduous trees that was picture a few years ago. Her sister Katie is a jr at myself to those wonderful tunes of the ’50s, ’60s, Durham? We’ve now lived here 17 years, the once the home of Ralph Ellison, author of The Cathedral School in DC, which they both attend and ’70s, and if I, at the same time wish to weep longest that Sue and I have ever lived in 1 home Invisible Man. The Village of Plainfield has many and where their mother teaches. over a lost love … I will. I will walk the beach in in our 52-plus years of being married. Besides the homes, farms, and a church dating back to the “All of the kids are well: Robin in the Boston a swimsuit that is stretched over a bulging body, Durham Bulls, the city has been reclaimed and early settlers of the 1700s. My wife, Lo, and I area; Scott in DC; Brian in Santa Fe; and Sean in and will dive into the waves with abandon if I nearly every old and abandoned tobacco facility attended a concert at the church; it reminded Salt Lake.” choose to, despite the pitying glances from the has been updated and is serving as an office me of concerts at the Colgate Chapel. A lot of Jim Dutton writes that he celebrated his 80th jet set. They too will get old. I know I am building or apt house. Durham is an excellent activities in Plainfield: on Memorial Day, bday throwing out the 1st pitch at a Greensboro sometimes forgetful. But, there again, some of example of a downtown rehabilitation, and an practically the whole town showed up; as a Grasshopper’s baseball game at their beautiful life is just as well forgotten. And, I eventually exciting place to live.” [55 years (!) since I played paratrooper vet, I was honored. I think a lot about stadium on August 21; 4,000 Grasshoppers fans remember the important things. Sure, over the there, Bob; how “old” is the “new” ballpark?] Colgate days and classmates. Best regards to all.” were in attendance, including about 50 of Jim’s years my heart has been broken. How can your “Although my knees are shot, my mind is still In a Dec call, Don Legg said they had a visit family and friends. Jim and wife Katie reside in heart not break when you lose a loved one, or active, and I continue to write newspaper and from Rich Heath and learned that Rich’s S Otselic, NY, while all of their family resides in when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s magazine pieces on a regular basis. Like the granddaughter is going to the UNC as the #1 the Greensboro, NC, area. Jim remains a huge beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts vitality and challenge of it all plus the vanity of recruit for their NCAA championship soccer Raider fan and wishes them the best. are what give us strength and understanding seeing my byline and, of course, making some team. Don also corrected me: he and June have 16 Gordon B Brown died on Sept 23, in Hamp- and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine money from it. Over the years I’ve developed a grandchildren; Pat and Austin Murphy have 19 stead, NC. He was a member of KDR and majored and sterile and will never know the job of being niche specialty, namely lifestyle and workplace (at last count). in psych. He is survived by his widow, Nancy. He imperfect. I am so blessed to have lived long issues. Time moves on as both our grandsons Sad news: Donald A Rowlings died on Oct 8, in was a member of the Campus Serenaders, glee enough to have my hair turning gray, and to are in college. One at UNC, where he’s had the Piedmont, CA, after a long illness. Next of kin: club, marching band, concert band, and WRCU. have my youthful laughs be forever etched into temerity of playing rugby, which is a club sport, widow Jocelyn. James G Baird died on July 10, in Palm Springs, deep grooves on my face. So many have never and the other is a jr at Stevens in Hoboken, Have a great spring. See you in the summer CA, at the age of 78. He is survived by his laughed, and so many have died before their hair where he also plays on a club sport, bowling. issue! daughters Phyllis, Nancy, and Susan. He was could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to Sue continues to work for the Duke Admissions Nels: [email protected] a member of ATO. be positive. You care less about what other Office and is a 1st reader for applications. It’s Douglas F Price died on Nov 9, in Newark, NJ. people think. I don’t question myself anymore. a daunting task considering Duke gets about He was a member of Sigma Nu and majored in I’ve earned the right to be wrong. 24,000 applications (!). Fortunately, it’s a computer-related job, whereby she reads, evaluates, and rates applications online. Hope all’s well with you and your family. Best for 2010 to all.” “We’d like to pen a hearty welcome to Jeffrey Herbst, 16th president of Colgate. His academic Fergus Pope MD writes from Burnsville, NC: credentials and work history are very impressive, and he’ll be taking over in June. Early reports are “The trajectory of my life has been to improve — Bunn Rhea ’50 health care for people most in need. My principle that he is well focused and eager to lead this university we love.”

News and views for the Colgate community 49 So, to answer your question, I like being old. It Covering animal planet to raise has set me free. I like the person I have become. 1954 global citizens I am not going to live forever, but while I am still Peter W Rakov Disabilities, global warming, and genocide are not easy subjects to broach with children. here, I will not waste time lamenting what could 159 Edgewood Ave have been, or worrying about what will be. And But when kids can become enamored with an adorable animal who serves as an ambas- Hurley, NY 12443-5406 I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it). sador for these weighty topics, it’s a conversation starter. This is the approach that Craig May our friendship never come apart especially Happy spring from the Hudson Valley. While Hatkoff ’76 has taken with the Turtle Pond Collection, nonfiction animal stories that he when it’s straight from the heart! May you always Marie and I cruised the Med, Janis and John co-authors with his daughters, Juliana, 15, and Isabella, 11. have a rainbow of smiles on your face and in Erdman were “doing” the Black Sea. Yalta “really “The only job in the world your heart forever and ever! Friends forever!” grabbed” him. harder than being a parent Mitch Rosenheim checked in, reporting on his Phil Brooks extols Julian Padowicz’s 1st book, is being a kid, and we try annual cruise about the world: “Southern Jane Mother and Me: Escape From Warsaw 1939. Phil to touch on issues that are [his partner] and I have just returned from 3 notes that “once again, Julian exercises his about helping kids navigate a weeks in paradise. We spent a week in CA, where prodigious talent for total recall of the exciting complex and sometimes dark both of us have family. We then boarded the events in his life that occurred 70 years ago, Coral Princess (3 football fields long) in LA for world,” Hatkoff said. Case in when the rest of us were just playing in the a 2-week cruise to Ft Lauderdale, FL, via Cabo point: one of the first two schoolyard.” The sequel, A Ship in the Harbor, has San Lucas and Acapulco, Mexico, Costa Rica, just been published. Congrats, Julian. books he and Juliana penned Panama, the Panama Canal, Cartagena, Frank Dewitt is still singing with his church was Ladder 35, Engine 40, Colombia, on the Caribbean, and Aruba. Boy, choir and the pro musical singers in Towanda, PA. about Juliana’s experience were we pampered. The canal was totally mind Beverly and Frank spent time in FL; their grandson coping with her feelings after boggling. You can read about it, but the size, works at Epcot. Sept. 11, 2001. difficulty of construction, and operation can only Sad to report that Ernie Lalonde passed in When Isabella turned be appreciated in person. We have just begun the Hamilton on Dec 13. 6, she asked her dad if she decompression process back to reality.” Jean and Bill Jupp traveled east from Denver could write a book with him, Isabella and Craig Hatkoff ’76 with Winter the dolphin Gene Schulze checked in on New Year’s Eve to visit son Brad’s family in DC last summer. with a “5-Minute Forecast” put out by Agora so they started looking for Brad’s a sr program adviser at the US Dept of Financials. It appears from what Gene sent that stories. A newspaper picture of a baby hippo snuggling with a 700-pound tortoise caught Education. He writes parts of Anne Duncan’s we are in for a long-term period of financial speeches. He also advises on strategies that her attention, and she said, “Daddy, let’s do our story about Owen and Mzee.” What became challenges. Gene ended his e-mail by saying, “might be used as the administration confronts a 2006 New York Times number-one bestseller tells the story of how this unlikely pair “What’s behind (Remember Ollie North and Iran the long-term obstinacy of the teachers’ unions.” became friends at an animal sanctuary after Owen, the hippo, was stranded off the shore Contra)? And what’s ahead (higher oil ) … Bill continued, “We hope for the best, as the of Kenya following the 2004 tsunami. from Gene. Happy New Year!” Gene keeps his Obama administration tries their hand at Owen and Mzee led the parade of animal stories that the Hatkoffs have told, garden going, works pretty near full time, and straightening out some of the (previous) followed by Knut, a polar bear, and Miza, a mountain gorilla. Knut was taken in by a Berlin delights in reading, sending along thoughts in administration’s more ideological maneuvers.” zookeeper after he was abandoned by his mother. “A baby polar bear in today’s global and from the financial world. Keep up the good Marty and Terry Durant vacationed in warming world is a powerful iconic symbol,” Hatkoff said. “We stumbled onto a new genre life, Gene! Australia and NZ last year. “Great time, great of children’s books: nonfiction allegory.” James F Donohue passed away on Nov 1, 2008, people, magnificent sights; well worth the Mary Looking for Miza was Hatkoff’s project for the Clinton Global Initiative to raise aware- in Katonah, NY. Monk’s daughters, ’85 and 24-hour flights.” In May, they celebrated Terry’s Eileen ’86, graduated from Colgate, as did his ness about the plight of mountain gorillas in the Congo. “That was a big one because 50th UVA law school reunion in Charlottesville. son-in-law Barrett Lester ’85. Monk’s widow, He still practices law, “but at a reduced pace.” it’s about endangered species, true tragedy and trauma, and, ultimately, genocide,” he Elizabeth, lives in Katonah, NY. On behalf of the Again, very sadly, we’ve lost another classmate. explained. “If kids learn where the Congo is and Rwanda is, you can start talking about class, I send condolences to Elizabeth. Paul Alexander died Oct 2 in Steubenville, OH. things like that at the appropriate time. These are ways for parents, teachers, librarians, John T McMahon Jr died on Oct 30, in W So sadly, my how our numbers do dwindle. How and kids to start conversations about difficult topics.” Yarmouth, MA, surrounded by his family. Jack’s deeply the rest of us regret the passing of Ernie The latest member of the Hatkoffs’ menagerie is Winter, a bottlenose dolphin. widow, Veronica, lives in W Yarmouth. I am and Paul. Reading Winter’s Tail, it’s easy to fall in love with the dolphin who learned to swim with pleased to send along condolences to Veronica Ann and Gary Chandler are “thoroughly a prosthetic tail after she lost her tail from entanglement in a crab trap. “You couldn’t and the family on behalf of the class. enjoying” Sid Silverman’s autobio, A Happy Life. make up some of these stories,” Hatkoff pointed out. He and his daughters had the James E O’Brien passed away in Hagerstown, “It’s concise and non-lawyer enjoyable. Well- opportunity to meet Winter at her new home in Florida’s Clearwater Marine Aquarium, MD, on Jan 16, 2009. He is survived by his wife of written, too,” wrote Gary. On their way home, the where Isabella promptly decided that she wanted to be a dolphin trainer when she 49 years, Elizabeth. On behalf of the Class of 1953, Chandlers stopped in CT to see Donna and Julian I send along condolences to Elizabeth. grows up. Padowicz. Re Julian’s publishing efforts, Gary Cannot resist sharing the following with you, says “fascinating and great reading.” McKenna, another young girl who was touched by Winter, demonstrates the impact since we are all so computer literate these days. Happy spring, ’54 of yore! of these stories. She is hearing impaired and initially refused to wear her hearing aids Well, you are, aren’t you? In Japan, they have Peter: 845-340-0659; [email protected] because she was being teased. When visiting the aquarium, “she had this epiphany that replaced the impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft if Winter can wear her prosthetic tail, then she was going to wear her hearing aids,” error messages with Haiku poetry messages. Hatkoff explained. Haiku poetry has strict construction rules: Each 1955 With the help of Scholastic, the Turtle Pond Collection has reached children through poem has only 17 syllables — 5 syllables in the 1st Bruce Burke multimedia outlets including a Nintendo DS game and interactive websites. Scholastic line, 7 in the 2nd, and 5 in the 3rd. These poems 4661 Sweetmeadow Cir even launched Winter’s Tail with a national webcast in which 500,000 students from are used to communicate a timeless message, Sarasota, FL 34238-4334 16,000 schools participated. “I think of these books as tools that allow kids and teachers often achieving a wistful, yearning, and powerful Reunion June 3–6, 2010 to extend their experience. The real journey begins once you finish reading the book,” insight through extreme brevity. Here are some error messages from Japan: The Website you seek, Hatkoff said. “It’s about kids becoming global citizens.” Bill Boyle wrote a newsy note this fall about Cannot be located, but Countless more exist; The family has three new books coming out. Although he couldn’t reveal many details, visiting the campus and the people he ran into. Yesterday it worked, Today it is not working, Hatkoff did say that they will be visiting their fourth continent — Asia — and that it’s From our class he saw John Boyd, Gordon Windows is like that. The crash reduces, Your Brummer Carl DeFaria about global cooperation. , and . He had a terrific expensive computer, To a simple stone; Three time at the Homecoming game, with sunny Hatkoff’s personal projects include co-founding the Tribeca Film Festival with his things are certain, Death, taxes, and lost data, weather and the campus in splendid shape. Our wife, Jane Rosenthal, and Robert De Niro, whom he met through a common friend in the Guess which has occurred. Having been erased, class pres Robert Quitzau sends his greetings to late ’70s. He’s currently working on a book about technology, spirituality, and religion as The document you’re seeking, Must now be all and reminds us of our 55th Reunion this June his next commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative. retyped; Serious error, All shortcuts have for the Class of ’55. As many as can make it will And at home, the Hatkoff pack includes Ruby the dog, two chinchillas, and a gerbil. disappeared, Screen. Mind. Both are blank. speak highly of our collective commitment to “We’ve had a peak of almost thirty pets at one time,” said the self-described animal lover. Hey, have a good spring and do write the Colgate. Dick Colwell and Bill Beyea are the “Animals have always been a huge part of our lives, so this was all just a natural evolution.” class scribe and regale him with wild tales from reunion team, and classmates should write to your life. them for suggestions as to speakers, food, and Lou: 410-873-2944; [email protected] — Aleta Mayne activities. Heard from Beth and Ben Barnes this fall from their digs on the ME coast. They enjoy their

50 scene: Spring 2010 proximity to family and friends and the happened to meet Bob Ho on a Danube River Caymans and Cozumel in Aug. As for Mr Barber, Pittsfield: Larry Bossidy and Chuck Garivaltis. As coastal scene. cruise. They enjoy the Tauck cruises. They plan to he writes that he and Esther celebrated their 50th you all know, Chuck was a star running back at Lou Frey sent his greetings as well this fall be back in Rochester around mid-May. with their family at the yacht club in Rochester Colgate. Larry was a star pitcher; and he was and tells of how well his new book, Political Rules Proud grandpa Duke Foster wants to let us for a great evening. Their children made a video inducted into the Colgate Hall of Honor last fall. of the Road, is doing. Check it out, especially if know that granddaughter Ellen has been accepted of slides from childhood to the present with Chuck and Larry were teammates on the any of you are running for the presidency. For at Colgate. Duke says that when he saw her SATs, appropriate background music. Bob is still active baseball team as well. In 1955 the team went to more, see this issue’s New, Noted & Quoted. grades, and extracurricular activities, he was sure with volunteer work in the insurance industry the College World Series. They remain good Received word that a number of us have he’d never get accepted today! Duke, I have a and travels about as much as he used to. He says friends. passed on in the last year. Bruce A Jamieson grandson accepted at Duke and I feel the same it keeps his mind active and he stays in contact I received a nice e-mail from Ed Benhoff: “It from Ft Myers, FL; J Thomas Hossley Jr from CO way! When he wrote, he was on the way back to with business friends. seems I have less time to write now since I went Springs; Bidwell B Phillips from N Port, FL; Frank Vero Beach from Shelter Is, where they managed Before I forget, does anyone know where Bo into semi-retirement 14 months ago after M Virgilio from Orlando, FL; and most recently, to survive both Christmas and a blizzard, which Patrick is these days? I last heard he was moving spending almost all of my career in internatl heard that John T Horan died after a brief illness. kept them housebound for 3 days. from Mykonos to Lesbos, but haven’t heard a trade. Once you make so many friends all over Art DuBois represents our class on the Ed Vantine says he had a very nice Christmas word since. If anyone has an address or e-mail, the world, it’s hard to hang it up, but there are Alumni Council and has for many years (see with family “and way too much food, and not please let me know. many other things to do. I saw a great deal in 40+ Stay Connected, p. 44). He is doing all he can to particularly the healthy kind.” The Vantines were I did get an inadvertent message from Bob Ho years and it was even greater when my bride, get a good turnout for our reunion. I remind our in Brevard for Feb and March and he’s hoping the recently. I replied that I was happy to get any Jackie, was able to start going with me. classmates to get their reservations in to the Steneris will be stopping by on their way back messages from classmates, inadvertent or not. Experiences abound and I’ve threatened to write Colgate Inn, or our assigned space will be let out from FL. Ed has plans for a golf trip to Ireland Thanks for your reply, Bob, and I hope you are a book but no doubt it will remain a threat. The to others. Send suggestions for speakers and with Dick Hanaway and a couple of his friends in doing well, also. only thing I almost started, with another friend other ideas for our reunion to Bob Quitzau June. In July, he hopes to fly a modified P-51 that Phil Young says that he continues his interested in the same field, was to be called ([email protected]) as soon as possible. will be in CO. He thinks that is the most beautiful association with Crop Walk and that it was ‘Export Stupid!’ directed at the manufacturers One of the privileges of living in FL (besides fighter of all time. successful again this year despite the economic without enough sense to venture into a new the great weather) is that lots of our friends and Gene Soechtig has posted some pics from his conditions. territory.” Thanks, Ed. I remember our nice talk at classmates stop by or call on their visits to this trip to HI on Facebook. He says that FB is a great Jorette and Larry Martin celebrated their 50th the hotel during our reunion. sun-filled state. So, keep in touch. way to keep up with old friends. He thought it by going to Sun Valley, ID, and Whistler, BC. Both Another nice note from Don Burke, sent at the Bruce: 941-926-3244; [email protected], was for the under-30 crowd, but he saw that a destinations were fantastic, according to Larry, “suggestion” of Jack Theriot. You guys don’t [email protected] bunch of our classmates already use it. I’m not and when we talked on the phone recently, he realize that I will take them anywhere I can get into that yet, but who knows what I’ll wind up highly recommended them to us for our 50th them. Do you remember how Mitch Waters used doing! coming in July. They did a lot of hiking in the to beat on the Phi Gams? Don reports, “Anne and 1956 Frank Proietti says that son John ’96 was area and he said the Whistler area is especially I retired 3 years ago, she being asst to the dean of Jerry Rhodes finishing up at Columbia B-School. He got 3 job awesome. It sounds like a great trip, and maybe students at Drew U in Madison, NJ, me from 101 Magerton Ct offers and wound up at Bain Consulting in we’ll have to think about going out there soon. practicing law in NYC (specializing in maritime Cary, NC 27511-7303 Dallas. Frank visited Tom Krumweide after his We got a Christmas letter from Ed Jaqua in and commercial litigation with a number of law bike accident, and he is getting back to exercising Albuquerque. I had mentioned that Ed had not firms, and for the last 15 years in my own firm) You guys are reading this in spring, but I write and is doing fine. (Frank suggested a stationary been “up to snuff” for a while. In Dec, he went and moved from NJ to Boulder, CO, where 2 of this in the middle of winter, from chilly NC, bike to Tom but he guesses it didn’t go over well!) to a Denver hospital for tests and, hopefully, our 3 kids and 1 adopted Chinese grandchild live; where today our schools had a 2-hour delayed He still keeps up with Larry Scharbach as they more info about his condition. The initial our 3rd child and his wife and 2 adopted Chinese opening because of the threat of “up to” 1 whole finished a week of skiing — Larry at Vail and assessment was a combination of emphysema children live in NJ. We love Boulder, it has the inch of snow! You guessed it, nothing happened Frank at Sugarbush. Frank says it’s still fun, but and pulmonary fibrosis. He is on medication to same spirit that Colgate has. With hiking trails and all the kiddies got in some extra Zs! I’m sure it’s not getting any easier! Speaking of Larry, he slow the condition’s progress. In his letter, Ed and the U of CO within walking distance (with our county school board will hear about this. All says he gets around to sending me a note every sounded very upbeat and was glad he had some classical music programs practically every night), this precedes my news and I got a note from 4 years or so, and that time was up. He wanted to answers to his questions. He says, now “I will live the Lady Buffs basketball team (still rebuilding), Corky Steneri saying winter had finally set in up offer his congrats and thanks to Gordie Miller for each day to the fullest.” I hope progress is very 25,000 students walking around (ah, youth), and in Hamilton and they were getting “hammered.” his clear and thorough letter in last fall’s Scene slow, Ed, and I thank you for sharing this with me. lots of good restaurants, there is a smorgasbord Luckily, he and Bernie were due to leave for FL on that responded to the efforts by the group called I guess that does it for now. I do have a request of delicious things to do.” Don also mentioned the Feb 2 and hoped to meet up with John Wise, Ed “A Better Colgate.” He thought the letter was for new e-mail addresses for Messrs Engle, Hillyer, annual Council for World Affairs meeting held at Johnston, and Bill Deysher. In Hamilton, Corky great and said things that needed to be aired. Oppenheimer, Ford, and Huther, as my notes to Boulder in April. It has a number of seminars belongs to a group called the “Old Timers” who On a sad note, I received word that John you gentlemen were “rejected.” And, you know with 100 experts on many topics. Sounds great, “do lunch” once a month and, as he says, “solve Barron died on Oct 31 in Rome, NY. Our sympa- how badly I take rejection! Take care, guys, and Don: it’s great to live in a college town. all the world’s problems in 45 minutes or less!” thies go out to sons Alan and Marc and their I’ll talk at y’all next time! More good news! From Bob Evans: “Wife Joy The members span the range of classes from families. Along with the others, John will be Jerry: 919-363-1980; [email protected] (of 53 years) and I are enjoying our 19th year of 1941–1962. Sounds like fun, but CNN has yet to missed by his classmates. retirement from teaching in New Hartford to report on any newsworthy items stemming from George Economou says it was a busy fall and Leesburg, here in sunny FL. We spend 7 months your meetings! early winter. He was back “home” to MT in Sept 1957 here, and the other 5 on a lake near Gouverneur, Judy and Ben Patt took a “floating” vacation to give a reading at the annual Helena Fest of the Ev Smethurst NY. Our 3 children live in New Hartford and around the Caribbean in Dec and I’m presuming Book and another reading in his hometown of 6 Son Bon Rochester, and we host them and the 8 grandkids they had a good time. Ben sent me a link to an Great Falls. In Oct he heard Colgate Prof Peter Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-8601 quite frequently in both places. Don’t hear a lot article from their local press noting that “Gov Balakian lecture at the Philly Museum of Art. The from classmates but seem to run into Eddie Ben Patt of the Stephen Hopkins Colony of the Economous also enjoyed dinner with our film Greetings and Happy New Year! It is great to Vantine ’56 during my annual pilgrimage to General Society of Mayflower Descendants producer classmate Bob Bleiweiss and his wife, make it to another decade. Arlene and I had a Seven Oaks with my son. Time is taken up by recently presented a check to the Salvation Army Vida, between their flights from CA to Philly and pretty good 2009. Arlene had some upper back golf, fishing, and extended family, so we remain of Indian River Co.” It also stated that the gift was on to Israel. pain, but some pain shots and excellent physical healthy, happy, and quite busy.” in remembrance of the Thanksgiving tradition Hoppy Hopkins took a trip last year to Africa therapy have been successful. Her former I also heard from Willie Allen, regarding our started by the Pilgrims in 1621. That’s great, Ben, with World Vision. He had a great trip to Zambia elementary school principal came after her offer of a good condition 1957 yearbook. “I keep in but I was not aware that you came here on the for a week and then to S Africa for a week. He again, and she is about to start a challenging p/t touch with a few of the athletic classmates, ie Mayflower. Did you use them when you moved says it was a long, long trip but it was fantastic job as a special teacher working in reading and Jack Call and Milt Graham ’56. I am still working to FL?! to be there. He says that his Parkinson’s is math. It’s 3 hours a day and she is excited. We and will be in my 50th year in banking; ended Bill Pritchard sent me a nice note congratulat- progressing, but he’s told to “keep fighting it,” continue to take care of the 2 grandchildren, but up as vice chair of Northern Trust in FL. Spend ing me on doing this job for 53 years. Thanks, Bill, so that is exactly what he is doing and that they are both in school, so we have had mornings 5 months in MI and 7 months in Miami; have but I really haven’t been at this that long, it just everything otherwise is great. Take care, roomie, off. Your editor is back at swim practice. I rejoined 5 children, oldest twins just turned 50! Still play seems like it! I think I started this some time in and we’ll keep you in our prayers. the Irvine Novaquatic Swim Team, becoming the golf on weekends, still active in US Marine Corps.” the ’70s, but I’m not sure. Anyway, thanks for Paul Hauler wrote some time back that he had oldest male member the minute I signed up. I go I also heard from Frank McCarthy ’59, your kind words, I appreciate them. hoped to take in a ’Gate football game. Also, Bob to a couple of practices a week and look forward responding to one of my recent reports on Bob Paul Comisar writes that they are enjoying Barber stopped by for his regular visit and they to competing again this coming spring. So the Moulton. He sends an historical note re Andy being back in FL since Oct, playing golf or tennis had their usual great time catching up. Paul and Smethurst report has good health and good Rooney ’42 and also says, “Ask Frank Schuerholz most days. They visited, or have visits planned, Bob’s son-in-law have struck up a great sailing prospects. On to the news. why he got me in that fight with Frenchie.” This with their Colgate alum children and planned an relationship, and Paul had many chances to crew The Scene staff sent me a great article from does not sound like the pursuit of academic April Tauck River cruise in Holland and Belgium for him this past summer. Paul also recommends the Dec 16 issue of the Berkshire Eagle. It concerns excellence that we are all committed to. It sounds just in time for the tulips. Last year, they his new hobby of scuba diving. He went to the the long friendship of 2 of our sports stars from like some sort of cultural thing. I will do more

News and views for the Colgate community 51 “Bill [Donat] and I didn’t recognize any of the actors ... [but] we spent our days and evenings skiing and 4 nights in the Outdoor Club “yurt,” erected on drinking with [them]. Only after we got back to Colgate did we learn that one of the actors was pretty the Beattie Nature reserve, a large parcel of land given to Colgate in 1970, east of Hamilton. What famous. His name was Paul Newman.” — David Smith ’60 a joyous and relaxing way to visit Colgate!” David Smith wrote: “On opening the Class News section of Scene, I read with interest the research and have more for all of you in our “class planner” for he certainly does a “class a compliment, a threat, a promise, or does he still letter from Bill Donat. Unfortunately, Bill died the future. act.” That Maroon Citation was most deserved. struggle with numbers!? just days before publication of the Scene. [I That’s it. See you next time. And speaking of the Maroon Citation, our other Dick’s call was prompted by some sad news, received a note from Bill’s widow, Ellen, stating Ev: 949-495-4862; [email protected] “winner” (at reunion) is likewise, truly a winner: which I had just received from our alumni office. that Bill died Nov 3 after a 6-month battle with Bob Fox. Instead of softball, let’s try swimming! On Dec 6 we lost another friend and classmate, cancer.] A Masters swimmer for over 25 years, Bob has Dave Small. Dave loved our reunions but, because “Actually there’s an interesting story about 1958 been ranked top 10 natl and world in “our” age of illness, was unable to make our 50th. As I told Bill and me. In our soph year I managed to get group events. Over the years since our Chenango his wife, Toni, (we had a nice note recently from Bob Balentine wrote in: “During our 50th Reunion a permit to have my car, which was an MGA, on departure (50+ years) Bob has worked for 12 Toni) I have many special memories of chats in June 2008, we had 10 ATOs (and wives) return campus. That year we had an early Christmas companies, was pres of 8, lived in 15 cities, and with Dave (at reunions and by phone) about our from the Class of ’58. It was so good to see one vacation, and Bill and I decided to go skiing in VT. has visited 120 countries. Readers need to consult class and our geology days. As many may recall, another that we decided to have a mini-reunion Through a series of chances, we ended up staying our ‘Scoop’ Seibert “Reflections” for more details. Dave was one of our elder statesmen in our class, in June 2009 at my home in Harpers Ferry, WV. in a lodge that was not yet opened but in which As those who attended our reunion can attest, having served his country prior to pursuing his Only 5 of the original 10 brothers were able to the owner was entertaining 3 of his friends, all of Bob has become an MBA strategy course expert Colgate studies. Dave, you will be missed, but not attend, but an enjoyable time was had by all. whom were actors. Bill and I didn’t recognize any and has endowed chairs at 3 institutions, forgotten, and to Toni and family, we send our Class of ’58ers who attended were: Larry Wood, of the actors, one of which was fond of sports including his alma mater. From his 1st marriage heartfelt prayers and condolences. Godspeed, Frank Gatland, John Glynn, Bob Woodruff (all the cars, and as there were no girls schools out yet, (Linda), Bob has 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. Dave! Dick assures us that all Phi Gams will be way from Seattle), and Bob Balentine. we spent our days and evenings skiing and After 10 years in bachelorhood, Bob met Nancy praying as well. “On the way to Harpers Ferry, some stopped drinking with the actors. Only after we got back and they are now someplace beyond halfway in We received some holiday greetings from in Gettysburg to visit that Civil War site, many to Colgate did we learn that one of the actors was their “Round the World” voyage in Andiamo, a several mates, so be on the lookout for news spent some time in historic Harpers Ferry, and pretty famous (although Bill and I were clueless). 140' yacht built by Nancy and launched in 2003. about Lew Thurston, Bob Nastanovich, Dave together we all toured Antietam Battlefield for His name was Paul Newman. Bob, we need a progress report or, perhaps, Bowman, Dick Keating, and Bill Williams. In more Civil War history. A Saturday afternoon “After a stint in the Army, I attended Columbia several reviews “along the way!” You can be our addition, we had nice notes from John Leyden’s cookout was followed by a jazz concert on the Law, worked for the SEC in NY and DC for 3 years, reporter at sea! And therein you have a glimpse widow, Bev, and Bill Cashman’s widow, Joan. In lawn sponsored by the Harpers Ferry National and then an internatl law firm, Coudert Brothers, at our citation recipients. Without question, Dick nearly all cases, we have info beyond or in Park. We talked about another mini-reunion in NY. In 1970 I moved to CA, and after several and Bob were and are most deserving! And, isn’t addition to Scoop’s “Reflections.” So, you are in June 2010, but plans are yet to be made. years practicing law in SF, helped found a law it interesting, sports played a role in both cases. promised fodder for your armchair activities Hopefully, we might meet somewhere in the firm in SF’s East Bay, which became moderately Scott Werner was referenced last round, and during the summer. Additionally, we heard from northeast so that some of the guys who live successful, and where I continued to work until while we have not had direct word from Scott, Jim Madura with some new quiz items! Hence, farther north would be able to attend.” Check out retirement in 2002. I now am involved in helping we had a guest at our B&B who works with and we are assured of reading something into the a photo from their mini-reunion on the class run our large retirement community, serving on knows Scott. Consequently, we garnered the next decade. So, Ted Kendall, you are herein web page at www.colgatealumni.org. a number of boards of directors, starting a scoop on Scott via the “gossip” route. Scott now alerted! Get the dust off your yearbook! And If anyone has news for the Class of 1958 charity, meddling in local politics, and trying to resides in The Villages (FL), and he and Linda remember, you also have the “Reflections” book, or would like to volunteer as class editor, play golf. My wife, Sherry, and I do quite a bit of (married for 47 years) are still active in music should you wish more mate news than you are please contact associate editor Aleta Mayne: traveling as well, and have become big fans of activities. Readers may recall that Scott has been reading here. Such will also continue to 315-228-6669, [email protected]. the CA Golden Bears, although I try to follow the involved in barbershop harmony since 1963 and contribute to your upcoming Scene news. Colgate Raiders as well.” has 4 internatl championships in his trophy case. However, you are urged to “jump the gun” and Howard Hughes was also inspired to 1959 Before the southern “retirement to golf and sr send, call, or e-mail news at it’s happening. communicate after learning of Bill’s death. He chorus directing,” Scott was a US govt employee Certainly, as active as our group is, there will be Paul W Beardslee was going to invite him to speak on a book and in our nation’s capitol. All reports about The many news items needing immediate attention. Tunnel Mt B&B film of theologians up to the 21st century Villages are positive, Scott, but we still await So, please write, call, or digitize. Do it like you Rt 1 Box 59-1 created by his church. Howard’s wife has a rare word on why the reunion no-show! Perhaps we vote — early and often! Be well, mates, and Elkins, WV 26241-9711 degenerative disease of the muscles, but he can drag you out of FL in 2014. happy 2010! hopes he can attend reunion. Some of you may have seen Don Campbell Paul: 304-636-1684; [email protected] As you were receiving/reading your Winter 2010 Bruce Barth writes: “I am rounding out my briefly at reunion. As Don told me in a Nov call, Scene, the following was just taking form, so, last year as dir of Prison Ministry for the Lutheran his Chenango visit was, indeed, brief, due to please do not overreact to my greeting of Happy church in NE. As of June 2010, I will be a free family illness. Don is now in Lake Placid, FL, (yes, 1960 New Year! As you are closer to Memorial Day, agent (does the draft work for old retreads?). FL) and needs our prayers and thoughts. Also on Stephen Greenbaum please remember that this pen was functioning Barbara and I are exploring options of place and the phone in Nov was Bill Schmeh, who reported 4242 Stansbury Ave, PH6 during a Jan whiteout (we’re receiving 6" of work. It may very well mean leaving NE. I look healthy improvement. Bill so wanted to be in Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4265 “partly cloudy” at the moment!). Speaking of for golf; she looks for cold and no humidity. Any Hamilton in May and remains hopeful that this winter (well, I was!), did you see Chuck Berky’s suggestions? Stay tuned. Next year at this time improvement continues so a 2014 trek will be Reunion June 3–6, 2010 Christmas e-mail slideshow? The shots, all of may find an interesting report. Be blessed. Bruce, possible. While Bill was doing his fundraising in them, were absolutely exceptional. Chuck Letters, I get letters, and my job is to edit, not the Peripatetic.” his call, he also mentioned visits from Dick recently finalized (made official) his retirement, censor, so here is Harvey Lynch’s: “I got your Mark Mandel writes: “In the past 5 years, Lowenberg and phone chats with Brad Tufts and so we are wondering if these photos represent postcard, but my angry feelings toward Colgate several major events occurred. The most Bill Doescher. his swan song or his travel plans? In any event, would not fit in that space. After Colgate’s important was meeting my wife, Emilia Pirro- While the aforementioned names we see often, Chuck, please keep them for our next reunion incredibly arrogant actions toward the private Mandel, 4 years ago and getting married on July we heard from a mate just prior to the winter (2014). You could be a 1-person exhibit. By the property of the Greek fraternities, I find it hard to 07, 2007. Emilia, a VP of US Trust, now part of the holidays who touches base less frequently: Dick way, Chuck retired his business to his home. Now believe that any loyal alumni still exist. I have Bank of America–Merrill Lynch system, has dual Hamilton. Dick and Heather now live near Dolores must deal with him f/t in Boca Raton! taken them off my contribution list and I no American and Italian citizenship. We have thus Roanoke, VA, not all that far from our hills. At this Did you guess who still plays softball (and longer seek out prospective students to consider spent a lot of time traveling in Europe, but are writing, they have ventured further south for a exceedingly well, I might add)? If you said Dick attending Colgate. It is certainly not the school now ready for shorter trips closer to home. month in Destin, FL. Given the extreme cold spell Lowenberg, you hit a 4 baser! Dick plays for a that I attended, where I learned about free “Several years ago, after 35 years of working as that has hit (at this writing), Dick’s southern CNY team, but they do more than play — they markets, fair contracts, risk/reward, etc. I hope a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, spanning timing was super. Dick (Hammy) was a reunion won the 2008 sr softball world series in Phoenix. you will publish these thoughts, but I may never both an academic and private practice career, I attendee (my last glimpse of him was alighting Obviously, Dick does things well, in addition to know because I no longer read anything that has elected to hang up my scalpel. Having lectured from a vehicle by the Colgate Inn!), and he arranging a super class reunion. Married to his to do with Colgate.” around the world, primarily on body sculpture, reported in our “Reflections” that he worked for “HS sweetie” (Kathy), they have 3 grown and Dave Maxfield writes: “I was privileged to I am now happy to take weekend trips with the phone company for 34 years in 8 cities. Dick successful children, and Dick is active with the spend 4 nights in Hamilton in 2009 to visit Emilia. In anticipation of retiring from an active and Heather were married in Niagara Falls and, YMCA (where he also plays excellent handball). Colgate in preparation for the Class of ’60s 50th. surgical practice, I slowly transitioned my career per Dick’s report, “they didn’t know where to Dick still maintains his life insurance business, We had wonderful tours of the expanded into being a medical-legal expert. Several years honeymoon!” There was one other item in Dick’s has worked in town govt (17 years as supervisor) campus including the new Ho Science Ctr and ago I was fortunate to be appointed by the court report that prompts the following question for 27 years, and still calls Fayetteville, NY, his a computer-generated show in the top-floor as a neutral expert to help solve many cases directed to Heather: Is calling you his “1st” wife home. We are hopeful that Dick plans to remain planetarium. My real adventure was staying involved with major injuries that were caught in

52 scene: Spring 2010 the never-ending morass of the legal system. Although I was somewhat hesitant to stop 1961 operating, the ability to help these injured Kent Blair patients has proven to be even more rewarding 4535 Sanderling Circle West than surgery, with none of the responsibility of Boynton Beach, FL 33436-5120 a treating physician. “After marrying Emilia, I moved from a After 14 outstanding years as class editor, John cloistered existence behind huge gates in Bel Air, Kirkman has decided to pass the torch to me. where Diane Keaton and Nicholas Cage were my John was a tireless and entertaining reporter of neighbors, to a much smaller house in pedestri- our activities. His life is now good. He and his an-friendly Beverly Hills. Now I am within significant other split their time between PA and walking distance of everything important SC. A few years ago, John had an alcohol problem, including my office and restaurants, and with and his life was not so good. His fraternity Barney’s and Neiman-Marcus 2 blocks away, brother Mike Durkee took him under his wing, Emilia is thrilled. There is now more time with and with the aid of AA, nursed him back to family, with my son Adam, a software expert and health. John specifically asked me to tell his story banker, living a block away, and my daughter so that others who are suffering from similar Karen, legal council for the FTC, a short plane ride problems might gain some inspiration. Speaking away in DC. My 2 grandchildren, Sarah and Jack, of former class editors, Gary Sullivan, who wrote have their sights set for Colgate. Betsy Sweet ’78 with her three daughters this column for several years after graduation, is “Recently, had dinner with Ken Janis and his doing fine in AZ. He’s co-chair of a local delightful wife, Judy; they are going to try to environmental committee (lots of people, not so attend the reunion. On a final note, before The sweet life much water in AZ) and does volunteer work at a getting married, I had a long talk with Joe Curi, Betsy Sweet ’78 doesn’t believe in coincidences. Knocking over a newspaper rack in prison. John Stockton, who took over from Gary who told me ‘Mark, you finally got it right, you a California coffee shop a few years ago, she found the answer she had been looking for on and did yeoman service as editor for close to 30 are marrying an Italian woman.’ Indeed, those the pages of an open paper. The mother of three and owner of a lobbying firm had been years, recently moved back to Hamilton. He says words were prophetic and true. We will all that there is much for alumni to do in Hamilton feeling like something was missing. What she believed she needed was to reconnect with certainly miss Joe and the many others of our besides going to sporting events. John is a her spiritual side, so when the newspaper fell open to an article about the spiritual classmates when we get together next year.” member of the steering committee of Colgate’s psychology master’s degree offered by the University of Santa Monica, she thought, “This Carol and Art Brandon hosted Michele and Lifelong Learning program, which provides doesn’t seem random.” Doug Parks in their Scottsdale home as Doug and lectures, courses, and other opportunities for Michele were making a mainland run, visiting That she lives in Maine was an obvious obstacle, so Sweet tucked the article away until alumni. John thinks there are 25–30 alumni AZ, and, most importantly, seeing their daughter she could figure out how she could attend the program. When she learned the classes were living in the village. Jennifer marry Eric in Dec. Eric is a firefighter and offered on the weekends and members of her tight-knit community offered to help with Remember, our 50th Reunion is now just over Jennifer is directing Shire’s GI division in AZ, NV, child care, the pieces fell into place. a year away, so please start making your plans to and S CA. So, one weekend a month for two years, she flew to Santa Monica, participated in the join our classmates for this big event. We get to Unfortunately, the perfect storm hit on the intense 6- to 12-hour classes from Friday through Sunday and then returned to Maine to lead the big parade next year! On that subject, day we were supposed to meet Doug and complete her school assignments as well as juggle her other responsibilities. “I could have last Oct, our class reunion committee had its 1st Michele: dealing with a cash buyer on a 7-day meeting at Stu Cahn’s office in NYC. Present were bought a boat or had an affair, but I decided to go to graduate school across the country,” escrow and preparing for our big cruise/safari Ray Boushie, Bill Burkhardt, Bob Cleveland, Jack she joked about what she called her midlife crisis. “But, besides having my kids, it was the trip to S Africa. So, we will have to wait to Homestead, Bob Jones, Ray Londa, and Carl best thing I ever did for myself.” reconnect in the flesh at reunion. Luecke. Don Belgrad, Clark Madigan, Carl Phelps, Sweet completed her master’s in spiritual psychology last spring and recently opened Art also wrote that he and Carol had dinner and Bud Sales participated via phone. Members with Joe Boyd, who sold his AZ house and will a healing practice called Sweet Spirit. “I do a combination of Reiki and chakra balancing in of the committee who were unable to attend be going back to his home in VT for permanent conjunction with talk therapy,” she explained. Whether clients seek relief from a physical or include John Fornuto, John Kirkman, Tom residence. Joe is doing the best he can with psychological ailment, Sweet believes in the mind-body connection and will explore both Kirkpatrick, Don Roehm, John Stockton, Charlie Parkinson’s. Despite the illness, Joe wanted avenues to help clients heal. “I believe we’re all meant to be happy,” she said. “If we’re not, Warner, and yours truly. Ray Boushie reported everyone to know that he would be making it to something’s out of alignment — that could be a physical something, an energetic something, that Stu served up a delicious and abundant our reunion. or an emotional something.” luncheon and mused that Stu could have been a Paul Jenkel, our classmate who is doing so As if two businesses and three teenage daughters weren’t enough to handle, Sweet also highly successful caterer, had he not gone into much to help raise money for reunion, reports the financial business. Following the meeting, hit the road with her new one-woman stand-up comedy show, “How Sweet It Is.” Saying that that we just received a $300,000 CRT going to many attendees traveled south to see the Raiders she didn’t choose stand-up comedy, “it chose me,” she began the routine as part of her Colgate, so our class gift is well over $5,000,000. beat Princeton in double overtime. I’m sure many master’s thesis, for which the class was challenged to do something that was a personal More good news in that Gerry Quill has of you watched the game on natl TV. Bill Swezey stretch. Not believing that she was “that funny,” she hired a comedy coach who lives in Maine persuaded some DKEs — despite their issues is well along in planning our reunion program, with Colgate — to return to reunion. and works with The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart. The show was a hit, and she has been performing which will include a golf tourney, Sat night Mike Wolk, Art Brandon, Paul Jenkel, and Jack in community theaters around New England. Most of Sweet’s act is based on adult topics banquet, and many other interesting activities. Blanchard sent an update on plans for reunion. like politics and being a single mom, so upon request of her daughters, she’s currently Bill and Sally, along with Jean Hieber, widow of “After graduation, a Class of ’60 fund was writing a show for kids to attend with their parents. Bill Hieber ’58, toured Istanbul and the Greek established and invested and this has grown to Whether it’s humor therapy from the stage, spiritual therapy from her Sweet Spirit isles last summer. approximately $50,000 in value. We feel it is office, or legal assistance for nonprofits through the halls of the legislature, Sweet enjoys I want to thank everyone who responded to appropriate to use a portion of these funds to helping people on all levels. She and her colleagues at Moose Ridge Associates advocate for my e-mail asking for info for my 1st column. It cover reunion fees including the yearbook, was fun to hear from so many classmates. Here’s nonprofit social services, including domestic violence victims, those with disabilities, entertainment costs, and class souvenirs. We what’s going on. Last Oct, Dick Rasor was environmental groups, and the cancer society. She prefers the term “advocates” to know that some classmates face financial issues awarded a Life Honorary Membership in the “lobbyists” because “people have this vision of lobbyists with big cigars and money flying in coming back to reunion. For anyone who New England Inn Keepers Assoc in recognition of out of their pockets, but my clients don’t have those assets,” she said. would like assistance to come to reunion, free his many efforts to boost tourism in that part of In her advocacy career, she has helped pass Maine’s Family Medical Leave Act, which the housing for you and your spouse is available in the country. Dick is the longtime owner of the the dorms through the fund. To request this, national act was fashioned after, helped pass the Civil Rights Bill to include gays and Bethel Inn and Resort in Bethel, ME. By sheer please contact Tim Mansfield (dir of alumni lesbians in the Maine Human Rights Act, and helped Maine become one of the first states to coincidence, in ’02 Prudy and I bought a house in affairs) by e-mail at [email protected] and have publicly funded elections for its state legislature. FL right across the street from Dick and his wife, it will be handled on a confidential basis. The contacts she’s made through her political work and involvement in the community Gretchen. We hadn’t seen each other since gradu- Otherwise, housing costs are as stated in your have built her client base at Sweet Spirit. All of her business has come through referrals ation. I’ve played in Dick’s pro-am golf outing reunion package.” from friends and physicians. “I think it really fills a need. People are trying to figure out how several times, and it’s a fun event held in late Hope to see you in June, and keep the updates to make more of their own lives and be more content.” Sept, when the foliage is spectacular. coming. Herm Brauch continues to work out at the As for Sweet’s fulfillment? She says, “I’ve always had a happy life, but this has been an Steve: 818-999-2777; 788-2557 (fax); gym several days a week. When I saw him 2 extraordinary experience.” [email protected] years ago in FL, he still looked like he could suit up for the Syracuse game. — Aleta Mayne

News and views for the Colgate community 53 John Finn reports that he feels fine after his replaced earlier this year. His daughter works as heart problems a couple of years ago and a surgery scheduler for a top orthopedic doctor continues to run 3 days a week (75–80 miles near Dallas, and she was able to set up this a month). On the off days, he’s at the gym. operation. Ed Abel, on the other hand, is hurting from all Thanks again to all of you who sent in info. the sports he played. As I write this column in early Jan, south FL is Ray Londa and his wife spent 5 days last having its worst cold spell in 10 years. I just summer camping out in the wilds of AK. After checked the weather in Hamilton: 10 above with many years on a waiting list, Ray was successful snow and strong winds. So, I can’t complain. in winning 2 spots on a wilderness program. They Please keep the cards and letters coming. spent their days in a lookout watching black Kent: 561-731-5331(winter); 908-277-3295 bears catch salmon as they swam upstream to (summer); [email protected] spawn. Different strokes for different folks. I called David Metz a while back and caught him on a 14' ladder repairing the ceiling in his 1962 church’s rec room. Needless to say, he asked to Stuart Angert call back at a more convenient time. Why he 179 Greenaway Road answered his phone in the 1st place is an open Amherst, NY 14226-4165 Jeff Bjorck ’83 (left) on a recent trip to Africa with Lifewater International question. In June, he and wife Barbara are off on a 2-week trip with his church choir to perform Ted Vaill continues to travel the world. This last concerts in Eastern Europe. year saw him in Taiwan, China, AK, and Baja, CA, Holistically hyperactive Last Dec, Don Belgrad met with Jean Schroeder with the next adventure taking Joan Yang, his of Colgate to discuss how to bring Colgate closer to girlfriend of 5 years (Ted lost his wife several Renaissance man the problems of the inner cities. Don is concerned years ago), to Argentina and Chile. Their treks When Jeff Bjorck ’83 was a child, his mom taught him to play the piano. He had a knack for that the educational deficiencies of America’s have taken them from sea level to 15,000'. These memorizing a piece quickly, and relished the freedom that came from not having to look at poor communities are a great threat to our global efforts have been perceived by some as a futile the music. By age 13, he said, “I realized I can actually improvise and pick music out of the competitiveness. We’ll hear more from Don in effort on the part of Ted to find a country that air.” Today, Bjorck takes a staggering number of supposedly discrete involvements — clinical the future. will accept him. Ted is also taking tango lessons. psychologist, professor, researcher, musician, writer, hang-glider pilot — and, fueled by loads Ox DaGrosa reported that he is well but still I am trying to visualize that dynamic: open- of energy and his strong Christian faith, weaves them together into a rich composition. fighting the weight issue. His wife, Diane, had necked ruffled silk shirt, skin-tight black leather back surgery last winter, but appeared to be tights, pointed black shoes with elevated heel. A conversation with Bjorck is one with a Renaissance man seemingly charged up with healing well as of this writing. John Fornuto and Send photos. In his spare time, he frequents caffeine, although he can tell you the day he stopped drinking coffee: March 20, 1983, after wife Marie had a fantastic trip to San Fran, Gold’s Gym. He describes himself as buff, but we his adviser, psychology professor Myra Smith, gave him a talking-to. Carmel, and Big Sur last winter. They are still are awaiting an unbiased 2nd opinion. On a more “When most people get tired, they slow down. When I get tired, I speed up,” he explained. selling antiques, sometimes at a , he says, somber note, Ted lost his mother at the age of 97 “As a psychologist looking back on my own behavior, I would diagnose myself with ADHD. and thoroughly enjoying all the accomplish- and his 99-year-old stepfather within a few I would drive Myra nuts. She said, ‘Jeff, you’ll want to work on this.’ The metaphor I came up ments of their grandchildren, which are too months of each other. with was, I walk through my life with smoking brakes.” He managed to find a pace that suits numerous to mention in this column. Ted Cushmore “had a nice visit with 1 of my him to a T. Tom Jackson has had a tough time recently. 2 Phi Delt roommates, Dave Junkin, in mid-Nov The doctoral program where he is a professor, the Graduate School of Psychology at About a year ago, he fell and broke his femur, and in Philly (the 3rd roommate was Clint Rappole). Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., has integrated theology with psychology since 1965, a staph infection set in while recuperating in the I live in Minneapolis and was in Philly, where hospital. After several ops, however, things were I grew up, to visit my brother and some old but addressing spiritual factors is much more recent in mainstream psychology. going better. The last time we talked, he was friends, including Dave. Dave hosted a round of “Until 1994, you couldn’t even talk about religion in a psychological context except in optimistic that all would be well in a few months. golf at the famous Pine Valley Golf Club, where terms of pathology. But people are beginning to understand that faith and spirituality don’t Locky Jones sent a nice e-mail updating his he is a member. Although we had a bad weather mean what Freud thought, that religion is only a crutch for the psychologically weak,” said numerous activities since retiring as VP of sales day, it was a real treat to walk this hallowed 18. It Bjorck. Of how his faith intersects with his work, he said, “When I meet a new person, at Becton Dickinson in ’94. He’s a trustee of the truly is a special place. Had dinner that night I would never say, ‘Hi, I’m Jeff Bjorck and I’m a Christian.’ I love what St. Francis of Assisi said: NJ Symphony Orchestra and spends considerable with Dave and wife Barbara. Dave is still active in ‘Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.’” In teaching students how to time gardening at his Jersey shore home. Locky his orthopedic medicine practice, and one of his integrate their faith with being a psychologist, he said, “We have to dispel common illusions, still has time to take at least 1 exotic cruise every sons practices with him. He and Barbara are busy like that you’re going to try to convert your clients. We teach our students to be sensitive to year. He keeps in touch with Bob Snyder, who with grandchildren, as all 3 of their children and the spiritual leanings of all people, including atheists.” Bjorck also has a small private lives in Stuart, FL. families live in the Philly area.” Leon Jones is busy with his various volunteer Joyce and I recently sailed from the west coast practice, and does extensive research on how faith and religion function as coping strategies commitments and still does tax prep work. of Costa Rica through the Panama Canal with and support resources. He and his students recently developed the first adolescent Bud Sales logged in, saying that he and wife additional stops in Honduras, Nicaragua, and religious coping scale. Liz are happily at home near Pinehurst. Last fall, Belize. It was so fabulous that we have signed up Bjorck’s work with coping mechanisms carries back to his music. He has produced four they traveled to FL to see their oldest grandson for 2 more — Rome to Athens, and Santiago, original piano CDs, and his music has been used in independent films such as a documentary play in the championship game of the American Chile, to Buenos Aires through the Straights of about a boy suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, as well as television shows. This year, the Youth Football Natl Tourney. The Sales were Magellan. We will be in the company of our great faith-based organization Guideposts added a CD featuring eight of his tracks to their happy that his team came in 2nd. friends Sue and Jim Himoff ’65. This was the 1st Comfort Kits for Kids, which are given to children in hospitals. Although Bjorck calls himself Ron Schwarz wrote from France that in June year in the last 18 that we did not spend New a ‘hack’ piano player, he said, “I think I communicate emotion that reaches people. When ’09 he completed a 3-year visiting professorship Year’s Eve in the Adirondacks with Barbara and Carl Langbert children have heard my music, they will say, ‘Can I have that soft music again?’ Especially at Tulane. He served as dir for a research project ’63. We are headed south, and Carl on the efforts of the chocolate industry to address and Barbara are on their way to Vietnam. when they are sick or anxious, it seems to be calming. I couldn’t be more thrilled that my the problem of exploitative child labor in Ghana This was a sparse quarter for class news. music will help thousands of little children go to sleep in noisy hospitals, or be a comfort if and the Ivory Coast. Ron says that he was in the Hopefully there will be greater participation for mommy or daddy has to go home.” They anticipate handing out 500,000 kits nationally in 1st group of Peace Corps volunteers (Colombia the next Scene. the next five years. One), which made him the 1st Colgate grad to Remember our 50th — it’s only 2 years away. Bjorck donated most of his royalties to that project, just as he’s given earlier CDs to join that program. He is currently working on Can you recall how we viewed the 50th Reunion other charities, including Lifewater International, where he is a board member. Through a book about that 1st group of volunteers. participants at our 10th? Now we are those Lifewater, which trains and equips partners in developing countries to provide sustainable Pete Smith wrote from The Villages, FL, that self-same alumni! A healthy and Happy New safe water, hygiene education, and sanitation, he has traveled to Haiti, Afghanistan, and life is good. He was going to look up John Year; everything else is simply details. sub-Saharan Africa. Schreyer (my roommate in the Norwegian study Stuart: 716-913-7772; And in a more physical philanthropic vein, his ponytail isn’t just a fashion statement. group), who also lives there. After 45 years in [email protected] medicine, Chuck Thurber is scheduled to retire This summer, for the sixth time, he’ll lop off a foot of hair for an organization that makes this spring. He and Marilyn look forward to “just wigs for chemotherapy patients. It’s all music to his ears. hanging out” at their country home in Buxton, ME, and visiting grandkids in NH and CA. — Rebecca Costello Had a short note from Ed Wilbur, who was taking wife Marty to TX to have her knee

54 scene: Spring 2010 Maroon’d… pleased, because the Ilgs live in Don Wilmot, NH, address, slipping in the claim that his team, too, in Barcelona, Spain 1963 or maybe it’s just Wilmot, NH. All that sleep was undefeated that year, and also was from seems to agree with Pam and Ray. Ray’s baby Pitt. Could it be that every team in Pitt was Carl G Langbert face makes him look younger than his years, in undefeated in 1959? What? Did they all play Alex Princeton Manor spite of his bushy white eyebrows. It was so Bay every week? 46 Edgemere Dr great for Deni and I to spend a few hours Mike Foley ’63 continues to get closer to Kendall Park, NJ 08824-7000 reminiscing again with the Ilgs. We will make becoming a Lutheran by living among them up sure that it happens more often — even if we in God’s country. Mike, you will be accepted, and The new year of 2010 has begun and hopefully it have to force ourselves to ski more often. will be pleased to find out that you can speak will be a great year for the great Class of ’63. The aforementioned Don Wilmot, working for directly with God, rather than having to go Barbara and I are leaving for SE Asia to spend a few minutes between vacations, called to through an intermediary. Go in peace, my son. time in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Hong update me on his next trip to some exotic locale. Norm Platt, we live close and see each other at Kong. I left Vietnam 40 years ago in 1969 after Don told me that he gave up hockey a while back reunions; we have to look for each other around a tour of duty with the Army’s 44th medical because he couldn’t be on the 1st line anymore, the South Shore one of these days. brigade and also being attached to the 1st air but has used the time away from hockey to plan Biff Atwater ’63 and Dan Baird and all of you cavalry division. I’m very excited to see how all of even more vacations. who have my incorrect e-mail address, let’s get Jodi Neufeld ’03 lives in Barcelona with these years have affected the country of Vietnam. Ralph Kelley has thought about retiring, but is back in touch. her husband, Oscar Gimeno. She is the In the next column I’ll relate my feelings after having so much fun every day that he is putting Thanks for all the e-mails keeping me up to these many years. communications coordinator for the it off for the foreseeable future. He e-mailed Kurt date as to how inept our politicians are. You have We just returned from spending New Year’s Barcelona Graduate School of Econom- Brown about retirement, and Tonto said sitting to laugh to keep from crying. Eve with Sue and Jim Himoff ’65 at Pt O’ Pines on around e-mailing people and then heading off to Please make a note of my new e-mail address ics, where she never tires of sharing tips Brant Lake. The Himoffs are an absolutely play golf, tennis, and going to the beach every (below) for any of you out there who do not have with students. Here are her favorites: wonderful host and hostess, and we always have day gets old fast. Ralph and I agree that work is a it. Let me know how you are doing so we can a super time. blessing and a respite from the humdrum of rest pass on to your classmates your latest exciting Just spoke to Jane and Walt Schoenewolf, who Palau de la Música… You may be so and relaxation. Tension keeps us in tiptop mental adventure. Hit ’em straight, Tiger! were leaving scenic NJ and heading to NC to engrossed in the modernist details of and physical condition. Dick: 800-829-9199 x5148; [email protected] spend 6 weeks in their new home in Davidson, NC. Kurt Brown wanted you all to know that this grand yet intimate performance hall Marcelle and Bob Tyburski ’74 stopped by to professional hockey is coming to Alex Bay: that you forget to listen to the music. visit Mel Klein in Corpus Christi, TX. A good time getting a seat will probably not be a problem, but 1965 was had by all and many issues were discussed. call ahead just in case. Tonto, John Weingart, Priit Garner Simmons Received a year-end letter from Steve Camp Nou/FC Barcelona… You don’t have Vesilind, Biff Jones, Pete Halstead, and Bud 22126 Providencia St Sumption, and he said that the highlight of the to be a soccer fan to enjoy the spectacle Hedinger ’69 were exchanging e-mails regarding Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4133 past year was the marriage of daughter Kristina their Thirteen album covers from the early ’60s. of a Barça match on the team’s home ’98. Steve is still healthy and happy and is Check them out. They are worth it. Reunion June 3–6, 2010 turf. If they win, head to the Rambla de available to sell the occasional house. Deni and I met Jane and Mike Heffernan in Heard from Jim Klein: “Gwen and I are doing fine. Canaletes to celebrate with the locals. The USATF Natl Masters Track & Field Boston to watch perform before My 2nd hip replacement (left hip this time) went Championships were held in Oshkosh, WI. After a sold-out Wilbur Theatre crowd in Nov. It was exceedingly well. I am playing tennis 2 or 3 times winning the silver medal in the age 65–69 group Grill up some fun… Catalans love to a full house [aka 13,909 at the old Boston Garden] a week with no problems outside of our normal for the past 3 years, Roger Busch finally won the celebrate seasonal foods with a cookout. at the Wilbur, a young and boisterous crowd that age restrictions of diminished reflexes, eyesight, gold. The guy he beat (finally) is an 11-time natl enthusiastically supported the Lizards through- strength, and stamina. We’ve also begun A few kilometers outside the city, you'll champ and a former masters world record out their show. Incidentally, I misinformed you discussions on downsizing our lifestyle and find farmhouses and vineyards offering holder. Roger beat him by 39 cm (about 16") in all that we were going to the opening of moving to a smaller place. While I don’t plan on an upset. grilled favorites like calçots: baby onions Slammin’ Salmon last issue. That was incorrect. retiring anytime soon, Gwen might in a year or 2. Please keep in touch. All lines of communica- that are charred outside, gooey and We saw part of the movie, but this particular But for now her interior design business has tion are open! sweet inside. Wash them down with a performance was more of an improv and been picking up. My independent (read Hope to hear from you soon. stand-up comedy presentation. The crowd was small) financial adviser business has been swig of wine from a porró, the traditional Carl: 732-422-0556 (H); 247-0630 (O); 545-1934 wild. The show is not for the faint of heart — do growing steadily for the past 5 years. A couple of drinking vessel of choice. (fax); [email protected] not bring your mother or grandchildren. As you weeks ago Philadelphia Mag listed my company may know, Colgate alums in Broken Lizard are in the top 4% of wealth managers, voting us a Hunt for mushrooms… In the fall or early ’90, ’91, Jay 1964 5-star rating: Best in Client Satisfaction.” winter, join an expedition of boletaires Chandrasekhar ’90, Paul Soter ’91, and Eric After flying down to visit Rocky Willard, Bob Richard J Johnson Stolhanske ’91. Other Raiders in the Wilbur Baughman (mushroom hunters) and hike the hilly 22 Goose Point Ln writes: “Had a great visit to Savannah, crowd included Mike Heffernan ’88, Rick ’90 and forests north of the city in search of Box 1825 GA, (The Landings) where I saw Rocky and Tanis. Kerry McLoughlin Johnson ’94, Matt Hayden ’88, Duxbury, MA 02331-5120 He is really making progress, no doubt due to his tasty fungal treasures. El Patten ’95, Mark Epker ’93, Omer Jilani ’93, positive attitude and his great partner, Tanis. We Melissa McStay ’90, and a host of others whom had a terrific lunch together, and I had a chance Here’s hoping that the new decade is going well Antique cartoons… Head to Petritxol I apologize for missing. Great to see you, Jane and to see their home overlooking the bay.” Included for all of you. The last decade reminds me of the Mike, and good luck to the boys on the movie. with the e-mail were a couple of photos showing Street in the Gothic neighborhood. NY Yankees … you all know the Red Sox fan’s Kurt Brown sent an update on Ole Kollevoll Installed in the façades of the street’s favorite chant in referencing the Yankees, I’m Bob’s hair as decidedly “lighter shade of pale” ’45, who had been re-kneed recently. Sounds like sure, and those 2 words pretty much sum up the next to Rock’s, causing Bob to add: “There is, buildings is a series of antique auca tiles the Camel is doing OK. Tonto also confessed that last 10 years. But, it’s over and the next 10 years however, some question about whether he is painted with cartoon drawings and a in HS his football team actually lost to Mike are going to be great … I hope. using Grecian Formula 44 or some other such Jukoski (Massena), Steve Riggs ’65 and Dave couplet explaining the street’s history. My new decade started great: on New Year’s producer.” See photos on our class page at Healey ’65 (Potsdam), and Win Guilmette ’65 Day I went skiing at Sunapee, NH, with a couple colgatealumni.org. (Canton). For Kurt to admit to losing at anything Human castles… Part team-building of friends and then to a cocktail party. Our NH And speaking of replacing things, Rick is nearly impossible to imagine, and yet, a possible friends had picked up the phone the prior night Woolard writes: “Just had my right ankle totally exercise, part extreme sport, the pre- 1st sign of actual maturity. Nah, I lost my head. and called Pam and Ray Ilg ’67 and invited them replaced by Dr R Michael Graham ’73 here in VA carious challenge of building a human Gary Ripple had a lot of nice things (“an to the party. It was about 8 PM when the call was Beach. If it turns out as expected, it will have awesome experience,” “leaders seem to be smart castle is a sight to see. Exhibitions by made and there was no answer, so a message been worth a few months of downtime. I’m still and practical,” “a private sector living in harmony municipal teams of castellers are held was left to join us the next day. We found out the presiding over the Special Ops Fund (which pays with the government,” “might there be such a throughout the year. next day when Pam and Ray did arrive, that the for the children of fallen Special Forces/SEALs to thing as too much freedom?”) to say about China reason there was no answer was that Pam and attend any college they’re accepted to tuition and the Chinese govt after his recent trip. Some Ray had already gone to bed. Way to go, Ray, free, including Colgate), and our son the SEAL Have tips for people who might be of the boys are a bit worried that you might be that’s how you stay in shape — no all-night was off to Afghanistan again after the holidays going “commie” on us, Rip. Say it ain’t so, Rip. maroon’d in your town? Write us at boozing on New Year’s Eve: clean living wins — some mixed emotions about that. Hoping to Jim Yanni decided to fire bomb e-mails to [email protected] and put Maroon’d in again. Pam and Ray are loving living in NH. Ray make the 45th in June. If not, there’s always everyone in the US about his HS’s alleged was commuting 2 1/2 hours each way to Boston the 50th.” the subject line. for 7 years but has now moved his RW Pressprich undefeated season in 1959. It didn’t take long for Where’s the Beef? That’s the question being & Co office to New London, NH, a 5-minute the doubters to show up. Biff Jones soon raised by Peter Clark, who laid out an intriguing commute. By the way, Don Wilmot ’66 should be e-mailed Kurt looking for the Panda’s e-mail story — one that with any luck, someone can

News and views for the Colgate community 55 “I mean, what are the chances that some student would slice a golf ball so far to the right that it would I catch plenty of nice bass in the river all wind up in the brook right beside the secret stash of beef?” — Peter Clark ’65 summer. I’ve caught 3 stripers over 43" within sight of my house. Most weekends in summer, my lab and I drive down from Hamilton and answer: “Here’s a mystery I’ve thought about off slope can attest. Boston in April then the Big Sur marathon in back. Susan is there from June to mid-Sept. The and on since Colgate. Remember the 9-hole golf Heard from Rick Stege with the results of the Carmel, CA, 6 days later. Probably a stupid thing river is full of interesting critters; we get course on the upper campus, above the ski slope? 1st Annual Peter Schaehrer Memorial Peace & to try. Looking forward to reunion in June.” quahogs, crabs, minnows, eels, etc in front of the During our soph year I took a course from Jimmy Conflict Lecture: “We had 350 attendees, the From Bob Improta: “Pat and I had front row house. Maybe you can join me sometime.” Dalgety, who was Colgate’s golf coach at the auditorium was full. The speaker, Darius Rejali, center court seats at Staples center to watch Charlie, who’s originally from Hingham, MA, time. As part of his instruction, he advised us to was tops and he joined a bunch of us old timers Kobe Bryant and the Lakers demolish Detroit responded: “I can hardly say no. Those are some get out on the course and practice. It must have for lunch the next day as well as for a small (Kobe scored 40 pts for the 100th time). We also stripers! I have caught many, but none over 25 been late Sept or early Oct, because I remember seminar on Iran that was attended by alumni fulfilled one of Pat’s dreams — a 10-day lbs. As a kid, I spent a little time in Westport standing on the 1st tee looking out over the hills only. We also had a chance to interact with lots of Thanksgiving Caribbean cruise with our kids fishing for stripers. I also worked for many years filled with all the colors of the Chenango Valley. current students in Peace and Conflict Studies and family.” in Woods Hole and caught a lot of blues and As I hit my 1st drive, my natural (or perhaps who were sincerely interested in what we had to Spoke to Rick Bailey, who along with wife stripers in the harbor from a canoe! My mother supernatural) slice sent the ball far into the right say. We honored Pete in a fitting way and had Ginny, has recently returned from Orcas Island, is still in Hingham and I can envision a trip. You rough, down a deep ravine that cut through the a pretty amazing experience all around.” WA, where they visited their son Steve and his bring back some fine memories! I’ll do what I can fairway, and then down the hill toward Rte 12B. Impressed, I wrote Rick to ask how much time family. Seven months ago, oldest son Eric and for reunion, but I need to give you some idea of I went looking for it, which took some doing he’d committed to the project. He wrote back: wife Sha presented the Baileys with their newest what things are like for me at the moment. My since I had to traverse down the ravine to where “4.5 years, several thousand miles, and 2,700 grandchild, a son, Jordan. Eric manages several life’s work on energy, ignored more or less since I could see the ball resting near some rocks at the e-mails (a rough but pretty accurate figure). Yet entertainment companies including a small I was on the front page of the WSJ in 1981, is side of a stream. I was about to grab it when definitely worth it on multiple levels (especially record label. Sha’s an actress. Rick continues to suddenly getting a lot of attention. And it is quite I noticed what appeared to be some cellophane the human level). And we have built something work as a sub in the local school system. a different perspective than the way most of the sticking out from beneath one of the rocks. positive that will endure for a decade or 2 and Also managed to catch up with Ev Egginton, media has treated energy prior to this. Plus, I am I pushed the rock aside only to find a number of affect a lot of people.” Absolutely a great job, Rick. who, after a long and distinguished career being filmed on several locations for a Discovery packages of raw hamburger hidden beneath Among those attending was Dan Schuckers, spanning stints at U of Louisville and NM State Channel 4-part series on energy. Then there’s a various rocks. I mean, we are talking pounds of who reports: “My wife and I visited Colgate for (where he also serves as asst provost), is meeting I organized that was recently written up raw beef! Upon returning to the Beta house, the Pete Schaehrer Memorial Lecture, which considering stepping down next June. Not in the NY Times. Plus, I teach 5 courses and I told some of the brothers what I had found. was outstanding. It was also great to renew exactly retiring, Ev plans on continuing his work publish a dozen papers a year. But I’m definitely Stunned, they explained that our freezer in the friendships with Tony Pearl, Phil Bray, Rick Stege, south of the border in American-Central willing to help.” basement of the house had been broken into the and Bill Hitchings. The beauty of the campus in American econ affairs — work he has frequently The article Charlie’s referring to and is previous day, someone hack-sawing through the autumn was stunning. All in all, a great visit and shared with Riall Nolan. Roommates our sr year, prominently featured in appeared in the NY padlock and making off with a number of frozen I hope to make the 45th Reunion. Phil and I were Riall and Ev lost track of each other over the 25 Times Oct 23: “New School of Thought Brings packages of hamburger meat. We figured members of the London Econ Study Group and years following graduation, then reconnected. Energy to ‘the Dismal Science.’” A prof of systems whoever did the job must have planted the beef would love to see the other members at our 45th. Riall teaches internatl relations at Purdue and ecology at SUNY’s College of Environmental up on the golf course in the cold stream thinking I have retired after a career as deputy atty general travels extensively. Lately, Ev’s been traveling Science and Forestry at Syracuse, Charlie that it wouldn’t thaw as fast and that they could and later court administrator in Harrisburg, PA, 4 out of 5 days a week for NMSU but still organized the 2nd Annual Conf on Biophysical retrieve it later. I mean, what are the chances where I am now an adjunct prof at Widener Law found time to visit Bud Eisberg in Reno this Econ that was focused on the way in which that some student would slice a golf ball so far to School. I occasionally talk to Ed Berra, who lives summer. Soon off to Vienna, Austria, and survival of all living creatures is limited by the the right that it would wind up in the brook right in the Harrisburg area. He retired several years Bratislava, Slovakia, Ev and Wynn will visit their concept of energy return on investment. beside the secret stash of beef? Strange at the ago and is doing well.” son William and his family. William and wife According to Charlie, specifically with respect to very least. So, does anyone have any idea what Alan Hammerschlag: “Checking in from Bernadette have 3 of the Egginton’s fossil fuels, “technology is in a race with happened? And can you identify the culprit? Bethesda, MD. I am still active in the real estate 8 grandchildren. depletion … and depletion is winning.” Someone the Class of ’65 must know something.” investment business, Kodiak Properties, LLC. Own Spent an hour on the phone with Bud Eisberg, As for our 45th, Jim Himoff as chair and Lee OK, guys. I’m with Peter on this. After nearly shopping centers in the VA, MD, PA area. I just who still lives in Portola Valley near SF. He and Woltman as program chair have put together a a half-century, surely the statute of limitations read the book Getting Younger Every Year and Lynn had just driven down to San Diego for a terrific committee that includes: Bob Baughman, has long since run out. Both Freddie Verro and loved it.” wedding, stopping by to treat their son Tom, a sr Karl Baumgartner, Bob Cranston, Peter Desnoes, Willy the Griff have passed from the scene. So it’s Geoffrey Craig writes: “Foliate Oak, the at UCSB, to “the best meal he would have all Ev Egginton, Bud Eisberg, Bob Forster, John time to fess up. Who put the round in the ground? literary mag of the U of AR at Monticello has week.” Meanwhile, an old friend of Bud’s was Gannon, Steve Glasser, Chuck Goodfellow, Answers (hopefully) to follow. published my story ‘The Courtship of Irma celebrating his 60th bday by climbing Yosemite’s Charlie Hall, Peter Kellner, Jim Klein, Casey And in response to another question Zimmerman’ as well as my poem ‘saturday Half Dome and invited Bud to join him. Having Knobel, Ken Kramer, Karl Maggard, Chuck May, previously posted here regarding Tom Crary’s summer morning’ in their Nov ’09 issue. In other done it 25 years ago (16 miles up and down) Bud Bob Meehan, Peter Michel, John Morrison, Tony appetite for light bulbs, Riall Nolan writes: “I news, my 1-act play, Moving-in Day (about a decided to give it a shot. A real test, but he made Pearl, Doug Quelch, Dick Rawdon, Ken Roffe, Rick don’t know whether Crary ate light bulbs. I never paranoid dad helping his daughter move in to it and then stopped off at Art’s place where Bud Stege, Bob Sutter, Lee Woodward, and me. With saw him do it. But Roger Krakusin ’64 sure did, college), was performed in a festival put on by wound up sleeping on his son’s couch (talk about a team like that, it promises to be a great party right at the bar in the basement of the ATO the Little Theater on Broad St in Danielson, CT.” a roll reversal). Still sees Pat and Mike Hayes and weekend made that much better by the more house one party weekend, right in front of me. And from Dick Rawdon: “I attended the last was looking forward to a visit from Andy Warner who show up. I hope to see you in Hamilton Scared me to death. A guy who will eat light Family Weekend for Emily Alison Rawdon ’10. to do some skiing. And congrats to Andy and June 3–6. bulbs, I figured, will do near anything. Spoke Had a great time. In addition to my time with Klaren, whose son Karl and his wife presented Staying connected: Had a nice note from Brian with George Johnson recently, who seems to Alison, I sat with Lee Woltman, Harlan Lavine ’64, them with their 1st granddaughter. Edgerly just to say hi. And I managed to help have found a successful retirement career as a and Robin Jaycox ’53 at the football game. It was Doug Quelch forwarded a note he received David Rosenbloom (who’s now in NYC), reach dog whisperer. Trained under some legendary great catching up. Also attended 2 hockey games from Brian Small: “Lori and I spent a weekend in Ken Roffe, as well as Allan Depew (who was whisperer who I think may have his own TV with Harlan. Before the Saturday night hockey Pitt together with Toni and Ray Conaway this down in Sarasota, FL) get in touch with Karl show. ‘Ever get bit?’ I asked George. ‘Oh yeah, 3 or game, I attended the Tony Blair lecture. Packed past fall. We had a great time and got to meet Maggard, who lives in Sarasota all winter. Then, 4 times,’ he replied. ‘And I deserved it every time.’” house. The campus looked great. At a reception Ray and Toni’s daughter and granddaughters. As I heard from Rollie Sterrett, who had just Congrats to Lee Woltman. Having supported with Alison’s profs in the art dept, I was able to always, you wonder why it took us over 40 years received an e-mail from Dick Groccia. Remem- the DU fraternity in countless ways since we fill in a lot of Colgate history from our era, to reconnect, but I give Ray full credit for making bering Dick as Chuck Goodfellow’s roommate 1st graduated, Lee was honored by a $5,000 pledge including the great Ad Building fire. In my last the effort. We’re talking about attending reunion, year, Rollie responded: “I assume this is the same from DU to the Hamilton Community Memorial e-mail, I mentioned that I was going to run the but haven’t made a decision yet. And I did finally ‘Mucho’ Groccia from 2nd floor West Hall? All is Hospital that he was instrumental in helping Bourbon Chase, a 200-mile relay race from retire on June 30.” well with me, and I hope you get back to establish in 1969. A key fundraiser for every bourbon distillery to bourbon distillery; 150 Lee Woltman wrote a number of guys Hamilton for our 45th Reunion.” capital campaign, Lee has also served on and teams of 12 runners each, with each runner including Charlie Hall to ask about serving on Dick responded: “I just retired after 21 years chaired the hospital bd of directors. In speaking running 3 times. My team ran at a snail’s pace. our Reunion Committee. Aware that Charlie, like abroad with the Foreign Service as a consul, for the university, VP Bob Tyburski ’74 noted: I was by far the oldest, but also the fastest on the himself, was an avid fishermen, Lee included a mostly in Italy and Greece, but also in S America “Lee Woltman’s commitment to his fraternity, team. My legs totaled 21 miles including the couple of photos of some stripers and a yellowfin and Africa. I am trying to re-adapt to the US — alma mater, and the hospital has been truly anchor leg to the finish line. My total time was he’d caught. Originally from Fall River, MA, Lee not easy. We bought a home in Tempe, AZ, and remarkable.” Lee brought medical service for 2 hours, 42 minutes. At each distillery there was wrote: “We have a house on the Westport River, love it. My daughter is married to an FSO and Colgate and the surrounding area out of the Dark bourbon tasting and bourbon balls (chocolate and I’m lucky to be able to dock my boat in my stationed in Africa. I want to go back to Hamilton Ages as all of us who remember the infirmary candy containing bourbon whiskey). I like to front yard. Every April, stripers follow herring up at some point, but will be leading a group housed in a Quonset hut at the base of the ski think it helped my time. My next will be the the river. Most big fish leave the river by July, but through Italy this summer.”

56 scene: Spring 2010 Drop me an e-mail and let me know what’s part of the experience was that I qualified for the going on. And may 2010 bring us together again. Oct Tourney of Champions, where Gary Clawson Warmest regards. and I placed 22nd out of 53 boats, and were 1st Garner: 818-713-1353; 1392 (fax); [email protected] among the 5 PVA entrants. Anne and I traveled to CO in Sept for a 4-day outpatient ‘checkup’ at Craig Hosp in Englewood. I always come away 1966 with new info and ‘orders’ to follow until the Robert Malley next appt. While there, we visited with my Mt 322 Shore Rd Hermon roommate and his lovely wife. There are Westerly, RI 02891-3904 always projects underway and we did manage to accomplish a few along the way, both in I’m writing this column in early Jan, so I hope Edgewater and Harpswell. Thanks to our ME you guys had a very enjoyable holiday season. neighbor, a bridge was constructed between our Here’s to a very happy, healthy, and prosperous backyard and a new lot we had cleared recently. 2010 for all of you … and happy spring when you Now I have no excuse not to mow it. We read this. ‘enriched’ the garden beds this fall and are The news this time is slim. I received a hoping for better gardening weather next Christmas note from Toby Griggs, who is summer. The blueberries continued to produce running a cattle ranch with his sons Ted (‘Chip’) regardless and Anne harvested over 25 quarts. and Josh in Ashland, WI, as the Griggs Cattle Anne replaced 2 fruit trees and trimmed the rest. Company. Toby and his sons bought a 134-acre We seem to have completed our furniture buying farm — “mostly grassland.” They are remodeling and shifting in both places. We keep you in our the farmhouse built in 1937, “a big task but less thoughts and enjoy keeping in touch. If your costly than building new,” according to Toby. plans bring you to the east coast of FL, or the They have “17 bred cows who will birth late coast of ME, please get in touch and hopefully we spring, hopefully giving us 17 calves that will can get together to visit.” Lloyd, thanks very Courtesy of ESPN help us develop the herd.” Toby said that he and much for the update! Rob Stone ’91 (left) with Alexi Lalas, renowned former U.S. soccer player his sons are enjoying the challenges and closed As this is written, I’m planning to return to his note saying, “It’s truly an old-fashioned WI Colgate to see Paul Bradley and to attend the Jan winter this year.” Thanks for getting in touch, meeting of the Alumni Council. This is the From pigskins to hambones Rob Stone ’91 makes even the most avid sports fan look ill-informed. As an announcer and Toby, and best of luck to you and your sons. weekend of Real World, at which alums return to I hope that all of your cows deliver for you. campus and participate in panels designed to reporter for ESPN, Stone is sports savvy on everything from the World Cup to the annual Earlier this month I exchanged e-mails with acquaint students with different career paths. Fourth of July Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. “About the only sports I haven’t covered,” Lee Morris, who spends the winter in Bluffton, The Real World folks are always looking for said Stone, “are the NFL, NBA, and baseball.” Covering more than 70 events a year for the SC, at Palmetto Bluff. Lee reported that “our alums who wish to volunteer for a panel or network, he has made a name for himself as an energetic and lively personality. temps in SC have not been above 45 for a week.” presentation; eg, we are hoping to obtain the Stone started working at ESPN as a production assistant soon after graduation. In I received an e-mail from John Wilkins right expertise of Roger Higle for a panel on real 1997, he was asked to host the weekly magazine show Worldwide Soccer. Although he has after New Year’s saying that he ran across Mark estate. While in Hamilton, I’m looking forward to since diversified his coverage for the network, Stone maintains his passion for soccer. As Friedman (psych prof at Montclair State) while meeting our new pres, Jeffrey Herbst. In his an alumnus of Colgate’s varsity soccer team, Stone’s work covering each of the past three watching the Christmas parade in Edgarton, announcement, Chris Clifford, chair of the Board World Cups — and his anticipated coverage of the upcoming World Cup in South Africa — is Martha’s Vineyard, in Dec. “Mark had on a of Trustees and a member of the search particularly noteworthy. “Soccer is a sport I grew up with, a sport I love, and a sport I readily Colgate hat and hadn’t changed a bit since I last committee, said “Jeffrey Herbst articulated a identify with Colgate, so to remain involved with it at a very high level is really gratifying,” saw him in June 1966. He said that Ted Sattler vision for the liberal arts at a time when all of also has a place on the island and all Colgate higher ed is going through a period of reflection he said. ’66ers are welcome to their 4th of July get- and readjustment. Based on his knowledge of Because he reports on such a wide array of sports, the bulk of Stone’s work is actually together. Small world.” Also, John is excited about Colgate’s mission and strategic direction, Jeff in preparation for an event rather than in the actual coverage. “It’s good to be diverse,” said the upcoming marriage of his son Travis in July conveyed to the search committee his confidence Stone, “but there are weeks where I am doing three different sports in a six-day window. out in CA. Congrats, John, and best wishes to all. in the university’s ability to thrive in an ever Sometimes I have to ask, ‘Where am I and who am I talking to now?’” That’s all the news there is this time around. more global, diverse, and interconnected world. Stone’s research and preparation skills were put to the test when he prepared for one Remember, without your news there isn’t We are confident that Jeff will build on Colgate’s of his more unexpected roles at ESPN, as the voice of the Professional Bowlers Association. a column, so get in touch! strengths and engage our community in exciting “I knew nothing about the sport,” Stone recalled about when his bosses first approached Bob: 401-322-0908; 322-7411 (fax); new efforts to strengthen our position as a him with the opportunity. “I had literally two-and-a-half weeks in the midst of soccer and [email protected] leader in higher ed.” football season, and my wife set to deliver twins, to learn the sport and its history and Former b-ballers Alan Brown, Gary Blongiewicz, its players.” John Gillick, and me held a mini-reunion in Stone rose to the challenge and quickly established himself as part of the PBA tour, 1967 Piscataway, NJ, as we watched the Colgate men’s Edward A Ryan basketball team play Big East Conf member though not without some controversy. Stone noticed that three strikes in a row were 69 Portland Rd Rutgers. (See photo on our class web page.) referred to as a “turkey,” but there was no comparable term to denote the more difficult Summit, NJ 07901-3011 Colgate led at the half and for much of the game, feat of four strikes in a row. He therefore deemed it a “hambone.” Initially, according to but Rutgers, which has several very large fellows, Stone, “the bowling purists did not take a strong liking to it,” and he said he was prepared to I received a Christmas greeting from Anne and ultimately pulled out a victory. There was a drop the term out of respect for the sport. But within moments of speaking at an event with Lloyd Jones, with a nice note that reads in part: post-game reception at which we met the his producer about discontinuing it, “fans came into the venue with a ton of ‘hambone’ signs, “This has been a year of changes for us. My mom players and some parents. Gary and Jeanne and people were chanting ‘hambone.’ I just looked at my producer and said, ‘Yeah, that’s not moved to ME in July and has adjusted well to her Marie later watched the team play another game going to die this week.’” new home at Bay Square in Yarmouth. She is at UNH and I’m hoping to catch a Patriot League Stone brings that creativity and enthusiasm to every sport he covers. “If I’m not excited getting wonderful care and is only 45 minutes game at Lehigh or Lafayette. We should be about the game, why should the audience care?” Often, Stone’s attitude manifests itself in from our Harpswell home. With a lot of help immensely proud of our student athletes. As you interesting and fun segments that inevitably find their way to YouTube, but he also seriously from family and friends, we were able to clean may have seen in the papers or on the Colgate out the Hamilton house and sell it before Colgate website, for the 2nd straight year Colgate tops appreciates the sports he covers and the significance they have beyond the playing field. “In started classes this fall. In late Oct, Anne’s dad the list of Division 1 schools with an extraordi- 1998, I was at the U.S.-Iran World Cup game. Obviously there were a lot of political ramifica- died, after failing gradually after a bout of nary 99% graduation rate for its student tions, storylines, and undertones associated with that. That was awesome to be around.” pneumonia and hospitalization in March. He athletes! So if a Colgate team makes it to your Covering so many different events requires a great deal of travel and the management of was also residing at Bay Square, and at 92 years area, please try to attend, root them on, and say a difficult schedule, but Stone appreciates the lifestyle. “I don’t understand how my buddies of age and after 69 years of marriage, he slipped hello before they board the bus for the trip home. operate in a nine-to-five world, and I’m sure they don’t have a clue how I get by. But I like the away peacefully after a very fulfilling and Another reason to check the Colgate website variety. I’m really fortunate to be involved in something that I love, which is sports.” productive life. We have a new 2010 adapted periodically is to catch up with current events on Toyota Sienna Van — by necessity, as I managed campus. There is news about the appearance of — Jason Kammerdiener ’10 to total the old one in Sept while returning from former Prime Minister Tony Blair during Family a bass fishing tourney in NH. Thankfully, no one Weekend last Oct as part of the Global Leaders was hurt (unless you count my ego). The good Lecture Series. Blair spoke about the need for

News and views for the Colgate community 57 a different type of politics to cope with a rapidly Alumni Clubs and Groups changing world that is facing significant challenges involving the economy, security, and climate change. Power is shifting to the East, he Alumni speakers said, and politicians in the West must rethink a The Club of Philadelphia enjoyed an evening with Lee Mc- political system based on left vs right or Liberal Conaughy Woodruff ’82. Woodruff discussed her new book vs Tory and consider whether they are going to Perfectly Imperfect and the balancing act of being a mom. be “open or closed” to developing relationships Professional basketball player Adonal Foyle ’98 met with with nations such as China and India. Previous alumni and friends from the clubs of Boston and Los Angeles to speakers in the series include Colin Powell (April talk about the NBA and his Kerosene Lamp Foundation, which is 2009), the Dalai Lama (2008), and the award- dedicated to empowering youth and revitalizing communities. winning authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner (2007). I’d appreciate hearing from folks who recall the global leaders who came to Trivia Night on the road campus during our years; the only person The incredibly popular Trivia Night at the Colgate Inn went on I remember is Wilson Pickett. the road this year, touring with “the trivia guy” Doug Chiarello Last, be sure to check out the upcoming ’98. The Club of Boston competed in a matchup against Hamilton program called Summer on the Hill (www. College alumni. More than 35 alumni and friends helped Colgate colgatealumni.org/summerhill). This is a great Museum of Art The Cleveland

© take the trivia crown in Beantown. The Club of New York City opportunity for alums to return to campus this The Club of Cleveland toured the Paul Gauguin: Paris 1889 also hosted Trivia Night to benefit the Colgate Club of New York summer. exhibition. City Scholarship Fund. Six faculty members trekked down to Ed: 908-277-4128; [email protected] the city to compete against alumni for bragging rights: Timothy Notes Byrnes (political science), Alan Cooper (history), Lesleigh Cushing 1968 (religion), Spencer Kelly (psychology), Elizabeth Marlowe (art The Hill at Home Peter M O’Neill & art history), and David McCabe (philosophy). More than 250 Several faculty members and administrators visited with alumni 10 Nassau St alumni and friends attended and contributed more than $3,400 and friends around the country recently. More than 50 alumni Princeton, NJ 08542 to the scholarship that is awarded each year to a student from and friends with the Club of Cleveland enjoyed a lecture and New York City. Gentlemen, gallery tour of the Paul Gauguin: Paris 1889 exhibition with art it seems that the winter months of late 2009 and early 2010 have caused many of and art history professor Bob McVaugh in December. Mary Ann Good old harmony our classmates to hibernate and accordingly Calo, professor of art and art history, visited with the clubs The Colgate Thirteen toured the Midwest as part of the group's there is very little to report. I do keep up with Cal of New York City and Washington, D.C. She led a tour of the annual January tour. The group performed for alumni and friends Trevenen as our children are married, and in fact, Guggenheim in New York, focusing on the Kandinsky Retrospec- Anne and I spent Christmas Day with Cal and from the clubs of the Rockies, the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, tive exhibition, as well as 1934: A New Deal for Artists at the Michele. Their house jumps at holiday time, and Chicago, Indianapolis, and Cleveland. Also on a January tour, the Smithsonian with D.C. alumni and friends. the amount of energy and laughter that was Swinging ’Gates serenaded the clubs of New York City, Fairfield Geography professor Ellen Kraly visited the clubs of Virginia semi-contained within the 4 walls was County (Conn.), and Rhode Island. The ’Gates were featured in and Savannah in February to talk about the Upstate Institute, something to behold. the morning newscast on New England Cable News (NECN) with student research, and her life as a Colgate professor. Greg Thornton reports that he and Helene still Swinging ’Gate alumna Allison King ’84. On Feb. 2, the Club of Southern California was visited by live in Cohasset, MA. Greg is with the Boston Globe as a sr VP. Their oldest daughter is a lawyer education studies professor John Palmer, who highlighted ’Gate athletics in DC and younger daughter is with a hedge service projects in high-needs schools completed by Colgate The Club of Chicago welcomed the men’s ice hockey team to the fund in Cambridge, MA. students. windy city for their game against the University of Notre Dame Doug Barile, after retiring from Towers Perrin Vice President and Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson and a career in management consulting, recalled on Jan. 2 as part of the Shillelagh Tournament at Sears Centre discussed matters concerning student life at Colgate with more the pleasures of the academic pursuit and the Arena in Hoffman Estates, Ill. More than 150 alumni, parents, than 35 alumni, parents, and friends from the Club of Washing- skills so finely honed at Colgate and went back to friends, and family enjoyed a pregame reception before heading ton, D.C. Topics included the campus life climate survey, Greek school to get his master’s in marriage and family down to the ice for the big game. life, and diversity initiatives. counseling. He practices out of his home in The Club of Washington, D.C., cheered for the men’s basket- Finally, Vice President of Alumni Affairs RuthAnn Loveless Ridgefield, CT, which takes him away from all of ball team against on Jan. 17 and enjoyed gave campus updates to alumni in the clubs of the Treasure the airports that he previously called home when a pregame reception hosted by John Gillick ’67 at Chef Geoff’s. traveling for Towers Perrin. Coast, Gold Coast, Suncoast, and Naples, Fla. Spoke with Randy Frisk, who still lives in Seal Beach, CA. Randy remains retired, but Susie Club leaders continues her work outside of the house. We welcome as new alumni club leaders: tri-presidents Mary Checked in with Mike Morrone, who is still Beth King ’08 ([email protected]), Katie Castino very active on the Alumni Council. Mike’s work ’08 ([email protected]), and Kara Culgin ’08 (kculgin@ on behalf of Colgate has been exemplary and the gmail.com), Club of the Puget Sound; Lindsay Crocker ’00 school reaps the benefit of his calm reflections and insights on how to improve the institution ([email protected]), president, Club of ; and that fostered us all for 4 years. Julie R. Schultze ([email protected]), co-president, Club I hope to be able to report on more of our of Grand Rapids. classmates, but I do need your help in feeding me A special thanks to outgoing club leaders: Valerie B. Shapiro information. ’02, Club of the Puget Sound; Cara Vecchione ’04, Club of Atlanta; Peter: 609-924-0700; [email protected] and Eugene Barnosky ’75, Club of Long Island. 1969 C James Milmoe 8 1700 Verrazzano Pl Adonal Foyle ’98 meets with members from the Club of Boston Interested in learning about club events in your neck of Wilmington, NC 28405-4040 after the Celtics vs. Magics game. the woods? Visit www.colgatealumni.org. The 40th Reunion buzz continues to fill my mailbox. John Zarecki regrets he was only able to talk to a fraction of the people at reunion, but wrote there was something comforting about being around alums. He says these notes provide a useful service for alums who do not regularly see each other. He would like to see even broader

58 scene: Spring 2010 coverage of classmates from the West Coast or the biennial John Gillick ’67 tailgate at the artists. The idea came to Ray after he spent MW or SW. (Hint to classmates who live in those Colgate-Georgetown game. Megan Gillick ’93 and some time in Tucson in Nov with our art prof Jim 1970 parts: if you don’t submit info to the class editor, Anne Milmoe ’97 represented Colgate women at Loveless and Jim Leach, former head of the George Murphy Jr John’s wish will not be granted.) Since the the tailgate. Moira Gillick ’04 went to a wedding Colgate communications staff. These 3 artists 1510 Ocean Ave reunion, John has exchanged e-mails with Matt that day, and the other women in our party painted and photographed the desert and Mantoloking, NJ 08738-1516 Jamin and Tom Himmel. He also spoke with Eric headed to the bar rather than watching the canyons of the landscapes around Tucson. Edwards, who was not able to attend reunion. game in a steady 40° rainfall. I talked briefly with Previously, they traveled to Monhegan Island, Reunion June 3–6, 2010 Eric works for the US Postal Service on Cape Cod. US Senate Parliamentarian Al Frumin, who was ME, an artistic trip that spawned an exhibition at Our 40th Reunion will take place June 3–6 on Ken Trevett, CEO of the SW Fndn for advising Majority Leader Reid to keep his 60-vote the world-renowned Earlville Opera House. Ray campus. Last year, over 1,400 alumni attended Biomedical Research in San Antonio, wrote that majority intact to block a filibuster on the health proposes taking a group of Colgate people to the festivities in Hamilton. As I mentioned he particularly enjoyed visiting with Dr Steve care legislation. If he could, Al would not have to another venue to explore the merits of plain air before, the Class of 1969 tent was the most Gorton and Steve Waters, fellow Alpha Delts, as rule on a possible “nuclear option” to move the painting and/or landscape photography. Ray popular on Whitnall Field since entertainment well as Tony Aveni and his wife, Lorraine. Ken legislation with less than 60 votes. It is now Dec asks that Berry, Darrin, or others experienced in was provided by the Skycoasters. Hopefully, our has 3 children and 7 grandchildren. and we are still wondering if Al will emerge as travel, or classmates who wish to unleash their reunion organizers can arrange an encore Steve Mark is experiencing what he calls the key player in the health care bill. Bob Bausch inner Cézannes contact him to discuss the performance. Based on our prior reunion history, “40th Reunion afterglow.” For example, when ’67 sent his regrets; he has only recently concept. (I can provide you with his e-mail the weather is usually very pleasant. If your entertainment atty Mark learned at reunion relocated back to DC/suburban MD from SC. address.) When he is not engaged in artistic memories of weather in Hamilton are contrary, Greg Threatte Tom that ’s daughter Renee and Howard Fineman ’70 was unable to attend endeavors, Ray is busy “flipping houses,” the don’t forget, we were long gone after final exams Weirich’s son Jonathan want to join the because he is focused on Nick Fineman, who was proper name for what he used to call design and back in the day and never got to experience the entertainment industry, he offered to help. Renee having a fine season as captain of the Sidwell construction for historical preservation. warm June days of the Chenango Valley. wants to be an actress, and Jonathan is an Friends (DC) football team. There were also cards from Dave Knauer, John I have been in touch with several classmates aspiring filmmaker. Steve says they are both Holy Cross: There was considerable e-mail Rice, Sharon Space ’86, and Kerry Brown. using Facebook. The online Colgate website chips off their old blocks and have Colgate in sturm und drang about this tailgate, but the only It was good to hear from John Freeston, alive interfaces with FB and provides the ability to log their DNA. I am confident that, with Steve’s help, confirmed attendees were Michael Brown, Dave and well in Windham, NH, where he and Lois in to both sites simultaneously. As of this each is on the way to many Oscars. Knauer, Jep ‘The Iron Chef’ Possee, John Higgins, (Vandenbree) have lived since 1974. John has his writing, approximately 75 of our classmates have Bob Hodgson would like to see the video of Frank Gasparini, John Huntington, and Nick Brill. own bookkeeping business there. Daughter joined FB, listing Colgate in their undergrad ed our reunion dinner when the Thirteeners of 1969, (See photo on class page). Knauer’s diplomatic Norah Freeston Fallat’04 and son Andrew section. Since signing up, I have been back in including Bob himself, sang. He wrote, “The skills were useful in persuading the local (Bucknell ’98) have each given John and Lois a touch with Chuck Locurto ’68, Clint Ives, Chris reception by the ’69ers for us at the dinner was constabulary to allow the tailgate to last long grandchild. John was planning to go to reunion, Parke, and Steve Kingsbury ’71. FB does provide terrific and made it a night to remember.” Bob enough for the crew to have 1 last beer. but he got a contract to build a vacation home on the ability to check out photos of many of our also said he likes the expedited e-mail delivery of Princeton: Alan Medvin searched for Lake Winnipesaukee’s Rattlesnake Island for Jep classmates as they appear today (those willing to these class notes. One of his gripes about the classmates at the game, but the closest he came Possee. Apparently, John is a builder as well as post recent pix). (Fun to compare with the actual new Scene is that news is even older when was Jeff Hall ’70. Alan thinks Curmudgeon Tours a bookkeeper. Class of 1970 Colgate FB we received back in the published only 4 times a year vs the previous is the perfect name for Jay Darrin’s travel I got a brief note from Newport Beach, CA, fall of 1966). For those of you who have not tried 6 times a year. company. attorney Jeff Howard thanking me for the direct it, check out our class page at Colgatealumni.org. Denis Cronin, who married Linda in Chapel Like Jay Darrin, retired lawyer Bill Berry is in mail of Class Notes, and promising to report It provides access to our alumni directory, the House in March 1969, had a “blast” at reunion. the travel/tourism business. Former Nutmeg news from “the Left Coast” in the future. Scene, athletics, and much more. The biggest surprise was seeing his former Stater Berry loves to act as a host in western Howard Fineman ’70 took time out from his I am sad to report that our classmate Richard basketball teammate Dr Walter Theis, whom he parks. He says, “Crossing the Mississippi is like reporting on Barack Obama’s 1st year in office to W Hube passed away unexpectedly on Dec 21, had not seen since graduation. Denis, still the crossing the River Jordan.” He has arranged to meet me in Dec for a cup of coffee. He auto- while on vacation visiting family in FL. Rick basketball captain, thinks Walt, now an receive as little regular mail as possible and gets graphed my copy of his book Thirteen Arguments worked for the McDonald’s Corp in the 1970s, orthopedic surgeon in LA, needed a shave. Denis the essential mail (including Class Notes) with a nice mention of my Dad, Laddie Milmoe running its 2nd busiest restaurant in CT. In 1978 served on the search committee that chose Dr forwarded through a service in SD. The Marine ’30, whom Howard knew from his days as editor he relocated to VT, where he was personnel dir at Jeffrey Herbst to be Colgate’s new pres. Denis Corps Marathon in DC gave Bill’s sons Will and of the Maroon. The book has been updated in a Stratton and Bromley Mtns. In 1990 Rick started believes Dr Herbst will be an outstanding (and Coop a chance to run with Erick Dalton, son of new edition to include Howard’s commentary on Hube Inc, a property mgmt firm. In 1999 he was certainly “very tall”) pres. Denis’s daughter Herbert ‘Rick’ Dalton ’71, as part of a fundraiser Obama’s election. It is also being used as a text in elected to the VT House of Reps, where he served Megan ’10 is a sr. His son Denis Matthew ’09 for Rick’s fndn, College for Every Student. Maybe American history classes, so sales are holding up. as the House Majority Whip and was elected to graduated last May. Denis merged his law firm of next year my sons, both in the DC area, will join. It may not be reported elsewhere, but as Obama the UVM board of trustees. Rick is survived by his Cronin & Vris into the natl law firm of Vinson Rick reminded me that the Milmoe/Campbell- ended the 1st year of his presidency, our own sister Jane and her husband, James W Louttit MD, & Elkins 2 years ago. In the current econ climate, Dalton ties go back 4 generations. Elliot Gewirtz ended his presidency — of the of Maitland, FL. Denis has been busy as co-head of the firm’s Glenn W ‘Skip’ Tymeson died unexpectedly Scarsdale (NY) Golf Club. Congratulations, Elliot. That’s it for now. Talk to me. restructuring and reorganization practice. Oct 7, in Binghamton, NY. Skip, a member of My sources said you did a great job. Murph: 732-892-0217; 7806 (fax); Professional photographer Greg Costich Sigma Chi, majored in anthro-soc, played lax, and Joe Rinaldi, if you are out there, your friend [email protected] wrote to set the record straight and confirm worked on the Maroon. Skip spent his career in Tom Battley who knew you at George Jr Republic that, contrary to my class notes, Annette and sales and marketing, including over 35 years in would like to reconnect. E-mail me and I will Dave Helman were in attendance at reunion. the auto industry. He was the son of the late send you his contact info. 1971 See photo evidence on our class page at Glenn Tymeson ’40, and is survived by wife Chris, It is my sad duty to report that Steve Lowe, a Richard C Beck colgatealumni.org, along with Greg’s other 4 children, and 10 grandchildren. resident of Naples, FL, died unexpectedly on Dec 4290 SE Augusta Loop reunion photos. He encourages John Rice, Tom My Facebook page has been expanded to 25 while on vacation with his family in Jackson Gresham, OR 97080-8435 McTaggart, and the rest of you with reunion include Jep Possee, a realtor in the Lake Hole, WY. Steve, a Phi Gamm and English major, photos to post them for all to enjoy. Greg says it Winnipesaukee area of NH, Peter Lewine, David played baseball at Colgate. He is survived by his As I enjoy the 1st week of the new year, I thought a simple process. White, Roger Birn ’68, and Van Parker. All are wife, Barbara, 2 children, and 4 grandchildren. it would be an opportune moment to put There was not quite 100% positive feedback to welcome to become my “friend” on this Steve moved to Naples in 1981 and was in real together the class column on our comings and the Oct direct e-mail to classmates, but virtually social-networking site, which seems to be the estate development and sales. goings. As you will see, this column is a all were positive, so the practice will continue. major means of communication for alumni I didn’t know about Steve’s death, but was in somewhat bittersweet experience, but the news Mick Gindi was inundated with 6 copies, enough under the age of 30. In other important media Naples just 3 weeks later. I was traveling on is what it is! to make Dr Gindi think he was suffering from news, you can see Art Clark on Colgate TV-13 business and included a stop at Ft Lauderdale’s From the sports desk, I have 2 items to report. multiple personality disorder. promoting the Peter C Schaehrer ’65 Memorial storied Elbo Room bar. On Dec 31, 1968, Frank Last Oct, Uncasville, CT, was the scene of the Rob Whitman and Norm Katzman wrote that Lecture series sponsored by the Peace and Gasparini, Jim Carrithers, and I were assaulted 2009 induction ceremony of the New England they like the expedited service. Rob is a marketing Conflict Studies Program. Darius Rejali gave the by Mace and club-wielding members of the Basketball HOF. The hall of fame was established exec with IBM and lives on the Upper West Side 1st lecture, on the subject of torture. Ft Lauderdale police force for celebrating New to recognize people whose excellence has of NYC. Norm lives in Marblehead, MA, and has By early Dec, I had received Christmas Year’s a bit too exuberantly along with contributed to the legacy of New England 2 daughters — Ariana at U MI (where Norm got greetings from Lloyd Jones ’68, Woody Swain, thousands of Penn State students. We were in basketball at all levels of the sport. Former his DDS) and Sophie, a sr at Marblehead HS and John Higgins. Higgins was awarded his first town to see the Nittany Lions play Kansas in the Sanford, ME, HS standout Nick Scaccia was — and 2 sons — Jared in San Fran and Josh, who Oscar when his son’s wife gave birth to Oscar Orange Bowl the next day. A week before, we had inducted into the HS category. Nick went on to recently moved with wife and 3 children to NJ. Higgins (Colgate ’30) in Nov. agreed to meet in the lobby of the Fontainebleau play varsity basketball at Colgate. The site of the Norm has been a practicing dentist for 33 years. I heard from a number of people over the Hotel. I don’t know how we managed to do it New England Basketball Hall of Fame is the Also voting for continuance of the e-mailed class holidays. Ray Wengenroth is interested in in those days without cell phones or GPSs. Keaney Gym at the U of RI. notes were Russ Drumm and Alan Medvin. following the example of Bill Berry and Jay Jim: 910-256-5522; [email protected] The Natl Football Fndn & College Hall of Fame Colgate tailgate season reports: We enjoyed Darrin, serving as a travel host for would-be (NFF) annually recognizes 5 exceptional

News and views for the Colgate community 59 “Simeon Baum was taken to Moscow by the State Dept/DOJ with an EDNY judge to comment on busy. He’s been fixing up their “Katrina’d” home mediation legislation pending in the duma, participation in the Mediation Conference, and to train on the MS Gulf Coast and also has been reconnect- ing with the mid-Atlantic region from their home a panel of mediators for the Moscow Chamber of Conference.” — Valerie Avedon Gardiner ’76 in Wynnewood, PA. Eric says he’s appreciating the Paoli Local and Amtrak and not terribly missing the frequent flying and long drives on individuals, one from each of its 5 regions, for E Meyer died at Hospice House Woodside on Aug NYC. Web says he and Allyson still long for the rural roads and interstates that he used to do. their “commitment, generosity, and leadership” 29. After graduating from Colgate he pursued days at Colgate and Hamilton: “Breakfast at the Paul Kennedy and wife Susan Kornfeld at the local level in fulfilling the NFF’s mission of post-grad studies at CA Poly-San Luis Obispo. Bluebird, dinner at the Colgate Inn, etc.” He said Kennedy ’74 have downsized to an airy, developing leaders through football. Recognized A self-proclaimed man who “did not know what they often return for football games, particularly vaulted-ceiling condo. Although they were for his work through the Bill Denny/Central NJ he wanted to be when he grew up,” he managed the Colgate-Lehigh game (his brother, his skeptical, they’re quite pleased to find that condo Chapter, Thomas J Bara brings a strong presence many successful commercial real estate and brother-in-law, and 2 nephews are all Lehigh life is amazingly private. Paul’s thrilled that his through a scholarship program honoring HS and mgmt ventures with the William Walters Co, the grads). He often travels to Arnot Ogden Med Ctr commute is a whopping 7 minutes — with collegiate scholar-athletes. According to Tom, FDIC, and the Resolution Trust Corp. Survivors here in Elmira, working on regional programs. traffic. And someone else tends the yard, which participating in the NFF allows him to honor the include his wife, Elizabeth, daughter Julia, and an We’re hoping to get together during one of his means much more time at their ocean place in individuals and the game of football, which amazing circle of cousins and friends. Richard LH sojourns in the Southern Tier or 1 of my trips Shallotte. Sons Logan and Lee are doing became an integral part of his development. Johnson passed away on Oct 3, after battling to Rochester. terrifically and still manage to do some mtn “Football instilled in me discipline, hard work, brain cancer in Johannesburg, S Africa. An atty, David J Toscano was recently re-elected for climbing post-college. and teamwork: qualities that that have served Richard is survived by wife Charita. a 3rd term in the VA House of Delegates, That’s a wrap. Hopefully, I caught all the news me well in my career.” Thomas N Salzmann passed away on Oct 30 representing the 57th District, which includes the that has floated this way. In any event, do drop After graduating from Colgate, Tom became at the Hospital of the U of PA in Philly. Upon entire city of Charlottesville and part of a line! a special agent for the FBI until his retirement in graduating with a major in organic chem, he Albemarle Cty. Dave is one of the 4 delegates David: 607-739-0267 (H); 737-2901 (O); 2000. He went on to form the Bara-Hutton moved to the U of WI, earning his PhD in who serve as successor to the seat once held by 737-2961 (fax); [email protected] Group, a private investigation and security synthetic organic chem in 1975. That same year Thomas Jefferson! He continues his practice in services agency, with fellow former FBI agent Bill he joined Merck Research Labs (MRL) in Rahway, Charlottesville in the areas of family law, real Hutton. Outside his NFF and PI activities, Tom is NJ, as a sr research chemist. Tom’s initial research estate, and wills and trusts with the firm of Buck, 1973 a volunteer coach and plays an active role in efforts in carbapenem antibiotics opened the Toscano & Tereskerz, Ltd. Marc Gettis community and professional orgs. Tom and wife door to the discovery of Primaxin. In 1984 Tom’s Greg Dziuba is creative dir at Illuminated 43 Summit Avenue Karen reside in South River, NJ. They have 2 work with Merck was recognized when he World Media Inc. Their premiere event in Gillette, NJ 07933 grown sons, Scott and Brett. received the company’s prestigious Director’s Stockholm received internatl attention. Greg says Dr Steven R Goldstein was recently appointed Award. Over the years, Tom held several it’s a new approach to the oldest idea in While the rest of the world is on a 24-hour news to the Medical Advisory Bd of Bionovo Inc. His positions with increasing responsibility within publishing. The US launch will feature Angelina cycle, our class seems to be on a no news cycle appt was due to his knowledge and expertise in MRL, culminating in his 2002 appt as exec VP, Jolie, Muhammad Ali, and Bono. ‘Zooba’ is still (we always did travel to the beat of a different menopausal and perimenopausal uterine safety. Worldwide Preclinical Development. Two years riding motorcycles (using his 25-year-old Rayban drum). Neither direct nor indirect sources Steve graduated from NYU Med School in 1975. later, he retired after 30 years with Merck. Wayfarers), but much more slowly, according to provided any fodder for this column. As editor, He interned in ob/gyn at Parkland Memorial Not long ago, I caught up with Tom as he was wife Candy. Daughter Allison, a soph at Brown, is I accept part of the blame, but implore everyone Hospital, Dallas, 1975–76, and he fulfilled his embarking on his ambitious retirement program. now a member of Zeta Delta Xi and was selected to pitch in. I also encourage you to let me know residency at the NYU Affiliated Hospital/Bellevue He sat on the scientific advisory boards of 4 to be a University Writing Fellow. In her spare what you’d like to see in this column; outside of Medical Center 1976–80. Steve is dir of gyneco- biotech companies: Sirtris Pharma, Satori time, she’s an asst instructor on the Brown tae appeals for money, political campaigning, logic ultrasound at NYU Med Ctr and he is the 1st Pharma, Rishi Pharma, and Concert Pharma. He kwon do team. Candy is enjoying her work in the libelous material, and invasions of privacy, pretty VP of the American Institute of Ultrasound in sat on the Satori board of directors and he was middle school library, so much so that she’s also much anything goes. Although this column Medicine. He has authored multiple textbooks, a board of directors observer for Sirtris and working p/t at the Ridgefield Public Library. Greg began with a complaint, rather than joining the chapters, and research papers in the field. He Concert. Tom was particularly excited about adds that he stays in touch with retired E KY U neo-nattering nabobs of negativity, let’s look at serves as a clinical instructor in the NYU School getting back into the R & D phase of the prof Mark Goldstein ’73. He also attended Tim the bright side — at least there are no deaths of Med and is a fully tenured prof in ob/gyn. business. He hoped to spend his leisure time Schneeberger’s son’s wedding last year in to report. Timothy P Foster retired last Feb as VP of with his family and splitting time between Albuquerque and has run into Dave McGill, who Fausto Miraglia recently spoke with Bob Litts, liquidation services with the Rite Aid Corp, homes in Warren, NJ, and Seabrook Island, SC, is still skiing, knee replacements and all. whose home got hit by a nasty deviant twister completing a 39-year career in retail sales. “I’ve where he loved playing golf. Marc Voyvodich has been living in Portland, last summer (a photo is posted on our class page been in the retail mass-merchandising business Tom is survived by wife Susan; son Matt; 2 ME, for the past 30 years with wife Linda. They’re at Colgatealumni.org). Fausto missed seeing Bob in one way or another since I came out of daughters, Katrina Muti ’95 and Gretel ’97; 4 now empty-nesters: son Kevin is in his final at Martha’s Vineyard last summer since Fausto college.” His 1st job after graduation was with grandchildren; 2 brothers, John ’73 and William, semester of law school in Boston, and daughter was on his way to Sicily on a drive vacation Montgomery Ward in Carlisle, PA, as ops and both of VA; and a sister, Sara Gill of Kingston, NY. Kristen is now in grad school at the U of London. through the northern part of the island from then merchandising manager. In 1976 he pulled Until next time… Marc started a health care advisory firm, Messina to Marsala. A lot of rain for southern up stakes and moved to Houston to work in an Richard: 503-512-8085 (H); 986-3375 (W); Stroudwater Assoc, 25 years ago, and is chair and Italy and a landslide north of Taormina caused up-and-coming chain store called Target. During 504-8431 (C); [email protected] CEO. It has thrived, he said, and kept him on the him to detour by way of Cefalu, adding about 190 his time in TX, he meet and married his wife, the tip of the spear working on strategy, M&A, km to the 1,500 km journey. Even in the rain, former Martha Lynn Harris. In 1982 the Fosters financial advisory, and facilities initiatives with Fausto and Susan were able to visit many moved to Salt Lake City, where he went to work 1972 hospitals both domestically and internationally. beautiful art works and antiquities (Roman and for the Grand Central Co. A Portland, OR, firm, David M Brockway Marc earned his MHA from GWU and, after Greek ruins). Fausto says, “Sicily is a great island Fred Meyer Inc, bought Tim’s company in 1985 201 Lincoln Rd graduation, completed an Advanced Fellowship and a land of very lively people, even more so and offered him a buying and merchandising Horseheads, NY 14845-2267 in Health Services Admin at the American than ‘us Calabrians.’” In Dec, Fausto and Bill position at the firm’s Portland hq. Seven years Hospital and BlueCross/BlueShield. Cornachio and families made their annual trip to later he became sr VP for a regional variety store I recently caught up with Webster Pilcher MD, I hear class veep Eric Luce has perhaps seen the Army-Navy game at Lincoln Financial in chain, Sprouse-Reitz, until the company ceased PhD after a stint teaching in Munnsville (near more professional soccer in person over the last Philly and watched Navy beat Army once again. operations in 1994. The Fosters then operated Colgate). Web completed MD and PhD programs couple of months than he has in over 20 years. One of Bill’s sons graduated from Annapolis last their own franchise Ben Franklin Crafts store in at URochester (PhD in brain research), followed It seems the son of David Dufty ’75, Alec, is quite year and has chosen the Marines, and the the Portland area until 2000, when Tim joined by neurosurgery training there and UWA. a goal keeper who saved the Red Bulls early in youngest graduates this year. Fausto wishes both Rite Aid. The company was in tough financial He returned to UR as a faculty member in the season, shutting out Dallas on the road while Matthew and Mark Cornachio “great success as straits at the time, so he worked with a team of neurosurgery in 1990 with a specialty in epilepsy also making stops with the Seattle Sounders and they defend this great nation as newly minted former Fred Meyer execs to reestablish corporate and brain tumors. He has since been named a more recently with the Columbus, OH, team in officers.” Fausto then rang in the New Year at the credibility and helped get Rite Aid back on the prof and chair of neurosurgery, as well as dir of the MLS. Eric says he’s seen video of Alec both Mansion House on Martha’s Vineyard. He hopes road to profitability and financial credibility. Fred the Del Monte Neuromedicine Institute. The during his college career and also of his the Cornachios will join Susan and him in has 2 daughters, Carrie Marie of Portland and institute, which opened last year, has some of professional play and “he’s the real thing.” One Tuscany this summer as they travel to the places Elizabeth Anne McCartin of Scottsdale, AZ. Paul the finest brain research scientists in the country trip included Eric and wife Jane, along with noted in Bill Buford’s culinary tome, Heat. and Tim reside in lake Oswego, OR. and will work to promote synergies and new Eileen and Joe Sabbatino, hitting the Meadow- Fausto also asked me to relay a question to Four of our classmates recently passed away. discoveries in the field. Web and wife Allyson live lands to see the match between Columbus and football coach Dick Biddle: “Where is our pass Jocelyn A Lowe passed away on April 13, 2009, in outside of Rochester and have 3 children: the Red Bulls. Meanwhile, Eric is retired from his defense?” This question arises out of Fausto’s Cleveland. Surviving Jocelyn are her sisters, Webster Jr ’00, now working in Boston; Elisabeth professional position with the UAR system, attending last fall’s Colgate-Lafayette game in PA. Norma Rudnickas and Laura Lowe, as well as 6 (Barnard ’04, Harvard ’06), working at Harvard; where he helped start up a teachers’ college in Ft Fausto, having been recruited by Lafayette and nieces and nephews. From Madeira, FL, Harold and Bradford (Columbia ’04), who is working in Smith a few years ago. Nonetheless, he’s keeping having chosen to attend Colgate, joined some

60 scene: Spring 2010 Lafayette friends at the game and made it clear Retiring but still so busy… Tom Constant retired that he expected vindication on the football field. from the Legal Aid Society after 20 years in the Get to know: Rob Kindler ’76, Colgate Trustee Instead, due to what Fausto perceived as a lack of courtroom and is now doing appellate work. He pass defense, Lafayette was victorious and and wife Emily will celebrate their 30th this fall. Fausto was forced to eat his words and suffer the They hope to go to Paris. Emily is chief of gloating of Lafayette alums. investigations in the Suffolk DA’s office. Their son Finally, the usual plug: Visit our class web Peter graduated from SUNY Binghamton in ’08 page at www.colgatealumni.org/clubsandclasses and is working in NYC. Son John is on the dean’s (select “Class of 1973” on the pull down menu), list at Temple. where you can read this column over 1 month Bill Beddow took early retirement from before its appearance in print, see photos that Caterpillar this summer after nearly 25 years of don’t appear in the print edition of the Scene, great experiences in DC, Brussels, Geneva, sometimes find news about a class member, Beijing, and (yes, believe it or not) Peoria, all communicate via message boards, and surf other involving governmental relations, public affairs, areas of the alumni website. And to elect to go and corp communications. Due to the current paperless by choosing to receive the Scene economic downturn, it came quickly as part of electronically only, thereby doing your part to a sweeping reduction in Cat’s global employ- be green while expediting the impending and ment that didn’t give him much time to plan. inevitable death of the print medium, just e-mail Since then, he’s been traveling, working on the [email protected]. house, launching/managing a series of family Marc: 908-580-1414, 580-1946(f); projects, and thinking about what he wants to do [email protected] next. No conclusions yet, but Bill says it’s nice not Daddio Andrew to be in any hurry. He still lives in the DC area. 1974 All other contact info is on the Colgatealumni.org – Global Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Vice Chairman, directory. Morgan Stanley Gregg McAllister Catching up after one year or eight… Tom 21 Ross St Boehmer visited with former Shepardson House – Former senior partner, mergers and acquisitions, Cravath, Batavia, NY 14020-2307 suitemate Robert Rinker ’73 in Lakeland, FL, last Swaine & Moore fall. They hadn’t seen each other since 2001; 8 – JD, New York University School of Law Pack the skis away, unless we have some years sure go by fast! Tom says, “You know, 35 – Colgate trustee since 2003; Board of Trustees, N.Y.U. lingering winter. My family enjoys the winter, years after graduation, the conversation flowed School of Law; Board of Directors, March of Dimes (N.Y. Div.) and but I wish we could figure some way to get the as though we’d seen each other yesterday.” Tom snow just on the ski slope and not in my has also been in irregular contact with Jim Miller, Levin Institute driveway. who is in Hagenau, France, doing genealogical Classmates have been checking in from research. Tom would love to connect with more What was the most important thing you learned in your very first job? several areas with family and career updates. friends. Facebook anyone? When I was 16, I worked at Kutsher’s Country Club in Monticello, N.Y. I learned that it’s We’re so proud of our kids… Natt Chomsky’s Every year, the former inhabitants of 10 important to pay attention. I worked the spotlight in the nightclub, for people as famous as daughter Rachel had her bat mitzvah in Dec at College St (“The Homestead”), located directly Tony Bennett and as interesting as Tiny Tim. I would meet with the performers before the the Central Park Boathouse in NYC. Natt says it behind Phi Gamm, meet in Hamilton for an show, and they would say what colors they wanted and where they wanted the spotlight. If was a great event, and he’s very proud of her. annual golf game at Seven Oaks. And 2009 was you were not paying attention and the spotlight went off the performer, that was “Maybe we can even get her to look at Colgate in no exception. Mark Clearihue (Toronto), Dan a big problem. a few years. Health and happiness to all my Dafoe (Homer, NY), George Bartlett (Cobleskill, former classmates in this new year!” NY), and Stan Dickson ’75 (Little Falls, NY) got Gene Burten and son Michael made the trip together and relived old ’Gate stories and got So you have a total Colgate family. from La Canada/Flintridge (a suburb of LA) to caught up on what transpired over the past year. My wife, Pam (Pickert), and I met early in our freshman year. She played the violin; I played visit Colgate last fall as Michael considered For the past 2 years, the group has been joined the flute. We both played in the orchestra. We’re very lucky in having had three children at attending. However, he decided Kenyon was a by non-Homesteaders Scott Anderson (Atlanta, Colgate. Each has had an entirely different experience, but it worked really well for all of better fit for his interest in creative writing. Gene GA) and Marty Madeira ’73 (Philly). Colgate is a them. Emily [’04] was involved in the arts; she was one of the founders of the annual spring says Colgate is still amazingly beautiful and beautiful place in the summer, but Mark says the DanceFest. Bill [’08] was president of Phi Tau, and a natural leader. Dylan [’12] is in many harbors hopes that his daughter, a soph who is bar scene downtown is a little quiet! ways a blend. He joined the same fraternity as his brother and plays trombone in the active in water polo and orchestra, may choose it. Don’t miss the beauty of this country… jazz band. Gene sees Roy Trakin frequently. Roy is rock/ Claudia Miner spent a busy year traveling lifestyle critic, editor, and blogger with 2 children through much of UT setting up a tech-based and a wonderful wife, Jill. Gene’s wife, Mimi, is preschool pilot program and highly recommends Describe some of your significant Colgate moments as a student. a lawyer for Reuters/Thomson. Gene owns a seeing Monument Valley by a full moon, the We had Jan Plans back then. Probably the most meaningful and challenging was the one wholesale business called Burten Grand Canyon any time and way you can, and I spent studying with Terrence Des Pres. At that time, he was writing The Survivor: An Distribution. Arches Natl Park without sunglasses. She also Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps. On another Jan Plan, Pam and I played in a perfor- With twin daughters Laura ’09 and Rachel visited SD when doing some consulting work for mance of Bach’s D Minor Mass on campus. She played a spectacular solo. The most ’09 at Colgate for the last 4 years, Ken Blau the SD School of Mines. Her govt relations work significant teacher I had was Jonathan Kistler. I took his course The Novel, and it was returned to campus fairly regularly. After for the Desert Research Institute has put her in something that really bound the people who took it. In my first job as a lawyer, when my graduating, the girls are “living the good life” in contact with many important folks on both sides office mate, Mike Malone, greeted me, he quoted from War and Peace. Then he said, “I had Manhattan. He agrees with Gene, noting that of the aisle. She welcomes visitors at either Salt Jonathan Kistler, too.” Mike, who is Class of 1972, is my very close friend to this day. “the growth (on campus) has been remarkable, Lake or Reno. but the ‘hill’ still retains its beauty and charm. Still singing after all these years… Clint Clifford I love what they’ve done with the old place.” Ken sings regularly with a Fairfield Co (CT) You chair the Board of Trustees’ nominating committee. How can alumni be helpful in spent 2 years studying medicine in Rome, Italy, a cappella group of Thirteen alums. At a identifying candidates for the board? after graduation, then returned to finish here in Greenwich concert in Jan, they were joined by We’ve always been open to recommendations on candidates, and I’d encourage alumni to the States and has been an ob/gyn in Danbury, the current undergrad version of the Swinging contact me, Board Chair Chris Clifford, Vice Chair Peg Flanagan, or any other trustee with CT, the last 26 years. He retains a functional ’Gates. Out of the audience comes Maggie suggestions. Chris wrote a great overview of how the board works and what we look for in ability to communicate in Italian and an Richardson McGirr, who says, “You probably new members in the Autumn 2009 Scene. unquenchable appetite for pasta. His wife, Susan, don’t remember me.” Of course Clint did, and it is a nurse. “She can’t believe she married such was great to see her. He still lives in Fairfield, CT, We hear that you have a funny side you like to let out at unexpected moments. a geek who’s dearest Colgate memories deal with with wife and 4 kids, now ages 17, 15, 13, 11. Well, my brother Andy Kindler is a well-known comedian. I also try to put as much humor as the long nights he spent at WRCU playing Colgate is definitely on the radar scope of his HS I can in what I do. I advised the founders in putting together DreamWorks in 1994, and was ridiculous show tunes when the regular DJ didn’t jr. Clint is a marketing consultant/focus group show up.” Ken has had some contact with Rich moderator working at Greenfield Consulting their banker in the public offering of DreamWorks Animation in 2004. We all went to the Barsky, who is in Jacksonville, FL, and Wayne Group (founded by our very own Andy New York Stock Exchange to ring the bell. Everyone put Shrek ears on, even all the traders Feinstein ’73, who’s in San Fran. He sends his Greenfield, who is now retired but teaching on the floor. About a week later, I gave what was supposed to be a serious presentation at regards to Dennis Valentovic and Charlie some entrepreneurial classes at ’Gate once a the University of Chicago Business School, and I wore the Shrek ears the whole time. Peabody. month). Clint has been with the company

News and views for the Colgate community 61 14 years, and still does quite a bit of traveling north of the city. Their son just started college (supposed) pics of zip-lining and ATVing through someone who does, etc. So funny. Life is good for around the US, where he occasionally runs into this fall at Loyola U-Chicago, and their daughter the jungles of Central America. Methinks the the Whites. Hope to get together, but we keep old Colgate friends. is a sr in HS, working through the college process wining and dining was most likely a much more saying that! Also hope to see Lynn Weiner Thanks to all who have checked in. A quick as we speak. Marc thinks it would be great to well-attended group activity?! You boys rock, Anderson, who may be in town from WA this e-mail is all it takes. Please stay in touch. catch up with the old gang: Steve Shapiro, Terry nonetheless. Another world traveler is Simeon winter for the Patriot League’s Swim & Dive Gregg: 585-345-6154 (O); 343-9796 (H); Tiballi, and Ted Brewer, and wondered if there Baum, who was taken to Moscow by the State Championships at Navy. Lynn’s BF’s son is at the [email protected] had been any word from Rick Reinsmith, with Dept/DOJ with an EDNY judge to comment on academy and she hopes to come out with him as whom Marc kept in touch after their Ann Arbor mediation legislation pending in the duma, part of that fan club. Also due in the DC area is days, but I hear Dr Richard Reinsmith is still in participation in the Mediation Conference, and former sr-year roomie Francesca Zambello ’77, 1975 Ann Arbor… Marc then asks, “How about Tony to train a panel of mediators for the Moscow who exemplifies talent extraordinaire (just Carolyn Swift Stellato and Peter Pizzurro?” Reunion would Chamber of Conference. This was followed up by Google her name!). She will be directing opera at 2022 Columbia Rd NW, #514 certainly be a great time to catch up… a trip to HI to speak at a conf hosted by the the Kennedy Center (if I have my story straight) Washington, DC 20009-1316 I had a chat with both Kim Manser Hofmann Hawaiian chapter of the Federal Bar Assoc. and we have already planned a reunion after a and husband Arthur. Kim reports that Kathleen Simeon and wife Duffie now have both bazillion years. DC “locals” Rick and Amy Liggett Reunion June 3–6, 2010 O’Leary now lives in the Dallas area, making it daughters at Pomona C in Claremont, CA, and are Terrill shared Christmas news that was such fun It’s spring and time to RSVP for our 35th Reunion easy for the longtime BFFs to get together. busy and happy. Traveler Gail Cohen Zamri flew to read: daughter Lauren thriving in NYC’s June 3–6! I’m hoping we get a huge turnout and Unfortunately, Kathleen had just left for a over to NYC from Israel for New Year’s fun in fashion mag industry and son Bryan a Fulbright look forward to seeing you all there! Get in touch business trip to China, so I will have to wait to Times Square (her daughter Sivan is with the scholar and current English TA in Moscow, with people you would like to see or be with and get her update. Kim and Arthur’s son Evan is an airlines, so this is an easy trip for them!) and teaching profs and grad students alike, after make plans now to get together again! It’s always atty at Vinson & Elkins, and daughter Caitlin found herself both on a Fox interview seen by graduating summa cum laude with a double a good time, and I know, I’ve been to all of our married her HS sweetheart in 2009. It’s a small friends back home and in a Yahoo News photo major in internatl relations and Russian studies. official reunions — it’s great to be back at Colgate! world: Caitlin’s new father-in-law is Roger online. What a small world it is! Love it! This trip Wow. What a kid! Amy still puts out the welcome I was lucky enough to hear from a lot of Plank ’79! was just after Lee Shulman Bierer had ventured mat for those in the DC area, so contact your classmates recently. First up was Gayle Kimball, Quick takes. I’m running out of room, so let to Israel and met Gail in Tel Aviv for lunch and editor for her (and anybody else’s) info. who is living in Contoocook, NH, and working p/t me just mention that I also heard from: Ray some shopping. It was a nice thing to know Also enjoyed greetings this past season from as a fundraiser for community mental health. Andrews, who says he was talking to Rob Varney I could connect those 2. Ginny and Mac Dorris and handsome family, and She and I discussed a possible reunion of the Pink about the Scene recently and that he and I may This editor traveled to the wilds of N VA for Pat Apelian Aitken, whose 3 stunning “children’s” Dozen, maybe even during our reunion in June. be able to catch up here in DC, where his son is in a Colgate-connected affair: the bar mitzvah of photo blew me away. So did Wanda and Dave Hear that, Liz Lipski-Dennen, Anne Verity school (GW); Jonathan Husch, chair of the Donna Faltitschek Selby’s nephew, Dylan Reamy. Tocco’s girls, who soooo take after their mama Oldham, Lea Konkle, Yvonne Taylor, and Pat Geological and Environmental School at Rider C, Donna’s sister Judy has always been my baby (ha!). By the way, the Toccos have moved to a McMahon Griffith? who has a son now living here in DC; and Kelly sister, too, and it was a wonderful day of new home in Houston; contact me for that info. I also spoke to John Rampe, who lives in Zanders, who has left DC but may return for a celebrating, dancing, hugging, and a few joyful Cathy Moore and Jeff Steltzer not only sent a Delanson, NY, (outside Schenectady) and works visit. More on these 3 in a future column! tears. Donna and Phil’s daughter Jordie is turning Christmas card pic of 3 darling little boys (her for the DOE while wife Julia works as a 1st-grade And that’s it for this issue. Hope to see you at into a remarkably beautiful young woman; gone grands) from WVA, but also a copy of Miracle on teacher. John mentioned that he is still in touch the reunion! Until then, enjoy and take care! are the little girl days. Reconnecting with Judy on 34th Street of my very own. Thanks! I understand with Ray Marschall, whose younger son Scott is a Carolyn: 202-483-0809 (H); 752-7169 (O); Facebook has been a real treat. Also on Facebook, wedding bells are ringing for those 2 this 1st-year at Colgate (Class of ’13!). Ray and wife 752-6158 (fax); [email protected] Jane Shapiro in CT, and Doug Amorese, who is summer, so many congrats. And congrats go out Jackie were at Parents’ Weekend in 2009, so I out in CA recovering from a biking accident. to Jane Ross, who has a new position on the hope that means that they will also be attending After 13 years of riding his bike to work, someone clinical staff of the New England Pastoral Reunion 2010 and that Jack will make his way 1976 finally took him out, and thankfully, all parts are Institute, a terrific match for her skills, training, there this coming June! Valerie Avedon Gardiner back in working order, although time will tell and interests. Hugs to another former roomie, I called Ted Brewer, who is a dir with PPI 40 St Andrews Rd how well they will work. Hang in there, Douglas! Pam Ross Smolker, whose holiday card photo Marketing in Rochester (not far from the Severna Park, MD 21146-1439 It was a trip alright, this one for Mike Dennin included 2 of her adorable sons and a pet rat reunion…) and we chatted a bit about the good ’77, who packed up his boys (all 5 of them) to go (that I happen to find adorable, as well). Pam is as old days. Ted asked about Bruce Wolcott, who News continues to flow in and Facebook is visit Green Bay Packers pres and CEO Mark busy as ever, chasing after her boys and lives in Canandaigua (which is also not far from the format: Jonathan Quitt fills us in on his Murphy ’77, and attend a football game. Pics from volunteering at a local nursing home, as well as Hamilton…). fascinating career, which followed what he the trenches showed memories of a lifetime. schools down in Apollo Beach, FL. Which reminds Terry Tiballi wrote that he and wife Margaret began at Colgate. How fortunate! Theater was Now that’s a trip I would love to make, too. I still me, rounding out that apt full of great gals from were expecting a visit from Steve Shapiro for his favorite; lighting our far-out rock concerts, remember being the 1st familiar face Murph sr year, Roni Jubinsky Adair ’77 is another FB pal a few days before Thanksgiving. Steve visited last Jonathan never strayed from this track and has happened to see (pure coincidence) at then- that is “found” again. Roni is an IT person out in year and they had a good time; Terry and Steve accumulated 3,000 rock shows, 3 Woodstocks, National airport just minutes after he had been CA, and we have been swapping good books to even drove to Colgate and bumped into some dozens of TV specials, and hundreds of corporate officially signed as a Washington Redskin. I was read and occasional gossip. faculty who were still teaching after 30+ years. and trade shows and is still doing what he loves. one of the 1st to know. Those were the days Doug ‘Fabes’ Faber ’77 is another FB pal who Terry reports that the campus is certainly How many of us can say that? Now managing before cell phones. Wow, seems like yesterday. is out West (WA) and loving life — plays in a amazing — many changes since 1975. (I agree; dir of the NJ State Opera, he produces in Newark Several other celebrations this past year included band (Way Too Loose), raising 2 cool kids with it’s still our own Colgate, but there are many new and Ocean Grove and still runs a consulting biz wedding vow renewal for Joan Angelis and wife Lisa, and recently took a family cruise out of and exciting changes to see.) Terry also gave an in Fair Haven while keeping a finger in the Harold Roberts, surrounded by family including Miami. My kinda guy! And if Facebook is not update on his and Margaret’s 3 kids: Anne, 28, NYC rock-world pie. He has been married to wife daughters Rachel and Natalie and many friends your thing, then you may be tuned into LinkedIn, finishing her PhD in archeology and currently Cindy for 27 years. Their son Alexander is an on the shores of one of many lakes of MN. Hal another business/social interactive Internet living in Philly; Mary, 25, who is involved in officer with the US Army 82nd Airborne, and Joan have traveled much this past year, location where your class editor has come across theater and works at a college in Rochester and stationed in Iraq, and son Daniel a recent St including a trip to Tokyo to sharpen some of her several of you: Cheers to Tom Horan over in performs locally; and Thomas, who recently Lawrence grad. culinary skills as she takes on a new and England, Mark Johnson now located in the completed his undergrad degree and is dealing Still doing what they love? This group of obviously energizing career as a chef/foodie Cleveland area, and Sande Pisik in NYC, just to with the challenge of finding a job. lifelong friends and DU brothers — Scott extraordinaire. Where does she get her energy? name a few. Gotta love the Internet. If you follow Marc Tuchman wrote that he is with the US Manhoff, Doug Frantzen, Jim Gregory, Craig Another wedding, this one for Chris and Peggy the group “Colgate Class of ’76 Cream of the EPA’s Great Lakes Office in Chicago, working on Hindman, Scott Donahue, Chase Carey, Rob Macklin White’s daughter Maura, who was Crop” on FB, then you already received the sad such things as cleaning up contaminated sites, Kirby, Mike Dowgin, Tom Harvey, Ken Shaw, Steve married last May and settled on the gulf of FL, news that we have lost a classmate: Beta Theta Pi trying to prevent the introduction of additional Goldfarb, George Ribet, Bruce Brown ’75, and where Peg is thrilled to be able to visit. The rest and geology major William LeCount lost his invasive species (such as zebra mussels), and pal Jim Bennett, Yale ’76, “adopted” long ago of the gang is super active, and keeps the 3-year battle with melanoma last Nov in other Great Lakes protection activities. Marc has — celebrated another big bday by heading to empty-nesters on their grandparental toes! Yes, Stratford, CT. Hugs go out to his family, especially been with EPA for about 25 years now and still Costa Rica. Who needs Vegas? They’ve been granddaughter Connelly (just precious) is nearby, wife Joan. To the rest of us 55-year-olds, try to enjoys the job. He and wife Nancy live in the there, done that. Though witness to photos of spoiling everyone. The word “lax” describes the stay healthy and get happy in this new decade! Chicago suburb of Highland Park, about 25 miles a huge dinner, your editor has yet to see rest of the family members, playing it, dating No excuse for not getting and staying in touch in 2010. Only 2 years ’til our next reunion. Yikes! Submission from James Levine: “I recently founded an energy conservation business in N NJ, Levine & Young. The business is a commercial “I uploaded the Paper Toss game, which is one of the most popular iPhone games invented by Julian real estate consulting and development firm Farrior’s company, BackFlip Studios!”— Kaori Nakamura DiChiara ’93 dedicated to green technologies and smart growth. Our mission is to be an industry leader

62 scene: Spring 2010 in commercial solar energy, lighting and HVAC 30 years of insurance industry experience, Please raise your hand if your son just installations, leveraging the best people, Michael previously served as VP/insurance sales graduated from the U of TX. It possibly could be products, and processes to achieve energy officer for HSBC Bank and sales manager for NY Jeff and Nancy Viener Teumer. independence.” All the best. Life Insurance. Kenny Spindel is with JP Morgan’s risk mgmt Joseph A Shapiro wrote: “Thrilled to have Other than that, the inbox for the Class of 1978 division. He’s been in the hot seat for the past relocated to Manhattan! Living on the Upper was empty for this edition. few years, as he deals in the area regarding West Side. Administrator for the NYC office of Please help fill our column next time with mortgages. Foley & Lardner LLP, and singing with the NYC news. Bob Nixon recently sold his drug distribution Gay Men’s Chorus. Where are you, Barry Linda: [email protected] company and for the time being is enjoying Stanton?!” retirement. He lives in Wycoff, NJ, with his wife Valerie: 410-987-8808; [email protected] and 4 children. 1979 Lisa Hillenbrand is living back in Cinci, Kimi de Murga after spending a year in Singapore and 4 years 1977 227 E 66th St, #1A in Geneva. She leads the global marketing Carl P Barone New York, NY 10021-6413 innovation for P&G. Lisa, who is newly single, has Colgate seen 176 Reilly Rd 2 children, 17 and 15. The spirit of alumni sporting their Colgate LaGrangeville, NY 12540-9530 This will be the last installment of my reunion Ed Zughaib does commercial real estate in DC. news, so in the next few months, please drop me Who moved from MA 12 years ago and is now gear is seen here, there, and everywhere Let’s hope the new decade brings peace and a note, either via e-mail or Facebook so I will living in Chevy Chase, MD, and working for the around the globe. Where was your latest prosperity to many throughout the world. It’s have some news for future columns. Government Accounting Office and has a spotting? On a Machu Picchu trek? At a cold and snowy in upstate NY this 1st weekend of Liz Nociti Daniello will be retiring sometime 13-year-old son who plays baseball and soccer? mini-reunion in Pocatello? An election poll- 2010, but thoughts of spring are already starting this year after 30 years with IBM. Liz and her Boston has been the location for at least ing site in Houston? We’re collecting photos to find their way into my subconscious. Thanks husband will become snowbirds and split their 2 mini-reunions for some of our classmates in of Colgate sightings around the world. to Lynn Plant and Liz Buchbinder for working on time between Danbury, CT, and Boca Raton, FL. the past year. Tammy Payne connected with Sue our class Facebook page, including uploading She is also looking forward to spending more Siegel, via Facebook, and the 2 of them along Send them to [email protected]. many photos of classmates to be shared. The time with her 4 grandchildren. with Nancy Viener Teumer and Claudia Dricot official title of our group is “Colgate University Anne Duke Reach is the dir of programs at the got together and shared lots of laughs and a Class of 1977.” As of a few months ago, more than Kenyon Review: The Internatl Journal of Lit, great time. In Oct, Lin Watt Doyle got together 50 classmates had joined the group, uploading Culture and the Arts, which publishes emerging with Chris Ross Naton and Mary Carrington almost 200 photos. Please join today and add writers, especially from diverse communities. Coutts in Duxbury, MA, where Chris lives. Lin some of your photos to be shared. She is thrilled to be back in publishing at a time lives only an hour north, in Beverly, MA. Mary Scott Meiklejohn, one of Colgate’s trustees, when publishing is changing so much. The flew in from her new home in Severna Park, MD. was recently named dean of admissions and Reaches have 3 children, the oldest is in They had a great time, hit a couple of museums financial aid for Bowdoin C. Scott had been publishing in NYC, her middle son is a sculptor, in Boston, toured a cranberry bog in Duxbury, serving as interim dean and has been affiliated and her daughter is a 1st-year at the U of AL. talked, ate, talked more, and ate even more! with Bowdoin since 1997, including positions Anne has been living in Columbus, OH, for the I am going to crown Tammy Payne queen of of asst to the pres and VP for institutional past 14 years. the mini-reunion for this column. Tammy, you advancement. He also served as headmaster at During our class dinner on Sat night at the get to wear the crown until I find out someone La Pietra School in Honolulu, and as dir of Colgate Inn, I passed my Dictaphone around has gotten together with more classmates than admissions at Hebron Academy in ME. different tables. Many people talked into it; you! Thanksgiving weekend she and Bob hosted Heard from Gary and Kathy Voorhees Shure however, some of you forgot to say your name! Karen Fell, Ivy Epstein Austin, Goldie Blumen- and Nancy Murdock Van Landingham over the Next time I’ll have to have a video recorder styk, Kenny and Patti Binder Spindel, Claudia holidays. Nancy continues with her real estate running at the same time! So I have the info, but Dricot, and Colleen Ranney Cattafe ’77 at their This photo of Jason Kammerdiener ’10 at career and played in a local orchestra for their I don’t know who to attribute it to. If any of you home in Rye. At Christmas time Tammy was at summer pops concert. want to fess up to the nameless entries, I will be the get-together at Gary Hughes Bender’s the Rano Raraku quarry on Easter Island, Congratulations to Jeffrey Schaefer, who happy to give you credit in my next column. Lots mother’s home in NJ. Gary, John, and their Chile, was taken in summer 2009 when was elected partner at Ulmer & Berne in of the news is very choppy, but it will be nice to children, Courtney, Tom, and Alex, came east from he was conducting a survey of the island’s Cleveland. Jeffrey is a registered atty with the US see some new names in bold. their home in CO. Joining them were Karen Fell, archeological features as part of the Patent and Trademark Office, and his intellectual During the dinner, we had the good fortune of Patti and Kenny Spindel (the 3 of you get tiaras to Alumni Memorial Scholars program. property practice focuses on patent and being entertained by Ivy Epstein Austin, who wear), Melissa Coley, and Missy Baggitt Scott. trademark litigation, trade secret disputes, and sang a hilarious paradoxical tribute to Bernie I hope we have all survived the very cold licensing. He has represented numerous clients Madoff. Hopefully Ivy will soon publish the lyrics winter and are beginning to enjoy a wonderful in various industries in state and federal court to this, as they were very entertaining and worth spring! Please keep me posted. and before the International Trade Commission. the read, if you can’t hear her sing. Kimi: 212-517-6776; [email protected] For many years, he has also been involved in Jocelyn Callender is a systems analyst in the defense of drug and medical device Greenwich, CT. manufacturers in products liability litigation. Betsy Purcell and her partner, Schroder 1980 On a sad note, we mourn the passing of Paul Stribling, live in DC with their 11-year-old David H Alvord Sampson, who died in Oct in Newtown, PA, from fraternal twin daughters. Betsy is a VP for the 424 Washington Ave cardiac amyloidosis. Paul leaves behind wife Human Rights Campaign. Oneida, NY 13421-1906 Susan and sister Barbara Osborne ’83. It was Walter Johnson’s 1st trip back in 30 I’m out of news for now but hope some of you years. He came with wife Felicia Alston ’81 and Reunion June 3–6, 2010 find a minute to connect soon. their 3 children. The Johnsons live in Middletown, Your editor made an overnight trip to NYC Carl: 845-227-1854; [email protected] NY. Columbus Day when I took my mother on a Stu Vannerson came for the weekend leaf-peeping train trip. While there, we enjoyed festivities from his home in Olympia, WA. dinner with Mark Williams and caught an 1978 Bill Robertson’s daughter is a 1st-year at alma atrociously priced movie. Linda Pattillo mater. I believe Bill Manning’s son is also a I was in Hamilton at the end of Oct when the Patrick Farrell ’05 is pictured at Machu Suite 230-271 member of the Colgate Class of 2013. Madison Cty Historical Soc held its annual 245 N. Highland Ave. Duncan Burns is an Episcopal minister at St banquet at the Colgate Inn. Before dinner I had Picchu, Peru, while on his honeymoon with Atlanta, GA 30307 John’s Church in Kingston, NY. time to do my bit for the local economy at the his wife, Iceseas, in November 2009. The Someone has 2 children, ages 7 and 5, and is Colgate Bookstore. couple completed a seven-day, 42-mile Spring greetings from Atlanta. I had a great an ear, nose, and throat doc in Buffalo. Christmas cards came in from Mary Alice and trek and reached 15,300 feet in elevation reunion with Linda Upsall Feuss here in Atlanta In May, Claudia Dricot was saying she was Hart Mecke, Stan and Sandy Schlotzhauer to get there. and a long dinner with much needed catching up. tired of the cold, long winters of ME. I can’t Mullins, Mitch and Beth Bryan ’81 Perry, and A lovely holiday card from Joe Mecca came in imagine what she must be feeling now, with the Rich Bevan. I also took in a Christmas Eve sermon the mail. cold Jan we have had. She is a photographer, has by Stuart Wattles ’72. Congratulations to Michael Mullane, who was 2 sons, 12 and 15, and lives near Portland. She sees Sandy had surgery earlier this year, but that named life insurance sales manager by AAA Randi Eisenstadt Bollenbach, who also lives in didn’t stop the family from taking their annual Members Insurance Agency of NY. With nearly Cape Elizabeth. trip to Cape Cod. Later in the year, Sandy and

News and views for the Colgate community 63 Stan celebrated their 25th anniversary. last year’s crisis relatively well. Cindy writes, In the know: The art of fly fishing You may have heard that Comcast, of which “Ann still remains one of the kindest, warmest Steve Burke is COO, has taken control of NBC. people that I have ever met!” On turning 50, Evan P. LeBon ’05 is Now we know who to complain to if we don’t Cindy is mum. director of operations at like the plots on Law & Order. Annette Nielsen, a noted food writer, is editor Leland Fly Fishing Outfit- I can only guess that most of you are saving of Northern Comfort, a collection of fall and ters in San Francisco. As up your news to share at reunion. Here’s hoping winter recipes that have appeared in Adirondack a search engine optimiza- for a really good turnout. Life mag (see this issue’s New, Noted & Quoted). tion consultant, he has David: 315-363-2117; [email protected] A spring and summer version is due to be been integral in the com- released at the end of May. Annette, who pany’s online strategy collected and tested recipes for the cookbook, 1981 says it “highlights primary ingredients readily and business develop- Nancy Horwitz found in the Adirondacks, whether forest, ment. Leland (owned by 77 Islington Rd orchard, or farm.” Annette, who lives in Salem, Joshua L. Frazier ’97) is Auburndale, MA 02466-1009 NY, has contributed articles and columns on a full-service fly shop regional farms, food, and folkways to several that has provided anglers It’s a new year and spring is upon us. We have publications. She has organized the Salem Al in the San Francisco Bay entered into a new decade and are only a year Fresco dinner, a fundraising event that serves area with top-shelf gear and comprehensive education since 1985. LeBon offers the follow- away from our 30th Reunion. Life changes local produce and meat to some 400 diners every ing advice for anyone interested in the timeless and relaxing sport of fly fishing. abound. This month’s news relates to career July. Her commitment to sustainable living also transitions and successes. includes work on a community garden with Why fly fishing? The changes posed to us by the modern world come faster and faster, but Mark Hollinger has been named pres and CEO more than 300 participants, a food pantry of Discovery Networks International. Mark joined featuring locally sourced ingredients, and fly fishing remains nearly the same as when Izaak Walton wrote about it in his 17th-century Discovery Communications in 1991 as VP and farm-to-table tours and cooking classes at the work, The Compleat Angler. It’s this consistency that continues to make the sport a magnetic deputy general counsel. In 1994, he was named Battenkill Kitchen in Washington Cty. Annette choice for recreation. Catching fish on artificial lures cleverly composed of metal, feathers, acting general manager for Discovery Channel worked earlier in her career with Glorious Food, fur, and hair is a wonderfully elegant challenge. It’s an accessible sport that can take you to Asia. Based in Hong Kong, Hollinger was a catering concern in NY, testing recipes and some of the most staggeringly beautiful places on earth, and it can also give your backyard responsible for overseeing and coordinating all editing the Ctr for Science in the Public Interest’s creek an entirely new dimension. activities related to the launch and operation of Nutrition Action Healthletter, and teaching the Discovery Channel Asia. In 1995, shortly after his principles of healthful eating and cooking to 1. Learn to fly cast. You’ve probably heard that fly fishing is hard, but that’s not true. If return from Asia, Hollinger was appointed VP, teens and parents in underserved areas of DC you’ve ever taken a fly rod down the hill to Payne Creek, you know that: a.) there really are International Business Development, in addition with Share Our Strength’s Chef Outreach trout in that stream; and b.) fly casting is the hard part, and precisely why you have to learn to his role as VP, deputy general counsel. He also Program. Congrats, Annette, and best of luck was given responsibility for Discovery’s business with the cookbook. On turning 50, well, lucky to cast a fly rod before you can catch a fish. Before you start flailing around with rod and affairs group in 1996. He assumed responsibility Annette just turned 48, so she has no advice, but line, take a lesson. If you can, make sure your teacher is a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified for the production management dept in 1999 I can imagine how delicious her 50th bday Casting Instructor. and was named exec VP, corporate operations in dinner will be. 2001. From 2003–2007, Hollinger was sr exec VP, Dan Wald also just released a book, Ad Asylum, 2. Gear up. Heading to the river without the right gear is like walking into Lathrop with corporate operations and general counsel. Prior a fictional send-up of the world of advertising books you’d take to Lawrence — you’ll get by, but you won’t impress anyone. There are lots to being named COO in Jan 2008, he served as and marketing. Dan, who works for an agency of of rods, reels, and fly lines to choose from. Get set up with the right tools at a local fly shop pres, global businesses and operations, and WPP, has worked in the ad world for the last 25 or through an online specialty store. Entry-level outfits may seem like the ticket, but they’re general counsel. Before joining Discovery, years. He has thoroughly enjoyed writing, often less responsive and may actually impede fly casting efficiency. That said, the best of Hollinger was in the entertainment dept of the publishing, and now marketing his book. “The the best is overkill, unless you’ve become addicted to angling and its esoterica. Start with law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & book is pure fun and intended to give people Garrison in NYC. He also lectured on entertain- a good laugh in these rather difficult times.” Dan an outfit near the top of your budget to maximize your chance for picking up the sport. ment law at Columbia Law School. Hollinger still lives in Wayne, NJ, with wife Lisa, son Jason,

received his JD from Yale and graduated summa 16, and daughter Haley, 14. On turning 50, Dan 3. Ask questions. Although one can get far reading about the sport, there’s nothing cum laude in history and political science from notes, “It’s a real milestone. There’s much good better than asking a local angler. You’ll learn how particular streams, rivers, bays, estuaries, Colgate. Congratulations, Mark! and much bittersweet about it. I’m happy to have and saltwater flats fish throughout the year, what flies work and when, techniques and Kurt Hughes, of Richmond, was selected in my health, a loving wife and kids, and many tactics that can improve your day on the water, and other subtle knowledge. Fly fishing is late 2009 for inclusion in Law and Politics New good friends. I also feel like there is much to still a language, and its dialects are varied and parochial. What works in Hamilton may not work England Super Lawyers magazine for 2009. accomplish, so I’m not slowing down.” in Clinton, and this is certainly the case from river to river, fish to fish. Congratulations, Kurt! Val Suprenant is showing no signs of slowing Looking forward to hearing from many more down. Val, who is at West Penn Hospital in Pitt, 4. Tie your own flies. To get in tune with the sport, head to the river with flies you’ve con- of you — so that I can continue to update your is headed to Columbia Presbyterian in NY for classmates. Inquiring minds want to know. a fellowship in interventional radiology. Good structed on your own. Sure, buying flies saves time and (sometimes) money, but tying your Nancy: 617-558-9781; [email protected] luck, Val. own is rewarding. From books and DVDs, you can learn how to wrap material neatly around And there is no slowing down for the rest of a hook shank to resemble the insects and small aquatic prey that fish eat. You’ll also learn you either. Please keep sending those e-mails about aquatic ecosystems and how the particular fish species you’re after fits into its 1982 and updates. We want to keep this column fresh environment. As if that weren’t enough, there’s nothing better than the pride-infused smile Margie Jiampietro Palladino and exciting in our 3rd quadrant of life. There’s that comes with catching a big fish on a fly you tied the night before. 37 Boulder Rd a lot ahead to experience and enjoy, so please Wellesley, MA 02481-1502 share it with us. 5. Go fishing! Whether you’d like to pursue small and wily golden trout in California’s high Margie: 781-235-9386; [email protected] Sierra streams, or cast monster saltwater flies to striped bass and bonefish in the tropics, I hope you are enjoying your 2nd quarter of the there’s no better way to improve your ability than to head to the water and wet a fly. To last year of your 1st half-century. I know how busy life can get, but try to carve out time this 1983 track down good water, consult published guides and fly fishing–oriented river maps; and year to reconnect, celebrate, and catch up with Gwen Tutun Campbell there are a wealth of blogs, message boards, and websites dedicated to finding fish — just classmates. I guarantee you will feel a wee bit 22 Old Hill Road Google it and get out there. younger, and since you are supposed to look Westport, CT 06880 how you feel, it’s a great way to shave a year or What do you know? If you’re an expert in an area of your field or avocation and would 2 without invasive surgery. Happy New Year to all of you! Facebook has like to share your sage advice, e-mail [email protected] or write to the Colgate Scene, Ann Nicholson Wright had a great reunion made this column easier. I invite any of you to 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346. with Mike and Cindy Russo Dougherty when send me your news that way! Ann, who lives in the Buffalo area, visited the Bob Silvernail writes that he is launching Doughertys in Greensboro, NC. Ann and her a new long/short equity fund called Bulldog husband, Jon, have 4 boys spanning the elem, Capital Fund 1. His daughter Molly is a sr in HS middle, and HS years. The boys have a wide and going through that college application range of interests, but the family is united in process. Bob saw Eric Settle and Ames Parsons their love of skiing. Ann continues to work in the last summer and enjoyed catching up. financial industry and fortunately weathered

64 scene: Spring 2010 Mark Fischer has been married to Breid for work, and with people going through a variety of entire class. Please don’t let me down (I get The big promotion: Doug Scheidt sent news 23 years, and they live with son Gavin, 10, in Cold transitions (ie, work, relationships, launching plenty of that already from my children). of 3 big celebrations. Last June, he and partner Spring Harbor, LI. Mark is with Bank of America, kids, aging bodies). Husband Scott ’81 works at And remember to visit our class page at Martin Wimmer (Syracuse U ’86) celebrated their currently managing some of the integration Morgan Stanley as an investment adviser. Barb www.colgatealumni.org. 20th (!) anniversary. Then came the big 3rd work between B of A and Merrill Lynch. He’s keeps in touch with Lynn Koenig Trojahn, who In the meantime, I heard from a few different birthday for son Matthew. And with the new enjoying a good amount of business travel and works for a microfinance org in Albuquerque. sources about Greg Fleming’s new gig in NYC, year, Doug capped his nearly 15 years as a the flexibility of working from home a few days Lynn’s daughter Rachel is a 1st-year at U of AZ. with Morgan Stanley. Greg joined the firm as professor of health science, with the last 7 as a month. She also reports that Liz Hecht Gaufberg is doing pres of Morgan Stanley Investment Mgmt, department chair, at the College at SUNY Austin Murphy e-mailed me from the BCS amazing things: she has 4 girls, and is working including Merchant Banking, where he will be Brockport with a new job as dean of the School championship game (AL vs TX) in SoCA at the and teaching about medicine and the arts at responsible for global research. Most recently, of Education and Human Services. beginning of Jan (this is work?) that he was also Cambridge Hospital and Harvard Med School. Greg had been a sr research scholar and lecturer The local hero: Rich Chey was recently the sub- delivering a keynote speech to Colgate srs at the Carol Barbour has launched a real estate in law at Yale Law School. ject of a glowing article in The Atlanta mid-Jan Real World conf. While he did not plan career in Fairfield Cty, CT, specializing in green Another news item that’s kinda cool. A video Journal-Constitution describing his long- to be entirely forthcoming about his own space. She is thankful to classmates George Laub for major league baseball was put together by standing philanthropic commitment to that city. “conduct during Jan Plans of old,” he was looking and Dave Keating, who are regular supporters Russell Sherman ’91 and features a song by Within weeks of the murder of a local bartender, forward to addressing the class. Austin is in year at her husband’s store, New Canaan Wine Suzanne Sherman Propp. Suzanne’s song Rich had organized a Dine-Out benefit that 26 at Sports Illustrated, working on a book, and Merchants! Congrats to Lauretta Farrell, who “Running Home” was selected as the soundtrack raised thousands for a reward for information just covered snowboarding at the Winter completed the coursework for her doctorate in for MLB.com’s montage of the 2009 baseball — a project that for Rich is just part of “doing Olympics. He and wife Laura Hilgers ’85 have 2 Irish history. Just a little thing called a season. Produced with help from Suzanne’s business” in the town he, his wife, and 2 teenagers, and he continues to be in touch with dissertation stands between her and a PhD! talented brother Russell, “the video captures key daughters call home. Not satisfied with growing Neil Torpey ’82, visiting him and his family every Bill Eaton and Bruce Healey report that Jane moments from the year in a way that is a bagel shop into the successful restaurant summer in Quogue. Neil has lived in Hong Kong Hamlin suffered a skiing accident in Brecken- emotionally satisfying (even if you happen to empire HomeGrown Concepts, Rich has thrived for the past 7 years. ridge in Dec. She was giving a skiing lesson and root for the ‘other’ NY team…) and has more than as a philanthropic entrepreneur as well. Since As for me, we are readying to send our 2nd a snowboarder ran her down. She got a pretty a few goose-bump moments.” I believe the video 1995 Rich has presented Atlanta diners with daughter off to college in the fall. It makes us feel bad concussion and was rather upset that she is available on iTunes if you want to check it out. fresh and simple fare, today ranging from Italian lucky and slightly envious of the adventure she was missing out on giving lessons in order to One last bit of news from Peter Kessler: at Stella’s to Asian at Doc Chey’s Noodle House, has ahead! recover. In Jan, Kyle Button had a reunion with “Thank you for your work with the Scene to keep while uniting the local restaurant community I hope all of you are happy and well. Please friends who lived in the flat next to the one he us all up to date. My year-end 2009 news is that through dining events for causes ranging from stay in touch! shared with CJ Menard and Scott Harrington I married Rachel Lavy on Dec 5 in St Clement’s fire stations and youth organizations to local and Gwen: 203-226-2608 (h); 203-856-2922 (c); while on the Colgate English Study Group Church, Knowlton Court, near Canterbury, foreign storm victims. Rich’s colleagues in the [email protected] in London. England. Rachel is a humanitarian adviser with Georgia Restaurant Association even honored his Once again, I am thankful for the role that the Dept for Internatl Development of the UK leadership with a 2008 Restaurant Neighbor social networking played in writing this column. govt. I am on the final stretch of my 6-year tour Award. 1984 Jill Hauser Greenberg mentioned how many in London as head of external relations with the The dedicated artist: I’ve found that the reason Diane Munzer Fisher classmates have reconnected on Facebook, and UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and preparing for many of you don’t send in news is your failure to 4356 Stilson Cir what a wonderful way it is to keep in touch. She a professional move. Rachel’s work involves recognize your usual activities as extraordinary. Norcross, GA 30092-1648 feels like Colgate’s a part of her daily life again, supporting countries emerging from conflict and “Getting involved” is just what Colgaters do, so which is extra nice given that reunion was so natural disaster. We met in Nov 2008 at a Rich Chey incorporated philanthropy in his I am writing this column at the beginning of recent. Jill encourages FBers to become a fan of fundraising meeting but had nearly crossed business from inception. We also work at our Jan. Here in Atlanta, school has been canceled for the Colgate and Colgate Class of ’84 pages, which paths years before, as we had been based in goals and passions as a matter of course. So, a snow day with about a 1/4" of snow on the is another way to keep up with things. With so war-torn Bosnia, where Rachel was a delegate naturally, Sue Jacoby recently claimed she had ground. Clearly, I’m not in Hamilton anymore. many of us with HS- and college-aged kids, we’re with the Red Cross (ICRC) while I was spokesman no personal news — but, by the way, she wrote a Makes me think back to days of trudging up all thinking about our own college experiences for the UN humanitarian op. We also missed draft of a novel for National Novel Writing Cardiac for an 8:30 am class in a foot of snow. For a little more. While it is true that many of us each other in Pristina, Kosovo, in 1999 and in Month in Nov. Because amidst the general “yuck,” many of us, 2009 brought challenges, personal have older kids, some of our classmates are still Pakistan in 2001, so it took life in England to as Sue, the writer, describes the pervading and professional. Hopefully, for more of us, we joining the ranks of parents. Bart O’Connor and bring us together.” national mood, an artist will practice her craft. focused on the opportunities and accomplish- his wife, Rennie, welcomed son Harrison into That’s it for this time, but I hope to see you all Renewing Colgate connections: Christine ments of the last year. their family this past summer. soon at reunion, back where it all began, before Oliver broke almost 25 years of Scene silence not Rich Parsons looks back fondly at our reunion Looking forward to hearing more news from our lives were complicated by jobs, mortgages, with news of her own activities, but rather to and the great time he had with so many of our all of you! and Viagra prescription renewals. The early ’80s reminisce about another classmate. She left a classmates. He notes that it was one of the better Diane: 770-209-9341 (h); were such a special time, when all we had to very excited phone message about the most moments in 2009 to be sure. Rich has started the [email protected] worry about was having enough spare change recent James E Lewis ’86 Memorial Scholarship 2nd year of his PR and communications firm, to get us through an evening at the campus pub Weekend at Colgate. Not only was the weekend Parsons & Assoc. Fortunately, business is good. (which, as I recall, was near some library). Oh, free (and she won a big-screen TV!), but Christine His children continue to amaze on the ice, soccer 1985 sweet memories. also enjoyed the chance to reconnect with field, and in the music hall. Son Michael Michael Yardley Michael: 480-301-4459; Colgate, with alums — and with himself. competed in his 1st US Sr Natl Championship in 18806 North 95th St [email protected] The trip brought back her favorite memory of ice dance in Jan (results were not available when Scottsdale, AZ 85255-5562 Jim: how despite starting Colgate as transfer, I wrote this column). He shared the ice with our stuck away in Cutten, and sick with Mono, Jim US Olympic team hopefuls in a competition that Reunion June 3–6, 2010 1986 made sure Christine never felt alone or lonely. was televised on NBC. Daughter Rachel and her Well, not a whole lot of news this time, which Michele Radin Christine is currently living in St Louis where she partner won the US Jr Natl Championship in ice I can only presume means that all of you are so 681 Indian Ridge Drive is active in local MS groups. I asked her how she dance and are on the US developmental team busy setting up your travel arrangements for Palm Desert, CA 92211-7485 felt about revisiting Colgate and classmates since for the 2014 Olympics. Daughter Katie just reunion, no one has had the time to send any her MS diagnosis; her only concern recalls the concluded another standout soccer season, with news-filled cards or letters. So I’ll give you all a A new year and new decade brings new Jimbo attitude: no negativity. Sounds like a her team again making it to the finals, and she pass this time, but only if everyone promises to adventures and recognition for ’86ers: motto for us all, Christine. continues her impressive skills as a cellist and inundate me with news while we are under the The new parent: Christine Chao sent Michele: 706-641-6357; [email protected] singer. Rich, like many of us, finds that his kids’ tents in June, ideally enough for the next few congratulations to Jim Voglino on the birth of his accomplishments make him and his wife feel columns. That would sure make things easier for new baby boy. Now an orthopedic surgeon like underachievers. me for the rest of the year. And really, isn’t practicing in Coral Gables, FL, hopefully Jim still Barbara Hessekiel Waxman writes that she that what it’s all about, making my life easier? remembers from his internship days how to regrets having missed reunion. Since her son My expectation is that you will all be there, the function on little sleep. Mitch is a soph at Colgate, she saves her cross-country travel to visit him. Her daughter Jill is a 1st-year at U of Denver, and youngest, Matt, is a 1st-year in HS. Barb has lived in San Fran since graduating from Colgate and is an “When I used to think about 2010, it seemed so far off and futuristic. I envisioned living like the exec and personal coach for adults, midlife and Jetsons: flying cars, groovy space-age dresses, and a family robot to tend to my every need. Instead, better (that’s us!). She works with people looking — Crissy Singer Shropshire ’92 to enhance their leadership effectiveness at I’m afraid to fly, my clothes are far from far-out, and there’s no Rosie in sight.”

News and views for the Colgate community 65 they will attend kindergarten at our local school meeting with Michael Steele, RNC chair, when in 1987 or at the arts magnet school with Phoebe. NE PA. She is presently on the strategic teams for The family spent part of Christmas in WA. In several candidates in PA. Dave Friedman also Adam Weiss Seattle, we saw Katie Fritzsche Sciortino ’89, enjoys a good round of golf in CA. He is still living 54 Alan Lane husband Adam, and their kids. We also saw Will in the Bay area with wife Janet, who works at New Canaan, CT 06840 Shaw ’78. It was at his house that the kids Stanford, “which allows us access to the golf watched The Wizard of Oz and survived without course.” When not busy on the links, he enjoys Road taken Short-lived success from my blast e-mail too many emotional (flying monkey) scars. On to what a ridiculously large number of our class strategy. Not much to report this quarter. the news. finds themselves doing on fall weekends: Mike Capuano is working at Cisco running the Barbara West ’89 Busy Buddy: Buddy Brown e-mailed an update Watch and Coach Kids Soccer: I am not really service provider marketing team, focused on Culture Works founding partner, on his family and to congratulate Stacy Harris sure if this is a hobby or a curse. I admit it. I fall selling routers to large telcos. He’s living in Los on Stacy’s marriage and baby boy. Buddy knows into this category. Dave coaches kids Alex, 11, and Melbourne, Australia Altos, CA, with wife Tanya and sons Bryce (7) and all about kids. His recent book I Play with Words Sara, 8, in CA, and I coach a spunky little coed daughter Riley (5). Mike was always Mr Outdoors, from Dog Ear Publishing has been getting rave team of U-8 kids in NH. This very well may be and he’s still living that lifestyle, juggling Tahoe reviews from elem schools. the tie that binds many of us together. Steve skiing with summer vacations to the Outer Buddy’s own kids are busy, too. His daughter Burg, also one of the afflicted, writes, “I’m Banks, NC, Blue Lake, NY, and Martha’s Vineyard. Tramaya recently received an MBA from Nova SE coaching U-5 soccer for the 1st time this fall, David Engel and family just returned from U in Davie, FL. Son Jamar, a 1st-year at Colgate, which is very humbling, to say the least.” Steve New Year’s in Santiago, Chile. Dave is working at followed in dad’s football-playing footsteps and may not be Pele, but he was promoted to the Morgan Stanley and lives in Philadelphia with led the team in kick return yardage last fall. Son rank of full prof of history at Shippensburg U in daughters Margaux (6) and Madeline (2). Wife Jarius, a future baseball star, will enter HS next PA, where he is the dir of the applied history grad Francesca is an internist taking care of women fall. Maybe Colgate will revive the baseball team program and co-dir for the Ctr for Applied vets at the Philly VA. in time for him. History. He lives in Shippensburg with wife Erica Maureen McCarthy Carlino is still living in Movin’ on Up: John Hayes was recently and kids Lucy, 4, and Sam, 7. Around campus, he Centerville, MA, with her husband, Joe. Look for promoted to pres and COO of Ball Corp. Among often sees fellow Colgate alumni Dr Todd Graduating with majors in SOAN and Maureen on Facebook — that’s how she keeps in their product lines, Ball is the company that Whitman, who teaches in Shippensburg’s English, I began a PhD program in anthro- touch. She’s looking forward to seeing Susan produces glass jars for canning fruits, jams, etc. counseling dept, and Dr Tim Hawkins ’98, who Haberman ’88 Cooke this summer. pology, expecting to follow Professor Congrats to John on the promotion. teaches in the geography/earth sci dept. Ted Price, with wife Liz and kids Henry (11) and Mary Moran’s path to West Africa. That’s all for now. Until next time, go ’Gate. Demian Gage is living in Concord, MA, and has Nina (5), had a terrific weekend joining Bret Jack and Sarah: 503-288-7874; 3 little soccer players in his family. “While I have Lynch and Gloria Castro ’88 Lynch for the [email protected] to go through the Sat-morning ritual of dragging A series of events put me on another path. Colgate v Holy Cross football game. Rain and a my kids out to the fields, one side benefit is Liberia disintegrated into civil war, and my disappointing Colgate loss (5th-straight to HC) running into a number of ’Gate alums.” Let’s be didn’t dampen their reunion spirit, which carried partner won a Watson Foundation fellow- 1989 honest, parents. Half — OK, maybe 3/4 — of the over to an outing at Six Flags the following day. ship to spend 1990–1991 in Britain. I took Brent Goldstein fun of children’s soccer is the schmoozing on the Tailgating highlights included Matt Demers ’88 a leave of absence from my program to 13709 Lakewood Ct sidelines, with or without a little hooch in your and son, a fire pit, and heavy police presence. Ted Rockville, MD 20850-3649 travel mug. Demian sees Merritt Maxim, Carter travel from Land’s End to John o’ Groats. is general counsel for declaration management Winstanley ’91, and Travis ’94 and Liza Gurall & research in Boston. In his off hours, he’s heavily Post-reunion malaise is obviously responsible Snell ’94 on the soccer fields most weekends in into deep-water scuba and recently became a I realized that good fieldwork did not for a dearth of news. The fact that we are just MA. And rounding out our soccer progeny, I have Formula One groupie. If anyone is interested, require living in a war zone, and I changed about past the wedding and birth stage of life is it on good report that Susan Retik-Ger’s oldest we’re planning a Colgate road trip to my focus to take advantage of the opportu- probably also a contributing factor. C’mon son, Ben, is a soccer phenom, following in the this June for the Canadian Grand Prix. Look for us people, throw me a bone. steps of his much-beloved father. nities provided by the end of the Cold War. at the tailgate. Only 2 items this issue: Michael Turner Root for the Wrong Sports Teams: Joey Caiati is Four years later, I defended my disserta- Lynn Woehrle PhD, assoc prof in behavioral recently joined the Boston office of the intl law living in Providence, RI, and is clinical faculty at science/sociology, received the Best Journal tion on post-socialist Hungarian identity, firm DLA Piper as a partner in their corp/ Brown in anesthesiology. Apparently he’s feeling Article of 2008 Award by the American had my first and, so far, only job interview, fin group. the effects of his own work, because he writes Sociological Assoc Section on Peace, War and and got the job. In 1995, I became an Donald Hunter is CEO of Westrock Group, that he “remains resolutely a Yankee fan despite Social Conflict. The award was presented for her which was recently acquired by the Lower Brule living in the heart of Red Sox Nation.” Let’s see if assistant professor of anthropology and article, “Discursive Legacies: The US Peace Sioux Tribe. Westrock has become the first we can fix that, Joey. I’ll be looking for you in the international studies at the University of Movement and ‘Support the Troops’” and was financial services firm to be 100% owned by tents with my own brand of therapy. bestowed at the association’s annual mtg. See the Pacific (Stockton, Calif.). a Native American tribe. The profits from the Make Big Life Changes: Becky Miklich is this issue’s New, Noted & Quoted for more company will be used to improve the standard of piloting her own ship in a new direction. After information about her book Contesting I was happy at Pacific: had wonderful col- living for the Lower Brule Sioux. graduation she ran a small nonprofit folk/roots Patriotism: Culture, Power and Strategy in the Brent: 240-838-6170; [email protected] music school for 16 years in Denver, and also did leagues, great students, published a book, Peace Movement. some songwriting, performing, and recording. was promoted to associate professor, and Again, you can see the class notes online at “But then I decided the world of folk music was our class page on colgatealumni.org. won a few teaching awards. But, 10 years 1990 too stressful … laughable but true,” so she left If you’d like photos posted on the website, in, I felt like I’d hit a plateau. At the same Julie O’Leary Muir and started her own business — ZingerBug.com send them either to me or the alumni office time, my Australian partner was ready to 48 Barr Farm Rd — which provides free graphics to use on social ([email protected]). Bedford, NH 03110-5221 networking sites. Becky also has several other go home after 10 years in the States. Adam: [email protected] small businesses on the side but consciously Reunion June 3–6, 2010 avoids the corp world. For fun, Becky grows We quit our jobs and moved to Melbourne. 1988 Greetings, Class of ’90! As you know, our 20th ridiculous amounts of produce in her backyard, Today, we run an intercultural consulting and provided photos to prove her bumper crop. Jack Kearney Reunion is fast approaching! I hope you’ll join Dan Teree, has also made a bold change. Dan business, Culture Works. We travel the Sarah Bowen Shea me June 3–6 on Whitnall Field to celebrate our lives in SF, and left Ticketmaster. He is getting country doing intercultural communication 2508 NE 24th Ave faulty memories of golden times spent in ready to launch a next-generation social training, consulting, and research. In four Portland, OR 97212-4830 Hamilton. In an effort to provide you with fodder for small talk in the tents, this edition’s superbly marketing and online ticketing company called years, we’ve published two books and the coherent thesis (ahem) that elegantly ties ticketfly.com. Hopefully he’ll be selling tickets to Greetings from Portland. Sarah’s 2nd third is in production. together our lives is titled, “What I Like to Do in a great concert in your town soon. book hits stores on March 23. Co-authored with My Spare Time.” Michelle Carro wrote a beautiful e-mail about Dimity McDowell ’94 Davis, it’s called Run Like a Golf: Move over Annika Sorenstam, Tiffany her major life change. She is newly (happily) I’ve become a dual Australian-U.S. citizen Mother. Aimed to entertain as well as enlighten, Drewniak Cloud is playing competitive golf in PA. single, and is beginning the next chapter in her and had to buy three suits — one of the it makes a perfect Mother’s Day gift. (Or don’t Tiffany is VP of business consultation at Pride life. She is asst prof in residence and assoc dir of reasons I got a PhD in the first place was wait until May: sporty moms should buy it for Mobility, the world’s #1 manufacturer of mobility clinical training at UNLV. Michelle coordinates themselves!) Jack is still busy in real estate and to avoid having to wear a suit! But the free- devices for the disabled. She has a 4-year-old the practicum training for doctoral students and teaching the kids the finer elements of Wii Play. dom is worth it, and I hope never to have daughter, Sadie, and is “happily single again.” runs a community-based sliding scale Phoebe just turned 8 and has spring soccer just Additionally, she is on the exec committee for the assessment clinic for children and adults. that second job interview. around the corner. John and Daphne are Luzerne Co GOP and spent time last year Finally, Chris Chiar is facing a possible big life awaiting the results of the school lottery to see if

66 scene: Spring 2010 change: deployment. Chris works in produce the students are not as brilliant as we were, of mgmt at Stop N’ Shop on N LI and trains with the course, and the little detail of it being a beach Caffeinated compassion US Army Reserve 411th Civil Affairs Battalion out campus that doesn’t get snow piles. James Chalk it up to the gourmet coffee of Danbury, CT. He writes, “I may be deployed to received tenure and was promoted to assoc prof and tea that keep Johny Chaklader Afghanistan in 2010 as a civil affairs specialist, last year, so it looks like they will stay there for a ’03 and Michael Tringali ’04 in the doing the same thing I do on the civilian side but while. Wife Sandy teaches 4th grade at a local grind. In one recent week, the pair had in more hostile territory.” God Bless and stay elem school. He does get out of FL occasionally to bounced from city to city — catching safe, Chris. escape the heat and hit the mtns. One of his only a few hours’ sleep in between Contemplate Our 20th Reunion: So, have you favorite things about his location is that he gets — to raise awareness about their thought about it? Are you in or out? Personally, semi-regular visits from Colgate friends from new enterprise, the Shapna Project. I think you should attend. Do you want to miss northern climes. Dave and Kelly Hurd Foss and the campus in its springtime glory? The new family have been down to visit a few times as Meaning “dream” in Bangla, Shapna buildings? The connections you can make with has Matt Lambert. James also got together with strives to “eradicate poverty one old friends and 1st-year roomies? (Melissa Kris Edelsward ’90 and Dave Danesh ’90 about a village at a time at home and abroad” Greenspon, you know you want to go!) How does year ago in Rochester to celebrate the 40th using sustainable practices in the that crush you had 20+ years ago look now? You bdays. Kris is still in Niagara Falls area making sale of tea and coffee. What started know you crave a new T-shirt and Whitnall mud and selling rock crushers, and Dave is near as Chaklader’s graduate school in your treads. Also, I do not want to wear out my Rochester making movies. Aside from that, assignment has become a new welcome, or your patience, so if anyone wants to James keeps busy trying to keep his new dog endeavor that, one year in the works, take over as our class editor and take a shot at from eating his cat. has the potential to change lives. penning our class news, find me on Whitnall and So good to hear from everyone! Please contact The project is an equity-based we’ll chat. me if you get a chance over the next few months As Demian Gage noted in his e-mail, the to let us all know what you’ve been up to. model that sells tea grown in Ban- current class of ’Gate students weren’t even born Kathy: 401-783-3897; [email protected] gladesh and coffee grown in Uganda when we graduated. Yikes. On his most recent by farmers who have partnered with Michael Tringali ’04 (left) and Johny Chaklader ’03 trip to Hamilton, a group of students outside a Shapna in hopes of improving their bar yelled to his group, “Hey, are you Colgate 1992 economic status. In addition to paying fair trade prices, the company reinvests 40 percent parents?” Ouch. It is our duty to dispel the Crissy Singer Shropshire of its profits back into projects that promote sustainable community empowerment. stereotype, so come get your schwerve on back at 66 Indian Hill Rd “Twenty percent gets reinvested into the villages that are growing the produce, and twenty Mt. Kisco, NY 10549-3827 the ’Gate this reunion. percent gets reinvested into the communities in which it’s consumed,” Chaklader explained. To the legions of classmates who sent me This spring, Chaklader will receive his JD and MBA degrees from Howard University. The info, never fear, I have your e-mails safely tucked By the time you read this, we will be well into Shapna Project began when a class assignment instructed students to design a program away, ready to pillage and plunder for our 2010. However, I am writing just a few days into next column. the new decade. When I used to think about that has the potential to fight environmental injustice and poverty in a geographic location Julie: 603-488-5454; [email protected] 2010, it seemed so far off and futuristic. I of their choice. Bangladesh, where he was born and still has family, was a natural starting envisioned living like the Jetsons: flying cars, point for Chaklader. groovy space-age dresses, and a family robot to When the assignment was finished and he was ready to take his idea to the streets as 1991 tend to my every need. Instead, I’m afraid to fly, CEO of Shapna, Chaklader began to assemble a team, now almost 30 strong, of Colgate Kathryn Dillon Marcotte my clothes are far from far-out, and there’s no and Howard University alumni and students. One of those Colgate alumni was Tringali, who 45 Ridgewood Lane Rosie in sight. But I do have a dog named Astro signed on as sales coordinator. The two have been friends since Colgate; Tringali even intro- Wakefield, RI 02879 (just kidding). The one thing that I did get right duced Chaklader to his fiancée, Bridget Ryan ’05, who is Shapna’s chief knowledge officer. about 2010 is that I will be turning 40. Many of The Shapna team first presented the project last May at the State of Environmental Spring may indeed be thawing out the Chenango you have already reached this milestone, others Justice in America 2009 Conference in Washington, D.C. At that time, progress had been Valley and most of our backyards at this stage of have a bit more time — but whatever the case, the game. So far, I hope 2010 has brought all of us I would like to take the opportunity to wish made on the tea side of the business, with a product that was ready to sell and a village that good fortune, health, and adventure. I have had a everyone a collective happy bday. If you wind up had agreed to partner. The project caught the attention of a group from Uganda, who invited fabulous winter enjoying all of the New England celebrating with Colgate friends (here comes the Chaklader to come to their country to see if it would work there. “We want the Shapna snow. Maybe too good. My column this month is plug), I encourage you to write to me to share Project to be truly global, so the possibility to test it out on a different population was short but calls to mind some great classmates. news of your gatherings in the Scene. extremely attractive,” he said. My “small world” encounter with a charming Now, as promised in my last column, I will In August 2009, Chaklader traveled to Uganda to meet with community leaders and gentleman on the 3rd base line at Fenway had begin with those whose news I held. First up, farmers. Despite the vast differences between the two countries, he witnessed similarities Dana Bos Dave Harris touching base because it was her , who is currently in his 8th year as between the farmers in Uganda and Bangladesh. In both countries, many farmers are brother-in-law. Dana has moved back to Boston a f/t English teacher in the Bronx. He has also hamstrung by the estates for which they work and payment comes through an inconsistent after 15 years in Phoenix and is now training picked up a new hobby: #1 reviewer of beers for ration system. “We learned that the idea of a direct relationship between the amount of services mgr at IHRDC in Boston, a firm that brewsocial.com. And if that weren’t enough, delivers training and development services to Dave just finished writing his 1st novel, A Day in work you put in and the amount of reimbursement [you receive] was a foreign concept,” the oil and gas industry worldwide. Her passport the Life and Times of William S, a postmodern- Tringali said. Chaklader chimed in: “So we asked, if the incentives were created to allow is collecting some very interesting stamps. Dana styled piece of historical fiction. He is looking these people to move out of this environment into where our project villages are, would loves being back East with friends and family forward to publication soon. they do it? They did. And are these people getting much more as a result of growing the and was grateful for a gorgeous fall. She Rebecca Upton wrote in to tell me her same amount of tea? Yes. And are they a little happier? Yes.” attended Esther Han’s 40th bday party in NYC “mediocre news.” She is living in Botswana this Collaboration with local politicians, community leaders, and organizations in both and saw many Colgate people, including Lauren year (where she’s lived on and off for the last 15 countries has been essential. “You need to have them on board to form a credible relation- Lilien Cricket Lengyel Pam Beal Gaby , , Cotto, years, doing research and work). She’s on another ship with the farmers,” Chaklader explained. Currently, 5,000 farmers in Uganda and 2,000 Fialkoff Redford, Dina Cagliostro Jonasz, Dana Fulbright, working at the HIV/AIDS Centre in Bangladesh partner with Shapna. The fruits of their labor can be found on the shelves of Goldberg, Tory Crimmins Brangham, and Dave and working on books. Rebecca has a 2-year about 60 shops in the Washington, D.C., and New York metropolitan areas. Jacobs ’92. She had drinks with Cindy Wester- sabbatical from DePauw U, where she is the velt, and reconnected with Maura Sullivan, Jeff Edward Myers Dolan Prof of sociology and Through conversations with members of the City Market/Onion River Co-op in Vermont, Craig ’89, and Gigi Semone ’90 as well. Dana also anthropology. She also has the letters PhD after the Shapna team was approached by Peace Corps alumni about partnering with villagers noted that Neva Day is still based in CA and has her name. (If this is mediocre, what’s exciting? in the Dominican Republic. Tringali traveled there last January to meet coffee growers, and resumed working for Sears as a regional mgr. Other than my Jetsons story, of course.) Before plans are in the works to form a partnership that will benefit both villagers in the Dominican Another piece of interesting news is that the leaving for abroad, Rebecca was in CA for a conf Republic and Vermont farmers through the model’s reinvestment approach. 2009 video for Major League Baseball was put and had a chance to see Nina Quigley Orellana With ambitions of continuing expansion, the Shapna team wants to lead by example: together by Russell Sherman and features a song and her boys, “the most beautiful kids ever, I “Hopefully, we can show other companies that there’s a way to run a business in which you Suzanne Sherman by Propp ’85. think.” She would love to hear from Colgate folks can do well and do good at the same time,” said Tringali. An old friend, James Janack, was kind enough or have visitors this year: “Just hop a flight and Balancing their volunteer roles for Shapna and full-time jobs, it’s not only the caffeine to give me an update. He’s been in FL for 4.5 years travel to southern Africa! It’s a wonderful place.” that keeps them going, but also their determination and belief in a project that they hope now and is teaching communication (public In Sept, Tim Lynch was appointed to the board speaking, argumentation, rhetorical theory, and of Cowen Healthcare Royalty Partners in Stamford, can make the world a better place. criticism) at Eckerd College. James likes to think CT. Tim is a general partner at Stonepine Capital of it as Colgate of the South, although, he says, Mgmt LLC, a health care hedge fund located in — Aleta Mayne

News and views for the Colgate community 67 e-mailing without giving any info about himself. the winter Scene. Allison Taylor on deck But I did manage to eek out a few tidbits from A belated congrats to Andrea Salve Rowell Living with a crew in tight quarters. Night this Artful Dodger. Fitz works as an entrepreneur and husband Charlie for completing the Osprey deck watches. Being cut off from the at a small angel investment firm in Shanghai, Sprint Triathlon in MD in Oct. They didn’t even rest of the world for long periods of time. China. He has a few projects that he’s trying to look tired in the pics posted. Can you imagine the Navigating life at sea takes a certain type grow into full-fledged businesses and says athletic genes their 3 kids carry?! Also in late fall/ of person. Having sailed professionally that, “things busy, stressful, but going well!” early winter, Vicki Brakl acquired a new job as Despite living on the other side of the world, Fitz VP of consumer mktg with Skiff, an innovative since 2006, Allison Taylor ’04 has learned has gotten more visitors than I’ve had in wireless reading service and platform where that she has the constitution for such a life. Westchester. Marshall and Meredith Safirstein publishers, advertisers, and consumers can “You have to be pretty flexible and have ’91 Bergmann went to Shanghai, as did Darren connect. Some of Skiff’s partners include Hearst, some patience,” she emphasized. “But it’s Glassman. Fitz also saw Raphael Emery in Paris. LG Display, Marvell, and Sprint. Dan Glusker and probably the truest kind of community that Their visits are shrouded in the veil of Fitz I made plans to celebrate her new job with Vicki, exists anymore — united by the bond of secrecy. But the truth is out there, so we can only but the athletic daredevil woman was recovering the ship and free from the distractions of hope that one day there’ll be an X Files movie to from water skiing injuries, so the outing was media and entertainment.” enlighten us all. postponed! I also heard from PJ Kavanagh, whom Taylor recently returned from a Jason Ewasko and Leah Rios hosted Sara I missed seeing last summer during his youth lax nine-month stint as bosun on the Pride of Zyskowski Knutsen this past summer at Leah’s camp stint in Purchase, NY. He and wife family’s summer house on the Jersey Shore. Elizabeth have their hands full with 3 boys Baltimore II, a reproduction of an 1812-era Sara’s 3 kids — Olivia, Susannah, and Charlie (Aidan, Sean, Ryan). The youngest now looks like Baltimore Clipper privateer that educates — joined the Ewasko’s Reid, Nate, and Eliza for a a mini-PJ. He told me that son Sean, 4, was with the public about the history of Maryland. few days on the beach and in the ocean. No shark him at camp and trying to keep up with the 7–12 She was primarily responsible for the attacks or sunburn to report, so it was all good. year olds. Hopefully we will see each other this rigging, including checking and repairing Jason and Leah also had dinner this fall with summer, and Sean can give my kids some lax the sails and lines. She also took shifts as a watch officer, standing vigilant on deck while Dave Jacobs, JJ Dabney, Liz Lattanzio, Michelle pointers! A fellow column writer needs a belated other crew members ate or slept. “I would be in charge of the navigation, keeping up on the Duddy, Gian Lombardi ’94, and various shout-out, too. I was pleasantly surprised to weather, and making sure we didn’t come too close to any vessels,” she explained. significant others in the Meatpacking District in see Crissy Singer Shropshire ’92 mentioned in From astronomy to learning the rigging of different boats from various eras, Taylor’s NYC. “No new engagements or pregnancies to the local paper with a beautiful front-page pic. work requires knowledge of an array of subjects. Sailing on educational boats, she has report yet, but it was great to catch up with The article was written by Mary Lynn Mitcham, a everybody after what seemed like a long time childhood friend of Kim Russo Rutenberg, who taught navigation and marine science, and on other boats the focus is history, some of since seeing each other last. And as a bonus, interviewed Crissy on how she manages her which is learned while aboard. “I knew very little about the War of 1812 [before working on we were able to observe the drinking habits of life as a working mom with 2 children and still the Pride], but now I know a lot,” she said. Chris Noth and Jason Patrick at the beer garden makes time to run. She trained for and ran the The Pride departed Baltimore in mid-May, sailed south to Bermuda, then raced 30 other of The Standard Grill.” Needless to say, they 2009 NYC Marathon! Mazel tov! And lastly, vessels 700 miles to Charleston, S.C., in the American Sail Training Association Tall Ships weren’t impressed. congrats to Rusty Heffner, who moved to Challenge, taking first place. She then headed north, going as far as Montreal, Canada, and Kathy Cortez has joined the ranks of the sleep another area of VA, not so much for the new returned home to the Chesapeake Bay in early September. The public was invited aboard deprived. On June 4, she and husband Matthew house, but for surviving a move with a toddler for deck tours, and small groups could sail with the crew in between ports. Taylor explained Ostrom had twins: a boy named Jesse Mateo and and newborn! He continues to work for Booz that when passengers traveled with them, they essentially became crew members. “It’s not a girl named Estela Gloria. “No back-to-work for Allen Hamilton and often travels back/forth a sitting around kind of thing — they stand watch with us in the middle of the night and help me, except for a few soap gigs here and there.” between VA and NYC. We have yet to meet up Congrats on your double blessing! but it will happen in 2010! us do the sail handling. The boat moves around a bunch, so it can be very intense at times, Anne Clark Amodeo is a mom for the 3rd time. In addition to 20-year HS reunion news, it was for them as well as us,” she said, adding that sleeping in those conditions can be challenging. On Sept 16 she welcomed Nicolas into the world. great to hear (and see with the pics that were “You try not to fall out of your bunk; it can be exciting!” He joins brother Pasquale, 2, and sister Julia, 9. sent to me) about other reunions that have The Pride crew was composed of 12; Taylor and six others shared sleeping quarters. “It’s Anne and husband Pasquale ’90 are doing occurred between the fall of ’09 and early ’10: a lot of people living in a small space, working, sleeping, and eating all together,” she said. well and enjoying the new baby immensely. Scott Lisson wrote in and e-mailed a pic of “It’s a big family.” “That being said, my goal for the new year is himself and his posse sitting out on the porch of Green grass, a big bed, and couches are among the “luxuries” she misses, but Taylor to actually accomplish something beyond Craig Pizer’s beach house on LBI, NJ. Scott, Craig, appreciates being at sea for a number of reasons, including the time it affords her for memorizing the PBS Kids Sprout lineup — oh Mike Wisser, Dan Rhynhart, Dave Tyler, Keith hobbies like knitting, reading, and writing letters. When the ship sailed to Canada, her cell yeah, and sleep through the night, too.” Marasia, Chris Lindquist, Matt Kaplan, Matt phone didn’t work and e-mail was so sporadic that handwritten letters were the only way Charlie Tiller was kind enough to include me Schinabeck, Price Roe, and Ari Zentner all got on his year-end letter. He and his wife, Anne, together over a long weekend in Sept. Eddie she could keep in touch with friends and family. “I get to do things that I might not be so celebrated their 15-year anniversary in ’09. The Stewart and Rob ‘Fonz’ Tribuzio were the only inclined to do if I were more connected,” she said. Tillers live in St Paul, MN, where they enjoy ones absent. Scott reported that “everyone is One drawback of the job is the toll it takes on her body; she’s currently taking some time gardening, quilting, and traveling to see friends doing really well 20 years after we first met in off to recover from knee surgery. “It’s a lot of standing,” she said. “I liken it to skiing because and family. This year’s highlight was a trip to Sept 1989.” You all look fabulous, gentlemen! you have to keep your balance, and if the boat’s moving, you’re constantly using your legs New Orleans that combined work and pleasure. I had heard about and later obtained some info just to stand up.” Charlie is an environmental geologist. from Greg Collett on Andrew Benator’s Despite the hardships, Taylor is one of those unique people who prefers to be sailing the One final note, Carrie Webster Byrne has performance in CT during late fall. Greg, Eric great blue, “working outside with the elements — being closer to nature, the weather, and fulfilled a lifelong dream of owning a Jeep. For Frechtel, Jon Schoen, Jeff Rosof, William Paxton the seasons, as well as the absolutely incredible entity that is the ocean itself.” the record, she bought hers less than 2 weeks (“he likes William now”), Pete Mooradian, and after my husband Camp ’91 picked up his. This Dave Kemmerer, as well as some of their summer we’re going to on the beach. significant others, made a trip up to Hartford to — Aleta Mayne Who says it’s boring in the suburbs? see Andrew star in a David Mamet play. Greg That’s it for this issue. Next time I have been reported that “Benator was great and it was promised an update from Pat Shaw. Anyone else fantastic to see everybody.” Congrats, and I hope San Fran. Previously, he served as CFO at Tercica play for Colgate”), and Paige, 8, is on the local want to throw their hat in the ring? to hear more about your future performances! Inc and InterMune Inc. He also serves on the swim and soccer teams. They spend their lives Crissy: 914-864-1387; [email protected] I don’t know if it was for fun or work, but boards of Nabi Biopharma, InSite Vision Inc, Allos watching sports and driving kids around. Life is Travis Reed, who states that he is still in the Therapeutics Inc, and Bioform Medical Inc. Tim good in Albany, NY. Andrew is CEO of a family honeymoon phase of marriage and loving it has an MBA from Harvard B-School. financial planning firm (Halliday Financial 1993 (good man!), traveled to London in the new year. Sarah Warburton Halliday and Talby Reyner Group), and Sarah is a VP in commercial banking Kaori Nakamura DiChiara I was happy to be informed of this when I Taylor went on a kid-free vacation recently with at M&T Bank. In 2009, Sarah was lucky enough 61 Mustato Road received a surprise e-mail attached with a their husbands to a spa in AZ. Talby is a to spend a couple of days with Dana Holl and her Katonah, NY 10536-3725 handsome pic of Andy Sweet, Scott Barger, and residential architect in CO Springs. She and beautiful daughter Ingrid, 5, in Orlando. Dana himself in what looked like a very nice bar! husband Brad have 2 children, son Will, 6, and and husband Don live in Jupiter, FL, where she is Happy spring, everybody. By the time you read When my phone signaled e-mail retrieval, I was daughter Daryn, 2. Sarah and Andrew ’91 are a dermatologist. Sarah reports that, “Dana is still this, I am hoping that my basement (where my in the middle of informing my children (for the juggling their kids’ sports careers. Son Devon is her happy, bubbly self.” computer room/office is located) will not be as 5th time) that eating another dessert before bed 10 and a travel hockey player (5 days a week of Fitz De Smet and I traded e-mails a few frigid as it is as I write this column! I will start is not a choice. Thank you for the wonderful hockey, “maybe we can get him good enough to months back. He has a masterful way of with 2009 news that didn’t make it in time for distraction! My daughter thinks you all “look

68 scene: Spring 2010 “I worked on a prominent Christian singer, Michael W Smith, and he asked me to tour with really nice!” Knowing that many HS reunions take place over Thanksgiving weekend, I heard him and his band as their massage therapist. So I spent 4 weeks on the road, living on the tour bus from Ruth Metzger, who attended her 20th and with them, doing 18 shows around the US. They’ve invited me on some internatl tours in 2010.” had an amazing time catching up with New Rochelle HS friends who included Eric Frechtel, — Abigail Kennedy ’98 Glen Hale, and Matt Kaplan. Fellow NRHS ’89er Dan Carsen did not attend. The explanation for that came in the form of a holiday card, which pictured 2 children instead of 1. Will need to hear as an honorary member. It took place on the an expat wife, by far the best gig she has ever about this new addition from the p/t writer/ Friday evening after Thanksgiving at a trendy enjoyed. When in NY, Julia’s and my offices are 1997 stay-at-home dad. Dan, I hope you don’t wait too bar in Westchester Cty. Dan, being the former HS just a block away, so I definitely miss having Amy McKnight Fazen long to write in. By the time you are reading this, pres, organized the event. His law background her nearby! 68 Pine Crest Road your new baby may be close to a year old! came in handy when he negotiated free parking Dan Harley reports in from the heartland: “Life Newton, MA 02459 Besides Dan’s, there are 3 more 2009 Colgate when valet was no longer available and had in Omaha right now feels like being at Colgate. Amy: [email protected] babies to announce: Joe Raymond and wife Sue them extend the open bar time! It was a very fun Couple of feet of snow on the ground, sub-zero welcomed William Charles on Nov 3, weighing evening, and I felt lucky to have been able to temps, and no sunshine.” 7 lbs, 11 oz and 19" long. He joins a very fun family attend 2 HS reunions! That’s about it for this time. Bundle up and try 1998 with sister Grace, brother David, and their dog, Even if it’s a fleeting thought, write in an to think of some fascinating news for me! Carmella Alvaro who are all hazing him in quite nicely. I was update before your news can only be mentioned Allison: 212-875-0751; [email protected] 3939 Glenwood Avenue #355 thrilled to hear that Sarah Kniffin and husband in 2011 (seriously)! Always looking forward to Raleigh, NC 27612 Nick now have 3 children. Vivian Isabel Elizabeth hearing from all of you! was born on Nov 28, weighing 8 lbs, 6oz and was Kaori: 914-232-0549; [email protected] 1995 Hello, everyone. As I write this, I am surrounded 21" long. I can only imagine how happy Sarah is David A. Schreiber by moving boxes to move from DC to Raleigh. to now have a girl in the family to balance out all 1717 West Schubert Avenue The Scene deadline and my moving date were that testosterone! She’s a beauty, like mom, and 1994 Chicago, IL 60614 the same day, so here is a short update. is adored by her 2 brothers, Nicholas, 5, and Allison Good Jay Percy writes, “Nihon kara Konnichi wa Matthew, 3. And the baby who made it close to #8 Reunion June 3–6, 2010 (Good day from Japan). I have been working in the wire was Marshall Reid and wife Margo’s 319 West 88th Street Happy 2010! I hope you all enjoyed a very communications/media for the past few years 2nd child, Leo Stephen, who was born on Dec 30 New York, NY 10024-2271 happy and relaxing holiday season. Class news while steadily improving my Japanese. Just at 8:09 am. Their daughter is also doing well has continued to be quite slow these past few finished up my contract at Fast Retailing, parent and enjoying the new addition! The most exciting news I have to share this time months. For those of you attending our 15th company of UNIQLO. If you have seen Devil As for me, I am happy to report that I am not is a fantastic honor for Caroline Devlin. Although Reunion from June 3–6, I would appreciate you Wears Prada, then you have an idea of my as green with envy anymore. I now have an it was obvious to all of us that Caroline was sending a note with any updates or news workday, only I am not the boss. Will most likely iPhone (aka one legalized form of crack) and for among our brightest and most brilliant following that weekend. I hope to be there as be in Japan for another year before returning to the 1st time have included web/Internet access classmates, it’s great to see others recognizing it, well, and look forward to catching up with many NYC. If there are any alums in Japan, get in touch; to my plan. Needless to say, I am so, so, SO happy as well! Caroline was recently named “40 Under of you. maybe we can get the Colgate Japan Club up and and enjoying this newfound world. My husband 40” by Crain’s Chicago Business for her It is with great sadness that I report the running. Sore de wa, mata.” watched me manage work e-mails immediately outstanding work as sr VP, head of corp strategy passing of our classmate Jason Gates on Dec 10, Jeff Holmes reports, “My wife, Katie, and I are and said, “Oh boy, I’ve lost you forever…” at Northern Trust Co. Congrats, Caroline! in Orlando, FL. We extend our prayers and in Portland, ME, and are getting ready to Meanwhile, when I got him a Blackberry (aka More excitement! Broken Lizard’s new movie heartfelt condolences to Jason’s family and loved celebrate our son Jackson’s 1st bday later this another legalized form of crack) for Christmas, he The Slammin’ Salmon opened in cities around the ones and wish them well during this difficult time. month. Last summer we had a great reunion was thrilled. Who’s lost now?! I am quickly country in Dec and Jan. The film features all Take care and stay well. with Matt Shaw, Vincent Randazzo, Chip learning the world of iPhone apps and I am 5 Lizards (a healthy faction of the original David: 773-281-8152; Brackett, Preston Walls, and Brian Flynn. We sea proud to say that I uploaded the Paper Toss Charred Goosebeak) — ’90, [email protected] kayaked around the coast of ME, and Preston game, which is one of the most popular iPhone Kevin Heffernan’ 90, Steve Lemme ’91, Paul Soter even caught a lobster with a rigged lobster pot.” games invented by Julian Farrior’s company, ’91, and Erik Stolhanske ’91 — as well as Carrie James Rubinstein announces the birth of his BackFlip Studios! Right now my 5-year-old son is Clifford ’93 and Michael Yurchak in hilarious 1996 son: “After making us wait 1 week and 6 days better at it than I am. As for music, I still need a supporting roles. Be sure to bring your entire Kelly Connolly past his due date, Caleb Shai made his entrance tutorial on how to transfer my iPod songs to my extended household, friends, Romans, 15 Hale Street at 4:31 on Jan 4, coming at 6 lbs, 6.4 oz. Liz, Caleb, phone (is that even what you are supposed to countrymen, neighbor’s kids, etc, to see Broken Apt. 2 and I are extremely tired but otherwise happy do?!). To be continued… Lizard’s latest! Randolph, VT 05060 and healthy.” In mid-Oct, I ran into Elizabeth Lewis Perkins Doug Hirschhorn is living in Westchester with Dana Henry writes, “I am still living in Sun at a wine tasting in Katonah. We were both his wife and 3 children (Samantha, 7; Charlie, 4; Hi, everyone! Happy New Year and happy almost Valley practicing acupuncture and Chinese confused and happy to see each other. As we and Ryan Olivia, 9 mo). He is making his mark in Memorial Day (since you will get this sometime herbs. I just started an online company called caught up, she informed me that her husband is the financial world as a peak performance coach, in between). I know I am already excited for the Rover’s Remedy, selling Chinese herbs for dogs! on the board of the Katonah Community Ctr, for is frequent contributor on CNBC, and recently summer, and it is only Jan. Hope you are all My black Lab, Rover, was a huge inspiration. I just which the money was being raised (by my son’s wrote a new book called 8 Ways to Great: Peak healthy and having fun as this new decade had the pleasure of visiting Sue Desimone preschool). I also learned that she was friends Performance on the Job and In Your Life (Putnam dawns. Let’s hope that this decade is much better Chaiken and meeting her adorable baby boy with close friends of mine who have only known 2010). He is on his way to being the next Tony for the world than the last one. Dean in Atlanta. Minnie Keh McCartan, Nicole St her as Elizabeth Perkins, not Elizabeth Lewis. The Robbins and is starting to map out his entourage Not too much in Scene-land, but some good 6 degrees never ends, does it? Of course there consisting of Dave Keyt ’97 as “E”; Leo Spector notes all the same. It’s all babies all the time, here was no wine consumed by me as I am allergic to ’97 as “Turtle”; Adam Graev ’95 as “Drama”; and on Channel 1996. Answer key to Take Five puzzle grapes and all things related (new allergy since Josh Winstral as “Josh Winstral.” Tracy Scatterday and husband Adam the birth of my son … don’t even get me started), Dave and Noel Spahr ’96 Cappillo recently Delmolino (Holy Cross ’96) welcomed daughter on p. 76 but it was still a fun time. Since the wine tasting caught up with Jennifer and Jason Keefer and Nora Marie into their family on Oct 24. And was a fundraising event organized by my son’s Erica and Dan Peale, and they watched their Allison Korell West and husband Peter preschool, I’m a class mom, and also a teacher of collective 8 kids tear up the Keefers’ pad in (Macalester ’93) welcomed Lila Veronica on Aug a Karate for Tots class at the preschool, I didn’t Davidsonville, MD. After the weekend, Jason’s 31. Lila weighed in at 7 lb, 7 oz (lucky numbers!), think it was appropriate for me to sneak in a playroom was eerily reminiscent of the Sigma and Allison and Pete say Lila is a joy. flask of Maker’s Mark. Chi basement on a Saturday morning. Good luck with all your endeavors this year, In early Nov, I was able to catch up with Fitz Kerry Neville Bakken is busy with teaching and please try to take some time to lend a Desmet ’92 during his one NYC visit from and writing and mommying. Her family spent helping hand to someone else. We all need all the Shanghai. However, with this visit being 6 months living in Romania on a Fulbright — help we can get! ’Til next time, when hopefully jam-packed with work meetings, our “catching a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Kerry’s daughter I’ll have lots more news to report, peace. up” took place in my car as I drove him from NYC Sophia is now 7 and Alexander is almost 4. They Kelly: 240-686-1538; [email protected] to JKF airport. It was great to see one of my oldest tend to entertain each other when they’re not friends, even if it was just for 1.5 hours! trying to strangle each other. And thanks to Dan Glusker, my schoolmate Julia Koenig Gilbert is living in London with from elem school to half of middle school, I was her 2 kids (Piper, 6, and Reed, 4), husband, and invited to attend the Ardsley HS 20-year Reunion small dog (Mandy, 10.5). She is loving the life of

News and views for the Colgate community 69 “Ben Rich recently went down to New Orleans to help their continuing rebuilding process by volunteering Aug 4. Kelly Rourke Marino and husband Marc with Habitat for Humanity, and stayed for a New Year’s swing dance event.” — Katie Abstoss ’99 (WPI ’95) had a baby girl on Aug 6. “We named her Juliet Amelia and she joins her sister Aubrey, 3.” Katie Murphy Fitzgerald and husband John Jean Fields, Vanessa Puzio-Billotti, and all have as many babies as former purple house Island, last April. There to celebrate were “a slew “are pleased to announce the birth of our son, partied down at Sue’s house, meaning, we hung residents with 5. of the Colgate crew,” including Tyrone Barnes, James Patrick, born Nov 2. Sisters Mary, 4, and out in our pjs all weekend catching up.” Abigail Kennedy writes, “I’m still doing Charlie Bigelow, Adam Borod, Ali Kops, Ben Sarah, 3, are thrilled.” David Schwarz and wife Judd and Allison Olczak Wildman welcomed a massage at the Park Hyatt in Beaver Creek, CO. In Daverman ’00, Mike Fine, Tim and Susie Murphy Kristen welcomed Hayden Karns on Nov 12 and baby girl. “Judd and I are proud to announce Rory Oct I worked on a prominent Christian singer, ’98 Kelly, Keith Lister, Adam and Anne Currier are now “happy parents … who don’t sleep a Marie was born Sept 2. She has been everything Michael W Smith, and he asked me to tour with ’00 Michaels, Amanda Zurich Mulholland, Jamie whole lot anymore.” we expected — and far more! Tara Perillo Lafiura him and his band as their massage therapist. So Newhouse, Duncan and Valerie Starr Reece, Maureen Geary Krowicki had her 1st child, and Rachel Reiss Buckley have already made the I spent 4 weeks on the road, living on the tour Annie Stover ’02, Jeff Smith, Andy Stahl and William Ellison, on Nov 10 and happily reports trip to Louisville to meet her. We are looking bus with them, doing 18 shows around the US. Chloe Witmer ’00, Chris Tierney, and Pete Van that “he is absolutely wonderful.” Lony-Ann forward to introducing her to other Colgate They’ve invited me on some internatl tours in Dorn. Mark met Ashley skiing at Squaw Valley in Spelman Sheehan and husband Chris (Colby ’99) alums soon!” Ben Mailloux reports: “Felt like 2010. I’m currently doing massage for the US Lake Tahoe 6 years ago, and they now reside in were joined by their son Tucker Joseph on Oct 20. a bad father as I read the last Scene and realized snowboard team as they go through the Grand San Fran. Ashley works in development at the “He has been an absolute joy! I can’t wait to take that I forgot to announce the birth of my 3rd Prix qualifiers for the Olympics. I’m in Mam- Hamlin School and owns her own clothing line, him to visit Colgate. He already has lots of child, Cole Richard, to my wife and I on April 23, moth, CA, right now, then heading to Park City while Mark works in the private fund group Colgate friends!” Sara Panebianco Bell and her 2009. He joined Madelyn, 3, and Owen, 2. All are for 2 weeks. I’ll be attending the Olympics in at Credit Suisse, raising capital for private husband welcomed a lovely baby girl, Beatrice doing well. In other news, I finished my Vancouver in Feb. All of these wonderful equity funds. Elizabeth, on Oct 26. Nick Pascale updates that fellowship in Rochester, NY, (where I got to hang opportunities keep popping up in my life; 2010 In Sept 2009, Tara Lyons and Scott Morley he is married with 2 children. Nick and wife out with Stacey Davis ’97). I have now finally should be amazing.” (USMA ’00) celebrated their 1-year wedding anni- Natalie have 2 sons: Christian, 2.5, and Nathaniel, 1. permanently relocated back home to Belfast, ME, Maria Conjura Reininger reports, “I figured versary with a big wedding/vow renewal Sarie Winner Keller and husband Stan (Yale where we have bought a new house and I I’d better announce the birth of my 2nd daughter, celebration in Arlington, VA. In attendance to ’97) welcomed daughter Alexandra Morgan opened my own family medicine practice. Things Katherine Amanda, (born Jan 10, 2009) before celebrate: Ryan and Judy Culhane ’00 Faubert, (Sascha) on April 5. “Sascha’s brother, Max, is now are busy between the new practice and the 3 she turns 1. Urban, Natalie, Katie, and I moved Alexandra More, Colleen Kitchens, Jeremy Bock, 4 and is going to the same K-12 school I attended, kids, but it is great to finally be settled down.” into our new house in East Hampton back Michael Sachs, Charlie Betancourt, Nicole so he’s being well prepared for the Colgate Class Carol Walter writes, “My Solace Essentials in March. Murley ’01, and Jill Allen Murray ’98. “Lots of fun of 2027.” And last but not least, our class’s 1st body-care line just got a small account with “In Oct, Meghan Arcuri-Moran (and her had by all and we partied the weekend away, baby of 2010 most likely belongs to Kathryn Whole Foods in Seattle! We now have 25 store husband, Kevin, and son Ronan) and Johanna including a group sing-along to Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ Shields Fletcher. “My husband, Brian, and I spent accounts — small, but we’re getting there.” Ames Coats (and her baby, Mason) met us at my on a Prayer’ on the dance floor, a la our Jug days.” New Year’s Eve in the hospital. We had our 2nd Lauren Braun Costello writes: “2009 was parents’ house for a mini-reunion. We missed our Most recently, Tara and Scott took their son, Jackson Apollo, Jan 1 at 8:58 am.” Jackson a busy year! My 1st book, Notes on Cooking, roommate Meredith Butler Boericke, who was honeymoon to Peru, where they hiked through joins their eldest, Benito. co-authored with Russell Reich ’85 (lucky unable to be there that weekend. However, she the Andes. Nick and I headed back to the NYC area in Dec, Colgate 13 years apart!), came out in June to rave and her family (Will, Hans, and Eli) made the trip Tabber Benedict attended Matthew where we had the chance to meet up with lots of reviews. The 2nd book, a solo title called The from MA to LI a few weeks later. We lucked out DeMonte’s engagement party in downtown Colgate ’, including Matt Lipson, Marshall Competent Cook, just came out in Nov. I had so with 60° weather in Nov and spent most of the Manhattan. Tabber has also enjoyed traveling Phelps, Molly Stewart Polacek, Lucia Dobbs Gray, much fun doing a little pre-publication publicity weekend outside either at the beach, the recently to St Barts, Charlotte, NC, and Vegas. at the Raiders final home game of the season in playground, or hiking.” “I am looking forward to attending a number of Oct with a pulled pork and chicken satay I love to hear about these mini-98er reunions Colgate events in 2010 and wish everyone and tailgate! Sean ’97 and I were lucky enough to going on: keep sending in the updates! Ali their families a happy, healthy, and prosperous have 2 short visits from Chris Dale ’97 this fall, Newman Stallings writes, “My husband, Gary, and year.” Ben Rich recently went down to New Info, please: and look forward to seeing him and his beautiful I just had our 1st child! Our daughter, Alaina Orleans to help their continuing rebuilding wife and baby on our trip to San Fran in Feb. But Catherine, was born Aug 3 and was 7 lbs, 14 oz. process by volunteering with Habitat for If you know of the whereabouts — home 1st a quick trip to Charlotte to see Leo ’97 and Our little angel is absolutely precious and we Humanity, and stayed for a New Year’s swing address, phone, fax, or e-mail — of any- Rachel Gitlin Spector for their daughter’s 4th couldn’t be happier.” dance event. “I continue to compete and perform bday party!” As for me, I am writing in between packing swing dancing and recently won 3rd place at the one on this list, please contact Alumni Dave Greenberg reports: “Alison MacDonald and picking up a giant moving truck and should American Lindy Hop Championships in Records: 315-228-7453; 228-7699 and I have had a hectic but exciting year. Last have more to report in the next issue. Over the Advanced Jack & Jill.” (fax); [email protected]. summer, our family grew with the addition of last holiday season, I had dinner and drinks with Many of us continue our pursuit of higher ed. Thanks for your help! baby Benjamin, much to the delight of his sister, Melissa Macewicz Thomas back in the PJ Morrone completed his PhD in 19th-century Abigail. Alison took a new job working on health hometown of Syracuse. Sue Lord sends me American lit from Ole Miss and is now teaching care and educational policy issues for Sen Jeanne weekly text photos of baby Emma, born last at Rutgers. Divya Chopra graduated in early Dec Victor L. Strite ’60 Shaheen, and I still work as a health care atty at summer, which make my day. I also had dinner with an MS in integrated marketing communica- Patrick B. Sheehan ’64 Arent Fox LLP. We’ve also had the good fortune of with Stephanie Stern before I left DC. Well, this tions from NWU. “It was a 15-month intensive Michael J. Hall ’69 staying in touch with many Colgate folks and is the last transmission from DC. If you live in or marketing program and I really enjoyed it. Joseph J. Rinaldi ’69 saw a bunch of them (too many to name) at visit Raleigh, be sure to get in touch! Hopefully, it will get me jumpstarted in a new Patricia Teck and John Seggerman’s ’85 recent Carm: [email protected] career (as I was in consulting/program mgmt Jonathan R. Foley ’80 wedding. We were happy to host internatl man before).” Divya was also out in San Fran recently, Elizabeth V. Macklin ’80 of mystery, Aaron Pattillo, for a brief visit as he where she had a great time with one of her Scott D. Gray ’81 traveled around the country promoting his new 1999 Colgate roommates, Erin Jones Rudsenske, Erin’s Roger A. Portnoy ’85 Dave Katie Abstoss husband, and her 2 boys. company, Khunu. He had previously visited Sandra Ionno Butcher ’87 and Elise Berenbroick Hergan at their new home In career news, Kareem Watson wrote that in CT and several of the Colgate crew in Seattle. Greetings, fellow ’99ers! The weddings, babies, “after 10 years of working on salary as financial Lisa B. Reilly ’88 We were sad to see our Colgate contingent here travels, graduations, and career advances adviser, I survived a layoff last year, and have Alexander C. Leacock ’89 in DC shrink a bit, with Lanette Burrows’s continue! Our former class editor, Vic Cossel, now opened my advisory practice at NY Life.” Portia M. Cupid ’93 defection to NH with new baby Elias in tow, but crossed the Atlantic to attend Tripp Lane’s Chad Jemison has also switched jobs: “After Laura A. Klepeis ’96 still regularly see Dawn McVey Cohen, Jill Allen wedding to Meg Lele (Johns Hopkins) last Oct. It several years teaching in the Adirondacks and Katharine de Vaal ’97 Murray, Jeff and Daniele Endreny ’96 Schollaert, was a “Colgate DU rendezvous,” with Ryan and Jackson Hole, I moved to the Albany, NY, area and Jenny Kyne Malseed, and their respective Betsy Thomas ’00 Clements, Sean and Liz Fricke with my wife, Lisa, and 18-month-old daughter to Kristine E. Schuerger ’97 families when we can.” Dutkewych, and Kyle MacNaughton ’01. Tripp and become the exec dir of the Huyck Preserve and Megan R. Crosby ’02 Before I left DC I was lucky enough to meet Meg had a traditional Indian wedding ceremony, Biological Research Station.” The 2000-acre Heather O. Grant ’02 James and “in keeping with DU tradition, we drank and preserve is open to the public to enjoy miles of the newest (and very smiley) addition to Matthew B. Wolf ’02 and Andrea Behr Woodward’s family. Evan David danced a bunch afterward. We also offered our trails, waterfall, boating, and swimming, as well was born on Sept 15, joining Lily, 3 1/2. Our other insights on how after-hours parties really work as courses and public programs tied to the field Niraj K. Giri ’03 original DC purple house roommate, Kristin to the late-night hotel staff. There were some station. Chad is “loving being a dad!” Adam R. Hershman ’05 VanVoorhees Nelson, also welcomed baby #2 differences in opinion but, needless to say, ‘DU ’til As usual, we have been busy populating Melanie R. Barclay ’06 during the blizzard of 2009 in Charlottesville in dawn’ prevailed!” Colgate’s future classes. First off, David Nodine’s Dana E. Shaner ’06 Dec — Isla Simone. With the addition of Eli to Mark Cashel married Ashley Taylor (Trinity wife, Christine, shared the wonderful news that Allison Gleason Besch this summer, we now C ’02) outside of Charleston, SC, on Wadmalaw David’s daughter, Annette Christine, was born on

70 scene: Spring 2010 and Laura Wright Treadway. I think our kids few updates from these couples to tell us more Boston up to White River Junction, VT. I am an had as much fun catching up as we did! Hope 2001 about their happy occasions. And congrats to the endodontist and work at a practice in town, and everyone is doing well. Enjoy the spring and keep Jane Seney ladies who sent in the update! Gered is working at the Ctr for Post-Traumatic those updates coming! 83 Bradford Road Lauren Schiffer wrote to me about her life Stress Disorder at the veterans hospital. Gered Katie: [email protected] Watertown, MA 02472 in Cambridge, MA, where she’s been working and I tied the knot in a very VT wedding, at Northeastern U as a clinical social worker: chockfull of Colgate friends. Lauren Lichten, A number of Colgate alumni gathered on Dec 12 “I often have thoughts of Colgate this time of Shannon Ollerhead, Miranda Clark, and Brett 2000 in Great Neck, NY, for the wedding of Yale year, when students at Northeastern return to Nichols ’05 represented in our wedding party, Katie Tone Pollack and Dani Gorman (IN ’01). The Pollacks campus. I am enjoying the energy and hope and a whole bunch of others made the trek to 411 Sloan Road and the Gormans threw a great party, and the young people have, but am surprised almost middle-of-nowhere, VT, including Nikki Cyr, Nashville, TN 37209-4654 reception lasted long into the night. Colgate daily how different college students are now. Susanna Blair, Liz Young, Becky Fertig, Maraga Some days it makes me feel very old!” Being Flynn, Hanna Kinne, Kelli Wong, Natasha Reunion June 3–6, 2010 alums in attendance included: Nelson and Betsy Mowell Erickson, Tyler and Gretchen Tucker a student myself, I can understand where Frederick ’02, Emily Cunningham Nichols, Pete Class of 2000, we’re just a few short months Fonda, Dave and Sarah Templeton Bralower, Lauren’s coming from! Schiffer promises that her and Jill Ballentyne Christensen, Charity away from our 10-year Reunion. I know it’s hard Emily (Boston U ’01) and Matt Cosman, Ellie Oct 2010 wedding to Erik Asmussen ’04, will be VanAcker, and Jill Ramsier Fontenault. We had to believe, but yes it’s been 10 years! Hopefully (Georgetown ’01) and Matt Nader, Dave ’00 and very well Colgate-represented. Lauren, here’s to a spectacular wedding weekend and were so your reunion travel plans are underway and your Jocelyn Maron Heyward ’03, Will Chapman, Pete wishing you a fabulous year, and we can’t wait excited to be able to share our day with so many registration is complete. If not, or if you just want Moran, John Wedeles, Sean Oblack, Ned Rowan, for the update from the wedding! of our favorite people!” to stay up to date on the latest reunion news, and Mike Torrant. The wedding also served as Liz Austin Flatley wrote in about Kara Burke’s Of course, the news doesn’t stop there. check out the Class of 2000 10-year Reunion a great opportunity to celebrate a number of wedding to Matthew King (Yale ’96): “[The 2 Andrea also shared that Kathleen Rice and Craig Facebook page. recent engagements, including Sean Oblack and married] on a beautiful July day in Bernardsville, Lowenthal (Cornell ’03) were engaged in Nov and A few updates of note for this issue: Dylan Kayleen Bauer (Boston C ’01), John Wedeles and NJ. Colgate had quite the contingency present, will be getting married in DC this Aug. Connie Elizabeth was born to proud and happy parents Dana Waits (NYU ’03), and Pete Moran and Jenny and it was great to see old friends, including Fontana wrote in to report on some recent Jen (Brandeis ’01) and Matt Steinberg. Zhao (Rutgers ’04). Nehal Beltangady, Lisa Dabney, Steve Matzie, events in and around NYC, including an Jen Greer-Morrissey writes: “Brian and I are Jane: [email protected] Bridget Wagner, Annie Stover Reece, Josh ’00 engagement party for Hela Shamash, where both enjoying life with our 18-month-old son, Adam. and Mandy Palladino DiMarzo, and Robert ’05 Danielle Battisti and Melissa Gonzalez West I am now working p/t from home for the and Christine Aguinaldo Cathcart ’05. The Kings joined in the celebration. Connie also had been to Emerson C Admission office, reviewing 2002 honeymooned in HI and are living in DC.” some upstate nuptials for — you guessed it applications for admission to the school I once Betsy Yates Long Thanks, Liz, and congrats to the happy couple! — yet another Colgate couple! Erin Skahen and worked at f/t. It’s a great balance, although I miss 445 Legacy Ct Thanks to all who wrote in. Keep warm and Bill Dean ’04 had a lovely wedding that was filled working with students. Brian’s work with Westerville, OH 43082 keep the news coming! with familiar faces. Melissa, Danielle, and Hela commercial real estate company Jones Lang Betsy: 614-506-0534; [email protected] were in attendance, as were Jill Thompson, Lasalle is going pretty well given the rough Hello, Class of ’02! I’m writing this column from Christina Oliveros, Amy Berman, Stacy Pommer, economy. We see Ted and Kiki Hinman Lansdale snowy Columbus, OH, and hoping that by the Kristen Dams-O’Connor, and many more whom and their son Charlie often, which is great. In time this is published, we are all thawed out! On 2003 Connie could only remember as having a stellar Sept we saw a lot of Colgate folks at the wedding to the news! Melanie Kiechle time celebrating together. Congrats to all of of Dave Ganick ’99 and Monica Serianni, One person I am sure is snow covered is 176 Maple Avenue these couples, and to any others out there. including Mike Fontenot, Marty Kasperek, Ian Shelby Hudson. She wrote in about her work in Metuchen, NJ 08840 In other news, Adam Conway has finished law Wilson and wife Alta Forster, John Angelopulos Denver, where she’s been for 4 years. She’s school and joined the Albany law firm Couch ’01, and Adam Ezra Olshansky ’99. It was a working toward a master’s in GIS at U of Denver Hello, and happy spring! I don’t know about White, LLP, as an assoc. Rachel Lally is working beautiful ceremony, which Adam officiated, and and is working as a GIS specialist in relation to you, but I’m enjoying the warmer weather and and going to grad school at Columbia, and in her it was so nice to see Dave, whom we miss now FEMA regulations, planning, and hazard looking forward to even longer, brighter, and free time is lucky enough to see alumni visiting that he has moved from Boston to Denver. Other assessment. Since she loves to ski, I wish her nicer days ahead. I’m also looking forward to and living in NYC (all of whom she’s warned Colgate sightings include Katy McLaughlin ’03, powder-stocked trails this winter season! hearing from many of you, since our column is about this Scene appearance): “Lacy Cohen, Erin whom I used to sing with in the Swinging ’Gates. Sarah Sennott, Sarah Baird, and Lauren considerably shorter this season. It’s time to LaBarge, Jeff Gold, Scott Schuster, and I made We ran into each other in the middle of the Moore Roche-Garland sent an update, 7 years in share all the good things you’ve been up to. a terrible showing as team Parker 117 at the woods at Walden Pond! Also, Dana Ross came to the making, with lots of great news. Sarah S was I’m mixing things up and starting with really alumni trivia event at the Galway Hooker in Jan visit me recently, and Michelle Lent and I met up married to Greg Cyr (U of MA) on Aug 1. Four good news from one of my really good friends. against the Colgate profs’ team that was in town. for lunch at the Colgate Inn in Oct when we both weeks after the gorgeous outdoor wedding at I heard from Andrea Mignone at the start of 2010 If anyone asks, Michelle Obama was the most happened to be in the area. They are both doing Sennott’s parents’ home in N Pomfret, VT, Sarah with the happy news that she and Peter Viehe- intriguing person of 2009. Cecilia Mullan was in really well and it was great to see them!” B married Bryan Dixon on Aug 29 at a beautiful Naess ’04 are engaged! That’s right, another town from Spain during her law school break, Straight from the mtns of Central Asia, hilltop vineyard, Youngberg Hill, in McMinnville, Colgate couple, and this was a surprise (for and Lacy, Erin, and I got to catch up with her Jeanette Yoo sent an e-mail with details of her OR. In a very busy summer, Baird also officially Andrea, that is) on New Year’s Eve in NH, when along with Caroline Sun and Leslie Goldsmith. latest exciting and good work: “Just wanted to received her doctorate in clinical psych just a few Pete popped the question while snowshoeing. Unfortunately, Meryl Ashkenazi had to work (for send you an update from Tajikistan. I’m working days before her wedding. Lastly, on Oct 10, Lauren They haven’t chosen a date, location, or anything the NBA) and missed out on the festivities. in the Pamir Mtns doing some development married Mark Roche-Garland at Annunciation else, but foresee themselves surrounded by lots Garrett Mason was in town a few weeks ago work for the people here. One of our coolest Church near the WA Natl Cathedral, with an of Colgate friends. Congrats! during his East Coast tour as he moved from NH projects is working on making cashmere-like elegant reception on the roof terrace of the W Other Colgate couples in our class have tied to FL. He’s leaving for the Peace Corps shortly, and knitwear out of yak down. I’m learning an Hotel in DC. The Colgaters who were spotted at the knot already. On a special fall day, Oct 17, I got to have dinner with him, Josh Noval, Jon unwritten mtn language that is only spoken in 1 or all 3 weddings included: Kay Whitchurch, Patricia Pomeroy and Matthew Lambert tied the Simmons ’04, and Lacy before he continued on this valley and just enjoying the breathtaking Katie Drasser, Katie Bedwell, Rachel Abramovitz, knot in the chapel, and celebrated with friends his way south. Over the holidays I also got to scenery. We just experienced an earthquake last Meredith Miller, Andy Rome ’01, Dan Belica ’75, and family in the Hall of Presidents. As you catch up with Nigel Goodman, Becca Smith, Brad week about 50 miles from me in Vanj. It was a Rob DeLuca, Greg Moroney ’03, Stacey Peterson might expect, there were many Colgate people in Lippmann ’02, and Sarah Aig. Everyone is doing pretty significant earthquake and I felt the house and her husband, Gaston Alberti, Alex Rice and attendance. well and finishing/starting very exciting things! shake quite significantly. Where we were, there Nick Thompson, and Mike and Lesley Thompson The same can be said of Brooke Blicher and 2010 is shaping up pretty well as there are a few wasn’t any damage, but at the epicenter McWilliams. I hear that we should congratulate Gered Dunne’s summer nuptials in VT, but I’ll let fun events including Colgate friends who are (about 5.4) there was significant house damage. Alex and Nick on their engagement and Lesley Brooke tell you herself: “My last few months have coming up over the next few months, and many Since we also do relief work, we’re working on and Mike on a new beautiful addition to their been fairly eventful. I finally finished school in of us are hoping to have some mini-reunions in responding to the needs from the earthquake. It’s family, Penelope. I’m sure we’ll receive another June, and Gered and I made the big move out of the spring at the weddings of Andrew Wellner to awesome to be out here and to be able to help in different ways.” One final update: I’m tying the knot with Doug Brock on May 15 in my current hometown “Just wanted to send you an update from Tajikistan. I’m working in the Pamir Mtns doing some of Nashville, TN. Next time you hear from me, I’ll be sporting a new last name! Until then, take development work for the people here. I’m learning an unwritten mtn language that is only spoken care, get excited for reunion, and be well. in this valley and just enjoying the breathtaking scenery. We just experienced an earthquake last Katie: 615-417-9727; [email protected] week about 50 miles from me in Vanj. Since we also do relief work, we’re working on responding to the needs from the earthquake.” — Jeanette Yoo ’00

News and views for the Colgate community 71 Amber Fontaine and Sarah Aig to Steve degree to his résumé is Ian Elliott, who started NYC is where a lot of our classmates have Kleinman.” 2005 a pre-med post-bac program at Columbia in Jan. landed. Trivia Night brought out a lot of the Class That’s all for this time. I hope you all are doing Amy Griffin In other news, Scott Nicholson headed out in Jan of 2009 who got the chance to compete against well, and wish you the very best for spring. Send 1461 W. Walton St. to finish up office candidate school and join their old Wed-night rivals, the faculty. Annie me your news. Cheers! Apt. 2 the Marines. Rauscher wrote to say that she and Nancy Melanie: 315-778-0497; [email protected] Chicago, IL 60642 Trevor Marticke, Jon Freeburg, and Brian Clayton are now living together and got to ring Lombardo supported the Colgate hockey team in the new year with Louise Chapman, Molly Reunion June 3–6, 2010 this Jan when the Raiders played Notre Dame at Breene, and Lyle Morgan. Adding to the 2004 classmates who are now roommates are Melissa Hello, classmates! a tournament outside of Chicago. Unfortunately, Moira Gillick Madaio and Shannon Smigen, who have an apt in Congratulations to Kristen Forry Lawfer, who they did not win, but the guys had a good time Tottering Hall Murray Hill. joined the Philadelphia office of White and with lots of other Colgate alums in attendance. 2501 Calvert Street NW Jill Blinderman Also in NYC, Kaitlyn Godfrey and Andra Bratu Williams as an associate in the subrogation dept wrote in about a memorable No. 705 hosted a holiday party. Jackie Janowich, Christie and practices in the field of insurance subroga- weekend of typical Colgate debauchery. Washington, DC 20008 Lebano, Kathleen Kohl, Sarah Gilman, and tion. While working toward her JD at George “Nineteen friends embarked on an epic journey Meaghan Haire attended and had a great time Mason U, she served as the sr research editor of in early Jan to start the new year. In a mobile Hello, beautiful people. Life is for living and I Devin Hanrahan Adam catching up with one another. the Journal of Law, Economics & Policy, and shump to Atlantic City, , hope that you embrace all that the new year has Sauerteig Kinnon McCall Ari Washington, DC, has also been the site of worked as a TA in the legal research, writing, and , , Jill Blinderman, to offer in 2010. Hershey Taylor Daly Eileen Kelly Suzi Bigliani many gatherings including Chris Nulty’s analysis dept. A member of the NJ and PA bars, , , , , Real World. The DC season of The Real World Alyssa Mayo Julie Geifman Victoria Shepard birthday party. Those celebrating Nulty’s she practices throughout a 25-state territory , , , just started; they were here in the city last Chris Clifford Bill Santare Jourdan Loffredo birthday in style included Beth DeMaria, Jon under a special program of the subrogation dept. , , , summer filming and I saw them (and their David Pollack Simon ‘Snoopy’ Kleigman Richie Miller-Meeks ’10, Ryan Joyce, and Jaclyn Berger. Because I have not had much (any) news from , , bored-to-tears film crew) at a DC United game in Fleishman Dylan O’Hearn Jesse Brooks Melinda Chau writes that she and roommate Ally you (or from me — typical), I thought I’d take this , , and all July. In January was Real World at Colgate for srs. Dall got together with fellow classmates for a time to shamelessly plug our reunion. I hope to took a party bus to the sin city of the east. If you are lucky enough to still be in a job, think cookie swap, which included Catherine Mendola, see many, many people at reunion (that fall Enlivened by Snoopy’s playlist, they wreaked about how you can help graduating students, Josie Miller, Alyssa Martino, and Holly Babcock, column is going to be a tome!), and catch up with havoc on the hotel, black jack dealers, and even even if it’s just a shadowing visit. We had a and at New Year’s was also able to see Mitch everyone face-to-face, as opposed to Facebook- made some friends in the casino who bankrolled visitor from Bucknell in our office last week. Brummer, Emily Machernis, David Levie, Sarah to-Facebook. We’ve already begun plotting the their fun. The exclusive dance hall Club Dusk at I talked trash. Kruse, and Maureen Golden. menu (Roger’s. Oliveri’s. Main Moon? Slices! Caesar’s hosted a party for both this crew and As it’s Jan at this writing and “living it up” is Moving away from the East Coast, Jason Frank…) and other Hamilton musts. the cast of Friday Night Lights during their stay. In on my mind, I relate this column’s contributions Oberg, who is living in Chicago, recently received But I also wanted to talk to you about the end, Jourdan Loffredo won MVP for surviving by places and people I have lived. Fair? a visit from friends Gideon Oppenheimer and something, so let’s get serious for a second, you a near concussion and not understanding how to I heard from Andria Graham — we lived Joel Milton. Still further west, a self-proclaimed guys. My good friend Cara Angelopulos, who I gamble. The crew made such a good showing together in a quad in Russell soph year. She former group of “jug enthusiasts” reunited for think may win the most-involved alumni award that they were asked back on a monthly basis, writes, “I’m getting married March 6 and have New Year’s in Telluride, CO. Participants included this year, is on the 5th-year Reunion gift but have not decided when to make their return.” moved to Fontana, CA, (was on Vancouver Island, Wil Redmond Mari Jones, Kristen Brodgesell, Meg Mylan, Katie committee. So, if you think you’re headed to wrote in: “I am still in the MDiv BC, for 1.5 years then drove out here last Sunday). Schneider, Beth Pfenning, Kate Serrurier, Molly reunion, you can try and help them reach their program at Emory and well into my 2nd year My fiancé’s name is James White IV (U of CA/ Gamble, and Sarah Gilman. They had an amazing 50% participation goal, even if you give as little now. I’m enjoying Atlanta and all that’s going on Riverside ’02, Loma Linda ’06). Lynmerie Paris time skiing and dancing. as $13 (representing the 13 men with 13 prayers with it. I’m keeping in regular touch with some will be one of my bridesmaids in our 2nd Finally, all the way to San Diego, Brian and $13 that founded Colgate — did you guys 2008ers and spent NYE in the Brooklyn apt of wedding ceremony Aug 7 in San Bernardino, CA. Genisa Babb Haghighi is back at home starting a business ever hear that story?) and you’ll still be helping. as she hosted a party that was She is currently having a great time in Vegas, Thomas Dilworth Freddy Sessoms called California Fruit Wine Company. The See you all at reunion! joined by , , went down for New Year’s for the 1st time.” Shevorne Martin Madelyn Santos Gabriella company will produce “fruit” wine — wine made Thanks for reading to the bottom. Go, ’Gate. , ’09, Barbara Davis Stcherbatcheff is lucky enough Barrow Paige Carlos Thachell Tanis from fruit bases other than grapes — and he says Amy: [email protected] ’09, ’09, , to still be in London. She writes from there: “I ran Gabriella Jones-Casey ’09, Jenee Johnston, Mike be on the lookout for more news to come! into Eliza Dabney in Barts in London and gave Walden ’09, Elise Bronzo ’10, and Henoch Derbew Please keep sending updates! her a signed copy of my book. Also, Prince Harry 2006 ’07. It was great bringing in the new year with so Sam: 207-807-4116; [email protected] was sitting right next to us!” I would like to live Bob Fenity many ’Gate people. I guess the biggest news on with Prince Harry. 1420 A 17th St NW my end (and what our class should probably Marriages & Unions Peter Feldman writes from within the 20008 Washington, DC 20036 hear) is that I am now a member of Colgate’s Bd (2009 unless otherwise noted) zip code: “I’m still in Washington, finishing up Bob: 585-506-5981; [email protected] of Trustees. I think it’s pretty cool that someone my last year of law school. I had a wonderfully from our class is on the board and impacting the Mark Alan Bronstein ’72 and Christine Schafer, Merry Christmas and just returned from a ski university. In our last session, we had Jill Ferris Oct. 10 trip in Steamboat, CO, with Kate Brazauskas ’06. 2007 ’08 and Swetha Peteru ’08 discuss faculty/ Heading back in Feb to meet up with Jared Allie Grimes student relationships and what that means for David Schreiber ’95 and Jennifer Armstrong ’95, Nearpass Andrew Houston Taylor Llewellyn , , and Apt 2B success. Needless to say, it was great having 2008 July 18 to lay down some late-season tracks.” 120 East 11th St represented so well.” Perhaps Boston will be next on my list! From New York, NY 10003-5311 As for me, I’m still in Chicago enjoying my job Anita Herle ’97 and David Ladori, Sept. 19 Natalie Langlois there, writes, “Hope you are Allie: [email protected] as a HS social studies teacher and am looking doing well. My husband, Scott Chase (Amherst forward to a trip to China this summer. Because Karen Wendy Lichtenberg ’99 and Alan ’00), and I got married on Oct 3, in Boston. We I have outdated e-mail addresses for most of our Benjamin Scher, July 12 had a strong Colgate showing at the wedding: 2008 class members, I am going to start a Colgate Sarah Menard was one of my bridesmaids, and Sarah Greenswag Class of 2008 Facebook group. If you are a William Lindquist ’99 and Jeanne Horak, Aug. 1 Christine LaRusso Rich Virginia Ashley Powers , , , 2124 Birchwood Lane Facebook member, please join the group and look Mike Sanocki Tara McCann Elise Brafman , , and Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 for messages from me requesting updates about Jason Stewart ’00 and Emily Toffic ’02, Sept. 12 all celebrated the day with us! We all had a your life! Thanks for all the news this season and great time.” Class of ’08 has kept these cold winter months happy 2010!! Daniel Cain ’01 and Samantha Chao, Oct. 24 As always, I look forward to hearing from you, exciting with a lot of reunions and other exciting Sarah: [email protected] and if not, hearing about you. news! Andrea Berardi wrote: “For our annual Ben Danner ’01 and Zahra Chaudhry ’01, May Moira: [email protected] roommate reunion, Elizabeth Schultheis, Becky 2009 Billmire, Emily Cullings, Kari Gertz Jansen, Mila Bethany Haas ’01 and Chad Taylor, Oct. 24 Samantha Gillis Adamova, and I visited Michelle Wiggins in 3 Juniper Lane Binghamton, NY, just after New Year’s for some Lisa Mangiamele ’01 and Brian Eastwood, Oct. 4 Falmouth, ME 04105 winter fun and to celebrate new jobs and first-home purchases. We all miss Colgate very Sarah Mirza ’01 and Matthew Kehrt, Oct. 31 Hello, much!” Brandon Grabowski also enjoyed a Class of 2009! I hope this update finds you reunion with Matt Jandreau and Ana Kaufmann well. Many of our classmates got together over Kristin Neilson ’01 and Bryan Federici, Oct. 24 ’07 out in Portland, ME, where they endured the winter holidays. I was lucky enough to make Ginger Northrop Sara Drexler a Colgate-worthy snowstorm! Brandon was it to NYC to see , , Sarah Baird ’02 and Bryan Dixon, Aug. 29 Beth DeMaria Lindsay Wishart Emily accepted to NYU and began MBA classes at the , , and Bradley end Jan. Congratulations! Also adding another ’10 after finishing up with finals. K. Thirza Campbell ’02 and Craig Lareau, Aug. 29

72 scene: Spring 2010 Austin DeRosa ’02 and Laura Stewart ’02, Sept. 19 To Dennis and Astrid Schulte ’97 Ruggeri: C. Holden Bachner ’37, November 11, 2009. US John B. Annett ’39, November 9, 2009. Phi Delta Helena Rose, Oct. 8, joining Sebastian Navy, WWII. He was a glove manufacturer for the Theta, Mu Pi Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Austen Lauren Moore ’02 and Mark Roche-Garland, former C.J. Bachner and Sons Inc. He is survived Colgate Scholar, chorus. US Navy, WWII. He Oct. 10 To Justin LaCorte ’98 and Susanne: Brayden, by his wife of 67 years, Estelle, 3 daughters, 9 served as assistant to the president at Bates Jan. 23, 2010, joining Carter grandchildren, and several nieces, nephews, and College from 1949–1969 and later taught US Ali Nusbaum ’02 and Marshall Bergkamp, Nov. 5 cousins. history at Edward Little High School (Maine) To Jonathan Heuer ’99 and Chelsea: Charles, until retirement in 1982. He was predeceased by Lauren Worthington ’02 and Robert Morse, Oct. 17 March 16 George A. Baldwin ’38, January 6, 2010. Lambda his wife of 64 years, Dorothy. He is survived by Chi Alpha. He was the principal partner of his 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren, and several Jennifer Buntman ’03 and Chaim Indig, July 5 To Timothy ’99 and Susan Murphy ’98 Kelly: George A. Baldwin and Assoc. He was prede- great-grandchildren. Timothy Glennon, July 11 ceased by 4 brothers, 2 sisters, a daughter, and his Katherine Downes Koshetz ’03 and Oliver Garth cousin, John Chaffee ’36. He is survived by his Clifford L. Miller Jr. ’40, November 11, 2009. Price, Nov. 14 To Amedeo and Samantha Kohn ’99 Gaggion: wife of 64 years, Dorothy, 4 daughters, a son, Sigma Chi, Masque and Triangle, ski club, chorus. Matteo Luke, Jan. 15, 2010 11 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. US Army Air Corps, 1940–1945. He was a retired Melinda Schwoegler ’03 and Brian White, Sept. 26 executive VP of Mid-Hudson Brick and Supply Co. To Brent and Sara Panebianco ’99 Bell: Beatrice James H. McKinney ’38, January 13, 2010. Delta He was predeceased by his wife, Gladys, brother John Bailey ’04 and Jennifer Meacham ’04, Oct. 3 Elizabeth, Oct. 26 Upsilon, baseball, cross-country. US Navy, WWII. Allen C. ’43, 2 sisters, and brother-in-law Ralph MBA, Harvard University. After serving with the Webber ’44. He is survived by 3 daughters J. Ryan Disch ’04 and Katherine E. Petit, Sept. 19 To John Brouillard ’00 and Amanda: John C., Navy in WWII he stayed on in a civilian role as including R. Kimberley Cook ’86, a son, a sister, Oct. 15, joining Zachary a program analyst, eventually rising to an office 7 grandchildren, 3 great-granddaughters, and Kris Forry ’05 and Joshua Lawfer, May 23 directly under the Secretary of the Navy. He is cousin David ’65. To Matthew ’00 and Johnna D’Aurora ’00 predeceased by his wife, Eileen. He is survived by Births & Adoptions Hutnick: Ila Rose, July 28, joining Michael his 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and 6 great- (2009 unless otherwise noted) grandchildren. To Shaun ’00 and Maryellen Tuzio ’00 Khosla: To Gerald ‘Jerry’ Ciciola ’86 and Catherine: Mason, March 3 Christian Gerald, Aug. 19 To James and Lisa McClelland ’00 Hoppes: Adah To Sam Seong Joo Lim ’87 and Eunsill: Serin, Elizabeth Morgan, Aug. 13 March 13, joining Senna and Alec Connect with Colgate To Freddy and Kristin Bailey ’01 Ferbert: To Andrew and Meghan Sullivan ’91 Nelson: Frederick Winzer IV, Oct. 29 Tess Sullivan, March 20, joining Daphne To Tim ’01 and Amy Ross ’01 Clark: Grace To Andrew Finizio ’92 and Caroline: Alyssa, May 9, Bedford, Oct. 26, joining Rosemary joining Rebecca To Brock Flemming ’01 and Angela: Savina, Aug. 2 To Mark and Susan Krutt ’92 Promislo: Alexa Maryn, June 25 To Christopher and Brooke Hill ’01 Ooten: Robert Watts, Feb. 5, joining Harrison To Leslie McLachlan ’92 and Gunnar Malmquist: Kai Alexander, Oct. 15, joining Tucker To Daylon and Maia Goss ’02 James: Felix River, Sept. 14 To Martin J. O’Neill ’94 and Suzanne: Alexis Louraine, Aug. 3 To Jason and Taryn Stone ’02 Bobko: Ripley Anton, Sept. 30, 2008 To Jason and Rachel Gottlieb ’95 Peavy: Natalie Jane, April 6, joining Charlotte Boyd To Jason and Megan Roddy ’03 Hall: Ella Grace, Oct. 19 To Jason and Muffie Bartow ’96 Roelke: Schuyler, Sept. 6, joining Peter, Patrick, Michael, To Adam Rubinstein ’04 and Annie: Benjamin and Braeden David, May 12

To Peter and Allison Korell ’96 West: Lila In Memoriam Veronica, Aug. 31 The Scene runs deceased notices on all alumni, current and former faculty members, honorary To Daniel and Audrey Sperano ’96 DiSpigna: degree recipients, and staff members and others Summer, Sept. 1 whom the editors determine would be well known to alumni. It would be hard to find a Colgate student who is To Chris and Emily Ellwood ’97 Wyner: William more engaged on campus than Emily Bradley ’10 Ellwood, Sept. 1 Frederick H. Steen ’29, January 13, 2010. Phi Beta Kappa, Commons Club. PhD, Harvard University. — or a father more proud than her dad, John. To Daniel ’97 and Shana Bergonzelli ’97 After teaching at the Georgia Institute of Graham: Schuyler Hellen ‘Skye,’ Aug. 19, joining Technology for 8 years, he taught at Allegheny Jack and Michael College for more than 49 years. The recipient of numerous awards in teaching, he also published From mentoring first-year students to Greek To Chris and Cara Jacobstein ’97 Zimmerman: multiple textbooks. He is predeceased by his wife life and Konosioni, Emily gave her all to Colgate. Charles Brett, May 15, joining Ellie and Ian of 65 years, Marion. He is survived by a daughter, 4 sons, 14 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchil- Then she joined generations of students, alumni, To William and Audette Jenkins ’97 Bruce: dren. Samuel Percy, May 9, joining Will and families, and made a gift to the Colgate Stanley A. Weeks ’35, January 7, 2010. Phi Annual Fund. To Robert and Kellie Lipsey ’97 Reed: Hudson Gamma Delta, International Relations Club, golf. Howard, Sept. 23, joining Carter US Navy, WWII. BA, George Washington University; LLB, JD, Buffalo State College. An To Christopher ’97 and Elizabeth Curtis ’97 attorney, he practiced with the firm of Hall and Please make your gift today. Marsh: Rowan, Feb. 16, joining Ella Piazza. From 1952–1953, he served as mayor of Online at www.colgatealumni.org/makeagift Jamestown, N.Y. He was predeceased by his wife, To Ryan ’97 and Nicole Talbot ’97 Quinn: Colin Sarita, a brother, and a sister. He is survived by Or call 800-668-4428. Michael, March 19, joining Caitlin and Hannah 2 nephews and a niece.

News and views for the Colgate community 73 William M. Berberich ’41, October 31, 2009. its chief of delegation. He was predeceased by his Carlton F. Barton Agency, an insurance and real National Republican Party before retiring from Commons Club, International Relations Club. US wife, Sylvia, a daughter, and his brother, John ’44. estate agency, which he later sold to his son. He politics and real estate in the 1980s. He is Army, 1942–1946. MA, Columbia University. He He is survived by 2 daughters, his son, Eric ’69, 3 was predeceased by his father, Mason ’18, as well survived by 4 sons and their families. retired after dedicating 35 years to education. He grandsons, a granddaughter, and a sister-in-law. as his first and second wife. He is survived by 4 is survived by his wife, Marie, 6 daughters, a son, sons including William ’76 and Daniel ’80, 4 William J. Cooksley Jr. ’52, January 6, 2010. Theta 13 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Robert G. Randall ’43, January 3, 2010. Sigma Nu, daughters-in-law, 15 grandchildren, 2 sisters, a Chi. US Army, 1946–1948. He was a personnel International Relations Club, Outing Club, Banter, brother-in-law, nieces, nephews, and cousins. manager for IBM in Owego, N.Y., retiring in 1986. Edwin W. Milkey ’41, December 25, 2009. swimming. US Navy. MD, New York Medical He was predeceased by his wife, Janice, and Commons Club, International Relations Club, College. A reconstructive surgeon, he pioneered Carl A. Braun Jr. ’49, February 10, 2010. Baseball, 2 sisters. He is survived by 2 sons and daughters- Washington, DC, Study Group, track. US Army, many new techniques and procedures in facial basketball. US Army. He joined the New York in-law, 6 grandchildren, his sister and brother-in- WWII. He worked for the Vermont Department reconstruction. He was predeceased by his Knicks in 1947, coaching the team in his final law, nieces, nephews, and cousins. of Employment Security for 40 years, retiring as brother, John III ’38. He is survived by his wife, 2 seasons with them, and then joined the regional manager in 1981. He is survived by his Fern, a daughter, a son, 4 grandchildren including 1961–1962 NBA champion Boston Celtics. Having Everett M. Fogal ’52, January 6, 2010. Commons wife, Dorothy, 4 daughters, 10 grandchildren, and Abigail Haak Graham ’00, 2 great-grandchildren, been an All-Star guard for the Knicks and after Club. He was a retired retailer in Lighthouse numerous nieces and nephews. nephews Alfred ’66 and John IV ’78, and leading them in scoring in his first 7 seasons, he Point, Fla. He is survived by his brother and great-niece Courtney Dunlaevy ’08. was honored at the team’s Legends Night last sister-in-law. Martin G. Benedict ’42, November 11, 2009. Theta March. After retiring from basketball, he became Chi, Outing Club, basketball. US Army. He was Robert K. Wood ’43, May 31, 2009. Alpha Tau a Wall Street stockbroker, which he retired from Douglas F. Price ’52, November 9, 2009. Sigma retired from working at the Exxon Corporation. Omega, baseball. US Army, 1941–1945. MPH, Yale 25 years ago. He is survived by his wife, Joan, Nu, Outing Club, student government, He was predeceased by his wife, Margaret, University, 1958. A hospital administrator, he 4 daughters, and 6 grandchildren. swimming, sailing club. US Naval Reserve, grandfather Martin G. 1882, and brother John ’48. retired as executive director of Cheshire Hospital 1953–1955. He began his career at the Hanover He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a in Keene, N.H., in 1974. He is survived by his wife, Robert F. Doyle ’49, October 15, 2009. US Army Bank and became an investment management son and daughter-in-law, a sister-in-law, 5 Constance, 2 sons, and a daughter. Air Corps, WWII. He was a retired president of executive. The corporation was acquired by Paine grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, and 2 a real estate firm. He was predeceased by his first Webber’s Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management, nephews. Sam C. Harris ’44, December 1, 2009. Delta Kappa wife, Ida, a daughter, and a stepson. He is from which he retired as a VP in 1988. He was Epsilon. US Army Air Corps, WWII, Korea, and survived by his second wife, Elaine, a son, a predeceased by his brother as well as cousins Oscar Drumheller ’42, December 15, 2009. Alpha Vietnam; Distinguished Flying Cross. A 30-year grandson, a stepson, and 4 stepgrandaughters. Bleecker Morse ’35 and Robert ’37. He is survived Tau Omega, Outing Club, student government, Air Force veteran, he retired in 1972 and started by his wife, Suzanne, a daughter and son-in-law, ski club, chorus. US Air Corps, WWII. MBA, Sam Harris Photography, for which he became James Z. Patsalos ’49, January 29, 2010. Sigma son D. Scott ’80 and daughter-in-law, and 3 Harvard University. In 1952, he joined the Lane known for aerial photography. He is survived by Nu, International Relations Council. US Army Air grandchildren. Press, where he remained as chairman until his his wife, Diana, son Carter ’68, a granddaughter, Corps, WWII. Following graduation, he began his retirement in 1983. He also served as police nephews, and a stepdaughter. career in the insurance business and operated John T. McMahon Jr. ’53, October 30, 2009. Sigma commissioner of the City of Burlington (VT) for the firm Shipp & Osborn, Inc. until retirement in Chi, student government, baseball, football. US 9 years and was director of the Bank of Vermont, Richard L. Pockman ’44, July 1, 2009. Beta Theta 1986. He was predeceased by a sister and a Marine Corps, 1953–1957. He is survived by his where he chaired the executive committee. He is Pi. Naval Air Corps, World War II. He pursued a brother. He is survived by his wife, Peggy-Ann, wife, Veronica, a sister, 4 children and their survived by his wife, Elizabeth, 3 sons and career in sales, working with several different 3 daughters including Constance ’86 and Susan spouses, 8 grandchildren, and many nieces and daughters-in-law, and 5 grandchildren. companies before establishing himself as both ’87, 5 grandchildren, a brother, 2 sisters, and nephews. partner and sales representative of the Pockman nieces and nephews including Karen Walsh Earl B. Mellor ’42, October 24, 2009. Phi Tau. US Manufacturing Co., manufacturer of poultry MacNaughton ’77 and her husband Cameron James O’Brien ’53, January 16, 2009. Delta Coast Guard. A retired accountant, he had equipment. He is survived by his wife, Jackie. MacNaughton ’77. Upsilon. US Army, 1946–1948. He and his wife worked for Texas Co. in New York City. He is were owners of American Aluminum Co. until survived by a son. Arnold A. Whitehouse Jr. ’44, December 25, 2009. Franklin E. Warren ’49, October 28, 2009. Phi retirement. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Delta Upsilon, track. US Army Air Force, 1944. He Delta Theta, Konosioni, Maroon Key, basketball, Elizabeth, his sister and brother-in-law, and Robert W. Tonner ’42, November 11, 2009. Delta was the owner of AAW Lobster Co. in Cape tennis; Athletic Hall of Honor ’88. US Army Air numerous nieces and nephews. Upsilon, debate, track. US Air Corps, WWII; Distin- Porpoise, Maine. He was predeceased by 2 sisters. Corps, WWII. After graduation, he began working guished Flying Cross. He worked in the wool and He is survived by his wife, Eleanor, a daughter, in sales for Oneida Community Silverware. He Ernest Lalonde ’54, December 13, 2009. Phi Tau, textile business. He is survived by his wife of 67 2 sons, 2 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, retired as VP for special sales after 35 years of hockey, marching band. US Army, 1954–1956. MS, years, Peggy, 3 sons, a daughter, 2 granddaugh- a brother, and a sister. service. He was predeceased by his first wife, Ohio State University, 1959; DDS, SUNY Buffalo, ters, and nieces and nephews. Suzanne, and then his second wife, Virginia. He 1962; MSD, St Louis University, 1965. He spent Richard E. Hall ’46, November 30, 2009. Beta is survived by 3 daughters, a son, a stepdaughter, several years as a dental professor before John W. Crowningshield ’43, November 4, 2009. Theta Pi, International Relations Club, baseball. 11 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. becoming a gemologist for the Gem Institute of Commons Club, Outing Club, Colgate Christian US Marine Corps, WWII. JD, Syracuse University, America. He is survived by his children and Association, baseball, basketball, football. US 1948. An attorney, he was a partner in a Syracuse Harold W. Miller ’50, November 5, 2009. their families. Army Air Corps. He was co-owner with his father practice. He served as judge for the town of Clay International Relations Club, chorus. He had been of Crowningshield-Harris Co., a machine tool from the 1950s to the 1970s. Also, he was an self-employed in business advertising before John T. Horan ’55, December 14, 2009. Beta Theta manufacturer in Greenfield, Mass. He later sold Onondaga County Legislator and a special agent entering the public finance field with Legg Pi. US Army, 1952–1954. MBA, Seton Hall the company and worked for Commercial Filters for the FBI. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, Mason. He later pursued graduate studies at University. Having worked for Honeywell in Corp. He then joined the United Shoe Machinery 2 sons, a grandson, a great-grandson, and a cousin. Biblical Theological Seminary (Pa.) and was computer hardware design during the initial Corp., from which he retired in 1986. He was ordained as a Mennonite minister, whereupon phase of mainframe computing, he later joined predeceased by his wife, Mary. He is survived by Edwin M. Schwenk ’46, December 17, 2009. Phi he served as chaplain at Rockhill Mennonite Prime Computing during the Boston technology 2 daughters and sons-in-law and 2 grandsons. Kappa Psi, International Relations Club, baseball, Community. He was predeceased by his wife, revolution. He was predeceased by his wife, football. US Navy, WWII. An entrepreneur, he Shirley. He is survived by 2 daughters and a Marion. He is survived by his 2 sons including Robert L. Edwards ’43, October 27, 2009. Theta launched the Katrinka convenience stores, son-in-law. John III ’84, a daughter, daughter-in-law Diane Chi. Harvard University, MA, 1949, PhD, 1951. US serving as president and CEO from 1961–1981, Singer ’85, 3 granddaughters, a brother, and Air Force, WWII; 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses. and in 1978 started his own public relations firm, Donald G. Rowlings ’51, October 8, 2009. Beta 2 aunts. He taught ecology at Tufts and Brandeis before Omnibuzz Associates. As chairman of the Suffolk Theta Pi, Banter, student government. US Air becoming program chief at the Bureau of County (NY) Republican Committee, he helped Force, Korean War. LLB, Harvard University, 1956. Bruce A. Jamieson ’55, May 9, 2009. Lambda Chi Commercial Fisheries Laboratory in Woods Hole, craft legislation to protect the Pine Barrens and He was a lawyer before joining Kaiser Engineers Alpha, ROTC, wrestling, cross country. US Air Mass. In 1965 he was assigned as a scientific spearheaded the Community Preservation Act. in 1972 and becoming senior VP of project Force. He had a more than 40-year career as a adviser to the State Department for fishery and He was predeceased by his son. He is survived by finance and development. In 1987, he retired broker and manager with Merrill Lynch. He was ocean research programs. Beginning in 1967 he his wife, Diana, 2 daughters, and 3 grandchildren. from Kaiser and organized Rowlings Capital predeceased by a son and a sister. He is survived coordinated research cruises between the United Group, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Jocelyn, by his wife, Nancy, 2 daughters, a sister, and States and Russia as well as Western European Bernard E. Swanson ’47, January 5, 2010. US Navy. a son, 2 daughters, and 3 grandchildren. grandchildren. fishery interests, leading to international MD, Cornell University, 1952. He was a pediatri- programs still ongoing today. From 1970–1971, he cian in New Rochelle, N.Y., who gave free medical George Champion Jr. ’52, December 12, 2008. Bidwell Phillips ’55, March 30, 2008. He was was associate director of resource research in care to needy children. Delta Kappa Epsilon. US Air Force. He began his president and owner of Torrington Coal and Oil Washington, D.C., for the National Marine career in banking at Citi. In 1960 he moved to Co. in Torrington, Conn. He was predeceased by Fisheries Service. From 1972 until his retirement Carlton F. Barton ’49, December 4, 2009. Delta Jacksonville, Fla., as president of Dixie Accep- his wife, Janet. He is survived by daughter Lynne in 1985, he was a US delegate to the International Kappa Epsilon, Maroon Key, baseball, swimming. tance Corp. and became a real estate developer. ’80 and his son, as well as their families. Council for the Exploration of the Sea and then US Army Air Corps, 1945. In 1954, he began the He later became Florida chairman for the

74 scene: Spring 2010 John C. Barron ’56, October 31, 2009. Tau Kappa real estate development and sales for nearly 30 Epsilon, Salmagundi, economics club. He held years. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, a son, In tribute accounting positions at several central New York a daughter, 4 grandchildren, his mother, his businesses. He is survived by 2 sons and sister, and his brother. daughters-in-law, as well as 4 grandsons. Richard W. Hube ’70, December 21, 2009. Delta Thornton Penfield ’56, August 21, 2007. Phi Tau, Kappa Epsilon. In 1990, he started his manage- Masque & Triangle, WRCU, student government, ment firm Hube, Inc. Since 1999, he had served track, soccer. MA, Duke University. He was an in the Vermont House of Representatives, English professor at the University of New appointed to the House Commerce, Judiciary, and Orleans, Southern University of New Orleans, Government Operations and Rules committees, and Loyola University. He is survived by his wife, as well as to the House-Senate Joint Rules Diane, a son, 4 grandchildren, his sister, and Committee. He also served as the assistant cousins John Sinclair ’57 and John James Jr. ’59. majority leader. He is survived by his sister and brother-in-law, as well as his niece and nephew. Malcolm T. Dale ’57, January 23, 2010. Phi Kappa Psi, Outing Club, swimming, chorus. US National Richard L.H. Johnson ’71, October 3, 2009. JD, Guard. Over his 50-plus-year career in the Harvard University, 1974. Following law school, brokerage business, he was a partner and senior he worked for the Bedford-Stuyvesant executive with several firms before retiring from Redevelopment Agency in New York City, and in Oppenheimer & Company in 2008. He is 1978 moved to California to become general survived by his partner, Rebecca, 3 sons, his counsel of the Oakland Post. In 1982, he joined daughter, and his sister. Tandem Computers and was assigned to London and Amsterdam as general counsel for Europe, David M. Small ’59, December 6, 2009. Phi the Middle East, and Africa. He returned to the Gamma Delta, indoor track, football. US Army, United States in 1985 as senior international Korean War. He had a lengthy career in counsel for the Clorox Corp. In 2005, he retired Frank Farnsworth ’39, 90, management consulting and retired from and moved to Cape Town, South Africa. He is enriched economics curriculum, Princeton Productivity Institute, which he survived by his wife, Charita, and 2 sons. had founded. He is survived by his wife, Toni, directed London study group a daughter and son-in-law, a son, and 5 Thomas N. Salzmann ’71, October 30, 2009. Phi Frank Albert Farnsworth ’39, professor of economics emeritus, passed away in Brandon, grandchildren. Delta Theta, Phi Beta Kappa. PhD, University of Vt., on Saturday, January 30, at the age of 90. He earned his degrees from Colgate (AB) and Wisconsin, 1975. After earning his PhD, he joined Harvard University (AM, PhD). Robert H. Christie ’60, December 15, 2009. Merck Research Laboratories in Rahway, NJ, as “His colleagues remember him fondly as a great and dedicated friend of Colgate, for Lambda Chi Alpha, WRCU, sailing, tennis, cross a senior research chemist. He held positions of his ability to overcome life’s major obstacles with dignity and grace, and as a warm and country. National Guard. MBA, Fairleigh increasing responsibility within Merck, independent-minded example of Yankee vitality,” wrote Jill Harsin, interim provost and dean Dickinson University, 1981. He had been culminating with his appointment to the of the faculty, in a message to the campus community. employed by several financial services position of executive VP of Worldwide Preclinical During his Colgate career, which began in 1941, Farnsworth served as chair of the companies before establishing his own, Trans Development in 2002. He retired from Merck in Department of Economics, on the Committee on Budget and Long-Range Planning, and Atlantic Consultants, Inc. He is survived by his 2004 and focused on consulting for the biotech wife, Rose, 2 sons including Scott ’86, a daughter, industry. He is survived by his wife, Susan, on the Task Force on Year-Round College. During World War II, he instructed naval units brother John ’63, and 9 grandchildren. daughters Katrina ’95 and Gretel ’97, a son, at Colgate in both navigation and physics. In the 1960s, he directed one of Colgate’s first 2 brothers including L. John ’73, a sister, 4 economics study groups in London. William H. Donat ’60, November 3, 2009. Masque grandchildren, and uncle John R. Jr. ’48. Farnsworth contributed to the economics department’s curriculum in innovative ways by and Triangle, Outing Club, Russian Studies Club, incorporating into his classes industry studies and field work at his nearby Poolville Country soccer. US Army. He ran a book publishing and Charlotte L. Whiting MA’74, January 12, 2010. Store enterprise. He was known to be highly supportive of the many junior colleagues who graphic arts company as well as chaired a PhD, Syracuse University. She was a French joined the economics department in his later years at Colgate. He retired in 1987. nonprofit publishing company that released 56 language scholar who twice won the Alexandre Farnsworth was also a Fulbright Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics and books about the Holocaust. As a child survivor of Dumas award for excellence in French Business Administration. He did consulting work with small businesses in New York State the Warsaw ghetto, he was a Holocaust educator composition while living abroad in Paris. For the and Canada. In 1990, he was honored by the Madison County Soil and Water Conservation and guest lecturer. He is survived by his wife, past 10 years she was the assistant information Ellen, daughter Jocelyn ’88, 2 sons, and 6 officer at the Supreme Judicial Court of District as “forester of the year”; he received the first Donald E. Stearns Memorial Forestry grandchildren. Massachusetts. She is predeceased by a sister Award for his dedication to forestry and nearly 40 years of cooperation with the Depart- and a brother. She is survived by a sister and a ment of Environmental Conservation. G. Peter Gross ’60, December 23, 2009. Tau brother, as well as extended family. Farnsworth is survived by his children, Frank ’74 of Brandon, Vt., Ruth Eldridge of Clay Kappa Epsilon, track, cross country, tennis, Springs, Ariz., and John of Bonita Springs, Fla.; his stepchildren, John Martire ’78 and Amy chorus. New York National Guard. LLB, Columbia William N. LeCount ’76, November 26, 2009. Beta Martire, both of the greater Boston area, and Beth Cutter of Ithaca, N.Y.; and 9 grandchil- University, 1963. He practiced law in New York Theta Pi. MA, Fairfield University. He worked for dren. He was predeceased by his first wife, Ruth Coburn, his second wife, Elizabeth “Libby” City for many years. He is survived by his wife, the Marlin Firearms Company in its purchasing Martire, and daughter Nancy. At his request, there were no formal services, but he wished N. Julia, 3 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, 2 grand- department. He is survived by his wife, Joan, his to join both Ruth and Libby atop Mount Chocorua in the White Mountains of New Hamp- daughters, 2 sisters, and his brother-in-law. father, a son and daughter-in-law, a daughter, a shire. Memorials may be made to the Ruth Coburn Farnsworth Scholarship Fund through the sister, a cousin, nieces, and nephews. Leo Renauld ’63, May 2, 2004. PhD, Cornell stewardship office at Colgate. University, 1970. He taught languages for Paul A. Sampson ’77, October 10, 2009. MBA, Greenwich Central School and social sciences for University of Notre Dame, 1981. He was senior VP Sage Colleges, both in New York State. A linguist, of executive search at BeamPines Talent he authored 2 books and a number of poems. Management. He is survived by his wife, Susan, 3 Jason C. Gates ’95, December 10, 2009. Hockey, chemistry faculty in 1958. He served as the chair With his wife, he planned and established the daughters, 3 sisters including Barbara Osborne lacrosse. JD, New England School of Law; MA, of the Department of Chemistry and as director Belle Vue School. He is survived by his wife, ’83, and nieces and nephews. . He had a private law practice of the Division of Natural Sciences and Shirley, 2 daughters, 2 sons, 6 grandchildren, in New Bedford, Mass. He is survived by his wife, Mathematics from 1963–1970. He is the inventor a sister, and cousins. Geryl R. Gardner MA’78, January 17, 2010. She was Eve, 3 children, his parents, 2 sisters including of a manometer, an instrument for measuring a language teacher at Binghamton High School. Erin ’96, his grandmother, aunts, uncles, and pressure, which he designed for Colgate students John P. Hiltz III ’65, November 26, 2009. Alpha She is survived by 2 sisters, 2 nieces, and a nephew. cousins. working in organic chemistry. Also, he was a Delta Phi, WRCU, Maroon. MBA, Harvard major contributor to the design of Wynn Hall. He University, 1968. He is survived by his wife, Mary, Paul M. Brinley ’84, January 18, 2010. Theta Chi, Elmer R. Trumbull, professor of chemistry is survived by his wife, Pat, 3 children, and 7 a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter- pep band, jazz band, marching band. After emeritus, November 15, 2009. AB, Dartmouth grandchildren. in-law, and 4 grandchildren. graduation he entered the finance and University; PhD, University of Illinois. He served investment field, most recently working as a as a postdoctoral fellow at MIT and taught at Stephen M. Lowe ’69, December 25, 2009. Phi liability insurance consultant. He is survived by Tufts and Brown before joining the Colgate Gamma Delta, Outing Club, baseball. He was in his parents, 5 brothers, and a sister.

News and views for the Colgate community 75 Take Five puzzle Rewind Can you divide this arrangement of campus pictures into five sections so that each section consists of five connected squares and contains one of each kind of picture? The sections will not all have the same shape. Answer key on pg. 69. Reflections of Colgate through the generations

What type of car did you drive at Colgate? A random posting to the Colgate Connec- tions group on LinkedIn by Diane Danielson ’89 yielded many fun memories of student “rides.” Join the group, read the whole thread, and post your own.

I drove a ’67 Comet, and kept a six-pack of spark plugs in the back seat, because I never knew when the engine block would spit one or two of them out with a teeth- rattling explosion, leaving a dimple in the hood. – Craig Peters ’80

…My best ride home was off the “ride board” in a late ’60s GM. Due to one of those wet snows, the Morrisville hill was like driving on grease. Unable to make it up going forward, my resourceful ride simply turned the car around and drove up back- wards. – John Liebschutz ’73

…A ’68 Dodge Monaco 4 door with a 383 … I actually hauled a full-size Dr. Pep- per machine in the trunk (sticking out of course) from Houston to Hamilton and installed it at Random House. – Richard Siciliano ’76

salmagundi …My father (Robert Sager ’51) had a 1931 Packard Duel Cowl Phaeton and a Cross- ley that they parked in the living room at Lambda Chi Alpha (now Ralph Bunche house) in the late ’40s. They used to ride around in raccoon coats in the Packard and at football games. – Clint Sager ’79 Puzzle by Puzzability …An old black Jeep Wrangler (complete w/ cow-print seat covers) fitted with doors that were perpetually frozen shut — such Slices that for 5 months out of every school year, I was climbing into my car through the A pictorial contest, in homage to the trunk. – Danielle Covati ’00 nickname of New York Pizzeria, the late-night Village of Hamilton hot I had a Ford Tempo that I bought from a spot serving the Colgate community rent-a-car place. It only went 25 mph on for more than three decades — one the hills around Hamilton, and yet I still plain slice at a time. managed to get four speeding tickets my senior year. – Leslie Flinn ’84 Tell us in what academic year these two Bobs performed at Colgate. Do you have a reminiscence for Rewind? Submit your answer about this “slice” Send your submission of short prose, of Colgate to [email protected] or poetry, or a photograph with a description attn: Colgate Scene, 13 Oak Dr., Ham- to [email protected]. ilton, NY 13346. Correct responses received by June 11, 2010, will be put into a drawing for a Slices T-shirt.

76 scene: Spring 2010 Above: Colgate spirit at the men’s ice hockey game against rival Cornell. Back cover: Spring puts a bounce in students’ steps alongside the Ho Science Center. Both photos by Andrew Daddio.

News and views for the Colgate community scene: News and views for the Colgate community

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