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Downloadable This publication was elaborated within BioREGIO Carpathians project supported by South East Europe Programme and was fi nanced by a Swiss-Slovak project supported by the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union and Carpathian Wetlands Initiative. Program švajčiarsko-slovenskej spolupráce Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme Slovenská republika CARPATHIAN RED LIST OF FOREST HABITATS AND SPECIES CARPATHIAN LIST OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES (DRAFT) THE STATE NATURE CONSERVANCY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC CARPATHIAN RED LIST OF FOREST HABITATS AND SPECIES CARPATHIAN LIST OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES (DRAFT) OF INVASIVE LIST AND SPECIES CARPATHIAN HABITATS OF FOREST RED LIST CARPATHIAN ISBN 978-80-89310-81-4 2014 oobalka_cervenebalka_cervene zzoznamy.inddoznamy.indd 1 225.9.20145.9.2014 221:41:521:41:52 CARPATHIAN RED LIST OF FOREST HABITATS AND SPECIES CARPATHIAN LIST OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES (DRAFT) PUBLISHED BY THE STATE NATURE CONSERVANCY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 2014 Table of contents Draft Red Lists of Threatened Carpathian Habitats and Species and Carpathian List of Invasive Alien Species . 5 Draft Carpathian Red List of Forest Habitats . 20 Red List of Vascular Plants of the Carpathians . 44 Draft Carpathian Red List of Molluscs (Mollusca) . 106 Red List of Spiders (Araneae) of the Carpathian Mts. 118 Draft Red List of Dragonfl ies (Odonata) of the Carpathians . 172 © Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, 2014 Red List of Grasshoppers, Bush-crickets and Crickets (Orthoptera) Editor: Ján Kadlečík of the Carpathian Mountains . 186 Available from: Štátna ochrana prírody SR Tajovského 28B Draft Red List of Butterfl ies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of the Carpathian Mts. 200 974 01 Banská Bystrica Slovakia Draft Carpathian Red List of Fish and Lamprey Species . 203 ISBN 978-80-89310-81-4 Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Amphibians (Lissamphibia) . 209 Program švajčiarsko-slovenskej spolupráce Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme Slovenská Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Reptiles (Reptilia) . 214 republika Draft Carpathian Red List of Birds (Aves). 217 Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Mammals (Mammalia) . 221 Draft List of Invasive Alien Species of the Carpathian Region . 228 This publication was elaborated within BioREGIO Carpathians project supported by South East Europe Programme and was fi nanced by a Swiss-Slovak project supported by the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union and Carpathian Wetlands Initiative. DRAFT RED LISTS OF THREATENED CARPATHIAN HABITATS AND SPECIES AND CARPATHIAN LIST OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES Ján Kadlečík (editor) 1. Introduction birds, reptiles, amphibians, fi shes, butterfl ies, orthopte- rans, dragonfl ies, spiders, molluscs and vascular plants), The Carpathian Mountains, ranging across seven coun- using IUCN Red List categories and criteria (version 3.1) tries from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Ukrai- (IUCN 2012a). The innovative approach was used when ne, Hungary, Romania and the small part of Serbia, are developing the Red List for habitats for which there are Europe’s last great natural area with rich biodiversity and still only draft guidelines prepared by IUCN. Because of diversifi ed landscapes1. They host a unique natural and delays in contracting the specialists for the Red List of cultural diversity, exceptional at the European scale and non-forest habitats, in this publication only Red List of are recognized as one of the biodiversity hotspots. On- forest habitats is included. The Red List of non-forest going socioeconomic changes and environmental impacts habitats will be available on the relevant web sites of the infl uence this sensitive ecological system in the region and projects. call for further joint action2. Red Lists are lists of animal and plant species, plant com- This publication is result of the activities of the Work munities, habitats and habitat complexes that are either Package 3 of the project Integrated management of biological collapsed, extinct, have disappeared or are endangered. and landscape diversity for sustainable regional development and The Red List is a tool to inform and catalyse action for bi- ecological connectivity in the Carpathians3 (“BioREGIO Car- odiversity conservation and policy change, critical to pro- pathians”) funded from the South East Europe Trans- tecting the natural resources. It provides information on national Cooperation Programme. The activitity was lead population size and trends, geographic range and habitat during 2011 – 2014 by the State Nature Conservancy of needs of species5. the Slovak Republic as a partner of the project. The publi- For the purposes of regional conservation assessments cation was prepared in cooperation with the other project there are important reasons to assess species΄ extinction Development of nature conservation and protected areas in Slovak risk and publish Red Lists within specifi c geographical- Carpathians funded from the Swiss-Slovak Cooperation ly defi ned areas and special guidelines were produced by Programe4 and provides fi rst draft lists of threatened ha- IUCN to assist in the application of the IUCN Red List bitats and species native to the Carpathians and the list of Categories and Criteria at regional levels (IUCN 2012b). invasive alien species in the Carpathian region as a basis The Red Lists have many uses in conservation including: for further consultation and fi nalization for fi nal appro- • Conservation planning – informing species-based val by the Carpathian Convention bodies and following conservation actions and identifying important sites activities. for conservation. Assessment was made for selected taxonomic groups for • Decision-making – infl uencing conservation decisi- which we expected to have suffi cient data to synthesise ons at multiple scales, from environmental impact as- and communicate on the conservation status (mammals, sessments to international multilateral environmental 1 2 3 4 5 5 agreements. need conservation measures to prevent extinctions achieving common standards for protection and sustaina- either are in danger of disappearance in their natural • Monitoring – indicating the current status of species and ensure that species reach and maintain a favou- ble use of habitats and species, prevention of introducti- range, or have a small natural range following their and revealing trends in their extinction risk over time, rable conservation status. on of invasive alien species which might threaten ecosys- regression or by reason of their intrinsically restricted to track progress towards biodiversity targets6. • To identify the major threats and propose mitigating tems, habitats or species native to the Carpathians, their area, or present outstanding examples of typical cha- measures and conservation actions to address them. control or eradication. Another fi eld is development and/ racteristics of the Carpathian region - to be adopted To assess current and potential future threats to the bi- • To strengthen the network of experts focused on or promotion of compatible biodiversity indicators and by the Conference of the Parties, and revised every ological diversity, ecosystems, habitats or species of the conservation of species in the region, so that the asse- monitoring systems, of coordinated regional inventories twelve years. Carpathians caused by introduction or release of invasive ssments can be kept up-to-date, and expertise be tar- of species and habitats, development and/or promotion • Prepare the proposal of the Carpathian Red List of alien species (IAS) within the national territory of each geted to address the highest conservation priorities. of coordinated scientifi c research programs and projects, Species based on compilation and analysis of scienti- Party and to prevent introduction or realease of IAS or to etc. fi c data and national inventories concerning endange- harmonize and coordinate measures and common actions To work on hamononized policies and measures aiming According to the Article 8 of the Protocol (Conservation, red species, including endemic fl ora and fauna species it is necessary fi rst to identify such species which are likely at the prevention of introduction of invasive alien species maintenance, restoration and sustainable use of natural and semi- native to the Carpathians, and large carnivores and to have adverse environmental impacts that could affect (IAS) which are likely to have adverse environmental im- natural habitats) and the Article 12 (Conservation of endangered following internationally recognized principles and the biological diversity, ecosystems, habitats or species of pacts and to take measures for their controla or eradica- species including endemic species, and large carnivores of the Carpa- criteria (e.g. IUCN Red List Criteria) to be adopted the Carpathians. Therefore the fi rst List of Invasive Alien tion at regional level, it is crucial to identify those species thians) the Conference of the Parties shall adopt a list of by the Conference of the Parties, and revised every Species was elaborated for further consultation and de- and assess their potential to affect biological diversity in endangered natural and semi-natural habitat types native twelve years. velopment. the region. to the Carpathians
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