
Acta Zool. Fennica 213: 1–63 ISBN 951-9481-58-3 ISSN 0001-7299 Helsinki 11 December 2001 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2001

A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the (Reptilia: )

Frank Robin O’Keefe

Department of Anatomy, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury, New York 11568, U.S.A

Received 13 February 2001, accepted 17 September 2001

O’Keefe F. R. 2001: A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesio- (Reptilia: Sauropterygia). — Acta Zool. Fennica 213: 1–63.

The Plesiosauria (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) is a group of marine known from abundant material, with specimens described from all continents. The group originated very near the boundary and persisted to the end- mass . This study describes the results of a specimen-based cladistic study of the Plesiosauria, based on examination of 34 taxa scored for 166 morphological characters. The is found to by polyphyletic due to the inclusion of the ; this second is instead a member of the , and thus more closely related to elasmosaurs than to other ‘plio- saurs’. Characters of body proportion such as neck length and head size are very labile, with the ‘pliosauromorph’ body plan evolving three times, while extremely long necks evolved in two . Characters from the entire skeleton support these relationships, although characters of the roof and palate are especially useful. Lastly, a new genus and , Hauffiosaurus zanoni, is named based on German material of Toarcian age.

Introduction tiles’ were named at a time when there was no need, and no context, for a more specific term. The term ‘plesiosaur’, meaning ‘near-’, is The Plesiosauria was a clade of Mesozoic not an informative name from a modern per- marine reptiles that evolved from stem-group spective. However, when Conybeare (1822) sauropterygians very near the Triassic–Jurassic coined the term to describe fossils from the boundary (reviewed in Rieppel 1997a, Rieppel English Lias little was known concerning any 2000). The clade diversified during the Jurassic extinct . The realization that plesiosaurs and Cretaceous, only to join the as were a completely extinct group was significant casualties of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction at a time when the occurrence of extinction itself (Romer 1966). Plesiosaurs were advanced over was uncertain (Taylor 1997). These ‘near-rep- their ‘’-grade forebearers in the evolu- 2 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 tion of wing-shaped fore and hind flippers that Early taxonomies classified plesiosaurs with generated thrust via lift as well as drag (Godfrey respect to two body proportion morphotypes 1984, Lingham-Soliar 2000). Plesiosaurs were (classifications reviewed in Welles 1943). These unusual among marine reptiles because they morphotypes were the long-necked, small-headed used no axial flexure when generating thrust ‘plesiosaurs’ (here termed plesiosauromorphs) (Storrs 1993); plesiosaurs are unique among and the large-headed, short-necked ‘pliosaurs’ aquatic in the elaboration of both fore (here termed pliosauromorphs). However, as ear- and hind limbs for lift-based thrust generation. ly as 1907 Williston suggested that the short neck The evolution of this novel locomotor appara- in ‘pliosaurs’ might have evolved at least twice. tus, and the pelagic lifestyle it allowed, led to The validity of the pliosauromorph/plesiosauro- rapid diversification and the evolution of differ- morph dichotomy was challenged more recently ent morphotypes linked to prey size (Massare by Carpenter (1997), and preliminary cladistic 1988, O’Keefe 2002). analyses by Bardet (1998) and Druckenmiller (1998) challenged the monophyly of the Super- family Pliosauroidea as traditionally defined. This Plesiosaur study is a specimen-based analysis whose goal is the elucidation of the phylogeny of the Plesiosau- The taxonomy of the Infra-order Plesiosauria ria. The terminal taxa in this analysis are genera, (de Blainville 1835) suffers from the compara- as higher-level relationships are the primary goal. tive taxonomic chaos of the Victorian era. How- The principal finding is the polyphyly of the ever, Andrews (1910, 1913), Welles (1943, Pliosauroidea as traditionally defined, by inclu- 1952), Tarlo (1960), Persson (1963), and Brown sion of the Polycotylidae. Placement of this fami- (1981) have all revised plesiosaur taxonomy. ly in the Plesiosauroidea also results in some All formalized the plesiosauromorph/pliosauro- reorganization of that taxon. morph dichotomy in their classifications, fol- lowing the lead of earlier workers such as Owen (1841), Lydekker (1889b), and Seeley (1892). Phylogenetic context Until the work of Carpenter in 1997, Williston (1925) was the only worker to break with the The Sauropterygia is a clade of basal , accepted, morphotype-based taxonomy. Plesio- more closely related to lepidosaurs than archo- saur relationships have been considered recently saurs but near this basal dichotomy (see Rieppel by Brown and Cruickshank (1994). These work- & Reisz 1999 for a review). Some recent work ers also retain the traditional dichotomy. The has indicated that Testudines is the sister group current taxonomy is listed below, based on of Sauropterygia, although this work is contro- Tarlo (1960), Persson (1963), Brown (1981, versial (Rieppel & deBraga 1996, Lee 1997, de 1993), and Brown and Cruickshank (1994). Braga & Rieppel 1997, Rieppel & Reisz 1999). The comparative anatomy and phylogeny of Diapsida Osborn, 1903 Triassic sauropterygians have been the subject Sauropterygia Owen, 1860 of intense study over the last decade. Storrs Infra-Order Plesiosauria de Blainville, 1835 (1991) published a cladogram of stem-group Superfamily Plesiosauroidea Welles, 1943 sauropterygians in the context of his redescrip- Family Plesiosauridae Gray, 1825 tion of , at that time the only Triassic Family Cope, 1870 sauropterygian known from the New World. Family Cryptoclididae Williston, 1925 Storrs also reviewed stem-group sauroptery- Family Cimoliasauridae Delair, 1959 gians. This phylogeny underwent exhaustive re- Superfamily Pliosauroidea Welles, 1943 vision by Rieppel, who engaged in a program of Family Seeley, 1874 redescription, taxonomic revision, and biogeog- Family Rhomaleosauridae Kuhn, 1961 raphy of all stem-group sauropterygians (re- Family Polycotylidae Williston, 1908 viewed in Rieppel 1999, Rieppel 2000, Rieppel ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 3

1994a, 1998, Rieppel & Wild 1996, and espe- antecedents are necessary. This section discuss- cially Rieppel 2000 are good entrance points to es only areas of variability, especially concern- Rieppel’s literature on the group). Field work by ing the skull and limb girdles. Specific charac- Rieppel, Storrs, and others also yielded remains ters and their states are discussed in Appendix 1. of a new sauropterygian from Nevada (Sander et al. 1997). This new genus () is a pistosaurid, and is significant because pistosau- Cranial anatomy rids are thought to be the sister group to the Plesiosauria (Sues 1987). The only other known No comprehensive review of the plesiosaur pistosaurid is from the Triassic of skull has been attempted since the work of , described by Meyer (1839) and Ed- Andrews (1910, 1913). Brown (1981, 1993), inger (1935) from two , the more complete and Brown and Cruickshank (1994) discussed of which is now lost. Rieppel (1994a) rede- the of and related gen- scribed the remaining skull, while Sues (1987) era, while the cranial anatomy of rhomaleosau- described the postcranium of Pistosaurus in rids has been treated recently by Cruickshank detail. (1994a, 1994b, 1997). Carpenter (1996) re- The cladogram topologies obtained by Riep- viewed the cranial anatomy of the polycotylids. pel varied as his research program evolved. The primitive taxa (Storrs 1997) More definitive versions from later publications and (Storrs & Taylor 1996) such as Rieppel (1998, 1999, 2000) agree on the have also been redescribed recently, as has the broad outline of sauropterygian phylogeny. In primitive Eurycleidus (Cruickshank 1994b). Rieppel’s topology, placodonts are the first The sauropterygian skull roof is remarkable branch within the clade Sauropterygia, making in several ways. The first and most obvious is them the outgroup to all other ‘nothosaur’-grade the pattern of temporal fenestration, where the sauropterygians plus the Plesiosauria (clade Eo- presence of the upper temporal fenestra and the sauropterygia). Three subclades are found with- lack of a lower temporal fenestra led Williston in this group, one comprised of pachypleuro- (1925) to classify the sauropterygians within his saurs such as Dactylosaurus and ‘Synaptosauria’. Colbert amended this name to (clade Pachypleurosauroidea). A second clade is ‘Euryapsida’, a term retained by Romer (1956, composed of the ‘, Not- 1966). Like many higher-level taxon names, hosaurus, and related taxa (clade Nothosauria), ‘Euryapsida’ has fallen into disuse due to a lack and a third contains the Plesiosauria and plesio- of certainty concerning its monophyly, although saur-like ‘nothosaurs’ (clade ; no- Merck (1997) has performed a cladistic analysis menclature from Rieppel 1998, Rieppel 1999, on all ‘euryapsids’ and believes them to be 2000). Clade Pistosauroidea contains the genera monophyletic. , Corosaurus, Pistosaurus, and The condition of the plesiomorphic the closely related Augustasaurus. In the follow- , described in detail by ing discussion, stem-group eosauropterygians Vaughn (1955), is an acceptable model from (i.e., eosauropterygians minus the Plesiosauria) which to derive the sauropterygian skull roof. are refered to using the colloquial terms ‘notho- All sauropterygians retain only the upper tempo- saur’ or ‘‘nothosaur’-grade taxa’. When the term ral fenestra, as does Araeoscelis. The upper nothosaur appears without quotes, it refers only temporal fenestra becomes greatly enlarged in to the monophyletic clade Nothosauria. the Sauropterygia, concurrent with a narrowing of the parietal skull table, creating a large sur- face for attachment of the jaw adductor muscu- Anatomical background lature (Rieppel 1994a). The trends of enlarge- ment of the upper temporal fenestra and narrow- Some introductory comments concerning the ing of the parietals become extreme in plesio- anatomy of plesiosaurs and their sauropterygian saurs; in all plesiosaurs, the posterior parietals 4 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 form a sharply keeled sagittal crest, and the pineal tra Andrews 1913, and Taylor & Cruickshank foramen moves far forward to a position near the 1993). The quadratojugal, also present in Araeo- parietal-frontal suture. Both of these characters scelis and most basal sauropterygians, is also are present in Pistosaurus, the most plesiosaur- lost in the Pistosauroidea and all plesiosaurs. like of the basal sauropterygians. Also present in The position and relations of the jugal is varia- Pistosaurus and all plesiosaurs is the ‘squamosal ble in sauropterygians, but Pistosaurus and arch’, or the meeting at the postero-dorsal margin many plesiosaurs possess a prominent suture of the skull of median processes of the squamos- between the maxilla and squamosal. This suture als. This median squamosal suture excludes the excludes the jugal from the ventral skull margin; parietals from the occiput. The pistosaurid genus in Simosaurus and other ‘nothosaur’-grade sau- Cymatosaurus is intermediate between basal ropterygians the jugal enters the ventral skull ‘nothosaurs’ and plesiosaurs in having a very margin (Rieppel 1994a). The jugal is taxonomi- narrow exposure of the parietal on the occiput cally important in plesiosaurs, and the configu- (Rieppel & Werneburg 1998). ration of the other circum-orbital bones in gen- In Araeoscelis, paired nasal bones contact eral is also diagnostic. the external nares and meet in a long midline The posterior palate and basicranium are suture, anterior to the paired frontals that also diagnostic in plesiosaurs, but this area is highly meet broadly on the midline. All three clades of conserved in more basal sauropterygians, and is sauropterygians contain members where the na- often obscured by other skull elements. In all sal midline suture is lost due to the formation of ‘nothosaur’-grade sauropterygians, the ptery- a midline frontal-premaxilla suture. Pistosaurus goids meet in a median suture that extends has this suture, and is further derived in having caudally almost to the occipital condyle, form- very small nasals that do not contact the external ing a solid plate of bone beneath the basicrani- nares (Edinger 1935). Rieppel (1994a) could not um (Storrs 1991, Rieppel 1997b). This ptery- determine whether nasals were present in the goid median suture closes off both the anterior remaining skull of this taxon. The presence or and posterior interpterygoid vacuities, the pres- absence of nasals in plesiosaurs has always been ence of which in Araeoscelis exposes the dermal debated, with Andrews (1910) identifying them ossification of the parasphenoid as well as the in some pliosaurs. More recently, Storrs has endochondral ossifications of the braincase (i.e maintained that all plesiosaurs lack nasals basisphenoid and basioccipital). Araeoscelis is (Storrs 1991), and his skull roof reconstructions primitive in this regard, very similar to the of the very primitive plesiosaurs Plesiosaurus diapsid (Reisz (Storrs 1997) and Thalassiodracon (Storrs & 1981). In Pistosaurus, the posterior interptery- Taylor 1996) omit nasals. However, nasals are goid vacuity reappears, again exposing the ven- in fact present in Thalassiodracon as well as in tral surface of the braincase. The morphology of all more derived members of the Pliosauroidea the braincase is unknown in Pistosaurus. In (see below). The nasal is lost in all Plesiosauroi- primitive plesiosaurs, the palate opens further to dea, including Plesiosaurus. When present in reveal the anterior parasphenoid and the brain- plesiosaurs, the nasals are always separated by case. These structures show a remarkable simi- posterior processes of the premaxillae, as is the larity to the condition in Araeoscelis. The reap- case in Cymatosaurus. In many plesiosaurs the pearance of the anterior and posterior interptery- premaxillary processes extend back to contact goid vacuities in plesiosaurs is correlated with a the parietals, separating the frontals on the skull trend of reduced ossification in the skeleton surface, although the frontals may continue to generally, a common feature of many aquatic have a midline suture beneath the premaxillae tetrapods (Storrs 1991, Romer 1956). Ossifica- (Andrews 1911b). tion of the more ventral structures of the brain- Araeoscelis is plesiomorphic in the retention case is also reduced in plesiosaurs, to the point of the lacrimal, stretching from orbit to external that the dorsum sellae and sella turcica are no naris. The lacrimal is lost in all sauropterygians longer identifiable in derived pliosauroids. (Rieppel 1997b), including all plesiosaurs (con- These structures are prominent and well-ossified ACTA ZOOL. 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Fig. 1. Eurycleidus arcu- atus braincase, OUM J.28585. Length of frag- ment 4.5 cm. in (Rieppel 1994b), and are present a reduced sacrum composed of one to three but less well-ossified in the pistosauroid Cyma- sacral ribs. tosaurus (Rieppel & Werneburg 1998). Cymato- The pectoral girdle is more complex and saurus also possesses a deep, narrow notch in much more variable within the Sauropterygia. the posterior border of the clivus, a feature it All sauropterygians have one coracoid ossifica- shares with all plesiosaurs in which the dorsum tion rather than the primitive two present in sellae and clivus are ossified (Fig. 1). Araeoscelis; the cleithrum is also absent in all sauropterygians (Rieppel 1997b). Furthermore, there is a broad trend of reduction in the dorsal Postcranial anatomy structures of the pectoral girdle and elaboration of them ventrally. In placodonts the shoulder Romer’s (1956: pp. 298–332) introduction to girdle is still relatively plesiomorphic. The blade the anatomy of the reptilian limb girdles illus- of the scapula is prominent laterally, and the trates the general conditions of the pectoral and coracoids do not meet on the ventral midline. pelvic girdles in primitive . Again, However, the dermal elements of the shoulder Araeoscelis is a plesiomorphic diapsid that may girdle (clavicles and interclavicle) are large and be used as a model from which to derive the robust, and are primarily ventral structures. In sauropterygian conditions. In the pelvic girdle of ‘nothosaur’-grade sauropterygians, the clavicles Araeoscelis, the pubis and ischium form a solid remain large and, unlike placodonts, have a plate without a thyroid fenestra, surmounted prominent medial suture and concomitant reduc- dorsally by the ilium (Vaughn 1955). The obtu- tion of the interclavicle. Also in contrast to rator foramen is primitively present in the pubis. placodonts, ‘nothosaur’-grade sauropterygians All sauropterygians have a large thyroid fe- possess a ventral median suture of the coracoids. nestra. The obturator foramen is present in all The coracoids are enlarged relative to those of sauropterygians except plesiosaurs, the pistosau- placodonts and are distinctively narrowed or roid Cymatosaurus, and the true nothosaur Lari- ‘waisted’ near their centers (Storrs 1991: p. 75). osaurus. Girdle ossification in plesiosaurs is The coracoids are plate-like and not waisted in slow and varies intra-specifically to some degree the pistosauroid Corosaurus. In Augustasaurus (Brown 1981), leading Brown to question the the coracoids are large ventral plates similar to taxonomic utility of characters relating to girdle those in plesiosaurs (Sander et al. 1997; author’s shape. The plesiosaur pelvic girdle is apomor- pers. obs.). The coracoid foramen is also lost in phic in the great reduction of the ilium, the loss Corosaurus and Augustasaurus, a trait these of contact between ilium and pubis, and the taxa share with plesiosaurs. concomitant absence of the ilium from the The pectoral girdle in plesiosaurs is charac- acetabulum. In all plesiosaurs, the ilium is a terized by reduction of the scapular blade narrow rod of bone running from the ischium to (Romer 1956) and a great ventral elaboration of 6 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 the scapulae. The dorsal blade of the scapula is ventral plates of bone vaguely reminiscent of a situated dorsal to the glenoid in ‘nothosaur’- plastron. The short space between the grade sauropterygians, but is anterior to the anterior and posterior girdles was filled with glenoid in all plesiosaurs (Kebang & Rieppel closely spaced gastralia. The ventral plates were 1998). The ventral processes of the scapulae presumably the areas of attachment for large angle anteriorly toward the midline and meet in locomotor muscles (Williston 1914). a midline suture in some derived taxa. This The limbs of plesiosaurs are highly specialized ventral elaboration of the scapulae comes at the hydrofoils. The modifications of propodials and expense of the clavicles and interclavicle, which epipodials are complex in sauropterygians, espe- are reduced and near the midline in plesiosaurs. cially across the pistosaurid/plesiosaur transition The coracoids are also greatly elaborated in and within basal plesiosaurs. In general terms, the plesiosaurs, forming large plate-like extensions propodials tend to lose obvious processes for mus- posteriorly with a long midline suture between cle attachment and become short and stout (Storrs them. The coracoids may also send processes 1997, Romer 1956). A pronounced bend caudad in forward to meet either the clavicles or scapulae the shaft of the humerus is characteristic of ‘notho- on the midline, dividing the ventral space en- saur’-grade taxa and some very primitive plesio- closed by the pectoral girdle into two pectoral saurs, but the shaft is straight in all derived plesio- fenestrae (for example Welles 1962, Storrs saurs (Storrs 1997). Both the ectepicondylar and 1997). This median pectoral bar is slow to ossify entepicondylar foramina are lost in all plesiosaurs; (Brown 1981), as is the comparable median in ‘nothosaur’-grade sauropterygians the ectepi- pelvic bar (present in Plesiosaurus, Storrs 1997, condylar foramen is often reduced to a groove or and some elasmosaurs, Welles 1962). The ag- notch, and both features are variably present in gregate effect of changes in the pelvic and basal sauropterygians. However, the pistosauroids pectoral girdles is the formation of two large, Corosaurus and Cymatosaurus possess both open-

Table 1. Repositories and abbreviations for sauropterygian material referenced in this report. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Repository Abbrev. Location ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 01 American Museum of Natural History AMNH New York, New York, USA 02 The Natural History Museum BMNH London, UK 03 Banque de la República de Villa de Leyva BRI Bogota, Columbia 04 Bristol Museum and Art Gallery BRSMG Bristol, UK 05 Sedgwick Museum CAMSM Cambridge, UK 06 Sternberg Museum of Natural History FHSM Fort Hayes, Kansas, USA 07 Field Museum of Natural History FMNH Chicago, Illinois, USA 08 Institut und Museum für Geologie und Paläontologie GPIT Tübingen, Germany 09 Urwelt Museum Hauff Hauff Holzmaden, Germany 10 Kansas Museum of Natural History KUVP Lawrence, Kansas, USA 11 Leicester City Museum LEICT Leicester, UK 12 Manchester Museum MAN UM Manchester, UK 13 Geologisch-Paläontologisches Museum der Universität Münster Münster Münster, Germany 14 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University MCZ Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 15 Museum of the Rockies MOR Bozeman, Montana, USA 16 National Museum of Wales NMW Cardiff, Wales 17 Oxford University Museum of Natural History OXFUM Oxford, UK 18 Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery PETMG Peterborough, UK 19 Strecker Museum, Baylor University SM Waco, Texas, USA 20 Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart SMNS Stuttgart, Germany 21 Southern Methodist University Museum of Paleontology SMUSMP Dallas, Texas, USA 22 Texas Technical Institute TTVP Lubbock, Texas, USA 23 University of California Museum of Paleontology UCMP Berkeley, California, USA 24 Smithsonian Institution USNM Washington, D.C., USA 25 University of Wyoming UW Laramie, Wyoming, USA 26 Yorkshire Museum YORYM York, UK 27 Yale-Peabody Museum YPM New Haven, Connecticut, USA ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 7 ings, whereas the pistosaurids Pistosaurus and Augustasaurus lack both openings, another condi- tion these taxa share with plesiosaurs. The epipodi- als resemble the propodials in becoming relatively short and broad in basal eosauropterygians. The manus and pes are characterized by hyperphalangy in all plesiosaurs. The phalangeal formulas in the pistosaurids are unknown. The hypophalangy hy- pothesized by Sander et al. (1997) in Augustasau- rus is probably an artifact of preservation (O. Rieppel pers. com.).

Materials and methods

The plesiosaur material discussed here is held in 27 institutions in the United States, South Ameri- ca, and Europe (listed in Table 1). Material in 24 of these institutions was examined personally; material from the other three institutions (Geolo- gisch-Paläontologisches Museum der Universität Münster, Museum of the Rockies, Banque de la República de Villa de Leyva) was scored from Fig. 2. Hauffiosaurus zanoni n.gen n.sp palate, the literature. The three outgroup and 31 ingroup Hauff uncat. Length of skull 43 cm. taxa considered in this report are listed below. Each genus is presented with primary and more morphies: seven premaxillary teeth; ectoptery- recent references, holotype and specimen number, goid boss contacts jugal exclusively; propodials referred material, and other remarks. Characters very long. used in the phylogenetic analysis are discussed in the second part of the Materials and Methods TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: Hauff museum uncata- section, and listed in Appendix 1. The data matrix logued, a complete skeleton in the Hauff Museum, Holz- maden, Germany. Figs. 2 and 3. is listed in Appendix 2. ETYMOLOGY: The species name zanoni refers to the late R. T. Zanon, who first realized this specimen represented a new genus (R. T. Zanon unpubl.). Description of Hauffiosaurus gen. n. and REFERRED MATERIAL: none. Hauffiosaurus zanoni sp. n. TYPE LOCALITY: Posidonien-Schiefer, Holzmaden, Germany. AGE: Toarcian.

Hauffiosaurus gen. n. DESCRIPTION: The specimen here designated Hauffiosaurus zanoni (Hauff museum uncata- DIAGNOSIS: as for species. logued) is a complete plesiosaur skeleton pre- served in ventral view, found in the Posidonien- ETYMOLOGY: The genus name refers to the Urwelt-Muse- um Hauff, the institution in Holzmaden, Germany where Schiefer of Holzmaden, Germany (Toarcian). the type species is housed. The skeleton is approximately 2.5 m long, and TYPE SPECIES: Hauffiosaurus zanoni displays an interesting mix of plesiomorphic, derived, and apomorphic features. For a com- plete listing of character states in this taxon, see Hauffiosaurus zanoni sp. n. Appendix 2. The skull is preserved in palatal view DIAGNOSIS: A plesiomorphic member of clade (Figs. 2 and 3), with the mandibles crushed and Pliosauridae possessing the following autapo- displaced to one side. The snout and mandibular 8 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Fig. 3. Photographs of the holotype of Hauffio- saurus zanoni. Top, de- tail of skull and mandi- bles. Compare to Fig. 2. Length of skull 43 cm. Bottom, entire skeleton as preserved. Note that ‘body outline’ was carved during preparation; no soft tissue is preserved with the specimen. symphysis are both very long, indicating that the surface anterior to the posterior interpterygoid specimen is not a rhomaleosaur, and is instead a vacuity. The basisphenoid is poorly ossified, as member of the Pliosauridae. On the palate, the in and all other pliosaurids except vomers extend beyond the posterior margin of . The pterygoids meet behind the the internal nares and meet the pterygoids in a posterior interpterygoid vacuity, and there is wide, interdigitating suture very similar to that evidence of a lateral flange around the vacuities in Peloneustes. This suture lacks the median similar to that in Peloneustes and . extension on the midline characteristic of Mac- However, the sigmoid shape and rolled lateral roplata. The Hauff taxon also possess a promi- margin of the quadrate flange of the pterygoid nent ectopterygoid boss unlike Macroplata but are absent in the Hauff taxon, as in Macroplata like Peloneustes, although the boss articulates but unlike all more derived pliosaurids. There laterally with the jugal only rather than both the are seven teeth in each premaxilla, an autapo- jugal and squamosal as in Peloneustes. There is morphy (Peloneustes has six teeth in the pre- no anterior interpterygoid vacuity. The paras- maxilla). In sum, the palate of the Hauff speci- phenoid is exposed prominently on the palate men shows a mixture of primitive and derived ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 9

features, and seems to be intermediate between GENUS: Cymatosaurus v. Fritsch, 1894 the plesiomorphic Macroplata and more derived TYPE SPECIES: Cymatosaurus fridericianus v. Fritsch, 1894. Peloneustes. The position of the Hauff taxon on TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: Institut für Geowissen- the cladogram reflects this impression. schaften, Martin-Luther Universität, Halle/Saale, uncata- The most remarkable aspect of the postcrani- logued. um is the extreme length of the propodials. The TYPE LOCALITY: Lower Muschelkalk, Halle/Saale, Germany. humerus is 32 cm long, while the femur is 35 cm AGE: . long. Both propodials are longer than any of REFERRED MATERIAL: various, at least four known species. REMARKS: Taxonomy and referred material reviewed in their associated girdle bones, a unique feature Rieppel (1997b, 1998b), and Rieppel and Hagdorn (1997). among plesiosaurs and an autapomorphy of this taxon. The postcranium in general displays rela- FAMILY: Pistosauridae Zittel, 1887 tively small girdles, high aspect-ratio fins, and a neck that is primitive in length and vertebral TYPE SPECIES: Pistosaurus longaevus Meyer, 1839. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: Oberfränkisches Erdges- number. Hauffiosaurus zanoni is a stratigraphi- chichtliches Museum, Bayreuth, uncatalogued. cally early (Toarcian) and morphologically inter- TYPE LOCALITY: Upper Muschelkalk, Bayreuth, Germany. mediate member of the Pliosauridae, and pos- AGE: Late . sesses several autapomorphies in the skull and REFERRED MATERIAL: various, possibly two species. postcranium. REMARKS: Taxonomy, referred material, and postcranium reviewed in Sues (1987). Cranium described by Edinger (1935), and Rieppel (1994a). Included taxa TYPE SPECIES: Augustasaurus hagdorni Sander, Rieppel and Bucher, 1997. Outgroup taxa TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: FMNH PR 1974. TYPE LOCALITY: Favret Formation, Pershing County, Nevada. Three taxa were chosen as outgroups for this AGE: Late Anisian. analysis. They are the nothosaur Simosaurus, the REFERRED MATERIAL: none. pistosauroid Cymatosaurus, and the family Pis- REMARKS: Augustasaurus is one of two nothosaur-grade sauropterygians from North America; the other is Coro- tosauridae. The family Pistosauridae comprises saurus. The skull of Augustasaurus is currently being the genera Pistosaurus and Augustasaurus. described by O. Rieppel, M. Sander, and G. Storrs. These two taxa were scored together because they are closely related, and because the material for the two genera is complementary. The postc- Ingroup taxa ranium of Augustasaurus is articulated and well- preserved, unlike that of Pistosaurus, which has Thirty-one plesiosaur genera were coded for led to some doubt in the postcranial reconstruc- inclusion in the phylogenetic data matrix. Two tion of the later taxon (Sues 1987). The skull of of these taxa are unnamed at present; these taxa Augustasaurus is extant, and a description is in are referred to by specimen number. Several of press a this time (O. Rieppel pers. com.), while the genera included here contain more than one that of Pistosaurus was described in detail by species. The common genus Plesiosaurus prob- Edinger (1935; skull now lost). ably contains three valid species, while Mu- raenosaurus contains at least two valid species. GENUS: Simosaurus Meyer, 1842 Because genus-level and higher relationships TYPE SPECIES: Simosaurus gaillardoti Meyer, 1842. are the primary goal of this analysis, polytypic TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: lost. — Neotype: SMNS genera are treated as terminal taxa here. Howev- 16700 (Rieppel 1994a). er, species level diagnoses are given in the TYPE LOCALITY: Upper Muschelkalk, Lunéville, . Systematic Paleontology section where appro- AGE: Ladinian. REFERRED MATERIAL: various, one known species. priate. Another complication is that the genus REMARKS: Taxonomy and referred material reviewed in is paraphyletic (see Results). Rieppel 1994a. The species of Rhomaleosaurus included here 10 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Fig. 5. Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus skull roof, BMNH Fig. 4. Thalassiodracon hawkinsi skull roof, OUM 39490. Length of skull 23 cm. J.10337. Abbreviations used in the following figures are as follows: aipv, anterior interpterygoid vacuity; ang, angular; cor, coranoid; d, dentary; ect, ectop- the taxonomic history of most genera are given terygoid; f, frontal; j, jugal; m, maxilla; n, nasal; p, in the remarks section, along with references parietal; pal, palatine; pf, prefrontal; pipv, posterior interpterygoid vacuity; pm, premaxilla; po, postor- where synonomies can be found for those taxa. bital; pof, postfrontal; preart, prearticular; pt, ptery- goid; q, quadrate; sof, suborbital fenestra; spl, sple- GENUS: Thalassiodracon Storrs & Taylor, 1996 nial; sq, squamosal; surang, surangular; v, vomer. TYPE SPECIES: Thalassiodracon hawkinsi (Owen, 1838). Length of skull 18 cm. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH 2018. TYPE LOCALITY: Street, Somerset, England. are referenced using both genus and species AGE: Rhaetian-Hettangian boundary. REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH 14550, 2020, R.1336 (juv.) names. The listings of referred material below CAMSM J.46986, OUM J.10337, MM L. 9767. mention only material used in this study; com- REMARKS: Fig. 4. Storrs and Taylor (1996) created this plete lists of referred material can generally be genus name for the taxon ‘Plesiosaurus’ hawkinsi (Owen found in references cited in the remarks for each 1838), a stratigraphically early and morphologically prim- taxon. The sampling of plesiosaur taxa in this itive plesiosaur. These authors list other material referable study is not exhaustive. Several Rhomaleosau- to this taxon, and describe the skull in some detail. A redescription of the postcranium is necessary. rus species are omitted, as are several elasmo- saur genera and some other poorly-known taxa. GENUS: Eurycleidus Andrews, 1922 All known clades are well-represented, howev- er, and the omission of some ingroup taxa from TYPE SPECIES: Eurycleidus arcuatus (Owen, 1840). some clades should not influence the results TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH 2030 (see Cruick- reported here. The genus Rhomaleosaurus and shank 1994b). TYPE LOCALITY: Lyme Regis, Dorset, England. the Elasmosauridae are both in need of taxo- AGE: Hettangian- Lower Sinemurian. nomic revision. Lastly, exhaustive synonomies REFERRED MATERIAL: OUM J.28585, SMNS 16812. are not given for each taxon. Some remarks on REMARKS: Fig. 1. Cruickshank (1994b) redescribes this ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 11

Fig. 7. Rhomaleosaurus victor palate, SMNS 12478. Fig. 6. Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus palate, BMNH Length of mandible 40 cm. 41101. Length of skull 20 cm. as well. I agree with Storrs that P. guilemiimperatoris is a genus and refers other material to it. I refer the German valid species; that author also states that material from specimen to this taxon based on similarities in the basic- France may represent another valid species. The French ranium; however this referral is provisional until the material was not examined in the course of this study. German material (a complete skeleton) can be described in more detail. Fig. 1. GENUS: Rhomaleosaurus Seeley, 1874 (Seeley 1874b) GENUS: Plesiosaurus De la Beche & Conybeare, 1821 TYPE SPECIES: Rhomaleosaurus cramptoni Seeley, 1874. TYPE SPECIES: Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, Conybeare 1824. Rhomaleosaurus victor (Fraas, 1910) TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH 22656. TYPE LOCALITY: Lyme Regis, Dorset, England. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: SMNS 12478. AGE: Uppermost Sinemurian. TYPE LOCALITY: Posidonien-Schiefer, Holzmaden, Germany. REFERRED MATERIAL: P. dolichodeirus: BMNH 39490, AGE: Toarcian. 41101, 36183, R.1756, OXFUM J.10304; P. brachyp- REFERRED MATERIAL: none. terygius: SMNS 51143, Hauff uncatalogued, GPIT 477/ REMARKS: Fig. 7. The taxonomic history of this species is 1/1; P. guiliemiimperatoris: SMNS 51015. complex; this species was originally described as ‘Thau- REMARKS: Figs. 5 and 6. Andrews (1896) gives the first matosaurus victor’ (Meyer 1841) by Fraas (1910). The detailed account of the structure of the palate in this taxon. genus Rhomaleosaurus is in need of revision (Cruick- The genus is reviewed exhaustively in Storrs (1997). shank 1994a; see below). Lydekker (1889b) attempted to Storrs discusses other material also referable to this taxon, make Rhomaleosaurus a junior synonym of Thaumato- and advances the hypothesis that the many nominal species saurus, based on his opinion that Seeley’s type of the in this common and widespread genus are representative of genus, Rhomaleosaurus cramptoni (Seeley 1874b), does perhaps three valid species. My interpretation differs not differ from the type material of ‘Thaumatosaurus’. somewhat; P. lacks the lunate ulna char- Tarlo (1960) rejected ‘Thaumatosaurus’ because the type acteristic of P. dolichodeirus, and may be a valid species material is not diagnostic (reviewed in Taylor 1992a). 12 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

AGE: Toarcian. REMARKS: Taylor (1992a) discusses the taxonomy of this specimen and of Rhomaleosaurus in general. Taylor (1992b) describes the cranial anatomy of this taxon.

GENUS: Andrews, 1909

TYPE SPECIES: Simolestes vorax Andrews 1909. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.3319. TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. AGE: Callovian. REFERRED MATERIAL: none. REMARKS: Andrews (1913) and Tarlo (1960) describe this taxon thoroughly.

GENUS: Andrews, 1922

TYPE SPECIES: Leptocleidus capensis (Andrews, 1911a). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.4828. TYPE LOCALITY: Berwick, Sussex, England. AGE: Barremian. REFERRED MATERIAL: SAM-K5822 (South African Museum). REMARKS: Cruickshank (1997) reviews the type material of this genus and refers the South African specimen to the genus. The type material was originally described by Andrews (1911a) under the genus name ‘Plesiosaurus’.

Fig. 8. Rhomaleosaurus megacephalus palate, LEICT GENUS: Macroplata Swinton, 1930 G221.1851. Length of mandible 42 cm. TYPE SPECIES: Macroplata longirostris (Blake, 1876). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: MCZ 1033. Tarlo (1960) also believed the complete skeleton named TYPE LOCALITY: Alum Shale, Whitby, Yorkshire, England. ‘Thaumatosaurus’ victor by Fraas (1910) to be congener- AGE: Toarcian. ic with Rhomaleosaurus, and recommended dropping REFERRED MATERIAL: MAN UM 8004. ‘Thaumatosaurus’ altogether. I follow his suggestion. REMARKS: Fig. 9. Macroplata longirostris was named and Lydekker (1889a) also referred an isolated jaw symphy- described from a complete skeleton by Blake (1876) as sis from India to Thaumatosaurus; the symphysis has ‘Plesiosaurus’ longirostris. Swinton (1930) erected Mac- characters diagnostic of the Rhomaleosauridae but is not roplata for the specimen when he realized that it was not diagnostic at the genus level. referable to Plesiosaurus. However, as discussed by White (1940), Blake and later workers were aware that Rhomaleosaurus megacephalus Stuchbury, 1846 the specimen was a composite. Blake (1876) argued that the holotype be restricted to the skull only. White (1940) TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: lost. — Neotype: LEICT felt that the associated vertebral column might also be G221.1851 (Cruickshank 1994a). included in the holotype. The skull was prepared poorly TYPE LOCALITY: Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire, England. in Victorian times, and the serious ‘pyrite disease’ noted AGE: Earliest Hettangian. by White (1940) has continued to degrade the already REMARKS: Fig. 8. Cruickshank (1994a) designates and battered skull. However, several diagnostic characters are describes the neotype, which is a complete skeleton still visible, such as the very long snout and the plesio- superficially similar to the destroyed holotype described morphic, rhomaleosaur-like pattern of the posterior ba- and figured by Stuchbury (1846) under the name ‘Plesio- sicranium. Both of these characters are shared by a new saurus’ megacephalus. Cruickshank (1994a) and Taylor skull with associated complete skeleton in the Manches- (1992a) also discuss the taxonomic confusion surround- ter Museum (MAN UM 8004), which was found at the ing the name Rhomaleosaurus. same locality and in the same formation as the holotype. The Manchester specimen also possesses a groove in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus Phillips, 1854 (in front of the external naris, and a perforation in the dorsal Anon. 1854) surface of the basisphenoid through which the clivus is visible. Both of these characters are also present in the TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: YORYM G503 Macroplata holotype, and I therefore refer MAN UM TYPE LOCALITY: Alum Shale, Whitby, Yorkshire, England. 8004 to this taxon. ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 13

Fig. 9. Macroplata longirostris palate, MAN UM 8004. Fig. 10. Peloneustes philarchus skull roof, BMNH R. GENUS: unnamed (‘Macroplata tenuiceps’). 8574. Length of skull 69.5 cm.

TYPE SPECIES: n/a. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.5488. skeleton of an unnamed taxon in the collections of the TYPE LOCALITY: Harbury, Warwickshire, England. Hauff Museum. The taxon is named here, and a prelimi- AGE: unknown. nary description is given above with figures of the skull REMARKS: This specimen is a complete skeleton in the and skeleton. collection of the Natural History Museum, London. The specimen is identified as ‘Macroplata tenuiceps’ on the GENUS: Peloneustes Lydekker, 1889 (Lydekker labels accompanying the material. The skeleton is cer- 1889b) tainly not referable to this genus based on characters noted by Cruickshank (1994a), Swinton (1930), and TYPE SPECIES: Peloneustes philarchus (Seeley, 1869). White (1940). The specimen is certainly a rhomaleosau- TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: CAMSM J.46913 rid, although the skull material is not diagnostic at the TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. species level. The taxonomic status of this specimen AGE: Callovian. awaits revision of the Rhomaleosauridae. REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH R.8574, R.3803, R.3897, R.3318. REMARKS: Figs. 10, 11 and 12. Lydekker names and GENUS: Hauffiosaurus gen. n. describes this taxon (1889b), and comments on its TYPE SPECIES: Hauffiosaurus zanoni sp. n. relationships to Thaumatosaurus. Tarlo (1960) discuss- HOLOTYPE : Hauff Museum, uncatalogued; see above. es this taxon, and Andrews (1913) describes it in detail. TYPE LOCALITY: Posidonien-Schiefer, Holzmaden, Germany. Linder (1913) describes Oxford Clay material of this AGE: Toarcian. taxon at the SMNS, and compares it to . This REFERRED MATERIAL: none. taxon is extremely well-represented by material in the REMARKS: Figs. 2 and 3. This specimen is a complete Leeds collection in the Natural History Museum 14 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: OXFUM J.9245 A,B. TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. AGE: Callovian. REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH R.3891, BRSMG Cc332, ‘Westbury Pliosaur 2’ (BRSMG uncatalogued.). REMARKS: Taylor and Cruickshank (1993) discuss the taxonomic history of this genus. Tarlo (1960) also reviews this taxon. Referred specimens listed above are Kim- meridgean, from the Kimmeridge Clay in Wiltshire, UK.

GENUS: Williston, 1903

TYPE SPECIES: Brachauchenius lucasi Williston, 1903. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: USNM 4989. TYPE LOCALITY: Greenhorn Limestone, Ottawa County, Kansas, USA. AGE: Turonian. REFERRED MATERIAL: USNM 2361, FHSM VP321. REMARKS: Fig. 13. This taxon was described in detail by Williston (1907). Carpenter (1996) referred the Fort Hayes skull to the genus.

GENUS: Microcleidus Owen, 1865

TYPE SPECIES: Microcleidus homalospondylus Owen, 1865. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: YORYM G.502. TYPE LOCALITY: Alum Shale, Whitby, England. AGE: Toarcian. REFERRED MATERIAL: MM L. 7077. REMARKS: This genus is in need of redescription, having last been treated by Watson (1911). Fig. 11. Peloneustes philarchus palate, SMNS 10113. Length of skull 63 cm. GENUS: Wegner, 1914

TYPE SPECIES: Brancasaurus brancai Wegner 1914. (BMNH), including several complete skeletons with TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: Münster; Wegner does not well-preserved skulls. give the specimen number. TYPE LOCALITY: Münster, Westphalia, Germany. AGE: Valangian. GENUS: Sauvage, 1873 REFERRED MATERIAL: none. TYPE SPECIES: Liopleurodon ferox Sauvage, 1873. REMARKS: Wegner’s (1914) thorough description is the TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.3536. only publication on this taxon. TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. AGE: Callovian. GENUS: Carpenter, 1999 REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH R.2680, GPIT 1754/2. REMARKS: Tarlo (1960) offered the latest review of Upper TYPE SPECIES: Callawayasaurus columbienesis (Welles, Jurassic pliosaurs, and reviews the complex taxonomic 1962). history of the genus name. Andrews (1913) describes this TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: UCMP 38349. taxon in detail under the name ‘Pliosaurus’ ferox. The TYPE LOCALITY: Columbia, South America. genus Stretosaurus was a made a junior synonym of this AGE: Aptian. taxon by Halstead (1989); this poorly-defined taxon is REFERRED MATERIAL: UCMP 125328, partial skull. Same based on enormous pliosaurid postcranial elements from locality. the Kimmeridge Clay. Further comparison of this materi- REMARKS: Fig. 14. This genus was erected by Carpenter al with that of Pliosaurus is probably necessary. (1999) for the holotype of ‘Alzadasaurus’ columbienesis (Welles 1962), an essentially complete elasmosaur skele- ton from the Aptian of Columbia. The skull shows a GENUS: Pliosaurus Owen, 1841 number of primitive features. For holotype and other TYPE SPECIES: Pliosaurus brachydeirus Owen, 1841. information on Alzadasaurus proper see Welles (1962). ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 15

Fig. 12. Peloneustes philarchus mandible, lingual view (top), BMNH R. 8574, length of illustrated por- tion 28 cm; lateral view, (bottom), BMNH R. 2439, Length of illustrat- ed portion 18 cm.

GENUS: Carpenter, 1996

TYPE SPECIES: Libonectes morgani (Welles, 1949). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: SMUSMP 69120. TYPE LOCALITY: Britton Formation, near Cedar Hill, Tex- as, USA. AGE: Coniacian. REFERRED MATERIAL: none REMARKS: Fig. 15. Carpenter (1996) describes the well- preserved skull of this taxon, and erected the new genus name for a specimen that had been referred to Elasmo- saurus by Welles (1949).

GENUS: Welles, 1943

TYPE SPECIES: Styxosaurus snowii (Williston, 1890). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: KUVP 1301. TYPE LOCALITY: Niobrara Formation, Hell Creek, Logan County, Kansas, USA. AGE: Santonian. REFERRED MATERIAL: AMNH 5835. REMARKS: Reviewed in Welles (1943, 1952, 1962), and more recently in Storrs (1999).

GENUS: Cryptoclidus Phillips, 1871

TYPE SPECIES: Cryptoclidus eurymerus Phillips 1871. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: lost. — Neotype: BMNH R.2860 (Brown 1981). TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. AGE: Callovian. REFERRED MATERIAL: PETMG R.283, BMNH R.2417, GPIT 1754/1. Fig. 13. Brachauchenius lucasi palate, USNM 4989. REMARKS: Andrews (1910) describes this taxon thorough- Length of mandible 112 cm. 16 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Fig. 14. Callawayasaurus columbienesis skull, lat- eral view, UCMP 38349. Length of skull 15.8 cm.

Fig. 15. Libonectes morg- ani mandible, lingual view, SMUSMP 69120. Length of fragment 28 cm.

ly. Brown (1981) redescribes this taxon and refers other REFERRED MATERIAL: none. material to it. Brown and Cruickshank (1994) describe REMARKS: Fig. 16. Described in Andrews (1910). Brown the skull in some detail from referred material. (1981) redescribes this taxon. Known from one fairly complete skeleton. GENUS: Seeley, 1874 (Seeley 1874a) GENUS: Kimmerosaurus Brown, 1981

TYPE SPECIES: Muraenosaurus leedsii Seeley, 1874 (See- TYPE SPECIES: Kimmerosaurus langhami Brown, 1981. ley 1874a). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.8431. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.2421. TYPE LOCALITY: Kimmeridge Clay, Dorset, England. TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. AGE: Kimmeridgian. AGE: Callovian. REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH R.1798, R.10042. REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH R.2678, R.2864, R.2863, REMARKS: A poorly known but important taxon. Additional R.2861, R.3704, LEICT G.18.1996. material described by Brown et al. (1986). The genus REMARKS: Andrews (1910) describes this taxon thorough- Colymbosaurus, also from the Kimmerage Clay, may be ly. Brown (1981) redescribes the skull and refers other related to this taxon; however, no cranial material of material to it. Colymbosaurus is yet known (Brown 1984), and the taxon is in need of revision. The humerus of Colymbosaurus is GENUS: Andrews, 1909 very similar to that of (Brown, 1981).

TYPE SPECIES: Tricleidus seeleyi Andrews, 1909. GENUS: Chatterjee & Small, 1989 TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: BMNH R.3539. TYPE LOCALITY: Oxford Clay, Peterborough, England. TYPE SPECIES: Morturneria seymourensis Chatterjee & AGE: Callovian Small, 1989 ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 17

Fig. 16. Tricleidus seeleyi palate, BMNH R. 3539. Length of illustrated portion 14 cm.

TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: TT VP9219. TYPE LOCALITY: Lopez de Bertodana Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica. AGE: Maastrichtian. REFERRED MATERIAL: none. REMARKS: This taxon is the best-known of a poorly-known group Fig. 17. osborni palate, FHSM of aberrant Cretaceous cryptoclidids. This group also includes the VP404. Length of illustrated portion 24 cm. taxon parvidens Cabrera 1941, from South Ameri- ca; like Morturneria this taxon is Maastrichtian in age. GENUS: Dolichorhynchops Williston, 1903 GENUS: currently unnamed TYPE SPECIES: Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston 1903. TYPE SPECIES: n/a. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: KUVP 1300. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: MOR 751. TYPE LOCALITY: Niobrara Formation, Logan County, Kan- TYPE LOCALITY: Thermopolis Shale, Montana, USA. sas, USA. AGE: Upper Albian. AGE: Cenomanian. REFERRED MATERIAL: none. REFERRED MATERIAL: MCZ 1064, FHSM VP404 REMARKS: This specimen is an unnamed, primitive poly- REMARKS: Figs. 17, 18 and 19. Carpenter (1996) reviewed cotylid described in a thesis by Druckenmiller (1998). all Cretaceous pliosauromorphs from North America, Druckenmiller has a publication naming this taxon in including Dolichorhynchops. press (Druckenmiller pers. com.). GENUS: Cragin, 1888 GENUS: Polycotylus Cope, 1869 TYPE SPECIES: Trinacromerum bentonianum Cragin, TYPE SPECIES: Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869. 1888. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: USNM 27678. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: USNM 10945. TYPE LOCALITY: Niobrara Formation, Fort Wallace, Kan- TYPE LOCALITY: Fencepost Limestone, Osborne County, sas, USA. Kansas, USA. AGE: Cenomanian. AGE: Turonian. REFERRED MATERIAL: AMNH 2321, YPM 1125. REFERRED MATERIAL: USNM 10946, MCZ 1064, FHSM REMARKS: Carpenter (1996) reviewed all Cretaceous plio- VP404, KUVP 5070, SM 3025. sauromorphs from North America. Polycotylus is the REMARKS: Carpenter (1996) reviewed all Cretaceous plio- largest of known polycotylids, and its skull is known sauromorphs from North America, including Trinac- from very fragmentary material. romerum. 18 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Fig. 18. Dolichorhynchops osborni skull roof in ob- lique lateral view, MCZ 1064. Length of illustrat- ed portion 39 cm.

specimen was clearly not a member of the genus Plesio- saurus. Persson also noted that the skull was very similar to that of Rhomaleosaurus, but the postcranium was plesiosauromorph; see O’Keefe (2002) for interpretation.

GENUS: Kronosaurus Longman, 1924

TYPE SPECIES: Kronosaurus queenslandicus Longman, 1924. TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: Queensland Museum; Longman (1924, 1930) does not list specimen number. TYPE LOCALITY: Army Downs, north of Richmond, Queens- land, Australia. REFERRED MATERIAL: MCZ 1284, 1285. REMARKS: Kronosaurus was originally described on the basis of a fragment of mandibular symphysis and propo- dial fragments. The more complete Harvard material was collected in 1931–1932 and described by White (1935). The Harvard skull has been on loan to C. McHenry for some time, who is working on a redescription of this taxon based on new material (C. McHenry pers. com.). An additional complete skeleton was assigned to this genus by Hampe (1992). Hampe also furnishes 22 char- acters and a cladogram of seven ‘pliosaur’ species. Fig. 19. Dolichorhynchops osborni mandible, FHSM VP404; lateral (top), dorsal (middle), lingual (bot- tom). Length of illustrated portion 19 cm. Characters and coding

GENUS: Attenborosaurus Bakker, 1993 The 34 taxa listed above were scored for 166 morphological characters. Of these characters, TYPE SPECIES: Attenborosaurus conybeari (Sollas, 1881). TYPE MATERIAL: — Holotype: lost; BMNH R.1339 (cast). 107 concerned the skull and 59 were postcrani- TYPE LOCALITY: Charmouth, Dorset, England. al. About half of the characters appear in the AGE: Sinemurian (?). literature in some form. Appendix 1 gives a REFERRED MATERIAL: BMNH 40140, BMNH R.1360, BMNH number and name for each character, the refer- 39514. ence (if any) for that character, a description of REMARKS: Described by Owen (1865) as ‘Plesiosaurus rostratus’, material referable to this taxon was renamed states, numerical codings, and any relevant re- by Bakker (1993) to replace ‘Plesiosaurus’ conybeari marks. The references cited in the table are the (Sollas 1881), after Persson (1963) remarked that the most informative and generally the most recent ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 19

Fig. 20. Phylogenetic relationships of the Plesiosauria. Topology shown is the strict consensus of 12 MPTs, tree lengths 432. CI = 0.47, RCI = 0.34, RI = 0.72. Numbers just below and to the left of a given node are bootstrap support values; those to the right are decay indices. Indices in parantheses are the support for a given node after morphometric characters have been removed and analysis rerun. Dots represent nodes with less than 50% bootstrap support and a decay index of one. Named groups are diagnosed in the text. source for a given character, and the listing is the profound reorganizations of the pectoral not exhaustive. The figures where states of a girdle and palate between the outgroup and the given character are illustrated are listed in the ingroup. Characters which code only for the remarks section for each character. Characters outgroup were included to help establish the are scored with the primitive state as zero for topology within the outgroup, which can effect convenience, and polarity was determined by character reconstruction at the basal node of the comparison with the outgroup. Most characters ingroup and hence the ingroup topology. Char- are unordered; those that are ordered are noted acters which code only for the ingroup will in the remarks section. Characters are only or- affect only the topology of the ingroup. The dered if a second state is logically dependent on presence of both types of characters will not the presence of the first state, such as characters give rise to spurious effects as long as the basal concerning successive neck lengths or the ingroup node is strongly supported by other number of maxillary teeth. Running all charac- characters, and it is in this case (bootstrap value ters as unordered results in identical results as 86%, decay index 6; see Fig. 20). running some characters as ordered. The matrix The data matrix (Appendix 2) was analyzed has a relatively high proportion of characters using PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford & Begle 1993). that are inapplicable to some taxa, due largely to The non-plesiosaur taxa Simosaurus, Cymato- 20 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 saurus, and Pistosauridae were specified as the body type is a polyphyletic grade. To investigate outgroup, and the outgroup was constrained to the stability of this result, parsimony analysis be paraphyletic with respect to the ingroup to was performed with the constraint of pliosau- reflect the topology of Rieppel (2000). The roid/polycotylid monophyly in effect. This anal- heuristic search strategy was used, using tree- ysis resulted in two MPTs with tree lengths of bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping. 447, fifteen steps longer than the MPTs from the The reference taxon was random; iterations original analysis. This large increase in tree showed that using any taxon as the reference length indicates that polyphyly of the traditional taxon yielded the same set of trees. Initial analy- Pliosauroidea is a well-supported finding, and sis was run with all characters included and that monophyly of the traditional Pliosauroidea weighted equally. A second analysis was per- is unlikely. formed with the ‘morphometric’ characters re- Within the Plesiosauroidea, the monophyly of moved, based on the finding that the pliosauro- the Elasmosauridae is well-supported. The morph body type may have evolved convergent- Cryptocleidoidea, however, is the one group in ly (O’Keefe 2002). which the cladogram departs radically from the traditional taxonomy. The placement of Mu- raenosaurus in this clade suggests that Muraeno- Results saurus is not an elasmosaur (contra Andrews 1910). The elasmosaur-like long neck and small Parsimony analysis of the data matrix yielded head evolved independently in Muraenosaurus. twelve most- parsimonious trees (MPTs), each Also within the Cryptocleidoidea is a novel clade with a tree length of 432. The strict consensus composed of Tricleidus, the Polycotylidae, and tree computed from the twelve MPTs is shown the short-necked cryptocleidoids Kimmerosaurus in Fig. 20. The MPTs had a Consistency Index and Morturneria. This clade documents the deri- (CI) of 0.47, and a Rescaled Consistency Index vation of the pliosauromorph polycotylids from a (RCI) of 0.34 (excluding uninformative charac- Tricleidus-like cryptocleidoid. Taxonomy of ters). The Retention Index (RI) was 0.72. I clade Plesiosauria is revised below in the system- investigated the robustness of the strict consen- atic paleontology section of the discussion. The sus tree topology by bootstrapping the character taxonomic revision is followed by a discussion of list (1000 replicates), and by calculating decay character transitions at various nodes. indices (Bremer 1994) for each ingroup node. To investigate the effect of morphometric Bootstrap percentages and decay indices are characters on the tree topology, a PAUP analy- stated beneath each node in Fig. 20. The tree is sis was run with the eight morphometric char- well-supported with the exception of some cryp- acters excluded (characters 1–7, 112). This tocleidoid relationships and the ingroup rela- analysis resulted in 6 MPTs, each with a tree tionships of the rhomaleosaurids. length of 387. The CI of these trees was 0.49, The topology of clade Plesiosauria replicates and the RCI was 0.36. The RI was 0.73. The many of the findings advanced by earlier work- topology of the strict consensus tree computed ers. The basic dichotomy between the Plesiosau- from this set of MPTs was almost identical to roidea and the Pliosauroidea is a well-supported the topology in the first analysis, differing only finding. Within the Pliosauroidea two large in the position of Microcleidus. In the first monophyletic groups exist, the Rhomaleosauri- analysis Microcleidus formed a polytomy with dae and the Pliosauridae, as suggested by Car- two large clades, the elasmosaurs and crypto- penter (1997). The base of the clade Pliosauroi- cleidoids. The second, non-morphometric anal- dea contains the plesiomorphic taxon Thalassio- ysis resolved this polytomy so that Microcleid- dracon, as well as the plesiomorphic and transi- us became the outgroup to a clade in which the tional Eurycleidus. The basal position of Eury- elasmosaurs and cryptocleidoids were sister cleidus was predicted by Cruickshank (1994b). taxa. Microcleidus is a plesiomorphic and prob- The Polycotylidae is not a member of the Plio- lematic taxon, and it is treated as a stem taxon sauroidea, establishing that the pliosauromorph in this report. ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 21

The one area where the removal of the ences therein for discussion). Taxa defined on the morphometric characters had a significant effect basis of more than two taxa refer to clades whose was the tree length, and the RCI derived from it. basal node is well-supported but whose internal The RCI increased from 0.34 to 0.36 in the relationships are obscured by polytomy. second analysis. The MPTs derived from the second analysis were 47 steps shorter than those Sauropterygia Owen, 1860 derived from the first; this is an average of DIAGNOSIS: diagnosed in Rieppel 1998. almost six steps for each of the eight morpho- DEFINITION: A monophyletic taxon including the metric characters. The average number of steps per character for the rest of the data is about 2.5. and the Eosauropterygia. The length of the neck and skull, and other characters of body proportion, are therefore Pistosauria Rieppel, 1998 more labile than the remaining characters. The DIAGNOSIS: diagnosed in Rieppel 1998. observation that the number of steps per mor- DEFINITION: A monophyletic taxon including Cy- phometric character is about three times the matosaurus, Pistosaurus, and the Plesiosauria. average for the other characters can be ex- plained by the fact that the pliosauromorph body Plesiosauria de Blainville, 1835 type evolved independently three times. Decay indices calculated on this tree showed minor REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Maxilla/squamosal contact improvement for several nodes, and the revised present; quadrate embayed anteriorly; parasphe- decay indices appear in Fig. 20 in parentheses noid is exposed anterior to posterior interptery- next to the indices from the primary analysis. goid vacuities on palate surface; cervical zygo- pophyses narrower than centrum width; dorsal neural arches shorter than centrum height; zy- Discussion gosphene/zygantrum articulation absent; longi- tudinal pectoral bar present; lack of articulation The first section of this discussion is a revision between ilium and pubis; expanded distal propo- of the higher taxonomy of the Plesiosauria, dials with dorsal trochanter/tuberosity; ulna dis- based on the cladogram topology in Fig. 20. The tinctly lunate; shifted fifth metapodial present; taxonomic revision is followed by a short dis- hyperphalangy present. cussion of characters important in the diagnosis REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including the Plesi- of various clades and a short review of morpho- osauroidea, the Pliosauroidea, their most recent logical evolution in the Plesiosauria. common ancestor, and all descendants.

Plesiosauroidea Welles, 1943 Systematic paleontology REVISED DEFINITION: A monophyletic taxon in- cluding Plesiosaurus and the Euplesiosauria, The following is a revised taxonomy of the their most recent common ancestor, and all Plesiosauria. All diagnostic characters are de- descendants. scribed in Appendix 1, and scoring can be found REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Prefrontal contacts margin of in the character matrix in Appendix 2. All external naris; nasal absent; cervical neural spines synapomorphies listed in the diagnoses are unam- not angled backward; dorsal neural spines com- biguous. Character reconstructions that differ be- pressed and blade-like. tween ACCTRAN and DELTRAN optimizations are not listed. Only genera included in the present Euplesiosauria (new taxon) analysis are listed; note that the taxonomic sam- pling in this analysis is not exhaustive at the DIAGNOSIS: Relative skull length short; anterior genus level, especially within the Elasmosauridae border of pineal foramen formed by frontal; and Rhomaleosauridae. The definitions given long lateral and short medial posterior processes here are node-based (see Sereno 1998, and refer- of squamosal; jugal confined to posterior orbit 22 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 margin; supraoccipital deep with sigmoid ven- lation with parasphenoid present; parasphenoid tral sutures; ectopterygoid contacts postorbital contacts basioccipital on midline; basioccipital bar out of palate plane; distinct change in angle tubers reduced and confluent with basisphenoid of cervical zygopophyses; anterior processes of articulation; cervical neural spines not com- scapula meet in median symphysis; longitudinal pressed (reversal); clavicles meet in medial pectoral bar present, formed by coracoid and symphysis behind notch. scapula; humerus not angled. DEFINITION: A taxon including the Polycotylidae, DEFINITION: A taxon including the Elasmosauri- the Cimoliasauridae, Tricleidus, their most re- dae, the Cryptocleidoidea, and Microcleidus, cent common ancestor, and all descendants. their most recent common ancestor, and all descendants. FAMILY: Cimoliasauridae Delair, 1959

REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Rostrum long, unconstricted, FAMILY: Elasmosauridae Cope, 1870 and hoop-like; paraoccipital process articulates REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Anterior quadrate embay- with squamosal only; teeth very small and nee- ment absent (reversal); premaxilla excluded dle-like; number of premaxillary teeth seven or from border of internal naris; vomer extends greater; number of maxillary teeth much greater posterior to internal nares; number of cervical than thirty. rib heads reduced to one; coracoids long with REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Morturn- deep median embayment; ventro-medial margin eria, Kimmerosaurus, their most recent common of pubis concave; ulna not lunate (reversal); ancestor, and all descendants. epipodials wider than long. REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Branca- FAMILY: Polycotylidae Williston, 1908 saurus, Styxosaurus, their most recent common ancestor, and all descendants. REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Neck length short; ischium longer than pubis; maxillary/squamosal suture Cryptocleidoidea Williston, 1925 present and formed by posterior expansion of maxilla; pterygoids with distinct medial proc- REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Fin aspect ratio low; anterior esses which meet behind posterior interptery- interpterygoid vacuity wide with rounded ends; goid vacuities; pterygoids dished lateral to pos- anterior parasphenoid short and blunt; coronoid terior interpterygoid vacuities; mandibular sym- exposed on lateral mandible surface; groove physis scoop-like or long; splenial included in formed by prearticular/socket in angular; atlas mandibular symphysis; number of cervical ver- centrum exposed on lateral surface between tebrae reduced; longitudinal pectoral bar present intercentrum and neural arch; anterior neural and formed by clavicle and coracoid; posterior flange on cervical neural spines. perforations in coracoid; supernumerary ossifi- REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including the Cryp- cations in propodial and epipodial rows; inter- toclididae, the Tricleidia, their most recent com- locking phalanges anterior to fifth digit. mon ancestor, and all descendants. REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Polycoty- lus, Dolichorhynchops, their most recent com- FAMILY: Cryptocleididae Williston, 1925 mon ancestor, and all descendants. REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Humerus longer than femur, occipital condyle short with no groove, cervical Pliosauroidea Welles, 1943 rib heads elongate. REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Snout constricted at premax- EVISED DEFINITION Muraeno- R : A taxon including illa/maxilla suture; occipital condyle short with saurus, Cryptoclidus, their most recent common no groove; posterior bulb formed by squamosals ancestor, and all descendants. present; pterygoids meet anterior to posterior interpterygoid vacuity; premaxilla excluded Tricleidia (new taxon) from internal naris margin; mandibular symphy- DIAGNOSIS: Pterygoid medial process for articu- sis scoop-like or long; splenial included in man- ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 23 dibular symphysis; ventral keel present on cervi- conclusions on the MPTs from all data. Nodes cal vertebrae; posterior articulation for succeed- that were not replicated in the non-morphomet- ing neural spine in cervical neural spines absent. ric tree were not used in the classification. REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Thalassi- Taxonomic conclusions are also not based on odracon, an unnamed clade comprised of Eury- nodes which have weak decay indices and boot- cleidus, Attenborosaurus, the Rhomaleosauri- strap support. A good example is the Rhomaleo- dae, and the Pliosauridae, their most recent com- sauridae. The genus Rhomaleosaurus is para- mon ancestor, and all descendants. phyletic according to the cladogram although the decay index and bootstrap values are low FAMILY: Pliosauridae Seeley, 1874 (Seeley, 1874) (decay index one, bootstrap support < 50%) for all rhomaleosaurid ingroup relationships. A for- REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Preorbital skull length longer mal revision of Rhomaleosaurus is best left until than postorbital skull length; rostrum elongate; a more detailed cladistic analysis of the Rhoma- no contact between premaxilla and external leosauridae is made. naris; distinct postero-lateral process of frontal The revised classification splits the Plesiosau- absent (reversal); anterior interpterygoid vacuity ria into four major subclades, two within the absent (reversal); vomer reaches past internal Plesiosauroidea and two within the Pliosauroidea. nares and meets pterygoid in wide interdigitat- Within the clade Plesiosauroidea, the Elasmosau- ing suture; mandibular symphysis long; number ridae remains as traditionally defined, with Bran- of maxillary teeth between twenty and thirty; casaurus as the most basal elasmosaur. See Car- humerus not angled. penter (1999) for a more complete list of elasmo- REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Macro- saur taxa and a revised taxonomy of this clade. plata, Brachauchenius, their most recent com- The Cryptocleidoidea is revised here to include mon ancestor, and all descendants. the Polycotylidae and Muraenosaurus; further- more, a new clade is recognized (the Tricleidia) FAMILY: Rhomaleosauridae (Kuhn, 1961) comprising the Cimoliasauridae, the polycotylids, REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Grooves in front of external and Tricleidus. Tricleidus is a generalized form, nares present; paraoccipital process robust; falling out in a trichotomy with the other mem- squared lappet of pterygoid underlying ptery- bers of the Tricleidia. Tricleidus possesses sever- goid quadrate ramus present; lateral palatal fen- al synapomorphies linking it with the short- estration present; bowed maxilla present; pre- necked plesiosauroids, including the presence of maxillary/dentary fangs present; cervical centra posterior medial processes of the pterygoids, re- lengths less than heights; cervical zygopophyses duced basioccipital tubers, a median contact be- as wide as centra (reversal). tween the basioccipital and parasphenoid, and the REVISED DEFINITION: A taxon including Rhomale- possession of a third distinct articulation on the osaurus victor, Leptocleidus, their most recent propodials for a supernumery ossification in the common ancestor, and all descendants. epipodial row. All short-necked plesiosauroids share these traits. A last, problematic taxon within the Plesio- Comments on the classification sauroidea is Microcleidus. This taxon possesses several plesiomorphic characters such as reten- The above classification is based on the more tion of a lunate ulna and retention of an angled conservative first parsimony analysis, in which humerus; however, the skull is elasmosaur-like all characters were included. The morphometric in the absence of an anterior interpterygoid characters have high levels of homoplasy; such vacuity and in the location of the jaw articula- high levels of convergence can arise, however, tion (below the tooth row). The coracoids are in rapidly-evolving characters, and can hold known from fragmentary material, but appear phylogenetic information, especially within not to have the posterior extensions and embay- smaller subclades (Chippindale & Wiens 1994). ment synapomorphic of true elasmosaurs. The It is therefore conservative to base taxonomic neck is long and the cervical rib heads elongate, 24 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 although these characters are homoplastic. Be- The skull roof cause of this homoplasy the topology given by the morphometric-omitted cladogram is proba- An important feature of the skull roof is the bly more accurate in this case, with Microcleid- retention of the nasals in Thalassiodracon and us forming the sister taxon to a clade consisting the rest of the Pliosauroidea. Nasals were of the Elasmosauridae and Cryptocleidoidea. thought to be absent in all plesiosaurs by Storrs The outgroup to this clade is the very plesiomor- (1991); however, the loss of nasals diagnoses phic Plesiosaurus. A thorough redescription of only the Plesiosauroidea, not the Plesiosauria as this taxon based on the type material as well as a whole. The nasals in all pliosauroid taxa are another complete skeleton at Manchester should small but present, and usually form the posterior shed more light on this genus. margin of the external nares. The pliosauroid The clade Pliosauroidea includes two long- condition is very similar to that of Cymatosau- recognized clades of pliosaurs, the Rhomaleo- rus. In some very derived members of the Plio- sauridae and the Pliosauridae, as well as the sauridae, the nasal forms the anterior rather than plesiomorphic stem taxa Thalassiodracon, Eury- the posterior margin of the external naris. The cleidus, and Attenborosaurus. Of the two major nasals in all pliosaurs lack a midline suture, pliosauroid clades, the Pliosauridae possesses being separated on the midline by processes of more derived characters. The rhomaleosaurids the premaxillae. are conservative, similar to Thalassiodracon The pattern of circumorbital bones is diag- (and hence plesiomorphic) in the palate, skull nostic within the Plesiosauria. The lacrimal is roof, and postcranium. This conservatism is absent in all plesiosaurs due to its loss in more partially responsible for the lack of support for basal sauropterygians (Rieppel 1997b). The pre- intrafamilial rhomaleosaurid relationships. Chang- frontal and postfrontal do not exclude the frontal es in relative neck and skull length and a great from the orbital margin in early plesiosaurs, and increase in body size are the only known trends this condition is retained in all plesiosauroids, in this clade. including the polycotylids. However, the frontal In contrast to the Rhomaleosauridae, the is excluded from the orbital margin in all more Pliosauridae is morphologically derived, and derived rhomaleosaurids and pliosaurids. The good intermediates exist that document the deri- jugal is also diagnostic; in the most primitive vation of the pliosaurid conditions of the skull plesiosauroids and pliosauroids the jugal reach- roof, palate and braincase. The monophyly of es anteriorly to about the midpoint of the ventral the Pliosauridae is a correspondingly well-sup- orbital margin, which is plesiomorphic (Rieppel ported finding. The plesiomorphic taxa Eury- 1997b). In more derived plesiosauroids the jugal cleidus and Attenborosaurus form a polytomy is restricted to the posterior orbital margin. This with the Pliosauridae and Rhomaleosauridae. condition contrasts with that in more derived The taxonomic status of these genera are left pliosauroids, where the jugal reaches far anterior open, and the Pliosauridae is limited to Macro- to the orbit and forms its anterior border, meet- plata and more derived taxa. ing the prefrontal and excluding the maxilla completely from the orbital margin. The pres- ence of a prominent anterior process of the jugal Major patterns in plesiosaur cranial and its contact with the prefrontal probably evolution account for its misidentification as a lacrimal by earlier workers (Andrews 1913, Taylor & This overview describes the morphology of the Cruickshank 1993). four major plesiosaur subclades in variable re- The cryptocleidoids are extreme in their spe- gions of the skull. These areas are the skull roof, cialization of the cheek region (Brown & the palate, and the braincase. Discussion of the Cruickshank 1994, Brown 1993). In Cryptoclid- anatomy characteristic of each subclade is in- us and Tricleidus the contact between maxilla tended as an aid to future classification. and squamosal is lost, and the jugal forms a ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 25 narrow bar connecting these two elements be- do not meet behind the posterior interpterygoid neath the orbit. This area of the cheek is not vacuities in either taxon. In Plesiosaurus, the known in Muraenosaurus or the Cimoliasauri- pterygoids also fail to meet between the posteri- dae. This condition is reversed in the polycoty- or and anterior vacuities, exposing the cultri- lids, where the maxilla again forms a suture with form process of the parasphenoid (Storrs 1997). the squamosal. The morphology of this suture This open palate is retained (with some modifi- differs from the corresponding suture in true cation) in all members of the Cryptocleidoidea. pliosaurs. In true pliosaurs the maxilla/squamos- In the Elasmosauridae and Microcleidus, how- al suture is small and not significant, and the ever, the anterior interpterygoid vacuity is ab- jugal is large and has a prominent lateral suture sent. The pterygoids also meet in a prominent with the squamosal. In the polycotylids the jugal midline suture behind the posterior interptery- is small and restricted to the posterior orbital goid vacuity in all elasmosaurs, but not in Mi- margin, and does not form a prominent suture crocleidus. Elasmosaurs are therefore character- with the squamosal. The major suture in this ized by a secondarily closed palate, and this region is that between the maxilla and squamos- condition is foreshadowed to some extent in al, which is formed by an expanded posterior Microcleidus. process of the maxilla. A possible explanation The anterior interpterygoid vacuity is small in for this pattern is secondary strengthening of Thalassiodracon, and is separated from the poste- this area of the skull made necessary by the rior vacuities by a long midline suture of the evolution of a long snout in taxa with a highly pterygoids. This pattern is retained without reduced cheek region, such as Tricleidus. change in the rhomaleosaurids. The rhomaleosau- A feature that evolves repeatedly in long- rids are advanced over Thalassiodracon, howev- snouted taxa is a contact between the dorsal er, in possessing a contact of the pterygoids processes of the premaxillae and the parietals. A behind the posterior interpterygoid vacuity; this median premaxilla/parietal suture evolves four contact is partial in the plesiomorphic species times, once each in the three derivations of the Rhomaleosaurus megacephalus and complete in pliosauromorph body type and once in relatively all later rhomaleosaurids. The anterior palate of long-snouted elasmosaurs. This suture probably rhomaleosaurs is like that of Eurycleidus, and serves to strengthen the interorbital region of the unlike that of derived pliosaurids, in that the skull in response to greater forces produced at the vomers do not extend far posterior to the internal tip of the long snout. A long snout is also nares. The Thalassiodracon material is not suf- generally correlated with larger tooth size and a ficiently well preserved to establish the presence more robust skull in general; larger teeth proba- or absence of sub-orbital fenestrae (Storrs & bly indicate larger average prey size and a con- Taylor 1997). This feature occurs in some rhoma- comitant need to reinforce the skull. The robust leosaurids and some pliosaurids. The presence or maxilla/squamosal suture in the polycotylids is absence of sub-orbital fenestrae can be difficult to also interpretable as a means of strengthening the establish because the palatine is very thin and is skull in response to increased snout length. rarely preserved intact. In contrast to that of rhomaleosaurids, the palate in pliosaurids is highly derived compared The palate to the plesiomorphic condition in Thalassiodra- con. The anterior interpterygoid vacuity is The primitive plesiosaur palate is derived com- closed in the intermediate form Macroplata. The pared to the condition in more basal sauroptery- vomers extend posterior to the internal nares and gians. The plesiomorphic condition for the ple- meet the pterygoids in a wide, interdigitating siosaur palate is shown by Thalassiodracon and suture in Macroplata, as well as in Hauffiosau- Plesiosaurus; both taxa possess anterior and rus and all more derived pliosaurids. The quad- posterior interpterygoid vacuities exposing the rate flange of the pterygoid is wide, sigmoid in ventral surface of the braincase. The pterygoids shape, and possesses a ridged lateral margin in 26 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Kronosaurus, Peloneustes, Liopleurodon, Plio- open for some of its length. The bones covering saurus, and Brachauchenius. The pliosaurids the Meckelian canal (splenial, coronoid, and Macroplata and Hauffiosaurus are plesiomor- prearticular) are very thin and often damaged or phic for this character; however, Attenborosau- lost in fossils, which may account for the confu- rus is derived, possessing the ridged lateral sion concerning the two smaller bones. margin and sigmoid shape of the quadrate ptery- The lower jaw symphysis was taken as an goid flange. Attenborosaurus is intermediate for important taxonomic character by Tarlo (1960) another synapomorphy of derived pliosaurids, and later workers. The simple, unexpanded sym- namely the elaboration of lateral flanges of the physis present in most plesiosauroids is in fact pterygoid on either side of the posterior interpt- derived over the primitive condition exemplified erygoid vacuities. These flanges are present in by Thalassiodracon (Storrs & Taylor 1996) or Kronosaurus and all more derived pliosaurids, the outgroup taxon Cymatosaurus (Rieppel although they fuse over the posterior end of the 1997b). In these taxa the symphysis is rein- interpterygoid vacuity in Liopleurodon and forced and scoop-like (Rieppel 1997b, character more derived forms. The elaboration of these 51), and the presence of a scoop-like symphysis flanges gives the posterior palate a distinct two- in Rhomaleosaurus and related taxa is plesio- tiered morphology in lateral view, with the morphic. The snout and lower jaw symphysis lateral flanges, ventral braincase structures, and becomes very elongate in the most primitive interpterygoid vacuity on a more ventral level members of the Pliosauridae and remains a and the quadrate pterygoid flanges reaching dor- stereotyped feature of that family. The length of sally and caudally back toward the quadrates on the symphysis does vary within this group, a more dorsal level. The polycotylids show no remaining very long in Peloneustes and revert- trace of this condition; the palate in this group is ing to scoop-like in Liopleurodon, Pliosaurus, very similar to the cryptocleidoid pattern, as and related taxa. A long lower jaw symphysis is observed by Carpenter (1997). also present in all members of the Polycotylidae, where a long snout evolved convergently.

The mandible The braincase The plesiosaurian mandible has been a source of confusion for many years. The presence of the The morphology of the braincase is known to coronoid and prearticular bones has been debat- varying degrees in different plesiosaur subc- ed; Andrews illustrates both bones as absent in lades. In the elasmosaurids and rhomaleosaurids Muraenosaurus (1910) and the prearticular as very little is known, because a broad suture of absent in Peloneustes (1913). Cruickshank the pterygoids between the posterior and anteri- (1994b) states that absence of the coronoid is or interpterygoid vacuities obscures most of the typical of plesiosauroids, and that the prearticu- anterior braincase in ventral view (although see lar is usually absent as well. Storrs and Taylor Carpenter, 1997, for comments on the more (1996) illustrate a prearticular but no coronoid dorsal elements of the elasmosaur braincase). in Thalassiodracon, while Taylor (1992b) illus- More is known concerning the cryptocleidoids trates both bones as present in Rhomaleosaurus. and pliosaurids, in which the posterior interpt- I believe the prearticular is present in all taxa erygoid vacuities are larger and open farther with adequately preserved material. The coro- anteriorly. In addition, the brain case is not as noid is present in all taxa but Kimmerosaurus. tightly integrated into the skull roof in the later The morphology of the lower jaw in plesiosau- taxon, so that the elements are more often pre- roids is illustrated here by Libonectes (Fig. 15) served in a visible manner. and Dolichorhynchops (Fig. 19), and that of The braincases of Plesiosaurus and Thalas- pliosauroids by Peloneustes (Fig. 12). The lin- siodracon are similar, and are very primitive gual surface of the lower jaw is poorly ossified when observed in ventral view. The occipital in plesiosaurs and the Meckelian canal is often condyle is hemispherical in Plesiosaurus and set ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 27 off from the body of the basioccipital by a parasphenoid in the region of origin of the cultri- groove, while in Thalassiodracon the condyle is form process is the dorsum sellae and the body less rounded with no groove (Storrs and Taylor of the basisphenoid (the clivus) just posterior to 1996, Storrs 1997). These condyle morpholo- it, a shelf of bone which ossifies just posterior to gies are characteristic of later plesiosauroids and the sella turcica (Romer 1956). In both Plesio- pliosauroids, respectively. The occipital condyle saurus and Thalassiodracon the basisphenoid is may have a notochordal pit; the pit is more well ossified, and the basal articulations arising obvious in material from younger , and laterally from it are prominent. Like Araeoscelis, there is intraspecific variation in its presence. Thalassiodracon possesses foramina in the ven- The body of the basioccipital is a short, robust tral surface of the basisphenoid for the passage block of bone, with paired articulations on its of the paired internal carotid arteries. The pres- dorsal surface for the exoccipitals (see Brown ence or absence of these foramina was impossi- 1981; Fig. 1). The basioccipital produces two ble to establish in Plesiosaurus. These foramina prominent basioccipital tubers projecting ante- are not ossified in Eurycleidus, and the basisphe- ro-ventrally that articulate with the pterygoids. noid facet of the basal articulation was impossi- The exoccipitals are columnar bones rising dor- ble to identify as a distinct feature (Cruickshank sally on either side of the foramen magnum, and 1994b). These observations probably arise from giving rise laterally to slender paraoccipital the fact that the Eurycleidus braincase material is processes that trend laterally to articulate with from a juvenile, and so is not well-ossified. the squamosals. The occiput is therefore open, However, lack of ossification of the basisphe- and the suture between exoccipital and opisthot- noid is also characteristic of later pliosaurids, so ic is seldom visible (Storrs and Taylor 1996). the condition in Eurycleidus may foreshadow The medial surface of each exocciptal is pierced this to some degree. All plesiosaurs share a lack by the jugular foramen and by one or two of ossification of the lateral walls of the brain- foramina for the passage of the hypoglossal case. The area of origination of the pila antotica nerve (Storrs and Taylor 1996, Carpenter 1997). from the dorsal surface of the basisphenoid is In Plesiosaurus and Thalassiodracon, the therefore impossible to identify. basioccipital tubers also articulate on their ante- Two major changes to the plesiomorphic rior margins with lateral processes of the paras- pattern of the plesiosaur braincase can be identi- phenoid. These lateral parasphenoid processes fied in more derived groups. In the cryptoclei- are termed cristae ventrolaterales following Re- doids the palate remains open and the skull roof isz (1981: p. 24). The possession of the cristae is gracile, while the braincase is well-ossified. ventrolaterales is a plesiomorphic condition found The cristae ventrolaterales disappear and the in Petrolacosaurus (Reisz 1981) and Araeoscelis parasphenoid loses the characteristic triangular (Vaughn 1955). In these plesiomorphic taxa, the shape present in Araeoscelis and Plesiosaurus. cristae ventrolaterales are two crests of bone The parasphenoid becomes a massive, block- surrounding a deep basisphenoid fossa on the like medial structure extending caudally almost midline, with the posterior margin of the basi- to the basioccipital in more primitive cryptoclei- sphenoid visible in the floor of this fossa. The doids, and forming a novel median suture with condition in basal plesiosaurs is similar, except the basioccipital in more derived taxa (see the basisphenoid fossa has been filled with a disc Fig. 21). The cultriform process is also lost; the of basisphenoid confluent with the ventral plane anterior margin of the parasphenoid becomes of the cristae ventrolaterales. In Petrolacosaurus broad and blunt and develops novel articulations and Araeoscelis, the body of the parasphenoid with the pterygoids on its antero-lateral edges. runs forward into a long, narrow cultriform proc- In contrast to the parasphenoid, the basisphe- ess. Plesiosaurus has a similar cultriform proc- noid in this group is conservative. Facets for the ess. The condition in Thalassiodracon is un- basal articulation are well-defined, and the inter- known due to that taxon’s possession of a medi- nal carotid foramina pierce the body of the an pterygoid suture between the posterior and basisphenoid ventro-laterally and run into the anterior interpterygoid vacuities. Ventral to the floor of the sella turcica. 28 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Fig. 21. Schematic transformation series of the basicranium and posterior palate, Plesiosauroidea. Ho- mologous bones are indicated in shades of gray. The plesiomorphic condition for this clade is demon- strated by Plesiosaurus. The palate is broadly open, and the pterygoids lack a median suture between both the anterior and posterior interpterygoid vacuities, and beneath the basiocciptal. The parasphenoid is exposed medially along its entire length, the cultriform process is wide and prominent, and is confluent with a ventral eminence or ridge running posterior to the exposed basisphenoid on the midline. The basisphenoid is visible in ventral view in two areas: anteriorly the processes comprising the basal articulation are visible in the anterior of the posterior interpterygoid vacuities, while posteriorly an island of basisphenoid is exposed between parasphenoid and basioccipital. In elasmosaurs, here represented by Libonectes, this pattern is modified by the formation of a median pterygoid suture over the basioccipital and basisphenoid. The anterior interpterygoid vacuity is also closed. In Tricleidus, however, the anterior interpterygoid vacuity stays open and the cultriform process losses its pointed anterior end, instead developing prominent later sutures with the pterygoids. The ventral eminence of the parasphenoid reach- es almost to the basiocciptal, and is broad along its entire length. Each pterygoid develops a novel process reaching medially to the ventral eminence of the parasphenoid. The basal articulation is well- developed, and the ectopterygoid reaches dorsally to the ventral surface of the postorbital bar. The situation in Dolichorhynchops is very similar, except that the medial processes of the pterygoids meet in a suture ventral to the basiocciptal. Additionally, the ventral eminence of the parasphenoid reaches far to the posterior, overriding the basiocciptal and the median suture of the pterygoids.

In derived pliosaurids, the skull roof and interpterygoid vacuities. From this articulation pterygoids are massive and well-ossified, where- the parasphenoid runs caudally, expanding into as the braincase is poorly ossified. In pliosaurids the plesiomorphic triangular shape. However, such as Peloneustes, the anterior margin of the the parasphenoid ends after a short distance, parasphenoid articulates tightly with the ptery- articulating with the basisphenoid on the mid- goids at the anterior margin of the posterior line. The cristae ventrolaterales are again absent. ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 29

The basisphenoid is usually preserved as a ru- gose and unremarkable barrel of bone between the parasphenoid and the basioccipital. In life the basisphenoid was completely encased in cartilage, and the dorsum sellae and sella turcica usually failed to ossify. One extremely well- preserved skull of Peloneustes (BMNH 3803) does preserve a poorly ossified basisphenoid. Enough morphology is visible on this specimen to establish that the basal articulation is present in the plesiomorphic location, and the pterygoid facet of the basal articulation is usually identifia- ble in skulls of Peloneustes. Foramina for the internal carotids were not preserved in this spec- imen. In conclusion, the braincase in pliosaurids is a poorly ossified structure showing few mor- phological details in most specimens; well-pre- served specimens seem to demonstrate that the cartilaginous elements of the braincase retained the plesiomorphic pattern seen in Thalassiodra- con. Trends in basicranium evolution are illus- trated in two summary figures (Figs. 21 and 22).

Fig. 22. Schematic transformation series of the ba- Trends in postcranial evolution sicranium and posterior palate, Pliosauroidea. Ho- mologous bones are indicated in shades of gray. The most remarkable aspect of plesiosaur post- The plesiomorphic condition for this clade (and cranial evolution is the convergent attainment of probably for plesiosaurs in general) is demonstrat- body morphotypes. The ‘pliosauromorph’ body ed here by Thalassiodracon. The pattern in this taxon is very similar to that described for Plesio- type, characterized by a relatively large head, saurus in Fig. 21, except that the pterygoids meet short neck, relatively long coracoids and ischia, in a median suture anterior to the posterior interpt- and low aspect-ratio paddles, evolves in three erygoid vacuities, and the parasphenoid is sutured plesiosaur clades (Rhomaleosauridae, Pliosauri- to the pterygoids on the midline. The cultriform dae, Polycotylidae; for analysis and discussion process is not visible in ventral view. The anterior see O’Keefe 2002). This striking convergence is interpterygoid vacuity is present but not illustrated here; it is visible in Fig. 4. The pattern in Rhomale- responsible for the polyphyly of the Pliosauroidea osaurus is very similar to Thalassiodracon, the as traditionally defined, because characters of only difference being a median suture of the ptery- body overall body proportion were the basis of goids over the basiocciptal and basisphenoid (par- traditional taxonomy (e.g. Persson 1963). This tial in R. megacephalus, complete in most other analysis strongly rejects the traditional hypothesis rhomaleosaurs). By contrast the palate is very de- that all pliosauromorph taxa form a monophyletic rived in true pliosaurs, here represented by Pelone- ustes. The parasphenoid is not ossified around the group. In addition, the long neck thought to be basisphenoid as in other plesiosaurs, although giv- characteristic of elasmosaurs exclusively also en that the parasphenoid is dermal bone it is evolved in the cryptoclidid Muraenosaurus (con- doubtful that it persisted in cartilage. The basisphe- tra Andrews 1910, Persson 1963). noid is very poorly ossified, and the basal articula- Several specific trends in the limb girdles tion was cartilaginous. The pterygoids form ventral and limbs also deserve mention. Stratigraphical- flanges lateral to the posterior interpterygoid vacui- ties that curve medially and meet beneath the basi- ly early and plesiomorphic plesiosaurs, includ- occiptal. The quadrate flanges of the pterygoids ing Thalassiodracon and Plesiosaurus, retain a are prominent, sigmoid processes which override distinct bend or angle in the shaft of the humerus the lateral flanges of the pterygoids. 30 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

(Storrs 1997). All ‘nothosaur’-grade sauroptery- 3. The Polycotylidae is not a member of the gians also have this bend (Rieppel 1997b), while Pliosauroidea, and is instead a derived group the shaft of the humerus is straight in all more of cryptocleidoids. derived plesiosaurs (Storrs 1997). Correlated 4. Morphometric characters relating to body with this transition is the loss of the ‘lunate ulna’ proportions are very homoplastic in the Ple- in more derived plesiosaurs; plesiomorphic ple- siosauria, and the pliosauromorph body type siosaurs have epipodials that, while short, are evolved three times. very similar to those in ‘nothosaur’-grade sau- 5. Nasals are present in all members of the ropterygians, and recognizable as radius, ulna, Pliosauroidea. tibia, and fibula (Storrs 1997). In more derived 6. The plesiosaur braincase is very primitive, plesiosaurs these bones become unidentifiable comparable to that of primitive diapsids such on the basis of morphology, being simple ossi- as Araeoscelis. fied disks integrated into the other ossifications of the flipper (Storrs 1993, Caldwell 1997a, 1997b). The functional significance of these Acknowledgements transitions has yet to be investigated. A last character of note is the presence of a median This project was part of a doctoral dissertation symphysis of the scapulae. All plesiosauroids submitted to the University of Chicago. The were thought to have this symphysis (Persson dissertation was advised by J. Hopson and O. 1963); however, the placing of the Polycotylidae Rieppel, whose constant patience and assistance within the Plesiosauroidea demonstrates that of all kinds were critical to the project’s comple- this character is reversed in the polycotylids. tion. J. Hopson allowed me access to R. T. This placement may also explain the similarities Zanon’s unpublished research, which was very in the humeri of Polycotylus and Colymbosau- helpful in getting the project started. C. Abraczin- rus, although revision of the later taxon is neces- skas taught me to draw what I see and made this sary. A character of unknown signifigance is the project possible. A. Dudek, D. and S. O’Keefe, scalloped margin of the vertebral centra in many and M. Silverman provided help and support of a cryptocleidoids; this may be a synapomorphy of physical, emotional, and/or metaphysical nature. this clade but further research is necessary. If The following people assisted in visits to present, however, the character would form an- collections at various institutions, and I thank other link between the Polycotylidae and the them all for their hospitality and help of all Cimoliasauridae. The Cimoliasauridae certainly kinds: M. Benton, R. Vaughan, G. Dyke, T. deserve further research effort, both on known Sharpe, J. Nudds, A. Cruickshank, J. Martin, P. material and through field work. Manning, M. Evans, A. Dawn, P. Powell, D. Norman, M. Dorling, S. Chapman, A. Milner, S. Donovan, M. Taylor, K. Padian, P. Holroyd, S. Conclusions Parris, D. Parris, D. Miao, L. Martin, S. Chatter- jee, M. Brett-Surman, M. Turner, G. Gaffney, C. 1. The Plesiosauria is a monophyletic clade of Holton, D. Schaff, R. Schoch, R. Hauff, M. sauropterygians most closely related to the Maisch, R. Wild, R. Zakrzewski, D. Lintz, L. Pistosauridae. Jacobs, J. Head, D. Winkler. 2. The Plesiosauria is composed of various This manuscript benefitted from thorough stem taxa and four major derived clades. and very helpful reviews by O. Rieppel, J. These clades are the Rhomaleosauridae and Hopson, M. Sander, and G. Storrs. Their help is Pliosauridae within the Pliosauroidea, and gratefully acknowledged. This research was the Cryptocleidoidea and Elasmosauridae sponsored in part by grants from the Samuel P. within the Plesiosauroidea. Welles Fund, the University of Chicago Wom- 4. The Rhomaleosauridae is a highly conserva- en’s Board, the University of Chicago Hinds tive, plesiomorphic clade, most similar to the Fund, and a Nierman Award. An Area 271 basal pliosauroid Thalassiodracon. Publication. ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 31

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Keefe 2000:

Keefe 2000: Keefe 2000:

Keefe 2000: Keefe 2000:

Keefe 2000:

’ ’

’ ’

rst. Fig. 11.

, which has a second,

is primitive for this

and related taxa. This


ned as a long snout with little or no Liopleurodon


Thalassiodracon Kimmerosaurus

Scored from morphometric data in O

Scored from morphometric data in O chapter 3. chapter 3; derived elasmosaurs are the only This ratio is controlled by the length of the snout plesiosaurs in which this ratio is subequal. chapter 3. Scored from morphometric data in O character, as are most rhomaleosaurids. Scored from morphometric data in O chapter 3.

State one is de

Scored from morphometric data in O maxilla suture. State two includes lengthening of chapter 3; the two states are based on a break in maxilla; state three describes the large, unconstricted the distribution of aspect ratio data. snouts of

character is ordered, using the character state tree (0(3)(1,2)). Figs. 7, 2 and 11.

Constriction at the premaxilla/maxilla suture is common in long-snouted sauropterygians. State two describes the condition of more posterior constriction (Andrews 1913). This character is ordered because the second constriction never occurs in the absence of the

ed from

Brown 1981, char. 2 Brown 1981, char. 29 Brown 1981, char. 32

Storrs 1991, char. 2 Welles 1962 Scored from morphometric data in O Rieppel 1994a, 1997b,

Tarlo 1960 increase in snout length posterior to premaxilla/

Partially modi

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, Storrs 1991, chars. 3, 13



Primitive/ large (1), small (2) Subequal (0), ischium longer (1), Subequal (0), humerus longer (1),

Primitive (0), long (1), short (2) Subequal (0), coracoid longer, (1)

shorter (2) chars. 9, 12 relative to the temporal fenestra and suspensorium. very long with maxilla included (2), elongate and hoop-like/unconstricted (3)

Unconstricted (0), constricted at maxilla/premaxilla suture(1), second constriction in maxilla (2)

nitions, references, and comments for the cladistic characters used in this paper. For discussion


ischium/pubis pubis longer (2) chapter 3. humerus/femur femur longer (2)

postorbital skull length

Characters, state de

Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Morphometric Relative skull length 3 Morphometric Relative length of 5 Morphometric Relative length of

2 Morphometric Relative neck length 4 Morphometric Relative length of 6 Morphometric Preorbital and Subequal (0), longer preorbital (1),

7 Morphometric Fin aspect ratio High (0), low (1)

8 Skull shape Elongate rostrum Absent (0), premaxilla only (1),

9 Skull shape Constricted snout 36 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

; however

. This contact is lost



cult to score in taxa where the

has a straight skull margin below the

cult to determine, as the variation is continuos; my

temporal fenestra; most sauropterygians have an emargination here. The condition in plesiosaurs is dif criterion for the presence of emargination is an excavated ventro-lateral embayment of the squamosal. By this criterion most plesiosaurs have temporal emargination. Fig. 14.

posteriorly across the skull roof in most pliosauromorph taxa and some elasmosaurs, and these processes may meet the parietals in various ways. While these processes separate the frontals on the dorsal midline, the frontals may retain a midline suture beneath the premaxillae (Andrews 1911b). Figs. 5 and 10.

Contact of the premaxilla with the external naris is in some pliosaurs. Fig. 10. primitive, occurring in A shallow depression occurs in the dorso-medial processes of the premaxillae in some rhomaleosaurids.

Fusion of the frontals on the skull roof can only be

visible; this character is therefore inapplicable for taxa in which the dorso-medial processes of the premaxillae reach the parietals.

Fusion of the parietals on the dorsal midline is an important character in basal this character is dif parietal skull table is a narrow sagittal crest, which is vulnerable to breakage. I have therefore scored this character as inapplicable for plesiosaurs. Araeoscelis Aditi t t l t l fth f t l

Storrs 1991, char. 6

Andrews 1911b The premaxillae send dorso-medial processes

Cruickshank 1997

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b,

Rieppel 1997b, char. 17

Ri l 1994 1997b

Present (0), absent(1)

Contacts frontal (0), contacts parietal

extension of the parietal (1)

Present (0), absent (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Paired (0), fused (1)

Paired (0), fused posteriorly (1), fused (2)

With t (0)

of premaxilla at pineal foramen(2), contacts anterior

naris contact

in adult chars. 11, 14 scored for taxa in which the frontal midline suture is

fused in adult


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 10 Skull shape Temporal emargination

11 Skull roof Dorso-medial process

12 Skull roof Premaxilla/external

13 Skull roof Dorsal median foramen

14 Skull roof Frontals paired/fused

15 Skull roof Parietals paired or

16 Sk ll f F t l ith ith t ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 37

. It

ned to Continued


; I was unable to

; It is present in


. Fig. 4.

Plesiosaurus Trinacromerum Trinacromerum





(and possibly other pliosaurs known

rm its presence in either taxon. The orbital region


A distinct postero-lateral process of the frontal occurs in the pistosauroids

In some elasmosaurs, the postfrontal is con the inside of the temporal fenestra and excluded from

The frontal contacts the external naris in some pliosaurs. Fig. 10.

The movement of the pineal foramen to the anterior of the parietal skull table is a character shared by the

1962, Carpenter 1996) contend that the pineal foramen is lost in some taxa; It is present in all taxa I have examined. Figs. 4 and 5.

from inferior material), the frontals form part of the anterior margin of the pineal foramen, but only beneath the premaxillae. Taxa were scored as derived for this character only if the frontal formed part of the margin on the dorsal skull roof, as is the case in some elasmosaurs and cryptoclidids, but not in pliosaurs.

con in polycotylids is delicate and liable to breakage.

both taxa although preservation of the feature is poor Thalassiodracon Dolichorynchops Dolichorynchops due to the delicate nature of the bones in the orbit region.

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 12, 15; Storrs 1991

chars. 13, 16

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 15, 18, also Sues 1987 pistosaurids and plesiosaurs. Some workers (Welles

Andrews 1911b In

Carpenter 1996 Carpenter described this feature in the polycotylids

Carpenter 1996 Carpenter described this feature in the polycotylids

Without processes (0), with processes (1)

frontal/po suture excludes pof from orbit margin (1) the orbit by a frontal-postorbital suture.

Does not (0), Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, does narrowly (1)

Middle of parietal (0), anterior (1)

bordered by frontal (1)

Present (0), absent (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

distinct postero-lateral

process char. 30 also occurs in very primitive plesiosaurs such as

of temporal fenestra

external naris does not contact (1)

bordered anteriorly by frontals on dorsal skull surface

or absent

above orbits

projects into orbit

16 Skull roof Frontal with or without

17 Skull roof Postorbital bar Both po and pof have orbital contact (0),

18 Skull roof Frontal enters margin

19 Skull roof Frontal contacts Does contact (0),

20 Skull roof Pineal foramen location

21 Skull roof Pineal foramen Not bordered by frontal (0),

22 Skull roof Prefrontal present

23 Skull roof Accessory fenestra

24 Skull roof Frontal process Absent (0), present (1) 38 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

. The


. Fig. 14.

is intermediate in having a




Rieppel 1998b). Figs. 5 and 10.


Possession of a sharply keeled sagittal crest is a

sagittal crest is the culmination of a trend of skull table narrowing in the pistosauroids. Figs. 14 and 18.

The suture of the quadrate with the squamosal is prominent and robust in all plesiosaurs. In some pliosaurs the squamosal has descending lateral and medial processes on either side of the quadrate in occipital view, forming a socket that accepts the quadrate. In some plesiosauroids the lateral process is much longer than the medial process, the lateral process reaches almost to the jaw articulation, and the suture is less socket-like. The polycotylids possess the second type of suture.

suture is characteristic of all plesiosaurs and

very narrow separation of the squamosals in occipital The squamosal often contacts the postorbital within view ( the temporal fenestra on the rear of the postorbital bar; however, this character concerns only the margin of the temporal fenestra in lateral view. Contact of the two bones excludes the jugal from the margin of the temporal fenestra. Fig. 14.

Contact of the jugal and squamosal is characteristic of all plesiosaurs and

Figs. 4, 5 and 10. Pistosaurus Many pliosaurs have a suture between the prefrontal

ed from Storrs 1991,

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 16, 19; feature shared by all plesiosaurs and

Brown 1981, char. 9

Sues 1987, An occipital arch formed by a median squamosal

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 20, 23; Storrs 1991,

1994b, char. 2

Modi char. 24

Relatively broad (0), constricted (1), sagittal crest (2)

No medial process (0), medial process and socket-like squamosal (1)

No suture (0), meet in arch at midline (1)

Contact (0), no contact (1)

No contact (0), contact (1)

restricted to posterior margin (2)

Absent (0) present (1)

long, thin process covering quadrate laterally

processes Rieppel 1997b, char. 36



anteriorly along ventral orbital margin char. 24; Cruickshank

orbit margin by po/m contact (1)


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 25 Skull roof Parietal skull table

26 Skull roof Squamosal produces

27 Skull roof Squamosal dorsal

28 Skull roof Squamosal/postorbital

29 Skull roof Jugal/squamosal

30 Skull roof Jugal extends Anterior margin (0), middle of orbit (1),

31 Skull roof Jugal contacts Contacts orbit (0), excluded

32 Skull roof Jugal/prefrontal suture ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 39

. 18.



. Figs. 4





, and there is some question



Many pliosaurs have a suture between the prefrontal and jugal anterior to the orbit, excluding the maxilla from the orbit margin. The jugal extends forward and medially around the orbit to meet the prefrontal. The presence of the jugal in this position has been interpreted as a lacrimal by Andrews (1913), and Taylor and Cruickshank (1993); however the lacrimal is lost in basal sauropterygians. Fig. 10.

As reconstructed by Brown and Cruickshank (1994),

reduced, so that the jugal is the sole element between the temporal emargination and the orbit. This area is very fragile and generally not preserved in the cryptoclidids. The apomorphic condition of the cheek in polycotylids is very similar to this condition. Fig Storrs (1991) believed the nasal lost in all plesiosaurs; however it is small but present in

and 10.

This character is applicable only to taxa in which the nasals are present. The derived state occurs in stratigraphically late pliosaurs such as

Distinct grooves in the maxillae anterior to and leading into the external naris are present in some rhomaleosaurids and

The nasals are reduced and do not enter the external naris in

(Rieppel 1994a). When present, the nasals do enter the margin of the external naris in plesiosaurs. Figs. Brachauchenius 4 and 10.

Cruickshank 1994b, char. 2 and Brown (1981), the cheek region in cryptoclidids is Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 24, 29; Storrs 1991, char. 7; Sues 1987

Rieppel 1997b, char. 6; Storrs 1991, char. 34;

Sues 1987 other pliosaurs, as well as

Rieppel 1997b, char. 7;

Sues 1987 whether the nasals are present in this taxon at all

Absent (0), present (1)

Does not (0), does (1)

Behind external naris (0), in front of external naris (1)

Do enter (0), do not enter (1)

anterior to orbit

between orbit and temporal emargination

relative to external naris

anterior to external naris

of external naris Storrs 1991, char. 36;

32 Skull roof Jugal/prefrontal suture

33 Skull roof Jugal forms narrow bar

34 Skull roof Quadratojugal Present (0), absent (1)

35 Skull roof Nasal Not reduced (0), reduced (1), absent (2)

36 Skull roof Location of nasal

37 Skull roof Distinct grooves Absent (0), present (1)

38 Skull roof Nasal enters margin 40 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213


states. The

is a combination




states, while my

ning states. Fig. 11.


nition of this character. The



, elasmosaurids, cryptoclidids, and the



ed from Brown (1981). My

The prefrontal runs from the anterior margin of the orbit to the posterior margin of the external naris in

polycotylids. Figs. 5 and 18.

Fig 10.

This character describes the contact, or lack of contact, between the posterior end of the maxilla and the squamosal. State two describes the condition in polycotylids, in which the maxilla forms a stout, expanded contact with the squamosal.

Brown (1981) stresses the presence of a groove paraoccipital process is robust in true pliosaurs. basioccipital in his de groove is variably present and probably varies ontogenetically; I have found the shape of the condyle to be more reliable in de is a combination of his A plate-like occiput is present in most basal sauropterygians; however, an open occiput with a rod-shaped paraoccipital process occurs in the pistosauroids and all plesiosaurs. of Brown Plesiosaurus Modi

Rieppel 1997b, char. 10

Williston 1903, p. 19

Brown 1981, char. 7; Cruickshank 1994b

Brown 1981, char. 12

Rieppel 1997b, char. 31

Rieppel 1997b, char. 32

Brown 1981, char. 11

ange (2)

No contact (0), contact (1)

margin (1)

No contact (0), contact (1), expanded

Do not participate (0), do participate (1)

Hemispherical with groove (0), short with

rod-shaped process (1)

Without notch(0), with notch (1)

Gracile (0), robust (1)

margin of external naris

postfrontal exclude frontal from dorsal orbit margin

contact posterior

in formation of occipital condyle

morphology no groove (1) between the occipital condyle and the body of the

process/ formation of posttemporal fossa margin morphology

notch for articulation of paraoccipital process


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 39 Skull roof Prefrontal contacts

40 Skull roof Prefrontal and Frontal excluded (0), frontal enters

41 Skull roof Maxilla/ squamosal

42 Occiput Exoccipital participates

43 Occiput Occipital condyle

44 Occiput Paraoccipital No process/ occiput plate-like (0),

45 Occiput Distinct squamosal

46 Occiput Paraoccipital process ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 41










ange of the pterygoid in both taxa. I

respectively, depicting a long

ange of the pterygoid in some


has state two, while the articulation of the

and the polycotylids have long paraoccipital


paraoccipital process shifts to the quadrate in some processes which extend ventral of the occipital condyle.

Taylor and Cruickshank (1993) and Taylor (1992a) illustrate the occiput of The squamosal shares in the quadrate articulation of contact (state two) between the paraoccipital process and the quadrate elasmosaurs and some pliosaurs. did not observe this condition; these taxa possess state one, as illustrated by Cruickshank (1994a).

Most plesiosaurs have a dished or embayed anterior

embayment is lost in some elasmosaurs.

The apex of the squamosal arch is elaborated into a Libonectes Tricleidus Rhomaleosaurus posteriorly-directed bulb in most pliosaurs. Fig. 10.

ed from Brown

Andrews 1910

char. 3 Rieppel 1997b, char. 39

Modi Zanon unpublished

Squamosal exclusively (0), quadrate

squamosal (2)condyle (0), extends past condyle (1) cryptoclidids and all polycotylids.

Does not extend ventral to occipital No contact (0), contact at lateral articulationonly (1), long contact along

squamosal (1) 1981, char. 10; the quadrate

Process absent (0), process present (1) Quadrate only (0), quadrate and Contact (0), no contact (1)

Massive quadrate (0), dished

Absent (0), present (1)

ange of

ange bodies of processes (2)


articulation exclusively (1), both quadrate and paraoccipital process

process/ quadrate pterygoid contact pterygoid/ quadrate articulation Cruickshank 1994b,

epipterygoid distinct process for articulation with pterygoid process contacts parietal

dished-shaped anteriorly (1) margin of the quadrate above the jaw articulation. This anteriorly

by squamosals

47 Occiput Paraoccipital process

48 Occiput Ventral extent of 49 Occiput Nature of paraoccipital

52 Braincase Dorsal wing of Broad/ columnar (0), reduced (1) 51 Occiput Quadrate produces 50 Occiput Quadrate 53 Braincase Epipterygoid dorsal

54 Occiput Quadrate embayed/

55 Skull roof Posterior bulb formed 42 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213


and other primitive

ange of the pterygoid at its

Thalassiodracon Plesiosaurus

displays a fairly intermediate

. Figs. 6, 7, 8, etc.

ange of the pterygoid is a large,


ange or lappet from the body of the pterygoid, which

The supraoccipital has a median process projecting ventrally into the foramen magnum in most plesiosaurs. Some taxa lack this feature, although it is also delicate and liable to breakage. The supraoccipital in general is not bound tightly to the rest of the skull and is often lost, at least in Lower Jurassic taxa. Fig. 5.

The quadrate sigmoid structure in many pliosaurs. This condition is derived compared to

condition. Fig. 11.

This character describes the elaboration of a small fl underlies the quadrate origination from the palatal portion of that bone.

The supraoccipital in

taxa is shallow antero-posteriorly; the suture with the

prootic is small. In other plesiosaurs the supraoccipital tends to become deeper, and the suture with the exoccipital and prootic becomes longer, more lateral, and sigmoid in shape. The space for the vertical semicircular canal is usually larger and deeper in the second type of supraoccipital. Fig. 6.

The presence of an anterior interpterygoid vacuity is a

which have a closed palate. Figs. 4, 5, etc.

The presence of an posterior interpterygoid vacuity is

which have a closed palate. Present in all plesiosaurs Attenborosaurus and

Zanon unpublished

Storrs 1991, char. 11;

Curved with raised lateral margin (0),

rolled lateral margin (2)

No squared lappet (0), squared lappet (1)

Shallow (0), deep antero-posteriorly/

prootic (1) exoccipital is short and the lateral contact with the

Absent (0), slit-like (1), broad with round

Absent (0), present (1)

ange straight and narrowing (1), sigmoid with




pterygoid underlies quadrate pterygoid fl

sigmoid suture sigmoid suture with exoccipital and

vacuity ends (2) reversal with respect to more basal sauropterygians,

vacuity Sues 1987 a reversal with respect to more basal sauropterygians,


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 56 Braincase Supraoccipital Round (0), median process (1)

57 Palate Shape of the quadrate

58 Palate Squared lappet of

59 Braincase Supraoccipital depth/

60 Palate Anterior interpterygoid

61 Palate Posterior interpterygoid ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 43


, and MOR 751,



, the ectopterygoid extends medially to

and some Lower Jurassic plesiosaurs

Pistosaurus Peloneustes


surface behind the posterior interpterygoid vacuity. Most later plesiosaurs have distinct pterygoid processes which meet on the midline behind the vacuity. This character is ordered because state two is dependent on the possession of state one. Figs. 6, 11 and 17.

In plesiosaurs possessing both anterior and posterior interpterygoid vacuities, the pterygoids may or may not meet between the two vacuities. In taxa in which the pterygoids do not meet, the two vacuities are separated by the cultriform process of the parasphenoid. Figs. 4, 6, 7, etc.

This character is conditional on the presence of a derived state for character 62. The medial processes of the pterygoid forming the medial symphysis behind the posterior interpterygoid vacuity either completely cover the body of the basioccipital, or fail to cover it. Figs. 7 and 8.


near the lateral margin of the posterior interpterygoid vacuity, overlapping the pterygoid. Fig. 11.

The ectopterygoid in many plesiosauroid taxa rises

the ventro-medial margin of the postorbital bar. This character is shared by elasmosaurs, cryptoclidids, and polycotylids. Figs. 16 and 17.

In polycotylids, the pterygoids antero-lateral and lateral to the posterior interpterygoid vacuities are broadly dished or depressed shallowly along their length. This character was observed in Dolichorhynchops and is not a preservational artifact. Fig. 17.

Williston 1908 illustrates

state two the pterygoids do not meet on the midline of the palate

Illustrated by Carpenter, 1997 dorsally out of the plane of the palate, and contacts

Pterygoids do not meet (0), pterygoids

meet (1), meet but are covered by posterior parasphenoid process (2)

Do not meet between vacuities (0), do meet between vacuities (1)

Exposed (0), not exposed (1)

Does not (0), does (1)

No contact (0), contact (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

posterior to posterior interpterygoid vacuity

between anterior and posterior interpterygoid vacuities

posterior to posterior pterygoid suture

medially to lateral margin of posterior interpterygoid vacuities

contacts postorbital bar

62 Palate Pterygoids meet

63 Palate Pterygoids meet

64 Palate Basioccipital exposed

65 Palate Ectopterygoid reaches

66 Palate Columnar ectopterygoid

67 palate Dished pterygoids 44 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213


State two occurs

and other

; state three occurs in


anges around the

, and Peloneustes

Attenborosaurus. Kronosaurus

and Pliosaurus


. In the cryptoclidids and polycotylids, the

and the polycotylids, the pterygoids send

, other primitive diapsids, and

Tricleidus Peloneustes


margin of the parasphenoid. These processes meet in a median suture in the polycotylids, but I do not believe this condition is homologous to the condition in character 62. Figs. 16 and 17.

The formation of accessory

almost all pliosaurs exclusive of the rhomaleosaurids. State one occurs in in Figs. 11 and 13.

The anterior portion of the parasphenoid runs anteriorly in a long, tapering cultriform process in anterior portion of the parasphenoid terminates in a short, blunt process with prominent lateral articulations for the pterygoids located at either side on the palate surface. Figs. 6, 16, and 17.

The ventral surface of the parasphenoid, visible

sharp keel in various taxa. Carpenter (1997) illustrates state one in Libonectes.

pliosaurs possess state two. Figs. 7 and 11.

The anterior portion of the parasphenoid is either exposed on the palate surface or covered by the pterygoids. State one refers to exposure of the parasphenoid below the palate surface due to enlargement of the posterior interpterygoid vacuities; state two refers to exposure on the palate surface, accompanied by lateral sutures with the pterygoids. Liopleurodon Araeoscelis Plesiosaurus Figs. 6, 7, 11, and 13.


gured by

Illustrated by Andrews,

1910 out distinct medial processes that contact the posterior

State two White 1935 posterior intern pterygoid vacuity is characteristic of

Andrews 1910 p. 81

anges (1),

anges (0), form

anges meet in short, dished contact at

Absent (0), present (1)

Do not form fl midline (2), meet in broad contact (3)

Not keeled (0), sharp keel (1), keeled anteriorly (2) through the posterior interpterygoid vacuities, has a

palate surface (0), exposed via extension of posterior interpterygoid vacuities (1)

anges ventro-lateral

parasphenoid contact

pterygoid form lateral fl to posterior pterygoid vacuity

morphology blunt(1) Williston 1903 p.218

exposure anterior to posterior interpterygoid vacuities exposed with lateral pterygoid sutures (2)


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 68 Palate Posterior pterygoid/

69 Palate Ectopterygoid and

70 Braincase Parasphenoid Long, tapering anteriorly (0), short and

71 Palate Parasphenoid keel

72 Palate Parasphenoid Anterior parasphenoid not exposed on ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 45




, the basal

in Storrs and Taylor

uent with the median

fl Plesiosaurus

ed in most pliosaurids; the

guration described in character 73, the

fi Thalassiodracon

skull mentioned here is unusual in the

; in this taxon and in the polycotylids, the

ed basisphenoid in which the articulation is

guration in early plesiosaurs differs from earlier

As described above, the plesiosaur braincase is with the medial margins of the cristae ventrolaterales. Fig. 1. the parasphenoid, at least in Lower Jurassic taxa. The con Given the con diapsids in that the basisphenoid fossa is replaced by parasphenoid is separated from the basioccipital on a disc of endochondral bone (basisphenoid) con the midline by the basisphenoid in early plesiosaurs. In some cryptoclidids and all polycotylids, the parasphenoid extends backward over this area and contacts the ventro-anterior margin of the basioccipital on the midline. Figs. 16 and 17.

Illustrated for

articulation is present and prominent in all (1994) and present in plesiosauroids. The articulation appears absent in most pliosaurs; however, one skull of (BMNH R. 3803) preserves this feature. The basisphenoid and the basal articulation arising from it are very poorly ossi

preservation of an extremely delicate and poorly ossi visible. The area of articulation with the dorsal surface of the palate is usually visible, however, in pliosaur material in which the skull roof has been removed. The fact that the character is present in all taxa makes this character uninformative; it is included due to previous confusion about the presence of the basal articulation. Figs. 6, 16, and 17.

Andrews (1910) illustrates the basioccipital in

articular facets are con Peloneustes Tricleidus basisphenoid articulation. Fig. 16.

Vaughn 1955, Reisz

uent with basisphenoid

Present (0), absent (1)

Present (0), absent (1)

Not reduced (0), reduced/ tuber facets articulation (1) basioccipital tubers are reduced, and their pterygoid

ventrolaterales 1981 primitive in the retention of cristae ventrolaterales of

basioccipital contact on midline.


reduced con

73 Palate Possession of cristae

74 Braincase Parasphenoid/ Absent (0), present (1)

75 Palate Possession of basal

76 Palate Basioccipital tubers 46 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213




for this feature. Figs. 11 and 13.

and some other pliosaurs, the jugal




ange, because it is comprised almost entirely by the

ectopterygoid boss


has a small exposure on the palate surface between the maxilla and squamosal.

Some pliosaurs have small fenestra in the palate, formed by the lack of a suture between the pterygoid and palatine near the posterior margin of the palatine. Figs. 7 and 8.

The palatine is excluded from the internal naris by a suture between the vomer and maxilla in

and Fig. 13.

Sub-orbital fenestra are present in many pliosaurs. Figs. 8 and 13.

Figs. 9, 2, 11, etc.

As discussed by Storrs (1997), the present in some pliosaurs is not a true pterygoid fl ectopterygoid. Storrs therefore suggests the term ‘

The ectopterygoid boss can either be free of the medial wall of the skull roof, or contact the jugal and or squamosal. Fig. 16.

This character refers to mandibles that expand

Williston 1903, 1910

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 35, 45

Storrs 1991, char. 9

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 35, 44; Storrs

No exposure (0), exposure (1)

Palatine enters internal naris border (0), excluded by vomer/maxilla contact (1)

Do not meet (0), close approach or meet at midline (1)

Premaxilla enters anterior border (0), is excluded by vomer/ maxilla contact (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Do not (0), extend posterior and meet pterygoids in wide interdigitating suture (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Contact absent (0), contacts jugal (1)


/ ectopterygoid


exposure on palate surface

fenestration bordered by palatine and pterygoid

closely or meet at midline

border of internal naris

posterior to internal nares on midline

fl boss 1997

has wide contact with jugal/ squamosal


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 77 Palate Jugal has small

78 Palate Lateral palatal Absent (0), present (1)

79 Palate Palatine/ internal naris

80 Palate Palatines approach

81 Palate Premaxilla/ anterior

82 Palate Sub-orbital fenestration

83 Palate Vomers extend far

84 Palate Prominent

85 Palate Ectopterygoid boss

86 Mandible Bowed maxilla Absent (0) present (1) ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 47





. Figs. 7 and 13.



applies to both the



possess a fenestra in this position,


This character refers to mandibles that expand noticeably anterior of the jaw articulations; such mandibles have a hoop-like or bowed appearance when viewed on the ventral surface. Fig. 7.

The lingual surface of the lower jaw is poorly ossi in plesiosaurs; however, in some taxa the splenial does not ossify at all, leaving the Meckelian canal open far anterior to the jaw articulation.

The rhomaleosaurid jaw symphysis has a distinct The length of the mandibular symphysis has been ridge or pedestal-like elaboration along its ventral historically important in classifying the pliosaurs (Tarlo margin. This ridge extends posteriorly for a short 1960). My state distance past the symphysis along each jaw ramus. Fig. 7.

applies to the condition in

The splenial enters the mandibular symphysis in all long-snouted taxa. State two describes the polycotylids, in which the symphysis is so long that it extends posterior to the anterior margin of the angulars. This character is ordered. Figs. 9 and 12.

bounded by the splenial, angular, and prearticular. Fig. 7.

In most plesiosaurs, the suture of the dentary with the angular and surangular on the lateral surface of the

however in pliosaurnoids the surangular sends a process anteriorly into an embayment in the dentary. Fig. 12.

The status of the coronoid and prearticular is a long-

to be present in all taxa except Thaumatosaurus contra Cruickshank (1994b). Figs. 12, 15, and 19.

ed from Rieppel

1997b, char. 51; Brown 1981, char. 5; Tarlo 1960 rhomaleosaurid and


Cruickshank 1994b, char. 9 standing problem in plesiosaurs. I believe the coronoid

Not open (0) open (1)

No ridge (0), ridge (1) scooplike (2), long (3)

Short (0), somewhat enforced (1),

Does not participate (0), does participate

Absent (0), present (1)

Angular projects forward of surangular in lateral view (0), surangular anterior


ridge/ pedestal-like symphysis

symphysis (1), angulars extend past symphysis (2)


angular- surangular suture process (1) mandible is relatively straight (Storrs & Taylor 1996);

86 Mandible Bowed maxilla Absent (0), present (1)

87 Mandible Meckelian canal open

88 Mandible Ventral mandibular

89 Mandible Mandibular symphysis

90 Mandible Splenial participates in

91 Mandible Lingual mandibular

92 Mandible Morphology of dentary/

93 Mandible Coronoid Present (0), absent (1) 48 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213



ts into a

ned by Massare



Tooth types de

es this bone as the splenial rather than the

rst maxillary tooth is generally much smaller than

The coronoid in pliosaurs runs anteriorly to the mandibular symphysis. Fig. 12.

Fig. 24. Intermediate state in

illustrated by Andrews (1910) is correct, although he identi coronoid Fig 19.

Cruickshank (1994b) believed the prearticular to be

its presence in all taxa with adequate preservation. Figs. 12 and 19.

a shelf below the posterior end of the Meckelian canal, which is a distinct groove. The prearticular socket in the angular. Noted in

Figs. 2 and 11. Andrews (1910). Fig. 19.

Figs. 12, 14, and 15. The those caudal to it in taxa possessing a diastema. Figs. 2 and 11.

Fig. 7.


ed from Storrs

Cruickshank 1994b, char. 9 present but small in plesiosaurs; I was able to con

Andrews 1910 In cryptoclidids and polycotylids, the prearticular forms

1991, char. 37

Modi Rieppel 1994a, 1997b,

char. 39; Brown 1981, char. 8

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b,

char. 41

Brown 1981 char 3

Absent (0), present (1)

No exposure (0), exposure (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Above or at collinear with tooth row (0), lower than tooth row (1)

Absent (0), present (1) Absent (0), present (1)

Present (1), absent (0)


lateral jaw surface


premaxilla suture

relation to tooth row diastema

fangs chars. 44, 55; Storrs 1991,

teeth on maxilla chars. 45, 56; Storrs 1991,


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 94 Lower Jaw Long lingual coronoid

95 Mandible Coronoid exposed on

96 Mandible Prearticular Present (0), absent (1)

97 Mandible Prearticular shelf/

98 Mandible Jaw articulation in 100 Dentition First tooth after Large (0), reduced (1)

99 Skull shape Diastema at maxilla/ 101 Dentition Premaxilla and dentary

102 Dentition One or two caniniform

103 Dentition Tooth form Gracile small root narrow no wear (0) ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 49

, and may Continued



ned by Massare



cult to score in adult

32 cervicals to be primitive in

(Sues 1987); however this taxon

cult to score in many taxa due to


ne cervical vertebrae as vertebrae in which

ned as vertebrae in which the rib articulation arises

Figs. 4, 5, 11, and 14. Tooth types de

This character is ordered. Figs. 2 and 11.

This character is ordered.

poor preservation and/or incomplete ossi

This character is variable within

be ontogenetically variable. Dif individuals in which the atlas/axis complex is generally fused.

The number of cervical vertebrae is unfortunately unknown in is similar to plesiosaurs in possessing de from a short transverse process arising from both the centrum and neural arch (illustrated in Brown, 1981). Here I de the rib articulation arises from the centrum only. Brown (1981) also believed 28 plesiosaurs; I have retained this criterion. State one is 33 cervicals or larger, while state two is fewer than 28. State three concerns necks of 50 cervicals or longer. This character is ordered using the character state tree ((2)1,3)0.

Brown 1981, char. 3, Tarlo 1960 (1987) were not used because most plesiosaurs have

Tarlo 1960

Tarlo 1960

Brown 1981, char. 7;

char. 1

Cruickshank 1994b, char. 1

Andrews 1910, 1913

Andrews 1909, Williston 1910, Brown 1981, char. 13. Also Romer, 1956

Brown 1981, char. 14


robust, large root, wear (1), very small/ needle-like (2) the same type of teeth in this more general coding.

Round (0), planar face (1)

Striations all around (0), lingual only (1),

5(0), 6(1), 7(2), greater than 7(3)

thirty (1), many more than thirty (2)

2(0), 1(1) This character is dif

Broad articulation with atlas centrum

and/or other elements (0), head con to axis centrum (1)

No lateral exposure of atlas centrum on cup face (0), lateral exposure (1), no lateral exposure, but atlas and axis intercentra exclude atlas centrum ventrally (2)

Primitive (0), increased (1), reduced (2),

reinforced planar face

Longitudinal striations on teeth none (2)

teeth Cruickshank 1994b,


vertebrae greater than 50

103 Dentition Tooth form Gracile, small root, narrow, no wear (0)

104 Tooth shape Teeth round or with

105 Tooth ornament

106 Dentition Number of premaxillary

107 Dentition Maxillary teeth Less than twenty (0), more twenty to

108 Atlas/ Axis Number of axis rib

109 Atlas/ Axis Articulation of axis rib

110 Atlas/ Axis Atlas/axis morphology

111 Vertebrae Number of cervical 50 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

outline in

by Storrs (1991), the


ed ontogenetic variation in this

c differences existed. I scored this

foramina subcentralia

Welles (1952) identi

interspeci character loosely; vertebrae had to be markedly compressed or elongated over most of the column to be scored as derived.

In elasmosaurs and some other taxa, the cervical zygopophyses are oriented dorso-ventrally in the anterior part of the column. This orientation shifts gradually to medio-lateral in the posterior part of the neck.

A low, lateral ridge is present on the centrum body above the rib articulation in elasmosaurs and some

have a distinct dorso-ventral constriction medially, yielding a centrum that has a anterior or posterior view.

possession of paired foramina in the ventral surface of the cervical centra is a trait shared by pistosaurids and all plesiosaurs.

. 1997;

. 1997; Termed see also . 1997; This character is ordered.

et al et al et al

Brown 1981, char. 15; Welles 1952 character, as well as variation along the vertebral

Noted by Welles 1962

Tarlo 1960

Brown 1981, char. 16; illustrated in Welles, 1943 other plesiosauroids.

Welles 1943 The anterior cervical centra in some elasmosaurs


Storrs 1991, char. 47

Sander Tarlo 1960;

Sander Storrs 1991 char. 48

Length equal to height (0), length greater

height (2) column, but also found that taxonomically relevant

No change in angle (0), change (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Two (0), one (1)

Absent (0), present (1) Medial and large (0), lateral and

reduced (1) Williston 1907

centrum (2)

centra than height (1), length less than

zygopophyseal angle along cervical column


anterior cervical vertebrae in adults

anterior cervical centra

cervical vertebrae

heads Brown 1981, char. 21

reduced and lateral

zygopophyses centrum (1), more narrow than


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 112 Morpho-metric Proportions of cervical

113 Vertebrae Distinct change in

114 Vertebrae Ventral keel on cervical

115 Vertebrae Lateral ridge on Absent (0), present (1)

116 Vertebrae Binocular shaped

117 Vertebrae Number of cervical rib

118 Vertebrae Ventral foramina in 119 Vertebrae Foramina subcentralia

120 Vertebrae Width of cervical Wider than centrum (0), subequal with ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 51






and the pliosauroids.

, and

, as well as

by (Sues 1987) and in

(Welles 1962), this feature is a small

and some other plesiosauroids have a

, and some other Jurassic plesiosaurs. Thalassiodracon Pistosaurus


ange on the anterior margin of the cervical


Noted in

notch in the posterior base of the cervical neural spine which accepts the anterior edge of the succeeding neural spine. This notch may represent the zygantrum present in more basal sauropterygians; however, no corresponding zygosphene is ever present. Lost in many pliosaurs.

Antero-posterior elongation of the cervical ribs, and

common in long-necked taxa in which the centrum is ribs of longer than wide.

A distinct anterior process is present on the cervical This process is lost in later plesiosaurs.

distinct neural spines. This character is not necessary to form the articulation described in character 121.

The cervical neural spines in elasmosaurs and some other taxa are not angled, while they are angled backward in Thickened transverse processes are present in all plesiosaurs,

to the centrum in plesiosaurs, while it is larger in more basal sauropterygians. Callawayasaurus Plesiosaurus Muraenosaurus (1987).

. 1997; The pistosaurid condition is also discussed in Sues

. 1997 The neural arch tends to be small and short compared

et al et al

1997, Storrs 1997

Illustrated in Welles 1943 elongation of their articulation with the centrum, is

Illustrated in Sander

Brown 1981, char. 20

Rieppel 1997b, char. 68


Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, Sander chars. 53, 67; Storrs et al. 1991, char. 49



Absent (0), present (1)

Circular or subcircular (0), elongate (1)

Present (0), absent (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Subequal to centrum height (0), shorter


for succeeding neural

spine, cervical vertebrae

greatly elongate/ cervical ribs expanded and blade-like

cervical ribs

on cervical neural spines

cervical vertebrae

transverse processes,

dorsal vertebrae

height than centrum height (1)

zygantrum articulation

121 Vertebrae Posterior articulation

122 Vertebrae Cervical rib articulation

123 Vertebrae Anterior process of

124 Vertebrae Anterior neural

125 Vertebrae Neural spines, Angled backward (0), not angled (1)

126 Vertebrae Distal end of No diameter increase (0), thickened (1)

127 Vertebrae Dorsal neural arch

128 Vertebrae Zygosphene/ Present (0), absent (1) 52 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213


are low

are high. The

is the only


Pistosaurus Augustasaurus Plesiosaurus

low but not rugose; those in with rugose tops; the spines in

dorsal neural spines are high in all plesiosaurs.

pliosaurs lack this feature.

The interclavicle was probably present but is not The interclavicle and clavicles are slow to ossify and known in many plesiosaurs. often do not preserve well;

taxon in which I could be sure of the absence of the interclavicle, based on Storrs 1997 and my own The scapulae meet in an anterior median symphysis observations. processes of the scapulae are usually separated by the dermal girdle elements in pliosaurs (contra Brown 1981).

Some cryptoclidids and some polycotylids have a small fenestra perforating the anterior girdle elements on the midline.

This character is certainly variable ontogenetically, as discussed by Brown (1981). I include it here because

sake of completeness.

The s pracoracoid foramen is absent in pistosa rids

. 1997 The dorsal neural spines of

. 1997 The neural spines in many plesiosaurs are laterally

et al et al

ed from Brown

ed from Brown

ed from Storrs



Storrs 1991, char. 58

Rieppel 1997b, char. 85


1981, char. 24 in many later plesiosaurs; however, the antero-medial


Modi 1991, char. 66; Brown

Rieppel 1997b char 64

Low (0), low and rugose (1), high (2)

Not compressed (0), compressed and blade-like (1) compressed and blade-like; the neural spines of many

Present (0), absent (1)

Tapers to blunt tip (0), ventrally

Present (0), interclavicle absent (1),

with no notch (2)

Separated by clavicles/interclavicle (0), Absent (0), present (1)

Absent (0), formed by clavicle and

coracoid (2) 1981, char. 25 most of the taxa in this analysis are adults, and for the

vertebrae spines, dorsal

of neural spines, dorsal and cervical vertebrae

process and interclavicle both absent (2) 1981, chars. 22 and 23

scapula expanded posteriorly (1)

anterior median meet medially but leave notch for dermal symphysis elements (1), meet in long symphysis

symphysis (1), meet only behind notch (2)


bar coracoid (1), formed by scapula and


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 129 Vertebrae Height of neural

130 Vertebrae Lateral compression

131 Pectoral Girdle Interclavicle posterior

132 Pectoral Girdle Dorsal process of

133 Pectoral Girdle Presence of clavicles

134 Pectoral Girdle Clavicle median Symphysis (0), separated by interclavicle

135 Pectoral Girdle Scapulae meet in 136 Pectoral Girdle Anterior intrascapular

137 Pectoral Girdle Longitudinal pectoral

138 Pectoral Girdle S pracoracoid Present (0) absent (1) ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 53


cult to score;

The supracoracoid foramen is absent in pistosaurids and all plesiosaurs.

Most polycotylids have one or two perforations on

the coracoids.

Welles (1943, 1962) and many others have documented that the posterior extensions of the coracoids are long and surround a deep median embayment in many elasmosaurs.

Storrs (1997) and Brown (1981) discuss the clear ontogenetic variation in this character. It is included here because most genera in this analysis are adults, and for the sake of completeness.

The loss of the primitive contact between the ilium and

the Plesiosauria (i.e. Romer, 1956, p. 329).

is characteristic of plesiosaurs.

Analogous to the median pectoral bar, the median pelvic bar is slow to to ossify, as discussed by Brown (1981). I include it here because most of the taxa in this analysis are adults, and for the sake of completeness. The character is also dif the presence of a suture between the median processes of the pubis and ischium can only be determined by articulating the two elements.

Rieppel 1997b, char. 64;

Rieppel 1997b, char. 88; Storrs 1991, char. 63

Illustrated in Williston

Brown 1981, char. 27

Brown 1981, char. 26

Storrs 1991, char. 68;

Rieppel 1997b, char. 100;

Brown 1981, char. 28

Sues 1987 A large ventral plate formed by the ischium and pubis

Brown 1981, char. 30

Rieppel 1997b, char. 102; Storrs 1991 char. 71

expanded median symphysis (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Present (0), absent (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

foramen/ notch Storrs 1991, char. 64

perforations 1906, 1906 either side of the midline in the posterior extensions of

extension with deep median embayment

coracoid wings

ilium and pubis Sues 1987 pubis has long been used as a diagnostic character of

(medial) margin Storrs 1991, char. 69;

pubo-ischiatic plate

closed or open in adult

138 Pectoral Girdle Supracoracoid Present (0), absent (1)

139 Pectoral Girdle Coracoid shape Rounded contours/ not plate-like (0),

140 Pectoral Girdle Median coracoid Absent (0), present (1)

141 Pectoral Girdle Posterior coracoid

142 Pectoral Girdle Postero-lateral Absent (0), present (1)

143 Pelvic Girdle Contact between

144 Pelvic Girdle Pubis ventral Convex (1), concave (0)

145 Pelvic Girdle Large, ventral Absent (0), present (1)

146 Pelvic Girdle Median pelvic bar

147 Pelvic Girdle Thyroid fenestra Closed (0), open (1) 54 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213



have long,


cation of the


have a third distinct facet

attened dorso-ventrally are

discussion above. Brachauchenius




The obturator foramen is lost in some pistosauroids and all plesiosaurs;

The angled humerus is characteristic of stem-group sauropterygians, and of early plesiosaurs.

Short propodials whose distal ends are expanded antero-posteriorly and characteristic of all plesiosaurs. The possession of a dorsal trochanter or tuberosity is also characteristic of all plesiosaur propodials.

The humerus in many plesiosauroids has two distinct

epipodials articulate.

articulates with a supernumery ossi epipodial row.

Applicable only to plesiosaurs. Tricleidus Late pliosaurs such as

Rieppel 1997b, char. 101; Storrs 1991, char. 70 Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 79, 99; Storrs 1991, char. 67; Brown 1981, char. 31; Sues 1987

Rieppel 1994a, 1997b, chars. 74, 92; Storrs

1991 char. 73 (1997) for the condition in

Illustrated by Williston 1906 planes or facets on its distal end, with which the

Illustrated by Williston

Brown 1981, char. 32

Rieppel 1997b, char. 93

Present (0), absent (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Gracile/constricted (0), massive (1)

Not elongate (0), elongate with narrow

Present (0), absent (1)


propodials with dorsal trochanter/ tuberosity

has two distinct planes in adult

humerus for 1906 on the postero-distal end of the humerus which supernumery ossi

elongate distal head (1) narrow propodials compared to earlier pliosaurs.


Char. type Character States/Coding Citation Remarks

Appendix 1. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 148 Pelvic Girdle Obturator foramen

149 Pelvic Girdle Iliac blade Well-developed (0), reduced (1)

150 Humerus Angled humerus Absent (1), present (0)

151 Pro-podials Expanded distal Absent (0), present (1)

152 Humerus Distal end of humerus

153 Propodials Distinct facet on distal

154 Propodials Gracile or massive

155 Propodials Propodials relatively

156 Humerus Deltopectoral crest ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 55

. 1997);

cult to

cation in


fi et al

cation in

ve relative to the

and related taxa


rst to note that the

fi Pistosaurus




pistosauroids and plesiosaurs. I have therefore coded it as present in plesiosaurs rather than inapplicable.

Many early plesiosaurs have an ulna which is however I believe it forms part of a transformation distinctly lunate in shape. of series of decreasing perichondral ossi Both this character and character 160 are related to the progressive loss of femoral features as sauropterygians became more aquatic.

Plesiosaurs often have a supernumery ossi the epipodial row and/or on a level with the distal

liable to loss during collection.

Owen (1865) was the

all plesiosaurs. This shift results in a misalignment of the phalangeal articulations of digit The phalanges of other digits.

have joints which are misaligned between digits in digits one through four. This character is dif score due to concerns over preservation.

1997; A broad distal ulna is thought to be a synapomorphy

et al

ed from Storrs

ed from Storrs


Storrs 1991, char. 83 Rieppel 1997b, char. 105

Rieppel 1997b, char. 106 1991,char. 84; Brown 1981, char. 34 propodial. These bones are slow to ossify and are Brown 1981, char. 35.;

Owen 1865, Brown Modi

1981, char. 37 metapodial is shifted into the distal mesopodial row in 1991, char. 80


Rieppel 1997b, char. 119

3) (0),




Absent (0), present (1)

Well-developed (0), reduced (1)

Deep (0), distinct but reduced (1), rudimentary or absent (2) propodial (2), both (3)

Longer than broad (0), equal or broader than long (1) Sues 1987 In line with rest of metapodial row (0),

shifted into distal mesopodial row hyperphalangy present (1)

Absent (0), present (1)

Always one lateral process (0), may

cations, forelimb

fth phalangeal row


phalanges anterior to fi

element have two lateral processes (1)

157 Ulna Ulnar shape Narrow (0) or broad (1) distally

158 Ulna Distinctly lunate ulna

159 Femur Internal trochanter

160 Femur Inter-trochanteric fossa

161 Epi-podials Epipodial morphology

163 Meta-podials Fifth metapodial 162 Epi-podials Supernumery None (0), epipodial row/pisiform (1),

165 Phalanges Interlocking distal

164 Phalanges Hyperphalangy No increase (2


166 Ribs Median gastral rib 56 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Appendix 2. Data matrix for the cladistic analysis in this paper. The first three taxa comprise the outgroup. Inapplicable characters are coded as ‘x’; unknown characters are coded as ‘?’. The ancestral condition is generally coded as ‘0’. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Taxon 1 2 345678910111213141516171819 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Simosaurus 000022x0000?0120 00? Cymatosaurus 0????2x0100?001,21 01? Pistosauridae 00?1?0x1000?0011 01? Calawayasaurus 21202000000000x0 11? Attenborosaurus 10110001100??00? 0?? BMNH R.5488 1 0 11101110?010?? 001 Brachauchenius 12???1?210110xx0 000 Brancasaurus 21210000000001x0 01? Cryptoclidus 20012010000000x0 001 Dolichorhynchops 1211011200100xx0 00? Eurycleidus 0?0??001100?0001 00? Hauffiosaurus 1021010210?????? ??? Kimmerosaurus ?????2?3000??0x0 ?0? Kronosaurus 1221?1?2???????? ??? Leptocleidus ?2?1?01110101xx0 00? Libonectes 21?0?00000200xx? 1?? Liopleurodon 1211111220110xx0 001 Macroplata 1021010200?10x00 ??0 Microcleidus 2101000000000??0 ?1? MOR 751 0 2 ???011000100x0 001 Morturneria ?????21300?????? ??? Muraenosaurus 21012010000000x0 000 Peloneustes 1211111210110xx0 001 Plesiosaurus 00210000000000?1 000 Pliosaurus 12???1?220110xx0 00? Polycotylus ?2110?1????????? ??? Rhomaleo. megaceph. 00010001100100x1 001 Rhomaleo. victor 100120011??0???? ??? Rhomaleo. zetland. 02??01?110101x?0 001 Simolestes 121110111010?xx0 ??? Styxosaurus 21???0000020?x?0 10? Thalassiodracon 0001000110000001 001 Tricleidus 20?10210000000x? ?0? Trinacromerum 1211111200100xx0 ?0? ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 57

———————————————————————————————————————————————— 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 000 0 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 10 000 0 0100001 0 0 0 1 1 0 00,10 00 100 0 0201011 0 0 0 ? 1 0 01 0 10 110 0 0211112 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 11 100 0 0201011 0 0 0 ? 1 0 ?0 ? 00 1?0 0 02?1?10 0 ? 0 ? 1 0 1? 0 0? 100 0 0201110 0 1 0 1 1 1 00 1 00 110 0 0211012 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 11 110 0 0211012 0 0 1 1 2 x 0x 1 10 100 0 1211012 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 12 100 0 020101? 0 ? 0 1 ? ? 0? 0 ?? ??? ? ?????1? ? ? 0 1 ? ? ?? ? ?0 11? 0 0211?1? ? ? 1 1 ? x ?? ? 1? ??? ? ??01?1? ? 1 ? 1 ? ? ?? ? ?? 100 0 0201010 0 ? 0 1 ? ? ?? 0 ?1 110 0 ?21?112 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 1? 100 0 0201010 0 1 0 1 1 0 00 0 00 100 0 0201?10 0 1 0 1 1 0 10 0 ?? 11? 0 0211?1? 0 ? 0 1 2 x 0x ? 11 100 0 0211012 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 12 ??? ? ???111? ? ? ? 1 ? x ?? ? x? 11? 0 0211012 0 0 ? ? ? x 0? ? 1? 100 0 0201010 0 1 0 1 1 0 00 0 00 100 0 0201011 0 0 0 1 2 0 0x 1 11 100 0 02?1110 0 1 0 1 1 1 0? ? 00 ??? ? ??????? ? ? ? ? ? x ?? ? ?? 100 0 0201?10 0 ? 0 1 1 0 10 0 ?1 ??? 0 0?????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? 100 0 0201?10 0 1 0 1 1 0 10 0 0? 100 0 0201?10 0 1 0 1 1 0 ?0 ? ?? ??0 0 0211112 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 11 100 0 0201011 0 0 0 1 1 0 00 0 11 100 0 0211?12 0 0 1 1 2 x 0x ? 10 1?0 0 1211012 0 0 0 1 2 x 0x 1 12 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Continued 58 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Appendix 2. Continued. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Taxon 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Simosaurus 0000x0xx000x0x00 000 Cymatosaurus ??11????????0x?? 200 Pistosauridae ??1???????1?00?? ?00 Calawayasaurus 0011020111??0011 110 Attenborosaurus ??1?0???????11?? 20? BMNH R.5488 0 1 1?1?0???00?110 1?? Brachauchenius ??1?1?0???1111?? 100 Brancasaurus 001?0?0?????0011 1?0 Cryptoclidus 111?0100?0??1011 102 Dolichorhynchops 0011011100001011 102 Eurycleidus 011100??00??1110 102 Hauffiosaurus ?1??????00??1??? 200 Kimmerosaurus 11110000?0??1011 102 Kronosaurus ?111020100???1?? 200 Leptocleidus 0?1????10?0011?? 112 Libonectes 00110201111?0011 110 Liopleurodon 01101001100111?0 201 Macroplata 0111000000?0?1?? 100 Microcleidus ?????????????0?? ?10 MOR 751 0 0 111????0???0?1 102 Morturneria 00?110?1????1??1 ??? Muraenosaurus 011?0?0?????10?1 102 Peloneustes 0110000110011110 200 Plesiosaurus ?01?0????1111000 101 Pliosaurus 011?1??1??0011?? 20? Polycotylus ???????????????? ??? Rhomaleo. megaceph. ?1111?010100?1?? 112 Rhomaleo. victor ?0?????????????? 112 Rhomaleo. zetland. ?11?1111010011?? 112 Simolestes 011?1001??0011?0 1?? Styxosaurus ??1??????1100011 ??? Thalassiodracon 01110000011?1100 102 Tricleidus 0011011000??10?? 102 Trinacromerum ?01?011?0?0010?? 112 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 59

———————————————————————————————————————————————— 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 0xxx000xx?xxxx0x000000 0xxx00?xx?xxxx?x000010 10x x 0?000?1 0 ? 0 ? ? 0 00 0 00 110 0 0100001 2 1 ? 0 0 0 00 0 10 101 x 0000100 2 0 0 0 0 1 ?? ? ?1 111 ? 0000000 2 x 0 ? 0 ? ?? ? ?? 111 0 0000302 2 x 0 ? 0 ? 0? 1 ?1 1?? 0 ??00?0? ? 1 0 ? 0 0 ?0 0 1? 100 x 0100010 2 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 ?0 120 0 0111010 2 1 1 0 1 0 00 0 10 101 x 0000002 2 0 0 0 0 ? ?0 0 ?? 111 0 1000202 2 x 0 ? 0 0 00 0 10 100 x 0?010?0 2 1 1 ?0,1? ?? 0 ?? 11? 0 ???02?? ? x 0 ? 0 0 ?? ? ?? 111 1 0000001 2 x 0 0 0 1 ?? 0 11 120 0 0100001 2 1 ? 0 0 0 ?0 0 10 111 0 0000302 2 x 0 ? 0 0 11 1 11 101 x ??00002 2 0 0 ? 0 ? ?0 0 1? 101 0 0?0000? 2 1 0 0 ? ? 0? ? ?0 110 0 011101? 2 1 ? ? ? 0 ?? ? ?0 1?0 x ??0??1? 2 ? 1 0 1 ? ?0 ? 1? 100 x 0100010 1 1 0 0 0 0 01 0 00 111 0 1000202 2 x 0 0 0 1 00 0 11 100 x 000000? 1 ? 0 0 0 0 ?0 0 00 11? 0 ??0?3?? ? x ? ? 0 ? ?1 ? 1? ??? 0 ??????? ? 1 1 ? ? ? ?? ? ?? 111 1 0000001 2 x 0 0 0 ? 10 0 11 111 1 0?00??1 1 x ? ? 0 ? 11 0 10 1?1 ? 0?0000? 2 x 0 ? ? ? ?? ? ?? 111 ? 000000? 2 x 0 ? 0 ? 1? ? ?? ??? 0 ???0??? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ?? ? ?? 101 x 0000002 2 0 0 0 0 0 ?? 0 1? 100 x 0101010 2 1 1 0 1 ? ?? 0 0? 120 0 0?11010 2 1 1 ? 1 0 0? ? ?0 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Continued 60 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Appendix 2. Continued. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Taxon 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Simosaurus 00x00000000?0000 0x0 Cymatosaurus 1100??2????????? 1?1 Pistosauridae 01?0??1????????? 0x1 Calawayasaurus 10x11010000?0001 0x0 Attenborosaurus ?0x00121?00??000 1?0 BMNH R.5488 ? ? ?1?121???????0 1?? Brachauchenius 11000?21?1??0?00 1?0 Brancasaurus 1??0?0?????????? 0x0 Cryptoclidus 00x0100000001010 0x0 Dolichorhynchops 00x0x03200001011 0x0 Eurycleidus 00x01121??0?0000 11? Hauffiosaurus 1110?0310?????00 110 Kimmerosaurus ?0x??000?0101?11 ??0 Kronosaurus ?1???03????????? ??? Leptocleidus 0101??2?01010000 111 Libonectes 10x?101010000001 0x0 Liopleurodon 1110102101010000 110 Macroplata 10x00031?1???000 ??0 Microcleidus ?0x01010?0?00?01 0x0 MOR 751 ? 0 x 0 x 0 2 1 0 0 0 ? 1011 0x0 Morturneria ???010?????0??01 0x0 Muraenosaurus 10x0100000001010 0x0 Peloneustes 1120003101010000 110 Plesiosaurus 00x0?00????00?00 0x0 Pliosaurus 11?0002101011000 110 Polycotylus ????x0??0?001011 ??? Rhomaleo. megaceph. ?11101211?????00 1?1 Rhomaleo. victor 01??01211????000 ??1 Rhomaleo. zetland. ???10121??0?0000 1?1 Simolestes ?1??0121?1010000 ??1 Styxosaurus ???1?01??0??0??1 0x0 Thalassiodracon 10x0?021????0?00 0x0 Tricleidus 00x010000000?011 0x0 Trinacromerum ?0x0?032?0?01011 0x0 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 61

———————————————————————————————————————————————— 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 000?00?? ? 000000 0 0 x 0 00?0 100?00?? ? ???00? ? ? x ? ???? 0?0?00?? ? 000000 0 1 0 1 1000 100?00?? ? 311?01 1 1 0 2 10?0 010000?? ? 000?00 0 1 ? 2 ?000 01001?01 0 020100 0 1 0 1 ?0?0 010????? ? 22??00 1 1 1 2 ?0?0 000?0??1 0 11??00 1 1 0 2 10?0 00001010 1 001000 1 1 0 2 0111 000?0011 2 221?00 1 1 0 2 10?1 000????? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ???? 000?21?? ? 000?00 0 ? 0 2 ?0?? 020?321? ? ?2?000 1 1 0 2 ?11? 01?????1 ? 22???? 1 1 ? 2 ?0?0 010000?? ? 220100 1 1 0 2 00?0 100?001? 0 311?11 1 1 0 2 11?0 010101?? ? 220000 0 1 1 2 1010 0000?10? 0 00?100 0 1 0 2 00?0 ?000??0? ? 111011 0 1 0 2 ?100 110?1011 2 22?100 1 1 0 ? ?0?? 020?2200 2 ?2??01 1 1 0 2 ?0?? 00000010 1 11000? 1 1 0 2 1111 01001100 0 220100 0 1 0 2 0010 00000??? 0 10?000 0 1 0 2 1000 011111?? ? ?2?000 0 1 1 2 ?0?0 ?10???11 2 220?00 1 1 0 1 10?1 01000??? ? 02?100 0 1 0 1 ?000 010????? ? 0?0?00 ? ? 0 ? ?00? 0100???? ? 220100 0 1 0 1 ?0?0 01000??? 0 22?000 0 1 0 1 1010 100?0??? ? 31??11 1 1 0 2 11?0 00000000 0 000100 0 1 0 2 0000 00000?1? 1 001000 1 1 0 2 1011 000?0111 2 221?00 1 1 0 2 10?1 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Continued 62 O’Keefe • ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213

Appendix 2. Continued. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Taxon 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Simosaurus 000000000000000x xx0 Cymatosaurus ?0?????????????x ??? Pistosauridae 0,11001,20?10?00011x 000 Calawayasaurus 111121?000100,1110 111 Attenborosaurus 011100?000000110 011 BMNH R.5488 0 1 11?0?000001110 001 Brachauchenius 111120?????????? ??? Brancasaurus 01112110001?2110 111 Cryptoclidus 111121?000112110 011 Dolichorhynchops 111120x002011111 011 Eurycleidus ???????????????0 ??1 Hauffiosaurus ??11?0?0??00?110 011 Kimmerosaurus 1??1?0?????????? ??? Kronosaurus 0?1120????0?011? 0?? Leptocleidus 0111?00000001110 01? Libonectes 1?11?1?00020211? 11? Liopleurodon 011120?0??0??110 011 Macroplata 0?1100????????1? ??1 Microcleidus 111121?0??1?2?10 011 MOR 751 ? ? 11???????????? ??? Morturneria ??11???????????? ??? Muraenosaurus 111121?001112110 011 Peloneustes 01112000??000110 011 Plesiosaurus 111121?010001110 011 Pliosaurus 0111?0?????????0 ??1 Polycotylus 111120x002011111 ??1 Rhomaleo. megaceph. 011120?0??????1? 0?1 Rhomaleo. victor ???12???0?001110 01? Rhomaleo. zetland. ?111?0?????????? ??? Simolestes ?111?0?0??0?0110 001 Styxosaurus 1?1121?????????? ??? Thalassiodracon 011120?000001110 011 Tricleidus 1111200002102110 011 Trinacromerum 111120x002011111 011 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ACTA ZOOL. FENNICA No. 213 • A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria 63

———————————————————————————————————————————————— 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 00x00000 x 0 x x 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 01 1??1??00 x ? x x ? ? ? 0 1 ? ? ? ? ?0 ?1x?1100 x 0 x x 1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 0 ? ?0 01011111 0 010110 1 2 1 0 111? 11011101 0 000111 1 2 0 0 1100 11111101 ? 000111 1 2 0 ? ?1?0 ??????11 ? ?01??0 ? ? 1 ? 11?? 01111111 ? ?001?0 1 2 1 ? 11?0 11011111 1 000110 1 2 1 1 1100 11011111 1 000110 1 2 1 3 111? 110111?1 ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ???? 11?11?11 0 000111 1 2 0 2 1100 ???????? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ???? 11111??1 ? ?00??0 1 2 1 ? ?1?? ??????11 0 0?01?? ? ? ? ? ?1?? ???????? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ???? 11111111 0 000110 1 2 1 0 1100 11111?11 0 00011? 1 2 0 ? ?1?? 11111111 1 000111 1 2 0 1 1100 ??????11 1 100110 1 2 1 ? 111? ??????11 ? ?????? ? ? 1 ? ?1?? 11011111 1 100110 1 2 1 1 1100 11011111 0 000110 1 2 1 0 1100 11111101 0 000111 1 2 0 1 1100 11011?11 0 001110 1 2 1 ? ?1?0 11011111 1 100110 1 2 1 3 11?0 11?11101 0 000111 1 2 0 ? ?1?0 11111?01 0 000111 1 2 0 3 1100 ?1????01 0 000111 1 2 0 ? ?1?? 11111111 1 000110 1 2 0 0 ?1?? ???????1 ? 0????? ? ? ? ? ???? 11111101 0 000111 1 2 0 0 1100 11011?11 1 100110 1 2 1 2 11?0 11011111 1 000110 1 2 1 3 1110 ————————————————————————————————————————————————