S Revere° 56585 tH (R w e y v 1 Nahant 43615 LEGEND Chelsea° 13205 e 45 re Everett° 21990 S S 9 S t) tH Nahant Town 43580 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL NAME STYLE 9 t Hw (C w y Mystic River y y ) 14 re 1 w t 4 S 5 st 5 9 International H n (S 00 t to A ng ara v ESSEX S i to StHwy 145 (Main St) e enn ga ) 025 S ) (B St LK CANADA t y 5 ) SUFFO Somerville° 62535 H w 14 StHwy 145 (Winthrop Shore Dr) w y StHwy 99 (Rutherford Ave) H w AIR (Federal) ¹ y n StH 2 Chelsea St a ll 8 le L’ANSE RES (1880) ( C M c c M Trust Land / Home Land G F r S a i m t k t T1880 h s ia H l w H m ) il a y w y W d w ( 1 Broad OTSA / TDSA / ANVSA y (A H lt 4 ) 1 l A 5 y ia 1 ( KAW OTSA (5340) w r y V Winthrop 80965 o w S e H m t t S e tH H e Gilmore Brg (Austin St) U w r Tribal Subdivision M S a Winthrop Town 80930 y n s 1 SHONTO (620) S 4 R tH 5 StHwy 145 (Washington Ave) d wy USHwy 1 StHwy 1 Alt (William F McClellan Hwy) ) 2 A ( P AIR (State) ¹ l (M S USHwy 1 leas t on tHw ant St) (M si y a gn 28 Tama Res (4125) s or s Ob a ri c en SDAISA hus H et wy ts A ) ve) Lumbee (9815) Cambridge° 11000 C G Integrated Support Command Boston ANRC S tHwy StHwy 28 (Msgr O’Brien Hwy) 3 3 NANA ANRC 52120 y t) S w StHwy 3 s tH StHwy 3 e S Urbanized Area rl a h C BOS (Longfellow Brg) ( Baltimore, MD 04843 8 2 I StHwy 3 y - w 9 H t 3 Urban Cluster S

U StHwy 28 (Embankment Rd) S StHwy 3 Tooele, VT 88057

H StHwy 28 (Charlesbank Rd) r) 7 w D al 1 y i State or Statistically Equivalent Entity or 0 5 3 m e X (M StHwy 3 2 ( 3 E StHwy 3 M 0 NEW YORK 36 wy S ) e H St LE K d m D R ID L t County or Statistically Equivalent Entity o O n M e r FF i r) Charles River U m a l D S k n ERIE 029 ia StHwy 2 Alt r StHwy 28 a StHwy 2 (Arlington St) l o (Harvard Brg) D em b r M m StHwy 2 ( E ) y 3 ( Hw (Charles St) StHwy 2 Minor Civil Division (MCD) ¹ (Boston US StHwy 28 USHwy 20 Univ Brg) Pike Twp 59742 (Beacon St) (Brighton Ave) Census County Division (CCD) StHwy 28 (Charles St) Boston Harbor ) Kula CCD 91890 USH Ave y 28 wy 20 (C alth tHw Consolidated City ommonw nwe S ealth Ave) mmo (Co StHwy 9 (Stuart St) MILFORD 47500 wy 2 S tH (Stuart St) Fort Point I- 90 Incorporated Place ¹ I- 90 StHwy 2 (Mountfort St) StHwy 2 St) StHwy 2 (Commonwealth Ave) con (Bea Rome 63418 Brookline Town 09175 Census Designated Place (CDP)


Reserved Channel PLYMOUTH 023 Zena 84187

StHwy 28 (Columbus Ave) Where international, state, county, and/or MCD / CCD boundaries coincide, or where American Indian reservations and Brookline 09210 tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. ABBREVIATION REFERENCE: AIR = American Indian Reservation; Trust Land = Off-Reservation Trust Land; StHwy 9 (Huntington Ave) Home Land = Hawaiian Home Land; OTSA = Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area; TDSA = Tribal Designated ) Statistical Area; ANVSA = Alaska Native Village Statistical Area; Tribal Subdivision = American Indian St nt Tribal Subdivision; SDAISA = State Designated American Indian Statistical Area; ANRC = Alaska Native o Boston Harbor Regional Corporation em 1 Tr 2 ( Boston° 07000 0 5 8 2 y 2 StHwy 9 (Washington St) K 0 w L tH FEATURE SYMBOL FEATURE SYMBOL t) K S O ton S L yls F I-95 Rock Creek o O (B R Major Roads Stream or Shoreline ² wy 9 F StH O F N U S Other Roads ² Marsh Ln Large River or Lake Spring Lake

Railroad ² Military Installation Fort Hood

) e v Pipeline or Power Line ² A

s u b Ridgeline or

m Outside Subject Area u

l other physical feature ²


C (

8 Nonvisible Boundary ² 2

y Major Airports


t Long Island Rd

S Other Boundary Feature ³ Jamaica Pond ¹ A ’°’ following an entity name indicates that the entity is also a false MCD; the false MCD name is not shown. ² Feature shown only when coincident with the subject urbanized area / urban cluster boundary. ³ Feature coincident with the boundary of an entity other than the subject urbanized area / urban cluster.


t H w y 2 8 StHwy 203 (Arborway) ( Se av er S St t ) H SUFFOLK 025 w Hull Town 31645 y Hull 31680 NORFOLK 021 2



( A

r b orw ay StH ) wy 203 (Msgr Wi StHwy 203 (Shea Cir) lliam Casey Hwy) Nantasket Roads

Neponset River StHwy 203 (Morton St)

I -



StHwy 28 (Blue Hill Ave) Hull Bay lvd) an B alliv 3 (G y 20 StHw

S tH w y 3 A lt (H an co ck S t)

S tH wy Weir River 2 28 (N an t Pine Island Creek a s StHwy 138 (Blue Hills Pkwy) k e t A StHwy 28 (Blue Hills Pkwy) NORFOLK 021 v Quincy° 55745 e ) S PLYMOUTH 023 tHwy 28 (B ro St ok Hwy R 3 d) A l t (S o u the rn A rte S ry) tH w Weymouth Fore River y 2 8 (R e e d s da le StH R wy 3 ove Rd) d Alt (No road C ) rth t (B S Al t y 3 ) tHw StHwy 3 Alt (Lincoln St) S S tH Boston, MA--NH--RI 09271 w y StH 3 14640 Town Cohasset wy A 8 3 A l 2 ) l t 2 t (W (O e as y v hing t w ) ton i Foundry Pond A t St) s tH l S l St S i n ) (Hull St) to h n t StHwy 3 H a r StHwy 3 Alt (Summer St) Alt (Chief Justi C o ) ce Cus e ge St hing Hwy) u Harland St N rid ( (B l Ave wy 3 Alt B StH ( 3 (E 5 ast Chief Jus 8 8 St) tice Cushing Hwy

3 y 2 1 y 2 w w

y Milton 41725 tH H Unquity Rd

w t S

tH S S Milton Town 41690 r e i H W a Furnace Brook Pkwy r Atherton la Hingham 30175 Cohasset n d Town 14640 St Pine Tree Brk St Unquity Rd h Weymouth Fore River p PLYMOUTH 023 l Weir River Ln n NORFOLK 021 a d o dl R e es d o v o d StHwy 228 (Leavitt St) on W n J



t R t e S


n Leavitt St o

R Canton Ave p S e Pine Tree Brk n Heather Dr t L H N w StHwy 228 (Short St) k r y a 5 Wampatuck Rd 3 M Ford Ranch Rd (Q u Brush Hill Rd Balster Brk S in P t H c i n y W w Canton Ave e A e T Hillside St y v r e i Balster Brk ee 2 StH ) r B 8 Chickataubut Rd wy rk 3 (P ( i R l gri a m ’ n s

d Hingham Town 30210 H ve o ee w A l nk y n p Ya ) h y to n Hw n A o a ivisi C v 93 Yankee Division Hwy D t e I- S ) Blue Hill Ave de si ill H U Weymouth 78900 n i on S Weymouth Town 78865 t Chickataubut S StHwy 53 (Commercial St) tH w d y R Rd 3 StHwy 138

y 7

t (Canton Ave) i (G u

q r a Old Quincy Reservoir t n n S

U i l te l e

S z

t) a L

Hillside St S

t H


y Sheet Locator



S P t i

H l g

w StHwy 37 (Franklin St) r i

y Braintree Town 07665 m

1 ’s 3 St 1 8 ide Blue Hills H 2 3 Hills w ( W R y Braintree 07700 iv Blue Hill R ) a e Whitmans Pond

s r R I- 93 h d i Blue Hill R

n Ponkapoag StHwy 228 (Main St) g I- 93 t Houghtons Pond o Blue H I- 93 S n ill R t Hw S Trl y t 5 ) 5 476 I- 93 3 ( I- 93 Sunset Lake Wa shi R ng ue Hill ton Bl Ponkapoag Ter S St) tH w y 2 t 4 Great Pond S s 9 e 8 11 l 10

Reservoir r a

Gre Randolph Town 55955 h en C Lo dg e S S t t H Whitmans Pond w

y StHwy 18 (Main St) (Main 18 StHwy StH 2 wy 8 3 13 Washington (Pil 12 14 15 ( gr M im’s a Hw St i

n y) )

Randolph 55990 t Ponkapoag Pond S S P

t) r

n o

o S s t p

t e g H

w c T n i t

u y S r h 17 5 t n Great Pond 3 16 18 19 p s i k a (W e Reservoir StHwy 24 W h S ( it t in 7 g Canton Town 11315 3 S y t) w H T Farm St t u S r n 20 22 p 21 i k e

S t Norwell Town 50145

The urban areas (urbanized areas and urban clusters) are defined using Census 2000 blocks and population data for statistical 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Kilometers URBANIZED AREA OUTLINE MAP (Census 2000) purposes only. The detailed criteria for defining urban areas were published in the Federal Register (67 FR 11663.) All legal Boston, MA--NH--RI (09271) boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data 0 .5 1 1.5 2 Miles collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jursidictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. Map Sheet: 14 (Total Sheets: 23) Source: U.S. Census Bureau’s TIGER database The plotted map scale is 1:30,917 Projection: State-based Alber’s Equal Area U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau