934 Diabetes Care Volume 38, May 2015

Hozan Ismael Hussen,1 Tahereh Moradi,1,2 The Risk of Type 1 Diabetes Among and Martina Persson3 Offspring of Immigrant Mothers in Relation to the Duration of Residency in Diabetes Care 2015;38:934–936 | DOI: 10.2337/dc14-2348

OBJECTIVE The risk for type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is increased in the second compared with the first generation of immigrants in Sweden. We investigated the effect of the mother’s duration of stay in Sweden on the risk of T1DM in the offspring.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Using data from national registries, we identified all subjects with T1DM among 984,798 children born in Sweden (aged 0–18 years) between 1992 and 2009. In- cidence rate ratios (IRRs) with 95% CI were estimated using Poisson regression.

RESULTS Offspring of mothers living in Sweden for up to 5 years had a 22% lower risk of T1DM (adjusted IRR 0.78, 95% CI 0.63–0.96) compared with offspring of mothers living in Sweden for 11 years or more. The risk increased with the mother’s duration of stay in Sweden.

CONCLUSIONS Our findings support the hypothesis that to Sweden is associated with exposure to new environmental factors that contribute to the development of T1DM in genetically susceptible individuals.

The incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) varies greatly between and different ethnic groups (1). This is likely a reflection of differences in genetic 1Department of Environmental Medicine, Division susceptibility and environmental exposures between populations. Sweden has one of Epidemiology, Unit of Cardiovascular Epidemi- of the highest reported incidences of T1DM in the world (2). In Sweden, offspring of ology, Karolinska Institutet, , Sweden 2Centre for Epidemiology and Social Medicine, immigrants from most parts of the world have a decreased risk of T1DM compared Health Care Services, Stockholm County Council, NOVEL COMMUNICATIONS IN DIABETES with native (3). However, the risk of T1DM is increased in offspring of Stockholm, Sweden immigrants from Eastern (4). A number of environmental factors have been 3Department of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology suggested to contribute to the development of T1DM in genetically susceptible Unit, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, individuals (5–8). Immigration, will by necessity lead to a change in certain environ- Sweden mental exposures. Investigation of the effect of exposure to a new environment on Corresponding author: Martina Persson, martina. [email protected]. the risk for T1DM in different immigrant groups could hopefully add new informa- tion on the gene-environment interaction for the development of T1DM. Received 6 October 2014 and accepted 18 January 2015. This nationwide cohort study analyzed the risk of T1DM in offspring of immigrants © 2015 by the American Diabetes Association. in relation to the number of years the mother had lived in Sweden before the baby Readers may use this article as long as the work was born. We hypothesized that the risk of T1DM in the offspring of immigrant is properly cited, the use is educational and not mothers would increase with their duration of stay in Sweden. for profit, and the work is not altered. care.diabetesjournals.org Hussen and Associates 935 aetlmgainstatus migration Parental h td aecmrsd12338idvdas xlsos nat eiee eoe2t ratr4r opee ek fgsain rmmultipl from child gestation, weight and of birth weeks preeclampsia, a completed with parity, 43rd infants The education, after weight, immigration. birth or invalid on 28th data with before missing women delivered age, infants gestational Exclusions: on data individuals. missing 1,263,358 comprised base study The frsdnei wdnbfr h child the before Sweden in residence of RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS 1 Table te Nordic Other te odcv.Sweden vs. Nordic Other atAfrican East atArcnv.Swedes vs. African East oeg born Foreign Database Swedes vs. born Foreign We used data from a nationwide data — set, The Migration and Health Cohort 0 (aged adults young and children among T1DM of CI 95% and IRR

(9), which is the result of linkage of a †† †† †† variety of Swedish national health and demographic registers. †

Study Cohort † † The study base consisted of 1,263,358 in- dividuals aged 0–18 years, born and living .1(0.43 1.11 .5(0.54 0.85 .6(0.17 0.36 .3(0.72 1.03 .7(0.62 0.77 in Sweden any time between 1 January (0.47 0.54 fi a ootcmrsd9478eiil niiul.*dutdfrchild for *Adjusted individuals. eligible 984,798 comprised cohort nal 0

1992 and 31 December 2004. After exclu- – ’ er 6 years 5 uaino eiec fmtesbfr child before mothers of residence of Duration sions (Table 1), the final cohort comprised follow-up. at age and sex s – – – – – – ’ it n aetlcutyo birth of parental and birth s .6 .4(0.44 1.34 2.86) .3 .1(0.69 1.11 1.33) .5 .8(0.21 0.48 0.75) .6 .9(0.86 1.39 1.46) .4 .8(0.76 0.98 0.94) 984,798 eligible individuals. (0.56 0.69 0.63) Follow-up The cohort members were followed from the date of birth between 1992 and 2004 until the date of diagnosis of T1DM ac- – cording to the Swedish versions of the years 10 R*(5 I R* 9%CI) (95% IRR** CI) (95% IRR* ICD (ICD-9: 250, 1987–1996 and ICD-10: † – – – – – – wdsa reference. a as Swedes .8 .7(0.87 1.07 1.78) .9 .9(0.17 0.39 1 1.09) .4 .4(1.30 2.34 2.24) .5 .8(0.63 0.78 1 1.25) .4 .1(0.61 0.71 0.84) E10, 1997 and onwards), , (0.34 0.94 1 4.04) death, or end of follow-up (31 December 2009), whichever occurred first. Statistical Analysis – $ 6 ’ it uaino eiec fmtesbfr child before mothers of residence of Duration birth s Using Poisson regression models, we cal- duration maternal by 2009 until followed and 2004 and 1992 years between Sweden in born years) 18 1yasSee 0 Swedes years 11 culated incidence rate ratios (IRRs) with and age, and weight, height, maternal on data extreme or missing with records mean, the from deviations standard 6 †† – – – .2 .8(0.56 0.88 1 1.32) .4 .0(0.70 1.00 1 4.24) 95% CI to estimate the risk of T1DM in (0.48 0.55 1 0.83) the offspring, stratified by parental country reference. a as stay of duration Longest of birth and maternal duration of residency in Sweden before the child’sbirth.Parental ’ country of birth was first defined as foreign parental enrollment, at smoking BMI, maternal age, maternal for **Adjusted follow-up. at age s born (both parents born abroad). We fur- ther categorized parents as of Nordic (pa- rents born in , , , and Iceland) and East African (parents born in East African countries) origin. – Themainexposurevariablewasmater- 6 years 5 – – – – – nal duration of stay in Sweden before the – .8 .3(0.70 1.13 1.38) .6 .9(0.21 0.49 0.86) .2 .2(0.82 1.32 1.42) .6 .6(0.75 0.96 0.96) .4 .9(0.57 0.69 0.64) .5 .2(0.40 1.22 2.55) child’sbirth,classified into 0–5years,6–10 years, and $11 years. Risk estimates were adjusted for maternal age at delivery, first trimester BMI, maternal smoking, with individuals malformation, congenital any with births, e

parental education, parity, preeclampsia, – birthweight,andsexandageofthechild years 10 – – – – – at follow-up. – .1 .8(0.88 1.08 1.81) .2 1 1.12) .4 .7(1.25 2.27 2.14) .4 1 1.24) .5 .1(0.62 0.71 0.85) .5 1 3.75) The outcome of interest was defined as a diagnosis of T1DM in children aged 0–18 years, identified in the national pa- tient registry according to the ninth and $ ’ tenth Swedish versions of ICD (ICD-9 sbirth 1yasSwedes years 11 code 250 between 1987 and 1996, and – – – .3 1 1.33) .0 1 4.10) ICD-10 code E10 from 1997 onwards). 1 0.83) All statistical analyses were per- formed with SAS 9.3 software (SAS In- stitute, Inc., Cary, NC).

RESULTS During the study period between 1992 and 2009, 4,825 cases of T1DM were 936 Mother’s Duration of Stay and T1DM in Offspring Diabetes Care Volume 38, May 2015

diagnosed among 984,798 Sweden-born Exposure to viral infections and early full access to all the data in the study and takes children between 0 and 18 years of age; introduction of certain nutrients, such as responsibility for the integrity of the data and of these, 474 children were offspring of cow’s milk and gluten, may contribute to the accuracy of the data analysis. immigrant mothers. Offspring of moth- the development of T1DM in the geneti- References ers living in Sweden for up to 5 years cally susceptible individual (5,10). Data 1. Karvonen M, Viik-Kajander M, Moltchanova had a 22% lower risk of T1DM (IRR also indicate that different exposures E, Libman I, LaPorte R, Tuomilehto J. Incidence 0.78, 95% CI 0.63–0.96; Table 1) com- may interact and increase the risk for of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabe- pared with offspring of mothers living T1DM even further (11). In Sweden, the tes Mondiale (DiaMond) Project Group. Diabe- in Sweden for at least 11 years. The cold climate with increased time spent tes Care 2000;23:1516–1526 risk of T1DM in offspring of immigrants indoors may facilitate the spread of viral 2. DIAMOND Project Group. Incidence and trends of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide increased with increasing duration of infections, and the consumption of milk 1990-1999. Diabet Med 2006;23:857–866 the mother’s stay in Sweden. Offspring products and gluten is high. The finding of 3. Hussen HI, Yang D, Cnattingius S, Moradi T. of mothers from eastern Africa had the increasing risks of T1DM in the offspring Type I diabetes among children and young adults: same risk pattern with increasing risks of immigrants with length of stay in Swe- the role of country of birth, socioeconomic posi- – with longer duration of stay. Children den may thus partly be a reflection of tion and sex. Pediatr Diabetes 2013;14:138 148 4. Hussen HI, Persson M, Moradi T. The trends and born to eastern African mothers living changes in dietary habits and increased the risk of type 1 diabetes over the past 40 years: an in Sweden for more than 11 years exposure to viral infections. analysis by birth cohorts and by parental migration had a doubled risk of T1DM compared Time spent in Sweden per se is accom- background in Sweden. BMJ Open 2013;3:e003418 with native Swedes (IRR 2.27, 95% CI panied by an increased risk of overweight 5. Elfving M, Svensson J, Oikarinen S, et al. – fi Maternal enterovirus infection during preg- 1.25 4.10; Table 1). Con ning the anal- and obesity (12,13). It has recently been nancy as a risk factor in offspring diagnosed yses to only term offspring did not sig- described that certain HLA profiles are with type 1 diabetes between 15 and 30 years nificantly change the risk estimates. associated with an increased risk of obe- of age. Exp Diabetes Res 2008;2008:271958 sity and with T1DM. This genetic profile is 6. 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Maternal-child blood group One might speculate that the increased the observed increment in risk. In conclu- incompatibility and other perinatal events increase risk of T1DM in offspring of foreign-born sion, the risk of T1DM in offspring of im- the risk for early-onset type 1 (insulin-dependent) mothers with longer duration of stay in migrant mothers increases with duration of diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 1992;35:671–675 Sweden is partly due to changes in envi- stay in Sweden and supports the hy- 9. Beiki O, Stegmayr B, Moradi T. Country reports: Sweden. In Migration-sensitive Cancer Registration ronmental exposures and life style. A lim- pothesis that immigration to Sweden is in Europe. Razum O, Spallek J, Reeske A, Arnold M, itation with the current study is that we associated with exposure to a number of Eds. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, p. 106–123 did not have information on possible en- new environmental factors that con- 10. Kostraba JN, Cruickshanks KJ, Lawler- vironmental determinants of interest, in- tribute to the development of T1DM in Heavner J, et al. Early exposure to cow’smilk cluding dietary habits, changes in BMI and solid foods in infancy, genetic predisposition, genetically susceptible individuals. and risk of IDDM. Diabetes 1993;42:288–295 over time, physical activity, viral expo- 11. Lempainen J, Tauriainen S, Vaarala O, et al. sures, and psychological stress. There- Interaction of enterovirus infection and cow’s fore, the potential effect of different Acknowledgments. The authors appreciate milk-based formula nutrition in type 1 diabetes- exposures on the risk for T1DM could the help from and the Na- associated autoimmunity. Diabetes Metab Res tional Board of Health and , which Rev 2012;28:177–185 not be explored. Another possibility is provided data. 12. Hjern A. Migration and public health: health that the effect of different exposures dif- Funding. This work was supported by grants in Sweden: The National Public Health Report fers with genetic profile. from the Department of Environmental Medi- 2012. Chapter 13. Scand J Public Health 2012;40 The cases of T1DM were identified by cine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; (Suppl.):255–267 ICD codes. The ICD-9 did not allow sep- the Swedish Research Council for Health, Work- 13. Hjern A, Koçturk-Runefors¨ T, Jeppson O, ing Life and Welfare FORTE (project no. 2014- Tegelman R, Hojer¨ B, Adlercreutz H. Health aration of type 1 from type 2 diabetes. 0279); and The Ministry of Higher Education and nutrition in newly resettled refugee chil- Thus, there is a risk of misclassification and Scientific Research-Kurdistan Regional dren from and the . Acta Pae- of type 2 as type 1 in cases diagnosed Government/. diatr Scand 1991;80:859–867 before 1997. However, in a previous Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of 14. Carlsson A, Kockum I, Lindblad B, et al.; study using the same data set, we interest relevant to this article were reported. Swedish Better Diabetes Diagnosis Study Author Contributions. H.I.H. designed the Group. Low risk HLA-DQ and increased body performed a sensitivity analysis includ- research, drafted the manuscript, analyzed mass index in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes ing only individuals living in Sweden be- data, and interpreted results. T.M. designed children in the Better Diabetes Diagnosis study tween 1997 and 2008 and after the the research, interpreted the results, critically in Sweden. Int J Obes (Lond) 2012;36:718–724 introduction of ICD-10 (3,4). The results reviewed and edited the manuscript, and han- 15. Stene LC, Magnus P, Lie RT, Søvik O, Joner dled research data and funding. M.P. designed were similar in this analysis and in those G; Norwegian childhood Diabetes Study Group. the research, interpreted the results, and crit- Birth weight and childhood onset type 1 diabe- reported in the main analysis extending ically reviewed and edited the manuscript. T.M. tes: population based cohort study. BMJ 2001; to the period before 1997. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had 322:889–892