Proceedings 2018.Indd

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Proceedings 2018.Indd ISBN 978-9928-208-73-6 PProceedingsroceedings International Interdisciplinary Conference: [Balanced Perspective of Past, Present & Future] University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini, Kosovo 16-17 November 2018 International Business College Mitrovica • 160 presentations • 220 Authors, co-authors & Contributors • 18 countries: • Plenary Session • Five Special Sessions & 15 Parallel Thematic Sessions • Awards for Excellence in Research and Practice; Social & Human Sciences UUniversityniversity ooff DDyrrachiumyrrachium ((Durres-Albania,Durres-Albania, tthenhen MMedievaledieval KKingdomingdom ooff AAlbania)lbania) wwasas eestablishedstablished iinn 11380,380, aandnd tthenhen ttransferredransferred ttoo ZZadaradar - CCroatiaroatia iinn 11396,396, aamidmid tthehe mmountingounting TTurkishurkish tthreatshreats iinn SSouth-easternouth-eastern EEurope,urope, ttherebyhereby bbecomingecoming tthehe UUniversityniversity ooff ZZadar…adar… h University Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Republic of Albania Public University Ranked by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) • 6 Faculties • 65 Programs of Study • 3 levels of study • 20 000 Students • 300 lectors & professors • 3 Campuses • 55 hectares area for further development • Great perspective… Proceedings International Interdisciplinary Conference Eng-Alb-Call-for-Papers-250918.pdf vazhdimesia-historike-dhe-ndryshimi-ballkani-ne-kontekst-evropian-dhe-global/;; Organizers: University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini Kosovo (UMIB) University Aleksander Moisiu of Durres Albania (UAMD) AAB College Kosovo (AAB) International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) with Albanian Sociological Association, ALBSA - Albanian Institute of Sociology, AIS (13th Annual International Conference) • Central Theme: “Continuity & Chang; Balkans in European, and Global Context” [Balanced Perspective of Past, Present & Future] • Other themes: By 15 permanent Thematic Sections (TS01-TS15) Mitrovica-Kosovo 16-17 November 2018 © AIS, Tirana-Albania Edited by: Lekë SOKOLI Besim GOLLOPENI Design: Orest MUÇA Contacts: Mobile: ++355694067682; ++355692044722 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];; ALL ANNUAL CONFERENCES (2006-2019) 14th Annual International Conference: “Social institutions in Contemporary Society: Education, Family, and Religion” Other themes, by 15 Thematic Sessions UAMD Durres-Albania: 15-16 November 2019 13th Annual International Conference: “Continuity & Change; Balkans in European, and Global Context” [Balanced Perspective of Past, Present & Future] Mitrovica-Kosovo: 16-17 November 2018 12th Annual International Conference: Good Society – a multidimensional Approach Tirana, Albania: 17-18 November 2017 11th Annual International Conference: Education & Sustainable Development: the future we are Creating Skopje-Tetovo, Macedonia: 18-19 November 2016 10th Annual International Conference: How Migration is shaping the Contemporary Society? Pristine-Kosovo: 20-21 November 2015 9th Annual International Conference: Law and values in contemporary society Tirana-Albania 21-22 November 2014 8th Annual International Conference: Democracy in Times of Turmoil; A multidimensional approach Durres –Albania: 22-23 November 2013 7th Annual International Conference: Identity, image and social cohesion in our time of interdependence Vlora-Albania: 26-28 November 2012 6th Annual International Conference Education in turbulent times: The Albanian case in European and global context Tirana-Albania: 21-22 November 2011 5th Annual International conference: The social problems: their study, treatment and solutions; Albania in global context Tirana-Albania: 7-8 June 2010 4th Annual International conference: Twenty Years of Democratic Transformations: Albania in East European Context Tirana-Albania: 10 December 2009 3rd AIS Conference: World Economic Crises and its impact on the Albanian Economic and Social Life Tirana-Albania: 22 May 2009 2nd Annual Conference: Issues and Models of Communitarian Organization Tirana-Albania: 27 June 2008 1st Annual Conference: Political pluralism and Albanian political thought Tirana-Albania: 15 June 2007 Funding Meeting and the Founding AIS Conference: Sociology in Albania and the need of its Institutionalization Tirana-Albania: 21 November 2006; Tirana International Hotel Contents: I. General Conference Program .....................................................................4 II. Conference Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee ................7 III. Coordinators of the Scientific Thematic Sessions .....................................9 IV. Map – District of the Conference. ...........................................................10 V. Abstracts Book TS 01: Public sphere, Communication, Culture & Art ............................13 TS 02: Population and Migration ...........................................................20 TS 03: Education and Sport TS 03-1: Education................................................................27 TS 03-2: Sport .......................................................................45 TS 04: Political Studies and Law Issues ..................................................49 TS 05: Religion, Collective Behavior and Social Movements ..................58 TS 06: Marriage, Family and Community...............................................63 TS 07: Integration and Globalization .....................................................67 TS 08: Childhood, Youth and Gender.....................................................71 TS 09: Work, Professions and Organization ............................................75 TS 10: Theoretical, Comparative, Regional and Historical Studies .........80 TS 11: Deviance, Criminology, Public Health and Security .....................93 TS 12: Ethnic Relations, Nationalism, Human Rights ............................98 TS 13: Environment, Economy and Development ................................104 TS 14: Science, Technology and Innovation .........................................114 TS 15: Student’s Section.......................................................................117 VI. Next international Conference: Call for papers ....................................120 VII. Index – Presenters & Contributors ........................................................123 u 4 u Abstracts Book I. GENERAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM Place & Time: University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini Kosovo (UMIB): New Campus Address: Str. Ukshin Kovaçica, 40000 Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo 1st Day of the Conference: 16 November 2018 2nd Day of the Conference: 17 November 2018 Note: The days of our Conference are the Inaugurating Days of the New University Complex of University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” Kosovo Keynote speakers of the conference: 1. Max HALLER, Prof. em., University of Graz and Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2. Russell KING, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Ilir Gedeshi, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Tirana – Albania 1ST CONFERENCE DAY: 16 NOVEMBER 2018 Registration: Registration Desk: 16 November 2018, beginning 08.00 University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini Kosovo (UMIB): New Campus Address: Str. Ukshin Kovaçica, 40000 Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo [Conference program, conference book/proceedings, the journals, and detailed information for the participants] Opening Ceremony and Welcome address University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini Kosovo (UMIB), New Campus: 10.00-11.30 Moderator: Prof. As. Dr. Besim GOLLOPENI University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini (UMIB); President of the Albanian Sociological Association (ALBSA) Welcome to Kosovo and UMIB Alush MUSAJ Rector of the University Isa Boletini of Mitrovica, KOSOVO Proceedings u 5 u Representatives of the Organizing Institutions: Kseanela SOTIROFKI Rector of the University Aleksander Moisiu, Durres -Albania Lulzim TAFA Rector of AAB University of Pristine, Kosovo Servet PELLUMBI Academic Director of Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS) Keynote speaker: Russell King, Prof. University of Sussex, United Kingdom; Ilir Gedeshi, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Tirana - Albania Proceedings and the issues of the International Journal Social Studies: Leke Sokoli Conference Coordinator; Editor-in-Chief of “Social Studies” Special Sessions 1. “From Skanderbeg to Albanian League of Prizren” Chair: Prof. Dr. Leke SOKOLI Vice-Rector of the University Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Albania 2. “Philosophy in the Third Millennium” Along with the promotion of the new book “For a Different Philosophy”, by Prof. Servet PËLLUMBI Chair: Prof. As. Dr. Besim GOLLOPENI - University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini (UMIB); President of the Albanian Sociological Association (ALBSA) 3. “Sociological perspectives on the Balkans” Special Session of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania Chair: Dr. Merita PONI Department of Sociology, University of Tirana-Albania; Vice-President of the Albanian Sociological Association (ALBSA) Presentations Parallel Thematic Sessions (TS01-15) of the first day: UMIB, New Campus Conference Party & Lunch: 14 30-16 00 2ND CONFERENCE DAY: 17 NOVEMBER 2018 Plenary Session: 10.00 – 11.00 Moderator: Prof. As. Dr. Besim GOLLOPENI Keynote
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