PRESENT: Councillor J W Davies (Chairman) - District Council Councillor Mrs M Clarke - St Ives Town Council Sergeant D Savill - Constabulary

FORUM: 29 Members of other authorities, organisations and the public sector.

APOLOGIES: Councillor I C Bates – Cambridgeshire County and Huntingdonshire District Councils Councillor D Dew - Huntingdonshire District Council Councillor Mrs J A Dew - Huntingdonshire District Council Councillor G J Harlock - Huntingdonshire District Council Councillor V H Lucas - Cambridgeshire County Council



District Councillor J W Davies, in his role as Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The Forum were updated with progress of the ongoing review of the Neighbourhood Forums in Huntingdonshire. Those in attendance were informed that a consultation on proposed boundaries and constitutional terms would commence at the end of April 2012 with all Partners, Town and Parish Councils and interested stakeholders. The consultation will run for a 6 week period and this evening’s meeting would mark the last meeting of the Forum in its present form. It is hoped that new arrangements will be in place by September 2012.


The Notes of the previous meeting held on 12th January 2012 were received and noted. Attention was drawn to an anomaly in the Notes relating to the fifth line of the last paragraph of Item 5 - Neighbourhood Policing Profile. The Chairman reported that the 10,000th speeder had been caught in the Huntingdonshire area over the last 2 years and not the last 10 years as indicated within the Notes of the previous meeting.



Attention was drawn to the progress report which contained responses to the neighbourhood issues raised at the previous meeting.


Sergeant D Savill provided an update on the Neighbourhood Policing Profile for the St Ives and Ramsey neighbourhood, copies of which were distributed at the meeting. In doing so, he reported that with effect from 2nd April 2012, a new policing model had been launched within Cambridgeshire Constabulary but delivered assurances that efforts had been made to protect front line services. Six local policing districts had now been established to replace the former Basic Command Units. These are intended to result in a more localised approach to policing.

Attention was also drawn to other changes which had arisen through the restructure. Collaboration with neighbouring police force areas to generate efficiencies relating to firearms, IT and procurement were amongst those changes that were reported to the Forum. Additionally, it was noted that the former Neighbourhood Policing Teams had now been replaced by Safer Neighbourhood Teams. These Teams are now responsible for all calls for service within the local area. The Forum’s attention was then drawn to the members of the St Ives and Ramsey Neighbourhood Problem Solving Team, which comprised 2 Police Constables and 12 PCSOs.

An update on the priorities identified at the previous Neighbourhood Forum was provided as follows:-

♦ Criminal Damage and Anti-Social Behaviour in The Broadway and Crown Street, St Ives

It was reported that two incidents of criminal damage had been detected over the quarter, with no crimes recorded for damage in Crown Street. Only one incident of anti-social behaviour had occurred over the reporting period. The Neighbourhood Problem Solving Team would continue to target this area as part of their Town Centre and shoplifting patrols.

♦ Theft in Constable Road, St Ives

Sergeant D Savill reported that seven crimes for theft had been reported over the quarter, five of which had been detected by the Neighbourhood Problem Solving Team.

In concluding his presentation, Sergeant D Savill drew the Forum’s attention to the performance of the sector over the 2011/12 financial year, where it was reported that total crimes had reduced by 12.6% when compared to the previous year. Attention was then drawn to the performance of the St Ives area where a 14.6% reduction in total crime ITEM SUBJECT ACTION BY NO.

had been achieved.

The Chairman questioned whether the success of the Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) in St Ives Town Centre had had a positive impact within the Town. In so doing, Sergeant D Savill confirmed that whilst this was the case, street drinking had now been pushed out into other public areas and that there had been a noticeable increase in the number of people drinking within their homes. The Police would be actively working with the District Council and Registered Providers with a view to combating the latter.

A member of the public questioned whether any action would be taken by the Police to address instances of rural crime. Sergeant D Savill confirmed that his Team would be reactive to such incidents and drew the Forum’s attention to changes to the PCSO shift patterns which would assist in this respect.

Residents of Hill Rise, St Ives drew the Forum’s attention to vehicle Sergeant D Savill nuisance caused by young drivers at Hill Rise Park, St Ives. Sergeant D Savill indicated that he was aware of the problems reported and undertook to give consideration to the matter outside of the meeting.

In response to a question raised by a member of the public concerning the areas within the Constabulary where costs savings had been made, Sergeant D Savill confirmed that in addition to collaboration with neighbouring police areas, the merging of police departments had generated further savings, with cutbacks in middle management and senior staff having emerged as part of the restructure process. Sergeant D Savill reiterated his previous comments that efforts had been made to protect front line services.

Arising from a question, it was confirmed that 55 Police Constables were active within Huntingdonshire, with 33 PCSOs also employed for the area.

Following a query which had been raised at the meeting, it was confirmed that the Policing Pledge was no longer in operation within Huntingdonshire. Those in attendance were assured that a lot of the matters raised within the pledge would continue to be addressed by the Constabulary.

Some concern was expressed at the potential impact the restructure would have upon the time taken for Police Officers to undertake their administrative duties. Assurances were delivered that Police Officers would continue to undertake their front line roles whilst having continued administrative support as they had previously.

An update was delivered by the Speedwatch Coordinator for the St Ives and District area outlining the activity undertaken by the voluntary group between the period 1st January to 31st March 2012. A total of 62 sessions had been undertaken over the reporting period. A plea was made for volunteers to come forward to assist with the voluntary group, particularly in the area of St Ives and attention was drawn to the process by which Speedwatch results were handled by the Police. ITEM SUBJECT ACTION BY NO.

Town Councillor Mrs M Clarke expressed concerns over vehicles speeding along Harrison Way, St Ives during off peak periods. It was noted that the Town Council had reported that matter to Cambridgeshire County Council. In response, the Speedwatch Coordinator reported that given the speed limit on the road, this would be a matter that would need to be pursued by the Police. Sergeant D Savill and the Speedwatch Sergeant D Savill / Coordinator therefore undertook to give consideration to the matter Speedwatch outside of the meeting. Coordinator

At the conclusion of the Speedwatch presentation, the Forum extended their congratulations to Mr A Smith, Speedwatch volunteer, for having recently undertaken his 100th session on behalf of the voluntary group.


With the aid of a presentation by Mr N Foster, Group Commander for Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, the meeting were apprised with details of the budgetary situation facing the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service.

By way of background, the Group Commander reported that the service was facing central government funding cuts of £4.2m, with efforts being made to protect front line services. This represented a 12.5% reduction in the budget available. Whilst some savings had already been achieved through the sharing of services and through cutbacks in middle management, the Forum were apprised with details of a feasibility study that had been undertaken on retained fire engines across Cambridgeshire. Of the 21 appliance available, the outcome of investigations identified that there were business cases developed for 8 of these engines. In local terms, this meant that the second appliance located at the St Ives Station no longer had a justifiable business case. The Forum were advised that this appliance had only responded to 20 calls for service over the previous year and that it was hoped to mitigate the loss of an engine in St Ives with the availability of 24/7 resources available at the Huntingdon Station.

In concluding his discussions, the Group Commander reported that the final decision for the removal of appliances would lie with the Fire Authority in May 2012.

A member of the public questioned what would happen with the redundant appliances. The Group Commander reported that the residual value of fire engines was low but that they were donated to developing countries for their use. In the event that the Fire Authority agree to a reduction in the number of appliances available, it was reported that further savings would be achieved given that only a small number of replacement vehicles would be required in the future.

The Panel questioned the ratio of calls for service relating to fires and road accidents and whether the information presented had been ITEM SUBJECT ACTION BY NO.

supported by historic data. Other matters that were discussed included the provision of specialist equipment and whether this would continue to be made available and the impact of an appliance failure upon incidents and the contingencies that would be in place to resolve such cases. In addition, it was confirmed that increases in population projections had further been taken into account when considering the proposals.


The Chairman apprised the Forum with details of the timetable for the new Local Plan Process to 2036. The new Local Plan will update the District Council’s Core Strategy policies and would include the development of management policies in the context of the National Planning Policy Framework. The key dates were noted as follows:-

• Initial engagement with Town and Parish Councils in May/June 2012 • Preparation of a Draft Local Plan for comment in July/August 2012 • Publication of the final Local Plan in early 2013 ready for independent inspection.

The Chairman encouraged all those in attendance at the meeting to partake in the process and to respond accordingly.


The Chairman drew attention to two issues which had been raised by Parish Councillor C M Saunderson in advance of the meeting. The first issue related to the proposed bus stop on Station Road, St Ives where it was reported that a Road Safety Audit had recently been completed, a paper for which had been presented to a recent meeting of St Ives Town Council.

The second issue related to the planned footpath from Wyton-on-the-Hill to St Ives, as outlined within the St Ives Urban Design Framework (UDF). Arising from which, the Vice-Chairman of the St Ives Area Road Safety Committee outlined the concerns which had been raised regarding pedestrians, which included young families and students of St Ivo School, having to cross the busy highway. The Vice-Chairman of Wyton-on-the- Hill Parish Council reported that whilst the footpath had been included with the UDF, there currently was no funding available for its construction. The Parish Council have suggested for a traffic controlled pedestrian crossing to be established, but were advised that this would cost in the region of £250,000 to construct. The County Council have however made a suggestion for a traffic island to be positioned in the area; however the Forum were of the view that this would only provide a short term solution for residents. As a way forward, the Forum requested Cambridgeshire detailed costings for the provision of a footpath and the cost of a traffic County Council island in the area to be submitted to them from Cambridgeshire County ITEM SUBJECT ACTION BY NO.

Council’s Highways Division.

The Vice-Chairman of the St Ives Area Road Safety Committee Cambridgeshire questioned when the estate roads on Wyton-on-the-Hill would be County Council adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council.

A resident of Kings Ripton Parish Council indicated the need for a Cambridgeshire footpath to be made available from the village to the nearby football County Council pitches, given that children and teenagers only had the option to walk or cycle alongside the road.

The Speedwatch Coordinator drew the Forum’s attention to the need for the combined national speed limit and safety camera sign to be removed from the Sawtry Way/Houghton Road junction. Cambridgeshire County Council have introduced a new 40mph speed limit on Houghton Road and erected new speed limit signage to reflect this change. It was felt that the redundant sign was misleading to drivers and needed to be removed from the roadside. It was agreed that this matter would be referred on to Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire County Council. County Council


The Forum’s attention was drawn to the following information:-

• Cambridgeshire County Council – Views Being Sought on Plans to Meet Demand for School Places in St Ives.

• Cambridgeshire County Council – Volunteers Needed for the “Computer Buddy” Scheme for Over 50s.

• Eden Project – The Big Jubilee Lunch Event being held on Sunday, 3rd June 2012.

• Huntingdonshire District Council – Plans for the forthcoming Green Heart Community Awards.