Esrf Highlights 2018

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Esrf Highlights 2018 Contents 2 Introduction 4 2018 at the ESRF 8 Status of the EBS 12 Scientific Highlights 12 Matter at extremes 32 Structural biology 56 Complex systems and biomedical sciences 72 X-ray nanoprobe 92 Electronic structure, magnetism and dynamics 116 Structure of materials 148 Industrial Research 154 Enabling Technologies 164 Accelerator and Source ESRF HIGHLIGHTS 2018 169 Facts and Figures THE EUROPEAN SYNCHROTRON 1 INTRODUCTION worldwide. In February 1992, the first DEAR ESRF USER, electrons were stored, and in September 1994, the ESRF user programme started. Compared DEAR READER to second-generation sources, this storage ring marked a revolution in synchrotron science by providing scientists with X-ray I am delighted to be able to beams of unparalleled brilliance, thanks to share with you some of the the drastic reduction in the vertical size of accomplishments of 2018 – a the electron beam and to the use of undulator year that has held particular devices simultaneously on the majority of significance for the ESRF. insertion device-based beamlines. With a factor of gain of 103–104, this innovative X-ray On 10 December 2018, the User source enabled new studies in the analytical Service Mode (USM) of operation characterisation of condensed and living with the ESRF’s original storage matter – often down to single-atom resolution ring was halted. Since then, – and opened up new, non-destructive the dismantling process has imaging possibilities for materials science and begun and we bid farewell to cultural heritage investigations. By guiding this legendary storage ring – the and inspiring the construction of all third- first third-generation synchrotron generation synchrotron radiation sources Francesco Sette source in the world – that has served the that exist today worldwide (approximately international scientific community with bright 30), it has contributed to many discoveries and reliable X-rays for the past 25 years. Yet in fundamental and applied science at the we are also preparing for the restart of USM ESRF and elsewhere, which – for some notable in September 2020. During the ongoing cases – have been recognised by Nobel prizes 20-month shutdown, a new and revolutionary and other prestigious awards conferred to X-ray source – the Extremely Brilliant Source users of the ESRF and of other synchrotron (EBS) – will be installed and commissioned. It laboratories. In Europe, synchrotrons and will be the world’s first high-energy, fourth- X-ray FELs together provide state-of-the-art generation synchrotron light source, and will facilities and instruments for a 24 000-strong provide ESRF users with an X-ray source of user community (the largest scientific unprecedented brilliance and coherence. It community in Europe), as well as providing is now time to start envisioning synchrotron services to industry for innovative R&D, and research with qualitatively new opportunities, training and education for the next generation using both existing and future beamlines. of synchrotron scientists and engineers. Importantly, the year 2018 also marked Over 30 years, the ESRF has broken records 30 years since the signature of the for the brilliance and stability of its X-ray intergovernmental convention, which, in beams, for its scientific output of over 32 000 1998, established the ESRF. Fittingly, we publications (around 2000 publications per marked the occasion with a most productive year over the last ten years), and for the year from a scientific point of view. Examples strength of its community of users. Today, of the excellence and diversity of the science the ESRF has 22 partner countries, from carried out at the ESRF in 2018 are reported Europe and further afield, all sharing the here in this issue of the ESRF Highlights. same vision: to promote excellence in science across all frontiers. The ESRF has grown I would like to take the opportunity of this into a powerhouse of international scientific introduction, therefore, to retrace some of the cooperation, an interdisciplinary hub where ESRF’s milestones with you, to present the scientists from all fields, and from all countries, status of the EBS programme, and to highlight come together to exchange knowledge and to some of the aspects of the outstanding ESRF pioneer scientific ideas. user programme. EBS on track 30 years of science and innovation Opening up new possibilities for synchrotron In 1988, 11 countries joined forces to create science has been at the heart of the ESRF’s the first third-generation synchrotron light mission from its inception 30 years ago and, source, and a long-held European dream indeed, is stated in its founding Convention. became a reality. This exceptional accelerator If 2018 has been an opportunity to look was the first of its kind to become operational back at the ESRF’s achievements, the EBS 2 HIGHLIGHTS 2018 ESRF HIGHLIGHTS 2018 shutdown is also the occasion to look towards User programme continues to reach our extremely brilliant future and to share record highs with all our partners, users, and staff the excitement of the times ahead, in which the The 2018 ESRF user programme has been ESRF will continue pioneering synchrotron highly productive, beating ESRF records science for the benefit of global science and despite the 2018 beam period being two our society. months shorter than usual due to the beginning of the EBS shutdown. Over 6500 On 10 December 2018, USM with the ESRF’s user visits and more than 1700 experimental third-generation storage ring ended. The EBS sessions were accommodated, following a project has officially entered a new stage, the record 2544 proposals submitted. The 2018 fruit of our hard work of the last four years. user programme greatly benefitted from high The conception, engineering design, quality beam stability and intensity thanks to the control and procurement of more than 10 000 top-up injection system that was developed components, and their timely assembly on- for the new EBS storage ring. site, guided by strict project management and the expertise of ESRF staff, was carried Thanks to a strong collaboration between out in parallel and full transparency with USM the ESRF, the EMBL, the ILL and the Institute during the period 2015–2018. This made it of Structural Biology, the ESRF has also possible to start the exchange between the old strengthened its services to the structural and the new storage rings in the ESRF tunnel biology community, offering a full structural according to the initial schedule. Teams have biology pipeline, from sample preparation, three months to dismantle the old storage purification, cloning and crystallisation to ring and, from April 2019, they will have eight X-ray, cryo-EM, neutron and NMR data-taking months to install the 32 new EBS storage ring and analysis. As an example, after one year arcs, which consist of 128 assembled-and- of operation using the same model as that ready EBS girders. These girders support over of ESRF beamlines (access granted by peer- 10 000 new components precision-aligned reviewed applications based on criteria of to within a few microns. According to the scientific excellence), the cryo-EM platform master schedule, the tunnel will be closed in has achieved incredible success, with 66 user November 2019, and the new EBS storage ring experiments (602 shifts – 200 days) and the should be commissioned by March 2020, with first papers published in high-impact-factor user service resuming in September that year. journals (see pages 46 and 52). The EBS programme will continue for a further few years, in parallel with USM (resumed In conclusion, 30 years after the beginning of in 2020). ESRF users will be able to exploit the ESRF in 1988, the facility is ensuring its four brand-new flagship beamlines, as well place at the forefront of X-ray research. EBS will as take advantage of the full refurbishment be a powerful new instrument for the benefit of many existing beamlines, an ambitious of the international scientific community and instrumentation programme with a focus on for the next generation of young scientists high-performance detectors, and cutting-edge interested in exploring nature’s mysteries, from experimental control and data analysis tools the complexity of condensed matter down to designed to exploit the enhanced performance the single atom to the links between atomic of the new extremely brilliant X-ray source. structure and function. All this is possible thanks to the 22 nations working together The new EBS beamlines will make it possible towards a common dream, contributing with to probe complex materials at the atomic level people, expertise and financial support for the in greater detail, with higher quality, and at benefit of a vast scientific community, and a much faster rate. These new beamlines will for the advancement of knowledge. I wish to help scientists to address major challenges express my profound gratitude to our partner facing our society, including the development countries for their constant support, to the of the next generation of drugs, biomaterials ESRF users, to whom this edition of the ESRF and sustainable materials, and to provide Highlights is dedicated, for their outstanding deep insights into the complex mechanisms scientific work, and to the ESRF staff for their governing living organisms. They will help commitment. elucidate our recent and ancient past, as manifested in historical artefacts and FRANCESCO SETTE fossils. Moreover, they will provide unique Director General, opportunities for applied and innovation-
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