Rubrics of the Mass
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v!sl4l^, -r - A.*IL-q.!L Settttlgstt Supeliotunl. ,1i1'l{t)i':il:l ( }i;" "i'l tr}:, l{t ftthit ffibstnt. r!Nl) I'. ['tlos. RBRGH' O.S.3.' tll,.,l{l-iM( )h'lIt',$ oF I lOl-Y MASS CrNsou Dryurerue, " ldreel'ti e,t alrlnr'lri;Ii L'a,tL,llicac lti:r:lcsiae litul, t'Li;tttt slrt,r I qtti irr rttirritrris 7rr.r'al,r 1rc';ligi, c,rpitli 'rrrt Snrptinr;tttr. ttttttirri lt:ttt,l lro'rtlttt l.. l',rrrrlilIi sLtt,li,r ac rliligeutit EDM. CAN. STiRMONT, se rvr:'rtur " (Iioural S.1 not1. 17!15). Yrcanrus Gonls'rr'rs' l. Prellarnti{lt. WsgruoNlsrgRIt, l. Sco ibat the lllisnal is propolh rnilrlie r.[. Die 8 tlartii, 1011, :1. \\';r,slr lr.a1'ls, sa1 i1g l)raJor', I)u-, ri t'i,rt,tcttt,. 3. Bof()!'o voittilrs, lro|i1,1'o (-,'hrlico---OIon. irrg of Burse to Lro turuotl torvorcls Irr'iost. 4. Loar.o (liboriunr, Jroy oI '-1.'ilbornllclo, etc., on aitar. Notlulng shouitl bo carlied on top of Chalico. i. \\'hon \-osting. J<iss cross orr ir,urir:c, Irrauiplo, aud si;olo. {}. Boiv to tlross aurl tali.o holy rval;or rvhorr Il[adc and ]'tin/ct/ in Great B|ilaifl ieaviug sa,crist.y, oyos cast dorvn. If nairlistr i.g bt|.i1t1 altri,r, go o1t by eirl+l :rnd return by Goslrel. t I -. .r^4*,-! ---- - f. -. lI rrctessrllr'r l,r l);t.ris I lrrr llilllr .\lll,.r. ,,r 13. [Ltl1 rrrn 1o t'1'1t 1.t,, - -sligirt bon- to Cros.q .-- arr,1 |,1{lt,r rrlrr|rr IiIr',is0rl,'lit,(r';ttrtItl: i:i 'l'ttl tt t iiiLrtrl 1;olr'rt,1ls I,)lrisi lo sirlo * t(,r{cf\c(1, qrr,rrrl!,,, { ('rI 1}!to littrrc I )osrtcrrrl slolir,; - Il.autls joirrocl, ores olrl, ull(ro\ ()t inil lt1,,rr(1.. ll rrot, ttir,r'tl'irrg lou elecl. ( 'lrrr,lico..lflg;iri1rri. lr+r;r,rl is lrrr.,rver r.rl- It:lr'r:,i1tg illr,r'r';t rnotr {; e5 11lrlrlril, o1' il. i:l:tr'1ilurillrl ul lll"[,is" r.lrr|irtg 1lr0 ('rrBsfrr,r'lr,iir)il, ()t ol (-rrrrrtrtttttictr. i.lirirrU l. I{:r,rrrls-,i,riner1- (-iorrrrfloct on lo\rcst stol) IitrritI rlur,,n or) ]roll1 (]rt'olorrrrd (hoss litrr,,rs lJrt,,o',r,r' lr,tilrl siirllr(l.r- t''cltoo i;o if Iilcqsotl liou Slcllrrrrlnt is rrot rosolvtrtl). - l)rrt ou lrirrr{ l.:r, lrr Illrr risirrt{ Irrrrrr il ]lt tt,,:t.itt,' I'rrlti,(r.lorlt ()[ - I'tt,'r',. \\ lrcrr rr,'l r.\ int t'lri,lj,,'. l('no \{,i{,(.).- '';lt l,ol t' lulrrt[ tu]rIr)r- blotst. siigrt Jlo:t,rl. is u!r,ror',,r',rrl l,l; (tn(,o .lJlr,r,r.,'rl lui]lio of il cloliis. fi;r,rrtlurr,rr1, ls o:i1,orrotl, ot' (.'oltrruttttiotr I urlirc,.u.a llcus.,-.,()nri[,torl in l)eail l\l:r,sc. f1,ri11g gi11-r11. (!l,ori,t, ol .t. I',ttri. ,J3o1y 1161111 1y1111.. ililir:.Iri, Irorv lrirr,rl. witIrorr1, tirrlovolirru. I .'Itl.jtrloritrttr, tnoslrilnt,.. lo llislroP ot' i.o :rrrl i()sl, l(} Sigri of c.r.oss, lrt t{oinq l,li 1. ]r;lrr,l lrr|(l{rr l)rollst. c(\ir)l)l ir,to or lirl;rrrLrirrg (lir,o Ir.rlco- (),t rlottr'e i,tt lrirrr u lro lr:ls r,clchlll{:or[. {1. tt Ji.l, o r.. - I I lr,n i ls,joi rrOr I l,rrf Ir lr.:r,sl' I io\r' o I'rlrr I t0. :\u jroil lt alllrr'. uivo birelt,rr, [o sorvol--. I)l ril l.y I.i I I s{.r.vor Ir it:r Ji r r istrr'tl "1lI I serantur. (lr.rrrrlftrci; in, liiu,ttet, rrot on Jllst s(olr (l'i r'[,'lt (]ross 7. At rvrrrrls tnbi,s fra,t,res rurtrl oos.fl..r/rirs n{) rr,l lrorv t;o iI lilossctl intllirrai;iorr irrrr'r':lrrrr,rri; ltrsrtlr,orl) -.lliS-[rl to rr,s rr,t Il iglr l\l ass. is rrot s. 1lIen -Lott looi, lit.:rl, :t$rrffn(l NloIs. au.lpa. hrr,rrrl nn(lel blrrrr,st- Stlilio blonst r.i.qh l: lt. I'l;r, ,' t'lr;l,lir'o I.orr;rlrJs ( l,'silr.l I trr- rvil,h lirr.gols of .i,lr, hnrrtl joined irlrl t'1r1p1vr';1,1 Lrrlir. -l'juco (.:lr:llico on(l ert(ln(lert (hand- is in n01; clon(,lred). rrott l I rr. fttilttlqcnli.n.n. I ?. IIl,rr<ls joitttt,-[ Lre[,'t tt l;'t)lnt. pn,|rr t6 l,oft ha,u11 rrntlor blollrt lincrils rl:i i<rrrlotl sl;r'iright; to. -Sign of o'osii. 1i;r,ltrr, I tl. l)ett,s l,tr, r:on.?'{,s.-,[{otlorlto .1|rlr(tr'. siiglrt.l.i rr1,n11,111;r, iuclirrr l'oirrlirrr{ t.ion of lrcod arrtl sllolllrl(1rs. riglrl; 1r'!runlb or'(,r' Ioft \\':r,lli slr,rrvlJ to .llpisllo (i()r'n(,r- ()1rorr llissal. n OIeni,tt,s. iii:r1s1i-[ 61'965 Jix lour[ ]rorrtll, arr,l. rojoiu u iLlrorrL t lir.-- 'l'ho Jrlr,ntls at'o l;.o|1; joirrorl llr rliril)g 1;hen. this ruir,llrr(lL rlrrlin.,.1 tlto rr ltok' rrf nlllss, urrlcss oilrr.,rrr ir,u si,tr,{.orl. {[]i i t';, Siiit tril, dos'n- -I'lxterril to shorilrlt:rs ir,lri rc,joirr *- '[Jlrrrtls hrntls in straight iile $.itlrout t-.levall ing l. "4 ufar a noltis fs1\(1!'rr1 l] ). theru---turn lrac]r sanre 'wa.v. .joirrrtri .\slrronrl :r1lps. t i,llr l, Iooi ljlsi. ()ttrrr,tis lrr. lloltittt. liorlirro rrnrltr'- V. I'he I'raver-c" .t,{rlt', pll,,'ir joiricri Irrrrrtlsi orr r:rlgr,r t'l iillil,r'. s() l;hit,{; i;ipr,r ol lii {lrr [irr!rrrs L Ororr.rr.q.-. -'lurtr sliglrtlv anrl b,rrv hea,l irtrr,.lr Iloir{ r.'l:'r'. lo (lloss. e\teu{ling anrl rej,rirrinq (Jttorrnt ysliq1ri,1r. Iiiss rr,llrl irt rrorr{io. harrcls. l)tliirq tlrr: Prrlr-els, ha,nrls not al; sirlc ilrrrriir lrlllf iirl 11:l,i orr heltl erLonr1ct'[. so ns rrr)t t-1] e\fee{l 1o1 the hr:ight :r,nrl l'itlth of thn shrruklers. altrlr, orr'{;rrirIe { 1v111';1,]. Sln,rrlirrg-:r,t XiisslrJ. trurl,:r: sigtt oi (rrosir, prrlniii f &cing eirch otllol', lingels j,rinetl.. lirl{ lrrr,irrl rrrrrlol lnrrri,r{;. (lrr l}rirrrl l\l;r,sn l)()i lltilrc ut)\\, aICls. hearl borrectr (-lross. si.llrt oI rri'oss is ltli,ritr ovrrt lrcr,]r. ) ;\b l{oll t\anro. to rr:r,rne of clrr,r'. or' lilerssetl i-r (llori'r l'rtlt i. 'lirrrrr sliglrilr'- l!o',r lrolt,ri r\i, of Saint tire Vilgirr. or Pope. hentl borvcrl to Ilissill. to {'r'os.'.i l,ll,lsr trol, t;r,is,rrl. joirretl /\ ('olr1,l'o ,rf .Per l.lont.irttttn,.- llarrds aud kopt iitlrir 1,,:lri,sott.- I llll,ilr', rrntl (hrr. nol; lrtr[olo lr]ac]iiri!.r, ilr. lill .l rrrerr. cf..slrl. (r,,". I{oti,d bowetl {o (-'rolrr. l\r {1i01;1i itr,irtllitr Tt pra,yer coucludes with (.lzr,r 'uili.s oL' lccttm,. irancls rrot joiuerl till rirr, }:l rrrrds,r'rr,l td s{;rfl,islr1 Qtr,i. {lhtrin. irr tr,tti,tute No borr'nrado (-11()ss. lirro, t'lt,isorI to lrrri.,]lrt of iriroirlrlr,rs to lir.rltr. - -The conrrlusiorr. Prr l,)onr,inrrnt,. Atr ,l)r'o joirrerl r,grriri rrrtri lrerr,rl lr)\\'(j1l e1;o., jg orrlr userl a,ntl utiso{1. i(} ( lr{)ss. rvith tire first Iilvrts iltrl, last pra;*er. llo:trl (rrot srlrorrlt!rrtsr) |rolriil ll1 .I rlot,tnt c 1'r,, Gntl.i.tts allintts. ,Irstt (.thrislt Vl" l lre Hpistle (t;n irrc), ,Qrrse ilrr rirprccntionenr,. (lrnrr.,{lrrr'lo,S7rililrr.. -l,ofi lrit,rrd rrrrdt'r' Pl,lrrrsof hrutls lest on trIissal clrr ir.r tlro bLtu,st; iiiqrr oI r'r'oss. llpistle. or book rn&y lrc, irelrf i.;itlt ,,[lr,'rr. [:l lurrls rrot; ]1rj()inorl. lrrrt |lllcirii botlr ll:rli ot) tllr;..t', rrttirsrirlt) (ro11i111;11 liirrs 2, Lf genulle(rtioil ha$ to be rna,fe. hlndc :r,ll ;rl i rr ('enlrfe. plaoed flat or1 ir,ltar. J)rrtrtirttts trrlisr'tiiti.. [Ilt,trrls joirttril. lrrt'ir 3. lfun.rlrr (;ot-,nLcu1n. Stanrling lt,t oDirtre Lotttttl l,I l')pisl.lo sirle.- llli'* r: r,sr1 trf rltllr'. oJ'os lir,isod for t nrorrreub trr 6* 7- {lross ---.Bow profountlly - Flatrrls 6, Et tti,l,a.m ran.turi s&crLli..- -Sa,irl wh.ile joinetl betrreen broast ancl aitar', Lrut lrlaking sign of cross -.Lef t hard not iouirhiug alta,r. uncler breast. ,1" In !.)eatl l\{ass. Jrr,bo l)om,ina atrd. Dorn- 7. Amcn,.. I:lands not rejoineil, but placed irtrs sii omitted. ffab on alta,r, outsicle Coriroral - ,l(iss a,ltal in centre l)otttittus t:obisctr'n, a,s Tl!" i frm GosPel- belnre. -I{antls joilecl l. Jlom inrrs t,oDiscrrrrr,.- be. 'l"he flfiertorv" fore breast '.j\Iissal pla,ced rvith operr.