MERSTON, SUTTON, RUMBOLDSWYKE, EWHURST. 379 - MERSTON is a small parish, two miles from Drayton station, 80 from London, three S.E. from , and four and a half N.W. from Bognor, in Box hundred, rape of Chichester, West Hampnett unio n, West . The population in 1851 was 76. The living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Crown, diocese of Chichester, and deanery of . J. Godman, Esq., is lord of the manor. The incumbent is the Rev. Eusebius Cornwall. The church is very ancient, and has a small, square, wooden tower, with one bell. Letters through Chichester, which is the nearest Money Order Office. Carpenter, Charles, farmer IPeskett, John, farm bailiff Peskett, Mrs. Martha, mistress of National Tipper, Henry, carpenter infant school I

BUTTON is a parish, in hundred, rape of Arundel, and Sutton union, ; five miles south of , with a population in 1851 of 389. The benefice is a rectory, in the patronage of Colonel W yndham; Rev. Henry Sockett, RA., rector; the chancel of the church is in the Decorated style, square tower, shingle roof, one bell. Letters through Petworth, which is the nearest Office for Money Orders. Sockett, Rev. Henry, B.A. Rector. . Barnard, Allen, farmer .' Harwood, Edmund, shoemaker and registrar Bird, Williara, farmer Harwood, Henry, blacksmith Charman, Mrs. Hannah, farmer Shotter, Charles, White Horse Collick, Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper Upperton, William, shopkeeper Collick, William, wheelwright

RUMBOLDSWYKE is a small parish, in Box hundred, rape of Chichester, and West Hampnett union, West Sussex. The population in 1851 was 318. The living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Chi­ chester, and in the incumbency of the Rev. W. Watkins. Letters through Chichester, which is also the nearest Money Order Office. Bucker, Rev. Charles, Wyke house IWatkins, Rev. W., M.A. vicar Cousens, Misses Denyer, William, dairyman IHeath, James, relieving officer and registrar Field, Alfred, farmer Suter, John, ('rown

EWHURST is four miles from Robertsbridge, and four from Hurst Green, in Staple hundred, Hastings rape, and Battle union; in 1851 there were 1213 inhabitants. The church is an interesting edifice, partly in the Early English, and partly in the Decorative style of architecture. The benefice is a rectory, in the patronage of King's College, Oxford, and in the incumbency of the Rev. W. J. Young, M.A. The'Vesleyans have a chapel at Staple Cross in this parish. Fairs for cattle, corn, hops, and peulery, are held the 21st of May and 5th of August. Letters are received through Hurst Green, which is the nearest Office for :Mouey Orders. Weller, Spencer Henry, esq.