Numéro 11 L’«actu» belge et internationale du tennis de table DECEMBRE 2012 Ed. Resp. Philippe SAIVE RencontreRencontre dudu mois...mois... DIMITRIJDIMITRIJ “DIMA”“DIMA” OVTCHAROVOVTCHAROV DOSSIER:DOSSIER: lesles tablestables dede Numéro 11 EDITO Décembre 2012 Bienvenue dans ce numéro 11 Bienvenue dans ce numéro 11 de votre ping magazine. Ce numéro qui arrive juste avant les fêtes nous offre la possibilité de vous souhaiter, à vos proches et à vous-même, tous nos vœux de bonheur mais aussi et surtout de santé pour l'année nouvelle. Une année qui commence, c'est aussi une année qui se termine. Cela nous a donné l'occasion de rencontrer l' un des hommes - et peut-être même tout simplement l'homme - de cette année 2012, à savoir Dimitrij Ovtcharov. Ce jeune homme brillant et travailleur nous raconte son histoire mais également son année incroyable qui l'a vu remporter le Top 12, l'open d'Allemagne ainsi qu'une médaille olympique tant en simple qu'en équipe. Cette fin d'année nous donne également l'occasion de remercier l'ensemble des partenaires de ce projet, que ce soit les annonceurs, les clubs, les abonnés, l'aile francophone sans qui ce projet n'aurait jamais vu le jour mais également nos col- laborateurs qui fournissent un travail considérable dans le seul et unique but de vous satisfaire. C'est également dans cette optique que nous tentons d'améliorer votre magazine. Nous aurons prochainement de bonnes nouvelles pour vous mais, chuuuut… encore un peu de patience, ce sera pour … l'an prochain.
Europameister Sammeln Für Guten Zweck Global Junior
{PERSON_GREETID}, Österreichs Nachwuchs war in Portugal und Frankreich im Einsatz. - In der Champions League, im ETTU-Cup und in der Superliga fand die erste Runde statt. EUROPAMEISTER SAMMELN FÜR GUTEN ZWECK Bei den Racketlon Austrian Open in Wiener Neudorf wurden Zuseher und Fans mit einer besonderen Exhibition überrascht: Die amtierenden Tischtennis Europameister im Herren Doppel, Daniel Habesohn und Robert Gardos, spielten mit den dreifachen Racketlon Weltmeistern Michael Dickert und Christoph Krenn für den guten Zweck. Ganze € 1.500.- wurden bei der Charity für ein Schulprojekt in Ghana erspielt. lesen Sie mehr GLOBAL JUNIOR CIRCUIT PORTUGAL Andreas Levenko und David Klaus nahmen am Global Junior Circuit in Portugal teil. Im Mannschaftsbewerb konnten sie das Halbfinale erreichen, im Einzel das Viertel- bzw. Achtelfinale. lesen Sie mehr EURO MINI CHAMP'S Von 23. bis 25. August fanden in Schiltigheim (FRA) die Euro Mini Champ's 2013 statt. Martin Gutschi, Manuel Matlschweiger und Michael Weis nahmen daran teil. lesen Sie mehr HIGRA A-TURNIER In Linz fand das erste A-Turnier der Saison statt. Die Titel sicherten sich Sofia Polcanova und Martin Storf. Die Doppeltitel gingen an Sofia Polcanova und Amelie Solja sowie an Stefan Leitgeb und Simon Pfeffer. lesen Sie mehr CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DER HERREN Österreichs Vertreter überzeugten beim Start der Champions League. Neueinsteiger SPG Walter Wels gelang wohl die Überraschung der Runde mit einem Auswärtssieg gegen den Deutschen Meister Werder Bremen. Auch im zweiten Duell zwischen Österreich und Deutschland konnte sich SVS Niederösterreich gegen Borussia Düsseldorf durchsetzen. lesen Sie mehr zu SVS Niederösterreich lesen Sie mehr zu SPG Walter Wels CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DER DAMEN Titelverteidiger Linz AG Froschberg startete in die neue Saison mit einem ungefährdeten 3:0-Sieg gegen Tyumen (RUS).
2012 European Table Tennis Championships Men's Singles - PROVISIONAL SEEDING LIST Nr. Name M/F DOB Points ID Ass 1 Timo Boll M 8-3-1981 2672 101222 GER 2 Dimitrij Ovtcharov M 2-9-1988 2555 107028 GER 3 Vladimir Samsonov M 17-4-1976 2534 108246 BLR 4 Michael Maze M 1-9-1981 2405 105966 DEN 5 Adrian Crisan M 7-5-1980 2355 101979 ROU 6 Adrien Mattenet M 15-10-1987 2262 105937 FRA 7 Marcos Freitas M 8-4-1988 2261 102841 POR 8 Bastian Steger M 19-3-1981 2209 108958 GER 9 Chen Weixing M 27-4-1972 2208 101674 AUT 10 Patrick Baum M 23-6-1987 2197 100982 GER 11 Robert Gardos M 16-1-1979 2187 102968 AUT 12 Christian Süss M 28-7-1985 2173 109102 GER 13 Bojan Tokic M 13-1-1981 2163 109459 SVN 14 Tiago Apolonia M 28-7-1986 2143 100621 POR 15 Panagiotis Gionis M 7-1-1980 2135 103107 GRE 16 Werner Schlager M 28-9-1972 2134 108379 AUT 17 Andrej Gacina M 21-5-1986 2130 102891 HRV 18 Aleksandar Karakasevic M 9-12-1975 2116 104359 SRB 19 Joao Monteiro M 29-8-1983 2113 106296 POR 20 Jens Lundqvist M 29-8-1979 2086 105609 SWE 21 He Zhi Wen M 31-5-1962 2080 103518 ESP 22 Emmanuel Lebesson M 24-4-1988 2078 105136 FRA 23 Kalinikos Kreanga M 8-3-1972 2071 104892 GRE 24 Bora Vang M 9-4-1987 2067 114655 TUR 25 Daniel Habesohn M 22-7-1986 2046 103345 AUT 26 Tan Ruiwu M 30-6-1983 2045 109234 HRV 27 Zoran Primorac M 10-5-1969 2037 107567 HRV 28 Ruwen Filus M 14-2-1988 2036 102761 GER 29 Dmitrij Prokopcov M 5-1-1980 2035 107578 CZE 30 Adam Pattantyus M 10-10-1978 2024 107196 HUN 31 Wang Zeng Yi M 24-6-1983 2017 110002 POL 32 Paul Drinkhall M 16-1-1990 2009 102380 ENG
Monthly N° 1 • June-July 2014 ALL INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS NEWS Publisher: Philippe Saive 1 WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP CHINA, ON TOP AGAIN P.14 THE LEGENDS NEVER DIE JAN-OVE WALDNER WINNER OF THE FIRST ITTF LEGENDS TOUR P.8 Come visit us on , you will not regret it! Very attractive prices, discount and special oers Professional customer service Free shipping worldwide Large stock availability and great choice Monthly newsletter Facebook hot sales 3 EDITORIAL Come visit us on , you will not regret it! Very attractive prices, discount and special oers Professional customer service Free shipping worldwide Large stock availability and great choice Monthly newsletter - Facebook hot sales EDITORIAL • THE TORCH IS LIT, Dear Table Tennis Lovers, LET IT SHINE Welcome to a new magazine, one which visits the four corners of the world. Read about new players; consider innovations our sport needs and revisit such events as the recent ZEN-NOH World Team Championships in Tokyo, a tourna- BRIGHTLY ment where China swept the board. Can anyone compete with the Chinese? Dimitrij Ovtcharov showed in the men’s final that it is hard but possible with his outstanding win against Zhang Jike. THE OFFICIAL PING MAGAZINE MAGAZINE PING OFFICIAL THE - When was the last time that Europeans were on the top of the world? It’s now some two decades ago in the late 1980s, when the great Swedish men’s team dominated the game. Table tennis fans from throughout the world loved that ge- neration and they still love that generation.
Ma Long World Number One, Now Champion of the World P.06 450 Million People Followed the World-S Biggest Table Tennis Event P.05
Publisher: Philippe Saive Monthly N° 6 • Jun-Jul 2015 ALL INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS NEWS 6 EVENT OF THE MONTH MA LONG WORLD NUMBER ONE, NOW CHAMPION OF THE WORLD P.06 450 MILLION PEOPLE FOLLOWED THE WORLD-S BIGGEST TABLE TENNIS EVENT P.05 IN SHORT DING NING WORLD RANKING REGAINS TITLE IN LIST MEN & DRAMATIC FINAL P.14 WOMEN P.62>65 theoffi 3 EDITORIAL - EDITORIAL EDITORIAL • THE OFFICIAL PING MAGAZINE MAGAZINE PING OFFICIAL THE - Understandably, all eyes were focused on China for the Qoros 2015 World Championship. At WELCOME TO our showpiece event, we wondered who would make history. OUR OFFICIAL PING Would Ma Long respond and win the Men’s Singles title? Would he fulfil his goal? Would the World number one complete the tournament with the gold medal around his neck? MAGAZINE, ONE He did, combining power and control, he realised his dream; the quality of his play setting WHICH VISITS new standards. Throughout Ma Long was totally focused, mentally attuned but if any player showed strength THE FOUR CORNERS of character it was Ding Ning. She secured the Women’s Singles title despite being in pain and restricted in movement as a result of an ankle injury sustained at the start of the deci- OF THE WORLD. ding seventh game. It was one of the most courageous performances ever witnessed and like Ma Long, she pro- ved herself most worthy being rated the best player in the World. Read about what happened in the world of table tennis since Enthralling action in Suzhou, reaching an estimated 450 million people worldwide, the tour- nament set a record as the most followed in the history of table tennis.
Publisher: Philippe Saive Monthly N° 3 • Nov-Dec 2014 ALL INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS NEWS 3 ZHANG JIKE PAYS PRICE OF SUCCESS P.07 DING NING LOVE AFFAIR WITH LINZ CONTINUES, DING NING WINS WOMEN’S WORLD CUP P.14 3 EDITORIAL - EDITORIAL EDITORIAL • THE OFFICIAL PING MAGAZINE MAGAZINE PING OFFICIAL THE - The Liebherr Men’s World Cup is a wonderful event with a large following; more than 10,000 WELCOME TO OUR during were present over the three days with huge media coverage throughout the world. There were some great matches, especially from the African champion, Quadri Aruna, who NEW MAGAZINE, left the arena to a great standing ovation after his superb performance. He displayed talents and became embroiled in spectacular points; he is a player with great ONE WHICH VISITS charisma. THE FOUR CORNERS Charisma is of course what our sport needs and Zhang Jike is by far the most popular OF THE WORLD Chinese table tennis player, owing to his personality. Sport loves this king of players, like tennis loved John McEnroe in the past but on the other hand, there is the limit between sporting charm and acceptable behaviour on how to cele- Read about what happened in the table brate victory. Damaging court surrounds crossed the line. tennis world since our last issue; not only about the World Cups for men and women It is difficult to control emotions in the heat of a contest or when victory has been secured in a but also the Asian Games and European dramatic contest. I watched the match with my son and I had to tell him that such behaviour Team Championships which witnessed the was not acceptable.
Cécile Ozer Pourquoi Pas Le Monde Après L’Europe ? P.20 Dima, Toujours Le Meilleur P.07
L’« ACTU » BELGE ET INTERNATIONALE DU TENNIS DE TABLE Mensuel N° 32 • Oct-Dec 2015 Publisher: Philippe Saive 32 ÉVÈNEMENT DU MOIS CÉCILE OZER POURQUOI PAS LE MONDE APRÈS L’EUROPE ? P.20 DIMA, TOUJOURS LE MEILLEUR P.07 EN BREF BELGIQUE CLASSEMENT CHAMPIONNE D’EUROPE MONDIAL EN DIVISION 2 P.10 & BELGE P.40>44 Elle lit dans vos pensées et ce n’est pas votre femme. SUGGESTIONS PERSONNALISÉES Découvrez la box Avec la box .évasion, vous allez vivre une incroyable expérience télé. Vous rentrez tard à la maison ? Redémarrez votre programme en cours depuis le début*. En panne d’inspiration ? Grâce au mur des programmes en cours classés par genre, trouvez votre bonheur en un clin d’oeil. Ou encore, consultez vos suggestions personnalisées. Et si soudain, 3 programmes vous tentent, inutile de choisir, enregistrez-les tous. Avec la box .évasion, vous n’êtes pas au bout de vos surprises, car elle possède bien d’autres incroyables pouvoirs. Infos et conditions au 0800 800 25 ou sur *Dans la limite des programmes / chaines disponibles IL S’EN PASSE DES CHOSES CHEZ VOO 3 ÉDITORIAL - ÉDITORIAL ÉDITORIAL • LE PING MAGAZINE MAGAZINE PING LE - Ce numéro sera aussi l’occasion de rendre un hommage à l’une de nos plus grandes joueuses SOYEZ LES BIENVENUS de tous les temps. En effet, Cécile Ozer a non seulement montré une rare élégance derrière la table mais son irrésistible envie de gagner l’a amenée à faire des résultats fabuleux dont DANS CE NUMÉRO 32 le dernier exploit est sans conteste son titre de championne d’Europe des + de 40 ans.
Olympic Game Schedules COPYRIGHT OWNER: SINA Football Time Event Match Stadium Aug.7 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup A : Australia vs Serbia Shanghai Stadium Aug.7 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup B : Japan vs United States Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.7 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup C : Brazil vs Belgium Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Wu Lihe Stadium Aug.7 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup D : Honduras vs Italy Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.7 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup A : Ivory Coast vs Argentina Shanghai Stadium Aug.7 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup B : Netherlands vs Nigeria Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.7 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup C : China vs New Zealand Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Wu Lihe Stadium Aug.7 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup D : South Korea vs Cameroon Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.10 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup A : Argentina vs Australia Shanghai Stadium Aug.10 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup B : Nigeria vs Japan Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.10 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup C : New Zealand vs Brazil Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Wu Lihe Stadium Aug.10 17:00 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup D : Cameroon vs Honduras Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.10 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup A : Serbia vs Ivory Coast Shanghai Stadium Aug.10 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup B : United States vs Netherlands Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium Aug.10 19:45 Men's Team 1st RoundGroup C : Belgium vs China Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Wu
Jun Mizutani Double Gold for Japan at the Us$1,000,000 World Tour Grand Finals P.07
Publisher: Philippe Saive Monthly N° 4 • Jan-Feb 2015 ALL INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS NEWS 4 JUN MIZUTANI DOUBLE GOLD FOR JAPAN AT THE US$1,000,000 WORLD TOUR GRAND FINALS P.07 CHINA STUNNING IN DUBAI TO WIN BOTH MEN’S AND WOMEN’S WORLD TEAM CUP TITLE P.46 theoffi 3 EDITORIAL - EDITORIAL EDITORIAL • THE OFFICIAL PING MAGAZINE MAGAZINE PING OFFICIAL THE - Success for Jun Mizutani and one match earlier success for Kasumi Ishikawa, who beat WELCOME TO OUR Korea’s Seo Hyowon in four straight games to claim the Women’s Singles title. Certainly OFFICIAL PING good news for Japan, their young players are undoubtedly worthy of being called world class. Is a new era set to dawn or will China continue its dominance? The World Team Cup in Dubai MAGAZINE, ONE WHICH suggests the latter! VISITS THE FOUR Unquestionably Japan has a rich history in the sport of table tennis, so has Sweden. The names of the late Hans Alser and Kjell Johansson are legendary as are those of Stellan CORNERS OF THE Bengtsson, Ulf “Tickan” Carlsson, Eril Lindh, Mikael Appelgren and more recently Peter Karlsson, Jörgen Persson and the one and only Jan-Ove Waldner. WORLD Illustrious names and once again those who have given crowds around the world such me- morable moments to savour will once again be in international action next year. The ITTF Read about what happened in the table Legends Tour is planned to commence next March. tennis world since our last issue; from the concluding tournament on the GAC Group A first year for this publication now completed; my thanks to all who have made it possible, 2014 ITTF World Tour to the Grand Finals enjoy reading.
MEDIA GUIDE Join Over a Million Fans in Following the World’S Best Table Tennis Players & Top International Events!
#ITTFWorlds2016 Perfect 2016 World Team Table Tennis Championships 28 February - 06 March 2015, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) MEDIA GUIDE Join over a million fans in following the world’s best table tennis players & top international events! @ITTFWorld @ITTFChannel @ITTFWorld2014 2 | #ITTFWorlds2016 28 FEBRUARY - 06 MARCH 2016, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA | 3 CONTENT ITTF Overview 4 History of Table Tennis 4 Basic Table Tennis Rules 5 2016 WTTTC Venue 7 2016 WTTTC Key Dates 8 2016 WTTTC Time Schedule 9 2016 WTTTC Playing System 10 2016 WTTTC Interesting Facts 12 Championship Division Teams - Men 14 Championship Division Teams - Women 26 Team World Ranking 38 WTTTC Trophies & History 39 2016 WTTTC Trusspeed 41 2014 WTTTC Champions 42 Past World Team Champions (1926 - 2014) 43 Current World and Olympic Medalists 45 2015 Major Title Winners 46 Upcoming Major Events 47 Media Guidelines 48 Media Area Detailed Map 51 Media Access 52 FoP Photographer Zones 53 General Information 56 Media Tools 58 ITTF Media Contacts 58 28 FEBRUARY - 06 MARCH 2016, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA | 3 ITTF OVERVIEW The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the international governing body of Table Tennis and has 222 affiliated member associations; the most of any International Sports Federation. The ITTF holds over 80 events a year, seen live on TV in over 110 countries and currently has over 1.2 million social media followers which makes it one of the most followed sports on the planet. The ITTF was initiated in Berlin, Germany and became formalized in London in 1926. Table tennis became an Olympic discipline at the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympic Games and a Paralympic Discipline in 1960 .