Fred Hampton Deputy Chairman Illinois Chapter BLACK PANTHER PARTY MURDERED by FASCIST PIGS DEC
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THE BUCK PANTHER s •.•;:-.'v.-v,- Black Community News Service 1 'lAsi* He stood up in the midst if.***';.,>' «• of fascist gestapo forces and declared, 11 •5>vi^>^ 1 am a revolutionary/' Fred Hampton Deputy Chairman Illinois Chapter BLACK PANTHER PARTY MURDERED BY FASCIST PIGS DEC. 4, 1969 •ß*3B9ßt •"••M ''*. Ï'WA ...<*•; ?4 *?&-.2: FRED HAMPTON MURDERED INSIDE: FASCIST PIGS ATTEMPT GENOCIDE ON B. P. P. - L.A. I THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 196» PAGE 2 Fred Hampton MURDERED By Fascist Pigs Dec. 4, 1969 Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton ofthe Illinois Chapter has joined the ranks of martyrs, revolutionary heroes; Lumumba, Malcolm X, Little Bobby Hutton, Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Che, Toure, Jake Winters and the countless other revo lutionaries who have given the most pre cious gift that they could give in the name of the people. These brothers and sisters gave their lives in order that you and yours may one day enjoy true freedom and the best that technology can provide. Eldridge Cleaver, Minister of Information, has stated that "it is time to intensify the struggle", and that now is the time for "mad men". Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton was just such a "mad man". Reactionaries won dered why Deputy Chairman Fred waged such a resolute struggle seemingly a- gainst the greatest of "odds." Reaction ary cultural nationalists had forgotten Malcolm's words. Malcolm thundered that we are a generation that don't give a Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton, Illinois Chapter f--k about the "odds." Black Panther Party, murdered by fascist pigs. Deputy Chairman Fred saw through a pound of cure". Deputy Chairman Fred the bulls—t. He saw the corruption, pov understood the nature of our class enemy erty and bankruptcy of capitalism in and knew what must be done. Amerikkka. He saw and experienced the From the correct teaching of Huey P. Black hunger, the pain, the agony and the death Newton and the Central Committee, Dep that is part and parcel of the Ameri uty Chairman Fred moved to establish kkkan way of life. Deputy Chairman Fred revolutionary political power for the peo Panther checked out history and learned the very ple by any means necessary. Deputy nature of this decadent fascist society, Chairman Fred dealt with the enemy. which was conceived in the genocide of Under the guidance of our fearless Deputy Party the Red man. Deputy Chairman Fred dug Chairman, the Illinois Chapter expanded that vulturistic capitalists were growing and grew. fat off the flesh and blood of the toiling Socialist programs, people's programs National Anthem masses of the world. So the Deputy Chair were implemented by the Illinois Chapter man dedicated his life to destroying the and the people. The leadership of Deputy number one enemy of mankind. Yes, he turned and walked past the eyes of my life. Chairman Fred has won the support and And he nodded and sang without sound. And his face had the look The Amerikkkan government supports love of all the oppressed people for our Of a man who knew strife. and carries out the death dealing policy Party. We loved and respected Deputy And a feeling familiarly came around. REFRAIN of the vulturistic, greedy capitalists. This Chairman Fred as did the people whom I said, government was created to serve and he served so selflessly. Man, where have you been for all these years. Man, where were you, when I sought you. protect the interests of slave holders (Sept. 6,1969, B.P.P. Newspaper) He Man, do you know me as I know you. and growing Yankee capitalist bandits stood up in the midst of fascist gestapo Man, am I coming through. who made their family fortunes by rob forces and declared, "I am a revolution II bing workers of the fruits of their labor, And he spoke in a voice that was centuries old. ary." This is the spirit of Deputy Chair And he smiled in way that was strange. food, clothing, decent housing, medical man Fred. And his full lips of night Spoke about our people's plight. treatment, the right to self-determination By raising their hands against Deputy And a feeling familiarly came around. etc. Capitalists are denying the people Chairman, Fred Hampton, they lifted their REFRAIN I said, their right to exist through various de hands against the best that humanity poss Man, where have you been for all these years. vious means. Exorbitant prices for com Man, where were you, when I sought you. esses. AND ALREADY OTHER HANDS Man, do you know me as I know you. modities necessary in life. And under ARE REACHING OUT, PICKING UP THE Man, am I coming through. the cover of "law and order", which GUNS!!! Fascist pigs and mindless puppets Ill give their fascist pigs plan open season of U.S.A. fascism, the arm of the people And we sat and we talked about freedom and things. on those who would change this society. And he told me about what he dreamed. is long and their vengeance— But, I knew of that dream long before he had spoke This evil fascist government deprives the TERRIFYING!!! And a feeling familiarly came around. REFRAIN people of their lives and is even at I said, tempting to murder our unborn (they call Man, where have you been for all these years LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF FEARLESS Man, where were you, when I sought you. it birth control) while the vile vulturistic CHIARMAN FRED! Man, do you know me as I know you. capitalists makes huge fortunes off this DARE TO STRUGGLE, DARE TO WIN. Man, am I coming through. policy of "an ounce of prevention is worth Randy THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1969 PAGE 3 A WORD SEIZE THE TIME FOR SUBMIT OR FIGHT The arrest of Chief of Staff, David Hilliard, was like a political people all across Babylon when he said, " You're either part of the prophesy come true. In an article in August 1969, David Hilliard problem or part of the solution". The attempt to kill him was a failure PANTHER made a statement that should be quoted here The statement was and resulted in exile/ a painful forced separation from the people "their intentions are to imprison, to murder and silence the voice that he loves and fights for. Bobby Seale, Chairman of the Black Panther of the Party that speaks in the idiom of the suffering and exploited Party and co-founder along with Huey P Newton, formulated the most masses". His reference was to the U.S. government! That was August articulate statement of verbal position that Black people in racist PARENTS of 69--a few months before the Chief of Staff was arrested on trumped America have put forward. This is the program and platform of the up charges of threatening to kill the President. Black Panther Party. The platform and program in essence dealt There" s no need of going into whether one is a Republican or a with the need for, and manner and means to gain "land, bread, housing, Democrat, or whether one is pro-Nixon or anti-Nixon. The essence education, clothing, justice and peace." in the case of our Chairman of the charge is the absurdity of it. The absurdity that a man would Bobby Seale, point number nine of our Ten Point Platform and Pro (Mrs. Jewell Barker delivered this threaten the President before a crowd of three hundred thousand gram was j)articularly ironic. Point number nine says, "We want speech at the memorial rally held people at a speech given at San Francisco' s Vietnam Moritorium that all Black people when brought to trial to bë tried in a court by a jury would be televised and broadcasted around the world by radio and December 6, 1969, 201 Sa. Ashland television. The Federal Government is seeing fit to define a portion in honor of Fred Hampton and Mark of the statement, taken out of context as " clear and present danger Clark. She is the mother of Panther to the security and well being of the President of the U.S." Well, Ann Campbell.) the clear and present danger to the well being of all the pigs of the power structure, of which Nlxon is the chief pig, is the danger in herent in a system that is overtly racist and a system of government I have but one thing that I would that has institutionalized racism for centuries. A system of govern like to ask of the Black mothers ment that has perpetrated genocide against people all over the world. and fathers in this country and all The clear and present danger, not only to head pig Nixon, but to all over the world. You have given the people of the world is in fact this power structure which this much to your sons and daughters. man (Nixon) is so-called, "responsible,'Mieadijf, '. _ _ You have overcome insurmountable The government of the U.S. is a perpetrator of the most heinous forces of evil against you. You crimes in the history of mankind. This is not to say that the people of the U.S. are the perpetrators, but those who have been silent all have paid the supreme price. You this time have in fact endorsed the conspiracy against peace and free have given to the world the best. dom-loving peoples of the whole world. This silence is not part of Stand behind it. Do not be ashamed. the vernacular and the terminology or the rhetoric of the rebellious, I have but one child.