Open Source Licenses Fabasoft Products

Copyright © Fabasoft R& GmbH, Linz, Austria, 2021.

All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are registered trade names and/or registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.

No rights to our software or our professional services, or results of our professional services, or other protected rights can be based on the handing over and presentation of these documents.

Fabasoft Software Products 2


1 Introduction ______4 2 Open Source Licenses ______4

Fabasoft Software Products 3

1 Introduction

The open source software contained in the Fabasoft software products “Fabasoft Folio”, “Fabasoft Cloud” and “Fabasoft Private Cloud” is licensed under conditions that require to display the following notes.

2 Open Source Licenses

The corresponding copyright annotations and terms of license can be found here: Open Source Licenses • AFNetworking ( • Android Open Source Project ( • AndroidPdfViewer ( • ANTLR ( • ( • Apache FOP ( • ( • Apache POI ( • Axis 1 ( • Axis 2 ( • bzip2 ( • CKEditor ( • CLTokenInputView ( • CocoaLumberjack ( • CodeMirror ( • CryptoJS ( • CTAssetsPickerController ( • daemontools ( • dcraw ( • DefinitelyTyped React ( • DefinitelyTyped React DOM ( • DejaVu Fonts ( • Eclipse ( • Eclipse BIRT ( • Expat XML Parser ( • FingerprintJS ( • Firebase JavaScript SDK ( • FireflySung Fonts ( • Fluent UI React (

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• FullCalendar ( • GCDWebServer ( • geckodriver ( • globalize ( • Google Code Prettify ( • Guava ( • highlight ( higlighting--plugin.) • html-entities ( • ICU4C ( • ImageMagick ( • IzPack ( • Jakarta Mail ( • Java Servlet API ( • JAX-WS ( • Jcrop ( • JPEG ( • jQuery ( • jQuery History ( • jQuery scrollintoview ( • jQuery UI ( • jquery.maskedinput ( • jsTree ( • Justified Gallery ( • KissXML ( • kjs ( • KVOController ( • libcurl ( • libglib ( • libgsf ( • libMemcached ( • libmspack ( • libtar ( • libtiff ( • libxml2 ( • libxslt ( • Liferay Portal ( • Lightbox ( • M13BadgeView (

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• M13ProgressSuite ( • MBProgressHUD ( • MMWormhole ( • Modernizr ( • Moment.js ( • Mozilla Gecko SDK ( • MySpell ( • MyThes ( • NET-SNMP ( • OkHttp ( • Okio ( • SDK ( • OpenSSL ( • PCRE ( • PDFBox ( • PDFium ( • PureLayout ( • ( • React ( • React DOM ( • ReactiveObjC ( • Realm ( • renderjson ( • Respond.js ( • SDWebImage ( • Selenium WebDriver ( • Signavio Core Components ( • SIMILE Widgets Timeline ( • SparkMD5 ( • TagLib ( • Toast ( • ulidj ( • wsdl4j ( • url-polyfill ( • XMLSec ( • XMP Toolkit SDK ( • XULRunner ( • Yahoo User Interface ( • zlib (

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• ZXing (

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