Families Without Fatherhood Families Without Fatherhood Third Edition Norman Dennis George Erdos with a Foreword by A.H. Halsey and an Afterword by Peter Saunders Institute for the Study of Civil Society London First published by IEA Health & Welfare Unit, September 1992 Second Edition, October 1993 Reprinted July 1996 Reprinted May 1998 Third Edition, ISCS, August 2000 © The Institute for the Study of Civil Society 2000 email:
[email protected] All rights reserved ISBN 1-903 386-03-9 Typeset by the Institute for the Study of Civil Society in New Century Schoolbook Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Trowbridge, Wiltshire Dedicated to Robert Andrew Hodkinson Born 16 August 1991 John Maxwell Norman Dennis Born 10 September 1993 Sarah Jane Hodkinson Born 8 February 1996 Contents Page The Authors vii Editor’s Foreword to Third Edition ix Editor’s Foreword to the 1993 Edition ix Foreword A.H. Halsey xii Preface to the 1993 Edition xvi Introduction 1 1 Thou Shalt Not Commit A Value Judgement 6 2 Residues of Judgementalism 11 3 Self-Interest, Easy Virtue and Social Costs 16 4 The Evidence: Growing Up in the Late Nineteen-Sixties 25 5 The Evidence: One Thousand Newcastle Children and Their Fathers 1947-1980 40 6 What’s Left and Right in Childrearing, Sex and Face-to-Face Mutual Aid? 46 7 The Consequences for Fellow Citizens 60 8 The Causes of Incivility 71 9 The Intellectuals’ New Betrayal 80 Appendix 91 Afterword: Family Research and Family Policy Since 1992 Peter Saunders 93 Notes 107 Index 133 vi The Authors Norman Dennis, who was Reader in Social Studies at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, has been a Rockefeller Fellow, Ford Fellow, Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Palo Alto, California, Leverhulme Fellow, and Visiting Fellow at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.