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Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Select Primary Sources “Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Forum Komunikasi Etnis Tion- ghoa (FOKET)” [Statutes and bylaws of the Forum of Communication for Ethnic Chinese]. Angkatan Darat Kodam XII. Buku Petundjuk Daerah Kalimantan Barat. Pon- tianak: Sudam V, . Bei, Zhongmin 贝仲敏. “Gesheng ban rensheng—yi zai Bangjia ge shiqi chang de ge 歌声伴人生—忆在邦戛各时期唱的歌 [Songs that accompanied (my) life —reminiscing about songs that were sung in Pemangkat at different periods].” Cai, Gaoxian 蔡高先. “Huazhong xuechao huiyi 华中学潮回忆 [Recalling Hua- zhong’s student strike].” In Lüye Kundian Huazhong xiaoyouhui wuzhounian jiniantekan 旅椰坤甸华中校友会五周年纪念特刊 [Special volume commem- orating the fih anniversary of the Pontianak Huazhong alumni in Jakarta], –. Jakarta, August , . Cai, Renlong 蔡仁龙. “Yindunixiya ‘Xipoluozhou Fanri Tongmenghui’ ji qi huodong gailüe 印度尼西亚‘西婆罗洲反日同盟会’及其活动概略 [e “West Borneo Anti-Japanese Alliance” of Indonesia and a summary of its activi- ties].”In Yinni Huaqiao yu Huaren gailun 印尼华侨与华人概论 [An introduc- tion to overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in Indonesia]. Hong Kong: Nan Dao Publisher, . ———.“Qiao, yisheng bujie de qingyuan 侨,一生不解的情缘 [Entwined in the sentiments and fate of an overseas Chinese].” Lufeng Bao 陆丰报, July –, . Chen, Donglong陈冬龙. “Wuci Ribengou zhi xing” 五次日本沟之行 [e five visits to Parit Jepang]. Yindunixiya Shangbao, February , . Chinese Communist Propaganda Activities re Indonesia (Research Back- grounder). Chua, Chung Toi 蔡存堆. Nuhai yangfan: Shagongshi chutan 怒海扬帆:砂共 史初探 [Setting sail in the raging seas: a preliminary investigation into the history of the Sarawak Communist Organization]. Sarawak, Malaysia: Chua Chung Toi, . Chung Hua Tsung Hui. “Memorandum Outlining Acts of Violence and Inhu- manity Perpetrated by Indonesian Bands on Innocent Chinese Before and Aer the Dutch Police Action was Enforced on July , .”Batavia: Chung Hua Tsung Hui, . “Congratulatory Note to the Beijing Central People’s Government from the Chi- nese of Pemangkat”. Photocopy from personal collection of Huang Zizhen, Guangxi, China. Coordinating Body for Chinese Language Education in West Kalimantan. “Yinni Xijiasheng Sanfaxian ji Mengjiayingxian huawen jiaoyu xianzhuang 印尼西 加省三发县及孟加映县华文教育现状 [e current state of Chinese language education in Sambas District and Bengkayang District].” Pontianak, Novem- ber , . ———. “Yinni Xijia Huawen Jiaoyu Xietiao Jigou yi nian de gongzuo baogao, nian yue zhi nian yue 印尼西加华文教育协调机构一年的工 作报告,年月至年月 [Annual report on the work of the Coordi- nating Body for Chinese Language Education in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, August –August ].” August , . Deng, Chongxin 邓崇鑫. “Zhenqiang zhongxiaoxue jianshu 振强中小学简述 [A brief account of the Zhengqiang elementary and middle Schools].” In Kundian Zhenqiang xiaoyou lianhuanhui teji 坤甸振强校友联欢会特辑 [Spe- cial volume of the Pontianak Zhenqiang alumni reunion], . Jakarta: Re- union Preparatory Committee of the Pontianak Zhenqiang Alumni in Jakar- ta, n.d. Departemen Dalam Negri, Indonesia. Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Djakarta: Departemen Dalam Negri, . Editorial board. “Huazhong jianshi” 华中简史 [A Brief History of Huazhong]. In Lüye Kundian Huazhong xiaoyouhui wuzhounian jiniantekan 旅椰坤甸华中 校友会五周年纪念特刊 [Special volume commemorating the fih anniver- sary of the Pontianak Huazhong alumni in Jakarta], . Jakarta, August , . Editorial board. “Nanhua Zhongxue jianjie 南华中学简介 [A brief introduction to Nanhua Middle School].” In Nanhua Zhongxue liushi zhounian jinian tekan 南华中学六十周年纪念特刊 [Special volume commemorating the th anniversary of Nanhua Middle School]. Jakarta, . Fengyu niandai 风雨年代 [e age of storms]. Sibu, Sarawak: Sibu Friendship Association, . G. William Skinner Papers, --. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. Heping 和平[pseud.]. “Daxiang wuzhuang douzheng diyi pao 打响武装斗争第 一炮 [Firing the first shot of the armed struggle].” In Xijia fengyun 西加风 云 [Unpredictable events in the equatorial land], by Lin Shifang 林世芳 et al. Sarawak, Malaysia: Yu Chin Liik, . ———. “. Baoanzhan de zhandou 。保安站的战斗 [e battle at the Security Post on October ].” In Xijia fengyun 西加风云 [Unpredictable events in the equatorial land], by Lin Shifang 林世芳 et al. Sarawak, Malaysia: Yu Chin Liik, . ———.“Xiaoping tan ‘basanling’ budui 小平谈‘八。三零’部队 [Xiaoping recalls the ‘.’ Force].” In Xijia fengyun 西加风云 [Unpredictable events in the equatorial land], by Lin Shifang 林世芳 et al. Sarawak, Malaysia: Yu Chin Liik, . ———. “Wo weishenme zoushang zhengzhi douzheng de daolu 我为什么走上 政治斗争的道路 [Why I embarked on the path of political struggle].” In Xijia fengyun 西加风云 [Unpredictable events in the equatorial land], by Lin Shifang 林世芳 et al. Sarawak, Malaysia: Yu Chin Liik, . Hong Zhizun红至撙. “Xijia lao xiansheng jiang ta canjue renhuan de jingli 西.
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