The North Carolina Historical Review
INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV -1957 editors, Mississippi Valley His- torical Review, 568. Aaron, Daniel, his The United Alderson, William T., reviews The States: The History of a Repub- Decisive Battle of Nashville, 421. lic, received, 452; reviewed, 557. Alexander, Nancy, her Here Will Absher, Mrs. W. R., serves on I Dwell: The Story of Caldwell Board of Directors, Wilkes Coun- County, reviewed, 91. ty Historical Association, 309. Alexander, Nathaniel, grave of, Accessions, those of the Division visited on tour, 570. of Archives and Manuscripts, Allcott, John, elected Vice-Presi- listed, 304. dent-at-Large, Art Society, 112. Actors in the Colony, by Albert Q. Allen (Master), name of man with Bell, presents prose biographies Ralph Lane, 207. of Roanoke settlers, 184. Allen, Morris, listed as Lost Col- Adams, John E., named as Secre- onist, 207. tary, North Carolina Symphony Allen, Mrs. W. G., named as Sec- Society, 118. retary-Treasurer, Society of Adams, Percy G., compares work Mayflower Descendants, serves as of Lawson and Brickell, 317- committee chairman, 118. 326; his article, "John Lawson's Ali-Mat Takes Off, by Mrs. Alice Alter-Ego—Dr. John Brickell," Clarke Mathewson, discussed, 313-326; reviews North Carolina 241. Drama, 90; reiterates Sparks's Alston, John, one of family accused and Cox's assertion regarding of counterfeiting, 479, 480. BrickelPs plagiarism, 326. Alston House, opened as historic Addy, George M., accepts position, shrine, 444. Brigham Young University, 568. Amadas, Philip, makes voyage to Africa, Philip, announces Salem Roanoke twice, 214. faculty addition, 307. American Council of Learned So- Agricultural Developments in cieties, The, announces fellow- North Carolina, 1783-1860, dis- ship grants, 573.
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