1 1 RETURN BIDS TO: Title - Sujet RETOURNER LES SOUMISSIONS À: Waste Systems Cleaning and Treatmen Bid Receiving Public Works and Government Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation Date Services Canada/Réception des soumissions W0118-17S041/A 2017-10-26 Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Client Reference No. - N° de référence du client GETS Ref. No. - N° de réf. de SEAG Canada PW-$WPG-016-10346 Room 100, W0118-17S041 167 Lombard Ave. File No. - N° de dossier CCC No./N° CCC - FMS No./N° VME WPG-7-40123 (016) Solicitation Closes - L'invitation prend fin R3B 0T6 Fuseau horaire Bid Fax: (204) 983-0338 at - à 02:00 PM Central Standard Time on - le 2017-12-06 Request For a Standing Offer CST Delivery Required - Livraison exigée Demande d'offre à commandes See Herein Regional Individual Standing Offer (RISO) Address Enquiries to: - Adresser toutes questions à: Buyer Id - Id de l'acheteur Offre à commandes individuelle régionale (OCIR) Hall, Marlene wpg016 Telephone No. - N° de téléphone FAX No. - N° de FAX Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and (204)230-0147 ( ) (204)983-7796 Government Services Canada, hereby requests a Standing Offer on behalf of the Identified Users herein. Destination - of Goods, Services, and Construction: Destination - des biens, services et construction: DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Le Canada, représenté par le ministre des Travaux Publics et RPOU (West) Det Shilo Contract Offi Services Gouvernementaux Canada, autorise par la présente, BLDG P101, CFB SHILO une offre à commandes au nom des utilisateurs identifiés énumérés ci-après. SHILO Manitoba Comments - Commentaires R0K2A0 Canada

Security - Sécurité This request for a Standing Offer does not include provisions for security. Cette Demande d´offre à commandes ne comprend pas des dispositions en matière de sécurité.

Instructions: See Herein Vendor/Firm Name and Address Raison sociale et adresse du Instructions: Voir aux présentes fournisseur/de l'entrepreneur

Vendor/Firm Name and Address Raison sociale et adresse du fournisseur/de l'entrepreneur

Telephone No. - N° de téléphone Issuing Office - Bureau de distribution Facsimile No. - N° de télécopieur Public Works and Government Services Canada - Western Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of Vendor/Firm Region (type or print) Room 100 Nom et titre de la personne autorisée à signer au nom du fournisseur/ 167 Lombard Ave. de l'entrepreneur (taper ou écrire en caractères d'imprimerie) Winnipeg Manitoba R3B 0T6 Signature Date

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7.1 STATEMENT OF WORK...... 16

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1.1 Introduction

The Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) is divided into seven parts plus attachments and annexes, as follows:

Part 1 General Information: provides a general description of the requirement;

Part 2 Offeror Instructions: provides the instructions applicable to the clauses and conditions of the RFSO;

Part 3 Offer Preparation Instructions: provides offerors with instructions on how to prepare their offer to address the evaluation criteria specified;

Part 4 Evaluation Procedures and Basis of Selection: indicates how the evaluation will be conducted, the evaluation criteria which must be addressed in the offer, and the basis of selection;

Part 5 Certifications and Additional Information: includes the certifications and additional information to be provided;

Part 6 Security and Insurance Requirements: includes specific requirements that must be addressed by offerors; and

Part 7 7A, Standing Offer, and 7B, Resulting Contract Clauses:

7A, includes the Standing Offer containing the offer from the Offeror and the applicable clauses and conditions;

7B, includes the clauses and conditions which will apply to any contract resulting from a call-up made pursuant to the Standing Offer.

The Annexes include the Statement of Work, the Basis of Payment, the Electronic Payment Instruments, and any other annexes

1.2 Summary

The Department of National Defence (DND), (CFB) Shilo has a requirement for a Regional Individual Standing Offer (RISO) for the supply of all labour, materials, equipment, transportation and supervision necessary to vacuum, pump and/or manually clean and treat various waste tanks systems, and the cleaning and televised inspection of sewers and building drains at various locations at CFB Shilo, as required, during the period of the Standing Offer.

The Standing Offer will be valid for a period of one (1) year with two additional one-year option periods.

The requirement is subject to the provisions of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), and the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).

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1.3 Security Requirements

There are security requirements associated with the requirement of the Standing Offer. For additional information, see Part 6 - Security, Financial and Insurance Requirements, and Part 7 - Standing Offer and Resulting Contract Clauses. For more information on personnel and organization security screening or security clauses, offerors should refer to the Contract Security Program of Public Works and Government Services Canada (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/introduction-eng.html) website.

1.4 Debriefings

Offerors may request a debriefing on the results of the request for standing offers process. Offerors should make the request to the Standing Offer Authority within 15 working days of receipt of the results of the request for standing offers process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.


2.1 Standard Instructions, Clauses and Conditions

All instructions, clauses and conditions identified in the Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (https://buyandsell.gc.ca/policy-and-guidelines/standard-acquisition-clauses-and-conditions-manual) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Offerors who submit an offer agree to be bound by the instructions, clauses and conditions of the RFSO and accept the clauses and conditions of the Standing Offer and resulting contract(s).

The 2006 (2017-04-27) Standard Instructions - Request for Standing Offers - Goods or Services - Competitive Requirements, are incorporated by reference into and form part of the RFSO.

Subsection 5.4 of 2006, Standard Instructions - Request for Standing Offers - Goods or Services - Competitive Requirements, is amended as follows:

Delete: 60 days Insert: 90 days

2.1.1 SACC Manual Clauses

M0019T (2007-05-25) Firm Price and/or Rates

2.2 Submission of Offers

Offers must be submitted only to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Bid Receiving Unit by the date, time and place indicated on page 1 of the Request for Standing Offers.

2.3 Optional Site Visit It is recommended that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at CFB Shilo, MB. on November 14, 2017. The site visit will begin at 10:00 A.M. CST, in Building P101. Bidders are requested to communicate with the Contracting Authority no later than noon, November 10, 2017 to confirm attendance and provide the name(s) of the person(s) who will attend. Bidders who do not confirm attendance and who do not provide the name(s) of the person(s) who will attend as required

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2.4 Former Public Servant Contracts awarded to former public servants (FPS) in receipt of a pension or of a lump sum payment must bear the closest public scrutiny, and reflect fairness in the spending of public funds. In order to comply with Treasury Board policies and directives on contracts awarded to FPS, offerors must provide the information required below before the issuance of a standing offer. If the answer to the questions and, as applicable the information required have not been received by the time the evaluation of offers is completed, Canada will inform the Offeror of a time frame within which to provide the information. Failure to comply with Canada’s request and meet the requirement within the prescribed time frame will render the offer non-responsive.


For the purposes of this clause, "former public servant" is any former member of a department as defined in the Financial Administration Act R.S., 1985, c. F-11, a former member of the or a former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A former public servant may be:

a. an individual;

b. an individual who has incorporated;

c. a partnership made of former public servants; or

d. a sole proprietorship or entity where the affected individual has a controlling or major interest in the entity.

"lump sum payment period" means the period measured in weeks of salary, for which payment has been made to facilitate the transition to retirement or to other employment as a result of the implementation of various programs to reduce the size of the Public Service. The lump sum payment period does not include the period of severance pay, which is measured in a like manner. "pension" means a pension or annual allowance paid under the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA), R.S., 1985, c. P-36, and any increases paid pursuant to the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act, R.S., 1985, c. S-24 as it affects the PSSA. It does not include pensions payable pursuant to the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, R.S., 1985, c. C-17, the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, 1970, c. D-3, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act , 1970, c. R-10, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, R.S., 1985, c. R-11, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, R.S. 1985, c. M-5, and that portion of pension payable to the Canada Pension Plan Act, R.S., 1985, c. C-8.

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Former Public Servant in Receipt of a Pension

As per the above definitions, is the Offeror a FPS in receipt of a pension? YES ()NO ( ) If so, the Offeror must provide the following information, for all FPS in receipt of a pension, as applicable:

a. name of former public servant;

b. date of termination of employment or retirement from the Public Service.

By providing this information, Offerors agree that the successful Offeror's status, with respect to being a former public servant in receipt of a pension, will be reported on departmental websites as part of the published proactive disclosure reports in accordance with Contracting Policy Notice: 2012-2 and the Guidelines on the Proactive Disclosure of Contracts.

Work Force Adjustment Directive

Is the Offeror a FPS who received a lump sum payment pursuant to the terms of the Work Force Adjustment Directive? YES ()NO ( ) If so, the Offeror must provide the following information:

a. name of former public servant;

b. conditions of the lump sum payment incentive;

c. date of termination of employment;

d. amount of lump sum payment;

e. rate of pay on which lump sum payment is based;

f. period of lump sum payment including start date, end date and number of weeks;

g. number and amount (professional fees) of other contracts subject to the restrictions of a work force adjustment program.

For all contracts awarded during the lump sum payment period, the total amount of fees that may be paid to a FPS who received a lump sum payment is $5,000, including Applicable Taxes. 2.5 Enquiries - Request for Standing Offers

All enquiries must be submitted in writing to the Standing Offer Authority no later than 10 calendar days before the Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) closing date. Enquiries received after that time may not be answered.

Offerors should reference as accurately as possible the numbered item of the RFSO to which the enquiry relates. Care should be taken by offerors to explain each question in sufficient detail in order to enable

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Canada to provide an accurate answer. Technical enquiries that are of a proprietary nature must be clearly marked "proprietary" at each relevant item. Items identified as "proprietary" will be treated as such except where Canada determines that the enquiry is not of a proprietary nature. Canada may edit the question(s) or may request that offerors do so, so that the proprietary nature of the question(s) is eliminated, and the enquiry can be answered to all offerors. Enquiries not submitted in a form that can be distributed to all offerors may not be answered by Canada.

2.6 Applicable Laws

The Standing Offer and any contract resulting from the Standing Offer must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in Manitoba.

Offerors may, at their discretion, substitute the applicable laws of a Canadian province or territory of their choice without affecting the validity of their offer, by deleting the name of the Canadian province or territory specified and inserting the name of the Canadian province or territory of their choice. If no change is made, it acknowledges that the applicable laws specified are acceptable to the offerors.


3.1 Offer Preparation Instructions

Canada requests that offerors provide their offer in separately bound sections as follows:

Section I: Technical Offer (2 hard copies)

Section II: Financial Offer (1 hard copy)

Section III: Certifications (1 hard copies)

Prices must appear in the financial offer only. No prices must be indicated in any other section of the offer.

Canada requests that offerors follow the format instructions described below in the preparation of their offer.

(a) use 8.5 x 11 inch (216 mm x 279 mm) paper; (b) use a numbering system that corresponds to that of the Request for Standing Offers.

In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement process Policy on Green Procurement (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/ecologisation-greening/achats-procurement/politique-policy- eng.html). To assist Canada in reaching its objectives, offerors should:

1) use 8.5 x 11 inch (216 mm x 279 mm) paper containing fibre certified as originating from a sustainably-managed forest and containing minimum 30% recycled content; and

2) use an environmentally-preferable format including black and white printing instead of colour printing, printing double sided/duplex, using staples or clips instead of cerlox, duotangs or binders.

Section I: Technical Offer In their technical offer, offerors should explain and demonstrate how they propose to meet the requirements and how they will carry out the Work. Page 8 of - de 27 Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation Amd. No. - N° de la modif. Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur W0118-17S041/A wpg016 Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client File No. - N° du dossier CCC No./N° CCC - FMS No./N° VME W0118-17S041 WPG-7-40123

Section II: Financial Offer Offerors must submit their financial offer in accordance with the Annex B, Basis of Payment.

3.1.1 Electronic Payment of Invoices - Offer If you are willing to accept payment of invoices by Electronic Payment Instruments, complete Annex “D” Electronic Payment Instruments, to identify which ones are accepted.

If Annex “D” Electronic Payment Instruments is not completed, it will be considered as if Electronic Payment Instruments are not being accepted for payment of invoices.

Acceptance of Electronic Payment Instruments will not be considered as an evaluation criterion. 3.1.2 Exchange Rate Fluctuation

C3011T (2013-11-06), Exchange Rate Fluctuation

Section III: Certifications Offerors must submit the certifications and additional information required under Part 5.


4.1 Evaluation Procedures

(a) Offers will be assessed in accordance with the entire requirement of the Request for Standing Offers including the technical and financial evaluation criteria.

(b) An evaluation team composed of representatives of Canada will evaluate the offers.

4.1.1 Technical Evaluation Mandatory Technical Criteria

Bidder is requested to submit certifications, declarations and/or proof documents that substantiate information as part of their bid. If these documents are not provided at bid closing, the Contracting Authority will notify the Bidder that they have 2 business days to provide the requested documents. Failure to do so, and the Bidder will be deemed non-responsive and given no further consideration.

(a) Bidder must provide a list of proposed resources and include their positions. A minimum of 3 proposed resources are required including 2 Technicians and 1 Back-up Technician.

(b) Bidder must provide Certificates or letters from a recognized Industry Technical Institution certifying that the proposed resources successfully completed safety training for: i. WHMIS ii. CONFINED SPACE ENTRY Proof can be in the form of a photocopy of the training certificate or wallet card.

(c) Bidder certifies all proposed Resources possess 3 (three) years working experience with similar equipment.

Signature (certification) ______Date ______

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4.1.2 Financial Evaluation

SACC Manual Clause M0220T (2016-01-28), Evaluation of Price

4.2 Basis of Selection

4.2.1 Basis of Selection – Mandatory Technical Criteria Only

An offer must comply with the requirements of the Request for Standing Offers and meet all mandatory technical evaluation criteria to be declared responsive. The responsive offer with the lowest evaluated price will be recommended for issuance of a standing offer.


Offerors must provide the required certifications and additional information to be issued a standing offer.

The certifications provided by offerors to Canada are subject to verification by Canada at all times. Unless specified otherwise, Canada will declare an offer non-responsive, will have the right to set-aside a standing offer, or will declare a contractor in default if any certification made by the Offeror is found to be untrue whether made knowingly or unknowingly during the offer evaluation period, during the Standing Offer period, or during the contract period.

The Standing Offer Authority will have the right to ask for additional information to verify the Offeror’s certifications. Failure to comply and to cooperate with any request or requirement imposed by the Standing Offer Authority will render the offer non-responsive, result in the setting aside of the Standing Offer or constitute a default under the Contract.

5.1 Certifications Required with the Offer

Offerors must submit the following duly completed certifications as part of their offer.

5.1.1 Integrity Provisions - Declaration of Convicted Offences

In accordance with the Integrity Provisions of the Standard Instructions, all offerors must provide with their offer, if applicable, the declaration form available on the Forms for the Integrity Regime website (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/ci-if/declaration-eng.html), to be given further consideration in the procurement process.

5.2 Certifications Precedent to the Issuance of a Standing Offer and Additional Information

The certifications and additional information listed below should be submitted with the offer, but may be submitted afterwards. If any of these required certifications or additional information is not completed and submitted as requested, the Standing Offer Authority will inform the Offeror of a time frame within which to provide the information. Failure to provide the certifications or the additional information listed below within the time frame provided will render the offer non-responsive.

5.2.1 Integrity Provisions – Required Documentation

In accordance with the section titled Information to be provided when bidding, contracting or entering into a real procurement agreement of the Ineligibility and Suspension Policy (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/ci-if/politique-policy-eng.html), the Offeror must provide the required documentation, as applicable, to be given further consideration in the procurement process.

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5.2.2 Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity - Standing Offer Certification

By submitting an offer, the Offeror certifies that the Offeror, and any of the Offeror's members if the Offeror is a Joint Venture, is not named on the Federal Contractors Program (FCP) for employment equity "FCP Limited Eligibility to Bid" list ) available at the bottom of the page of the Employment and Social Development Canada-Labour's website (https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/employment- equity/federal-contractor-program.html#s4).

Canada will have the right to declare an offer non-responsive, or to set-aside a Standing Offer, if the Offeror, or any member of the Offeror if the Offeror is a Joint Venture, appears on the “FCP Limited Eligibility to Bid” list at the time of issuing of a Standing Offer or during the period of the Standing Offer.

5.2.3 Additional Certifications Precedent to Issuance of a Standing Offer Status and Availability of Resources

SACC Manual Clause M3020T (2016-01-28), Status of Availability of Resources - Offer


6.1 Security Requirements

1. Before issuance of a standing offer, the following conditions must be met:

(a) the Offeror must hold a valid organization security clearance as indicated in Part 7A - Standing Offer;

(b) the Offeror's proposed individuals requiring access to classified or protected information, assets or sensitive work sites must meet the security requirements as indicated in Part 7A - Standing Offer;

(c) the Offeror must provide the name of all individuals who will require access to classified or protected information, assets or sensitive work sites;

2. Offerors are reminded to obtain the required security clearance promptly. Any delay in the issuance of a standing offer to allow the successful Offeror to obtain the required clearance will be at the entire discretion of the Standing Offer Authority.

3. For additional information on security requirements, offerors should refer to the Contract Security Program of Public Works and Government Services Canada (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc- src/introduction-eng.html) website.

6.2 Insurance Requirements Insurance Requirements - Proof of Availability - Prior to issuance of a Standing Offer (M9015T, 2016-01-28) The Offeror must provide a letter from an insurance broker or an insurance company licensed to operate in Canada stating that the Offeror, if issued a standing offer as a result of the request for standing offer, can be insured in accordance with the Insurance Requirements specified in Annex E.

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If the information is not provided in the offer, the Standing Offer Authority will so inform the Offeror and provide the Offeror with a time frame within which to meet the requirement. Failure to comply with the request of the Standing Offer Authority and meet the requirement within that time period will render the offer non-responsive.



7.1 Offer

7.1.1 The Offeror offers to perform the Work in accordance with the Statement of Work at Annex "A".

7.2 Security Requirements

It is the responsibility of the Identified Users authorized to make call-ups against the Standing Offer to confirm the security status of the proposed personnel prior to issuing a call-up.

7.2.1 The following security requirements (SRCL and related clauses provided by the Contract Security Program) apply and form part of the Standing Offer.

1. The Contractor/Offeror must, at all times during the performance of the Contract/Standing Offer, hold a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS), issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

2. The Contractor/Offeror personnel requiring access to sensitive work site(s) must EACH hold a valid RELIABILITY STATUS, granted or approved by CISD/PWGSC.

3. Subcontracts which contain security requirements are NOT to be awarded without the prior written permission of CISD/PWGSC.

4. The Contractor/Offeror must comply with the provisions of the:

a. Security Requirements Check List and security guide (if applicable), attached at Annex C; b. Industrial Security Manual (Latest Edition).

7.3 Standard Clauses and Conditions

All clauses and conditions identified in the Standing Offer and resulting contract(s) by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (https://buyandsell.gc.ca/policy-and-guidelines/standard-acquisition-clauses-and-conditions-manual) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

7.3.1 General Conditions

2005 (2017-06-21) General Conditions - Standing Offers - Goods or Services, apply to and form part of the Standing Offer.

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7.3.2 Standing Offers Reporting The Offeror must compile and maintain records on its provision of goods and services to Canada under contracts resulting from the Standing Offer. This data must include all purchases done by Canada, including those acquired and paid for by Canada acquisition cards. The Offeror must provide this data in accordance with the reporting requirements detailed in annex entitled "F", Standing Offer Usage Reports. If some data is not available, the reason must be indicated in the report. If no goods or services is provided during a given period, the Offeror must provide a "nil" report. The data must be submitted on a quarterly basis to the Standing Offer Authority. The quarterly reporting periods are defined as follows:

 first quarter: April 1 to June 30  second quarter: July 1 to September 30  third quarter: October 1 to December 31  fourth quarter: January 1 to March 31

The data must be submitted to the Standing Offer Authority no later than 15 calendar days after the end of the reporting period.

7.4 Term of Standing Offer

7.4.1 Period of the Standing Offer

The period for making call-ups against the Standing Offer is for a period of 1 year from date of issuance.

7.4.2 Extension of Standing Offer If the Standing Offer is authorized for use beyond the initial period, the Offeror offers to extend its offer for 2 additional one-year periods under the same conditions and at the rates or prices specified in the Standing Offer, or at the rates or prices calculated in accordance with the formula specified in the Standing Offer. The Offeror will be advised of the decision to authorize the use of the Standing Offer for an extended period by the Standing Offer Authority 15 days before the expiry date of the Standing Offer. A revision to the Standing Offer will be issued by the Standing Offer Authority. 7.4.4 Delivery Points

Delivery of the requirement will be made to delivery point(s) specified at Annex “A” of the Standing Offer.

7.5 Authorities

7.5.1 Standing Offer Authority

The Standing Offer Authority is:

Marlene Hall Procurement Specialist Public Works and Government Services Canada Procurement Branch 100 - 167 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg, MB. R3B 0T6

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Telephone: 20-230-0147 Fax: 204-983-7796 E-mail: [email protected]

The Standing Offer Authority is responsible for the establishment of the Standing Offer, its administration and its revision, if applicable. Upon the making of a call-up, as Contracting Authority, he is responsible for any contractual issues relating to individual call-ups made against the Standing Offer by any Identified User.

7.5.2 Project Authority

The Project Authority for the Standing Offer is: A contact to be named at date of standing offer issuance.

The Project Authority is the representative of the department or agency for whom the Work will be carried out pursuant to a call-up under the Standing Offer and is responsible for all the technical content of the Work under the resulting Contract.

7.5.3 Offeror's Representative

The names, titles and telephone numbers of the Offeror’s permanent staff members cleared to receive call-ups from Identified Users.

General Enquiries / Delivery Follow-Ups

Name: ______Title: ______Telephone: ______Facsimile: ______Email address: ______

Person authorized to accept call-ups

Office : Name of Contact: ______Title: ______Hours Available: ______Telephone: ______Fax: ______Email address: ______

Emergency (Where twenty-four (24) hour contact can be made)

Name of Contact: ______Title: ______Telephone: ______

7.6 Proactive Disclosure of Contracts with Former Public Servants

By providing information on its status, with respect to being a former public servant in receipt of a Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) pension, the Contractor has agreed that this information will be reported on departmental websites as part of the published proactive disclosure reports, in accordance with Contracting Policy Notice: 2012-2 of the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada.

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7.7 Identified Users

The Identified User authorized to make call-ups against the Standing Offer is: Department of National Defence, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

7.8 Call-up Instrument

The Work will be authorized or confirmed by the Identified User(s) using the duly completed forms or their equivalents as identified in paragraphs 1 and 2 below, or by using Canada acquisition cards (Visa or MasterCard) for low dollar value requirements. 1. Call-ups must be made by Identified Users' authorized representatives under the Standing Offer and must be for goods or services or combination of goods and services included in the Standing Offer at the prices and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Standing Offer. 2. Any of the following forms could be used which are available through PWGSC Forms Catalogue website:  PWGSC-TPSGC 942 Call-up Against a Standing Offer  PWGSC-TPGSC 942-2 Call-up Against a Standing Offer - Multiple Delivery

7.9 Limitation of Call-ups

Individual call-ups against the Standing Offer must not exceed $20,000.00 (Applicable Taxes included).

7.10 Financial Limitation The total cost to Canada resulting from call ups against the Standing Offer must not exceed the sum of $TBD(Applicable Taxes excluded) unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Standing Offer Authority. The Offeror must not perform any work or services or supply any articles in response to call ups which would cause the total cost to Canada to exceed the said sum, unless an increase is so authorized. The Offeror must notify the Standing Offer Authority as to the adequacy of this sum when 75 percent of this amount has been committed, or 3 months before the expiry date of the Standing Offer, whichever comes first. However, if at any time, the Offeror considers that the said sum may be exceeded, the Offeror must promptly notify the Standing Offer Authority 7.11 Priority of Documents

If there is a discrepancy between the wording of any documents that appear on the list, the wording of the document that first appears on the list has priority over the wording of any document that subsequently appears on the list. a) the call up against the Standing Offer, including any annexes; b) the articles of the Standing Offer; c) the general conditions 2005 (2017-06-21), General Conditions - Standing Offers - Goods or Services d) the general conditions 2010C (2016-04-04), General Conditions - Services (Medium Complexity) e) Annex A, Statement of Work; f) Annex B, Basis of Payment; h) Annex C, Security Requirements Check List; i) Annex E, Insurance Requirements; j) the Offeror's offer dated ______(insert date of offer).

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7.12 Certifications and Additional Information

7.12.1 Compliance

Unless specified otherwise, the continuous compliance with the certifications provided by the Offeror with its offer or precedent to issuance of the Standing Offer (SO), and the ongoing cooperation in providing additional information are conditions of issuance of the SO and failure to comply will constitute the Offeror in default. Certifications are subject to verification by Canada during the entire period of the SO and of any resulting contract that would continue beyond the period of the SO.

7.12.2 SACC Manual Clauses

M3020C (2016-01-28), Status of Availability of Resources - Standing Offer

7.13 Applicable Laws

The Standing Offer and any contract resulting from the Standing Offer must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in Manitoba.


The following clauses and conditions apply to and form part of any contract resulting from a call-up against the Standing Offer.

7.1 Statement of Work

The Contractor must perform the Work described in the call-up against the Standing Offer.

7.2 Standard Clauses and Conditions

7.2.1 General Conditions

2010C (2016-04-04), General Conditions - Services (Medium Complexity) apply to and form part of the Contract.

Section 13, Interest on Overdue Accounts, of 2010C (2016-04-04), General Conditions - Services (Medium Complexity) will not apply to payments made by credit cards.

7.3 Term of Contract

7.3.1 Period of the Contract

The period of the Contract is from date of Contract to TBD inclusive.

7.3.2 Delivery Date

Delivery must be completed in accordance with the call-up against the Standing Offer.

7.4 Proactive Disclosure of Contracts with Former Public Servants

By providing information on its status, with respect to being a former public servant in receipt of a Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) pension, the Contractor has agreed that this information will be

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7.5 Payment

7.5.1 Basis of Payment For the Work described in the Statement of Work at annex A: The Contractor will be paid for the Work performed in accordance with the Basis of payment at annex B, to a limitation of expenditure of $______(insert the amount at contract award). Customs duties are included and Applicable Taxes are extra. 7.5.2 Limitation of Price

SACC Manual clause C6000C (2017-08-17) Limitation of Price

7.5.3 Single Payment

SACC Manual clause H1000C (2008-05-12), Single Payment

7.5.4 SACC Manual Clauses

A9117C (2007-11-30), T1204 - Direct Request by Customer Department C0710C (2007-11-30), Time and Contract Price Verification C0711C (2008-05-12), Time Verification

7.5.5 Overtime

The Contractor must not perform any overtime under the Contract unless authorized in advance and in writing by the Contracting Authority. Any request for payment must be accompanied by a copy of the overtime authorization and a report containing the details of the overtime performed pursuant to the written authorization. Payment for authorized overtime will be calculated as follows:

a. in accordance with Annex B, Basis of Payment

7.5.6 Electronic Payment of Invoices – Call-up

The Contractor accepts to be paid using any of the following Electronic Payment Instrument(s): TBD

7.6 Invoicing Instructions

1. The Contractor must submit invoices in accordance with the section entitled "Invoice Submission" of the general conditions. Invoices cannot be submitted until all work identified in the invoice is completed.

2. Each invoice must be supported by: a. a copy of time sheets to support the time claimed; b. a copy of the invoices, receipts, vouchers for all direct expenses, and all travel and living expenses;

2. Invoices must be distributed as follows: a. The original and one (1) copy must be forwarded to the address shown on page 1 of the Contract for certification and payment.

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7.7 Insurance Requirements The Contractor must comply with the insurance requirements specified in Annex E. The Contractor must maintain the required insurance coverage for the duration of the Contract. Compliance with the insurance requirements does not release the Contractor from or reduce its liability under the Contract. The Contractor is responsible for deciding if additional insurance coverage is necessary to fulfill its obligation under the Contract and to ensure compliance with any applicable law. Any additional insurance coverage is at the Contractor's expense, and for its own benefit and protection. The Contractor must forward to the Contracting Authority within ten (10) days after the date of award of the Contract, a Certificate of Insurance evidencing the insurance coverage and confirming that the insurance policy complying with the requirements is in force. For Canadian-based Contractors, coverage must be placed with an Insurer licensed to carry out business in Canada, however, for Foreign-based Contractors, coverage must be placed with an Insurer with an A.M. Best Rating no less than “A-”. The Contractor must, if requested by the Contracting Authority, forward to Canada a certified true copy of all applicable insurance policies. 7.8 SACC Manual Clauses

A2000C (2006-06-16), Foreign Nationals (Canadian Contractor) A9062C (2011-05-16), Canadian Forces Site Regulations B1505C (2016-01-28), Shipment of Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Products)

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Refer to attached: National Defence Specification No. S041 CFB Shilo, Manitoba

Page 19 of - de 27 National Defence List of Contents Section 00000 Spec No. SO41 Page 1 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

Section Title Pages

Division 01 - General Requirements 01001 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 3


Division 15 – Mechanical 15010 CLEANING AND CCTV INSPECTION OF SEWER AND 4 BUILDING DRAINS A A - List of Various Septic Tank Systems A B - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in    at Brandon Armoury A C - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in     at Brandon Armoury A D - Location of Exterior Oil/Water     North of Building Q121 A E - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building C105 A F - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building C106 A G - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building C107 A H - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building G400 A I - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building L128 A J - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building M101 A K - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building M127 A L - Location of Oil and Grit Interceptor in Building N132 A M - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building N133 A N - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor in Building Q101 A O - Location of Oil/Water Interceptor at POL Transfer Area at N132 A P – Location of Oil/Water Interceptor at Building R1-110 A Q – Location of Oil/Water Interceptor at Building L131 A R – Location of Oil/Water Interceptor at Building N142 A S – Location of Oil/Water Interceptor    

National Defence GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Section 01001 Spec No. SO41 Page 1 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

1 GENERAL .1 PWGSC Contract Documents shall be read in conjunction with this Specification.

.2 These general instructions shall be read in conjunction with the issued scopes of work.

2 DEFINITIONS .1 Reference to Engineer, Contract Inspector, CE Contracts or Project Authority shall be construed as that person responsible for overlooking the contract's inspection and progress.

.2 This person shall be designated at the time of contract award or pre-startup meeting prior to commencement.

2 "ENVIRONMENTAL" POLICY .1 In accordance with Canadian Forces Base Shilo's "Shilo Environmental" policy, the Contractor shall propose "environmentally safe" products for those materials listed. The Contractor shall submit product data and Material Safety Data Sheetes (MSDS) sheets for all "environmentally safe" products as requested by CE Contracts. All materials listed and "environmentally safe" material shall be approved by CE Contracts prior to use.

3 HOURS OF BUSINESS .1 The Contractor shall comply with the hours of work in effect at the site during the period of this Standing Offer.

4 COMMENCING .1 The Contractor will not commence services without SERVICES first informing CE Contracts.

5 SMOKING POLICY .1 There will be NO SMOKING within Base buildings or the Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) refueling compound at any time.

National Defence GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Section 01001 Spec No. SO41 Page 2 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

6 SAFETY .1 Observe safety measures of Workplace Safety and REQUIREMENTS Health, Workers'/Workmen's Compensation Board and municipal authority provided that in any case of conflict or discrepancy more stringent requirements will apply.

.2 DND owned equipment, devises, tools, machinery and personal protective equipment (PPE) will not be used.

.3 WHMIS: .1 Comply with requirements of Workplace Hazardous Materials information System (WHMIS) regarding use, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials; and regarding labelling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) acceptable to Labour Canada and Health and Welfare Canada. .2 Contractor to provide proof of WHMIS training. .3 Provide copies of MSDS data sheets to CE Contracts on delivery of materials.

7 ROADWAY TRAFFIC .1 Contractor must submit a Work Safety Plan to SAFETY Engineer for approval prior to work commencing.

.2 Contractor to provide traffic pylons, signage and portable barricades as necessary or when directed by Engineer.

.3 Minimum PPE safety requirements when working on or adjacent to roadways:

.1 Hardhat, safety vests and protective footwear.

8 DISPOSAL OF .1 Conduct cleaning, transportation and disposal WASTE operations of all removed waste in compliance with Base, municipal, provincial and federal ordinances, by-laws, regulations and environmental laws as required.

.2 Do not dispose of waste materials into storm or sanitary sewer manholes.

National Defence GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Section 01001 Spec No. SO41 Page 3 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

.3 All collected material will be disposed off Base at an approved site that accepts type of waste material being disposed. Contractor to confirm with CE Contracts disposal depot prior to delivery of waste material.

.4 Contractor will return a signed copy of a manifest or bill of lading to CE Contracts for all disposed materials to a waste disposal depot within 24 hours of delivery of waste material.

9 CLEAN-UP .1 On completion of work at each work site, the Contractor will clean the site which will be inspected and accepted by CE Contracts.

National Defence WASTE SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Section 02777 Spec No. SO41 CLEANING/TREATMENT Page 1 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09


1.1 DESCRIPTION OF .1 Work of this section covers the furnishing of all WORK labour, materials, equipment, transportation and supervision required to vacuum, pump and/or manually clean various waste tanks systems and treatment equipment on an when and as required basis at various locations, including the Range Training Area, at Canadian Forces Base Shilo, Manitoba.

.2 Work included by this Standing Offer but is not necessarily confined to the following: .1 Pumping and cleaning of all septic, holding and brine tanks and tank systems. .2 Pumping and cleaning of oil/water interceptor pits including all sludge, sand and/or grit in all chambers. .3 Pumping and cleaning of sand in catch basins, manholes, and soaker pits. .4 Pumping and cleaning of filtration tanks. .5 Pumping and cleaning of grease traps. .6 Pumping, maintenance and sanitary treatment of chemical toilets. .7 Pumping out of other non-specified storage tanks and tank systems.


2.1 EQUIPMENT .1 The Contractor shall have equipment capable of cleaning waste deposits from septic tanks and miscellaneous pits as outlined in Annex A and Section 02777, Para. 3.2 as outlined in this Statement of Work.

.2 Lift capacity of equipment is to be a minimum nine (9) metres. (ie. able to vacuum a pit/tank 9 metres deep)

National Defence WASTE SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Section 02777 Spec No. SO41 CLEANING/TREATMENT Page 2 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

.3 Pumper truck capacity to be a minimum of 10,000 litres.


3.1 METHOD OF WORK .1 Pumping of oil/water separator pits, washbay and grit interceptor chambers, holding tanks, catch basins, field kitchen waste sumps and chemical toilets may require the removal of sticks, cans, bottles and other debris to leave in a clean condition.

.2 Pumping of septic tanks, field kitchen waste sumps and chemical toilets may require flushing and cleaning to leave in a clean condition.

.3 In addition to cleaning and flushing of portable chemical toilets when left in the field, they will require cleaning and sanitizing along with supply of toilet paper at a frequency set down by CE Contracts. Toilets will require the addition of a deodorizing solution as supplied by the toilet rental agency.

.4 Periodically, an additional heavy cleaning may be requested. Such cleaning may require use of a steam or other approved method as requested by CE Contracts. Safety measures for confined areas in accordance with Workplace Health and Safety is to be adhered to by the Contractor.

.5 Location list of all oil/water separators is shown in Annexes B through S.

.6 Location list of all other tanks, pits, grease traps, soaker pits and catch basins is shown in Annex A. Additional tanks and/or systems can be located and confirmed by CE Contracts.

.7 Locations of portable chemical toilets will vary from the main Base area to the Range Training Area.

National Defence WASTE SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Section 02777 Spec No. SO41 CLEANING/TREATMENT Page 3 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

3.2 Frequency of .1 The following is the frequency schedule by which Cleaning the Contractor is to clean out the oil/water separator pits shown in Annexes B through N:

.1 Armoury Pit (interior), 500 L, once/year .2 Armoury Compound, 500 L, as requested .3 Q121, 1500 L, every 3 months .4 C105, 1500 L, every 3 months .5 C106, 1500 L, every 3 months .6 C107, 1500 L, every 3 months .7 G400, 600 L, every 3 months .8 L128, 1500 L, once/year .9 M101, 1500 L, as requested .10 M127, 1000 L, every 3 months .11 N132, 4 x 1000 L, 600 L, 5000 L, all every 6 months .12 N133, 900 L, every 3 months .13 Q101, 1500 L, once/year .14 N132, 12880 L, as requested

.2 All other pits and/or locations are to be cleaned out as noted in Annex A.

3.3 DISPOSAL OF .1 Conduct cleaning, transportation and disposal WASTE operations of all removed waste to comply with Base, provincial, federal and municipal local ordinances, by-laws, regulations and anti-pollution laws.

.2 Do not dispose of waste materials into storm or sanitary sewers or onto ground.

.3 Septic and holding tank waste shall be disposed of off Base.

.4 All collected material shall be disposed off Base at an approved site that accepts type of waste material being received.

.5 Contractor is to confirm with CE Contracts list of tanks prior to arriving on site for requested cleaning/treatment and to clarify/confirm type of waste material being cleaning and disposed of.

.5 Contractor to confirm with CE Contracts disposal depot prior to delivery of any waste material. Waste material being disposed of is not to be mixed with unwanted or unsuitable material when delivering to a designated disposal deport.

National Defence WASTE SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Section 02777 Spec No. SO41 CLEANING/TREATMENT Page 4 CFB Shilo, MB 2017-05-09

.5 Contractor is forward a Contractor-signed copy of the manifest or bill of lading to CE Contracts from the waste disposal depot for all disposed materials taken off Base within 24 hours of delivery of waste material.

A-NMS15010++ National Defence CLEANING & CCTV Section 15010 Spec. No. SO41 INSPECTION OF Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba SEWER AND BUILDING DRAINS 2017-05-09


1.1 DESCRIPTION .1 Work under this Section covers the furnishing OF WORK of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and supervision required for the cleaning and televised inspection of sewers and building drains at Canadian Forces Base Shilo, Manitoba and Brandon Armories, Brandon, Manitoba.

1.2 ROADWAY TRAFFIC .1 Contractor must submit a Work Safety Plan to CE SAFETY Contracts for approval prior to work commencing.

.2 Contractor to provide traffic pylons, signage and portable barricades as necessary or when directed by CE Contracts.

.3 Minimum PPE safety requirements when working on or adjacent to roadways:

.1 Hardhat, safety vests and protective footwear.


2.1 CLEANING .1 Cleaning of sewers and building drains shall be done using truck mounted high pressure water jet equipment and mechanical driven cable and blade cutting equipment along with the following:

.1 Selection of nozzles of effectively scouring and removing grease from sewer pipe walls and transporting debris in all sizes of sewers to be cleaned. .2 Contractor supplied water tank must have an inspected and certified backflow prevention device/assembly to prevent cross connection contamination if to be re-filled or connected to any Base water supply point. Contractor to provide Engineer backflow prevention device certification upon request and inform Engineer BEFORE any re-filling of water tank for each and every fill. Backflow prevention device/assembly must be certified and A-NMS15010++ National Defence CLEANING & CCTV Section 15010 Spec. No. SO41 INSPECTION OF Page 2 CFB Shilo, Manitoba SEWER AND BUILDING DRAINS 2017-05-09

inspected to the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Cross Connection Control Manual and to CSA B64.10-11 and B64.10.1-11. .3 Pumps. .4 Hydraulically driven hose reel with a wash down gun for cleaning manholes. .5 Remote controlled hydraulically driven cutter blades.

.2 High pressure/high velocity water jet equipment shall be capable of producing a line pressure of 100 to 1500 p.s.i. with proper hollow-cone, fog type nozzles.

2.2 VACUUM .1 Remove debris from sewers using a large EQUIPMENT capacity truck-mounted wet/dry vacuum unit conforming to the following specifications.

.1 Unit will be complete with positive displacement pumps or fans capable of providing a minimum of 700 l/s air movement.

.2 Unit will be equipped with a minimum of 150 mm diameter suction hose mounted on a hydraulic boom for ease of operation.

.3 Unit will include a storage tank, configured in such a manner as to allow the liquid portion of the debris to be returned to the sewer.

2.3 VIDEO EQUIPMENT .1 Video equipment will be Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and purpose made for sewer pipe inspections. Specifically designed and constructed for the inspection of piping ranging from 152.4 mm (6") to 609.9 mm (24"). A smaller non-indexing camera may be used on piping ranging from 76.2 mm (3") to 152.4 mm (6").

.2 Lighting for the camera shall be suitable to allow for a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe.

.4 If camera becomes trapped, the Base shall be responsible to dig up line. Contractor shall be responsible for damage to camera equipment.

A-NMS15010++ National Defence CLEANING & CCTV Section 15010 Spec. No. SO41 INSPECTION OF Page 3 CFB Shilo, Manitoba SEWER AND BUILDING DRAINS 2017-05-09

.5 All submitted videos will be MPEG format and submitted on DVD. Video footage is to indicate size of pipe, manhole to manhole segment being inspected and cumulative meters travelled in pipe. All video information is to be cross-referenced in report submitted.

.6 VHS conversion to digit format will not be accepted.


3.1 GENERAL .1 CE Contracts will accompany Contractor on all work for interpretation of work requirements and contents on televised inspection.

3.2 CLEANING .1 The Contractor will remove all sand, debris, obstructions and the like to effect normal unrestricted flow of waste water and/or sewage and to provide access for televised inspection.

.2 If cleaning of sewer cannot be completed from downstream manhole, move equipment to upstream manhole and attempt cleaning from that direction implementing reverse setup method.

.3 Take measures to control flows. Notify CE Contracts 24 hours prior to undertaking any flow control measures. Take steps necessary to ensure no flooding of adjacent property occurs.

3.3 DEBRIS .1 Use vacuum equipment, as specified, to remove REMOVAL all debris through the downstream manhole of the sewer being cleaned. Run equipment continually during cleaning so as to minimize the amount of material being flushed into downstream sections.

.2 Dispose of all debris in the CFB Shilo Lagoon. CE Contracts will determine disposal points. Track the volume of debris being deposited and provide data back to CE Contracts.

A-NMS15010++ National Defence CLEANING & CCTV Section 15010 Spec. No. SO41 INSPECTION OF Page 4 CFB Shilo, Manitoba SEWER AND BUILDING DRAINS 2017-05-09

3.4 TELEVISED .1 DVD submission and report denoting pipe INSPECTION AND irregularities, breaks in the line or other is SUBMISSIONS to be submitted to the CE Contracts at the completion of each inspection.

.2 Contractor to provide marked-up as-built record drawings indicating video inspections locations at completion of job.

3.5 WORK SLIPS .1 Work slips or an approved style of reporting form will be completed for each pick-up or call and submitted with each invoice containing the following: .1 Building number, address and/or street name. .2 Work performed. .3 Time of arrival and departure. .4 Signature of the Engineer. .5 Signature of serviceman.

National Defence List of Various Septic A A Spec. No. SO41 Tank Systems Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

The following is a list of locations and equipment but not restricted to the following:



.1 Ranges 17 ea - 4546 L Septic Tanks When Requested .2 Ammo Compound 2 ea - 2955 L Septic Tanks When Requested .3 L-105 All Ranks Dining Hall 1 ea - 2273 L Ext Grease Trap Minimum Once Per Month 1 ea - 772 L Int Grease Trap Or When Requested 1 ea - 372 L Int Grease Trap Every Second Week 2 ea - floor drains Every Second Week When Requested .4 M-101 1 ea - 2273 L Grease Trap When Requested 1 ea - 4546 L Soak Pit When Requested .5 M-102 1 ea - 2275 L Soak Pit When Requested .6 P-111 1 ea - 1819 L Sand Trap When Requested .7 P-7 (CE Garages and 2 ea - 908 L Sand Traps Once Every 2 Months Workshop Building) Or When Requested .8 M-103 General Strange Hall 1 ea - 4540 L Sump When Requested .9 Base Area Various Catch Basins and Soak When Requested Pits .10 R4-35 Target Facility 1 ea - 4540 L Septic Tank When Requested 1 ea – 12880 L OilWater .11 N132 POL Facility When Requested Separator National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A B Spec. No. SO41 in Maintenance Building Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba at Brandon Armoury 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor AC Spec. No. SO41 in Vehicle Compound Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba at Brandon Armoury 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Exterior Oil/Water Interceptors A D Spec. No. SO41 North of Building Q121 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A E Spec. No. SO41 in Building C105 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptors A F Spec. No. SO41 in Building C106 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor

Oil/Water Interceptors National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A G Spec. No. SO41 in Building C107 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A H Spec. No. SO41 in Building G400 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptors A I Spec. No. SO41 in Building L128 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptors National Defence Location of Oil and Grit Interceptor A J Spec. No. SO41 in Building M101 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil and Grit Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A K Spec. No. SO41 in Building M127 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil and Grit Interceptors A L Spec. No. SO41 in Building N132 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil and Grit Interceptors National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptors A M Spec. No. SO41 in Building N133 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptors National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A N Spec. No. SO41 in Building Q101 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptors National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A O Spec. No. SO41 at POL Transfer Area at N132 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptors






WASHRACK/POL FACILITY National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A P Spec. No. SO41 at Building R1-110 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A Q Spec. No. SO41 at Building L131 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A R Spec. No. SO41 at Building N142 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor National Defence Location of Oil/Water Interceptor A S Spec. No. SO41 at Building C131 Page 1 CFB Shilo, Manitoba 2017-05-09

Oil/Water Interceptor Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation Amd. No. - N° de la modif. Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur W0118-17S041/A wpg016 Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client File No. - N° du dossier CCC No./N° CCC - FMS No./N° VME W0118-17S041 WPG-7-40123


Rates must include all costs associated with providing the service in accordance with the Statement of Work, Annex A and must remain firm for the period of the proposed Standing Offer and Option Periods. Customs duties are included and Applicable Taxes, if applicable, is extra and to be shown on invoice as a separate item. No other charges will be allowed.

Offerors must provide offers as per unit of issue requested. It is the responsibility of the offeror to provide conversion to the unit of issue requested. Failure to do so may render the bid non-responsive without further consideration.

Should there be an error in the extended pricing of the offer, the unit pricing will prevail and the extended pricing will be corrected in the evaluation.

Material cost and mark-up must be shown on invoice.

The estimated quantities specified herein are provided for evaluation purposes only and in no way constitutes a guarantee on behalf of Canada.

This section, when completed, will be considered as the Offeror's Financial Offer.


1. Call-out during regular working hours (7:30 AM – 4:00 PM) to and from worksite will be paid based on one hour of regular hourly rate.

2. A sign-in/out register will be maintained at the CE Contracting Office of Base Construction Engineering located in building P-101. Offeror will ensure a responsible member from each crew signs in at the commencement of each work day and signs out at the end of the work day. In the event the Office is not accessible, outside of normal working hours (7:30 AM – 4:00 PM), all Offeror’s contractors will report to the Military Police, building L-134, where signing in and signing out will take place.

3. It is Base policy that all heavy industrial traffic use the main (South) gate for access to all DND property.

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1. WASTE REMOVAL from pits, including all equipment, materials, and labour

1.1 Oil/Water interceptor pits and wash bay grit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 chambers

1.1.1 Plumbing of sludge and free soluble contaminant removal including transportation and disposal off $______/ $______/ $______/ Base. litre litre litre 1.1.2 Steam cleaning and flushing of pits to include excess water and sludge removal and soluble $______/ $______/ $______/ contaminant removal including transportation and litre litre litre disposal off Base.

Estimated quantity of litres per year 10,000L 10,000L 10,000L

Extended price (1.1.1 + 1.1.2 x quantity) $ $ $

1.2 Cleaning and sanitizing of portable toilets and $______/ $______/ $______/ miscellaneous holding tanks each each each

Estimated quantity per year 20 20 20

Extended price $ $ $

1.3 Pumping out of catch basins, manholes, $______/ $______/ $______/ filtration tanks and soaker pits. each each each

Estimated quantity per year 12 12 12

Extended price $ $ $

1.4 Callout for additional pumping and removal of $______/ $______/ $______/ miscellaneous waste from pits. hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 25 25 25

Extended price $ $ $

1.5 Callout for pumping and removal of kitchen $______/ $______/ $______/ grease from grease traps and holding tanks. hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 40 40 40

Extended price $ $ $

Subtotal (total of extended prices) $ $ $

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2. Cleaning of sewer piping and tree root removal 2.1 Mechanical root removal and cleaning Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 equipment with Operator for underground pipe 2.1.1 During regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.1.2 Outside regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (4:00 PM to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.1.3 Weekends and Statutory Holidays $______/ $______/ $______/ hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 75 75 75

Extended price (2.1.1 + 2.1.2 + 2.1.3 x hours) $ $ $

2.2 Mechanical root removal and cleaning Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 equipment with Operator’s Helper for underground pipe 2.2.1 During regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.2.2 Outside regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (4:00 PM to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.2.3 Weekends and Statutory Holidays $______/ $______/ $______/ hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 75 75 75

Extended price (2.2.1 + 2.2.2 + 2.2.3 x hours) $ $ $

2.3 High velocity hydraulic spray equipment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Operator 2.3.1 During regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.3.2 Outside regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (4:00 PM to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.3.3 Weekends and Statutory Holidays $______/ $______/ $______/ hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 200 200 200

Extended price (2.3.1 +2.3.2 + 2.3.3 x hours) $ $ $

2.4 High velocity hydraulic spray equipment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Operator’s Helper 2.4.1 During regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.42 Outside regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (4:00 PM to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.4.3 Weekends and Statutory Holidays $______/ $______/ $______/ hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 200 200 200

Extended price (2.4.1 +2.4.2 + 2.4.3 x hours) $ $ $

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2.5 Vacuum truck with Operator Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

2.5.1 During regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.5.2 Outside regular working hours $______/ $______/ $______/ (4:00 PM to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday) hour hour hour 2.5.3 Weekends and Statutory Holidays $______/ $______/ $______/ hour hour hour

Estimated hours per year 200 200 200

Extended price (2.5.1 +2.5.2 + 2.5.3 x hours) $ $ $

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 2.6 Televised inspection, DVD video and report $______/ $______/ $______/ including all Equipment and labour hour hour hour (75mm to 150mm diameter sewer line)

Estimated hours per year 20 20 20

Extended price $ $ $

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 2.7 Televised inspection, DVD video and report $______/ $______/ $______/ including all Equipment and labour hour hour hour (150mm to 610mm diameter sewer line)

Estimated hours per year 10 10 10

Extended price $ $ $

3. Miscellaneous Clause

MATERIAL will be charged at the Contractor’s laid-down cost, plus mark-up of ______% (not to exceed the Manufacturer’s suggested retail price.) Cost must be supported by copies of the contractor’s paid invoices being submitted with invoice to DND.


Step 1: Subtotal of Year 1 + Year 2 + Year 3

Step 2: Subtotal of Year 1 + Year 2 + Year 3 extended prices for 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 + 2.4 + 2.5 + 2.6 +2.7

Step 3: Aggregate of Step 1 + Step 2 = Evaluated Price

The Miscellaneous Material clause will not form part of the financial evaluation.

The lowest evaluated price will be recommended for issuance of Standing Offer.

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Refer to attached SRCL (Security Requirement Check List).

In order for the Contract Authority to verify the required clearances, the bidder should complete the table below for information on employees proposed to provide services against any resulting call-up.

LEGAL NAME DATE OF BIRTH (First and Last) dd/mm/yyyy Please Print


This notice is to advise ALL interested bidders that in order to be awarded a contract which contains a security requirement, all bidders MUST hold a valid Security Clearance granted or approved by PWGSC Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) at the level indicated in this solicitation document. Should the bidder not currently hold a valid Security Clearance or require the level to be upgraded, PWGSC will sponsor the bidder. Please submit your written request with the following information via email to Marlene Hall at: [email protected]

࣭Legal Company Name ࣭Mailing address ࣭Surname and given name of contact person ࣭Telephone number of contact person ࣭Title of contact person ࣭Facsimile number ࣭E-mail address of contact person ࣭Procurement Business Number ࣭Preferred Language of correspondence ࣭Level of Security Required – Reliability Status

Additional information on PWGSC security can be found on the following web site: http://ssi-iss.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca or by dialing 1-866-368-4646 (Toll free)

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Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation Amd. No. - N° de la modif. Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur W0118-17S041/A wpg016 Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client File No. - N° du dossier CCC No./N° CCC - FMS No./N° VME W0118-17S041 WPG-7-40123



The Offeror accepts to be paid by any of the following Electronic Payment Instrument(s):

( ) Direct Deposit (Domestic and International);

Page 25 of - de 27 Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation Amd. No. - N° de la modif. Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur W0118-17S041/A wpg016 Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client File No. - N° du dossier CCC No./N° CCC - FMS No./N° VME W0118-17S041 WPG-7-40123


1. Commercial General Liability Insurance

1. The Contractor must obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance, and maintain it in force throughout the duration of the Contract, in an amount usual for a contract of this nature, but for not less than $2,000,000 per accident or occurrence and in the annual aggregate.

2. The Commercial General Liability policy must include the following:

a. Additional Insured: Canada is added as an additional insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract. The interest of Canada should read as follows: Canada, as represented by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

b. Bodily Injury and Property Damage to third parties arising out of the operations of the Contractor.

c. Products and Completed Operations: Coverage for bodily injury or property damage arising out of goods or products manufactured, sold, handled, or distributed by the Contractor and/or arising out of operations that have been completed by the Contractor.

d. Personal Injury: While not limited to, the coverage must include Violation of Privacy, Libel and Slander, False Arrest, Detention or Imprisonment and Defamation of Character.

e. Cross Liability/Separation of Insureds: Without increasing the limit of liability, the policy must protect all insured parties to the full extent of coverage provided. Further, the policy must apply to each Insured in the same manner and to the same extent as if a separate policy had been issued to each.

f. Blanket Contractual Liability: The policy must, on a blanket basis or by specific reference to the Contract, extend to assumed liabilities with respect to contractual provisions.

g. Employees and, if applicable, Volunteers must be included as Additional Insured.

h. Employers' Liability (or confirmation that all employees are covered by Worker's compensation (WSIB) or similar program)

i. Broad Form Property Damage including Completed Operations: Expands the Property Damage coverage to include certain losses that would otherwise be excluded by the standard care, custody or control exclusion found in a standard policy.

j. Notice of Cancellation: The Insurer will endeavour to provide the Contracting Authority thirty (30) days written notice of policy cancellation.

k. If the policy is written on a claims-made basis, coverage must be in place for a period of at least 12 months after the completion or termination of the Contract.

l. Owners' or Contractors' Protective Liability: Covers the damages that the Contractor becomes legally obligated to pay arising out of the operations of a subcontractor.

m. Sudden and Accidental Pollution Liability (minimum 120 hours): To protect the Contractor for liabilities arising from damages caused by accidental pollution incidents.

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As a requirement of this Request for Standing Offer, a report shall be submitted as follows:

Return to:

Marlene Hall (204) 230-0147 [email protected]

Name Fax Email Address at:

Public Works and Government Services Canada Acquisitions and Compensation Branch Room 100 - 167 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T6


SUPPLIER: ______


Description of Work Location Call-up # Total Dollar Value (GST/HST included)

(__) NIL REPORT: We have not done any business with the federal government for this period.


NAME: ______



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