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AMnEMENTS. difficult to remember. Bo she sug- Correspondent to Speak thst It be to Nash Cinema’s Best Talent gested changed Sir WUtaott Lewis. Washington Lit’ry and that was done correspondent of the London Times, On«W«#kOfilv<! Patsy I* 40 Inches tall and weighs will be guest of honor and speaker at the dinner meeting of the Tri- Clvcvvtl* Works on Caravan Show a fraction over 40 pounds Her angle Club of the Agriculture De- BOYER ambition, she childishly re- greatest partment to be held at «:30 pm. untk mark* is to marry the pictures Writers, Buried in Star Dust, Are Tops Friday, at the Masonic Temple. DANIELLE OAMIEUX leading man Chester Morris. In Thirteenth and H streets N W. Among Those on Movie Payrolls; fact, she recently visited a dime •tore and purchased a wedding ring. AMISEMENTS. ‘Saboteur’ Premiere Set Tonight AMVSFMENTS. Be JAY C A ROWDY. They will be smothered In star dust. as writers ustialhr are, but Bmtmmdrd 2N0 BIG WEEK! Prrmrml Pimm some of Hollywood* finest lit ry men and *nm»n will contribute their COMING FRIDAY MOTOR TUNE UP biu to the Hollywood Caravan Show which piay* one performance at MaMam T«4«y it fill tive Theater 30 Caplthl Aprs! Tto fuMMst Show m Sorth They represent all fashion* in writing this assortment which has A w great book... •CUM I JOHNSON Mfc s„ been assigned to the show but the accent Is on comedy Properly It would seem considering the Une-ujH ►..-.—.. A o del mm great picture! ProboblM \ of stars, which will be the moat re- "WE MAKE THE VAlUE- ava.lable when he starts to make a LAST splendent ever assembled In one Bam rOU MAKE THE TEIMS" picture is reflected in his casting of spot at on* time. Wothingtow Priscilla Lane and Robert Cum- HUY MOUSI • IOOIK UH Heading the mings in principal roles in "Sabo- list are B * n $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 teur For all their in MATS., Hecht and Marc prominence tw ii tt «a. n »» »•. «!» pi». Tip ! lightsome screen plays In the past Connolly who NUT WK BAG. MON-»mIi several jears. they are hardly a pair have had experi- tliMCT AAOM r MONTHS ON MOa6<NAV one would expect to And in a Hitch- ence < very aad cock picture N»«t recently* In V CALLING frpm »f»4er <h» rmti *f There they are however, and Mr kwh! : theater ax well H is not the slightest disturbed at CALLING frMi anker the tr raspy if as movie cre- the probable results. iP»Pl Hitler apprenniow ation Behind DANCING. All he asks is the acting Instinct mini this pair come* ikiNG TH/S Alj He is confident of his own ability to luch a lady make the best use of It SMASH THIS AD IS WORTH and gentlemen $10 That's another seu him _ thing that _ Mui/CAiHir a* Mary McCall, apart as a director the Epstein bro- • * * * thers. Phil and & DELUXE STAGE SHOW SomieTiicker DANCE Bulletin board ''Song of the AA4FKICA J LOVtUtSTSHOW Julius; Donald Jar C'armad▼ 6r*L3 Jut* Think of If—1*9 $16 Vo In* Islands with Betty Grable and tm, (i is ii ca. t* t«. mi •*.*•. Ogden Stewart, Jerome Chodorov, !■«■!) Victor Mature looking very cool, or M»t«„ II.II. II.IS. iTn ONE HR. Henry Meyer, Hi Kraft, John 1C €£ in garb, was - Mercer. Matt Brooks, Sid Perel- something, tropical EARLE LESSONS screened for critics ID 0 man and Joe Srhrank yesterday. It is the Capitols next attraction Com pint V# Mori to Fa\"*~~’ It Is a clever bunch of people ♦ awn im. current appear- . m w t vs $ \ any ifrjg WALTZ—FOX TROT—RUMBA and it should be able to provide the "Mayerlings" ance on the screen of the Little is its New* wide of material which is Stirring Special* CONGA—SAMBA—SWING variety HE Lunt is a as well as an as sixth showing at that theater. COOKS, TOO—Alfred chef actor, MsrARTHIR WELCOMED IN AUS- necessary for a cast which ranges TRALIA : FALL OF JAVA : LAVAL Beginner*—Advanced Before its last one. it should be thor- illustrated by his work on the grapefruit course of a breakfast from James to Bert Lahr, AGAIN A POWER : CONVOYS EN THIS WEEK ONLY! Cagney ROUTE "Information Pleaso" oughly established as the most en- prepared for the American Theater Wing. Everything was fine I# Uni I* year nppnrmnit. l« lr»r» »• from Charles to Bob xmiBm A Great Rina Battles Da-aid Dark Boyer Hope, r» at remarkably low ro«l Thi* love story ever told on the but the which was Adm. r?o Taa So dann* * from Charlotte Greenwood to Claud- during coffee, Lunt, too, agreed awful. U» «ffw itBfHi* ffHHl f«r thi* weak will screen. Shows how good Mr. —Wide World EnrBl) toda? and taka advantage of ette Colbert, from Spencer Tracy to Photo. 12 te HI dalltl the beautiful Danielle » (hi* elfer Open Laurel and Boyer and LAKE Retard** »• ft Hardy. t j^McCREA Darrieux are at romance .. “King s It is a very odd cast for which Row," Warner's adaptation of the SSLLIKW’S TOWELS to write a show but the writing I VICTOR MARTINI best sell of a season will be talent to accomplish It seems to ago. Was Over Not Connected With Any Other Studio screened as a to its ■c>\ have been assigned to the job. today prelude Masquerade fy*-* wmfugi^f at the Earle. Ave. fntev 1510 1 9rti * opening Friday 1511 Conn. * * * I World's Foremost Between Dnpent Cirri* end Q Rt It's about life In a small Midwestern But 3-Year-Old Magician Hit INC. THIS AH Another thing about Alfred Hitch- Patsy Engasser town, in case you didn't remember. cock s pictures—the latest of which. Stole Role Saboteur,” will have its world pre- Boy’s Anyhow |BLACKSTOnE AMISEMENTS. miere at Keith's the imrcm»s • tonight—is wide World xwi HOLLYWOOD. [\rc ,<« wuntsJ uniform excellence of their casting Where and When A chance flat tire on an automobile Indirectly was responsible for the lay War lands I Staans All Tim* Sehrdal** In Warn#* Down to the smallest part. Hitch- Qltra contract-signing of a precocious young moppet, in the movies and the ACADEMY•' p~&‘ ?r'"' Brn*. Ad*. Indicate Tim* Feature la cock aeems to choose the performer Current Theater Attractions I. Lawrence Phillips' Theatre BeaaUfwI. Fre*ent*d. revamping of an entire film script to fit the occasion. who was bom to play that particu- Time of Closed for Alterations. and Showing But it could only happen in Hollywood! Theatre* Harlns Maimer*. lar role. * This was especially notice- ,lh * N c. Awe. i.i7 National — with Patsy Engasser and her mother were en rout* nilnI IMl1 In those of his made ‘Hellzapoppin’," Recently, 3-year-old bAAULtAn appointment for AMBASSADOR able pictures LOVE." with CHA8 BOYER, &tk Eddie Garr and Billy House: 2:15 home from a shopping tour when they experienced a flat tire, so they got MAR- Matinee I P.M In England, but the radical change GARET 8ULLAVAN. Also "DRIBS PA- and 8 :15 p.m. out and waited on a comer for* LWT2MTC-Nn*« JOEL McCREA ind VERONICA LAKE the familiar _RADE "__ In from old, personnel Screen. "SULLIVAN'S TRAVELS/1 At 1 10. a bus. CNiow Joan rmri r *»* »*?,,t«’ 3:30. 5 10. 7:30. 9 .10 to the new, unfamiliar one oT Holly- would she sign for the role? Would Henry tlBbLL Phene BE. Capitol—"We Were Dancing" A red boulevard light stopped 0184. wood has not affected the director's Matinee t PM, Continuous Rrvrm v >s<i> * * n.i. Melvyn Douglas and Norma Shearer, traffic about then and there, halted she! Well, It was done, quicker FONDA DeIMVILLANO-LESLIE CONRAD VEIDT end ANN A TARS tn OLTMHtl u 3:ww Mat. 1 PM. excellence of choice. NAZI AGENT Feature at 1:30. 3:30, Parkins Sure ATailabl* to Patron*. Ol/CTV s « sophisticates: 11 am, 1:45. 4:30, before was a car than scat! n ■ ton* Im M them, containing 6:30, 7:30. 9:30 OENE. TIERNEY end VICTOR MA- the of __ UAYtl T9,"i>*t Despite quality perform- 7:15 and 10 shows: 12:50. Stomps TURE In p.m. Stage Lew Sherrell, an actor’s agent. Sud- Name Was a 3931 ■ 'SHANGHAI OE8TURE." ance which he insists upon and gets Problem. At 1. 3:0ft. 5:15. 7:35, 3:35, 6:25 and 9:10 p.m. denly an idea socked Sherrell and “TW MILE INIMIL” CONGRESS t»:38._ OLSEN A JOHNSON MARTHA from his players, Mr. Hitchcock is But all was not as simple as that. with RAYE mu wi». at*, n.w. Columbia — "Bahama he over to the curb. In ■HBIJ.ZAPOPPIN Pll trpUT to start with a com- Passage,” pulled "___ ond LHIiTLIII wo MU Mat. I r a. ATTRACT entirely willing Script writers were called in and * EXTRA 000(0 neurotics on an island: 11:50 am., Apologizing for the intrusion. CWC TWMT I Parkin* Space ATallaMe to Patrona. c«rrj( parative novice. No man to scoff DUMBARTON ft- GENE TIERNEY and VICTOR MA- 1:50, 3:50 5:45 7:45 and 9:45 Sherrell suggested to the child's told to rewrite the film story to with at training and experience, he will p.m. William U ORSON WELLES Also Newt. TURE In "SHANGHAI GESTURE." At !i*J» JUdi BWVflH mother, Mrs.