welcome Thursday 21May We are living, according to the old Chinese curse, in interesting times. The Hay response is to invest in pleasure and to ramp up trade in ideas and stories, two great currencies that cannot be devalued. We’re applying the finest minds to the world’s most challenging crises, the most inspiring creative writers will explore our lives and loves, and every toevening we’ll laughhay and dance with magical entertainers. Best of all we’ll all be together. We’ll be celebrating everything from outer space to the mysteries of the human heart, from God to Darwin, from macro-economics to the burlesque.

OXFAM BOOKSHELF We are delighted to welcome our new partners to the party. Please help us by bringing any loved books you can spare to donate to the Oxfam bookshelf. Full details of how you can help, and what you can win, can be found at hayfestival.com/oxfam.

TRAVELS With new Hay Festivals opening this year in Nairobi and Beirut, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been awarded the Queen’s Award for International Trade for our work in Spain and Colombia.

THANK YOU What makes Hay special is our audience – renowned for generosity, adventure and great party spirit. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Come rain come shine please just come. We look forward to welcoming you.

Peter Florence










4 5 6 THE FESTIVAL IS FUNDED BY FURNITURE SPONSOR ACCOUNTANTS LEGAL Thursday 21 May 2.30pm 1pm In collaboration with UNESCO Global Education Advisor. Partnership, and Chikondi Mpokosa, Oxfam’s UNESCO North Devon’s Biosphere Reserve Baroness of Chilthorne Dorner, Member, Centre for Security Policy, Sue Miller, change? Khalid Koser from the Geneva potential mass migration forced by climate for the migration? What planning is necessary How do communities adapt to change and Wind – Adapting to Change Chikondi Mpokosa Koser,Khalid Sue Miller and [3] In collaboration with UNESCO Food, Rosie Boycott. journalist, smallholder and Chair of Mulvany, Chair of the UK Food Group, and Todd, Trustee of Concern Universal, Patrick population facing climate change? Robin sufficient to meet the needs of a growing How can we provide a sustainable food supply Earth – A Secure Food Supply Patrick Mulvany Robin Todd, Rosie Boycott and [2] by A&B Cymruand supported In collaboration with UNESCO Natural Sciences UNESCO. Erdelen The Forum will be introduced by traditional cultures and progressive science. practise and the fusion of indigenous change, cultural irregulation, sustainable This series of conversations adresses global solved through a -size-fits-all approach. The situation facing our planet will not be Earth, Wind, Fire & Water The Hay Festival Greenprint Forum ( TO TICKET DAY FULL [1]

2.30pm 1pmEVENTS 2.30 1 1 PM PM –6.30 PM [2], [3], [4] , Assistant Director-General for OXFAM STUDIO OXFAM STUDIO PM OXFAM STUDIO 4 AND SESSIONS [5]), £15 £5 £5 Walter 7.30pm 5.30pm Supported by The European Movement * There will be a collection for charity. advance via hayfestival.com/forum/europe. voted for on 4 June. Questions welcome in UKIP and Lib Dem) for the four Welsh seats candidates (Plaid Cymru, Labour, Conservative, Peter Florence European Election Question Time Alan Butt Philip Swinburne,Kay John Bufton, Jill Evans MEP, Lisa Stevens, TICKETED BUT FREE [6] In collaboration with UNESCO Research Fellow at the University of . Daniela Schmidt, Royal Society University Studies at the University of Sussex, and Lyla Mehta of the Institute of Development 100 and Mexico’s Ambassador to UNESCO, Homero Aridjis, poet, Head of the Group of Head of WWF’s Freshwater Programme, and the oceans as a resource? David Tickner, and the way we manage freshwater supplies How will climate change affect biodiversity Water – The Basics of Life Lyla Mehta and Daniela Schmidt David Tickner,Aridjis, Homero [5] In collaboration with UNESCO author of The Politics of Climate Change. of Sustainable Energy, and Anthony Giddens, Markets Malini Mehra, David Mackay, author Ashton, Founder and CEO of Centre for Social Representative for Climate Change John E3G and the Foreign Secretary’s Special vested interests?short-term Co-founder of scientific evidence rather than politics and that the solutions are driven by objective energy supply and security? How do we ensure What are the implications of climate change on Fire Supplies – Securing Energy Malini Mehra and Anthony Giddens David Mackay, John Ashton, [4] 4pm 7.30 5.30 4 PM PM PM OXFAM STUDIO GUARDIAN STAGE OXFAM STUDIO chairs a hustings for the leading *

£5 www.hayfestival.com £5

0870 9901299

.0m7.30pm 5.30pm 7 May 21 Thursday 8 Friday 22 May Friday 22 May 1pm 12.25pm 10.30am 9am £3 Sponsored by Wales for Africa poorest farmers. trade more fairly with some of the world’s family, tenaciously pushing big business to of a burgeoning global The stirring story Fairtrade Battles Fighting the Banana Wars and Other Harriet Lamb talks to Rosie Boycott [9] channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on best names at the festival. with some of the biggest and and interviews television coverage featuring performances Mariella Frostrup presents the daily Sky Arts Hay-on-Sky Filming [8] Morgan AM, First Minister of Wales. Wales: One Planet Sustainablenew Development Scheme – Launch of the Welsh Assembly Government’s One Wales: One Planet Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM [7] howies and TYF Saving Supported by Energy Trust, wider world. that have ever faced Wales and the climate change and sustainability challenges practical solutions to some of the toughest from public and private sector to develop wide range of specialist thinkers with leaders A series of workshops bringing together a Hay on Earth 1 9

1pm AM HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 1 12.25 10.30 PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO PM AM –2 DREAM STAGE PM SKY ARTS STUDIO – by Rt Hon Rhodri YINVITATION BY £3 REBTTICKETED BUT FREE One 4pm 3.45pm 2.30pm Sponsored by The Balvenie The Balvenie. by a single malt whisky sampling by entrepreneur Emma Bridgewater. Followed National Heritage Training Group, and stonemason, Mike Moody, chair of the Peachey, gypsy wagon restorer and writer Daniel Butler, who talks to Hugh tales of days gone by. Chaired by countryside the traditions we treasure will exist only in generation of craftspeople, training for a new Rural skills are under threat, and without Cooper…Call Centre Worker? Discussion: Thatcher,Farrier, Living Magazine The 2009 Country Mike Moody and Daniel Butler Emma Bridgewater, Hugh Peachey, [12] Arts 1 HD channel 258. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from Marlowe from their Mills and Boon. who battle it out to prove they know their captains knowledge alongside two teams led by irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts series of this hosts a new What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming [11] change and energy security. in depth the connections between climate and proposals to fill in the gap, and examines concepts sociologist introduces a range of new movement are flawed at source.’ The eminent we face, while the recipes of the green ‘Politics-as-usual won’t deal with the problems The Politics of Climate Change Anthony Giddens [10] £3 HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 4 3.45 2.30 PM PM PM GUARDIAN STAGE –5.15 GUARDIAN STAGE PM SKY ARTS STUDIO and £5 £5


3.45pm 4pm 2.30pm 6.30pm 5.15pm 4pm

Sponsored by Ty-Mawr Lime Chaired by governments and individuals? what does all this mean for corporations, what cost? How can the world adapt? And, What can be done to reduce emissions? At What is the problem? What are the dangers? Safer Planet Sessions: Blueprint for a Nicholas Stern [16] Sponsored by Brecon Beacons Holiday Cottages 5.15pm of north-west Wales. examines the treasuresThe architectural survey Gwynedd: Pevsner Buildings of Wales Julian Orbach talks to Simon Jenkins [15] pirate fishing. The Environmental Justice Team take on Save the Sea Jeremy Ryland Langley SteveJohn Vidal, Trentand Antony Worrall Thompson, [14] to this day. 4pmconfrontation, which set frontiers that hold Crowley brings to life this extraordinary between Islamstruggle and Christianity. Roger became the battleground for a titanic maritime the MediterraneanIn the sixteenth century Empires of the Sea Roger Crowley [13] 6.30 5.15 5.15 4 PM PM PM PM SONY SCREEN Ian Katz GUARDIAN STAGE SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE . £4 £4 Asian Dub Foundation £8 £6 0870 990 1299 9.30pm 8pm 6.30pm conscious lyrics. They’re fantastic live. record collections, shot through with fast-chat ‘traditional’ sounds gleaned from their parents’ basslines, searing sitar-inspired guitars and of hard ragga-jungle rhythms, indo-dub The band’s distinctive sound is a combination DubAsian Foundation [21] Sponsored Hall by Baskerville Hotel great rock storytellers. YesThe legendary keyboard player is one of the Grumpy Old Rock Star Rick Wakeman talks to Phil Rickman [20] 8 Sponsored by Hay Wholefoods & Delicatessen one-woman show. The national treasure her blissful performs Available Sandi Toksvig [19] his jubilee tracks and stories. groundbreaking label as the founder selects We of the celebrate the 50th anniversary Island Records Chris Salewicz Chris Blackwell talks to [18] year with the people of Bromyard. film production created over the course of a Media Company’s latest ambitious community on rather than move away. town, where people quickly learn how to move market with isolation and identity in a rural jealousy. Set in Herefordshire, the film wrestles painful memories and a violent dangerous project rekindles some very school history terms with her parents splitting up when a Eleven-year-old Lauren has almost come to Still Life The Rural Media Company presents: Adrian Lambert [17] 9.30 8 6.30 6.30 PM PM –9.15 PM PM PM OXFAM STUDIO BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN PM GUARDIAN STAGE www.hayfestival.com Still Life £7 £5 £5

is the Rural £8


8pm 9 May 22 Friday 10 Saturday 23 May Saturday 23 May 10am 9am writer. Cafédirect coffee will be served. Breakfast with the great gourmet and food the Perfect Dinner The Man Who Ate the World: In Search of Jay Rayner 10am[26] Adam Austerfield emerge from the current collapse. Chaired by on when and how the world economy will debate the financial crisis and give their views The London School of Economics academics Where Next for the Global Economy? LSE Lecture: Banks, Booms and Busts – Howard Davies and Danny Quah [25] Family event music, fun and rhyme. author and illustrator. Jam-packed with songs, this interactive, lively celebration with the Join in the Gruffalo’s in party 10th birthday The Gruffalo LIVE Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler [HF01] what we don’t yet know. The Astronomer Royal looks to the future and The World in 2050 Martin Rees [24] Sponsored by Grant Thornton of Capitalism. An insider’s account from the Cauldron Business School What They TeachHarvard You at Philip Delves Broughton [23] The Cambridge Festival of Ideas In association with Cambridge University and How does science change? When did science begin? Who did science? Four Thousand YearA History The Cambridge 800 Series: Science – Patricia Fara [22] 10 10 10 9 9 AM AM AM AM AM 10 OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN AM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION GUARDIAN STAGE £5 . £5 £6 £4 £4 £7 11.30am 10am uneasy future China. for rural Eyes Guo’s bracingly funny dystopia what it means to be human is up for debate. Beckett’s Story: Futures to Stephanie Merritt Bernard Beckett and Xiaolu Guo talk [31] Idiots in Charge when you get of our realm The satirist spins the story An Utterly Impartial of Britain History John O’Farrell [30] The Cambridge Festival of Ideas In association with Cambridge University and and ourselves? does this transformation reveal about Darwin for his theory.inevitable and important What saw extinction as humdrum, alike. Darwin specialist commentators and popular media horror, and are encouraged to do so by We extinction now view with alarm and even and the PresentExtinction – Darwin Cambridge 800 Series: Cultures of Gillian Beer [29] 2004, talks to the at Bray has enjoyed three Michelin stars since alchemist, whose FatThe great culinary Duck The Fat Duck Cookbook Jay Rayner Heston Blumenthal talks to BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [28] of justice. a vociferous campaigner against miscarriages after he’d spent 11 years in prison. He is now O’Brien’s murder conviction was overturned The Death of Justice Duncan Campbell Michael O’Brien talks to [27] Sponsored by Smallfarms, Hay-on-Wye , a startling parable of change, imagines an , a startling 11.30 11.30 11.30 11.30 10 AM AM Genesis AM AM AM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE 2000 Years of Upper Class . creates a world where just Observer

£4 restaurant critic. £5

£4 £7 UFO in Her £6 11.30am 1pm 12.25am 11.30am C18th’s sexiest players. Casanova £3 Undeciphered Scripts race to unlock in the Genius, obsession, delusion and rivalry Lost Languages Andrew Robinson [36] is safe... NoThe analyse the news. headline The Early Edition 1 and Carrie Quinlan 1pmMarcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent [35] of Wales. the monuments and masterpieces surveys The journalist and National Trust chairman Wales – Churches, Houses and Castles The National Trust Lecture: Simon Jenkins [34] channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on names at the festival. with some of the biggest and best interviews television coverage and featuring performances Mariella Frostrup Hay-on-Sky Filming [33] The authors of Libertines talk to Corisande Albert Hallie Rubenhold and Ian Kelly [32] HRT OAINTO DONATION CHARITY 1 1 1 12.25 11.30 PM PM PM SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION PM AM expose the lusts and lives of the –2 DREAM STAGE PM The Enigma of the World’s Lady Worsley’s Whim SKY ARTS STUDIO presents the daily . G LOBAL £5 £7 £5 A CTION and Sky Arts P LAN 0870 990 1299 £7 2.30pm 1pm and taste. money of the C20th obsession with art, Vinci, and shows how it reveals the intricacies painting, of a single historian exploresThe art the story American Leonardo John Brewer [40] 12 years + (Valentine). Chaired by Cracks development and plot twists in teen fiction as they explore character Join two of the freshest voices in the world of Teen Reads Julia Donaldson and Jenny Valentine [HF09] Sponsored by Pembertons modern biology. emotion. Together, they laid the foundations of apes and human plants, orchids, earthworms, different as dogs, barnacles, insect-eating books and innumerable letters, on topics as wrote six million words,Darwin in nineteen Garden of England Darwin’s Island: The Galapagos in the Steve Jones [39] Sponsored by PJ Apple Juice sustainable future for floristry? Growing a dream: British garden flowers, a The Cut Flower Garden Charlie Ryrie [38] a marriage. Novel About My Wife and Charles Dickens; Perkins’ award-winning is a retelling of the difficult lives of Catherine Arnold’s Booker-shortlisted Story: Loves talk to Ariane Koek Gaynor Arnold and Emily Perkins [37] 2.30 2.30 1 1 PM PM (Donaldson) and 2.30 PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO La Belle Ferronnière PM SONY SCREEN BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION OXFAM STUDIO £4 www.hayfestival.com is a harrowing of portrait Daniel Hahn The Ant Colony £4 £4 Girl in a Blue Dress £5 by Leonardo Da Running on the



2.30pm 11 May 23 Saturday 12 Saturday 23 May 4pm 3.45pm 2.30pm Sponsored by Mr and Mrs Robin Herbert Roosevelt, Churchill, Brooke and Marshall. Who Led the West to in Victory World War II The historian salutes Masters and Commanders Andrew Roberts [45] Sponsored by Old Black Lion The critic, poet and essayist in conversation. The Revolt of the Pendulum Clive James talks to Francine Stock [44] captains knowledge alongside two teams led by irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts Sandi Toksvig What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming [43] Real Name. from Perkins, story new author of Not Her Krasikov’s collection One More Year, and a A reading stories from of world-class short Shorts Sana Krasikov and Emily Perkins [42] Sponsored by The Open University in Wales longer-term effects. people coped with it, and looks at its society between 1939 and 1945, asks how examines the effects of war on German The author of the war was lost? to the end when they knew GermansWhy did ordinary keep on fighting in Germany, 1939–45 The OU Cymru Lecture: War and Society Richard Evans [41] £3 4pm 1 HD channel 258. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from Marlowe from their Mills and Boon. who battle it out to prove they know their HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 4 4 3.45 2.30 2.30 PM PM PM PM PM Chris Addison GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION –5.15 DREAM STAGE GUARDIAN STAGE The Third Reich at War hosts a new series of this hosts a new PM SKY ARTS STUDIO The Military GeniusesThe Military and £4 Sue Perkins £6 £6 , £7 – 5.30pm 4pm Hereford In association with The Three Choirs Festival, Hereford Cathedral. In association with The White Cube Gallery religion and morality. searing wit and energy, politics, contemporary prints and installations that examine, with The brothers make iconoclastic sculpture, Tim Marlow Jake and Dinos Chapman talk to [51] Gainsbourg, and her new her life, collaborations with Serge The actress, singer, and film director discusses Jane Birkin talks to Philippe Sands [50] Sponsored by Christ College, Brecon radical icon. monarchy’s most enduring and early life of the English The historian reappraises the Henry – Virtuous Prince David Starkey PAVILION BARCLAYS WEALTH [49] Chaired by celebrates and examines the anniversaries. since Haydn’s. The maestro and musicologist It’s 250 years since Handel’s death, and 200 Jubilee Christopher Hogwood [48] of the pre-eminent C19th novelist. The garlanded biographer launches her study George Eliot Brenda Maddox [47] of British justice. Deed television dramas The passionate and politically engaged Crime and Punishment GF Newman talks to Marcel Berlins [46] 5.30 5.30 5.30 4 4 4 PM PM PM and PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN New Street Law £7 Peter Dyke SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE Law and Order, Judge John , assistant organist of £6 £5 question the bases £5 £9 Enfants d’Hiver £7

. 4pm David Starkey David 7pm 6.45pm 5.30pm political manoeuvring, lauded by Barack Obama. A magnificent study of presidential ambition and of Abraham Lincoln Team of Rivals: The Political Genius to Jon Snow Doris Kearns Goodwin talks [56] Sponsored by CommuniKate host, and now author of a masterly memoir. Tables turned on the and chat show The Queen Of The Night On the Road: Love, Stand-up Comedy and Frank Skinner talks to Fiona Lindsay [55] captains knowledge alongside two teams led by irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts Sandi Toksvig What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming [54] Caine Prize-winner Chikwava’s Story: Migrations chaired by Georgina Godwin Samir El-Youssef and Brian Chikwava [53] Sponsored by The Old Chapel Gallery above all, of the poignancy longing and loss. separations, illicit love and battles at sea, of heroic deeds and painful sweeping story and excitement Britain of wartime with a The broadcaster’s first novel captures the danger All the Nice Girls Joan Bakewell talks to Peter Florence [52] £3 characters to America and London. Illusion of Return immigration into London. El-Youssef’s an original and brilliant tale of illegal 7pm1 HD channel 258. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from Marlowe from their Mills and Boon. who battle it out to prove they know their 5.30pm HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 7 7 6.45 5.30 5.30 PM PM PM PM PM Chris Addison GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION –8.15 DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO hosts a new series of this hosts a new PM displaces his Palestinian SKY ARTS STUDIO and £4 Sue Perkins £6 £6 Harare North Harare The , 0870 990 1299 £10 is 10pm 8.30pm 7pm Sponsored by Herdman’s Coaches impressionist stars in her solo show. Sponsored by The Great English Outdoors creates illusions and wonder. The great cabaret magician and entertainer Magician Fay Presto [62] Sponsored by Blue Boar Inn her band. album songs and her new classic Gainsbourg The iconic singer performs Jane Birkin in Concert [61] by two of his collaborators in the high Arctic. cultural response to climate change is joined The director of the organisation that inspires a Cape Farewell and KT Tunstall David Buckland, [60] The A Funny Look at Impressions Jan Ravens [59] collections are A reading by the poets whose most recent Caroline Bird and Imtiaz Dharker [58] Sponsored by Gardens Illustrated between humankind and nature? and the interface outdoor space as art, ecological concerns, our understanding of How will the idea of garden reflect our a home for woodlice? The C21st Garden – A place of beauty, or Dan Pearson and Simon Jenkins Noel Kingsbury, Tim Richardson, [57] The Terrorist at my Table 10 10 8.30 8.30 7 7 PM PM PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE SONY SCREEN SONY SCREEN BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE Trouble Came to the Turnip and www.hayfestival.com Spitting Image . £7 £4 Enfants d’Hiver £14 £9 £7


with and £17

8.30pm 13 May 23 Saturday 0870 990 1299 www.hayfestival.com 24 May 1pm 9am 10am 11.30am

[63] 9 AM SONY SCREEN £4 [68] 10 AM SONY SCREEN £5 [73] 11.30 AM SONY SCREEN £7 [78] 1 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 Markus Zusak talks to Stephanie Merritt Martin Rees Siobhan Freegard, Julia Hobsbawm The Book Thief The Morbid Age Cambridge 800 Series: Cosmos – The and Fiona Millar Sunday 24May ‘Some important information – this novel is The historian examines Britain Between Search for Extra Terrestrial Life In the Balance narrated by Death. It’s a small story, about: a the Wars – a time of great anxiety, resonant The Astronomer Royal celebrates the 400th Life, parenthood and the modern family girl, an accordionist, some fanatical Germans, a , and the fear that the West was facing a anniversary of Galileo’s telescope and the debated by the Netmums founder and the Jewish fist fighter, and quite a lot of thievery.’ possibly terminal crisis of civilization. Darwin bicentenary by boldly going in search authors of The See Saw: 100 Recipes for Sponsored by The Swan at Hay Hotel of life elsewhere. Work–Life Balance and The Secret World of [64] 9 AM OXFAM STUDIO £4 In association with Cambridge University and The Working Mother. Marc Morris [69] 10 AM OXFAM STUDIO £5 The Cambridge Festival of Ideas A Great and Terrible King Gillian Tett talks to John Harris [79] 1 PM SONY SCREEN £5 Sunday 24 May 24 Sunday A magisterial account of the Plantagenet ruler Fools’ Gold: How Unrestrained Greed Corrupted 10am [74] 11.30 AM OXFAM STUDIO £7 Susie Dent Edward I, conqueror of Wales, Hammer of a Dream, Shattered Global Markets and Ann Leslie talks to Rosie Boycott Words of the Year the Scots. Unleashed a Catastrophe Killing My Own Snakes Do you know your kettlebell from your At a Florida beach hotel in the mid 1990s Fleet Street’s finest, the doyenne of women knork? ’s cult language guru [65] 9 AM DREAM STAGE FREE BUT TICKETED a brotherhood of bankers frankenstein the reporters, Damed for services to journalism, parses the patois. Tomos Owen presents concept of credit derivatives. The rest talks about her life. Breakfast at Hay with Nu Fiction you know... [80] 1 PM OXFAM STUDIO £7 1pm An early morning start for fifteen young [75] 11.30 AM DREAM STAGE £4 Timothy Garton Ash writers hoping to become the next big thing in [70] 10 AM DREAM STAGE £5 Ed Mayo talks to Julia Hobsbawm Time For Another Velvet Revolution? literature. Tomos Owen introduces first Hala Jaber, Zena el Khalil and 11.30am Consumer Kids Twenty years on from 1989, the eminent published work from James Smythe, Tyler Conor Foley talk to Adam Boulton How Big Business is Grooming our Children Historian and Political commentator, author Keevil, Bethan Michael, Robert Vaughan Tabletalk: Risk for Profit. of the forthcoming Facts Are Subversive: Hughes, Rebecca John, Susie Wild, Becky The authors of The Flying Carpet to Baghdad, Political Writing from a Decade Without a Hunt, Lee Mackenzie, Alys Conran, Cate Beirut I Love You and The Thin Blue Line: How Name examines the turbulent politics of Matthews, Allan Kellermann, Sion Tomos Humanitarianism Went to War discuss Eastern Europe. Chaired by Lisa 9am Owen, Michael Oliver and Nick Mellors. extremity, intervention and survival. 12.25pm Appignanesi. Sponsored by Parthian In association with English PEN [76] 12.25 PM–2PM SKY ARTS STUDIO £3CHARITY DONATION TO GLOBAL ACTION PLAN 11.30am [81] 1 PM DREAM STAGE £4 10am Hay-on-Sky Filming Matthew d’Ancona and Sadie Jones Mariella Frostrup presents the daily Sky Arts talk to Anita Sethi [71] 11.30 AM television coverage featuring performances and [66] 10 AM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £6 BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £7 interviews with some of the biggest and best Story: Fear Dan Pearson Gerald Scarfe 11.30am names at the festival. D’Ancona offers his riveting suspense thriller Spirit: Garden Inspiration Monsters Nothing to Fear. Jones’ The Outcast is a Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May sustained examination of love and disillusion The garden writer explores the idea of a sense The savage satirist celebrates 50 years of his on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 in a small 1950s town. of place, illustrated with design influences as political cartoons. HD channel 258. diverse as his childhood garden, the desert of Sponsored by Jesse Norman southern California, the Thames houseboat moorings near Tower Bridge, the Villa d’Este, 2.30pm the Pantheon and a Japanese forest lodge. [72] 11.30 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 1pm Dambisa Moyo talks to Jon Snow Sponsored by Gardens Illustrated Dead Aid [82] 2.30 PM, [77] 1 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £7 BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £7 Western Aid is not relieving poverty and [67] 10 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £6 Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent and Robert Peston disaster in Africa. The Zambian economist Carrie Quinlan Richard Layard and Judy Dunn talk analyses how the new world order of the Who’s to Blame… to Rosie Boycott The Early Edition 2 10am G20 might realign trade and investment in The BBC’s business editor, author of Who A Good Childhood developing worlds. The comedians mock the news and Runs Britain?, fingers the greedy, the Is life really more difficult for children than newsmongers. incompetent and the naive who’ve led us into it was, and if so why? And how can we make economic disaster. it better? Sponsored by Burgoynes of Lyonshall 14 15 16 Sunday 24 May 3.45pm 2.30pm captains knowledge alongside two teams led by irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts Sandi Toksvig What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming [86] Sponsored by FW Golesworthy worst (probably) in Western Europe. network is the dearest (definitely) and the Britain gave railways to the world, yet its own An enraptured paean to a national obsession. Eleven Minutes Late Matthew Engel talks to Peter Florence [85] historian examines the reasons for their defeat. Second Worldthe War? award-winning The Just how close did the Nazis come to winning The World on Fire Andrew Roberts [84] The screenwriter of The Secret of Moonacre Lucy Shuttleworth [HF17] in Shaping ModernTheory History probes and explodes underpass and the twin towers, the journalist From moon landings to the Parisian Voodoo Histories David Aaronovitch talks to Jon Snow [83] £3 3.45pmArts 1 HD channel 258. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from Marlowe from their Mills and Boon. who battle it out to prove they know their 2.30pm 9 years – adult work. her forthcoming adaptation, with clips and sneak previews of children’s tale, speaks about her film Elizabeth Goodge, JK Rowling’s favourite HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 3.45 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 PM PM PM PM Chris Addison –5.15 PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO GUARDIAN STAGE SONY SCREEN £4 hosts a new series of this hosts a new PM SKY ARTS STUDIO The Little White Horse The Role of the Conspiracy and £5 Sue Perkins £6 £6 . , by 4pm Supported by newspanishbooks.com John dos Passos as it divides our speakers. feud that divided Hemingway and literary in the Spanish Civil War and a fascinating political murderAn investigation of a brutal To the Dead Bury talks to Paul Preston Ignacio Martínez de Pisón [90] stories short My two fiction highlights of 2008 are Le’s Books of the Year Gray to Kathryn Nam Le and Fflur Dafydd talk [89] 9 years – adult projects with Pixar.forthcoming Tales From Outer Suburbia mesmerising work, including illustrator and writer discusses his The multi-award winning Australian Tales From Outer Suburbia Shaun Tan [HF19] Sponsored by Baileys Home Store growing and preparing your own food. ideas for A sumptuous feast of wonderful Fork to Fork Francine Stock Monty & Sarah Don talk to [88] Sponsored by Booth Books today. Chaired by Treaty of 1919 and its influence on the world The two historians discuss the Versailles After Versailles Eric Hobsbawm and Niall Ferguson PAVILION BARCLAYS WEALTH [87] In association with The New Welsh Review Gray.NWR editor Kathryn novel reworking of her award-winning Cymraeg Thomas Award and Dafydd’s English 4 4 4 4 PM PM PM PM TwentySaints Thousand 4 PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO GUARDIAN STAGE £10 SONY SCREEN £4 The Boat Philippe Sands which won the Dylan £5

and his £5 . They talk to The Arrival, £7


4pm Eric Hobsbawm Eric 5.30pm 4pm Sponsored by Lynhales Hall Nursing Home The Dong with the Luminous Nose The historian uncovers the machinations, Becoming Queen WilliamsKate [95] of of the nonsensical genius and creatorportrait The comedy legend presents a delightful How Pleasant to Know Mr Lear 5.30pm[94] against Omar al-Bashir of Sudan. Head of Statea serving when he filed charges who recently made the first ever indictment of International in the Hague, Criminal Court with the ProsecutorAn interview of the The Guardian Sessions: Justice Philippe Sands Luis Moreno-Ocampo talks to [93] Sponsored by Sam Creative on the agenda for platinum-tongued actor. Mimicry, , football and Shakespeare are First Impressions Fiona Lindsay Alistair MacGowan talks to BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [92] Sponsored by Bedecked purl, cast on, off – and away you go! to learn the basics of hand knitting. Knit, Join Keep & Share’s How to Knit 1 [91] The Owl and the Pussycat, The Jumblies 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 4 PM –6.30 PM PM PM PM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE PM DISCOVERY SPACE

Amy TwiggerHolroyd Kate Williams Kate throne. to the English in her accession young Victoria rebellions of the repressions and £7 £6 £9 £8 . £10 0870 990 1299 and 7pm 6.45pm 5.30pm new city in new current life in the smoky émigré cafes of his childhood in a war-torn Arab country, to his novelist Hage takes his protagonist from his to the New World in the 50s. Lebanese of an Irish woman venturingstory migration Sponsored by FLOW, Independent Clothing Store money only to independent businesses. from coast to of the United States, giving The comedian recounts his attempts to drive America Unchained [99] any better? liberties? Would the Right defend our rights add up to a fundamental assault on our civil range of counter-terrorism measures. Does it and wide rentention, CCTV surveillance, government has championed ID cards, data- In the name of security, the Labour Care About Liberty? The Guardian Debate: Does the Left Still chaired by Georgina Henry Charles Clarke and Conor Gearty David Davis Porter and Henry vs [98] captains knowledge alongside two teams led by irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts Sandi Toksvig What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming £3 [97] Tóibín’s Story: Migrations Stephanie Merritt Colm HageTóibín and Rawi talk to [96] 1 HD channel 258. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from Marlowe from their Mills and Boon. who battle it out to prove they know their HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 7 6.45 6.45 5.30 PM PM PM PM Brooklyn Chris Addison GUARDIAN STAGE –8.15 Cockroach BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION DREAM STAGE hosts a new series of this hosts a new PM is a beautifully rendered www.hayfestival.com SKY ARTS STUDIO . and £5 Sue Perkins £8



6.45pm 7pm 17 May 24 Sunday 18 Sunday 24 May 8.30pm 7pm Ten Years with the discuss the administration’s honeymoon period Sponsored by Dai & Chris The Newsagents relish for shattering taboos. She’s funny. very eye for the ridiculous, and a wit, a ruthless The stand-up comedian has a glorious, laconic Shazia Mirza [106] compelling story. 8.30pmfiction and cinema treatments of her The novelist and film director discusses her The Private Lives of Pippa Lee Rebecca Miller talks to Francine Stock [105] Glanville The QC champions free speech. Chaired by The Index Lecture Geoffrey Robertson [104] in conversation. The peerless satirist and political interviewer Frost Frost David Frost talks to Peter Florence BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [103] Sponsored by Coffee Shop Isis reading of his poetry. playwright knight’s first play with a magical We of the celebrate the 50th anniversary All Things Tireof Themselves Arnold Wesker [102] of The author of Obama’s First Hundred Days and Nik Gowing talk to Adam Boulton Bronwen Maddox, Mathew d’Ancona [101] Granada from the no.1 bestseller. Ravishing Spanish Civil War romance set in The Return Victoria Hislop talks to Paul Blezard [100] h Spectator The 8.30 8.30 8.30 7 7 8.30 7 PM PM PM . Sky News PM PM PM PM , Editor of OXFAM STUDIO DREAM STAGE SONY SCREEN SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE OXFAM STUDIO In Defence of America, and the BBC World anchor anchor, author of Index on Censorship £5 £5 £6 £6 £8 £15 £8 Tony’s the editor . Jo 11pm 10.20pm 10pm 9.30pm dancing. cake. There will be be Ledbury.may There housed at Eastnor Castle, music festival, now DJs from the iconic 15th Birthday Party Big Chill DJs Guardian Books presents [111] Indian raga meets jazz, rock and the blues. of Eastern and Western traditions, where His latest album is a mesmerising exploration singer in the classical Indian tradition. The novelist enjoys a high reputation as a This is not Fusion Amit Chaudhuri Band [110] Does When WomenPrayGod What from BAD book – comedian celebrates the truly just plain stupid, the multi-award-winning Sometimes absurd, sometimes facetious, often ’s One Man Club Book [109] Storymoja in Nairobi. ideas to raise money for our sister festival, Festival guests contribute stories, jokes and Gala Cabaret Carrie Quinlan hosts festival stars [108] Collection for St Mary’s, Hay, Organ Fund improvisation. Candlelit plainsong, followed by organ Compline at Llanigon Father Richard Williams & Choir WELCOME ALL [107] 11 10.20 10 10 9.30 The Secrets of Picking Girls up Sexy PM PM PM PM PM CLYRO COURT GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION LLANIGON CHURCHLLANIGON OXFAM STUDIO

£7 Chris Stewart Chris £7 £8 .

to £9 4pm Monday 25 May 10am 9am Family event clothing in case of inclement weather. Please wear suitable footwear and waterproof to see and handle some of the lambs. deer will be calving, and there’ll be a chance including wheat, barley and oats. Some of the areas and grows a range of arable crops breeding some beef cattle on the grazing ewes, or parkour free-running artist, discipline of the martial of the skateboardervirtuosity and the Combining the grace of gymnast, Parkour Masterclass 1 GWERNYFED HIGH SCHOOL [113.1] Sponsored by Maskreys the President’s classicist rhetoric. The author of It’s All Greek To Me analyses Barack Obama: The New Cicero Charlotte Higgins [112] Supported by Hereford College of Arts 9 years included. recent BAFTA nomination. Screening discuss working collaboratively and their haunting ecological tale come together to The writer and film-maker of this beautifully Varmints Marc Craste & Helen Ward [HF20] Local agronomist Welsh VenisonCentre Visit MEET AT BOX OFFICE FOR BUS [HF21] 12 years + Non-restrictive clothing recommended. cheap pair of trainers and an open mind. parkour practitioners. All you need is a Edwardes Come and learn the basics with it’snon-competitive sport: form. an art 10am 9am herd of 150 Andrew and Elaine Morgan 9 AM 10 – 9 9 AM AM adult AM OXFAM STUDIO and some of the UK’s leading –1 – – OYSRE £4 SONY SCREEN 200 breeding deer, a flock of 500 is more than simply an elegant PM Jonathon Harrington £4 . The farm has a £7 Dan £ 5 visits – end of the workshop. your own bouquet to send out by mail at the demonstration, home-grown lunch and make flowers at the Real Cut Flower Garden. Talk, Easy bouquets Cut-flower workshop Charlie Ryrie [119] The producer of Their Finest Hour and a Half Lissa Evans talks to David Aaronovitch [118] Exposing Greed and Inequality in Britain Today A rigorous and profoundly shocking study Unjust Rewards Polly Toynbee and David Walker [117] Sponsored by Shepherds Ice Cream wet seas. high and very Driving Over Lemons The charming joker-of-all-trades, author of An Optimist Afloat Three Ways a Boat: to Capsize Chris Stewart talks to Rosie Boycott [116] Beauty and Terror of Science How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Newton,golden age of Darwin, Cook and the greatThe pre-eminent biographer surveys The Age of Wonder Richard Holmes [115] Sponsored by Pembertons transferred to the National Trust. West and Harold Nicolson, and newly by the historian’s grandparents Vita Sackville- of the greatA portrait English garden, created Sissinghurst: An Unfinished History Adam Nicolson talks to Simon Jenkins BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [114] £55 ( comedy on screen and in print. longlisted novelist talks about creating The Kumars at Number 42 10am UBR LIMITED NUMBERS 10.30 10 10 10 10 10 AM AM AM AM AM AM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE –4 – PM working with seasonal Father Ted BUS FROM BOX OFFICE ) , yarns his tales of the and Orange Prize . , director of £6 £4 £6 £6 £6


10pm 19 May 25 Monday 0870 9901299 www.hayfestival.com

11.30am 12.25pm 2pm 2.30pm

[113.2] 11.30 AM [125] 12.25 PM–2PM SKY ARTS STUDIO 2PM MEET AT BOOTH’S BOOKSHOP, [134] 2.30 PM OXFAM STUDIO £6 GWERNYFED HIGH SCHOOL £7 £3CHARITY DONATION TO GLOBAL ACTION PLAN LION STREET FREE Timothy Garton Ash and Slawomir Parkour Masterclass 2 Hay-on-Sky Filming Hay Parkour Sierakowski talk to Anita Prazmowska Monday 25May Mariella Frostrup presents the daily Sky Arts See event [113a], page 19. Combining the grace of gymnasts, the Solidarity, 1989 television coverage featuring performances and virtuosity of skateboarders and the discipline 12 years + Twenty years on, leading participants and interviews with some of the biggest and best of martial artists, Parkour Generations, a commentators assess the progress and effects of names at the festival. leading association of free-running [120] 11.30 AM the Polish revolution. Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on practitioners, scale the heights of Hay. BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £7 Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Awe-inspiring. Supported by The Polish Cultural Institute in Niall Ferguson channel 258. London and Polska! Year The Barclays Wealth Lecture: [135] 2.30 PM DREAM STAGE £5 Monday 25 May 25 Monday The Ascent of Money 1pm 2.30pm The historian offers a Financial History of the Patrick Jones, Mari Strachan and World. [131] 2.30 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 Catrin Dafydd [126] 1 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £7 The poet reads and discusses his new collection Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent and Paddy Ashdown [121] 11.30 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £6 Darkness is Where the Stars Are. Strachan Carrie Quinlan The Joseph Rotblat Lecture 2009: Rosie Boycott talks to Peter Florence discusses her novel The Earth Hums in B flat. Ashdown’s Third Law (or why the world will The Early Edition 3 1pm Dafydd performs from her comic novel Random A Nice Girl Like Me never be the same again and what we should The comedians read the papers for laughs. Deaths and Custard. Chaired by Jon Gower. The journalist discusses her nakedly pitiless do about it) classic 1970s memoir of journalism and alcohol The WMD Awareness Programme lecture this addiction. [127] 1 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £6 Chris Mullin talks to Guto Harri year is given by the Royal Marine commando, party leader and international peacekeeper, 3.45pm [122] 11.30 AM SONY SCREEN £6 A View from the Foothills whose memoir A Fortunate Life is published this

Chris Lowe Riveting and wickedly funny political diaries month. Chaired by Rosie Boycott. 3.45pm [136] 3.45 PM–5.15 PM SKY ARTS STUDIO Cambridge 800 Series: Biosensors from the maverick parliamentarian, author of A Very British Coup. £3CHARITY DONATION TO GLOBAL ACTION PLAN The Director of the Institute of Biotechnology [132] 2.30 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 What the Dickens? Quiz Show Filming brings life to sensors and sensors to life. Chaired [128] 1 PM SONY SCREEN £6 Rose Tremain by Claire Armitstead. Sandi Toksvig hosts a new series of this Ed Stourton Hay Festival Press & Ox-Tales irreverent cultural quiz show. Test your arts In association with Cambridge University and The It’s a PC World The Orange Prizewinner reads her story The knowledge alongside two teams led by captains Cambridge Festival of Ideas The broadcaster explores What it Means to Live Jester of Astapovo, to launch our collaboration Chris Addison and Sue Perkins, who battle it in a Land Gone Politically Correct. Chaired by with Oxfam and Profile Books. Introduced by out to prove they know their Marlowe from [123] 11.30 AM OXFAM STUDIO £5 Stephanie Merritt. Barbara Stocking, Chief Executive of Oxfam, their Mills and Boon. 2.30pm Diana Quick talks to Hannah Rothschild and Mark Ellingham, publisher of the Ox- What the Dickens? airs Wednesdays at 8pm from A Tug on the Thread [130] 1 PM DREAM STAGE £5 Tales stories. 27 May on Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts The actress discusses her Indian heritage and Horatio Clare and Isabel Fonseca 1 HD channel 258. professional life – From the British Raj to the talk to Peter Florence [133] 2.30 PM SONY SCREEN £6 British Stage. Migrations Jan Zalasiewicz 4pm The award-winning author of Running for the The Earth After Us [124] 11.30 AM DREAM STAGE £5 Hills follows the swallow’s migration and makes What might human civilization leave behind as a life-changing odyssey on an epic journey from [137] 4 PM James Hawes talks to Anita Sethi relics into the far geological future? The BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £15 Excavating Kafka South Africa to South Wales in A Single Swallow. geologist envisions what extra-terrestrial aliens, Fonseca, author of Attachment, duscusses her exploring Earth one hundred million years from Stephen Fry 11.30am The satirical novelist and German scholar classic study of Romany life Bury Me Standing. now, might uncover in their excavations. America refashions everything we thought we knew

Rose Tremain Irony, Obama and our love affair about the C20th literary icon, including Sponsored by AJ Jones & Son with the New World, from sea to his predilection for porn. shining sea. Sponsored by Grant Thornton

20 21 22 Monday 25 May p 5.30pm 4pm to be learned from his cultural analysis today. and asks whether there is something important vital role of literature in the democratic process, dreams and ambitions for mass culture, and the Professor of Renaissance Studies looks at his humanities throughout the 1960s and 70s. The book for liberal practitioners and critics in the on island life and travel between two languages. and Cardiff. They trade stories, compare notes conjures stories set in Buenos Aires, Oakland Gower’s debut novel in Welsh, evokes life on the blessed island of Bardsea. Dafydd’s haunting novel Story: Islands Jon Gower and Fflur Dafydd [141] The author of Story: Perspectives to Clemency Burton-Hill and Amit Chaudhuri talk Alaa Al Aswany [140] twenty-first century. future of Judaism, Jewish life and Israel for the The Chief Rabbi discusses his vision for the Future Tense Jonathan Sacks talks to Ed Stourton [139] Williams’ Culture & Society The 2009 Raymond Williams Lecture: Lisa Jardine [138] 4pmand commerce. explore the relationship money between art, by Chaudhuri tells three musicians stories to stories collected as Aswany offers a fresh of Cairo in ten portrait 4 4 4 4 PM PM PM PM Culture and Society DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE The YacoubianBuilding

redyFr.The Immortals Friendly Fire. Roy Hattersley Roy TwentySaints Thousand £7 £4, £5 became a cult £6 Dala’r Llanw Al , 7pm by opera. stories inspiredGlyndebourne with new of A celebration of the 75th anniversary Midsummer Nights Jeanette Winterson and Jackie Kay [147] with a reading. collection of poetry The National Poet of Wales launches her new A Recipe For Water Gillian Clarke [146] romantic-comic novel. The screenwriter introduces his magical One Day David Nicholls talks to Paul Blezard [145] Billy Elliott The film director discusses his work on Stephen talks to Francine Daldry Stock [144] extraterrestrial life. time travel, zero-point energy, and cyborgs, faster than light travel, teleportation, invisibility, ray guns, anti-gravity and anti-matter, the known limits to explore perpetual motion, The acclaimed physicist boldly goes beyond Physics of the Impossible Michio Kaku GUARDIAN STAGE [143] way ahead. Chaireda fourth by The elder statesman of the Labour Party envisions The Future of Socialism Roy Hattersley BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [142] Sponsored by Working Title 7 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 PM PM PM PM PM PM GUARDIAN STAGE , The Hours DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN £6 and The Reader £8 £5 John Harris £6 £4 £6


. 7pm 5.30pm 8.30pm 7pm Hilarious deadpan wit from the BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [152] Sponsored by Colin’s Catering Chocolate Factory Cookbook The chocolate evangelist and author of Viva Cacao! Willie Harcourt-Cooze [151] Hyrwyddo nawd Llenyddiaeth CCC. Cymru gyda wobr gan Academi, Genedlaethol Asiantaeth er Academi and is funded by ACW. Gweinyddir y Cymraeg a Saesneg. llenorion sydd wedi cyrraedd y Rhestrau Byrion and English. Cyflwyna Damian Walford Davies y Introducing in the writers on shortlists Welsh Wales Book of the Year Damian Walford Davies hosts [150] Sponsored by The Hay Makers Followedearth. by a Q&A with the artists. while on location in the wildest corners of same painting of exotic and endangered animals who simultaneously work on the wildlife artists Olly Williams followingScreening of a poignant documentary Wild Art Olly & Suzi [149] Sponsored by Lynhales Hall Nursing Home and cinema. The actor talks sex, drugs American Prince Tony Curtis talks to Francine Stock BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [148] Sponsored by The Flower Shop in his stand-up show. 7pm 8.30 7 7 7 7 PM PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN and Suzi Winstanley The Prize is administered by £5 £6 shares the love... £5 News Quiz £9 £15 , two unique Willie’s 0870 990 1299 star saxophone: Graeme Flowers Eastwood Clint’s films He has also composed the scores for his father album. The mesmeric bass player plays his new Kyle Eastwood Brecon Jazz presents [154] and and borders with the authors of image, strongly themed around desire, bodies and A son-et-lumière of poetry performance Jade Corridors and Green Harpoons Richard Marggraf Turley Damian Walford Davies and [153] Jima Guardian Hay Festival Segovia, Spain HAY FESTIVAL DIARY DATES 2010 HAY FESTIVAL DIARY DATES 2009 10pm 8.30pm Mapfre Hay Festival Colombia Cartagena, Hay FestivalHay Winter Weekend, Wales Hay Festival Belfast, Northern Ireland Wan-Hu’s Flying Chair Guardian Hay Festival, Wales Storymoja Nairobi, Kenya and most recently 10 8.30 Mapfre Hay Festival Alhambra, Spain PM Oxfam Book Fortnight, UK PM bass; Hay on Fire, Wales Beirut 39, Lebanon Beirut Brecon Jazz, Wales OXFAM STUDIO Martyn Kaine Flags of our Fathers SONY SCREEN Andrew McCormack www.hayfestival.com trumpet; trumpet; Gran Torino . Graeme Blevins drums. drums. 6–9 August 31 October 30 July–2 August 4–7 March £4 £13 , 27 May–6 June Suit of Lights Letter from Iwo 4–18 July 24–27 septiembre 4–6 December . Kyle 23–31 May

28–31 enero piano;

abril 23 May 25 Monday 24 Tuesday 26 May Tuesday 26 May 10am 10am 9am memories of his childhood and 1950s England. distinguished writiers for children visits the rich Well-known poet and one of the countries most Hidden Roads Kevin Crossley-Holland [157] economic collapse and terrorism... Roman Empire of The long view The Fall of the West Adrian Goldsworthy [156] how to capture them in words and pictures. at gardens ancient and strikingly modern, The garden writer and his photographer look Discovering Welsh Gardens Stephen and Charles Hawes Anderton [155] 9 years + things horrid. Don’t forget your pencil! series to learn how all to doodle and cartoon brilliant illustrator behind this gruesomely Science just got a lot more squishy! Join the Horrible Science Tony de Saulles [HF29] by farm run Jonathon Harrington Hill Farm Visit MEET AT BOX OFFICE FOR BUS [HF28] Family event clothing in case of inclement weather. Please wear suitable footwear and waterproof farm walk end of a short at the from the farm produce will be served lambs. Lamb rolls made handle newly-born to sheep dogs working and the opportunity Romneys for sale as breeding stock. Shearing, Mountains and produces New Zealand The farm is high on the side of Black 10 10 10 10 9 AM AM AM AM AM –1 DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN Richard and Penny Chantler PM URINSAE£3 GUARDIAN STAGE played out in politicking, The Long, Slow Death of the leads a visit to the £5 £5 £5 £ 5 . 11.30am 10am that informed the history of Latin America. that informed the history Mexcio in 1955 and forged a 12-year friendship The two C20th political icons met in exile Fidel and Che: A Revolutionary Friendship Simon Reid-Henry [161] The Cambridge Festival of Ideas In association with Cambridge University and David Hume. theists can be improved by paying attention to debate between militant atheists and there isn’t. Blackburn shows why the current discovered either that there is a God, or that scientists arrive and declaim that they have Philosophers tend to roll their eyes when Hume Ten, Rest of ReligionWorld – Nil Cambridge 800 Series: Arguing about Simon Blackburn [160] Dolphin about cultural crash inform this illustrated lecture Political apathy, environmental neglect and Witness to Extinction Samuel Turvey [159] 8 years + far away. blowing event. Prepare to travel to galaxies far, world and children’s writer for this mind- Come and join one of the stars science Surfing the Solar System Lucy Hawking [HF33] Sponsored by Cross writers. leads a masterclass workshop for aspiring The Editor of How to Get Published Jo Herbert [158] 11.30 11.30 11.30 10 How We Failed to Save the Yangtze River 11.30 . AM –12.30 AM AM AM AM The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN URINSAE£4 GUARDIAN STAGE PM THE DRILL HALL £5 £5


£25 11.30am 1pm 12.25pm £3 Wild Life Lipstick delightful memoir Conversation with the authors of Midweek Tabletalk talk to Paul Blezard Judith Wills and John Lewis-Stempel [166] in the same light again. see Earth varietyrevelatory of indices. You will never health, wealth, and a fascinating The globe mapped not by landmass but by Atlas of the Real World Anna Barford and Daniel Dorling [165] papers. comedians mock facts and folly in today’s Sub-editors and journos beware... the The Early Edition 4 Carrie Quinlan Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent and [164] Rachmaninov’s Busoni The Russian-Israeli the Bach- pianist performs 3 SeriesBBC Radio 1 GiltburgBoris [163] channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on best names at the festival. with some of the biggest and and interviews television coverage featuring performances Mariella Frostrup Hay-on-Sky Filming [162] 1pmRecorded 3. for broadcast on BBC Radio HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 1 1 1 1 12.25 PM PM PM PM , and the truly good life adventure, and the truly Chaconne – OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE ST MARY’S CHURCH PM A Year Living on Wild Food –2 PM 2nd Piano Sonata , Grieg’s Keith Moon Stole My presents the daily SKY ARTS STUDIO Sonata Op. 7 £5 £4 £6 . £5 Sky Arts . , and 0870 990 1299 The 1pm 2.30pm 9 years + at a time. him on how we can save the planet one step green Leo Hickman. guru Come and quiz pressure. But fear not, help is at hand from getting away from it, you are the future. No Calling all mini eco-worriers! There is no Will Jellyfish Rule the World? Leo Hickman [HF38] Sponsored by MD Media of British humour. and anecdotes of a long, long golden age The grand master comedian spins yarns Clips from a Life Denis Norden talks to Paul Blezard BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [168] Kightly Iron works for a guided tour with Richard Keen Merthyr and Traedegar in the company of south-east Wales. Take in the historic towns of industrial heritage of A tour of the wonderful Cadw Site Visit: Blaenavon Iron Works [501] an intimate illustration masterclass. Join one of Wales’ for most acclaimed artists Illustration Masterclass Jackie Morris [167] 9 years + herrings. Tanya Landman to talk crime, clues and red good in a deerstalker? Join John Fardell and Fancy yourself as a bit of Miss Marple? Look Murder Most Mysterious John Fardell and Tanya Landman [HF34] FOR BUS 2.30 2.30 1 PM 2.30 1 . PM PM PM DISCOVERY SPACE £5 PM –8.30 RA TG £4 DREAM STAGE , before arriving at Blaenavon URINSAE£4 GUARDIAN STAGE PM www.hayfestival.com MEET AT BOX OFFICE

£4 £8 Charles

2.30pm 25 May 26 Tuesday 26 Tuesday 26 May

4pm 4pm 4pm 2.30pm to CERN in Geneva. antimatter bombs and antiworlds, all the way cosmic rays, annihilation, antiparticles, C20th, to the discovery of the first in the early relativity and quantum theory how it grew from the meeting point of reality of the great sci-fi staple catastrophe, and physicist examines the The eminent particle Anti Matter Frank Close [171] in the Tower. discusses her historical novel about the Princes The biologist’s great-great-granddaughter A Secret Alchemy talks to RuthEmma Darwin Padel [170] 10 years + with Julia Golding. quizzes and prizes for all who dare set sail on this Caribbean adventure... Costumes, and meet the pirates, slaves and slave-owners Welcome to Cat Royal and the 1790s. Come under threat.crisis, lives and fortunes Tough auditions, the world plunging in to Cat Royal Julia Golding [HF39] mission to reach the moon. images and flight logs from the first manned of Apollo 11 with astounding anniversary The Space historian celebrates the 40th One Giant Leap Piers Bizony [169] 4 2.30 2.30 PM 2.30 PM PM GUARDIAN STAGE PM DREAM STAGE SONY SCREEN

OXFAM STUDIO Hugh Masekela Hugh £6 £4 £6 £4 5.30pm Sponsored by Moccas Court music and his life. The South African jazz legend discusses his The Guardian Sessions: Jazz Talk Hugh Masekela talks to Sarfraz Manzoor BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION [174] Latin America. phenomenon in Europe, Asia and A monumental study of the C20th The Rise and Fall of Communism Archie Brown [173] fuelled situations from the author of adrenalin- tips for those tricky quiz and pick up a few and test your knowledge in this super buzzer daredevil? Then this is the place for you. Come Fancy yourself as the next ultimate survival The Ultimate Survival Quiz David Gilman [HF42] with Matisse. Britain, ending in the 20th century and then on to the empires of Venice and role in fountains and furniture),supporting Christian connotations, as well as playing a Ages, Renaissance and Baroque (where it had associated with several gods), into the Middle Western from Antiquity (where Art it was The dolphin’s presence and meaning in A School of Dolphins Charles Avery [172] 9 & Ray! – 14 years 5.30 4 4 PM PM 4 Danger Zone PM PM DREAM STAGE SONY SCREEN XA TDO£4 OXFAM STUDIO series. Look out Bear

£6 £5

£7 5.30pm 5.30pm series talks about heroism and heroes. stunning piece to take home. what suits you and why, while you make a fascinators on a comb. Yvette will teach you hand blocking on wooden blocks to making of hat-making from and mystery The art Yvette Jelfs Millinery Workshop [178] their success with for this prestigious award share the secrets of Back by popular demand, authors long-listed Fiction Prize 1 Discover The Guardian Children’s [HF43] Sponsored by Booth Books of his The great Welsh poet celebrates the launch Reading Dannie Abse [177] Conqueror The best-selling creator of Heroes Conn Iggulden [176] nef is sponsored by Building Society The Ecology Part the Crash’. of the nef series ‘Surviving nef Policy Director Andrew Simms chairs. Guardian Environment Editor John Vidal. Economic Counsellor Carlos Alfaro and world. Author Julia Wright talks with Cuban could save millions of lives in a warming How lessons from a small, isolated island The Cuban ‘Surprise’ John Vidal chaired by Andrew Simms Julia Wright, Carlos Alfaro and [175] 10 years + www.hayfestival.com/hayfever. Participating authors announced in May at Jacqueline Wilson and Meg Rosoff. winners include Philip Pullman, Patrick Ness, £55 ( 5.30pm NLDSMATERIALS INCLUDES 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 New Selected Poems 5.30 PM PM PM PM and PM DISCOVERY SPACE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE RA TG £3 DREAM STAGE Dangerous Book for Boys Julia Eccleshare ) . The Emperor £4 £5 £5 . Previous , 0870 990 1299 Sponsored by Moccas Court of jazz and township jive. with their glorious combination 70th birthday and his band celebrate The trumpeter Hugh Masekela in Concert [183] great-great-grandfather. love and family in this homage to her and Darwin’s personal life; between science, deftly between vast processes of evolution With sympathy and grace, the poet moves A Life in Poems – Darwin Ruth Padel [182] a consultant psychologist. Guide For The Modern Soul. happier and better with his The psychotherapist makes life Life Support Benna Waites Derek Draper talks to [181] supplying nearly half of the tourist market. subsistence farmers across the country, ‘Gambia is Good’ 1,000 project, supporting model for African Trade with their pioneering charity Concern Universal have created a superb the Hereford-based international development producer Haygrove organic fruit Ledbury and doing business in Africa? Time to re-consider: Is there a better way of Harvey hosted by Marcus Brigstocke Adama Bah, Angus Davison and Richard [180] Sponsored by MRC Wales Harry’s Game The Dead Donkey, Outnumbered with the comedian and creator of Jokes, stories, gossip, nudity and trampolining Hat of Doom Andy Hamilton [179] 9pm 7.30pm 9 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 PM PM PM PM PM BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION . DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE www.hayfestival.com Survival Waites is £4 £6 £5 and £9 Drop

Old Andy Hamilton Andy

£23 27 May 26 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 27 May Wednesday 27 May 10am 9am his proper context. Herefordshire poet and metaphysical writer in The Traherne scholars cite the inspiring C17th Thomas Traherne and Back Again The Pursuit of Happiness from Plato to Denise Inge & Mark Vernon [185] 9–14 years finale, this hugely successful series talk about its grand what’s not to love? Come and see the author of – Gladiators, togas, Latin and the odd mystery Roman Mysteries Caroline Lawrence [HF45] with eco-pioneer Elaine Brook. Site visit to an experiment in one-planet living The Solar House Elaine Brook [184] Supported by howies and TYF have ever faced Wales and the wider world. solutions to some the toughest challenges that public and private sector to develop practical range of specialist thinkers with leaders from A series of workshops bringing together a wide Hay on Earth 2 9 Family event clothing in case of inclement weather. Please bring suitable footwear and waterproof used and sample the cider! see the machinery and oilseed rape. Walk through the orchards, arable crops including wheat, barley, oats, beans also produces a range of other ‘Farm Assured’ demonstrating how bees are cared for. The farm and our resident beekeeper will be on the farm March 2009. Bees are essential to the orchards cider apple orchards, 21 acres planted in newly Catherine James Jonathon Harrington Trevithel Farm Court Visit MEET AT BOX OFFICE FOR BUS £5 [HF44] 10am 9amSTAND ONSITE FOR BUS AM –5 10 9 PM AM The Man From Pomegranate Street 10 9 AM AM AM DREAM STAGE MEET AT GAIA PARTNERSHIP –1 GUARDIAN STAGE PM ACASWAT AIIN£5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION . The farm has 80 acres of visits YINVITATION BY £8 David and £4 . 11.30am 10am 10 years + Sponsored by UNESCO Cymru vast chemical changes at the hand of man. 99% of the planet’s living space is undergoing Global Ocean Seasick: The Hidden Ecological Crisis of the Alanna Mitchell [189] Compassionate Economics by financial commentator and author of Someone, somewhere, needs to know... Chaired Intelligent People Who Aren’t in the Industry A Guide to Finance and Investment for Normally The Long and the Short of it John Kay [188] and last installment of the epic in children’s fiction as they introduce the tenth Join one of the most-loved creative partnerships The Immortals Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart £5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [HF47] subsequent life chances? season in which we are born affect our have on our wellbeing, and how does the nesting grounds? What effect do the seasons How do birds know when to return to their Survive That Enable Living Things to Thrive and Seasons of Life: The Biological Rhythms Russell Foster and Leon Kreitzman [187] Supported by CADW historian. and architecturelife by the eminent art Medieval Craftsmen in Wales Builders and Decorators Nicola Coldstream [186] 11.30 11.30 10 10 11.30 AM AM AM AM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN AM SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE Jesse Norman £5 brought to vivid £6 £6 Edge Chronicles


. . 0m11.30am . 10am 1pm 12.25pm 11.30am £3 7–10 years humour and of course, lots deadly dragons. more swashbuckling adventures, madcap brilliant unusual, hilarious hero. Join the author of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is a truly Hiccup: How to Ride a Dragon Storm Cressida Cowell [HF49] 1pmRecorded 3. for broadcast on BBC Radio spirituals. with songs by Barber, and African-American Copland’s 3 SeriesBBC Radio 2 Matthewmanby Gary Thomas Allen accompanied [192] channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on names at the festival. with some of the biggest and best interviews television coverage and featuring performances Mariella Frostrup Hay-on-Sky Filming [191] The Cambridge Festival of Ideas In association with Cambridge University and state of play. Study of Muslim–Jewish the Relations surveys The Executive Director of the Centre for Isaac and Ishmael – what next? Cambridge 800 Series: Ed Kessler [190] HRT DONATION CHARITY 1 12.25 11.30 PM 1 PM How to Train your Dragon ST MARY’S CHURCH Old American Songs PM AM ACASWAT AIIN£5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION –2 OXFAM STUDIO PM presents the daily SKY ARTS STUDIO OGOA ACTION GLOBAL TO together £6 £5 series for Sky Arts PLAN 0870 990 1299 2.30pm 1pm Sponsored by Booth Books and great Victorian diarist. A study of the Clyro and Bredwardine curate Kilvert’s and Landscape Diary John Toman [197] of ageing. Chairedinto the art by A fascinating and compassionate investigation About Time: Growing Old Disgracefully Irma Kurtz BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [196] Sponsored by The Tablet Christians uneasy. of God’, in ways that have always made some wave of devotees, ultimately becoming ‘a sort endlessly remade and reimagined by wave after powerful, strange and ungovernable force, Christianity established itself she emerged as a one, and yet in the centuries during which Mary’s role in the Gospels is a relatively minor Virgin Mary Mother of God of the – A History Catherine Pepinster Miri Rubin talks to [195] Hereford Photography Festival In association with Hereford College of Art and The Guardian colour work from the 60s and 70s with photographer shows and discusses his Photography Festival To celebrate his major show at the Retrospective John Bulmer talks to Eamonn McCabe [194] out today. That’ll be fun. anti-management. B&R and a fair bit of news The team play with the papers. Much laughter, Early Edition 5 and Carrie Quinlan Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent [193] 2.30 2.30 1 1 1 PM PM PM PM PM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE GUARDIAN STAGE ’s Picture Editor. www.hayfestival.com the film-maker and £6 £5 £6 £6 Revel Guest £4 Hereford


1pm 29 May 27 Wednesday 30 Wednesday 27 May 4pm 2.30pm 7 years + dragonology. Mystery and magic guaranteed. learn the secrets of the ancient science Dragon come and scales, riddles and runes; Dragonology Dugald A. Steer [HF56] X-rayed. human hunger. Be prepared to have your soul astonishing and disturbing metamorphoses of spiritual and political tour around the take a biological, sociological, metaphysical, To be human is to hungry. Prof Tallis will Hunger TallisRaymond [200] 10 years + adventure is about to begin. World War Two where the first CHERUB Join this thrilling author as he takes us back to Henderson’s Boys: Eagle Day Robert Muchamore [HF55] drinks company.perfectly-formed of the small and celebrate the 10th anniversary The co-founder and his creative director Innocent Smoothies Richard Reed and Dan Germain [199] sequel to Patrick Ness returns to Hay with the gripping & The Ask The Answer CILIP presents [HF52] 2.30 Sponsored by LineThe Railway Nursery illustrated by photographer Alex Ramsey. The writer features her favourite Welsh gardens, Gardens of Wales Helena Attlee [198] judge CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Award discussion with young people’s librarian and 4pm 12 years + 4 2.30 2.30 Jake Hope PM 4 4 PM PM PM PM The Knife of Never Letting Go GUARDIAN STAGE PM SONY SCREEN £4 £5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION CAFÉDIRECT FRIENDS CAFÉ SONY SCREEN OXFAM STUDIO £4 . Patrick Ness £6 £6 . In 0870 9901299 £4 5.30pm 4pm Sponsored by The Housman Society about poetry. of Music to Girls George of Allnorthover The novelist and poet, author of and Nature of Poetry The Housman Lecture 2009: The Name Lavinia Greenlaw [203] Sponsored by Gleeds Change’ Programme. Dialogues: Architecture and Climate of the ‘RIBA As part Trust International Architecture and Biomimicry Michael Pawlyn [202] Sponsored by The Elmley Foundation. retaining its special status as a sacred text. religion, politics and the reading public while retailored to meet the changing needs of we trace how the Bible has been endlessly From manuscripts to Gutenbergs and Gideons The Bible and the People Lori Anne Ferrell [201] 9 years – adult so please come prepared with lots of questions. The entire by you, session will be run the audience, to quiz them on all things writerly.opportunity Join some of the nation’s best writers for a unique Writers’ Question Time Ness and Jenny Valentine Jasper Fforde, Cressida Cowell, Patrick £5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [HF60] 9–14 years villains and the guillotine. bold heroines, ruthless Necklace, The Silver Blade Child, Sovay Prepare to be swept away by Celia Rees ( Vive la Revolution! Celia Rees & Sally Gardner [HF57] 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 4 PM PM PM PM PM ) and Sally Gardner ( OXFAM STUDIO £4 GUARDIAN STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN gives this year’s lecture www.hayfestival.com , and ) with their tales of The Importance £7

£5 The Red Minsk, Mary £6


5.30pm 4pm 6.45pm 5.30pm nef is sponsored by Building Society The Ecology Part the Crash’. of the nef series ‘Surviving Director Andrew Simms. activist James Marriott. Chaired by nef Policy HSBC climate advisor Nick Robins and art collective survival? With economist John Kay, the City of London hold key to our Does the behaviour of a handful investors in The Dark City Marriott chaired by Andrew Simms John Kay, Nick Robins and James [207] iconic Contributors, founders and editors of the Soul i-D Jones, Ben Reardon and Dylan Jones Franklyn,Caryn Tricia Jones, Terry [206] Macca’s trousers. BressonCartier in Liverpool and jives in perspires in the Foreign Legion, snaps Henri with mortality, seeks love in the launderette, wrestles death…’ – the patron saint of poetry ‘At that awkward age now and between birth That Awkward Age Roger McGough [205] by The WelshSupported VenisonCentre Mush! Norwegian teams on foot across the Antarctic. Dreamboat Brit adventurer-heroes race two to the PoleRace Ben Fogle and James Cracknell [204] 10 years + See event [HF43], page [27]. Fiction Prize 2 Discover The Guardian Children’s [HF61] 6.45pmlove and spirituality’. fashion book, ‘an honest and real look at life, 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 i-D 5.30 PM PM PM PM magazine discuss their latest art and magazine discuss their latest art PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION DREAM STAGE £3 £5 £5 £5 £8 Sponsored by LT Baynham Notting Hill Black Books Sublime stand-up from the star of Dylan Moran BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [211] Supported by The Elmley Foundation magnificent costumes and masks. programme of sacred dances and music in by the first Dalai Lama in the C15th, present a monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, founded Eight and the beating of drums. Tibetan cymbals, the booming of great long horns mantras, the ringing of bells, clash chanting of Buddhist texts, the recitation of The sacred world of Tibet is filled with the The Power of Compassion Tashi Lhunpo Monastery Tibetan Monks from [210] challenge, engage and seduce. Sitawa Namwalie’s words invade private spaces, sweats, dances, breaks into song and dance. Kenyans to colonise their own history. It rants, reading of poetry, but a spirited invocation to discovery, about relationships. It is no ordinary about land, tribe, personal The Storymoja Africa crew presents a show Cut Off My Tongue Muraya and Sally Oyugi Masese, Lilian Olembo, Joshua Ogutu Shan Bartley, Dennis Alice Karinditu, Teriki Seii, Jane Muthoni Garland, Betty Wamalwa Muragori, Jepchirchit [209] * There will be a collection for charity Olimpico in Rome. Champions League final live from the Stadio The European Cup Final [208] 9pm 8.30pm 7.45pm 9 8.30 7.45 8.30 PM PM PM PM , . Shaun of the Dead DREAM STAGE SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE REBTTICKETED BUT FREE REBTTICKETED BUT FREE and £12 £5

* 8.30pm

Dylan Moran 31 May 27 Wednesday Thursday 28 May 0870 990 1299 www.hayfestival.com 9am 10am 11.30am 12.25pm

[HF62] 9 AM–1PM [HF63] 10 AM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 [217] 11.30 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 [221] 12.25 PM–2PM SKY ARTS STUDIO MEET AT BOX OFFICE FOR BUS £5 £3CHARITY DONATION TO GLOBAL ACTION PLAN Roger McGough The Michael Ramsey Prize Thursday 28May Maesllwch Home Farm Visit Slapstick A conversation with the writers shortlisted for Hay-on-Sky Filming Jonathon Harrington visits Andrew and If Philosophy is the Why? And Science is the the £15,000 biennial prize for theological Mariella Frostrup presents the daily Sky Arts Rachel Giles. The farm has a purely organic How? Then Poetry is the Wow! Join one of writing: Sebastian Moore – The Contagion of television coverage featuring performances dairy herd of 450 cows producing milk for Yeo Britain’s best loved poets as he showcases his Jesus; David Brown – God & Grace of Body: and interviews with some of the biggest and Valley, who make it into yoghurt and cheese. new collection of slapstick verses. Sacrament in Ordinary; Richard Burridge – best names at the festival. Please bring suitable footwear and waterproof 0am 10 Imitating Jesus; Anthony Thiselton – The Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on clothing in case of inclement weather. 10 years – adult Hermeneutics of Doctrine; Richard Bauckham Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Family event [215] 10 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 – Jesus and the Eyewitnesses. Chaired by channel 258. Rowan Williams talks to AN Wilson Madeleine Bunting. 9AM–5PM DREAM STAGE BY INVITATION

Thursday 28 May 28 Thursday Supported by The Elmley Foundation Hay on Earth 3 Dostoevsky: Language, Faith and Fiction The Archbishop of Canterbury’s reading of the 1pm A series of workshops bringing together a wide great Russian master asks us to imagine what [218] 11.30 AM SONY SCREEN £6 range of specialist thinkers with leaders from might be possible if we – characters and readers Alan Macfarlane public and private sector to develop practical [222] 1 PM OXFAM STUDIO £75 – saw the world in another light; the light solutions to some the toughest challenges that Cambridge 800 Series: The Michael Ramsey Prize Lunch provided by faith. have ever faced Wales and the wider world. How the World Works In the presence of Archbishop Rowan Supported by The Elmley Foundation The sociologist asks – are there laws and Williams and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and

Supported by howies and TYF 1pm tendencies in human history and culture and, the judges and shortlisted candidates for this [216] 10 AM SONY SCREEN £4 if so, what are they and how do we discover year’s Michael Ramsey Prize. The winner will [212] 9 AM MEET AT BOX OFFICE £8 William Nicholson them? Chaired by Claire Armitstead. be announced at the end of the lunch. Stephen Marsh Smith In association with Cambridge University and Wye Valley Walk The Secret Intensity of Everyday Life The novelist and screenwriter introduces The Cambridge Festival of Ideas [223] 1 PM ST MARY’S CHURCH £5 Join the Wye and Usk Foundation trip around his witty and acute social comedy set in a Tai Murray accompanied by the Wye and its tributaries near Hay, see the rare Sussex village. [219] 11.30 AM Gilles Vonsattel and unusual creatures that live in the river, and CAFÉDIRECT FRIENDS CAFÉ £5 BBC Radio 3 Series 3 see what progress is being made to restore the Rory Maclean runs of salmon. [HF64] 10 AM OXFAM STUDIO £3 Rising young American star violinist performs 9am MG Harris The Traveller Stravinsky’s Divertimento, Dvorak’s Sonata in Sponsored by RM Jones Pharmacy The Joshua Files The intrepid wanderer charts the evolution of F Op. 57 and Suk’s Four Pieces Op. 17. travel writing from the fall of the Wall to the [213] 9 AM SONY SCREEN £4 Mayan mystery, fast-paced thrills and Recorded for broadcast on BBC Radio 3. nail-biting adventure. If you haven’t discovered rise of the Taliban. His books Magic Bus, Andrew Mottram Stalin’s Nose and Under the Dragon have The God Boxes The Joshua Files yet, now is your chance – [HF68] 1 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 miss it if you dare. invited realistic comparisons with Chatwin Until the Reformation churches were huge and Kapuscinski. Jonathan multi-functional spaces. There was no other 10 years + Heroes of the Valley centre. No pubs. No civic centres or courts. [220] 11.30 AM DREAM STAGE £5 The hugely popular author of the bestselling Everything happened in the parish church. Alistair Sawday, Barbara Haddrill, Bartimaeus trilogy introduces his new hero Then it all got stuck. The church became a 11.30am Elaine Brook talk to Andy Fryers Halli Sveinsson to Hay and reveals the secrets behind his shocking plot-twists and razor- ‘God box’ full of pews. The radical Director How Green is my Money? of Ecclesiastical Property Solutions discusses sharp dialogue. [HF66] 11.30 AM Can eco-friendly lifestyles be more enjoyable the role of church buildings in their 10–16 years communities today. BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 and healthy, better quality and actually less Anthony Horowitz expensive than our current planet-guzzling Sponsored by The Elmley Foundation [224] 1 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £6 The Power of Five: Necropolis habits? Alastair Sawday looks at the ‘Go Slow’ 11.30pm Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent Action, adventure and ancient evil – join this food and lifestyle movement in Italy, Barbara [214] 9 AM OXFAM STUDIO FREE BUT TICKETED Haddrill tells tales of her aviation-free journey and Carrie Quinlan Green Valleys stellar author to hear all about the fourth Power of Five and get the inside take on his to Australia, and Elaine Brook explores how The Early Edition 6 Ever wondered about making your own green forthcoming graphic novels and ‘Alex Rider 8’. businesses themselves are co-operating to Tabloid, broadsheet, Hereford Times... our energy and selling it back to the National grid develop a radically new enterprise culture. merry mockers read them all. 10–16 years for a profit? Ben Fogle introduces the Sponsored by the Gaia Partnership inspirational Green Valleys – Wales’ entry to the million pound Big Green Challenge Competition – who have done just that. 32 Supported by Brecon Beacons National Park 33 Michael Morpurgo

2.30pm 1pm

[225] 1 PM SONY SCREEN £5 [228] 2.30 PM Rob Hopkins, Rosie Boycott CAFÉDIRECT FRIENDS CAFÉ £7 and Andrew Simms John Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale Transition Now Questions of Truth Frontline news from the UK’s fastest growing The distinguished scientist and theologian and social experiment – the Transition Town his philosopher interlocutor offer 51 Responses Movement – with movement founder Rob to Questions about God, Science and Belief. Hopkins and journalist and smallholder Supported by The Elmley Foundation Rosie Boycott. Chaired by nef Policy Director Andrew Simms. 3.45pm Part of the nef series ‘Surviving the Crash’. nef is sponsored by The Ecology Building Society

Thursday 28 May 28 Thursday [229] 3.45 PM SONY SCREEN £5 [226] 1 PM CAFÉDIRECT FRIENDS CAFÉ £5 Hannah Rothschild Robert Hutchinson The Jazz Baroness Screening House of Treason: The Rise and Fall of a The director introduces a screening of her Tudor Dynasty magical film about her great-aunt the jazz From Bosworth to the Armada the historian patron Panonica Rothschild and her traces the fortunes of England’s grandest relationship with the bebop king Thelonious Catholic family, the Dukes of Norfolk. Monk. Featuring Helen Mirren, Sonny Rollins, Clint Eastwood and Quincy Jones. 2.30pm 4pm [HF70] 2.30 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £4 4pm Michael Morpurgo and Jamila Gavin [230] 4 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 Free Carol Ann Duffy talks to Gillian Clarke Join two of the UK’s leading children’s writers to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the A conversation with the great poet. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and celebrate what it means to be free. An inspiring, [231] 4 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 essential event for readers young and old. Adam Workowski Chaired by Daniel Hahn. John Paul II’s Philosophy of Love and Lust 9 years – adult The lecturer at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow examines Karol Wojtyla’s [HF71] 2.30 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £3 impact upon Catholicism and democracy in Philip Ardagh Eastern Europe. Strongly criticised for his Grubtown Tales anachronistic approach to sexuality, his vision Join the much-loved creator of Eddie Dickens as of love and lust is however up-to-date and poses 2.30pm he introduces his exceptionally silly new series. a powerful challenge to modern culture. With raining cows, giant (strawberry) jellies and Supported by The Polish Cultural Institute in knitted houses there’s sure to be giggles galore. London and Polska! Year 7–10 years [HF72] 4 PM OXFAM STUDIO £4 21-31 May 2009 Melvin Burgess, Lucy Christopher [227] 2.30 PM SONY SCREEN £5 The Guardian Hay Festival 0870 990 1299 Colin Tudge and Anna Perera www.hayfestival.com/hayfever Consider the Birds Spinebreakers Some birds have fabulous memories, some Join teen legend Melvin Burgess as he discusses make tools, and some are serious aesthetes. Yet controversy, raw realism and gripping narrative birds, basically, are dinosaurs. We don’t need with hot new talent Lucy Christopher and Anna Star Trek to find alien intelligence. Just consider Perera in this unique event for teens by teens. the birds! 13 years + 34 35 Welcome to Hay Fever! We hope you’ve got lots of energy because our half-term programme is jam-packed with performances, workshops and fun for the whole family. Meet your favourite fiction heroes, including Jacqueline Wilson, Anthony Horowitz and Cornelia Funke. Discover future hotshots such as Lucy rd Christopher, Jenny Valentine and Patrick Ness. Party with the Gruffalo, a 23 Very Hungry Caterpillar, a Beast Quest master and the Glitterwings Fairies. Plus lots, lots more! We are particularly excited about our Hay Fever Space this year. Open HF 01 10am, £5, Guardian Stage STIG OF THE DUMP 10am–5pm every day, the Children’s Zone, parents’ chillout café and Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler workshop performance spaces are all under one roof for the very first time. DRAMA WORKSHOPS There’s lots to keep busy, from crafting to coffee and books to birds, so do The Gruffalo LIVE A weekend of creative workshops for Join in the Gruffalo’s 10th birthday party in stop by and say hello! children based on BBC ‘Playaway’ presenter this interactive, lively celebration with the Janine Sharp’s recent successful adaptation All this fun would not be possible without the wonderful support of the author and illustrator. Jam-packed with of Clive King’s children’s classic. Join Janine Hay audience, so a big thank you! This beautiful programme wouldn’t have songs, music, fun and rhyme. and her team for , games, been possible without the brilliant illustrator Ed Vere and the designers at Family Event improvisations, songs and dance. Savage & Gray - we hope you like it as much as we do.Hay Fever would also HF 04 10am–11am, Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 May like to thank all the artists, publishers, sponsors, stewards and people HF 02 10am, £2, Imagine Space plus 2.30pm–4.30pm Sunday 24 May only, Swan happy to hop into costumes. Hotel, £12 Workshops for 5–7 year olds (3 Young Yoga 1 sessions)* Have a brilliant time. A fun session taking you on an adventure that involves animal yoga poses, stories, puppets Two one-hour workshops for younger and songs, ending with quiet relaxation. children, with a rehearsal and informal performance on Sunday. 18 months–8 years HF 05 11.15am–4.30pm, Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 Sophie Lording May, Swan Hotel, £30. All day workshops for 8-12 year HF 03 10am, HF 06 11.30am, HF 08 1pm, Hay Fever Director olds (2 sessions)* £2 each, Discovery Space Two all-day workshops for older children Gifford’s Circus culminating in an informal performance. Arts, Crafts and Stories in the Children’s Zone See, touch, discover! Juggling Jamboree 4pm–4.30pm, Sunday 24 May, Swan Hotel Family and friends are welcome to view Whether you love fairies, dinosaurs, Spot or Peter Rabbit, Become absorbed in the fascinating Time to polish your party tricks! Join the the informal performance. there will be plenty of colouring and creative make-and- world of science and technology with the hands-on exhibits talented juggler and acrobat Bichu take activities available for under 8s every day during the in the TechniQuest zone. There are puzzles and activities to Tesfamarium to learn how to juggle like a pro. festival in the Children’s Zone from 10am to 5pm. keep the whole family entertained, so come and try the All capabilities welcome. HF 10 4pm–4.30pm, £3, Imagine Space We are also lucky enough to have a whole library of brilliant Thermochromic, the Towers of Brahma, the Bernouilli Family Event Julia Donaldson books for you to browse and enjoy whether you’re a tot, a Blower … and press lots of buttons! teen or in between. Bookstart Rhymetime sessions, with a Radio Gruffalo mix of rhymes, rhythm and song that parents can enjoy and HF 07 11.30am, £2, Imagine Space Join Julia Donaldson and play the part of a share with their children, will be running throughout the Just outside the Hay Fever Space is the Young Yoga 2 snake, an owl, a fox or even a hungry Gruffalo week. Baby Bookworm sessions will be held in the soft in this LIVE recording of The Gruffalo. Wiggly Wigglers garden full of chickens, See event HF02 section of the Children’s Zone. See the Hay Fever honeysuckle and wellies. Come and find 4-7 years blackboards onsite for more info. out about bees, composting, worms 18 months–8 years and veggies from the tip top Wiggly As the zone runs on an informal, free basis, please note * Children will need to commit to both days and wear that spaces are subject to availability on the day. Activities Wigglers staff. Pottery fun will also be taking place here – HF 09 2.30pm, £4, Oxfam Studio comfortable clothes. Parents will need to complete a will be listed on our Hay Fever blackboards, outside the keep an eye on the Wiggly blackboards for more info during Julia Donaldson and registration form when they drop off their children. Parents of zone every day. the festival. younger children are welcome to stay and join in. Older Jenny Valentine children will need to bring a packed lunch. All children will need Please remember the Hay Fever Space is not a crèche to bring black/dark clothing for the informal performance. RSPB and all parents and guardians are responsible for Teen Reads From Tuesday 26 toThursday 29 May, RSPB their own children. Children must be Join two of the freshest voices in the world professionals and volunteers will be hosting accompanied at all times unless of teen fiction as they explore character lots of wonderful activities in the otherwise stated. The lost development and plot twists in Running Children’s Zone, so if you fancy children point is at the on the Cracks (Donaldson) and The Ant yourself as a bit of a mini- information desk in the Hay Colony (Valentine). Chaired by Daniel Hahn. twitcher or ever wondered Fever Space foyer. 12 years + what it’s like to build a bird’s nest, do pop along. Design & layout: www.savageandgray.co.uk Box Office Illustration © Ed Vere 0870 990 1299 36 www.edvere.com www.hayfestival.com 37 38

24 18 months–8 years See event Afternoon Chill Out Young Yoga 4 HF 15 4-7 years Tilly, Tiptoe, Hector, Doodle, Pru and Tumpty. Come and dance the Wiggle Wiggle Woo with Tilly and Friends Polly Dunbar HF 13 Family Event See event Jamboree Juggling Gifford’s Circus HF12 18 months–8 years See event Morning Zinger Young Yoga 3 HF 11 £2 each, Discovery Space

th 10am, £2, Imagine Space 10am, 1pm, £2, Imagine Space 11.30am, £3, Imagine Space HF 02 HF 03 HF 02 HF 14 11.30am, HF 16 1pm, and his forthcoming projects with Pixar. 9 years-adult including and writer discusses his mesmerising work, The multi-award winning Australian illustrator Tales From Outer Suburbia Shaun Tan HF 19 4-7 years Hello, Tilly other animal friends in this LIVE recording of Toot and meet Tilly’s with Tiptoes the Rabbit, Polly Dunbar invites you to sing Rooty-Toot- Radio Hello, Tilly Polly Dunbar HF 18 9 years–adult forthcoming work. clips and sneak previews of her speaks about her adaptation, with children’s tale, favouriteThe screenwriter of JK Rowling’s The Secret of Moonacre Lucy Shuttleworth HF 17 2.30pm, £4, Sony Screen 2.30pm 4pm, £4, Sony Screen The Arrival . – 3pm, £3, Imagine Space The Little White Horse , Tales From Outer Suburbia , 12-15 years Rings the storytelling, from introduces the basic pillars of screen James Walker In this screenwriting masterclass writer/director Plot PitchPick it, it, it! HF 22 Family Event Local agronomist Welsh Venison Centre Visit HF 21 by HerefordSupported of Arts College 9 years–adult recent BAFTA nomination. Screening included. discuss working collaboratively and their haunting ecological tale come together to The writer and film-maker of this beautifully Varmints Marc Craste & Helen Ward HF 20 clothing in case of inclement weather. Please wear suitable footwear and waterproof of the lambs. and a chance to see and handle some be calving, farm when it is expected that some of the deer will barley and oats. There will be a walk round the grows a range of arable crops including wheat, ewes, some beef cattle on the grazing areas and 150 and Elaine Morgan visit to the Welsh Venison Centre run by

25 – 200 breeding deer, a flock of 500 breeding 9am 10am–12.30pm, £15, Imagine Space via 9am, £4 , Sony Screen – Finding Nemo

1pm, £5, meet at box office for bus th (unaccompanied with sign in/out) from Young Film Academy Jonathon Harrington . The farm has a herd of Odyssey and Spiderman to to Lord of the Andrew . leads a Sponsored by Grant Thornton 8 years + jungles and oceans of the world. deserts, they and adventures share their art from the with Olly & Suzi, as ends of the earth at the furthest Calling all intrepid explorers! Discover what it’s like Wild Art Wonders Olly & Suzi HF 27 7 years + from a load of junk. Gardening with Children Playground Potting Shed: A Foolproof Guide to Join Guardian writer and author of Greenfingers 2 Dominic Murphy HF 26 16-18 years masterclass writer/director or Andrew Davis? In this screenwriting Fancy stepping into the shoes of Joss Whedon Screenwriting Masterclass HF 25 7 years + for summer and make slug traps. Gardening with Children Playground Potting Shed: A Foolproof Guide to Join Guardian writer and author of Greenfingers 1 Dominic Murphy HF 24 8-11 years for the head and hands! Keep & Share to learn to knit – a fun challenge Join knitting-guru Knit-tastic! HF 23 of screen storytelling. Young Film Academy introduces the basic pillars 4pm, £2, Discovery Space 2.30pm–5pm, £15, Imagine Space 10am–12.30pm, £10, Discovery Space 11.30am, free but ticketed, Wiggly Wigglers Garden 2.30pm, free but ticketed, Wiggly Wigglers Garden (unaccompanied with sign in/out) www.hayfestival.com 0870 990 1299 Box Office Amy Twigger Holroyd to create a herb garden to plant a salad garden James Walker The The of from 39 HF 35 11.30am, £3, Imagine Space HF 40 2.30pm–5pm, £10, Imagine Space Eric Maddern Nifty Knitting The King and the Seed Get nifty and thrifty with knitting guru Amy Twigger Holroyd of Keep & Share and An inspiring storytelling performance with th learn how to knit. 26 songs and a didgeridoo. A real treat. 6 years + 12-16 years (unaccompanied with sign in/out)

HF 41 3.15pm–4pm, £3, Discovery Space HF 36 1pm, £3, Imagine Space Hannah Shaw Music House For Children HF 28 9am–1pm, £5 , meet at box office for bus HF 30 10am, £3, Imagine Space Goldilocks, The Three Bears Hill Farm Visit Jackie Morris Erroll Warning: may contain squirrels! When Erroll the and unexpected guests Jonathon Harrington leads a visit to the farm Snow Leopard squirrel turns up in Bob’s pack of Nutti Nutts, Explore an imaginary world of stories and run by Richard and Penny Chantler. The farm Join this enchanting illustrator to explore how mess, chaos and peanut butter are not far song with The Music House For Children. is high on the side of the Black Mountains and her work comes to life from paintbrush to behind. Join the author-illustrator for some produces New Zealand Romneys for sale as 2-4 years picture books. Hear the story of a girl and a nutty mayhem. breeding stock to other farmers who wish to leopard, star-spangled snow and magic. An improve their flocks. There will be demonstrationsevent woven out of folk tales and dreams. 3 years + HF 42 4pm, £4, Oxfam Studio of sheep dogs working and shearing and the David Gilman 6-12 years opportunity to handle newly-born lambs. Lamb HF 37 2.15pm-3pm, £3, Discovery Space rolls made from the farm produce will be served The Ultimate Survival Quiz at the end of a short farm walk. HF 31 10am–10.45am, £3, Discovery Space Music House For Children Fancy yourself as the next ultimate survival Please wear suitable footwear and waterproof Music House For Children Tales of Fish and daredevil? Then this is the place for you. clothing in case of inclement weather. Songs of the Sea Come and test your knowledge in this super Tales of Birds and buzzer quiz and pick up a few tips for those tricky Family Event Songs of Spring An ocean of movement and stories, song and situations from the author of the adrenalin- instruments, with The Music House For Children. A delightful music and movement event fuelled Danger Zone series. Look out Bear & Ray! 0-2 years HF 29 10am, £3, Guardian Stage using traditional stories, from The Music 9-14 years Tony de Saulles House For Children. 0-2 years HF 38 2.30pm, £4, Guardian Stage Horrible Science Leo Hickman HF 43 5.30pm, £3, Dream Stage Science just got a lot more squishy! Join the HF 32 11am–11.45am, £3, Discovery Space Will Jellyfish Rule The World? Discover The Guardian illustrator behind this gruesomely brilliant series Children’s Fiction Prize 1 to learn how to doodle and cartoon all things Music House For Children Calling all mini eco-worriers! There is no getting horrid. Don’t forget your pencil! The Lamb Who away from it, you are the future. No pressure. Back by popular demand, authors longlisted for this prestigious award share the secrets of their 9 years + Lost His Jump But fear not, help is at hand from green guru Leo Hickman. Come and quiz him on how we success with Julia Eccleshare. Previous winners Explore an imaginary world of stories and song can save the planet one step at a time. include Philip Pullman, Patrick Ness, Jacqueline with The Music House For Children. Wilson and Meg Rosoff. 2-4 years 9 years + Participating authors announced in May at: www.hayfestival/hayfever HF 33 11.30am, £4, Guardian Stage HF 39 2.30pm, £4, Oxfam Studio 10 years + Lucy Hawking Julia Golding Surfing the Solar System Cat Royal Come and join one of the stars of the science Tough auditions, the world plunging into crisis, world and children’s writer, Lucy Hawking, for this lives and fortunes under threat. Welcome to mind-blowing event. Prepare to travel to galaxies Cat Royal and the 1790s. Come and meet far, far away. the pirates, slaves and slaveowners on this Caribbean adventure... Costumes, quizzes and 8 years + prizes for all who dare set sail with Julia Golding. HF 34 1pm, £4, Dream Stage 10 years + John Fardell & Tanya Landman Murder Most Mysterious Fancy yourself as a bit of a Miss Marple? Look good in a deerstalker? Join John Fardell and Tanya Landman to talk crime, clues and red herrings. Box Office 9 years + 0870 990 1299 40 www.hayfestival.com 41 42

27 5-8 years the author adventures of Sir Charlie Stinky Socks with Stinky socks at the ready! Join in the the Really Frightful Night Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and Kristina Stephenson HF 46 9-14 years Street grand finale, this hugely successful series talk about its what’s not to love? Come and see the author of Gladiators, togas, Latin and the odd mystery: Roman Mysteries Caroline Lawrence HF 45 Family Event clothing in case of inclement weather. Please bring suitable footwear and waterproof the machinery used and sample cider! and oilseed rape. Walk through the orchards, see arable crops including wheat, barley, oats, beans also produces a range of other ‘Farm Assured’ demonstrating how bees are cared for. The farm and our resident beekeeper will be on the farm March 2009. Bees are essential to the orchards orchards, 21 of which have been newly planted in James visit to the farm run by Local agronomist Trevithel Court Farm Visit HF 44 sound effects and plenty of screams. 10am, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 10am, £3, Imagine Space 9am–1pm, £5, meet at box office for bus . . The farm has 80 acres of cider apple

th – illustrator armed with fancy dress, The Man From Pomegranate Jonathon Harrington David and Catherine leads a 4-7 years recording of Stephenson when you take in this LIVE part Experience a really frightful night with Kristina Stinky Socks Radio Sir Charlie Kristina Stephenson HF 51 3-6 years See event Giraffes Can’t Dance Party! 2 HF 50 7-10 years humour and, of course, lots deadly dragons. more swashbuckling adventures, madcap brilliant unusual, hilarious hero. Join the author of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is a truly Ride a Dragon Storm Hiccup: How to Cressida Cowell HF 49 3-6 years With music, dancing and craft activities. animal expert and illustrator Boogie with entertainer Jungle dance is looming and he can’t dance! Gerald the Giraffe needs help – the Great Giraffes Can’t Dance Party! 1 HF 48 10 years + epic introduce the tenth and last installment of the in children’s fiction as theypartnerships Join one of the most-loved creative The Immortals Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart HF 47 Edge Chronicles 1pm–1.30pm, £3, Discovery Space 1pm, £3 , Imagine Space 1pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 11.30am, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 11.30am, £3, Imagine Space How to Train your Dragon HF 48 Sir Charlie Stinky Socks Sir Charlie Stinky . Liz Fost Guy Parker-Rees and meet series for . . 7 years + dragonology. Mystery and magic guaranteed. learn the secrets of the ancient science of Dragon scales, riddles and runes; come Dragonology Steer Dugald A. HF 56 10 years + adventure is about to begin. World War Two where the first CHERUB Join this thrilling author as he takes us back to Henderson’s Boys: Eagle Day Robert Muchamore HF 55 7-10 years adventure!heart-pounding of a cheering & booing crowd in this part audiobook Roman Mystery style. Play the Join Caroline Lawrence to record a LIVE Radio Roman Mysteries Caroline Lawrence HF 54 9 years + collide. A must for all gamers. adventure, as professional gaming and crime host of Join the UK’s best-known face of technology and Dot Robot Jason Bradbury HF 53 12 years + to Patrick Ness returns to Hay with the gripping sequel & The Answer The Ask CILIP presents HF 52 Greenaway Award judge young people’s librarian and CILIP Carnegie & Kate The Knife of Never Letting Go 2.30pm, £4, Oxfam Studio 4pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 2.30pm, £3, Imagine Space 4pm, £4, Sony Screen 2.30pm–3pm, £3, Discovery Space The Gadget Show Patrick Ness Jake Hope for a thrilling . In discussion with . young illustrators! draw your very own gorilla. Sure to delight all story of a piano-playing gorilla, and then learn to ruthless villains and the guillotine. The Silver Blade 10 years + See event Children’s Fiction Prize 2 Discover The Guardian HF 61 9 years-adult of questions! the audience, so come prepared with lots writerly. The entire session will be run by you, to quiz them on all things unique opportunity Join some of the nation’s best writers for a Writers’ Question Time Patrick Ness and Jenny Valentine Jasper Fforde, Cressida Cowell, HF 60 5 years + illustrator Ed Vere! Hear Ed read from Draw along with hugely talented author- Mr Big Vere Ed HF 59 11 years-adult domination via social networks! yourthe coolest videos and start plans for world very latest on how to shoot create the best blog, has over 5,000 fans on MySpace alone. Hear the Join the author of Blog It! Andy Briggs HF 58 9-14 years Child, Sovay Prepare to be swept away by Celia Rees ( Vive la Revolution! Celia Rees and Sally Gardner HF 57 5.30pm, £3, Dream Stage 4pm, £4, Oxfam Studio 4pm, £3, Imagine Space 4pm, £3, Discovery Space 5.30pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion HF 43 ) and Sally Gardner ( ) with their tales of bold heroines, www.hayfestival.com 0870 990 1299 Box Office Hero.com and The Red Necklace, Villain.net Mr Big Witch , who , the 43 44 illustrators! draw your very own monkeys. Sure to delight all young yet, now is your chance – miss it if you dare. 10-16 years and ‘Alex Rider 8’. forthcoming graphic novels and get the inside take on his about the fourth Action, adventure and ancient evil – The Power of Five: Necropolis Anthony Horowitz HF 66 5 years + Hear Ed read from B Draw along with Hay Fever’s official 2009 illustrator. BANANA! Vere Ed HF 65 10 years + adventure. If you haven’t discovered the Mayan mystery, fast-paced thrills and nail-biting The Joshua Files M.G Harris HF 64 10 years-adult slapstick verses. loved poets as he showcases his new collection of Then Poetry is the Wow! Join one of Britain’s best If Philosophy is the Why? And Science is the How? Slapstick Roger McGough HF 63 Family Event clothing in case of inclement weather. Please bring suitable footwear and waterproof Valley, who make it into and cheese. yoghurt organic dairy herd of 450 cows producing milk for Yeo Andrew and Rachel Giles Jonathon Harrington Maesllwch Home Farm Visit HF 62 join this stellar author to hear all

28 9am–1pm, £5, meet at box office for bus 10am, £3, Imagine Space 10am, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 11.30am, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 10am, £3, Oxfam Studio

th Power of Five anana! and Chick! leads a visit to this farm run by . The farm has a purely Then learn to Joshua Files houses there are sure galore. to be giggles raining cows, giant (strawberry) jellies and knitted introduces his exceptionally silly new series. With 13 years + unique event for teens by teens. new talent Lucy Christopher and Anna Perera in this controversy, raw realism and gripping narrative with hot Join teen legend Melvin Burgess as he discusses Spinebreakers and Anna Perera Melvin Burgess, Lucy Christopher HF72 7-10 years Join the much-loved creator of Philip Ardagh HF 71 9 years-adult readers young and old. Chaired by essential eventmeans to be free. An inspiring, for Declaration of Human Rights and celebrate what it commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Join two of the UKs leading children’s writers to Free Michael Morpurgo & Jamila Gavin HF 70 9 years-adult of the chants and sacred dances. introduction to Tibetan musical instruments, the music monastery in this unique, intimate workshop. With an Discover life what life is like as a monk in Tibetan Life as a Tibetan Monk Tashi Lhunpo Monks HF 69 10-16 years shocking plot-twists and razor-sharp dialogue. Sveinsson to Hay and reveals the secrets behind his Bartimaeus The hugely popular author of the bestselling Heroes of the Valley Jonathan Stroud HF 68 3-6 years Titania Woods. glittery games and plenty of pretty prizes with author along dressed in your best fairy outfit for fairy-fun, Glitterwings Academy is the fairy school to go to. Come Glitterwings Fairy Party Titania Woods HF 67 4pm, £4, Oxfam Studio 2.30pm, £3, Guardian Stage 11.30am, £3, Imagine Space 2.30pm, £4, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 1pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 1pm, £5, Imagine Space trilogy introduces his new hero Halli Grubtown Tales Eddie Dickens Daniel Hahn as he . there will be limited book signing at this event. introduce her teenage memoir. writers and lovers of children’s literature. 4-8 years quick sketching and story-book adventure. Dinosaur Drawer! Join Korky for an energy-filled event of Have fun with The World’s Greatest Painter Portrait and Korky Paul HF 79 9 years + The beloved creator of Jacqueline Wilson HF 78 3-6 years illustrator of this quirky pop-up book. Come and see what’s going on with the author and Bears in flares, wombats in combats, gnus in shoes? Lark in the Ark Lynne Chapman & Peter Bentley HF 77 6 years + Gum stitch in your side as the hilarious author of Shabba me whiskers, Mr Gum is back! Prepare for a big Andy Stanton HF 76 7 years + your ribs and your fancy. some proper comedy for kids. Guaranteed to tickle Forget clowns, join one of the UK’s top comedians for James Campbell HF 75 Sponsored by Pembertons 9 years–adult publisher in discussion with Former original children’s laureate and JK Rowling’s Writing Children’s Fiction Jacqueline Wilson Cunningham & Barry HF 74 5-7 years recording of duck from a horrid red-faced man, in this LIVE Michael Morpurgo invites you to help Sam rescue a Michael Morpurgo HF 73 29 series returns to Hay. 6.30pm, £5, Sony Screen 11.30, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 11.30am, £3, Imagine Space 10am, £3, Imagine Space 5.30pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 4pm–4.30pm, £3, Imagine Space 10am, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion

th Sam’s Duck Winnie the Witch Mr Gum Tracy Beaker Comedy 4 Kids . Radio Sam’s Duck My Secret Diary Julia Eccleshare Please be aware that returns to Hay to . For Mr again with his magical style and presence. Private Peaceful 10-16 years delicious cupcakes included! Wood, Rachel Riley and the Mates, Dates crew Come and have a girly gossip about Shiraz Bailey- Queens of Teen and Jo Nadin Grace Dent, Cathy Hopkins HF 86 9 years + The enchanting author of Inkdeath Cornelia Funke HF 85 8-12 years so you can entertain your friends and family at home. your character to life. Your puppet will be yours to keep, plus practice simple manipulation techniques to bring puppet makers. Design and make a puppet of your own, fantastic to work with one of their specialist opportunity From the acclaimed Little Angel Theatre comes a Puppet-Making Workshop 1 HF 84 5-8 years action-packed event. riddles of the Ghost Beasts in this interactive and Join the Master of the Beasts in solving mysterious Quest PartyBeast HF 83 9 years + The writer of the modern classics Julia Eccleshare Michael Morpurgo talks to HF 82 4-8 years for Eliot and his derring-do lifestyle. author to create a brand new mischievous adventure Move over Superman, Eliot Jones is here! Join the Eliot Jones: Midnight Superhero Anne Cottringer HF 81 6 years + this event will be a hoot! Jeremy Strong. Full of fizzing energy and jolly jokes Come and laugh your socks off with the much-loved The Big Jam Explosion Jeremy Strong HF 80 powerful powerful makes her Hay debut with the final instalment of her 1pm.£3, Imagine Space 2.30pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 4pm, £5, Barclays Wealth Pavilion 2.30pm, £3, Imagine Space 5.30pm,£4, Dream Stage 2.30pm–4.30pm, £15, Discovery Space 1pm, £4, Barclays Wealth Pavilion Inkheart (unaccompanied with sign in/out) returns to Hay to captivate us once trilogy. Inkheart War Horse and Dragon Rider and – 45 Travel & Accommodation

th 31st Getting to Hay Booth’s Books Bus 30 A regular shuttle bus service will be running between the Hay-on-Wye is situated just off the A348 between Brecon Festival site and the town centre throughout the Festival. and Hereford. The Festival is well signposted, though Day tickets for the shuttle bus are £1 or free when a valid signs reading ‘Hay for Sale’ lead to farmyards. The nearest festival parking ticket is presented. Pick-up and drop-off HF 87 10am, HF 89 11.30am, HF 90 1pm, HF 94 10am, HF 96 11.30am , HF 98 1pm, railway station is Hereford, 20 miles away. points are at the Clock Tower, Oxford Road car park and £2 each, Imagine Space £2 each, Imagine Space the Festival site. The shuttle bus is sponsored by Booth’s Books and The Very Hungry Caterpillar Party!The Very Hungry Hay & District Chamber of Commerce Join in the celebrations for the 40th anniversary Caterpillar Party! New for 2009: Frequent Bus Link of the world’s bestselling picture book, The Very Join in the celebrations for the 40th anniversary There will be a more frequent Festival bus service (up to Hungry Caterpillar. A brilliant party of games, of the world’s bestselling picture book, The Very 12 times per day) linking with trains and coaches at Local Taxis songs, activities and interactive storytelling with Hungry Caterpillar. A brilliant party of games, Hereford’s train and bus stations. There is also a Taxis share scheme is available from: Justine de Mierre. songs, activities and interactive story telling with scheduled bus service (Service 39 or 39A) from Hereford A2B Taxis 01874 754007 Justine de Mierre. 2-5 years and Brecon to Hay-on-Wye operating seven days a week. Julie’s Cabs 07899 846592 Through tickets are available when purchasing rail tickets. 2-5 years A1 Cabs 07910 931999 HF 88 10am–12pm, £15 , Discovery Space Detailed timetable at www.hayfestival.com Puppet-Making Workshop 2 HF 95 10am, HF 97 11.30am, £3 each, Discovery Space From the magical Little Angel Theatre in Nature Detectives Self Drive Hire London comes a unique opportunity to work Using all the clues at your fingertips, come Hay 21 Bus Tickets LT Baynham, Whitecross Road, Hereford with one of their specialist puppet makers. and discover the hidden wonders of the Adults £5 single £9 return 01432 273298 Design and make a puppet of your own, and woodland with the vibrant Jan Watt. With Children £2.50 single £4.50 return environmentally-based games, quizzes and practice simple manipulation techniques to Through tickets all the way to Hay (train and bus) bring it to life. Your puppet will be yours to creative craft, you’ll be amazed what a story Car Parking can be purchased at train stations nationwide. Situated off Brecon Road (B4350) and on Llanigon Road, keep, so you can entertain your friends and the forest has to tell. This service is sponsored by Visit Wales and Traveline Cymru family at home. parking costs £5 per day (£3 after 6pm) and includes free 7–11 years (unaccompanied with sign in/out) use of the Booth’s Books Bus on the day of purchase for 8-12 years (unaccompanied with sign in/out) Coming by Train or Coach the driver and up to three passengers. Please retain your Hay Fever Club Public transport information: parking ticket if you wish to use the bus. Please refrain from parking on the roads in Hay. HF 91 2.30pm, £2, Imagine Space For just £5 you can enjoy priority booking to Dino Cove Party all Hay Fever events, priority entrance at the Join illustrator Mike Spoor and storyteller festival, a membership card and regular Drover Holidays Cycle Park Justine de Mierre in this adventure-packed newsletters. Join at the festival, online or on A secure stewarded cycle park is available on the festival party, with activities, goodies and lots of 0870 990 1299. site, run by Drover Holidays who will also be offering a dino fun. Come with your loudest ROAR! You must be 16 or under to join.. cycle repair service and cycle hire. 5-8 years The Great Hay Greenaway Adventure Trains: www.nationalrail.co.uk; 08457 48 49 50 CALLING ALL YOUNG Coaches: www.nationalexpress.com; 08705 80 80 80 Accommodation HF 92 2.30pm, £7, Discovery Space ADVENTURERS! For the Hay Festival Bedfinder service call Sarah on Potty Pottery Hay Festival and CILIP Kate Greenaway Sky Shuttle Bus Service 01497 821526 until 21 May. Email [email protected] Join Jon ‘the potter’ Williams from Eastnor Medal would love you to create a unique or visit www.hayfestival.com. Alternatively try our sponsor Pottery for an afternoon of clay-fuelled fun postcard sent back from a recent For visitors without a vehicle or for those who want to hotels and campsites. They are all excellent. Visitors may making coiled flowerpots for your garden! adventure – real or imaginary. Fill in leave the car behind, a dedicated Sky Shuttle Bus will be also try the following Tourist Information Services: one of the special cards available driving between the festival site and surrounding villages 8-12 years (unaccompanied with sign in/out) throughout the festival. The bus will call at villages in the Hay Fever Space during the Hay-on-Wye 01497 820144 Llanigon, Glasbury, Llowes and Clyro, and the festival site Talgarth 01874 712226 festival and post it in the Great every hour 8.30am–7.30pm, with a final service at 11pm. HF 93 4pm, £7, Discovery Space Hay Post Box or upload to Brecon 01874 622485 Hay Clay www.ckg.org.uk/hay. Two lucky New for 2009: There will be an additional, regular Sky Crickhowell 01873 812105 Join Jon ‘the potter’ Williams from Eastnor winners will win a full set of books Shuttle Bus driving between the Festival Site and Brecon calling at Glasbury, Three Cocks, Bronllys, Felinfach and Hereford 01432 268430 Pottery to sample the delights of the potter’s from the 2009 Greenaway Brecon Bus Station. Kington 01544 230778 wheel and other clay making techniques. Medal shortlist. For more information see the travel pages at 12 years + (unaccompanied with sign in/out) www.hayfestival.com. Precise shuttle timings will be subject to traffic and road conditions. Charitable Camping donations to Global Action Plan of £2 per day ticket. Tangerine Fields campsite 07821 807000 or visit The shuttle bus is generously provided by Sky ww.tangerinefields.co.uk Box Office Wye Meadow Camping 01874 690245 or email 0870 990 1299 [email protected] 46 www.hayfestival.com 51 52 Thursday 28 May Thursday 28 May 5.30pm 5pm 4pm life in film. Runner The A-list producer of the Bloody Doors Off Blade Runners, Deer Hunters and Blowing Michael Deeley talks to Matthew Field [235] Director of Brecon Jazz. Music Davis’s Kind of Blue and the Remaking of Modern of the forthcoming with the author celebrates its 50th anniversary and Bill Evans on the seminal jazz album who played with MilesThe drummer Davis Kind of Blue to Hannah Rothschild Jimmy Cobb and Richard Williams talk [234] Sponsored by Pembertons 9 years – adult children’s literature. Julia Eccleshare original publisher in discussion with Former children’s laureate and JK Rowling’s Writing Children’s Fiction CunninghamBarry and Jacqueline Wilson £5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [HF74] fencing sessions. See www.hayfestival.com/hayfever for junior 14 years + welcome. Wear loose clothing and pumps. Wern Fencing Club coaches. Beginners Ddraig and swashbuckling swordplay with the Come and have a go at some fancy footwork Have a go: Fencing Meg Shepherd and Phil Foster [233] Join Keep & Share’s How to Knit 2 [232] 5.30pm cast on, off – and away you go! learn the basics of hand knitting. Knit, purl, 5.30 5.30 5 4 . Chaired by the film-maker and Artistic PM PM 5.30 and –6.30 –6.30 PM PM PM The Deer Hunter SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE PM PM . For writers and lovers of IMAGINE SPACE DISCOVERY SPACE The Blue Moment: Miles Amy TwiggerHolroyd The Italian Job tells his tales from a £7 £7 £5 , Blade £10 to 6.30pm 5.30pm for a child in Mali * Every pound will buy a mosquito net their first visit. Gwernyfed students recently returned from Mali report on their work. They are joined by education with our twinned community in breaking in maternal health and partnerships Our local medics and teachers forging ground- Hay & Timbuktu GiacconeRachel and Steve Williams Julie Grigg, Paul Metcalfe, [238] 7 years + Guaranteed to tickle your ribs and your fancy. comedians for some proper comedy for kids. Forget clowns, join one of the UK’s top Comedy 4 Kids James Campbell [HF75] individuals and NGOs. Change study, nuclear power and the role of eco-practice, the latest developments in Climate The author of Green WorldTimeQuestion Mark Lynas talks to Andy Fryers [237] Supported by The Elmley Foundation Manzoor believe in Him or not. Chaired by you cannot afford to ignore God, whether you want to understand the politics of this century, customer-driven approach to salvation. If you importantly, market competition and a helped spark a global religious revival; most Exploring the many aspects of society that have Will Change the World God is Back: How the Global Rise of Faith John Micklethwait [236] 6.30 5.30 5.30 6.30 . PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO DREAM STAGE

High Tides

SONY SCREEN £5 Jacqueline Wilson Jacqueline discusses Obama’s

£3* £5

£5 Sarfraz 5.30pm in Mind War, Poirot, Midsomer Murders The screenwriter discusses his work on Screenwriting Anthony Horowitz talks to Paul Blezard [241] Presented by Brecon Jazz keyboards and electronics. Heperformances. plays with 7.30pmclassical sounds to produce hugely expressive wide palette of jazz, electronica, folk and tone. Heunique flute-like trumpet draws on a European jazz, Henriksen is known for his One of the most breathtaking sounds in Arve Henriksen in Concert [240] Nelson Mandela. voice will always be the voice of the voiceless,’ – and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu’s Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid The Hamlin Lecture Desmond Tutu [239] 7.30pm Tiffany Murray is the author of forthcoming If you you can apply by would like to participate, email to progress and improve – and even some exercises to help you after you have left the surgery. Creativethe Arvon Writing Surgery and you advice on how will be given on-the-spot expert to currently Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Glamorgan. for the shortlisted Wodehouse Prize. She is a graduate of UEA’s MA fiction programme and is Ten exclusive one-to-one 50-minute sessions with 10 31 MAY, £25 per session 30 and Arvon Surgeries 7.30 7.30 7.30 AM . PM PM PM , 11 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION GUARDIAN STAGE SONY SCREEN AM , 12 PM Jan Bang £6 , 2 and £10 PM Murder , 3 Foyle’s on PM 0870 990 1299 £50 Diamond Star Halo Tiffany Murray 8.45pm Presented by Brecon Jazz piano; Vincent Herring Roney Sponsored by The Bulmer Foundation of the film. Change movie discusses clips and the making The director of the hugely successful Climate Age of Stupid George Monbiot Franny Armstrong talks to [243] Miles Davis. jubilee of the great album and the music of The jazz legend commemorates the golden Kind of Blue Jimmy Cobb and the So What Band [242] 8.45 8.45 John Webber trumpet; trumpet; [email protected] PM PM Jimmy Cobb SONY SCREEN BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION . Bring a problem in your work to Pee WeeEllis and alto saxophone; www.hayfestival.com bass. Happy Accidents drums; drums; £7 tenor saxophone; Larry Willis Larry Wallace

, which was


8.45pm 53 May 28 Thursday 54 Friday 29 May Friday 29 May 10am 9am

determined by the Profumo Affair. 10ampolitician whose Premiereship was fatally Portrait of the publisher, soldier, cuckold and Harold Macmillan Charles Williams [248] 6 years + author of the for a big stitch in your side as the hilarious Shabba me whiskers, Mr Gum is back! Prepare Mr Gum Andy Stanton [HF76] In association with The Woodland Trust of England’s greatest oak woods. Rare to visit the protected reserve opportunity Moccas Deer Park Tim Dixon [247] Sponsored by Peterstone Hotel Court future food security. and a half in the UK, blueprint for Sustainable Food – the most productive acre Director guides us around the Centre for The permaculture pioneer and PEAT Centre Primrose Earth Awareness Trust: Site visit Paul Benham [246] New club. work by the local literary Hay Writers’Circle [245] Supported by howies and TYF have ever faced Wales and the wider world. solutions to some the toughest challenges that public and private sector to develop practical range of specialist thinkers with leaders from A series of workshops bringing together a wide Hay on Earth 4 9 AM –5 10 9.30 9 9 PM AM AM 10 AM –11.30 AM AM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO GUARDIAN STAGE MEET AT BOX OFFICE ACASWAT AIIN£5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION Mr Gum AM MEET AT BOX OFFICE series returns to Hay. YINVITATION BY REBTTICKETED BUT FREE £6 £8 £5 11.30pm 10am ACASWAT AIIN£5 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION The Cambridge Festival of Ideas In association with Cambridge University and Claire Armitstead of ‘the serious reading public’. Chaired by English Literature challenges the alleged decline The Professor of Intellectual and History Reading Public Cambridge 800 Series: Criticism and the Stefan Collini [252] responsibility. environmental finds hope in a new expert founder and PeakThe Solar Century Oil The Triple Crash and the Green New Deal Jeremy Leggett [251] 9 years + book signing at this event. Please be aware that there will be limited to Hay to introduce her teenage memoir. The beloved creator of My Secret Diary Jacqueline Wilson [HF78] Sponsored by Hay Thursday Market towards an understanding of the mind. journey, interwoven with loving recollection, the house’s inspires a internal life, and his story energy influences the rhythms of family and presence who suffered from severe epilepsy. His with his older brother Richard, a magnetic A memoir about childhood and the relationship The Music Room Peter Guttridge William Fiennes talks to [250] with the proceeds. red wine, and then off to China buy jade Zambian coffee, the coffee for South African Economics The economist sets out his Around the World in 80 Trades Conor Woodman [249] 11.30 11.30 10 10 11.30 AM AM , trading Sudanese camels for AM AM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN AM SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE , . Tracy Beaker Adventures in £5

£5 £6

£6 returns

11.30am 10am 1pm 12.25pm 11.30am channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on names at the festival. with some of the biggest and best interviews television coverage and featuring performances £3 6 years + jolly jokes this event will be a hoot! loved Jeremy Strong. Full of fizzing energy and Come and laugh your socks off with the much- The Big Jam Explosion Jeremy Strong [HF80] 1pmRecorded 3. for broadcast on BBC Radio Quartet OpQuartet 18 No. 1 Competition in Moscow, Beethoven’s perform 2004 International Shostakovich Quartet The Finnish Meta4, quartet winners of the 3 SeriesBBC Radio 4 Meta4 [255] Mariella Frostrup Hay-on-Sky Filming [254] See also events [258] and [263] Chaired by skills and how to diversify a writing career. discusses careers as writers, how to develop to explore professional development for writers The first of three sessions specifically designed Tiffany Murray and Sarfraz Manzoor Rosie Boycott, Howard Jacobson, lucratively than a sword Session 1: How to wield a pen more Conference at Hay The Creative & Cultural Skills [253] HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 1 12.25 11.30 PM 1 . PM ST MARY’S CHURCH PM AM Peter Florence ACASWAT AIIN£4 BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION –2 –1 PM PM presents the daily SKY ARTS STUDIO OXFAM STUDIO and Shostakovich’s . £5 Sky Arts £5 3rd 0870 990 1299 2.10pm 1pm See also events [253] and [263] and Guardian Book Club host). with discuss writers’ professional development Prof) conservation and devotion. conservation of hog lore, eccentric global story A truly A Prickly Affair: My Life With Hedgehogs Hugh Warwick [260] day.put their lives on the line every prostitutes and politicians who meets bomb disposal experts, The hardcore frontline journalist Into Danger Goldsmith Adie talks to RosieKate [259] 9 years + again with his magical style and presence. Private Peaceful The writer of the modern classics Julia Eccleshare Michael Morpurgo talks to BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 [HF82] and Creative WritingProf) Novelists Session 2: UEA or MBA? Conference at Hay The Creative & Cultural Skills [258] the Competition to Measure the Earth in ParisObservatory – the establishing the definitive longitudinal base in the astronomers and the geodesists tasked with The Cambridge professor tells the tale of Full Meridian of Glory Cambridge 800 Series: Paul Murdin [257] The comedians read the papers for laughs. The Early Edition 7 and Carrie Quinlan Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent [256] John Mullan 2.30 2.30 2.10 1 1 PM PM 2.30 PM PM PM Russell Celyn Jones SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE PM –3.30 SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE returns to Hay to capture us once PM www.hayfestival.com (UCL Professor of Eng Lit OXFAM STUDIO Perilous Adventures in £6 Giles Foden £6 £6 (Birkbeck War Horse £8 .

£5 Kate Adie (UEA and

2.10pm 55 May 29 Friday 56 Friday 29 May 5.30pm 4pm See also events [253] and [258] power and management of content. Bewick Council and Export The Wood Awards Sponsored by The American Hardwood from the Box Office. Additional tickets may be available on the day * This event sold out to Friends of the Festival. author of An audience with the playwright, diarist and The President’s Lecture Alan Bennett BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [264] Michel and Powell moment’. devices are bringing publishing to its ‘ipod and handheld digital readingOnline delivery Wrongs in the Digital Future Session 3: Brave New World – Rights and Conference at Hay The Creative & Cultural Skills [263] Sponsored by Cross districts, revolutions and spies. belly-dancers and red-lightand corruption, and assassination, assault murder, bribery career of dangerous encounters – kidnapping The Word Prof casts a humorous eye over a The Perils of Being a Linguist David Crystal [262] The enchanting author of Inkdeath Cornelia Funke [HF85] Chaired by architecture.pleasures of contemporary Grand Designs, sustainable building and the Kevin McCloud [261] 4pm 9 years + instalment of her powerful Rider 5.30 4 4 4 makes her Hay debut with the final PM PM PM 4 of Google, the PFD agent Caroline of Creative & Cultural Skills about the PM PM The Uncommon Reader Jamie Byng OXFAM STUDIO BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION SONY SCREEN Peter Guttridge Steve Haber GUARDIAN STAGE £5 of Canongate, of Sony talk to Inkheart £6 Inkheart . £5 £22* . and trilogy. Jessica Dragon Tom £10 7pm 5.30pm Sponsored by Xtreme Organix Herefordshire novel? launches the great cowshit… the comedian Celebrity, coming of age and The More You Ignore Me talks to Francine Stock [268] 10–16 years Dates crew – delicious cupcakes included! Bailey-Wood, Rachel Riley and the Mates, Come and have a girly gossip about Shiraz Queens of Teen Jo Nadin Grace Dent, Cathy Hopkins and [HF86] discusses passion, neurosis and transgression. crazy extreme in his outrageous novel. He The comic master pushes obsessional love to a The Act of Love Peter Florence Howard Jacobson talks to [267] Council and Building Design Magazine Sponsored by The American Hardwood Export of Building Design. of the Design Museum discuss with the editor The leading British architect and the Director Does recession mean the end of Icon? to Amanda Baillieu David Adjaye and Deyan Sudjic talk [266] 5.30 Goldsmith what should we do about it? Chaired by David Blunkett… what’s And not to worry? Terrorism, child-abduction, lone gunmen, Paranoia: FearThe 21st Century Jason and Daniel Freeman GUARDIAN STAGE [265] 7 5.30 5.30 PM 5.30 PM PM PM BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION . PM SONY SCREEN OXFAM STUDIO DREAM STAGE £4 £6 £8 £5

Rosie £7

5.30pm David Crystal Jo Brand Jo 8.30pm 7pm Damned Utd Sponsored by The Granary tour de force. his stand-up The hilarious comedian performs Dara O’Briain BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [273] plays with the boundaries of fiction. of lovenarrative, a story and yearning that The novelist introduces his ingenious dual Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi Geoff Dyer talks to William Fiennes [272] anchor the only ones on offer. Chaired by BBC World systems, institutions and values are no longer will be confronted with the fact that its no longer be exclusively western. The West means that, for the first time, modernity will The rise of China, India and the Asian tigers The World LSE Lecture: When China Rules Martin Jacques [271] stories The cult novelist discusses his recently filmed David Peace talks to Peter Guttridge [270] Benna Waites. beauty with consultant clinical psychologist conform to the western media’s notions of lengths women go to around the world to identity crisis: The psychoanalyst dicsusses the Reconstructive surgery, eating disorder, Bodies Susie Orbach talks to Benna Waites [269] Economics In association with the London School of 7pm 8.30 7 7 7 7 PM PM PM PM The Red Riding Quartet Nik Gowing PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE . . £6 £4 £6 £7 and £15 The 0870 990 1299 10pm 9.45pm 8.30pm bands in Wales. fist-pumping rock from one of the hottest Supported by PowerZone’.now known only as ‘The Todd Meanwhile Hands’ Rinaldi the six-stringed rapier of patented ‘Truth Larynx’ foil to is the perfect Hawkins band fronted byA brand new Hot Leg [277] Herefordshire & Shropshire In association with Borderlines Film Festival, live your life on the tightrope.’ challenge. idea as a true every Then you will repeat yourself, day, to see every year, every to refuserules, your own success, to refuse to rebellion. To refuse to tape yourself to the lived on the edge. You have to exercise ‘To me, it’s really so simple, that life should be Man on Wire screening [276] album with her new performs The mesmeric guitarist and songwriter Lemon Paula Wolfe [275] Herefordshire & Shropshire In association with Borderlines Film Festival, York’s Twin Towers. Petit’s 1974 illegal wire walk between New introduce and discuss their film about Philippe The Oscar-winning documentary-makers Man on Wire talk to Sarfraz Manzoor James Marsh and Simon Chinn [274] Sponsored by Ascaris Payne Cook vocals, percussion and keyboards and 10 9.45 8.30 8.30 have emulsified into one muscular unit PM , formerly of The Darkness. Hawkins’ PM PM PM CLYRO COURT Samuel SJ Stokes SONY SCREEN OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN on vocals and cello. Fortune Favours , the Axemeister General. www.hayfestival.com Pete ‘Liquid Guitar £10 £5 £9 Justin Cath Evans and £6 – sleazy,

Darby Naomi


9.45pm 57 May 29 Friday Saturday 30 May 59

. 2.30pm

Marcus Bridgstocke £8 Peter Guttridge Peter £6 £4 £7 The Selected sends his 12- www.hayfestival.com an investigative documentaryan investigative Burnt Shadows Burnt SONY SCREEN STUDIO OXFAM DREAM STAGE PM PM PM PM 1 2.30 1 1 Pig Business Pig into the corporate takeover of pig farming and into the corporate takeover impacts this is having on our the devastating local communities, small environment, farmers, human health and animal welfare. [295] Larsen and Reif Kamila Shamsie Armitstead talk to Claire Maps Story: epic Shamsie’s historyweaves Nagasaki, through and Bay Guantanamo Pakistan, Afghanistan. Larsen’s [296] PAVILION WEALTH BARCLAYS Jr talks to Kennedy Robert Boycott Rosie Sessions: The Guardian Justice Environmental discusses his work lawyer The environmental and [293] Aslan Manzoor talks to Sarfraz Reza War a Cosmic Win to How ‘Why are do they hate us?’ And who exactly whole The nationalists? Islamic They? Al-Qaeda? out a The writer and scholar lays world? Muslim of the movement definition comprehensive and the like, a al-Qaeda behind and surrounding termed Jihadism. global ideology properly [294] Swift Graham Within from Writing an Elephant: Making and The Booker-winner offers a varied life, of a writer’s version brilliantly realised by and friends. Chaired work TS Spivet of Works genius map-maker on a year-old America in a debut journey across full of wonders. Timkcbooks.com by Sponsored 1pm 2.30pm £7 . 0870 990 1299 1299 990 0870 Sky Arts Sky £6 £4 , £8 meets superstar Happy Accidents Happy The Fame Formula: The Fame Celebrity: How SKY ARTS STUDIO SKY ARTS presents the daily presents PM OXFAM STUDIO OXFAM DREAM STAGE –2


PM PM 1 1 11.30 11.30 12.25 CHARITY DONATION TO GLOBAL ACTION PLAN How Hollywood’s Fixers, Fakers and Star Makers and Star Fakers Fixers, Hollywood’s How Industry the Celebrity Created columnist, author of We Why and World the Over Took Entertainers Strategy. an Exit Need 11.30am [291] Vincent Andre Brigstocke, Marcus Quinlan and Carrie 8 Edition The Early the house team. for laughs by The news, read [292] Lindsay talks to Fiona Murray Jenni Daughter Not-So-Dutiful of a Memoirs describes her broadcaster The great with her mother. relationship [288] Hyde and Marina Borkowski Mark Blezard talk to Paul and Glory Hype and author of PR Guru [289] Murray Tiffany talks to Queenan Joe Closing Time The witty commentator and critic portrays his housing project. childhood in a Philadelphia talks to the author of He [290] Filming Hay-on-Sky Frostrup Mariella featuring performances and television coverage interviews with some of the biggest and best names at the festival. on 22 May airs daily at 7pm from Hay-on-Sky 1 HD Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts Sky channel 258. £3 1pm 11.30am 12.25pm

11.30am . Chez £8 £10 Italian Shoes Italian £6 . £4 . Five Photos of My Wife of My Photos Five discusses her magical £7 GUARDIAN STAGE GUARDIAN SONY SCREEN Harriet Stewart Harriet DREAM STAGE AM AM AM Guardian Review Guardian AM AM 10 10 11.30 11.30 11.30 Good Intentions Good , about a woman who runs the away from [284] Agnès Desarthe talks to Sands Philippe Chez Moi author of The French Moi at home. to open a restaurant circus [285] PAVILION WEALTH BARCLAYS talks to Mankell Henning Florence Peter African health director, The theatre in Wallander of campaigner and creator is new novel His conversation. [286] Alain de Botton Work of and Sorrows The Pleasures and philosopher heads out into The novelist the under-charted worlds of the office, the the fishing fleet and the logistics factory, open to the sheer ears and eyes centre, strangeness of the modern workplace. Booth Books by Sponsored [287] Bahn Sabine Mental Bringing 800 Series: Cambridge of the Shadows Out Illness for Neuropsychiatric Cambridge Centre expert discusses new developments Research’s severe in understanding and treating consultant by mental illness. Chaired Psychiatrist and In association with Cambridge University and University association with Cambridge In of Ideas Festival The Cambridge [283] STUDIO OXFAM Kate Allardice talks to Lisa Atkinson News Good Be There Will When a six-year- a quiet corner of rural Devon, In Thirty old girl witnesses an appalling crime. later the man convicted of the crime is years Jackson detective Private prison. from released with the conversation In investigates. Brodie editor of 11.30am 10am £6 £7 £8 £4 £4 inspired by the film. by inspired Time Being Time


– AM AM AM AM AM 9 10 10 10 9

[279] Fraser & Simon Liz Fleming-Williams Bidgood with Ruth Gwesyn The photographer and sound recordist the river a journey that follows introduce near the summit of its source from Gwesyn to in the Cambrian Mountains Drygarn Fawr in the village Irfon its confluence with the river material in using source of Abergwesyn photographs and multi-track field recordings. Gwesyn’ her poem ‘Film, poet reads Welsh The her book from [280] talks to Raj Persaud Madeley Richard and Sons Fathers the psychi- with sits down The broadcaster atrist to analyse his agonising family memoir. [281] Purves Libby Child Shadow is no right way to deal with the loss of a There 10am wishes, son. Against her husband’s beloved about her determines to find out more Marion The broadcaster’s home. life away from son’s a modern subtly and brilliantly explores novel family in crisis. [282] Sudjic Deyan Things The Language of did the design of a pistol influence a car? How Why did a chair make a café the most learn What can we fashionable place in Paris? a police uniform or a a banknote, from Museum of the Design The Director typeface? our visual vocabulary. explores Export Hardwood The American by Sponsored Magazine Design Council and Building [278] Guttridge talks to Peter Hill Tobias The Hidden of turn the plot beauty and extremism Secrets, this stupendous novel. 10am 9am Saturday 30 May Saturday Saturday 30 May 30 Saturday 58 60 Chris Patten Saturday 30 May 4pm 2.30pm Sponsored by Transatlantic Films Chris Patten [301] Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. assemblies and parliaments in Wales, tribulations, powers and glories of the Ten devolved the trials, years on, we survey 2.30pmDemocracy A Useful Fiction: Adventures in British Patrick Hannan talks to Jim Naughtie [300] the melting pot that exists below. back the layers of polyglot London to reveal cosmopolitan hotel and then peels a smart, opens with a mysterious death in the cellars of novelThe new from the author of In the Kitchen Monica Ali talks to Sarfraz Manzoor [299] Sponsored by Tanners Wines real lives. and practice of writing fiction that reflects explores his book The award-winning novelist and biographer Autobiography and Fiction Melvyn Bragg [298] the relationship between Europe and America. battles that turned the war and marked, forever, study of the D-Day landings and the liberation The Samuel Johnson Prize-winner launches his D-Day: The Battle for Normandy [297] 4 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 PM PM PM PM PM BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION Nik Gowing Chaired by BBC World anchor the International Crisis Group. Hong Kong is now co-Chair of EU Commissioner, Governor of global communities. The former the myriad challenges for Migration, climate, conflict, and Twenty-First Century What Next? Surviving the DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE Remember Me . £7 £5 £7 and the ethics £8 Brick Lane £8 4pm 5.30pm Sponsored by Friends of Hay Festival outstanding contribution to the spoken word. recipient of Listening Books Award for his work with The playwright, novelist and diarist discusses Alan Bennett BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [306] nef is sponsored by Building Society The Ecology Part the Crash’. of the nef series ‘Surviving Andrew Simms. Joan Herrera. Chaired by nef Policy Director MEP, Jane Davidson AM and Spanish MEP Featuring Green Party leader Caroline Lucas Can the environment save the economy? A Green New Deal Andrew Simms MEP, Caroline Lucas MEP and Jane Davidson AM, Joan Herrera [305] Sponsored by Cafédirect Little of What You Fancy discusses her recipe for The author and model reads from and Miss Dahl’s Voluptuous Delights Sophie Dahl [304] Sponsored by Zebra Design I’m Daphne Fairfax’. from the tax office. In which case, Smith,is Arthur unless there’s anybody here memoir from the comedian – ‘Myrude name The hilarious, scandalous and delightfully My Name is Daphne Fairfax SmithArthur [303] Brackstone star writers, chaired by publisher publishing house with readings by four of its We of the blue-chip toast the 80th birthday Faber @ 80 and TobiasHill Armitage, DBC Pierre Jan Morris, Simon GUARDIAN STAGE [302] 5:30 4 4 4 4 PM PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN . Peter Florence £8 The Art of Eating a .

£6 £5 £7

. He is the £25 Lee 4pm Melvyn Bragg 7pm 5.30pm Manifesto Sponsored by Mostlymaps.com modern Britain. of challenges our assumptions about the birth pieces of Victorian the grand inquisitor art, Starting out from the hugely popular master- The Victorians Jeremy Paxman [312] single year. Festivals around the world over the course of a writers at all the Hay exhibition charting Fundación Mapfre have housed this rapher at Richard Booth’s Bookshop where photog- Please come and meet the legendary The Exhibition Hay Festival – Presented by Fundación Mapfre: Daniel Mordzinski [311] Mandela. Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and Nelson with Bill Clinton, , Ehud Barak, and political consultant recounts his work As a hired gun strategist, the seasoned pollster Trenches with Five Extraordinary Leaders Dispatches from the War Room: In the Stanley Greenberg [310] Scandal novel from the author of tragi-comic new The superbly entertaining The Believers Zoe Heller talks to John Mullan [309] huntsman and author of The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels, The Frock-Coated Communist Tristram Hunt [308] poet. Chaired by subject of her biography, the heroic Romantic The Irish novelist match for the is a perfect Byron in Love Edna O’Brien [307] BOOKSHOP 5.30pm 7 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 PM . . PM PM PM PM PM BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION RICHARD BOOTH’S DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE REBTTICKETED BUT FREE Peter Guttridge The Communist Notes From a £6 £6 £6 £8 . 0870 990 1299 £9 Hardware Supplies and Country Sponsored by Tom’s Records, Jones Home voices. In with a 20-minute interval. two parts and modern repertoire and for instruments A beautiful programme of Venetian The Phoenix Singers in Concert [317] limited. Prize-winning book. Numbers The novelist discusses her Orange Pieces Guardian Book Club: Fugitive John Mullan Anne Michaels talks to [316] The author of Turbulence Giles Foden and Andrew Freeman [315] gunned down in Riyadh. since he lost the use of his legs when was adventures and epicly hard travels before and The intrepid BBC Security Correspondent’s Far Horizons Goldsmith Frank Gardner talks to Rosie [314] and your enemies closer…’ entertainer. say keep your friends close ‘They comedy thriller from the peerless The new Devil in Disguise Julian talks to Fiona Clary Lindsay [313] CHURCH great mysteries of modern physics? predictability and turbulence, one of the last ahead? And what is the relationship between even possible to predict the weather so far accurate forecast five days in advance. But is it of Allied scientists is charged with agreeing an in the English Channel on a single day. A team Europe depends on the right weather conditions 3,000 landing craft and the entire future of D-day landings. The fate of 2.5 million men, McKinsey’s about his novel risk expert about the 7pm 7.30 7 7 7 7 PM PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE £10 –9.15 The Last King of Scotland IKT NDOOR ON TICKETS PM www.hayfestival.com ST MARY’S £9 £5 £6


talks to


61 May 30 Saturday Julian Clary Julian Sunday 31 May 8.30pm 9am 10am

Immodesty Blaize [318] 8.30 PM [325] 9 AM SONY SCREEN FREE BUT TICKETED [331] 10 AM DREAM STAGE £4 BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £12 Owen Sheers The Guardian Green Home Clinic

10pm Sunday 31May David Simon talks to Mark Lawson Screening: Poem From Llanybri Builders and energy advisors advise on how The Corner The poet and author presents a preview to green your home, get grants and live The Baltimore creator of The Corner, The screening of his programme about ‘Poem sustainably (and cheaply). ‘Energy doctor’ Wire and Generation Kill in conversation. [323] 10 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 From Llanybri’ by Lynette Roberts from his Rob Bell (Energy Saving Trust) and Russell Sponsored by Hay Book Company Immodesty Blaize and Stephanie 10pm BBC4 series, A Poet’s Guide to Britain. Smith (Parity Projects), chaired by The Theobald introduced by Julian Clary Guardian’s green technology correspondent, Alok Jha. [319] 8.30 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £7 Tease [326] 9 AM OXFAM STUDIO £5 Sarah Waters talks to Claire Armitstead The dazzling international showgirl superstar, Ben Crystal Sponsored by Greener Homes and Buildings The Little Stranger Las Vegas’ ‘Reigning Queen of Burlesque’, Shakespeare on Toast Show – Builth Wells, 6 – 7 June 2009

Saturday 30 May 30 Saturday launches her novel Tease. Theobald introduces The author of Fingersmith, The Night Watch Love of the Bard breakfast with the actor and her art-market satire A Partial Indulgence. and Tipping the Velvet launches her mesmeric 9am scholar. ‘I love it’ – Judi Dench. Cafédirect Performance and chat. new novel. coffee will be served. 11.30am

[324] 10 PM OXFAM STUDIO £9 [320] 8.30 PM SONY SCREEN £5 Alex Valentine in Concert [332] 11.30 AM Anne Michaels 10am BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £5 A Short Album About Love 11.30am Fugitive Pieces: Screening Kate Summerscale talks to The angel-voiced songwriter returns by The novelist introduces a screening of the [327] 10 AM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £6 Rosie Boycott popular demand to perform his album with movie, adapted and directed by Jeremy his band. At time of going to press his four- Penelope Leach The Suspicions of Mr Whicher Podeswa, and starring Stephen Dillane and line, four-word poems accompanying the Contemporary Childcare: The Elephant In The Samuel Johnson Prize-winner discusses Rosamund Pike. Hurricane single have made it the global no.1 All Our Living Rooms her thrilling investigation of the classic true- Canada, 2007, 104’. track on YouTube. Alex Valentine guitar and Children’s wellbeing – even survival – life murder mystery that gripped Victorian In association with Borderlines Film Festival, vocals; Christian Pattemore bass; Sam depends, as it always has, on somebody taking England and inspired Dickens, Wilkie Collins Herefordshire & Shropshire Pattemore drums; Viv Norris cello; and care of them every minute of every day and and Conan Doyle. Al Cooper violin. night. But who is to do that caring, and who [321] 8.30 PM OXFAM STUDIO £8 should bear the costs? [333] 11.30 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £7 James Fenton, Maurice Riordan, Richard Dearlove talks to 8.30pm Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Paul Murdin [328] 10 AM GUARDIAN STAGE £5 Philippe Sands chaired by Sian Ede Rupert Isaacson talks to Rosie Boycott Cambridge 800 Series: Security Dark Matter: Poems of Space The Horse Boy The Master of Pembroke College, who was A magical reading and conversation with The miraculous tale of a father’s journey with head of the Secret Intelligence Service (known eminent cosmologists and poets celebrates the his family to the origins of equine culture in as ‘C’) from 1999 to 2004 discusses the

UNESCO Year of the Astronomer. 10am wildest Mongolia to cure his severely security challenges facing government, the problems of past and contemporary terrorism, In association with The Gulbenkian Foundation autistic son. and the impact on UK foreign policy and [329] 10 AM SONY SCREEN £5 national security of events in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Iraq. Sarah Waters 10pm AC Grayling Liberty in an Age of Terror In association with Cambridge Privacy, free speech and individual autonomy, University and The Cambridge [322] 10 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH rights hard-won over centuries, are being Festival of Ideas PAVILION £9 eroded by state surveillance and data central- [334] 11.30 AM SONY SCREEN £6 Arthur Smith or possibly ization. The philosopher argues for the Daphne Fairfax hosts vigorous defence of civil liberties. Andrew Davies talks to festival stars Peter Florence Gala Cabaret [330] 10 AM OXFAM STUDIO £5 Little Dorrit Film Masterclass Stories, jokes, poems and improvi- Quentin Letts talks to Raj Persaud The screenwriter analyses three key scenes from his recent TV adaptation Andrew Davies sations in aid of education projects The columnist and author of 50 People Who of Dickens’ novel. for young women at our new Buggered Up Britain sits down In the Storymoja Festival in Nairobi, Psychiatrist’s Chair. Kenya. 62 0870 9901299 www.hayfestival.com 63 64 Sunday 31 May 1pm 11.30am Supported by The RSPB Cymru of ornithology.An illustrated history The Wisdom of Birds Tim Birkhead [340] Sponsored by Liberal Democrat European Group looks forward. crunch The Liberal Democrat sage of the credit and What it Means The Storm: The World Economic Crisis Vince Cable talks to John Harris [339] of the Sundays. The comedians’ farewell at the expense party The Early Edition 9 Carrie Quinlan Marcus Brigstocke, Andre Vincent and [338] of Glamorgan Centre for Storytelling at The University In association with the George Ewart Evans Abercynon, chaired by raised in the former mining community of pioneer who was born and and oral history of the socialist A celebration of the centenary George Ewart Evans Melvyn Bragg and Matthew Evans [336] nef is sponsored by Building Society The Ecology Part the Crash’. of the nef series ‘Surviving Stewart Wallis.KBO. Revel Guest talk to nef Executive Director Andrew Simms and senior film producer Monty Don, author and nef Policy Director during times of adversity? Garden guru and thriving teach us about conservation What can Britain’s experience of World War II An Environmental War Economy Revel Guest talk to Stewart Wallis Monty Don, Andrew Simms and [335] 1 1 1 11.30 11.30 PM PM PM SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION AM AM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO Hamish Fyfe £6 £6 £5 £5 . £7 2.30pm 1pm 1.25pm Fathers to Barack Obama analysis in his The historian offers a profound and revelatory The American Future The Guardian Sessions: BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [343] channel 258. Sky Arts 1 channel 256 and Sky Arts 1 HD Hay-on-Sky airs daily at 7pm from 22 May on best names at the festival. with some of the biggest and and interviews television coverage featuring performances Mariella Frostrup Hay-on-Sky Filming [337] Hector Macdonald. character of Brit hero Major-General Sir backstreets of teem around the on the battlefields of Sudan and the Scandal, black magic and Islamic revolution Story: The Devil’s Paintbrush Jake Arnott talks to Peter Guttridge [342] lives and griefs. with the quiet and intense intimacy of private novel, which weaves great historical moments The poet and novelist introduces her new Story: The Winter Vault Armitstead Anne Michaels talks to Claire [341] £3 HRT OAINT LBLATO PLAN ACTION GLOBAL TO DONATION CHARITY 2.30 1.25 1 1 PM PM PM PM DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO –3 PM History from the FoundingHistory SKY ARTS STUDIO presents the daily

. Simon Schama Simon £4 £5


Sky Arts p 2.30pm 1pm 4pm 2.30pm show their captured images. calves, the wildlife film-makers their newborn swam with humpback whale mothers and shallow seas of the South Pacific, where they her groundbreaking biography masterpiece. of The historian marks the 40th anniversary Queen of Scots Mary [348] nor packaged. of passion that can neither be controlled sort dangerous kind of love: real, raw love, the and sweeping gestures, but about a more love, the kind that comes with soaring strings This is not a tale about romantic, idealised Story: The TruthLove About Josephine Hart talks to Fiona Shaw [347] masterpiece brilliant novel, Hyland’s humane and riveting An exclusive preview of this summer’s most Story: Like Life Giordano MJ Hyland, DBC Pierre and Paolo [346] filming polar bears in -40 From the extremes of the Arctic winter Behind the Scenes on Planet Earth Doug Allan & Sue Flood [345] female DJ talks the talk. Saturday: Mother; Sunday: Me. Britain’s top Icon; Thursday: Wife; Friday: Sister; Monday: DJ; Tuesday: Daughter; Wednesday: of Jo Whiley My World in Motion – The Seven Lives Jo Whiley talks to Fiona Lindsay [344] 4pm Florence Solitude of Prime Numbers. no.1 bestseller, Giordano’s astounding Doctor Cox from his Hay Festival Press story 2.30pm 4 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 PM . PM PM PM PM BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION . And introducing the European This is How DREAM STAGE OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE . DBC Pierre reads o C, to the tropical Chaired by £6 £5 £4 Suddenly £7 The Peter 0870 990 1299 £8 Green Knight Kid Dead whose recent publications include Reading and conversation with the poet The Poet Simon Armitage [353] an enigma’. as ‘a inside riddle wrapped in a mystery the land famously described by Churchill superpower citizens meeting ordinary of time zones of the resurgent, energy-rich The broadcaster travels across the eight and its People Russia: A Journey to the Heart of a Land Jonathan Dimbleby BARCLAYS WEALTHPAVILION [352] of ‘Life Tracks’. Beyond A Boys’ Own Adventures and in Radio Thank You for the Days Tiffany Murray Mark talks to Radcliffe [351] our imagination for decades. walk and examines what it is that has held of the first moon celebrates the anniversary The author of The New Space Race Rick Stroud [350] financial crisis. discusses Adam Smith and the current The distinguished Nobel Economics laureate Spectator and The Global Mess The Guardian Sessions: The Impartial SenAmartya [349] 5.30pm 4pm , Out of the Blue , 5.30 5.30 4 4 4 Tyrannosaurus Rex Versus the Corduroy PM PM PM told between the DJ’s choice PM PM OXFAM STUDIO SONY SCREEN GUARDIAN STAGE . GUARDIAN STAGE The Book of the Moon www.hayfestival.com and Gawain and the

£7 £6

£9 £7 £6 The Not


65 May 31 Sunday DBC Pierre DBC 5.30pm

[354] 5.30 PM SONY SCREEN £3 The Royal Opera House and Opus Arte present Twin Spirits A preview screening of John Caird’s film which tells, in words and music, the story of love and tragedy in the lives of Robert and Clara Schumann, read by Sting and Trudie Styler.

[355] 5.30 PM OXFAM STUDIO £5 Sunday 31 May 31 Sunday Mahmood Mamdani Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror The Ugandan-born scholar weighs the claims of counter-insurgency and genocide and examines the reporting and understanding of the Sudanese conflicts.



Sting Trudie Styler & Sting talk to James Jolly Twin Spirits The actress and the musician discuss the story of Robert and Clara Schumann, and their own collaboration in the Royal Opera House project. Sponsored by Castle House Hotel

[357] 7 PM GUARDIAN STAGE £7 Mark Watson An Inconvenient Truth? The ‘Crap at the Environment’ comedian offers his take on the famous Al Gore lecture. Sponsored by Denbe Western


[358] 8.30 PM BARCLAYS WEALTH PAVILION £10 & Graeme Garden You’ll Have Had Your Tea… An audience with Hamish and Dougal, comedy legends – in the flesh.

66 0870 990 1299 www.hayfestival.com Onsite extras Onsite extras

Sky Arts Interactive Word Installation Hands 4 Safe Motherhood with Shepherds EXHIBITORS Join us in the Sky Arts Studio area to take part in creating Hay to Timbuktu Irresistible ice creams and sublime sorbet, all freshly made in an original work of art. Contemporary fine artist Sam Come and design a paper hand or pappoosed baby to add the Golden Valley. Don’t bleat about the bush. Flock to 8. Art Meets Matter Winston will be onsite every day creating art from your to the bright bunting on its way to a school in Timbuktu. Shepherds. Art Meets Matter has become a significant fixture at Hay words. Come along and share the words that are important In association with The White Ribbon Alliance For Safe Tyrrells Festivals since 2006 with award-winning designs based on to you, that move or inspire you and tell us why. There will Penguin paperbacks. Bringing something special each year Motherhood. Tyrrells use select potato varieties such as ‘Lady Claire’ that be inspiration and activities in the area to galvanize the to Hay visitors, this year it’s the turn of Faber and Faber wordsmith in you and you can watch Sam working on the are renowned for their flavour, and also produce gourmet with exciting new Faber Poetry designs and some secret pieces every day to see how they evolve into a reflection of Wiggly Wigglers parsnip, beetroot and carrot vegetable chips harvested bookish things that can’t be mentioned, yet. the voices at Hay. The first 200 people to come and add Just outside the Hay Fever Space is the Wiggly Wigglers around their farm, Tyrrells Court in Herefordshire (10 miles their contribution each day will receive an exclusive, limited Garden full of chickens, honeysuckle and wellies. Come edition bag designed by Sam. More than 8,000 people took and find out about bees, composting, worms and veggies from Hay-on-Wye). 9. Bowie Gallery from the tip top Wiggly Wiggler staff. Pottery fun will Showing the very best of contemporary ceramics and part in last year’s installation, so drop by soon. also be taking place here – keep an eye on the Wiggly Cafédirect jewellery from the UK, this nationally acclaimed gallery blackboards for more info during the festival. Pioneer of long-term relationships with more than 250,000 relocates from its premises in the heart of Hay to the farmers and winner of eight Great Taste Festival site. Treat yourself to something special to remind Pembertons Awards last year – the highest number of awards given you of your visit to the Festival and take a little bit of Hay The Festival bookshop is where authors appearing at the FOOD AND DRINKS by the Guild of Fine Foods to any hot beverage company in home with you. Festival will be signing books after their event. Open from 2008. 9am to 8pm daily. 1. Festival Food Hall 10. Yvette Jelfs An exciting addition to the festival, full of delicious, 2. Ascaris Café Milliner Yvette Jelfs has been designing couture, hand-made freshly-made goodies from our favourite local, regional Open from 9am daily, a full range of drinks, snacks and hats for over 25 years. Based in her workshop in HAY FEVER and national producers: meals served until 9pm. Reservations taken for evening Herefordshire, she also has a boutique in Edinburgh’s New A Moveable Feast meals – 01432 265147 or 07531 996182. Town and capsule collections in London. Hay Fever Space A small, local food company based in Hay-on-Wye’s thriving Open from 10am to 5pm every day, the Children’s Zone, weekly produce market, serving delicious homemade foods 3. Cafédirect Friends Café 11. Keep & Share parents’ chillout café and workshop performance spaces are using locally-sourced ingredients wherever possible. Choose Central to the Hay Festival community, the Cafédirect Award-winning ‘slow fashion’ knitwear label, offering all under one roof for the very first time. There’s lots to keep from our range of savoury tarts and quiches, freshly-prepared Friends Café is a great place to relax, meet old friends and unconventional knits for both men and women. busy, from crafting to coffee and books to birds, so do stop salads, warming stews and decadent cakes and puddings. make new ones too. Come by and check out the Cafédirect We encourage you to treasure your clothes by crafting by and say hello! Keen to minimise impact on the environment, A Moveable exhibition, showing how their unique relationships with unconventional ‘best friend’ pieces to satisfy over time in Please remember that the Hay Fever Space is not a crèche expert grower partners across 13 developing countries have our Herefordshire studio. and all parents and guardians are responsible for their own Feast use only recycled and biodegradable packaging. created outstanding quality and award-winning products for children. Children must be accompanied at all times unless The Granary you to enjoy. 12. The Great English Outdoors otherwise stated. The lost children point is at the As always, the Granary are serving their great vegetarian A shop with a soul. Old Welsh blankets, textiles, handmade information desk in the Hay Fever Space foyer. menu of soups and delicious dishes. 4. Capital Cuisine Restaurant leather goods and beautiful but useful objects for the home. Buy from us with confidence, knowing everything is Neal’s Yard Creamery (previously Blas) sourced locally where possible, or from ethical traders, or Children’s Zone A modern contemporary menu with a flavour of Wales: Whether you love fairies, dinosaurs, Spot or Peter Rabbit, A small dairy in the Golden Valley eight miles from individual craftspeople, using natural and sustainable materials. Hay-on-Wye, Neal’s Yard Creamery makes soft cow’s and steaks, fish and other great hot dishes with fantastic Welsh We champion traditional skills and craftsmanship and offer them there will be plenty of colouring and creative make-and-take tapas to graze on in the sun. Capital Cuisine looks forward to a twenty-first century audience. Visit our stand on the Festival activities available for under 8s every day during the festival goat’s milk cheeses as well as yoghurts and crème fraiche. They will provide Hay Festival-goers with some first-class to welcoming you. in the Children’s Zone from 10am to 5pm. Join in with site or our shop in Castle Street, Hay-on-Wye. Bookstart Rhymetimes and Baby Bookworm sessions, which local food incorporating their own products with other local ingredients. 5. Tyrrells Bar parents can enjoy and share with their children. At Tyrrells Court, delicious artisan snacks are produced, 13. Countryside Council for Wales As the zone runs on an informal, free basis, please note that Welsh Venison Centre including hand-cooked potato chips made from older The Countryside Council for Wales is an Assembly spaces are subject to availability on the day. Activities will varieties of potato, grown around their farm in Government Sponsored Body, working for a better Wales be listed every day on our Hay Fever blackboards, outside Local farmers, butchers and retailers with a farm and farm shop overlooking Llangorse Lake. Delivering produce direct Herefordshire. Come and join us at the Tyrrells Bar for some where everyone values and cares for our natural the Zone. from producer to consumer in a sustainable environment, animated chat and a spot of ‘Tyrrelling’. environment. We publish a range of high quality bilingual Welsh Venison Centre are delighted to offer Hay-goers the leaflets and posters on Wales’ natural heritage – all available RSPB healthy venison option and will be open every day with a 6. Wales the True Taste free of charge. From Tuesday 26 to Thursday 29 May, RSPB professionals varied menu. The farm shop is well worth a visit. Visit ‘Wales the True Taste’ exhibition, where you can taste and volunteers will be hosting lots of wonderful activities in award-winning food and drink, hear chefs talk about their 14. Cadw the Children’s Zone, so if you fancy yourself as a bit of a Real Ale Bar books and experience the best of Welsh food culture with Cadw is the Welsh Assembly Government’s historic mini-twitcher or have ever wondered what it’s like to build a Herefordshire Real Ale & Traditional Cider Bar including Brecon Beacons National Park, adventa, Welsh Rarebits, environment service, working for an accessible and well- bird’s nest, do pop along. Hay Festival’s pint – ‘May Blossom’ – brewed by Spinning Visit Wales and more. This project is supported by the protected historic environment for Wales. Cadw is proud Dog Brewery, Hereford, and draught cider from Westons. Welsh Assembly Government. to celebrate a quarter century of active conservation and promotion of Wales’s historic environment in 2009. Cadw TechniQuest The Balvenie See, touch, discover! Become absorbed in the fascinating is a Welsh word meaning ‘to keep’ or ‘to protect’. A unique range of single malts produced in Speyside in 7. Xtreme Organix world of science and technology with the hands-on exhibits the Scottish Highlands. Come and discover the joys of Using organically-farmed meat from Maes-y- Garn Farm – in the TechniQuest zone. There are puzzles and activities to our exceptional malt whiskey paired with some only one and a half miles from Hay Festival – for breakfasts, keep the whole family entertained, so come and try the quality chocolate. homemade burgers, stir-fries and wraps, and chilled drinks Thermochromic, the Towers of Brahma, the Bernouilli from local producers. Blower…and press lots of buttons!

68 69 Onsite extras 0870 990 1299 www.hayfestival.com

15. Burnt Sugar 22. Global Action Plan’s Driving Simulator Hay Team Our caramel is wonderfully unruly. Maybe it all starts Did you know that inflating your tyres to the correct with the Fairtrade, unrefined sugar. Anyway, by the time pressure will save 5% on your fuel bill? To find out more, it’s become crumbly fudge it’s naturally irregular with visit this free driving simulator and learn how to drive HAY FESTIVAL HAY COUNCIL more efficiently, which will reduce your impact on the bumpy lumps and when it’s our toffees it’s soft and The Festivals of Literature Charitable Trust and Hay Festival of President – Lord Bingham of Cornhill; Vice Presidents Hay – environment and will save you money. There will be a squidgy; when it’s our honeycomb it’s bubbly marvellous, Literature & the Arts Limited. Corisande Albert, Rosie Boycott, Nick Broomfield, prize for the person who achieves the most miles to the and by the time it’s folded into our fluffy nougat it’s Rosanna Bulmer, Nick Butler, Maria Sheila Cremaschi, gallon too, so don’t miss this free interactive display. totally free-ranging. Join us for free-ranging caramel DIRECTORS Palash Dave, Lord Evans, Amelia Grainger, Geordie Greig, loveliness and random acts of sweetness. Global Action Plan is Sky’s environmental charity partner. Frances Copping, Lyndy Cooke, Peter Florence, Nik Gowing, Sabrina Guinness, Rhian-Anwen Hamill, Josephine Hart, Revel Guest Chair, Rhoda Lewis, Samantha Maskrey and Julia Hobsbawm, Denise Lewis, Brenda Maddox, 16. Cafédirect 23. Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust Jesse Norman. John Mitchinson, Hannah Rothschild, Andrew Ruhemann, Cafédirect is the UK’s leading 100% Fairtrade hot drinks The cathedral and churches of Herefordshire have always Philippe Sands, William Sieghart, Jon Snow, Caroline Spencer, company. Come by our stand to try our range of gourmet celebrated their music and architecture. Find out more about TRUSTEES Francine Stock and Lucy Yeomans. single origin fresh ground coffees and find out whether you the Diocese, Three Choirs Festival and Visit Herefordshire. Rosie Boycott, Revel Guest, Ed Victor. Lyndy Cooke Secretary. prefer the delicate hints of honey and vanilla in Mayan PEMBERTONS BOOKSHOP Palenque (Mexico), the lively citrus overtones of Kilimanjaro 24. MEMO ADMIN Ellian Bell, Diana Blunt Festival Bookseller, Sandra Havard, (Tanzania), or sumptuously rich and dark chocolatey Machu To be built on the UNESCO Jurassic Coast, MEMO will be Robert Albert US and International Legal Advisor, Mike Barker Julia Hopton, Jenny Weatherburn and Hazel Williams. Picchu (Peru). We will also be sampling our delicious range of an ongoing stone carved memorial to all the species currently Accounts, Finn Beales Web Creative, Rosanna Bulmer Gardens, teas, including luxurious Gold tea, aromatic Earl Grey and being lost in the Earth’s sixth ‘mass extinction’. One of these Lyndy Cooke Director & Administrator, Maria Sheila Cremaschi SITE CREW refreshing English Breakfast. Our mission is to change lives memorial stones will be carved during the festival. Directora, David Darby Technical Support, Olga Davies Friends of and build communities through inspirational and sustainable Oliver & Elliott Cooke, Josh Game, Ruth Llewellyn, Ivor Hay Festival, Tony Davies CCSS Security, Sarah Dennehy Manley, Paul Marsh, Mark Opie, Mike Price, Andy Smith, business. We have pioneered direct, long-term relationships 25. Spanish Tourist Office Accomodation Officer & Green Room, Millie Dok Storymoja with smallholder growers and invest profits back into their Leslie Wallace and Fred Wright Gaffer and Site Design. For information about Hay Festivals Segovia and Alhambra Liaison, Paul Elkington Technical Director, Farah Farouk businesses to ensure outstanding quality coffee, tea and cocoa and many other wonderful Spanish cultural destinations, Assistant, Peter Florence Director, Andy Fryers Greenprint STEWARDS for our award-winning products. visit our exhibition. Director, Cristina Fuentes La Roche Directora, Beltran Gambier Pete Ward Head Steward, Jan Pitman Stewards Administration, Spain and International Legal Advisor, Muthoni Garland Carol Sykes Stewards Induction Officer, Stella Ward 17. Oxfam 26. Hay Festival Shop Storymoja Nairobi, Grant Thornton Accountants, HSBC Brecon Fantastic merchandise! Stop by and see the Reader Digital & Hay Bankers, Jesse Ingham Editor & Artists Manager, DRIVERS We love books. It’s no surprise then that we jump for joy Rhodri Jones Artists Manager, Jo Rodell-Jones Assistant, Book by Sony. Designed to hold up to 160 eBooks, the David Boyden, David Eckley, Phil Fergusson, Rachel Ferrington, when people find time to donate a book or two. At Hay, Marian Lally Accounts, Sophie Lording Hay Fever Director, Reader makes a perfect travel companion. Sally Glass, Mark Havard, Liz Ings, Martyn Jenkins, we’re aiming high. Any book will do: racy, pacey, or a slow- Hannah Lort-Phillips PR, Paul Richardson Online Systems, Visit www.sony.co.uk/reader. Geoff Magnay, Joe Parker, Garry Pryce-Mason, Chris Purdy, burner. We want the lot. So turn your fiction into action and Maggie Robertson Producer, Izara García Rodríguez Artists Vivien Ray, Andrew Roberts, Mat Roberts, Sandy Rowden, donate some books right here at Hay. Manager, Savage & Gray Graphic Design, Becky Shaw Hay Anthony Williamson and Nino Williamson Driver Co-ordinator. Festival Press Publisher, Glenn Storhaug Hay Festival Press 18. Literature in Wales FOYER Designer, Raquel Vicedo Intern, Betty Wamalwa Muragori Meet writers, browse and buy books, take part in workshops Storymoja Nairobi and Benjamin Webb Deliberate PR. TECHNICAL TEAM and readings and talk to some of the organisations 27. Visit Wales Martin Abell, Patrick Behan, Sasha Dobbs, Amelia Franas, responsible for promoting the literature and writers of Find Visit Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government’s Jac Geoff, Gareth Gore, Richard Harris, Lee Holmes, Wales. The Literature in Wales stand is a partnership tourism team. We have brochures and information on BOX OFFICE Chris Hughes, Llyr Jones, Wyn Jones, Stephen Joyce, between the Welsh Assembly Government, the Arts Council holidays, activities, visitor attractions, days out and places Maria Carreras, Arthur Caton, Penny Compton Manager, Leanne Knibb, Clive Meredith, Kyle Macpherson, Rob McNeal, of Wales, the Welsh Books Council, Wales Arts to visit throughout Wales. Andy Davies Manager, Sarah Edwards Senior Manager, Amy Morgan, Jen Payne, Meg Price, Euan Richards, International, the National Library of Wales and Academi. Frith Fraser, Gethin Lewis, Chrissy Maddy, Skye Meredith, Sian Rilstone, Chris Sennett, Paul Turner and Bridget Wallbank. 28. Hay & District Chamber of Commerce Guy Morgan, Tom Shackelford and Tom Schofield. 19. Christ College, Brecon Volunteers from the Hay & District Chamber of PATRONS AND DONORS One of Wales’ most successful independent schools. A co- Commerce will be on site from 10am to 6pm daily with FESTIVAL TEAM Lady Ashburton, Lawrence Banks, Simon Barnes, Bedecked, educational boarding and day school for 11 to 18 year olds, all you need to know about Hay and the surrounding area. Paul Blezard Presenter, Ben Bulmer, Fiona Chislett, Alastair Coe, Rakesh Bhanot, Kate Bingham, Ken & Susan Briggs, in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park. Tim Davies Paramedic, Lisa Dwan Presenter, Izara Fraser, Nick Butler, Sian Legge Bourke, Lord & Lady Burns, James Gardiner Cafédirect Friends Café Manager, Liz Hendry, Margaret Dennis, Marya Fforde, Victoria Flemington, 20. Gaia Exhibition OFFSITE Hattie Hughes, Ben Jones, Philip Koomen Furniture Designer, Victoria Fuller, Robin & Philippa Herbert, Robert Lance New ideas to maintain prosperity in a post-oil, post climate Alex Kramer Presenter, Clare Kyle Set Designer, Caroline Lloyd Hughes, Rosaleen Hughes, Robert Jandy, Dan & Ros Levin, John Lovatt, Jane Lyons, Moira Martingale, Bea Morris, change society – with local and national initiatives, local food, Daniel Mordzinski Exhibition Spic’n’Span, Cilla Lloyd Hay Fever, Jenna Mackintosh Hay Fever, state of the art materials for eco-homes, ethical finance and Jess Mahoney, Dominic Maxwell-Lewis, Richard McKeand Jesse Norman, Mark Oliver, Dr Sian Rolfe, Gail Sandler, An exhibition of beautiful photographs from Hay Festivals Paramedic, Jeff Morgan Photographer, John Morgan Signwriter, Brian Simpson, Alan & Joan Smith, Lisa Solley, solar energy. Come and join in the workshops with leading in Cartagena, the Alhambra, Segovia and Wales. At Richard speakers, play the Carbon Footprint game, share the Fairtrade Gemma Mostyn Owen, Caitlin McNamara, Mel Newton Gareth Southall, Carol Stalker, Francine Stock, Booth’s Bookshop Ltd, 44 Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye. Chocolate sessions as well as ‘Meet the Farmer’ and sample Maternity, Simon Price, Nia Richards Hay Fever, Marie Rogers Marjorie Wallace, David Vaughan and Paul Voyce. culinary delights from Welsh Farms. More information at Green Room & Retail, Jo Smit Greenprint, ,

www.gaiapartnership.org. The Fair on the Square, 23–25 May Megan Tapper,team hay Helen Thirlway and Colin Thompson Grub. DEBENTURE HOLDERS Supported by Reprodux, Centre for Alternative Technology, Hay Market Square Lord & Lady Bingham, Sue Carpenter, Victor Chambers, Street performer Peterkin the Fool, children’s entertainment, Rathbone Greenbank. INTERNATIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS Andy Davies, Greg England, Maureen England, Mark & Moira fairground attractions and music. Starting at 11am with & COUNCILLORA Hamlin, David Mayden, Pauline Mayden, Mike Metcalfe, Goffee the Clown, followed by live music from 12pm to Carlos Julio Ardila Presidente Cartagena, Jaime Abello, Danny Rivlin and Sian & Terence Sinclair. 21. Guardian Books 6pm and finishing with daily highlights from the Festival Raimundo Angulo, Patricia Ardila, Cecilia Balcazar, Victoria Guardian Books brings you the most dynamic content from between 6pm and 10pm. Fair trade stalls in the butter We would particularly like to thank Chris Barker, Bejarano, Pablo Jiménez Burillo, Alfonso López Caballero, the Guardian and Observer newspapers in a lasting format. market including Tuareg jewellery from Timbuktu. Penny & Richard Chantler, John Collins, Andy Cooke, From cutting-edge political memoirs to leading lifestyle José Manuel Darro, Jeronimo Páez and Pedro Benzal. John de la Cour, Matthew Freud, John Hopkins, Tom Kalaris, titles, indispensable reference guides to puzzle compilations. David McCullough, Justin Pledger, Christy, Sally Ann & Meet the journalists who contribute to our books. Pop in for James Powell, Marc Sands, Suzy Smith, David Venables, more information about daily events and discussions. Fr Richard Williams, and the people of Hay. 70 71 72

0870 990 1299 www.hayfestival.com Index

AARONOVITCH,David, 83, 118 BIDGOOD, Ruth, 279 CHRISTOPHER,Lucy, HF72 ABSE, Dannie, 177 BIG CHILL DJS,111 CLARE, Horatio, 130 ADDISON,Chris, 11, 43, 54, 86, BIRD, Caroline, 58 CLARKE, Charles, 98 97, 136 BIRKHEAD,Tim, 340 CLARKE, Gillian, 146, 230 ADIE, Kate, 259 BIRKIN, Jane, 61 CLARY, Julian, 313, 323 ADJAYE, David, 266 BIZONY, Piers, 169 CLOSE, Frank, 171 AL ASWANY,Alaa, 140 BLACKBURN,Simon, 160 COBB, Jimmy, 234, 242, ALBERT, Corisande, 32 BLACKWELL,Chris, 18 COLDSTREAM,Nicola, 186 Index ALFARO, Carlos, 175 BLAIZE, Immodesty, 323 COLLINI,Stefan, 252 ALI, Monica, 299 BLEVINS, Graeme, 154 CONRAN, Alys, 65 ALLAN, Doug, 345 BLEZARD, Paul, 100, 145, 166, COOPER, Al, 324 ALLARDICE,Lisa, 283 168, 288 COTTRINGER,Anne, HF81 ALLEN, Thomas, 19 BLUMENTHAL,Heston, 28 COWELL, Cressida, HF49, HF60 AMIT CHAUDHURI BAND,110 BORKOWSKI,Mark, 288 CRACKNELL,James, 204 ANDERTON,Stephen, 155 BOULTON, Adam, 70, 101 CRASTE, Marc, HF20 APPIGNANESI,Lisa, 80 BOYCOTT, Rosie, 2, 9, 67, 74, 116, CROSSLEY-HOLLAND,Kevin, 157 ARDAGH, Philip, HF71 121, 225, 253, 296, 328, 332 CROWLEY, Roger, 13 ARIDJIS, Homero, 5 BRACKSTONE,Lee, 302 CRYER, Barry, 358 ARMITAGE,Simon, 302, 353 BRADBURY,Jason, HF53 CRYSTAL, Ben, 326 ARMITSTEAD,Claire, 218, 252, BRAGG, Melvyn, 298, 336 CRYSTAL, David, 262 295, 319 BRAND,Jo, 268 CUNNINGHAM,Barry, HF74 ARMSTRONG,Franny, 243 BREWER, John, 40 CURTIS, Tony, 148 ARNOLD, Gaynor, 37 BRIDGEWATER,Emma, 12 DAFYDD, Catrin, 135 ARNOTT, Jake, 342 BRIGGS, Andy, HF58 DAFYDD, Fflur, 89, 141 ASHDOWN,Paddy, 131 BRIGSTOCKE,Marcus, 35, 60, 77, DAHL, Sophie, 304 ASHTON, John, 4 126, 164, 180, 193, 224, 256, DALDRY, Stephen, 144 291, 338 ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION,21 D'ANCONA,Matthew, 81, 101 ASLAN, Reza, 293 BROOK,Elaine, 184, 220 DARWIN, Emma, 170 ATKINSON,Kate, 283 BROWN, Archie, 173 DAVIDSON AM,Jane, 305 ATTLEE, Helena, 198 BROWN, David, 217 DAVIES, Andrew, 334 AUSTERFIELD,Adam, 25 BUCKLAND,David, 60 DAVIES, Howard, 25 AVERY, Charles, 172 BUFTON, John, 6 DAVIS, David, 98 BAH, Adama, 179 BULMER, John, 194 DAVISON, Angus, 180 BAHN, Sabine, 287 BUNTING, Madeline, 217 DE BOTTON,Alain, 286 BAILLIEU, Amanda, 266 BURGESS, Melvin, HF72 DE MIERRE,Justine, HF87, HF89, BAKEWELL,Joan, 52 BURRIDGE,Richard, 217 HF90, HF91, HF94, HF 96, BANG, Jan, 240 BURTON-HILL,Clemency, 140 HF98 BARFORD, Anna, 165 BUTLER, Daniel, 12 DE SAULLES,Tony, HF29 BARTLEY, Shan, 209 BUTT PHILIP,Alan, 6 DEARLOVE,Richard, 333 BAUCKHAM,Richard, 217 BYNG, Jamie, 263 DEELEY, Michael, 235 BEALE, Nicholas, 228 CABLE, Vince, 339 DELVES BROUGHTON,Philip, 23 BEAST QUEST PARTY, HF83 CAMPBELL,Duncan, 27 DENT, Grace, HF86 BECKETT, Bernard, 31 CAMPBELL,James, HF75 DENT, Susie, 79 BEER, Gillian, 29 CELYN JONES,Russell, 258 DESARTHE,Agnès, 284 BEEVOR, Antony, 297 CHANTLER,Richard & Penny, DHARKER, Imtiaz, 58 BELL BURNELL,Jocelyn, 321 HF28 DIMBLEBY, Jonathan, 352 BELL, Rob, 331 CHAPMAN,Dinos, 51 DIXON, Tim, 247 BENHAM, Paul, 246 CHAPMAN,Jake, 51 DON, Sarah, 88 BENNETT, Alan, 264, 306 CHAPMAN,Lynne, HF77 DON, Monty, 88, 335 BENTLEY, Peter, HF77 CHAUDHURI,Amit, 110,140 DONALDSON,Julia, HF01, HF09, BERLINS, Marcel, 46 CHIKWAVA,Brian, 53 HF10 CHINN, Simon, 274 BEWICK, Tom, 263 DORLING, Daniel, 165 79 DRAPER, Derek, 181 FRY, Stephen, 137 HAWES, James, 124 KEARNS GOODWIN,Doris, 56 MATTHEWMAN,Gary, 192 NESS, Patrick, HF52, HF60 DUFFY, Carol Ann, 230 FRYERS, Andy, 220, 237 HAWKINS, Justin, 277 KEEN, Richard, 501 (page 25) MATTHEWS,Cate, 65 NEWMAN, GF, 46 DUNBAR, Polly, HF13, HF18 FUNKE, Cornelia, HF85 HAWKING, Lucy, HF33 KEEVIL, Tyler, 65 MAYO, Ed, 75 NICHOLLS,David, 145 DUNN, Judy, 67 FYFE, Hamish, 336 HELLER,Zoe, 309 KELLERMAN,Allan, 65 MCCABE, Eamonn, 194 NICOLSON,Adam, 114 DYER, Geoff, 272 GARDEN, Graeme, 358 HENRIKSEN,Arve, 240 KELLY, Ian, 32 MCCLOUD,Kevin, 261 NICHOLSON,William, 216 DYKE, Peter, 48 GARDNER, Frank, 314 HENRY, Georgina, 98 KENNEDY JR,Robert, 296 MCCORMACK,Andrew, 154 NORDEN, Denis, 168 EASTWOOD,Kyle, 154 GARDNER, Sally, HF57 HERBERT, Jo, 158 KESSLER, Ed, 190 MCGOUGH,Roger, 205, HF63 NORMAN, Jesse, 188 ECCLESHARE,Julia, HF43, HF61, GARTON ASH,Timothy, 80, 134 HERRERA MEP,Joan, 305 KHALID, Koser, 3 MEHRA, Malini, 4 NORRIS, Viv, 324 HF74, HF82 GAVIN, Jamila, HF70 HERRING, Vincent, 242 KIGHTLY, Charles, 501 (page 25) MEHTA, Lyla, 5 O’BRIAIN, Dara, 273 EDE, Sian, 321 GEARTY, Conor, 98 HICKMAN, Leo, HF38 KINGSBURY,Noel, 57 MELLORS, Nick, 65 O’BRIEN, Edna, 307 Index EDWARDES,Dan, 113.1, 113.2 GERMAIN, Dan, 199 HIGGINS, Charlotte, 112 KOEK, Ariane, 37 MERITT, Stephanie, 31, 63, 96, O’BRIEN, Michael, 27 EL KHALIL,Zena, 70 GIACCONE,Rachel, 238 HILL, Tobias, 278, 302 KRASIKOV, Sana, 42 128 O’FARRELL,John, 30 EL YOUSSEF,Samir, 53 GIDDENS, Anthony, 4, 10 HISLOP, Victoria, 100 KREITZMAN,Leon, 187 META4, 255 OGUTU MURAYA,Joshua, 209 Index ELLINGHAM,Mark, 132 GIFFORD’S CIRCUS JUGGLING HOBSBAWM,Eric, 87 KURTZ, Irma, 196 METCALFE,Paul, 238 OLEMBO, Lilian, 209 JAMBOREE ELLIS, Pee Wee, 242 , HF03, HF06, HF08, HOBSBAWM,Julia, 75, 78 LAMB, Harriet, 9 MICHAEL, Bethan, 65 OLIVER, Michael, 65 HF12, HF14, HF16 ENGEL, Matthew, 85 HOGWOOD,Christopher, 48 LAMBERT, Adrian, 17 MICHAELS,Anne, 320, 316, 341 ORBACH, Julian, 15 GILES, Andrew & Rachel, HF62 ERDELEN, Walter, 1 HOLMES,Richard, 115 LANDMAN,Tanya, HF34 MICHEL, Caroline, 263 ORBACH,Susie, 269 GILMAN,David, HF42 EVANS, Cath, 275 HOPE, Jake, HF52 LARSEN,Reif, 295 MICKLETHWAIT,John, 236 OVERY, Richard, 68 GILTBURG, Boris, 163 EVANS MEP,Jill, 6 HOPKINS, Cathy, HF86 LAWRENCE,Caroline, HF45, MILLAR, Fiona, 78 OWEN, Tomos, 65 GIORDANO,Paolo, 346 EVANS, Lissa, 118 HOPKINS, Rob, 225 HF54 MILLER, Rebecca, 105 OYUGI, Sally, 209 GLANVILLE,Jo, 104 EVANS, Matthew, 336 HOROWITZ,Anthony, HF66, 241 LAWSON, Mark, 318 MILLER, Sue, 3 PADEL, Ruth, 170, 182 GODWIN, Georgina, 53 EVANS, Richard, 41 HOT LEG, 277 LAYARD, Richard, 67 MIRZA, Shazia, 106 PARKER REES,Guy, HF48, HF50 GOLDING, Julia, HF39 FARA, Patricia, 22 HUNT, Becky, 65 LE, Nam, 89 MITCHELL,Alanna, 189 PARSONS, Nicholas, 94 GOLDSMITH,Rosie, 259, 265, 314 FARDELL, John, HF34 HUNT, Tristram, 308 LEACH, Penelope, 327 MONBIOT, George, 243 PATTEN, Chris, 301 GOLDSWORTHY,Adrian, 156 FENTON, James, 321 HUTCHINSON,Robert, 226 LEGGETT, Jeremy, 251 MOODY, Mike, 12 PATTEMORE,Christian, 324 GORMAN, Dave, 99 FERGUSON,Niall, 87, 120 HYDE, Marina, 288 LESLIE, Ann, 74 MOORE, Sebastian, 217 PATTEMORE,Sam, 324 GOWER, Jon, 135, 141 FERRELL, Lori Anne, 201 HYLAND, MJ, 346 LETTS, Quentin, 330 MORAN, Dylan, 211 PAUL, Korky, HF79 GOWING, Nik, 101, 301 FFORDE, Jasper, HF60 IGGULDEN,Conn, 176 LEWIS-STEMPEL,John, 166 MORDZINSKI,Daniel, 311 PAYNE COOK,Naomi, 275 GRAY, Kathryn, 89 FIELD, Matthew, 235 INCE, Robin, 109 LINDSAY, Fiona, 55, 92, 292, 313, MORENO-OCAMPO,Luis, 93 PAWLYN, Michael, 202 GRAYLING, AC, 329 FIENNES,William, 250, 272 INGE,Denise, 185 344 MORGAN, Andrew & Elaine, PAXMAN, Jeremy, 312 GREENBERG,Stanley, 310 FLEMING-WILLIAMS,Liz, 279 ISAACSON, Rupert, 328 LOWE, Chris, 122 HF21 PEACE, David, 270 GREENLAW,Lavinia, 203 FLOOD, Sue, 345 JABER, Hala, 70 LUCAS MEP,Caroline, 305 MORGAN AM,Rt Hon Rhodri, 7 PEACHEY, Hugh, 12 GRIGG, Julie, 238 FLORENCE,Peter, 6, 52, 85, 103, JACOBSON,Howard, 253, 267 LYNAS, Mark, 237 MORPURGO,Michael, HF70, PEARSON, Dan, 57, 66 GUEST, Revel, 196, 335 121, 130, 253, 267, 285, 306, JACQUES, Martin, 271 MACFARLANE,Alan, 218 HF73, HF82 PEPINSTER,Catherine, 195 GUO, Xiaolu, 31 346 JAMES, Clive, 44 MACGOWAN,Alistair, 92 MORRIS, Jackie, HF30, 167 PERERA, Anna, HF72 GUTTRIDGE,Peter, 250, 261, 278, FLOWERS, Graeme, 154 JAMES, David & Catherine, HF44 MACKAY, David, 4 MORRIS, Jan, 302 PERKINS, Emily, 37, 42 307, 342 FODEN, Giles, 258, 315 JARDINE,Lisa, 138 MACKENZIE,Lee, 65 MORRIS, Marc, 64 PERKINS, Sue, 11, 43, 54, 86, 97, HABER, Steve, 263 FOGLE, Ben, 204, 214 JELFS,Yvette, 178 MACLEAN, Rory, 219 MOTTRAM,Andrew, 213 136 HADDRILL,Barbara, 220 FOLEY, Conor, 70 JENKINS, Simon, 15, 34, 57, 114 MADDERN,Eric, HF35 MOYO, Dambisa, 72 PERSAUD, Raj, 280, 330 HAGE, Rawi, 96 FONSECA, Isabel, 130 JHA, Alok, 331 MADDOX, Brenda, 47 MPOKOSA, Chikondi, 3 PESTON, Robert, 82 HAHN, Daniel, HF09, HF70 FORTUNE FAVOURS,277 JOHN, Rebecca, 65 MADDOX, Bronwen, 101 MUCHAMORE,Robert, HF55 PHOENIX SINGERS, 317 HAMILTON,Andy, 179 FOST, Liz, HF48, HF50 JOLLY, James, 356 MADELEY, Richard, 280 MULLAN, John, 258, 309, 316 PIERRE, DBC, 302, 346 HANDS, Pete, 277 FOSTER,Phil, 233 JONES, Dylan, 206 MAMDANI, Mahmood, 355 MULLIN, Chris, 127 POLKINGHORNE,John, 228 HANNAN, Patrick, 300 FOSTER, Russell, 187 JONES, Patrick, 135 MANKELL, Henning, 285 MULVANY, Patrick, 2 PORTER, Henry, 98 HARCOURT-COOZE,Willie, 151 FRANKLYN,Caryn, 206 JONES, Sadie, 81 MANZOOR,Sarfraz, 174, 236, 253, MURDIN, Paul, 257, 321 POWELL, Jessica, 263 HARDY, Jeremy, 152 FRASER, Antonia, 348 JONES, Steve, 39 274, 293, 299 MURPHY, Dominic, HF24, HF26 PRAZMOWSKA,Anita, 134 HARRI,Guto, 127 FRASER,Simon, 279 JONES, Terry, 206 MARGGRAF TURLEY,Richard, 153 MURRAY, Jenni, 292 PRESTO,Fay, 62 HARRINGTON,Jonathon, HF21, FREEGARD,Siobhan, 78 JONES, Tricia, 206 MARLOW, Tim, 51 MURRAY, Tai, 223 PRESTON, Paul, 90 HF44, HF62 FREEMAN, Andrew, 265, 315 KAINE, Martyn, 154 MARRIOTT,James, 207 MURRAY, Tiffany, 253, 289, 351 PUPPET-MAKING WORKSHOP, HARRIS, John, 69, 339 FREEMAN, Daniel, 265 KAKU, Michio, 143 MARSH SMITH,Stephen, 212 MUSIC HOUSE FOR CHILDREN, HF84, HF88 HARRIS, MG, HF64 FREEMAN, Jason, 265 KARINDITU,Alice, 209 MARSH, James, 274 HF31, HF32, HF37, HF41 PURVES, Libby, 281 HART, Josephine, 347 FROST, David, 103 KATZ, Ian, 16 MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN,Ignacio, 90 MUTHONI GARLAND,Jane, 209 QUAH, Danny, 25 HARVEY, Richard, 180 FROSTRUP,Mariella, 8, 33, 76, KAY, Jackie, 147 MASEKELA,Hugh, 174, 183 NADIN, Jo, HF86 QUEENAN, Joe, 289 HATTERSLEY,Roy, 142 125, 162, 191, 221, 254, 290, KAY, John, 188, 207 MASESE, Dennis, 209 NAUGHTIE,Jim, 300 QUICK, Diana, 123 80 337 HAWES, Charles, 155 81 QUINLAN, Carrie, 35, 77, 107, STANTON, Andy, HF76 VERE, Ed, HF59, HF65 126, 164, 193, 256, 291, 338 STARKEY, David, 49 VERNON, Mark, 185 RADCLIFFE,Mark, 351 STEER, Dugald A, HF56 VIDAL, John, 14, 174 RAVENS, Jan, 59 STEPHENSON,Kristina, HF46, VINCENT, Andre, 35, 77, 126, RAYNER, Jay, 26, 28 HF51 164, 193, 224, 256, 291, 338 REARDON, Ben, 206 STERN, Nicholas, 16 VONSATTEL,Gilles, 213 REED, Richard, 199 STEVENS, Lisa, 6 WAITES, Benna, 269 REES, Celia, HF57 STEWART, Chris, 116 WAKEMAN,Rick, 20 REES, Martin, 24, 73 STEWART, Harriet, 287 WALFORD DAVIES,Damian, 150, REID-HENRY,Simon, 161 STEWART, Paul, HF47 153 RICHARDSON,Tim, 57 STIG OF THE DUMP WORKSHOP, WALKER, David, 117 RICKMAN, Phil, 20 HF04, HF05 WALKER, James, HF22, HF25 RIDDELL, Chris, HF47 STING, 354, 356 WALLIS, Stewart, 335 Index RINALDI, Pete, 277 STOCK, Francine, 44, 88, 105, WAMALWA MURAGORI,Betty, 209 RIORDAN, Maurice, 321 144, 148, 268 WARD, Helen, HF20 ROBERTS, Andrew, 45, 84 STOCKING,Barbara, 132 WARWICK, Hugh ROBERTSON,Geoffrey, 104 STOKES, Samuel SJ, 277 WATERS, Sarah, 319 ROBINS, Nick, 207 STOURTON,Ed, 128, 139 WATSON, Mark, 357 ROBINSON,Andrew, 36 STRACHAN,Mari, 135 WATT, Jan, HF95, HF97 RONEY, Wallace, 242 STRONG, Jeremy, HF80 WEATHERLY,Lee ROTHSCHILD,Hannah, 123, 229, STROUD, Jonathan, HF68 WEBBER, John, 242 234 STROUD, Rick, 350 WESKER, Arnold, 102 RUBENHOLD,Hallie, 32 STYLER, Trudie, 354, 356 WHILEY, Jo, 344 RUBIN, Miri, 195 SUDJIC, Deyan, 266, 282 WILD, Susie, 65 RYLAND LANGLEY,Jeremy, 14 SUMMERSCALE,Kate, 332 WILLIAMS, Charles, 248 RYRIE, Charlie, 38, 119 SWIFT, Graham, 294 WILLIAMS, Father Richard, 107 SACKS, Jonathan, 139 SWINBURNE,Kay, 6 WILLIAMS, Jon, HF92, HF93 SALEWICZ, Chris, 18 TALLIS, Raymond, 200 WILLIAMS, Kate, 95 SANDS, Philippe, 87, 93, 129, TAN, Shaun, HF19 WILLIAMS, Olly, HF27, 149 284, 333 TASHI LHUNPO MONKS,HF69, 210 WILLIAMS, Richard, 234 SAWDAY, Alistair, 220 TERIKI SEII,Jepchirchit, 209 WILLIAMS, Rowan, 215, SCARFE, Gerald, 71 TETT, Gillian, 69 WILLIAMS, Steve, 238 SCHAMA, Simon, 343 THEOBALD,Stephanie, 323 WILLIS, Larry, 242 SCHEFFLER,Axel, HF01 THISELTON,Anthony, 217 WILLS, Judith, 166 SCHMIDT, Daniela, 5 TICKNER, David, 5 WILSON, AN, 216 SEN, Amartya, 349 TODD, Darby, 277 WILSON, Jaqueline, HF74, HF78 SETHI, Anita, 81, 124 TODD, Robin, 2 WINSTANLEY,Suzi, HF27, 149 SHAMSIE, Kamila, 295 TÓIBÍN, Colm, 96 WINTERSON,Jeanette, 147 SHARP, Janine, HF04, HF05 TOKSVIG, Sandi, 11, 19, 43, 54, WOLFE, Paula, 275 SHAW, Fiona, 347 86, 97, 136 WOODMAN,Conor, 249 SHAW, Hannah, HF36 TOMAN, John, 197 WOODS, Titania, HF67 SHEERS, Owen, 325 TOMOS OWEN,Sion, 65 WORKOWSKI,Adam, 231 SHEPHERD,Meg, 233 TOYNBEE, Polly, 117 WORRALL THOMPSON,Antony, 14 SHUTTLEWORTH,Lucy, HF17 TREMAIN, Rose, 132 WRIGHT, Julia, 175 SIERAKOWSKI,Sawomir, 134 TRENT, Steve, 14 YOUNG YOGA, HF02, HF07, SIMMS, Andrew, 175, 207, 225, TUDGE, Colin, 227 HF11, HF15 305, 335 TUNSTALL,KT, 60 ZALASIEWICZ,Jan, 133 SIMON, David, 318 TURVEY,Samuel, 159 ZOKAEI, Ceivan SKINNER, Frank, 55 TUTU, Desmond, 222, 239 ZUSAK, Markus, 63 SMITH, Russell, 331 TWIGGER HOLROYD,Amy, 91, SMITH, Arthur, 322 232, HF23, HF40 SMYTHE, James, 65 VALENTINE,Alex, 324 SNOW, Jon, 56, 72, 83 VALENTINE,Jenny, HF09, HF60 SPOOR, Mike, HF91 VAUGHAN HUGHES,Robert, 65 82