Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations
Scaling up a Multiple Benefits Approach to Enhance Resilience in Agro- and Forest Landscapes of Mali’s Sahel Regions (Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou) Part I: Project Information GEF ID 9293 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET Project Title Scaling up a Multiple Benefits Approach to Enhance Resilience in Agro- and Forest Landscapes of Mali’s Sahel Regions (Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou) Countries Mali Agency(ies) AfDB Other Executing Partner(s): Ministry of Rural Development; other: CILSS, Association La Voûte Nubienne Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Landscapes, International Waters, Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation, Focal Areas, Type of Engagement, Communications, Stakeholders, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Integrated Programs, Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration, Knowledge Generation, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Pollution, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Productive Landscapes, Forest, Forest and Landscape Restoration, Land Degradation, Land Degradation Neutrality, Land Productivity, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Land Cover and Land cover change, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Sustainable Forest, Integrated and Cross-sectoral approach, Sustainable Pasture Management, Food Security, Innovation, Least Developed Countries, Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Chemicals and Waste, Persistent Organic Pollutants,
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