Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 94–98 Conference paper © Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia

OTHELLO SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE Dejan Georgiev, Aljoša Danieli, Lidija Ocepek, Dominika Novak, Nina Zupančič-Križnar, Maja Trošt & Zvezdan Pirtošek Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia

SUMMARY Background: Othello syndrome (OS) is an organic delusional disorder with prevailing symptoms presumably appearing as side effect of antiparkinsonian therapy. The clinical spectrum of psychiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) is very wide, including symptoms of depresion and anxiety, hallucinations, , with prevalent paranoid symptoms, agitation, delirium and sleep disorders. At our knowledge, just a few cases of patients with PD and OS were reported till now. Methods: three neurologists working in a tertiary referral centre were asked to report cases of pathological jealousy as defined by the DSM IV criteria (Kaplan et al. 1994). The following data were collected retrospectively: sex, age at PD onset, age at OS onset, duration of PD, duration of PD treatment, duration of treatment with dopamine agonists (DAs), treatment of OS, past history of , premorbid personality disorder, family history of psychiatric disorders and data about general cognitive condition. Results: Five PD patients (three males) with OS were investigated. The mean age of the patients at the PD onset was 46.80±8.87 (SD), the mean age at the OS onset was 56.40±8.76 (SD). Before the onset of OS, all of them were taking dopamine agonists. The first patient was treated with pramipexole, apomorphine infusion and levodopa/carbidopa, the second with apomorphine infusion plus levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone, the third with pramipexole, the fourth and fifth with ropinirole. Decrease of dopamine agonist led to clinical improvement in three patients (complete reduction of the symptoms in two, reduction of symptoms in one patients). In two patients, the symptoms remained the same. In three patients atypical neuroleptics had to be added: clozapine in two and quetiapine in one patient. Conclusions: We believe that OS is a more common psychiatric side effect in PD patients on treatment with dopamine agonists than usually believed, particulary in those with early disease onset. It is a very disturbing symptom for patients and their partners, often underestimated by them, and should therefore be actively searched for. Key words: Othello syndrome - delusional jealousy - Parkinson's disease - dopamine agonists - atypical neuroleptics * * * * * INTRODUCTION subtherapeutic agonist doses, or those taking carbidopa/levodopa alone. (Bostwick et al. 2009). Dopamine receptor agonists (DAs) are Besides this, the use of DAs has been shown to be effective treatment option for Parkinson's disease the most widely identified risk factor for PD (PD). In the the early stage PD they can be used . (Zahodne & Fernandez 2009). Some alone, wheareas in the late stage PD they are used studies showed that up to 25% of PD patients as adjunctive therapy, together with levodopa (LD) suffer from delusions and hallucinations (Fenelon (Bonuccelli & Pavese 2006). In some patients they et al. 2000). The clinical manifestation of have been shown to be as effective as LD in psychosis in PD patients is very diverse. It ranges symptomatic treatment of mild-to-moderate PD from minor symptoms of mild illusions, vivid (Tintner & Jankovic 2003). In addition, there is a dreams, and occasional, non-disturbing visual lower tendency to develop motor fluctuations and hallucinations to a frank psychosis with confusion, dyskinesias with DAs treatment than after disturbing visual (and, rearly auditory and tactile) initiation of therapy with LD. Furthermore, some hallucinations, and persecutory delusions (Thanvi preclinical and clinical data suggest slowing of et al. 2005). In idiopathic PD, psychotic symptoms neurodegeneration with Das (Tintner & Jankovic are usually induced by dopaminomimetic agents or 2003). However, besides their good efficacy in the cholinergic antagonists and are also associated treatment of PD, the use of DAs is associated with with age, disease stage, depression and cognitive many adverse effects as well. Recently, impulse impairment, but not with clinical subtype, disease control disorders and aberrant repetitive beha- duration or dose of dopamine agonists (Aarsland et viours have surged to clinical relevance as they al. 1999, Giladi et al. 2000). Othello syndrome - occur during dopamine replacement treatment OS is defined as a false belief derived from (mainly with dopamine agonists) and worsen delsuional jelaousy that one's lover is unfaithful patients' and caregivers' quality of life (Antonini & (Kaplan et al. 1994). It is a supported by Cilia 2009). Morever, a study showed that these the absolute certainty of the infidelity of the disorders are found in patients taking therapeutic partner. It is also considered to be one of the doses of dopamine agonists but was not found manifestations of dopamine dysregulation synd- among untreated patients, those taking rome (Evans & Lees 2004). OS is common among

94 Dejan Georgiev, Aljoša Danieli, Lidija Ocepek, Dominika Novak, Nina Zupančič-Križnar, Maja Trošt & Zvezdan Pirtošek: OTHELLO SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 94–98

chronic male alcoholics. It was also described in a duration of PD before the OS onset was context of other different functional and organic 10.80±9.41 (SD). The mean duration of PD psychiatric and neurologic conditions. As a part of treatment was 10.00±9.33 (SD) years. The mean functional psychotic disorder, it was dicribed in duration of DAs treatment was approximately six , delusional, affective and personality years (6.25±4.72 (SD)) (Table 1). Mean age of the disorders and neurosis (Cannas et al. 2009). In the patients when the therapy with DAs was context of general medical disorders, it has been introduced was 52.80±6.98 years. The mean period reported in dementia (Tsai et al. 1997), when symptoms were first recognized by the cerebrovascular infarction (Luaute et al. 2008), patient and the diagnosis of OS by a medical hyperthyreoidism (Hodgson et al. 1992) and professional was 4±4.06 (SD) months. None of the normotensive hydrocephalus (Yusim et al. 2008). reported patients had obvious cognitive decline. It was also reported after right orbitofrontal The past history was negative for chronic excision after an operation for tuberculum sellae alcoholism and premorbid personality disorder, as meningeoma sixteen years before the appearence was the family history for mental disorders in all of the syndrome (Narumoto et al. 2006). At our patients. However, four of five of them had already knowledge, just a few casess of OS in the context shown features of jealous behavior before the of PD were reported till now (Cannas et al. 2009, introduction of DAs. Four of the patients had Brüne et al. 2007, Mc Namara & Dusro 1991). We typical persecutory and jealousy delusions, whe- report five patients with OS undergoing reas one had delusional disorder with predominant dopaminergic tretament. Because data in the jealous symptomatology and delirious episodes. literature suggest high prevalence of delusional Two of them had osmic hallucinations (Table 2). jealousy in the context of dementia and chronic alcoholism, patients with cognitive decline and Table 1. Demographic and clinical data history of alcoholism were excluded from the (PD=Parkinson's disease; OS=Othello syndrome; study. The aim of the paper is to draw attention to DA=Dopamine Agonists) this syndrome as a condition that is more Sex 2 females and 3 males frequently seen in patients with PD on DAs than Mean age at PD onset* 46.80 ±8.87 (SD) usually believed. In addition, because of its Mean age at OS onset* 56.40±8.76 (SD) disturbing and even dangerous nature for the Mean duration of PD* 10.80±9.41 (SD) patients and their partners, it should be particularly Mean duration of PD Rx* 10.00±9.33 (SD) taken into account when taking the follow-up Mean age at DA Rx start* 52.80±6.98 (SD) history and tailoring the treatment protoclos. Mean duration of DA Rx* 6.25±4.72 (SD) METHODS *data in years

Three neurologists working in a tertiary The influence of the OS on the everyday referral centre were asked to report cases of living at the beginning and at the last evaluation in pathological jealousy as defined by the DSM IV 2009 is showen in table 3. At the OS onset, two of criteria (Kaplan et al. 1994). The following data the patients were on continuous dopaminergic were collected retrospectively: sex, age at PD treatment with apomorphine. One of them, besides onset, age at OS onset, duration of PD, duration of apomorphine, additionally had pramipexole and a PD treatment, duration of treatment with DAs, combination of Levodopa/Carbidopa in the treatment of OS, past history of alcoholism, therapy, the other in addition to apomorphine had premorbid personality disorder, family history of Levodopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone combination. mental disorders and data about general cognitive The third patients was only on pramipexole, and condition. Additional data (data not explicitly the fourth and fifth had only ropinirole in the written in the histories, current state of the therapy. The common therapeutical procedure for patients) were collected by contacting the patients the treatment of OS in all patients was reduction of and/or their spouses. the DAs dose (in one of the patients the therapy with ropinirole was actually abolished). In three RESULTS patients atypical neuroleptics had to be added: clozapine in two and quetiapine in one. In one Five patients (two females, three males) were case, a reduction of the symptoms was achieved, in reported. The mean age of the patients at the PD two cases delusional symptomatology dissapeared, onset was 46.80±8.87 (SD), whereas the mean age whereas in two cases no improvement of the at OS onset was 56.40±8.76 (SD) years. The mean condition was achieved (Table 4).

95 Dejan Georgiev, Aljoša Danieli, Lidija Ocepek, Dominika Novak, Nina Zupančič-Križnar, Maja Trošt & Zvezdan Pirtošek: OTHELLO SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 94–98

Table 2. Descriptive symptomatology 1st patient 2nd patient 3rd patient 4th patient 5 th patient Delusional disorder with Persecutory and Persecutory and Persecutory and Persecutory and predominant jelaous jelaous delusions jelaous delusions jealous delusions; jealous delsuions symptomatology; Osmic Deliriant episodes; hallucinations

Osmic hallucinations

Table 3. Influence of OS on the daily activity of the patients (OS=Othello syndrome) 1st patient 2nd patient 3rd patient 4th patient 5 th patient Upon dg. OS +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ 2009 + / + + 0 0 – without infulence; + - mild influence; ++ - moderate influence; +++ - strong influence; / - no data available

Tabela 4. Treatment profile (OS=Othello syndrome, DA=Dopamine Agonists) 1st patient 2nd patient 3rd patient 4th patient 5 th patient Treatment at the apomorphine Apomorphine pramipexole ropinirole ropinirole onset of OS infusion pump; infusion pump;

pramipexole; levodopa/

levodopa/ carbidopa/ carbidopa entacapone Treatment of OS DA decrease; DA decrease; DA decrease DA decrease DA abolition

clozapine, quetiapine clozapine quetiapine Maximal dose of clozapine (50 mg) quetiapine clozapine atypical neuroleptics quetiapine (225 mg) (75 mg) used/24h (400 mg) Outcome Reduction of No impv't after Disappearing No impv't after Disappearing symptoms DA decrease and of symptoms DA decrease of symptoms Rx with and Rx with quetiapine Clozapine

DISCUSSION bility). The latter, however, leads to abnormal mentation: psychomotor retardation with hedo- Psychotic symptomatology in PD is variable. nistic homeostatic regulation, anxiety or depression It is thought to have a bimodal onset. The early and cognitive dysfunction possibly resulting in onset psychotic manifestations occur in the first overt dementia later on during the disease few years of the disease evolution, associated with progression Giovannoni G, Cantello R.). A reduc- motor fluctuations and large doses of drugs later on tion of mesocortical dopaminergic activity may be during the disease progression. The late onset inversely related to mesolimbic dopaminergic psychotic manifestations are associated with cog- activity, which could be an effect of serotonin- nitive impairment (Thanvi et al. 2005, Daneli et al. modulated GABAergic neurons, that stimulate 2004). The central pathological feature of PD is dopaminergic neurons in VTA, but not the degeneration of dopamine-producing cells, not dopaminergic neurons in the parabrachial nucleus, only in the substantia nigra (SN), but also in the that projects to the prefrontal cort (Wolters & ventral tegmental area of the midbrain (VTM). The Berendese 2001). The limbic dopaminergic loop degeneration of dopaminergic cells leads to conects the inferior prefrontal cortex, nucleus reduction of dopamine in key projection areas of accumbens, ventral pallidum, medio-dorsal nucleus nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic projections of thalamus and inferior frontal cortex, and it is, (Wolters & Berendese 2001). The former leads to among other things, concerned with visual abnormal motor behavior, the clinical hallmark of expression of emotions. ClarkThe dopaminergic PD (tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, postural insta- excitation of the limbic region with reduced

96 Dejan Georgiev, Aljoša Danieli, Lidija Ocepek, Dominika Novak, Nina Zupančič-Križnar, Maja Trošt & Zvezdan Pirtošek: OTHELLO SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 94–98

prefrontal stimulation might cause sensory input treatment of OS. They are also used to treat other from multiple association cortices to be psychotic events in PD and in parkinsonism in misinterpreted, which in turn leads to delusions general. The atypical antipschotics are not only and hallucinations (Wolters & Berendese 2001). In antagonists to the dopaminergic (D2) receptors, but addition to the dopaminergic deficit, degeneration also to serotoninergic, muscarinic, cholinergic, of the cholinergic, noradrenergic and serotoni- adrenergic and histaminergic receptors. They have nergic systems seem to be important in the a low propensity for inducing extrapyramidal pathogenesis of the cognitive impairment in PD symptoms, and are therefore preferred over the patients. Morover, in demented PD patients, typical neuroleptics, as haloperidol. We treated our delusions and hallucinations might be caused by patients with clozapine and quetiapine, which are the cholinergic deficit itself (Wolters & Berendese generally most commonly used atypical 2001). Patients with PD with OS exhibit particular antipsychotics in patients with parkinsonism. It is characteristics compared to patiens with OS due to also important to mention that the mean period treatment different aetiology. All patients when symptoms were first recognized by the presented in this paper were middle-aged, they patient and the diagnosis of OS by a medical were cognitively well, all of them were taking DAs professional was aproximatelly 4 months, which for several years before the OS onset (mean age at indicates that the OS could be easily recognized as DAs introducation was 52.80±6.98, mean age of exaggerated behavioral change by the patients OS onset was 56.40±8.76 years) and none of the and/or their spouses, which in turn would force patients consumed excessive amounts of alcohol. them to consult physician, who could confirm the The critical event was probably introduction of diagnosis. DAs or increment of the dose, although four of the patient had already had signs of jealous behavior CONCLUSION before the introduction of DAs. This is in accordance with the data published earlier (Cannas OS in PD patients may be more common than et al. 2009). Quality of life, as assessed by the reported and may preferentially affect patients with patient themselves, was markedly deminished in young onset PD, who already show jealous traits, all patient at the OS onset. Following the treatment particularly those receiving DAs, who may be at few years after the OS onset, the quality of life special risk. Although usually disturbing symptom improved in all patient, as could be seen in the for the patients and their partners, it is largely table 3. We additionaly noticed one peculiar underestimated and may be relatively resistant to characteristic in two patients in our group, namely treatment. Symptomatology of OS should therefore osmic hallucinations. This is in contrast to be actively searched from the partner, as well as frequently reported visual hallucinations in PD, from the patient. A comprehensive explanation and and might be a result of the pathological changes modification of treatment as well as the use of in the olfactory bulb in patients with PD (Wolters atypical antipsychotics should be offered to the & Berendese 2001, Thanvi et al. 2005). This, may patients and their family. be somehow associated with the olfactory patho- logy, which is prominent even in the presymp- REFERENCES thomatic stages of PD (Braak et al. 2004). OS 1. Wolters ECh, Berendse HW. Management of could also be considered to be a monosymptomatic psychosis in Parkinson's disease. Curr Op Neurol. expression of psychosis uncovered by DAs in PB. 2001, 14:499-504. This is further supported by the fact that two of our 2. .Giovannoni G, O'Sullivan JD, Turner K, et al. patients did not improve delusional sympto- Hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation in patients matology on the treatment provided. Although it is with Parkinson's disease on dopamine replacement true that all dopaminergic drugs, have the potential therapies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; of inducing OS and probably other psychotic 68:423-428. reactions, we believe that this effect is especially 3. Cantello R. Hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation in pronounced with the use of DAs. All patients in the patients with Parkinson's disease on dopamine present study were treated with DAs at the OS replacement therapies [Letter]. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; 69:566-567. onset. Therapeutical approach to OS in PD patients 4. Clarke Ch, Howard R, Rossor M, Shorvon S. remains undefined and deserves attention as well. Neurology: A Queen Square Textbook Blackwell In all patients the DA dose was reduced, in one Publishing Ltd. 2009. case DA was even abolished. As a further step, 5. Aarsland D, Larsen JP, Cummins JL, Laake K. atypical antipsychotics should be used in the Prevalence and clinical correlates of psychotic

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Correspondence: Dejan Georgiev, MD Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: [email protected]