Estimating methane emissions from mangrove area in Province, Thailand

Sukanda Lekphet1, Suwanchai Nitisoravut2 and Suwannee Adsavakulchai3

Abstract Lekphet, S., Nitisoravut, S. and Adsavakulchai, S. Estimating methane emissions from mangrove area in Ranong Province, Thailand Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2005, 27(1) : 153-163

This study aimed to estimate methane emissions from the mangrove area of Ranong Province and to explore the factors affecting the emissions, as part of an attempt to evaluate methane contribution to the global methane budget. Methane was measured by using a closed chamber technique and analyzed by a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID). The results showed that the annual estimated methane emission was released at approximately 157.32 mg/m2. The amount of methane emission from this mangrove area was lower than in other previously studied areas. Emission rates varied seasonally with the highest rate in the rainy season followed by summer and cold seasons, during which the values were 0.52, 0.27, and 0.19 mg/m2/day, respectively. Seasonal variations of methane emission was related to several factors depending upon field conditions such as water conductivity, soil temperature, and water level.

Key words : methane, emission, mangrove, Ranong

1M.A. Student in Environment, 3Doctor of Tech. Sci., Asst. Prof., The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment at King 's University of Technology Thonburi, Tung-kru, 10140, Thailand. 2Ph.D.(Civil/Environmental Engineering), Asst. Prof., Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12121, Thailand. Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] Received, 2 February 2004 Accepted, 18 June 2004 Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 154 Lekphet, S., et al. ∫∑§—¥¬àÕ ÿ°“≠¥“ ‡À≈Á°‡æ™√1 ÿ«—π™—¬ 𑵑»√«ÿ≤‘2 ·≈– ÿ«√√≥’ Õ—»«°ÿ≈™—¬1 °“√ª√–‡¡‘π°“√ª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬°ä“´¡’‡∑π®“°ªÉ“™“¬‡≈π®—ßÀ«—¥√–πÕß «. ߢ≈“π§√‘π∑√å «∑∑. 2548 27(1) : 153-163 °“√»÷°…“π’È¡’«—µ∂ÿª√– ß§å ‡æ◊ËÕª√–‡¡‘πÕ—µ√“°“√ª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬°ä“´¡’‡∑π®“°æ◊Èπ∑’˪ɓ™“¬‡≈π¢Õß®—ßÀ«—¥√–πÕß ·≈–§«“¡ —¡æ—π∏å¢Õßªí®®—¬∑“ß ‘Ëß·«¥≈âÕ¡∑’ˇ°’ˬ«¢âÕß ‚¥¬„™â«‘∏’·∫∫°≈àÕßªî¥ (closed chamber) „π°“√«—¥°ä“´¡’‡∑π ·≈–π”µ—«Õ¬à“ß°ä“´¡“«‘‡§√“–ÀåÀ“§à“¡’‡∑π¥â«¬‡§√◊ËÕß·° ‚§√¡“‚µ°√“ø∑’Ë¡’‡§√◊ËÕßµ√«®®—∫ —≠≠“≥ (detector) ·∫∫ FID º≈°“√»÷°…“æ∫«à“ æ◊Èπ∑’Ë¥—ß°≈à“«¡’Õ—µ√“°“√ª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬°ä“´¡’‡∑π‚¥¬‡©≈’ˬ 157.32 ¡°./µ√.‡¡µ√/ªï ´÷Ëßπ—∫«à“ §àÕπ¢â“ߵ˔‡¡◊ËÕ‡ª√’¬∫‡∑’¬∫°—∫º≈°“√»÷°…“®“°æ◊Èπ∑’ËÕ◊ËπÊ ·≈–„π·µà≈–ƒ¥Ÿ°“≈®–ª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬°ä“´¡’‡∑π¡“°πâÕ¬ ·µ°µà“ß°—π °≈à“«§◊Õ Ÿß ÿ¥„πƒ¥ŸΩπ √Õß≈ß¡“§◊Õ ƒ¥Ÿ√âÕπ ·≈–µË” ÿ¥„πƒ¥ŸÀπ“« „πÕ—µ√“ 0.52, 0.27 ·≈– 0.19 ¡°./ µ√.‡¡µ√/«—𠵓¡≈”¥—∫ §«“¡º—π·ª√„π·µà≈–ƒ¥Ÿ°“≈¥—ß°≈à“«¡’§«“¡ —¡æ—π∏å°—∫ªí®®—¬µà“ßÊ ¡“°¡“¬∑’ˇª≈’ˬπ·ª≈ß Õ¬Ÿàµ≈Õ¥‡«≈“„π ¿“ææ◊Èπ∑’Ë®√‘ß ‰¥â·°à §à“°“√π”‰øøÑ“¢ÕßπÈ”∑–‡≈, Õÿ≥À¿Ÿ¡‘¢Õߥ‘π ·≈–√–¥—∫πÈ”

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Methane is one of the important greenhouse mangrove areas have been estimated with a wide gases that contribute to a rise in global mean range of emission. Some researchers found that surface temperature due to their relatively high methane emissions from mangroves were con- absorption of infrared radiation (Bouwman, 1990). sidered to be negligible (Giani et al., 1996; Alongi Methane concentration has more than doubled et al., 2001). Sotomayor and coworkers (1994) since pre-industrial times, with a current globally- reported the methane emission at about 4-82 mg/ averaged mixing ratio of 1750 part per billion m2/day from mangroves along the southwestern by volume (Wuebbles and Hayhoe, 2002). The coast of Puerto Rico. Purvaja and Ramesh (2001) increasing rate of methane emission may have presented the methane emission from unpolluted significant impact on future global warming which mangrove of South India ranging from 47.28 to has become a serious concern. This concern has 324.48 mg/m2/day. Lyimo and colleagues (2002) stimulated the efforts to quantify the potential of reported the methane emission from mangrove in ecosystem as sources of atmospheric methane to Tanzania ranging from 0 to 192 mg/m2/day. develop policies and plans for controlling methane In the coastal ecosystem, salinity and sulfate -2 emissions. (SO4 ) are the major inhibitors of methane pro- Mangroves occupy a large fraction of the duction by stimulating the activity of sulfate re- tropical coastline, dominating the intertidal zone ducing bacteria, which compete with methanogens of diverse environmental settings. Mangroves are for the reduced substrates (DeLaune et al., 1983; complex ecosystems with highly interactive plants, Bartlett et al., 1987). The supply of organic matter animals, and microbial lives. The high primary is important for methane production and emission productivity of mangroves implies a high demand (Wang et al., 1993a). Soil texture also has an effect for nutrients essential to plant growth and this on the net methane emission because the texture demand appears to be met by a highly efficient involve in transferring and trapping of methane system of nutrient trapping, uptake and recycling produced in the reduced soil (Le Mer and Roger, (Aksornkoae, 1999). However, the role of man- 2001). Soil temperature is critical in determining grove as a source of atmospheric methane remains the production and emission of methane from the uncertain because methane emissions from various subsurface to the atmosphere with optimum tem- Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 155 Lekphet, S., et al. perature between 25 and 30ºC (Dunfield et al., , Ranong province, 650-km 1993). These factors vary seasonally that may southwest of Bangkok (Figure 1). In the area of account for the variation of methane emission from Ranong Biosphere Reserve, the estuarine mangrove mangrove. However, they are still questionable. was relatively undisturbed and represented one of In this study, the objectives were to estimate the best-developed mangrove forests, classified as annual rate of natural methane emission from the old growth stands. The mangrove forest in Ranong mangrove area of Ranong Province, a large un- Biosphere Reserve coverss about 67,506 rai or disturbed mangrove along the Western Coast of 27,002 acres (Ranong Biosphere Reserve, 2000), Southern Thailand. Measurements of methane where Rhizophora apiculata is the dominant plant emission were made with emphasis on the seasonal species. Therefore, the sampling stations were variations and environmental factors that affected located in the vicinity of the Rhizophora trees. In methane emissions. this study five accessible sampling stations were selected to cover the range of mangrove-related Materials and Methods environments within the mangrove forest, and were representative of a transect across the man- Study area grove. These sampling stations were in the area The study was carried out at Ranong inundation by medium high tide 50-100 m away Biosphere Reserve located at latitude 9.50ºN and from the Ngao canal bank; one of the major canals longitude 98.35ºE on the Andaman coastline of of the Ranong mangrove ecosystem. Two sam-

Figure 1. Study area at Ranong Biosphere Reserve (RN). Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 156 Lekphet, S., et al. pling stations were at the edge of the Rhizophora as possible, to ensure a seal against the ambient community that was situated close to landward atmosphere. During the high tide period, the fringe on the non-vegetated bank adjacent to a chambers were floated on a styrofoam plate small (ca 1 m wide) creek. Three sampling stations (Figures 2a and 2b). were in the center and at the rear of the centre of A polypropylene syringe was used for gas the Rhizophora community, and located between withdrawal from the headspace of the chamber 'prop' roots of Rhizophora trees. immediately at intervals of 0, 20, 40, 60, 90 The seasonal separation, in this study, was minutes. Samples were collected into evacuated considered based upon the climate pattern of vials fitted with rubber septa for analysis in the Ranong Province. Ranong is a renowned as the laboratory. Gas samples were analyzed by using a wettest province in Thailand, which is the result of Hewlett-Packard 6890 gas chromatograph equipped the influencing monsoon from the with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a that brings an abundant rainfall. Rainy season is Poraplot Q capillary column (10 m × 0.32 mm ID). from May to December whereas the cold season is The detection limit was 0.010 ppm. The gas chro- in January and the summer season from February matograph was calibrated before and after each to April (Ranong Province, 2002). Tides in the set of measurement, using 50 parts per million by

Andaman coastline of Southern Thailand are semi- volume (ppmv) CH4 in N2 as a primary standard. diurnal. During low tide the ground of the sampling The standard was re-analyzed periodically after station was exposed to the air while during the 20 consecutive analyses of samples and responded sampling period the mean heights of flooded water within the range of three standard deviations. The covering the sediment ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 meter concentration of methane in the gas sample was depending on the lunar cycle and season. interpolated by comparing chromatogram (peak area) of gas sample with a standard methane gas. Gas sampling and analysis Duplicate analyses for each sample were made There were totally 6 samplings over a year, and the limits of variability were within ± 3%. one time during the cold season in January 11-12, Calculation of methane emissions was based 2002, two times during summer on February 25- on a linear regression analysis of an increase in 26 and April 17-19 and three times during the rainy concentration over time, as presented in Figure 3. season on June 10-11, July 1-2, and August 9-10. The criterion for determining any leak was the For each sampling, four gas samples were collected coefficient of determination (r2). The results were for each site, two during a high tide period and two valid only with a coefficient of determination more during a low tide period. than 0.6 (Sotomayor et al., 1994). Low coefficient The chambers were flushed with ambient of determination may indicate the disturbance of air after placement following the method used by the system during sampling, chamber-air leakage, Sotomayor and coworkers (Sotomayor et al., 1994). enclosure dimensions or measurement period were Gas sampling was conducted both on low and high not suited to the exchange rate being measured. tide periods during January and August 2002 using (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995; Sotomayor et a closed chamber method. The chambers were al., 1994). In this study the r2 of greater than 0.6 made of acrylic glass of size 30×30×15 (length × was obtained which indicates the valid results (i.e., width × height) cm3. The top of the chamber had a no chamber-air leakage). glass tube fitted with silicone closed end tubing, which could be sampled via syringes, and had a Data analysis thermometer for temperature measurement within The daily methane emission was calculated the chamber. During the low tide period, the by integrating emissions during low and high tides chambers were firmly pushed (1-2 cm) into the in proportion to the daily duration of low and high waterlogged sediment, with as little disturbance tides as the following: Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 157 Lekphet, S., et al.



Figure 2. Static chamber (a) 30×30×15 cm3; (b) floating chamber.

Figure 3. A linear relationship of methane concentration in the closed chamber over time. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 158 Lekphet, S., et al.

Y=(XlTl) + (XhTh) were supplementarily studied for a better under- standing of methane emission capability so that where Y is average daily methane emission (µg/ comparison could be made with the other mangrove m2/day), areas of the previous studies. Soil sampling and

Xl is methane emission during low tide analysis were performed once in August 2002 after period (µg/m2/hr), gas measurements had finished. Triplicate soil

Tl is the number of hours during low tide cores from the area of the sampling stations, 50- period = 16 hrs, 100 m away from the canal bank, were collected

Xh is methane emission during high tide using PVC tubes, 5 cm in diameter and 100 cm in period (µg/m2/hr), length. The cores were sectioned at 0-10, 10-20,

Th is the number of hours during high tide 20-30 and 30-40 cm intervals and further char- period = 8 hrs. acterized in terms of total organic carbon, total * Note: Numbers of hours during low and nitrogen, C:N ratio, texture, and sulfate concen- high tide periods were based on the data at The trations. Total organic carbon and total nitrogen Ranong River Mouth (Pak Nam Ranong) Station in core subsections were analyzed by FLASH obtained from Hydrographic Department Royal EA1112: Elemental Analyzer, followed the US.EPA Thai Navy (Royal Thai Navy, 2002). method 440.0. Texture was analyzed by pipette method. Sulfate concentration in the interstitial The annual methane emission from Ranong water was analyzed by Ion-Chromatograph. Biosphere Reserved was extrapolated from the During gas sampling period, soil temper- mangrove areas by using a following equations. ature, soil pH and soil Eh (at the 5-cm depth) were also measured using a portable field pH/Eh meter. 2 CH4 emission (mg/m /yr) = (YcDc)+(YsDs)+(YrDr) In addition, conductivity of surface water was measured using a portable field conductivity where Yc is average daily methane emission meter. The fluctuation of water level at sampling during cold season, stations was monitored using a measuring tape.

Dc is the number of days during cold season Results and Discussions

Ys is average daily methane emission during summer season, Soil characteristics

Ds is the number of days during summer The variations of total organic carbon, total season nitrogen, C:N ratio and sulfate concentration with

Yr is average daily methane emission depth in soil are given in Table 1. The surface soil during rainy season, and samples (0-10 cm) had a higher total organic carbon

Dr is the number of days during rainy and total nitrogen content than the deeper samples season (10-40 cm). The average of total organic carbon and total nitrogen in core subsections from 0-40 Cold season is considered to be in January cm were 2.35±0.29% and 0.26±0.04% of the dry only while summer and rainy seasons are from weight, respectively. The average C:N ratio was February to April and May to December, respect- 9.25±1.50. The sulfate concentration for all sub- ively. samples in mmol/L was 9.42±1.24. Soil analyses 9 2 CH4 (10 g/yr) = CH4 emission (mg/m /yr) indicated that the texture of soil sample was silty × area of mangrove (m2)/1012 clay with high clay content. The percentages of sand, silt, clay in sediment were quite similar along Soil sampling and analysis the depth (Table 2). Surface soil characteristics of sampling areas Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 159 Lekphet, S., et al.

Table 1. Characteristics of soil sample at various depths.

Depth Total organic carbon Total nitrogen C:N ratio Sulfate concentration (%) (%) (mmol/L)

0-10 2.58 0.32 8 7.59 10-20 2.51 0.23 11 9.76 20-30 1.94 0.24 8 10.23 30-40 2.36 0.24 10 10.11

Estimated methane emission from sediment interstices (burrows and cracks) The variations of methane emissions during exposed the site to oxygen, which increased the low and high tide periods are shown in Figure 4 area of oxic-anoxic interfaces. This sub-oxic con- and daily emissions of methane are showed shown dition results in the oxidized sediment appearance in Figure 5. Daily methane emissions varied from (Kristensen et al., 1994). Therefore, it is possible 0.19 to 0.91 mg/m2/day. The lowest value occurred that penetration of oxygen into the crab-burrow in January and the highest emission was found in increased the oxic area, which provided a methane August. oxidizing zone leading to a higher methane It was found that methane emission rates oxidation rate, thereby leading to a low methane during low tide were lower than during high tide emission during the low tide period. period (Figures 4 and 5). One possible explanation Seasonal variations were observed during is the oxidation state of soil during the low tide the measurements. The highest emission rate period, which was affected by crab burrows. Site occurred in the rainy season with a mean of 0.52 inspection found that the sampling stations had mg/m2/day (averaged from data collected during a high crab burrow density (ocypodid crabs). This June to August only) and the lowest emission rate was probably due to a favorable environment of was in the cold season (January) with the mean soil texture and temperature (Aksornkoae, 1999; of 0.19 mg/m2/day. By extrapolation, the annual Bunpavichit, 1979; Frith and Frith, 1977 & 1978). methane emission flux was calculated to be 157.32 In this area, soil texture was silty clay with fine mg/m2 (Table 3) or equivalent to the amount of particles of silt and clay and lay in the shade of methane emitted from the Ranong Biosphere dense trees that stabilized the temperature. Reserve of 0.017×109 g/yr. Kristensen and Coworkers (1992) reported that The methane emissions as found in this during the non-flooded period, drainage of water study were lower than the values obtained in other

Table 2. Fractions of sand, silt, clay at various depths in soil.

Fraction Depth Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

0-10 3.02 45.89 51.09 10-20 5.60 63.92 30.48 20-30 1.34 42.45 56.20 30-40 4.95 44.03 51.02 Texture Silty Clay Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 160 Lekphet, S., et al.

Figure 4. The variation of methane emission during low and high tides period.

Figure 5. Daily methane emission rate: the summation of emissions during high and low tide periods. mangrove areas (Sotomayor et al., 1994; Purvaja there may be other factors as well which were and Ramesh, 2001). This was partly due to the unable to establish within the context of this study. organic carbon content of soil within Ranong Biosphere Reserve which was found to be 1.94- Seasonal methane emission and influenc- 2.58% of dry weight, whereas organic carbon ing factors content of mangrove soil along the southwestern Attempts were made to correlate the methane coast of Puerto Rico and South India were 6.5- emission with various influencing factors includ- 16.3% and 5.7-8.3%, respectively. (Sotomayor et ing soil pH, temperature, and redox potential, water al., 1994; Purvaja and Ramesh, 2001). According level and water conductivity. Nevertheless, only to a stoichiometric reaction, one can expected that the correlation trend was reported due to a limited methane emission could be more or less propor- data available in a number of factors. As a result, tional to the input of organic carbon. Nevertheless, no regression coefficient is reported. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 161 Lekphet, S., et al.

Table 3. Estimation of annual methane emission (mg/m2/year).

Season Methane emission rate Number of Annual methane emission (mg/m2/day)[a] days[b] (mg/m2/year)[a×b]

Cold 0.19 31 5.89 Summer 0.27 89 24.03 Rainy 0.52 245 127.40 Total 365 157.32

Table 4. The seasonal methane emissions as related to the environmental factors.

Season Methane emission Soil (ºC) Soil pH Soil Eh Water level Water conductivity (mg/m2/day) temperature (mV) (cm) (mS/cm)

Cold 0.19 26.7 7.05 -233 30.0 47.40 Summer 0.27 27.7 6.90 -181 41.5 45.39 Rainy 0.52 28.4 6.93 -194 104.7 26.68

Mean soil temperature in all seasons genesis and could lead to a high methane emission. fluctuated slightly from 26.7 to 28.4ºC (Table 4). However, there was no correlation between varia- These temperature are in the optimum range as tion of soil redox potential and methane emission. found by Dunfield et al. (1993) who reported that This implieds that soil Eh might not be responsible methane production depended on temperature, for low or high emission rates of methane for with optima between 25 and 30ºC. A positive different seasons in the area. correlation between soil temperature and methane During the period of study, mean height of emission was observed. The highest methane flooded water was measured and it covered the emission occurred in the rainy season when soil sediment ranging from 30 to 105 cm (Table 4). temperature was the highest while the lowest Water level was the highest in the rainy season due emission was detected in the cold season. to the effect of monsoon raining and the highest Soil pH year-round ranged from 6.90 to emission coincided with the highest water level in 7.05 (Table 4). Most methanogens grow over a the rainy season. Increased methane emission was relatively narrow pH range, about 6-8, and the well correlated with the increased water level. This optimal pH is about 7 (Oremland, 1988). Thus, in result might due to the dense growth of Rhizophora this study, soil pH remained in the optimum pH trees. Thus the shade of trees prevented sunlight range. However, change in soil pH did not relate from penetrating into the great depth of flooded to seasonal variation of methane emission. It water, leading to darkness within the water body. indicated that soil pH might not be responsible The water darkness was one of the prerequisites for low or high methane emissions in different for development of anoxic sediment surface and seasons at this mangrove area. for the consequent inhibition of aerobic methane Soil redox potentials were consistently low, oxidation and increasing methane release into the in the range of -181 to -233 mV (Table 4). Wang water (Heyer and Berger, 2000). and his associates (1993b) reported that critical Water conductivity was measured to soil redox potential for initiation of methane represent the salinity of the water. Water conduct- production was lower than -150 mV. Thus, soil ivity ranged from 26.68 to 47.40 mS/cm (Table 4). environment of this area would favor of methano- There was significant variation of water conduct- Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Estimating methane emission from mangrove area Vol.27 No.1 Jan. - Feb. 2005 162 Lekphet, S., et al. ivity in a year especially in rainy season when a soil temperature and water level. No correlation lower value was observed as compared to other could be established for soil pH and soil Eh. seasons. This might due to the topography of the study area that is estuarine mangrove farther from Acknowledgement the sea. Its water quality was affected by fresh- water discharging from uplands thus resulting in The research was funded by the Thailand decreased conductivity during the rainy season. The National Energy Policy Office (NEPO). We would results revealed that conductivity was inversely like to gratefully acknowledge Agilent Techno- correlated with methane emission. The highest logies Thailand Co., Ltd. for its support during the methane emission occurred during rainy season experiments. Special thanks are due to the staff of when water conductivity was the lowest. This Ranong Mangrove Research Center for facilitating agrees with DeLaune et al. (1983) who reported the sampling site and emission measurement. that methane emission was inversely related to Gratitude is also extended to staff of the Land salinity. Development Department for their kind laboratory However, seasonal variation of methane support. Lastly, sincere appreciation is expressed emission from mangrove was also related to other to all of who were involved in this study. factors such as vegetative cycles (Kelly et al., 1995), in particular, duration of flowering, fruit formation References and maturity of mangrove plant, including litter Aksornkoae, S. 1999. Ecology and management of fall and decomposition rates (Giani et al., 1996). mangroves, Kasetsart University Press, Bangkok. Besides these factors, seasonal change involved the Alongi, D.M., Wattayakorn, G., Pfitzner, J., Tirendi, F., tidal fluctuation resulted from monsoon rains. All Zagorskis, I., Brunskill, G.J., Davidson, A., of these factors controlled sediment metabolism, Clough, B.F. 2001. Organic carbon accumulation quantity and quality of organic carbon input and and metabolic pathways in soil of mangrove activity of microbial in mangrove ecosystems. forests in Southern Thailand, Mar. Geol., 179: These various factors consistently changed in the 85-103. field conditions. Bartlett, K.B., Bartlett, D.S., Harris, R.G. and Sebacher, D.I. 1987. Methane emissions along a salt marsh Conclusions salinity gradient, Biogeochem., 4: 183-202. Berger, U. and Heyer, J. 1990. Distribution and activity Estimated methane emission rate from of methanotrophic bacteria in a brackish water mangrove areas in Ranong ranged from 0.19 to ecosystem, Limnologica, 20: 141-144. 0.52 mg/m2/day. The estimated annual emission was Bouwman, A.F. 1990. Soils and the Greenhouse Effect, approximately 157.3 mg/m2. 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