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THE VERMONT PHCBNIX, BRATTLEBORO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1906. NEW COUNTY OFFICERS. Mr. Trask wrapped a rug about her and BODY IN THE RUINS IN OUR OWN STATE throw water over her. Nearly all her clothing was burned oil. Officials Elected In September Filed Bonds William 13. Adams. 40 years a well Dec. 1 Sheriff Thompson's List of known merchant In Montpeller, died Deputies, Tuesday from ulceration of tho stomach, George Waterhouse Perished in Three Killed, 30 Injured in Rail Ho was president of tho Montpeller board Tho Windham county officers chosen at of trndo, president of tho Wotmoro & This is the package that His Home in West Townshcnd tho September election wero sworn into road Wreck at Vergennes Mnrno nrnnttn pnmnanv. director In tho omco Saturday In tho county clerk's of- First Nntlonnl bank and trustco of tho fice. They wero: Assistant Judges of tho Wood art gallery. brings to your table the county court, Frank Wordcn of Halifax William J. Hlcks's farmhouso about two and Fred B. Pier of Rawsonvtllo; Fire Which Destroyed House stato's Gravel miles north of Bennington vlllngo was best and freshest of all How the attorney, Robert C. Bacon of Brattleboro ; Train Dashed Into Passenger burned Friday morning. Tho flro caught Started Is Unknown Victim Was a sheriff, Arthur II. Thompson of Bellows Coaches Air Drakes Failed to Work from a chlmnoy which wns burning out. Falls; bailiff, A. of Brattlo-bor- o; Biscuit and Crackers. Veteran of the Civil War. John Davis Some Qrewsome Reports. A largo part of tho houeohold effects wero judges of the probato court, Z. II. Is $4000, 4. saved. The loss estimated at West Townshcnd, Dec. Allbco of Bellows Falls, for tho West- Thrco lives wero lost and SO or more with insurance of $2500 In tho Vermont About midnight Sunday tho houso minster district, and A. F. Schwenk of people wero Injured, scvoral seriously, in Mutual company. Montpoller, Brattleboro, owned by Bnrbcr Brothers of for tho Marlboro district, tho mi accident) on tho Rutland railroad near Harley Donna of Wcstmoro shot nnd east of tho sch,oolhouso and occupied by latter having been appointed by tho gov- Vergennes Saturday morning about V.10, killed two otter nt one shot with a rlflo George Waterhouse, was discovered to ernor to succeed Judge E. I Waterman, when a gravel train running down grade recently. Tho resigned. All gavo nt Lonff pond In thnt town This is the trade mark of identification bo on fire, tho roof having fallen In when of these officers bonds, crashed into tho mixed train from Rut otters wero scon swimming toward each tho flro was first scon. with tho exception of tho assistant Judges, land, hurled two coaches and several from whom no bonds required. Tho other nnd ns they came together tho lad which appears in red and white on Search was hurriedly made for tracks are freight cars down an embankment, whero fired, Killing both animals, tno unu pass- In. tho light snow to seo If Mr. Water-hous- e bonds ranged from $2000 to $10,000, tho they wero destroyed by fire. Tho oill Q3 being required sher- ing through tho head and neck of one and each end of the package. had been out slnco It had fallen, but largest bonds of tho clals of tho railroad say that an anglo tho head Tho skins aro good bo iff and bailiff (10,000 each. Tho as- of the other. no traco of his leaving tho house could cock on tho llfth car of tho gravel train ones, valued at $15 oach. tho boards hod burned oft sistant Judges appointed theso ofTlcors: was open by pleco of making found. After held a dirt, Whiting. CO, Lun be seen Highway commissioners, Georgo A. Wes 38 Arthur a farmer of so tho Interior of tho houso could the air make defcctlvo. There were nonburg, sulcldo In an between tho burning' timbers a body was ton of Bellows Falls, P. S. Karnes of passengers in tho two passenger curs and committed unusual stovo. Thla was Marlboro and J. W. Gould of Windham; manner. He went Into tho woods on Sat- discovered In front of a but fow escaped unhurt. Among the pas urday, taking n rlflo rope. This is the name of the Company that evidently Mr. Watorhouso's body. Jail commissioners, O. L. Sherman of Wll sengcrs were 22 members of tho Drury with him and a NATIONAL with tho select- ltamsvlllc, P. H. Ruttcr of Townshend and company, When about half a mllo from his homo ho Health Ofllcor nice, opera an organl7at!on of col climbed tied ono of stands behind both the trade mark and men, visited tho sceno In tho morning J. H. Merrlfleld of Wllllamsvlllo; treos ored people, and 11 of them wero Injured. a birch tree and end BISCUIT up urer, Georgo C. Averlll of Brattleboro; tho rop around a limb 30 feet abovo tho and directed tho gathering of the few Tho entire wreckage caught flio and was ground, the package a name synonymous with remaining bones. auditor, f, A. DoWltt of Nowfnnc; pro soon in flames but the injured were saved securing tho other end about his COMPANY houf.e 10 batlon officer to succeed R. C. Bacon, ro through nccit. no then managed to ulschnrge the all s in A light was seen in the about the heroic efforts of tho train- so thaf best baking. o'clock. How tho flro caught will novcr signed, Fred B. Plngree of Bellows Falls. men, tho flro department of Vergennes rlflo that tho bullet entered his head bo known: that It caught at tho opposite Tho nppolntmcnt of county clerk holds and other persons from the town, who Tho Baire Railroad company has pla-?- d end of tho houso from whero tho body over from year to year. hurried to tho sceno of the accident. an order for "5 cars with tho Laconla Car OYSTKRETTES A different kind of an ojiter cracker, with an appetizing Bsror erre with was discovered was evident from tho fact company. Tho contract calls for tho de oysters, soup and salsd. The Dead. livery of tho cars, which aro to bo used that that end burned first. Deputy Sheriffs In Windham County. SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT A light, crisp little biscuit, baked to an appetizing brown and allgbUr Mr. Waterhouse was about 65 years old Mrs. W. A. Lawrence, 45, of Bristol. In transporting gninlto, by April at a cost fliTored with vanilla. and was a veteran of the civil war. Ho Arthur 11. Thompson of Bellows Falls, wlfo of Deputy Sheriff Lawrcnco of Ad of $50,000. It Is said thnt tho shortage of leaves a wife, who had not lived with sheriff of Windham county, made tho fol dison county. cars thnt has been nnnoylng shippers on him for several yeara, niul,o son In rt, lowing nppblntemnts of deputy sheriffs Miss Cor 1 ana Stowo, 25, of Bristol, both tho Central Vermont nnd Barro and years, beginning Dec, graded Wells been to largo and a daughter, Mrs. Walter for a term of two teacher in tho Bristol schools. River roads has a 11 3tW Oaks of Bellows Falls. Ho has a brother l: C. I. Knapp. A. W.. J. Wllklns, Myron Mrs. Nellie Barnard, 45, of Bristol, a measure relieved. Hi HI VU H T In Keene and one In Grafton and n. sister P. Davis nnd E. R. Thayer, Brattleboro; widow. Dr. Hercules Sancho of Now York, In Brattleboro. Mr. Waterhouso had a F. B. Phelps, D. J. McDonald nnd D. P. The Injured. president of the Anlmnrlum company. donkey which also perished In tho fire. Thompson, Rockingham; O. R. Chase, which has recently closed Its sanitariums Whltlngham; Edwin M. Fltts, Wardsboro; Miss Rosctta Faulk, colored, leading In New York, Montreal and Detroit, la RUDYARD KIPLING, FARMER. C. E. Mann, Dover; F. L. Wellman, Gull-for- d; lady of tho Drury opeia company, in- planning C. D. Boyden of Bellows to consolidate tho thrco Into a Mr. and Mrs. W. S .Fenn, Westminster, Earl ternal Injuries: not expected to tecover. largo Institution at Bennington, whero Falls were at Phelps's hall on Thanksgiv- Davis, Newfano; H. F. Willis, Jnmalcn; Taken to tho Mary Fletcher hospital, grounds covering ing. uurungton. soveral thousand acres Now that "Puck of Pook's Hill" has W. W. Van Ness Townshend; Adln F. wilt bo used. Ono of the springs which been published, Rudyard Kipling has R. J. KIMBALL & CO. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dresser and son, Miller, Dummerston; J. W. Mclendy, Lon F. W. Savage of Rutland, manager will supply Is opera tho sanitarium known as gono to Ids winter home, near Harry, of Farley, Mass., spent a few dondcrry. of tho Rutland house, bruised and the Waters spring, It Is 1500 feet above Capo Town, In South A. Lawrence's. burned, rrobably fatally; Mary Africa, which was 7 Nassau St., New York, days at W. at Flet sea level and supplies a good volumo of presented to him by his friend, Cecil Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hadlock and tho cher hospital, Burlington. water at a temperature of 46 degrees. Ilhodes. LANDGROVE. E. M. Dike, assistant principal of Brls Ho has had a busy summer, re- Morso sisters of Brattleboro wero The body of Mrs. Marcellane Aubln. 22. vising the proofs of his new book and Thanksgiving guests of tho Garflelds. Guy Wyman is ot work for C. E. Bacon tol high school, sldo crushed and Internal or was pa giving injuries; Stevens House, vergonnes.