THE DIAPASON OCTOBER, 2008 Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe La Crosse, Wisconsin Cover feature on pages 30–31 Oct 08 COVER-ALT 2-B.indd 1 9/10/08 11:20:26 AM Alexander Fiseisky’s article, “A His- have been replaced. The original valves tory of the Organ in Estonia” (July) tells looked as they had been made out of THE DIAPASON of the Kriisa family of organbuilders. An- highly compressed paper. Morel had not A Scranton Gillette Publication other member of the family, Harry Kriisa, seen that type of construction before. Ninety-ninth Year: No. 10, Whole No. 1187 OCTOBER, 2008 was not mentioned. Shortly after World New wire has been run where needed, War II, Harry Kriisa was brought to the all contacts have been cleaned and pol- Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 United States as a refugee to rebuild the ished. The keyboards have had the ivory An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, organ at First Lutheran Church in De- restored and all of the felts replaced and the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music catur, Illinois. This accomplished, Kriisa spring tension set according to A.G.O. established his own organ building and specifi cations. The keyboards alone took service business in Decatur. His clients about four weeks to complete. Morel and included many regional churches as well Associates are currently restoring the CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA
[email protected] as Millikin University. pedalboard, replacing the natural tops 847/391-1045 Harry Kriisa also rebuilt the three- and the sharps (ebony) with new wood.