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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1801 To overcome this difficulty, my bill allows IN CELEBRATION OF THE THIRTY membership exceeds 1,500. In 1973, the the investor to invest after the initial creation YEARS OF MINISTRY OF THE United States Army sent for Pastor Reems of the partnership, but limits this exemption to CENTER OF HOPE COMMUNITY and her crusade to minister to the soldiers in areas where a regional center has been des- CHURCH AND DR. ERNESTINE West Germany for which she was honored as ignated. CLEVELAND REEMS, PASTOR a Five-Star General. However, greater satis- AND FOUNDER faction came from teaching and preaching the These regional centers as referred to in PL gospel which won many soldiers to Christ. 102±395 Section 610, have an active role in HON. BARBARA LEE Accolades have been bestowed upon Dr. Reems: Outstanding Service in Religion, Top the approval of these visas to protect against OF CALIFORNIA 100 Black Business & Professional Women in fraud. These regional centers promote eco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nomic growth, including increased export America, Outstanding Community Service Thursday, September 24, 1998 Award, State of California Legislature Women sales, improved regional activity, job creation, of the Year Award, Christian Image Lifetime and increase domestic capital investment. Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to join in the commemoration of the 30th Year Celebration Achievement Award, to name a few. Her high- I am hopeful that during the conference ne- of the Center of Hope Community Church in est honor was conferred upon her on February gotiations of FY99 Commerce, Justice, State the East Oakland community and the Bay 14, 1998 as a Doctor of Divinity. and Judiciary appropriations, this important area. This event will be held the week of Sep- Dr. Ernestine C. Reems, as a pastor and amendment will be considered as a matter of tember 27 to October 3, 1998. teacher continues, to be a full-time Evangelist with the support of her husband, Paul Reems fairness. Under the leadership of Dr. Ernestine Cleve- land Reems Pastor and Founder, the Centers and their two sons, Brandon and Brian Ernest Reems. New heights of achievements are in f of Hope have made rehabilitation and restora- tion of their neighborhood the center of their the horizon for Pastor Reems and the Center of Hope Community Church and I wish them OPPOSITION TO THE PROVISION IN pastoral mission. While many concentrate on another 30 years of successful ministry. THE DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION the deterioration of human lives, Center of f BILL RELATED TO SATELLITE Hope is a ``Beacon of Hope'' focusing on fos- CONTROLS UNDER THE U.S. MU- tering urban renewal and reform. Its accom- CELEBRATING THE 27TH ANNIVER- NITIONS LIST plishments, over the last 30 years in commu- SARY OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR nity development, are successful testaments THE ADVANCEMENT OF MEXICAN to community parthership with Oakland's civic AMERICANS HON. DANA ROHRABACHER and corporate leadership to build a better Oakland. OF CALIFORNIA HON. GENE GREEN The success it has achieved in its various OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES programs has led to an 85% reduction in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crime in the area. The Church founded the Thursday, September 24, 1998 Hope School of Excellence, a preschool to 8th Thursday, September 24, 1998 grade curricula in 1978, and many of the Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, on October 1, the Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, this School's graduates have gone on to More- Association for the Advancement of Mexican afternoon, I voted NO on the Fiscal Year 1999 house, Howard, Spellman and the University Americans will be celebrating their achieve- Defense Authorization Bill for a number of rea- of California. In 1985, the Food and Clothing ments over the past 27 years. I would like to sons, the most pressing is the policy included Bank was organized to serve hot, nourishing express my sincere appreciation to AAMA for in the bill under Section 1513, that concerns meals and distribute clothing to the East Oak- its leadership and dedication to our community American satellite and rocket cooperation with land community on a weekly basis. Single par- and would like to extend my congratulations. Founded in 1970 in Houston, Texas, AAMA communist China. ents and/or low income households are the targets of Project REDY (Reems Enrichment is the largest Hispanic nonprofit service pro- After months of personal investigations, as Development for Youth) established in 1986, vider in Texas. This community organization Chairman of the House Science Subcommit- which provides development and enrichment was founded to advance the needs of His- tee on Space and Aeronautics, I disclosed on for their children. panic families that are coping and struggling to the House floor evidence indicating that some The Center of Hope Community Church has beat back the grip of poverty, poor health and U.S. aerospace companies had helped China provided housing to the most vulnerable mem- family planning, and low educational attain- ment. Today, AAMA provides services in upgrade its rocket system. In a cooperative ef- bers of the community. E.E. Cleveland Manor, Houston and across South Texas. erected in 1990, is a 54-unit housing complex fort to launch American satellites, technology Mr. Speaker, I would like to briefly discuss and knowledge has been transferred that im- for senior and disabled residents. Opened in some of these services. proved China's ability to land a nuclear weap- 1992, the Matilda Cleveland Transitional The George I. Sanchez Charter High School on in the United States, including those with Housing Program is a full service housing fa- was founded in 1973 to provide at-risk His- cility for homeless single women and their chil- multiple warheads. panic youth with an alternative educational en- dren. E.C. Reems Gardens is a 150-unit af- vironment. Today, the school is the largest Since making this charge on the floor of the fordable housing complex finished in 1998. Texas charter school, serving 389 low-income, House, a Select Committee has been ap- Alvingroom Court was renamed E.C. Reems at-risk students. The class of 1997 graduated pointed to thoroughly investigate the issue. Courts in honor of its Pastor and Founder, Dr. 95 students, with one-third advancing into Under Congressman CHRIS COX's leadership, Ernestine Cleveland Reems. higher education. I was proud to host Sec- that committee is now underway. From what I Dr. Reems was born to Elmer Elijah and retary of Education Richard Riley on his visit understand, it has verified much of what I Matilda Cleveland in Oklamulgee, Oklahoma to see one of the most successful charter originally charged. This legislation, Section and, at the age of nine, the family moved to schools in the nation. Richmond, Califormia. She attended Rich- 1513, however, is letting those who betrayed The AAMA Adelante Family Education Pro- mond High School and Patton Bible College in America off the hook by giving them six gram provides English-as-a-second language Oakland. Dr. Reems, faith and education to classes, GED classes, citizenship training months to complete their projects and to apply the ministry were forged when she contracted classes, and native literacy classes to immi- for new export licenses during that periodÐ tuberculosis at age thirteen and determined grants and other adults who are working to- until March 1999Ðthat would be excluded that the call of God to preach the Gospel was ward an education that will improve their mar- from national security control under the United her life's salvation. ketability in the U.S. workforce. States Munitions List. She received her spiritual foundation in the In addition to these education services, World of God through her father, Bishop E.E. Do we hold U.S. security that lightly that we AAMA also operates many social service pro- Cleveland, a national evangelist. Dr. Reems grams, including three gang intervention pro- are willing to give one of the most ruthless with her brother, Elmer Cleveland Jr., traveled grams, two HIV and AIDS counseling pro- communist regimes on this planet the tech- to every major city in this country. Pastor Er- grams and several drug and alcohol abuse nology to further develop weapons systems nestine Reems has set the pace for women in programs throughout Texas. With these pro- that could incinerate our country? the ministry when she founded the Center of grams in place, it is easy to see why AAMA Hope with four members in 1968. Today, the is the largest social service provider in Texas. E1802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 24, 1998 AAMA is also involved in community devel- experience joy and participate in a sharing of rior and Insular Affairs in the United States opment. The AAMA Community Development gifts, skills and friendship with their families, Senate. Corporation is dedicated to the revitalization of other Special Olympics athletes and the com- After leaving Congress, Speaker Foley has Houston's inner-city through the development munity. continued to serve the public in one of the na- of affordable and decent housing. The AAMA The Special Olympics of Maryland is holding tion's most distinguished Foreign Service Community Development Corporation recently its third annual Athlete Congress, composed posts as American Ambassador to Tokyo. completed and leased a new 84-unit afford- entirely of Special Olympics athletes from There he has played a crucial role in rep- able living center in Houston's East End. No Maryland. Montgomery County is represented resenting American interests in the world's other development had occurred in this area in by Tony Gorczyca and Carla Shipp. Kelli second largest economy.