Tips For Your Senior Portrait Session

Remember, you really want your face and expressions to stand out in your portrait.

IMPORTANT--Even if you are taking photos in just a few outfits, bring lots of possibilities so we can decide what will work best for you, the camera and your surroundings! Example: 10 outfit possibilities for 4 outfits that will be photographed is not unusual. Also bring a variety--don't bring all blue outfits or all the same type of outfit (i.e. all the same type of , , , etc.). Change up the style, bring some dressy, some semi-dressy, and some casual outfits that express who you are. Along with some of your favorite outfits, be sure to bring an outfit mom or grandma will appreciate.

BRING THAT FITS COMFORTABLY (not baggy) --avoid tight, tight jeans/pants or skin hugging -- you need to be able to move around for your photos and skin hugging does not usually photograph in a flattering way when moving around. Also, oversized shirts and pants also do not photograph in a flattering way as well.

When planning your outfits think about your complete look from head to toe because I will be taking photos that are close- up, full length, and some in between. So you want to think about and accessories too. If wearing , are they the right color/will they show?

Girls Casual: Sports /dance , sundress, , shorts and/or jeans, etc. Regarding shorts or , be sure to pick a length that flatters you. Pick the colors you really like, but also that others think look good on you too. Textures are great, as are interesting , belts, and . the sleeve length -- longer sleeve is always a good bet -- be careful with short sleeve or sleeveless tops--make sure they give you the look you want. LAYERING options are very important! Jean jackets, shirts with collar, scarves, etc. are great for layering options.

Dressier: pants/, or more specifically homecoming/prom dress all work. Wear a that is flattering to your face and neck because many of the lower scoop neck shirts are not flattering in a photograph. Avoid tops with large, contrasting, and distracting patterns. Solid colors or simple patterns often photograph better.

Guys Casual: Jeans, casual shorts, nicer athletic sweats. Bring your sports uniform.

Dressier: A sport and dress pants work great. An alternative look would be a and a that is a solid color or has a slight pattern. A dress shirt and tie works great as well too. Make sure your shirt collar and sleeves do fit properly. Outgrowing or borrowing is usually the reason for shirts and ties not fitting properly. Be sure to iron your shirt!

Additional Tips If you have selected a session where props can be brought, be sure to bring any sports equipment (balls, bats, gloves, , etc.), vehicle, musical instrument, , , pets (be sure someone is with you to take care of any animal you bring), artwork, or anything that reflects who you are--reflects your personality. BE SURE TO LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE THE PROPS YOU WILL BE BRINGING.

Sunburn and tan lines are often a problem. It is helpful to limit sun exposure at least a week before your session. Uneven sunburn from those who wear ball , peeling skin on noses from recent sunburns, raccoon eyes from those who were tanned/burned while wearing sunglasses, strap lines on the shoulders of gals who wish to be photographed in a strapless formal dress or . Sunburn, uneven tanning and tan lines do not retouch well.

Do not bring your clothes rolled up in a ball in a backpack. They'll be a winkled mess and they will photograph that way. If wearing socks, are they the right color/will they show?

Try to avoid thinner stripes on shirts—they do not always photograph well. Avoid busy shirts of any kind with large wording or lots of wording unless you want to wear a school sweatshirt, etc. If you choose clothing with large words on it – please bring several other options because sometimes text on clothing may not photograph well.

You should wear your hair in your regular style. Guys should NOT have a fresh haircut, but should have a fresh shave if that is your normal look. If you need a trim, have it done about a week before. Ladies, just before your session, don't go get a new style or go to a new stylist that you've never used before. As a general rule, it is better to avoid ponytails and buns for every pose. Gals use a normal/natural look make-up that you use every day. Overly heavy make-up can look overdone and unnatural in photographs.