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O B S E R V E R the Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys / ^ V THE O b s e r v e r The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys VOLUME 40 : ISSUE 89 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM 'Monologues' conclude on campus S t u d e n t S enate Leaders Jenkins' attendance, broad panel discussion cap off third and final night of perfomances push wage “1 went to listen and learn, and By KAITLYNN RIELY I did that tonight and I thank the News Writer cast," Jenkins said after the play. campaign Jenkins, who declined further The third and final production comment on the “Monologues” of "The Vagina Monologues" at Wednesday, had mandated the By MADD1E HANNA Notre Dame this year was play be performed in the aca­ Associate News Editor marked by the attendance of demic setting of DeBartolo Hall University President Father John this year, without the fundraising Jenkins and a wide-ranging ticket sales of years past. Junior After leaders of the Campus panel discussion on sexual vio­ Madison Liddy, director of this Labor Action Project (CLAP) lence, Catholic teaching and year’s “Monologues,” and later delivered a comprehensive other topics Wednesday night. the panelists thanked Jenkins for presentation on the group’s Jenkins saw the play per­ his presence at the performance. living wage campaign to formed for the first time During the panel discussion fol­ Student Senate Wednesday, Wednesday, just over three lowing the play, panelists senators responded by unani­ weeks after he initiated a applauded the efforts of the pro­ mously passing two related University-wide discussion about duction toward eliminating vio­ resolutions — one based on academic freedom and Catholic lence against women and policy, the other on ideology. character in addresses that encouraged the continuation of CLAP m em bers said they included his belief that the its annual performance (now in CLAIRE KELLEY/The Observer want University President "Monologues" should not take University President Father John Jenkins attends Wednesday’s Father John Jenkins to issue a place at Notre Dame. see JENKINS/page 4 panel discussion following “The Vagina Monologues.” public statement in support of a living wage — ideally, the group will push for a $12.10 per hour rate — and form a task force to investigate issues Faculty S enate surrounding this change by the end of this year. The Senate resolutions were Members enter academic freedom discourse designed to support these ends. Entitled “Expressing the Will of the Student Body for and sponsorship. But nearly all the Implementation of a Living By MARY KATE MALONE agreed that a line must be drawn Assistant News Editor Wage” and “Supporting the regarding academic freedom. Where Creation of a Living Wage Joint that boundary belongs, though, was a Task Force,” both resolutions Members of the Faculty Senate point of contention. are products of the University engaged in active discourse “There is a line,” economics profes­ Affairs committee. Wednesday about how best to sor Thomas Gresik said. “One thing The resolution promoting the respond to University President we can do in a statement is to say, implementation of a living Father John Jenkins’ recent address­ ‘Yes, there is a line between accept­ wage at Notre Dame is ideo­ es regarding academic freedom and able and unacceptable activities and logical in nature and goes to Catholic character. that academic freedom does not per­ the heart of CLAP’s campaign, Disagreeing on some points, unified mit everything.’ comparing national and Notre on others, faculty members partici­ “The challenge Jenkins gave us is to Dame statistics — the typical pated in a give-and-take session for say that we need to do a better job of starting full-time employment nearly two hours as they pounded out finding out what that boundary looks wage as a Notre Dame staff points that will be included in a docu­ like.” member is $6.45 to $10.17 per ment the Senate plans to present to But English professor Noreen hour, while the wage threshold Jenkins. Deane-Moran said she feared that a for federal benefits is $12.10 Members debated the definition of top-level decision by the administra­ per hour — and stressing DUSTIN MENNELLA/The Observer art, zeroed in on the need for better tion could lead to boundaries that are Catholic social teaching. Faculty Senate chair Seth Brown facilitates dialogue communication and faced the difficult about academic freedom at Wednesday’s meeting. relationship between endorsement see FACULTY/page 6 see SENATE/page 8 Students anticipate Farley refurbishing begins Shappell-Andrichik By JOE PIARULLI News Writer cent — so there was no need The newest renovation on By ADRIENNE RUFFNER for a run-off election. It vyas News Writer the first presidential election campus hopes to make “The Home of the Finest” a little finer. without a run-off since 1999. Farley Hall’s restoration proj­ With ballots counted and The pair won 2,202 of the ect, expected to cost more than winners announced, Notre 4,253 votes cast Monday — $3.5 million, began last week Dame students who voted in the highest number of votes with chemical cleaning to the Monday’s student body presi­ cast in recent years. bricks on the outside of the dential election said they are “I think Lizzi will work hard building. Jeff Shoup, director of eager to see Lizzi Shappell for the students,” May said. “I the Office of Residence Life and and Bill Andrichik put their would alw ays see her in Housing, said most of the work platform in motion. Lafortune working on things will be done over the sum m er “I voted for the ticket that for student government ... and not during the school year. won,” senior Lindsay May you really have to support “The minute that students said. “I have a lot of respect someone who’s going to put leave ... they’ll completely go for Lizzi and the time she’s in so much time and effort.” crazy in there starting to dis­ spent in student govern­ Other students who voted mantle things and do demoli­ ment.” for Shappell and Andrichik tion,” Shoup said. Farley’s Shappell and Andrichik, said they were impressed by CLEMENT SUHENDRA/The Observer both juniors, won a majority Workers chemically clean the bricks Wednesday at Farley of votes — more than 51 per­ see ELECTION/page 6 see FARLEY/page 6 Hall, where extensive renovation of the dorm Is underway. page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Thursday, February 16, 2006 I n s id e Co lu m n Question of the Day:A r e you lo o k in g f o r w a r d to J P W WEEKEND? Wh y or w h y n o t? Wowed by Wikipedia The online encyclopedia Wikipedia has come under fire recently for false state­ ments in articles on many topics, some of the most outrageous accusations being Elizabeth Wagner Eric Beurgler Frankie Bontempo III Larissa Zavala Maurice Crum Steve Zakas leveled against targets ranging from sophomore senior junior junior sophomore junior Tony Blair to Ernest Lewis off-campus Siegfried off-campus Siegfried off-campus Hemingway. Tim Kaiser Despite its inconsis­ tencies, Wikipedia “No, because of “No, I ’m a “Yes, FBII and “Yes, I can’t “Not really, it’s “No, I’ll be in deserves to be hon­ ored for its achieve­ Sports Writer fewer social senior I won’t FB III won't wait to shop just another the library. ’’ ment. opportunities oneven be here. ” disappoint. ” and party with weekend. ’’ Wikipedia is an campus for my parents. ” online encyclopedia written by everyday underclassmen. ” folks, and in more than 200 languages to boot. The idea is, you don’t need a degree to share information you have — just a keyboard. You can add to or edit existing articles, or create a new one for a topic that is not yet listed. For this reason, it would take an enor­ mous amount of manpower for Wikipedia administrators to comb through each new addition to check for I n B r ie f authenticity. Thus, the same people who write Wikipedia also have to edit it. If an article is thought to be biased, or The Saint Mary’s psychology incorrect, a Wikipedia user can file a department will host a lecture complaint and the article will be tagged by Notre Dame head football with a banner. While this can prove for coach Charlie Weis today at 1 some confusing — and sometimes just p.m. in the Vander Vennet plain inaccurate articles — the positives Theatre in the Student Center. far outweigh the negatives. Weis will discuss autism and I have no way of comparing the global delays as part of psy­ amount of mistakes in a print encyclope­ chology week at the College. dia to those on Wikipedia, and I’m not arguing that anyone can write an ency­ The Saint Mary’s College clopedia, I do think that taking advan­ Dance Ensemble Workshop tage of technology in order to create a will host its annual perform ­ global database of knowledge is a won­ ances Friday at 7:30 p.m. and derful and exciting idea. Saturday at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 Some of the recent fallacies included in in O’Laughlin Auditorium. The articles have been rather harmless, such programs will include ballet, as David Beckham’s position being listed jazz and modern dance. as “18th century Chinese goalkeeper" and the full name of England’s Prime The Saint Mary’s Book Club Minister listed as “Tony ‘Whoop de-Doo’ will meet Thursday at 6:30 Blair." p.m. in the SMC student center Others have had more serious ramifi­ lounge for “pleasure reading cations.
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    r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 89 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16.2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM 1Monologues' conclude on campus STUDENT SENATE Leaders Jenkins' attendance, broad panel discussion cap off third and final night of perfomances push wage "I went to listnn and learn, and By KAITLYNN RIELY I did that tonight and I thank the • Nrw.,Writ<·r east," Jenkins said af'tnr the play. .Jenkins, who dedinml further calllpaign Tlw third and final production comment on the "Monologues" of "Tiw Vagina Monologues" at Wednesday, had mandated the By MADDIE HANNA Notrn Damn this y11ar was play be pnrformed in the aca­ Associate News Editor marknd by thn attnndancn of demic setting of DeBartolo Hall Univnrsily Prnsid1n1l Father .John this year, without the l"undraising .Jnnkins and a wide-ranging ticket sales of' years past. Junior After loaders of the Campus parwl discussion on snxual vio­ Madison Liddy, director of this Labor Aetion Projoct (CLAP) lnHrn, Catholic. teaching and ynar's "Monologues." and later delivered a eornprnhnnsivo ollwr lopks Wednesday night. the panelists thanked Jenkins for presentation on the group's .11~11kins saw the play per­ his prnsenen at the performance . living wage campaign to l"orrm~d for tho f"irst time During tho panel diseussion fol­ Student Senate Wednesday, W1Hfrwsday, just ovnr three lowing thn play, panelists senators responded by unani­ w1wks after hP initialed a applauded the efforts of the pro­ mously passing two rolated Univnrsity-widn discussion about duction toward eliminating vio­ resolutions - one basod on acadnmk l"mmlom and Catholic lence against women and policy, tho other on ideology.
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